Types of paving slabs, pros and cons of each of the varieties. Modern paving stones: sizes, types and applications What are paving stones

The use of paving slabs for landscaping has acquired a large-scale character in recent years. In many Russian cities, including the capital, the asphalt pavement of the sidewalks is being replaced with tiles. In addition, the material is very actively used in private construction, in the improvement of the territory adjacent to the cottage or country house. The reasons for this are quite simple and logical - the paving slab coating is distinguished by its strength, reliability, long service life and aesthetic appearance.

Paving slabs - properties and scope

Paving slabs- modern building material of artificial origin, which is used to cover sidewalks, walkways and approaches to buildings.

As a rule, it is made according to one of two possible options: using vibrocasting or vibrocompression.

The conditions for the use of paving slab coatings impose the following requirements on it:

  • strength and abrasion resistance;
  • the ability to withstand the effects of precipitation and temperature changes;
  • frost resistance;
  • attractive appearance.

Modern technologies for the production of paving slabs allow it to meet the requirements and be used in a wide variety of areas:

  • in accordance with the name - when constructing pavements and various footpaths;
  • covering the blind area and approaches to the building;
  • arrangement of coatings of entrances to the garage and parking lots;
  • implementation of various design solutions for landscapes of parks, suburban areas, gardens and other similar areas.

Differences between paving slabs and paving stones

Strictly speaking, it is not entirely correct to talk about the differences between paving slabs and paving stones.

The fact is that, in fact, paving slabs are a type of paving stones. As you know from the course in logic, a part cannot differ from the whole. Nevertheless, there is a strong opinion about the difference between these two materials.

As a rule, two main differences are called:

  • size and shape... It is believed that the standard form of paving stones is a rectangular brick. Paving slabs can be made in completely different shapes and sizes. In addition, it is generally accepted that the thickness of the paving slabs is not great (5-6 cm), and the thickness of the paving stones can reach 10 cm or more. They tried to systematize such a difference in the ratios of length, width and thickness, that is, geometric dimensions, in the following table.

  • manufacturing technology... Classic paving slabs are made either by casting or pressing. Paving stones, in addition to the two listed, are also clinker and stone (granite).

The infrequent types of paving slabs - rubber and plastic - stand apart. They have nothing to do with paving stones, but they are also ranked more as paving slabs in terms of the similarity of areas of application.

It should be emphasized once again that the above differences are very conditional and are not fundamental and strictly regulated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Based on the above features of paving slabs, you can list its main advantages:

  • high wear resistance and durability cover. Subject to the manufacturing technology, the paving slab coating will last up to 30 years even under conditions of intensive use in the difficult climatic conditions of central Russia;
  • environmental friendliness... The coating does not emit any harmful substances, which favorably distinguishes it from asphalt, which often pollutes the surrounding air at high temperatures;
  • aesthetically pleasing appearance cover. A variety of shapes and colors of paving slabs allow you to easily implement any design solution for the improvement or landscape of the territory;
  • relatively low cost... Paving slabs are undoubtedly more expensive than asphalt, but compared to other types of paving stones (clinker and granite), they are quite competitive. In addition, an additional advantage of the paving slab coating is the possibility of its dismantling during repair work on communications and subsequent laying back upon their completion. This is especially important for the improvement of urban areas where a large number of underground utilities are located.

Along with the advantages, paving slabs, like any other building material, have a number of disadvantages:

  • in the winter season, ice formation is possible on the surface;
  • the need to lay the material by hand, which leads to a higher cost of work in comparison with asphalt;
  • the possibility of failures and subsidence of the coating with poor-quality preparation of the base.

Types of tiles depending on the manufacturing technology

As noted above, paving slabs are made in two main methods. They are quite simple, do not require expensive equipment (this is especially true for vibration casting), so they can be carried out on their own.

Manufacturing by vibrocompression

The essence of the technology boils down to the following: a pre-prepared concrete mixture is placed in a mold, which is located on a special vibrating table, after which a punch is placed on top of the mold (a special type of press that creates pressure up to 30-35 atmospheres), which maximally compresses the mixture. The design of the press is arranged in such a way that it also constantly vibrates, further increasing the effect.

This technology has a number of advantages over vibration casting:

  • high productivity and the ability to fully automate the process;
  • higher performance characteristics: strength, durability, etc.

The disadvantages of the technology include a less attractive appearance, a somewhat rough surface of the tiles and the impossibility of making curly shapes.

Vibration casting

The technology is somewhat simpler than the one discussed above. The concrete mix is ​​placed in plastic or rubber molds, which are placed on a vibrating table and then compacted. After compaction, the molds stand in a warm and humid room for 12-15 hours.

The manufacturing process takes much longer, it cannot be fully automated, as a result, it is more expensive.

According to its performance characteristics, the tiles made by this method are slightly inferior to those made by vibrocompression. But it also has advantages: it can be made in almost any shape, color and even pattern, has a smooth and shiny surface.

In addition to the two listed technologies, paving slabs can be manufactured in other, less common ways.

Polymer sand

It is made by various methods using pressing or casting from a mixture consisting of 75% of sand and dye, and the remaining 25% of polymers. It has a number of advantages: strength, durability, low weight, moisture resistance, etc. The disadvantages include some artificial appearance and the ability to expand under the influence of high temperatures.


This type of paving slabs consists entirely of polymer (propylene or polyvinyl chloride). Laying is carried out very quickly thanks to the grooves on the ends. It can be used for landscaping areas adjacent to swimming pools, garages, terraces and similar structures. The coating has the ability to withstand significant loads, frost-resistant, non-slip. In addition, it is very mobile and can be quickly disassembled and installed in another place if necessary.


The most recent of the listed material. It is made on the basis of crumb rubber, due to which the material has high elasticity and softness. In addition, with high strength, it is extremely resistant to temperature extremes. The rubber paving slab can also be easily removed and installed in a new location. It is most often used for covering playgrounds, pedestrian and garden paths, parking lots, etc.

Shapes and sizes

There is a huge variety of paving slabs produced. Currently, there are no uniform standards that would guide material manufacturers. Most of them carry out production according to independently developed specifications for the material they produce.

Installation work

Paving slabs are technologically simple and can be done by hand. They consist of several sequential stages:

  • layout and marking of the site;
  • preparation of the foundation;
  • installation of a curbstone;
  • laying of paving slabs;
  • filling of seams.

Detailed instructions for performing the work are given in the following video:

The covering made of paving slabs has many advantages, in particular: reliability, durability and aesthetically pleasing appearance. Competent performance of work on its device will allow you to take full advantage of all the listed advantages during operation.

These two types of road material have a lot in common and are often used to solve the same problem. However, their technical characteristics, geometric dimensions and what they are made of vary significantly.

Paving slabs

What it is? These are solid flat piece materials of relatively small thickness, made using various technologies and intended for paving sidewalks and areas. Depending on the raw materials used, the following types of paving slabs are distinguished:

  • , vibrated and pressed, from conventional and colored concrete mixtures;
  • sawn, made of natural natural stone;
  • made of specially prepared clay;
  • obtained as a result of high temperature sintering of polymeric materials and sand;
  • made from recycled car tires.

Due to its affordable cost, simple manufacturing technology and good performance characteristics, such concrete “outdoor floor tiles” have found a wide response in private and contract construction.

Common shapes and sizes

The variety of paving slabs produced today has long gone beyond the limits of GOST 17608-91, which determined the technical requirements only for concrete slabs.

Shapes and sizes of slabs.

The assortment of modern paving materials may include not only rectangular and square paving slabs, but also products in the form of a wide plane wave, rhombus, polygon, clover, or as a set of several elements that make up a figured pattern.

Also, in the process of choosing paving slabs, you should pay attention to the "collection series". This should include "", "", "California", "Florida" and some others. All of them differ in their appearance from traditional products by a special design approach during manufacture.

An important dimensional characteristic of paving slabs is its thickness. This characteristic largely determines the area of ​​its application. The range of product thickness ranges from 30 to 80 mm. The thinnest types can only be used for paving garden paths with low foot traffic. Medium thickness - for street sidewalks and squares, and the thickest - for parking areas of cars and for roadways with light traffic.

Speaking about the geometric dimensions in the plane of piece products, here the most popular length is in the range of 200-400 mm with a width of 140-250 mm.


Modern production conditions and a change in the technology for the manufacture of paving slabs have led to the fact that most factories mark this paving material in accordance with their own specifications. At the same time, the State Standard indicates that the marking of tiles must indicate:

  • the material from which it is made;
  • its geometric shape;
  • length, width and thickness in cm.

For example:

  • square concrete paving slabs 50x50x30 mm are designated as B K 5.5.3;
  • rectangular granite with a size of 300x200x40 mm - G P 30.20.4;
  • clinker hexagonal with dimensions 120x180x50 mm - К Ш 12.18.5;
  • paving slabs wave 50x150x40 from concrete - B V 5.15.4.

One way or another, such a format is quite difficult to understand, and therefore a person without construction education may have difficulties in the buying process. Therefore, on store price tags, the name is usually indicated without the use of marking, and its decoding is immediately given in terms and values ​​that are understandable to the buyer.

Popular slab sizes.

Material specifications

The operational characteristics of paving slabs depend on the quality of the material from which it is made, as well as the manufacturing technology. For example, the most popular colored concrete slabs, depending on how they are formed, can have the following characteristics:

  • compressive strength 0.40-0.60 kg / cm 2;
  • frost resistance 200-350 cycles;
  • density or specific weight of paving slabs 1800-2200 kg / m 3;
  • water absorption 2-5%;
  • abrasion 0.15-0.55 g / cm 2;
  • estimated service life up to 25 years.

Granite, marble, clinker and polymer sand tiles have higher performance indicators, which are determined in each case separately and depend on many factors.


Tile selection

The solution to the problem of how to choose paving slabs depends on the combination of answers to the following questions:

  • the purpose of the road surface;
  • expected pedestrian and weight load on the surface;
  • the desired type of pattern and color shade;
  • financial opportunities.

Granite or clinker tiles are stronger and more durable, but the high cost of this material makes many developers opt for cheaper colored concrete products.

Before choosing paving slabs, pay attention to the absence of cracks and chips along the surface, check the correct geometric dimensions and color uniformity.

When tapped, a high-quality tile should produce a sufficiently sonorous sound. A dull recoil indicates a high moisture content of the products and a low quality of the initial mixture.

On average, manufacturers stack 10 to 14 square meters on a pallet. meters of tiles depending on their thickness. As a result, the weight of one pallet can be from 680 to 1120 kg. Therefore, special attention, when purchasing wholesale, should be given to those tiles that bear all this weight, being at the very bottom.

The cost of material and work on its installation

The cost of prefabricated paving slabs depends on the materials used, the thickness and the method of its manufacture. Average price per sq. meter in large cities of Russia is:

  • vibrocast colored concrete - 300-480 rubles / m 2;
  • vibropressed concrete - 530-750 rubles / m 2;
  • granite, depending on the grade, - 1700-3500 rubles / m 2;
  • polymer sand - 410-480 rubles / m 2;
  • rubber - 800-1700 rubles / m 2.

The prime cost of concrete vibrocasting tiles, at home, is 160-200 rubles / m 2.

The cost of work on the strength of a construction organization largely depends on the complexity of the preparation of the foundation. But on average, the price is from 30 to 50% of the cost of all materials used (about 900 rubles per sq.m. together with the preparation of the base).

Paving stones

Unlike paving slabs, this material has a larger internal volume, i.e. its height is greater, and its dimensions in the plane are less or the same. Also, answering the question of what paving stones are, it should be noted that it has high strength and is able to withstand very significant weight loads. Therefore, it can be used for paving roads and sidewalks with high pedestrian traffic. It is made according to technologies:

  • vibrocompression, vibrocasting and semi-dry pressing from concrete mixtures;
  • processing of granite, marble and other natural stone to obtain products that are chipped, smooth on one or five sides;
  • clinker firing of clay.

Rubber, polymer sand and polymer materials are not used for the manufacture of paving stones. The most common piece products made of concrete, however, their use on the road is not recommended due to faster wear.

Types, sizes, characteristics

Shapes and sizes of paving stones.

Paving stones are available only with a rectangular or square surface. Figured products of this type are not produced, since it is more difficult to lay figured material of large thickness, it is more difficult to manufacture it, and the stability of such a road surface will be worse.

The paving stone thickness varies from 60 to 120 mm in 20 mm increments. The thinnest paving stones are produced using clinker firing technology. Its thickness starts from 50 mm.

The most common rectangular surface dimensions are 100x200 mm, 70x210 mm and 160x240 mm. Square products have dimensions of 50x50 mm, 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm and 200x200 mm.

The exact weight of paving stones depends on the density of the starting material, but on average for tiles with a thickness of 60 mm it is 135-145 kg / m 2. 11-12 m 2 or 1600-1700 kg are stacked on a pallet. A square meter of tiles with a thickness of 80 mm is equal to 180-185 kg and 10-11 m 2 are laid on a pallet.

Features of choice

When choosing paving stones, you must make sure that there are no visible defects on the surface of the material. The fact that there are no noticeable chips, cracks and holes. Even if they are located on the back or side, if moisture gets inside, this can lead to the destruction of the pavement.

Stones made of concrete must have the same color shade without salt or other stains. The quality of the material can be checked by tapping the two pieces against each other. The sound should be clear. A dull sound indicates poor workmanship. Clinker products must have a dense and durable surface of any of the edges.

The thickness of the paving stone must be appropriate for the future conditions of use. Where the movement of a car is planned, the thickness of the stone should be at least 80 mm, and for small trucks, 100 mm will be required.

What to choose?

When choosing tiles or paving stones, it is necessary to understand that the decision depends, first of all, on the conditions for the future operation of the road surface, the desired durability, appearance and financial capabilities of the developer.

Difference in operating conditions

Paving stones are characterized by a smaller surface area with a greater thickness. Due to this, the weight load on the surface of the paving stone is distributed simultaneously to 2-4 stones, and of the paving slabs - to one product of a large area. As a result of this distribution of loads, the paving stone is suitable for use in more severe operating conditions.

In addition, the paving stones are characterized by higher frost resistance and wear resistance. All this determines the cobbled road surface as stronger and more durable, but more expensive and difficult to install.

Comparative advantages of paving stones and tiles

An important difference between these two types of road materials is their cost. When using the same type of raw material, paving slabs, due to their thickness, will always cost more than paving slabs. Therefore, the choice of material should be based on performance requirements.

For a garden path, which is not walked so often, inexpensive concrete vibrocasting tiles are quite enough, but it is better to pave the entrance to the garage with cobblestones 60-80 mm thick.

In the courtyard near the house, it may be worth laying clinker tiles or beautiful curly products.

The difference between paving stones and tiles is in size.

In any case, tile flooring is less durable, but more beautiful and cheaper. Based on these main differences, the material should be selected for each specific case.

Styling options

Laying of tiles and paving stones should be carried out on a prepared base of sand, sand-cement mixture or concrete, in the presence of a lower drainage crushed stone layer. Since paved surfaces are used as design elements in the arrangement of the territory, a well-chosen installation method will affect the overall visual perception of the entire site. Therefore, the choice of the installation scheme must be approached very thoughtfully.

The production of paving slabs is steadily increasing in volume. This is due to the fact that this material is widely used in the arrangement of private territories, city streets, squares, parks, sports grounds.

The versatility of the use of paving slabs is due to the variety of shapes and sizes, durability of the coating and ease of installation. In fact, this is the best option to give the landscape a landscaped and complete look. In the eyes of many ordinary people, paving slabs appear to be a square gray stone made of concrete. Far from it.

Modern production offers such solutions that the tile gives simply limitless scope for the imagination of architects and private developers. Therefore, we will try to tell you everything there is to know about this material.

How are tiles for paths made?

Given the diverse range of products, it is not difficult to guess that paving slabs are produced using various technologies. However, the key differences lie only in their own production recipes.

Depending on the purpose, the manufacturer can add coloring pigments, plasticizers, crumb rubber and other polymers to the mixture. This is necessary for the external design of the product. The main technological process remains unchanged and consists of the following stages:

    The base is prepared: usually it is a cement-sand mortar or low grade concrete.

    The mixture is poured into molds that are placed on vibrating tables.

    The mixture is compacted by vibration. This maximizes strength and removes air bubbles.

    The molds are removed on racks so that the solution gains initial strength. This requires about 24 hours.

    Then the finished tiles are removed from the molds, laid out on pallets, aged from 7 to 28 days, depending on weather conditions.

At the final stage, the products are packed and sent to the points of sale. Of course, the technological process is presented in a somewhat simplified form: each manufacturer has its own proprietary secrets. However, the essence of this does not change, so many home craftsmen acquire ready-made forms and establish their own small production.

Materials and technologies

Depending on the manufacturing method, different types of materials are also used for the production of paving slabs. Despite the variety of shapes and sizes, all products in this category on the market can be conditionally divided into three groups:

    Concrete vibrated

    It is made of lightweight concrete, which is poured into molds and compacted on vibrating tables. We described this process above.

    Vibro-pressed concrete

    A concrete mix is ​​also used here, but the manufacturing process is slightly different. In particular, in addition to vibration compaction, the molds are pressed down with a press in order to achieve increased strength. In addition, vibropressed tiles are dried not in the open air, but in special chambers.

    Polymer sand

    It uses a mixture of fine sand and polymer materials. The components are mixed, dyes are added and heat treated. After that, the composition is given the desired shape and compressed to obtain increased strength.

Knowing these features, you can easily find the right paving slabs. The difference between the listed groups lies in the cost of the finished product and the scope of application. For example, polymer sand products are more suitable for decorative design, and vibro-pressed tiles will be an ideal solution for paving paths with high traffic.

Comparison table

Types and forms of tiles for laying sidewalks

Let's talk about the varieties. Today, the following types of finished products are very popular:

  • Paving stones

    Durable and frost-resistant material with a high level of environmental safety. Such tiles are often paved with city sidewalks and squares. The advantage of paving stones is that they are neutral to any aggressive environment, therefore they can be reused.

  • Rubber filled

    This option is ideal for arranging playgrounds. In the manufacture of tiles, rubber crumb is used, which forms a soft surface. Accordingly, if a child falls on such a coating, the child will be able to avoid injury.

  • Polymer sand

    A practical and convenient solution for the improvement of private sector territories. The tile is distinguished by its durability and a wide range of colors, allowing to give the areas an original look. It is important to understand that the strength of such products does not allow them to be used for paving parking spaces.

  • Reinforced

    This is a type of vibrocast tiles, where wire mesh is used to increase strength.

  • 3D drawing

    A relatively new variety that will decorate any country house. Various patterns are applied to the tiles using photo printing technology. Thanks to a special coating, the surface of the products is not erased even with prolonged mechanical exposure and UV radiation.

If we talk about forms, there are no restrictions at all. Depending on the formwork, paving slabs can be given any geometry. However, certain standards apply in this direction as well. The most popular are the following forms:

    Clover... A standard quatrefoil that is ideal for any design.

    English cobblestone... It has a textured resemblance to a natural stone, therefore it accurately imitates the pavement of an ancient city.

    Wave... This form was not chosen by chance. Undulating tiles have better surface adhesion, which significantly increases the lifespan of the pavement.

    Brick... Accurately copies familiar building material in miniature.

    Tumbled... It is a rectangular tile with rounded edges.

As you can see, the variety of geometric shapes allows you to give the site charm and originality. In addition, most manufacturers are engaged in the manufacture of paving slabs according to individual customer projects. Such products are usually more expensive.

Standard size tables

Large size tiles

Popular types of paving slabs

Criteria for choosing a good material

Buying paving slabs, the natural desire of the customer is the durability of the coating. Let's clarify right away that high-quality products made in full compliance with the technological process can last for more than a dozen years without losing their original properties. However, how to choose a good tile from the variety on the market?

    Colored tiles are best purchased from trusted suppliers. Unscrupulous manufacturers often replace expensive coloring pigments with cheap analogs. Accordingly, after the first rain, the tiles will lose their color.

    Be sure to inspect the back surface. A uniform color should be observed here, without yellow or brown spots. The pigment change is caused by the use of sand with a high clay content. The service life of such products is noticeably lower.

    The front surface should be smooth, not even have microscopic cracks and chips. Ideally, the shade of the front and back surfaces should be identical.

When purchasing paving slabs, choose products from the same batch. Products from different batches may have differences in color and geometric inconsistencies.

Laying scheme

Installation of this building material is extremely simple: even a novice builder can handle the work. The main thing is to think over in advance the future drawing of the track, and precisely follow the following sequence of actions:

    Training... The place of the future sidewalk is freed from the turf layer, a sand cushion is made, about 10 centimeters... It is recommended to spill the sand with water and tamp it thoroughly.

    Mounting... The tile is laid in the direction "away from you", adjusting each element with a rubber hammer, leaving gaps in 1-2 mm... When the entire surface is laid, the sidewalk is leveled with light taps, focusing on the building level.

    Clutch... The remaining gaps are filled with cement-sand mortar, the sidewalk is spilled with water.

The coating does not need subsequent maintenance: it is enough just to periodically sweep away the dust. It is recommended to wash colored products sometimes so that the paint does not fade.

Some trusted manufacturers

    "Choice-S"... It is the largest supplier of paving slabs in the southern region of the country. The range of the company includes 18 titles products of any shape and size. The tiles produced by this enterprise fully comply with European and domestic quality standards.

    "Gothic"... Leading manufacturer of the central region. The company uses an automated production line and German equipment. Every day the company issues an order 5,000 m2 tiles. The products of this enterprise are paved with the Alexander Garden, the square in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.

    "Stone Age"... The company is well known in the market more than 15 years... After the reorganization of the enterprise, a large-scale renewal of the model range, texture and assortment took place.

Among foreign companies, the following brands are trusted by buyers: CRH, MHUR, WIENERBERGER.

The decorative design of courtyard spaces and the landscape design of garden plots are impossible without the use of paving stones. The industry produces several varieties of it with many shapes and colors. The cost of such material depends on various factors and varies in a wide range. Today, there are even a lot of special molds for self-casting paving slabs. To create harmonious paths and paving areas in a garden plot, you need to figure out what types of paving slabs exist.

Types of paving slabs: their advantages and disadvantages

Today, hardly anyone can be taken by surprise with the beautiful design of the main entrance to the house or a suburban garden plot with the use of paving slabs of absolutely unthinkable colors and shapes. But few people know that behind this variety are hidden only a few main types of all well-known paving stones, which are classified according to the method of production:

  1. Vibrocast.
  2. Vibropressed.
  3. Hyper-pressed.
  4. Polymer sand.

All species have their own unique advantages and disadvantages. They have a different cost, and also fit in different ways. You can lay paving slabs of any variety on your own, having studied in detail its specific features.

Vibrated tile

This is the simplest and cheapest option for the production of this material. It relies on the ability of concrete to compact when there is vibration in the layers of mortar. Plastic molds are filled with a liquid solution and installed on a special vibrating table, which carries out vibrating random movements. After that, the workpieces are sent to a thermal chamber, where they are dried at a very high temperature. After a certain time, the tile is completely ready for use. The entire process described takes very little time and resources.

To obtain a different color palette, different kinds of dyes are used, which are mixed into the solution. Thanks to this, today we can choose tiles for the sidewalk of any color or shade. It is not even difficult to even run your own mini-factory in the garage, which would produce a similar type of paving slabs for your own needs or for sale. It will not be possible to automate it, but it is quite possible to produce a small number of products.

Among the main advantages of vibrocast paving slabs are:

  • The presence of a particularly glossy front surface.
  • Susceptibility to the use of a wide variety of dyes.
  • Its production costs are the most minimal, therefore it is cheaper than other types.

At the same time, the paving stones produced by the vibration casting method have significant drawbacks that limit the scope of their application:

  • Very weak strength.
  • Poor resistance to low temperatures.
  • The service life is too short.

Among other things, it is absolutely impossible to automate the production of this cheap material. Based on the technical characteristics, vibrocast tiles can be successfully used in the device of garden paths and, preferably, in the southern regions, since significant temperature changes can quickly render it unusable. When choosing vibrocast tiles in a store, its quality can be checked in a very simple way. If it is made without disrupting the technological process, then when two tiles hit each other, you will certainly hear a ringing sound. Its absence indicates insufficient quality or a violation of the technological process.

Pressed types of paving slabs

The manufacturing technology of vibropressed tiles is very different from that discussed above. The molds, which were previously filled with concrete mortar, are connected by means of a special mechanism to a piston that makes vibrating movements. This creates a variable pressure in the entire working chamber. In the process of these drops, a strong overconsolidation of the mixture occurs. Any heat treatment is no longer needed. This tile turns out to be much stronger than vibrocast.

Hyper-pressing makes it possible to completely abandon vibrating pistons. The pressure in the installation is created in a different way and much higher. It compacts concrete very strongly. It is noteworthy that the use of this method makes it possible to achieve a very high degree of automation of the entire process of manufacturing products.

Pressed types of paving stones have a number of undeniable advantages, including:

  • Low susceptibility to mechanical damage.
  • A large proportion of production automation.
  • Long-term and trouble-free operation.
  • Weak susceptibility to very low temperatures and their sudden changes.

Vibro-pressed tiles are not devoid of certain disadvantages, which cannot be avoided with this method of production:

  • Too few standard colors.
  • A small number of forms.

Due to its rather large special strength and durability, any pressed paving slabs can be used for the construction of the main entrances to houses, because it is able to easily withstand the not intensive movement of light vehicles while observing the laying technology. Everyone is capable of laying vibropressed paving slabs with their own hands with basic skills and the presence of the necessary tools.

When choosing vibropressed types of paving slabs in a store, you need to pay close attention to the degree of color saturation. Quality products cannot have too bright colors. If you come across a very beautiful and bright shade, then most likely it is a fake, and the paint will be washed off at the first decent rain. Therefore, you need to make your choice very carefully.

Polymer sand paving slabs

This is a modern, innovative type of pavement. It differs from others not only and not only in the method of its manufacture, but also in the content of the main components used. There is absolutely no cement in the composition of such a tile. Moreover, its basis is simple sand. Various polymers and plasticizers act as binders. They also use different dyes to add variety to the color scheme.

Sand before production is sieved, thoroughly calcined and mixed with polyethylene. After that, the resulting composition is heated to 250 degrees and the rest of the components are poured. The resulting mass is poured into special molds and pressed. The tiles made in this way do not allow moisture to penetrate into themselves, which completely excludes the possibility of cracking when exposed to permafrost processes.

This type of tiled pavement has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  • Its wear resistance, coupled with its strength, is an order of magnitude higher than that of other types of tiles.
  • Does not wear out even after several seasonal cycles.
  • Absolute moisture resistance due to the use of polymers.
  • Not even afraid of severe frosts.
  • Chemically absolutely inactive.
  • Simple and convenient installation.
  • Low unit weight.
  • Large color palette and variety of geometric shapes.
  • Long service life in all climatic conditions.

However, there is one small drawback - linear expansion in very hot weather. For this reason, the tiles are laid with gaps, the width of which must be at least 3 mm.

The quality of polymer sand paving slabs is determined by examining its back surface. If you find yellow spots on it, then it is safe to say that the production technology has been violated. Instead of high-quality sand, ubiquitous clayey was poured. This circumstance greatly reduces the fracture strength of the product.

How paving slabs are laid on the site

If you decide to create a walkway, sidewalk or platform from any type of paving slabs, then you need to know the basic basics of this process. There are many ways to lay paving stones. It depends on the richness of your imagination. You can lay out any drawing. It can be a herringbone - laying each subsequent tile with the end to the edge of the previous one. Chess stacking will never go out of style either. There are fancy ways in the form of weaving and circles, snakes and geometric ornaments. A chaotic laying of tiles of different shades can look very original.

The very technology of laying paving slabs is of three main types:

  • On a base layer of wet sand. With this method, it is necessary to build a sand cushion before laying. To do this, remove the sod, the fertile layer of earth and fill the pit formed with a 10 cm layer of sand, which is then moistened and tamped.
  • On a layer of sand-cement mixture. It differs from the first method in that a small proportion of cement is added to the sand. This ensures better adhesion of the tile to the pad.
  • Laying on a mortar of sand and cement. This method is the most reliable, since it is actually glued to the cement mortar. The solution is prepared according to the generally accepted recipe: 1 share of cement for 3 shares of sand.

If you have decided on the pattern and method of laying the tiles, then you can lay it according to the following simple algorithm:

  • Remove the top fertile soil layer by 15 cm.
  • We form slopes, both along the movement and across the future path to create a drainage system.
  • The marking of the site where construction work will be carried out is carried out with pegs and any twine.
  • We arrange borders, if necessary.
  • We form a pillow 10 cm thick.
  • We level its surface.
  • We lay the paving stones and press it in with a rubber mallet.
  • We carry out finishing grouting of joints.

A garden path made of paving slabs created with your own hands will delight its owners for a long time with impeccable service in absolutely any weather, but only with the right choice of the desired type of tile and strict adherence to the laying technology.

If you cannot decide which paving slabs to choose, our article will help you understand the wide range and choose the material that is ideal for your purposes.

History of paving slabs

This material has been used since ancient times to create durable and durable roads. In ancient Rome and Greece, city sidewalks were laid out with it, as well as embankments and the largest roads that were of national importance. Paving slabs in our country began to be massively produced in the 70s of the twentieth century. The technologies of those times made it possible to create only very large slabs, which, after several years of operation, cracked or deformed.

Modern technologies for the production of this material have not only significantly reduced the dimensions of the slabs, but also brought their quality to a completely new level. All existing at the moment types of paving slabs are characterized by increased strength and long service life. The installation of such material is very simple, it is cheap and does not require any special maintenance.

Pros of modern paving slabs:

  • It can withstand sudden temperature changes, thanks to which this material can be used in any climatic zone.
  • Paving slabs are absolutely safe for the environment and human health; when heated in the sun, toxic fumes are not released into the air, as is the case with overheating of asphalt. Therefore, it can be used to create paths, areas around residential buildings, near children's institutions, hospitals.
  • One of its main advantages is durability, if the technology of laying the material is fully observed, then it will serve for decades.
  • Sidewalks made of such tiles are very easy to disassemble if underground utilities need to be repaired. After the work, the material is laid down again, while the sidewalk takes on the neat look it was before.
  • Any kind of paving slabs looks much more beautiful than asphalt. With its help, you can create decorative paths in the garden, decorate the territory of private houses, sanatoriums, educational institutions and all kinds of institutions. It is often used to create a neat sidewalk in front of shops, offices, shopping centers. It is also ideal for creating long-lasting walking paths in the city center, on the embankments. The scope of this material is extensive.
  • There will be no puddles and dirt on such sidewalks if the tile laying technology is followed. Rain and thawed water will quickly seep through the seams into the ground.

Disadvantages of paving slabs:

  • A layer of ice can form on such a sidewalk if frost begins sharply after damp weather. In this case, the tile becomes traumatic, it must be sprinkled with sand.
  • If the laying technology is violated, then after a while the tile can sag, sometimes quite significantly, forming pits and cracking.

Depending on the material and production technology, the following main types of paving slabs are distinguished:

  • Cement and sand tiles. It is made from cement, crushed stone (gravel) and water, so it is environmentally friendly. It comes in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. The colors of this type of paving slabs always remain bright and do not fade in the sun. It is suitable for creating city sidewalks, on which a huge number of people will pass every day, as it is durable and does not wear off. The water in it will not stand on the surface, it seeps very quickly through the seams into the ground. Also, it can be repeatedly dismantled and laid back if necessary, this will not affect its strength.
  • If you need safe paving slabs, choose clinker. On such a sidewalk or path, it will be impossible to accidentally slip in shoes with smooth soles, since its surface is rough. It is made from special types of clay by high-temperature firing in ovens. It is absolutely safe for human health and the environment, as it will not emit any dangerous fumes. This tile has excellent durability and strength. It also turns out to be very beautiful natural colors.
  • If you are interested in which paving slabs are best for creating paths in the courtyard of children's institutions or for landscaping the area around the pool, rubber is best suited for these purposes. It is made from polyurethane, rubber mass and filler, processing these materials at high temperatures. Ideal for use in playgrounds, this tile cannot be slipped or hit hard when dropped. Even in icy conditions, its rough, soft structure provides excellent contact with the shoe.
  • If you need indelible paving slabs, choose plastic (polymer-sand). It is made from sand, polymers and dyes, the whole mixture is melted at +260 degrees and above, and then pressed. This type of tile is the most durable, as it has zero abrasion. There are no toxic substances and cement dust in it. It is able to withstand high mechanical loads, while there will be no chips or cracks on it. Caring for it is very simple, if it gets dirty, you can wash it with water or using a soapy solution. The colors of this type of paving slabs will pleasantly surprise you, a wide range of shades will allow you to create real masterpieces of landscape design and tastefully ennoble the territory.
  • Granite tiles are produced by sintering natural stone chips. It is the most resistant to aggressive substances. If you do not know which paving slabs to choose so that it looks rich and durable, opt for granite. This material is good in that it does not allow the rise of groundwater, and it also does not fade in the sun. If necessary, it can be disassembled and re-laid many times.

The most common tiles are concrete.

Depending on the production technology, it is divided into three types:

  • Manufactured by vibration casting. The concrete mixture is poured into molds, which are installed on a vibrating table that provides continuous vibration. Thanks to this, there is an excellent compaction of the mixture. Then the tiles are dried for about 12 hours at a temperature of +40 degrees. These types of paving slabs are characterized by increased frost resistance, they can withstand up to 200 cycles of complete freezing and thawing. It turns out to be highly durable and suitable for city sidewalks with a large flow of people. On average, its service life is about 10 years.
  • Manufactured by vibrocompression. The concrete mixture is poured into molds on a vibrating machine and pressed from above using a piston, which also creates continuous vibration. Thanks to this, the mixture is quickly compacted. The tile created in this way turns out to be rough, it has a strict geometric shape. Due to this, subject to all laying technologies, the pavement surface is perfectly flat. If you are thinking about which paving slabs to choose for a street with heavy traffic, opt for this option. Vibro-pressed tiles are perfect for use in conditions of temperature extremes and high humidity. It can withstand about 300 full freeze and thaw cycles.
  • Made by hyper pressing. The manufacturing technology is similar to the previous method, but everything happens without vibration. The hydraulic press creates high pressure on the mixture, which makes it quickly compact. This production method is fully automated, which significantly reduces the level of defects that can appear due to the human factor. Due to the lack of manual work, it is cheaper.

Depending on the shape, the following main types of paving slabs are distinguished (photo):

  • Clover tiles can often be seen in parks and squares. It is made of concrete, to which granite crushed stone is added. The main advantage of such a tile is its smooth surface, which is not saturated with dirt, so it remains clean and aesthetic in all weather conditions.
  • Brick tile perfectly withstands high loads due to its regular geometric shape in the form of a parallelepiped.
  • Tiles with wavy edges are good because they do not shift during a long service life and high surface loads. The pavement is very durable thanks to the "puzzle effect", which is achieved by the uneven edges of the tiles.
  • Tumbled tiles with rounded corners are ideal for a summer cottage or the territory of a private house, where there will be no huge loads on the surface. It is inferior in strength to the previous types, but with its help you can create very beautiful paths and landscape design.
  • English Cobblestone tiles are similar to gray or brown natural stone. It is made from concrete by vibration casting. It turns out to be rectangular in shape with a textured surface. This tile looks simple and stylish.
  • The tile with scalloped side profiles is ideal for creating pavements for vehicles to pass. It is characterized by the highest bond strength of the elements.

Now you know what paving slabs are. But besides its standard varieties, there are very unusual and original ones.

Marble tiles

This is an incredibly beautiful natural material that is used to decorate terraces, paths on the territory of a private house, it can also be used to create a very durable floor in rooms. Marble is ideal for decorating theaters, museums, temples. It is unique in that each tile will have its own unique natural pattern, even if the entire batch is made from one block of marble. This material is characterized by high resistance to abrasion and temperature extremes.

Glowing tile

This is a unique modern invention, this tile emits soft light in the dark. With its help, you can create an amazing landscape design. Glowing paths on the territory of a private house, hotel, restaurant will look amazing.

You do not need any wires, electricity, because such a tile emits light thanks to LEDs that run on solar panels. Maintenance of such luminous paths does not require any expenses, they are completely autonomous. It is necessary to lay such tiles where the sun hits during the day, so that the glow in the evening and at night is as bright as possible.