Lay infrared floor heating under the tiles. We make a warm infrared floor under the tile

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Film underfloor heating under the tile is easy to install and does not require the use of special tools;
  • Affordable price (such a floor costs 240-260 rubles / m²).

Weak sides:

List of required materials

Installation of a warm floor under a tile is impossible without such devices and materials:

  • Complete set of the infrared floor: the thermal film itself, special clips, heat-insulating materials, electrical wires and other elements included in the kit;
  • We buy: thermostat and heat-sensitive sensors;
  • Foil or other heat-reflecting materials;
  • Electrically conductive tape;
  • Additional materials for the floor: fiberboard sheets, polyethylene film (placed under porcelain stoneware).

Design features and general laying rules

Infrared underfloor heating under tiles is a heating system that does not transmit infrared rays through a cement-sand screed, porcelain stoneware or tile adhesive. By the way, there are only a few transparent materials in nature through which infrared rays can pass.

Therefore, the heating of the room is carried out through the heated surface of porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles. The infrared floor has a high threshold (efficiency of about 95%) for the conversion of electrical energy into heat. Therefore, analogues of the infrared floor - thin and rod self-regulating mats or its modifications will also heat the room well.

Try to avoid direct damage to the thermal film (mounting is done only in soft shoes). The infrared floor is poorly combined with a metal reinforcing mesh and other materials that conduct current well. As a heat-reflecting element, experts advise using aluminum foil.

Infrared underfloor heating

Styling options

KNAUF "Superfloor" is a type of underfloor heating, which is a moisture-resistant gypsum-fiber sheets, 1500x500x10 mm in size. KNAUF type sheets are laid only on a concrete screed. Installation of flooring (ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, linoleum, parquet, etc.) is possible immediately after the glue has dried on KNAUF Superfloor sheets.

Tip: try not to use other adhesives for mounting Superfloor sheets. Buy only original KNAUF glue.

Installation of infrared floor sheets is best done on foil or other reflective materials. So you will increase the efficiency of the heating system by 30-40%. At the second stage of the Superpol installation, KNAUF can be covered with sheets of DSP (cement-bonded particle board), LSU (glass-magnesite sheet) and GVL (gypsum-fiber sheets). These materials are purchased from manufacturers of underfloor heating or in the building materials market.

Installation of a dry screed floor base Knauf-superpol

Attention! The film is attached to the above sheets only with glue. Do not try to attach it to LSU, DSP or GVL sheets with screws, as you can violate not only the integrity of the heating system, but also the waterproofing of the room as a whole.

Wet and dry mounting

Pouring concrete infrared floor is called wet installation. The plane must be prepared before pouring: lay a heat-reflecting element with low shrinkage (izolon, foil-izol or rolled technical plug) on ​​the floor. The heat reflector is cut into uniform strips and laid along the width of the substrate. The reflective element is laid in increments of 15–20 cm.

As a reinforcing element, professionals advise using a paint or plastic mesh, since conductive elements can cause a fire or cause serious harm to a person in the event of a short circuit. A mesh with 5x5 or 10x10 cells is attached to the primary screed on dowels.

It is better to choose the drilling places in the places where the film is cut or on the sides, so as not to touch or damage the carbon strips of the infrared floor. Note that the number of mounting holes depends on the geometry of the floor. There are always more places for fastening in square rooms than in houses with an irregular or non-standard floor shape.

For better contact with the primary screed, a perforated heating film is installed. If you can not afford to buy perforated thermal film, then feel free to use the usual one. "Striped" film is sold without technological holes, so you have to make them yourself.

First, the heat-reflecting element is installed, and then the underfloor heating system is laid on it. After that, you can proceed to the penultimate stage - pouring the screed with liquid tile adhesive, the layer of which should not exceed 5 mm.

The screed is leveled by the rule and left in this form until completely dry. With the right temperature and good ventilation, the drying period lasts from 5 to 10 days. Please note: porcelain stoneware is placed only on a hardened and dried screed.

Laying the infrared floor on the "Dry screed" is fundamentally different from the above installation technology on the "Wet base".

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Level the subfloor;
  • Lay the elements of the heating system according to the instructions;
  • Next, GVL sheets are laid on the assembled structure. Features of the installation of gypsum fiber: first of all, a special tape is glued along the walls. Note that before gluing the tape, the floor must be leveled with self-leveling compounds and treated with a primer. GVL boards are glued to the rough coating with glue and self-tapping screws;
  • Tiles can be laid exactly one day after the installation of GVL boards.

Video: Infrared warm floor

Today, more and more people in the organization of heating prefer the system of underfloor heating. It differs in two types: electric and water. In this article we will talk about the features of electric heating, and, in particular, a film underfloor heating under a tile. This type of heating floor will allow you to create comfort and coziness inside your premises.

Features of laying the film floor

The process of laying a film underfloor heating under a tile differs in its specifics from installation under a laminate and linoleum. First of all, it is necessary to decide on what basis the film floor heating will be laid. Will a new screed be poured or will the old draft base be used.

Important! Installation of a film underfloor heating under a tile should be carried out on a perfectly flat surface. So he can work correctly.

There is also another technology for laying film underfloor heating. The underfloor heating system is installed first. A plastic film is carefully laid on top, and glass-magnesite or gypsum fiber is on top. Above is the installation of tiles. Previously, the surface of the sheets is primed with concrete contact.

The technology of laying underfloor heating in a wet way is considered more reliable and durable. If gypsum-fiber sheets are used as the basis, then in case of moisture ingress, they can absorb it and collapse. As a result, the tile may begin to fall off the base. Worst of all, the tile will simply crack and you won’t put it back.

Of course, the dry method is much easier and faster to implement. But if you are interested in durability, then you should opt for the wet method, where the new screed will be poured. It will immediately perform several tasks: level the floor, transfer heat from the heating film heating circuit and serve as a good basis for installing tiles.

To carry out the work, you must have the following material:

  • Polyethylene.
  • Heat-insulating material under the heating contour.
  • Electric wire.
  • Thermostat for temperature control.
  • Bituminous tape.
  • Connecting clips.
  • Heating film.

As for the tool, the following set is needed here:

  • Perforator.
  • Screwdriwer set.
  • Pliers.
  • Construction knife.
  • Hammer.
  • Electrical tester and more.

This is the main set of tools. However, during the execution of all work, another tool may be required. But it’s worth noting right away that you definitely don’t need special tools.

Feature of operation

The underfloor heating film system for tiles is successfully used both in residential buildings and apartments, and in public buildings. If in the classic version the heating element is located on the wall, then here the heating circuit is placed in the screed body under the tile. Sometimes the film underfloor heating is hidden with tile adhesive. Thanks to this, the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room warms up evenly, and a rather comfortable temperature is created inside the room. Another feature of this system is that such heating is economical. But there is one important nuance here. An infrared heating circuit cannot be the main heating system in any way.

Film infrared warm floor is very popular and has a number of positive aspects. For example, unlike cable infrared floor heating, the film system has a higher efficiency. If we compare this system with a warm water floor, then this system requires minimal construction costs. The coolant is not needed, and as a result, the possibility of leakage is excluded. The infrared system does not dry the air and does not emit electromagnetic waves.

The process of transferring thermal energy is carried out by infrared radiation. Due to this, the surface heating process is carried out. When the surface has gained heat, it transfers thermal energy to the room. Also, infrared radiation heats all surrounding objects, which also then transfer heat.

The average infrared wavelength is about 20 microns. Due to this, the system is very close to the action of sunlight. These waves travel well through the air. If the rays meet certain objects on their way, then the objects take on heat, and then transfer it into the air. This whole system of work is called the effect of secondary convection.

Installation instructions for underfloor heating film

Now let's take a closer look at the principle of laying a warm floor under a tile. The whole procedure consists of simple steps:

  1. Training.
  2. Heating circuit installation.
  3. Connecting a warm floor.

Preparatory work

The key to successful final work will largely depend on careful preparation. First of all, it is recommended to develop a project for the future underfloor heating. You need to know in advance where furniture, a refrigerator and other massive objects that will not move will be installed. This is important, because it is impossible to cover the heating circuit.

A reflective film must be laid under the heating circuit. It is necessary for the purpose of increasing the efficiency of the entire heating system. So, thanks to the laid reflective film, all the heat will be directed upwards into the room. This means that the level of heat loss will be minimized.

As for the preparatory work, it is also necessary to determine in advance the place where the thermostat will be installed on the wall. That's where the wires go. The zones in which the film warm floor is laid are also determined.

Special attention is paid to the preparation of the foundation. As already mentioned, it should be perfectly even. Plus, there should be no flaws, chips, etc. on the surface of the floor. All debris must be completely removed. Also, the surface can be vacuumed with a construction vacuum cleaner. If you ignore all these actions, then one or another sharp object can break through the film floor heating. At the end of the preparatory work, a reflective film is laid on the floor. All seams are connected with a special adhesive tape.

Installation work

Installation of a warm floor is quite simple. Usually the heating circuit is sold in rolls. You need to roll out a heating floor roll. To cut the film to the size of the room, special cutting strips are provided.

There are special copper contacts on the film field. In the process of laying a warm floor, they should look down on the floor. In order for you to have to connect the film together as little as possible, calculate the segments so that you get the largest possible segments. To reduce the consumption of electrical wires, you need to direct the contacts on the film field towards the thermostat.

A clamp is fixed on a special copper strip. One of its sides will be located inside the film, and the other outside. Use pliers to secure the clamp. The incision site must be covered with bituminous tape to prevent current leakage.

Important! If you cut the film floor heating not along the cut line, then the entire cut must be covered with bituminous tape.

At the end of all installation work, it remains to fix the laid film to the floor with adhesive tape. This will eliminate the possibility that in the process of laying the tile it will move from its place.

Connection to a thermostat

The final stage of installing a film underfloor heating under a tile is its connection. There is also a set of works, which boils down to the following actions:

  • Installation of a thermostat. Its installation should be carried out in a place where it will be convenient for you to control the underfloor heating.
  • Next, the wire is connected according to the indicated diagram on the thermostat. The wires should be directed to the electrical panel. The wire itself is placed in a special corrugation and laid in a strobe. Some mount the wire in the baseboard, but this is not entirely reliable.
  • When you lay the wires in the floor, you can make a small cut in the heat reflector. The wire is immersed in them. Due to this, there will be no bulges. This is especially important if the future layer of tile adhesive is minimal.

In the future, all wires are connected according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. A temperature sensor must be installed between the heating circuit. The presence of a temperature sensor will ensure the correct operation of floor heating.


So, here we have considered all the features of installing a film underfloor heating under a tile. The technology itself is simple. But she needs attention to detail. So that you don’t miss anything, we suggest that you additionally watch the prepared video material, which tells about other intricacies of installing a film underfloor heating under a tile.

High-quality home heating will play an important role for a comfortable pastime and save the budget. One of the innovative ways of heating is. Floor installation is carried out under various types of coatings, including tiles.

In this article, we will consider the usefulness of the infrared floor under the tiles, we will talk about the properties and types of insulating film and instructions for installing a film underfloor heating:
1. Infrared tiled floor: pros and cons
2. Choice of infrared floor
3. Technical characteristics and calculations of underfloor heating slabs
4. Infrared floor under tiles: installation technique
Necessary materials
Step by step installation of underfloor heating
5. Basic requirements and recommendations for installing an infrared floor heating under the tile

Infrared floor under the tile: pros and cons

Infrared underfloor heating is one of the most functional and energy efficient home heating methods. Its popularity is due to comfortable, high-quality and uniform heating.
The main idea of ​​heating is to use a special paste, a polymer coating that emits infrared rays, the size of which varies in the range of 5-20 microns. The main heat in this case is from the carbon-carbon paste placed in a protective layer of polyester.

By itself, a heat-insulating material, such as infrared film, is quite versatile. Unlike water heating, it can be used in different conditions (apartment, house) and under various coatings. However, discussions continue among experts about the advisability of placing infrared floors under tiles or granite. Of course, tile is a cold finishing material that requires additional heating, but it is believed that the installation of such a coating as an infrared film is undesirable.

There are several reasons:
1. Low film adhesion. When the infrared film is immediately laid under the tile or liquid screed, you get a “floating” floor that is not resistant to deformation. Some of the "craftsmen" try to make a lot of notches and notches in order to increase the grip. But if you don't properly insulate these micro holes, the floor can leak current.
2. Risk of short circuit. Tile mortars and screed adhesives are alkaline. After some time, the polyester layer of the film can corrode, regardless of the amount and thickness of its layer. The least risk is a short circuit, the worst case is sparking of open electrical connections.

Tip: Infrared film floors are ideal for "dry" installation under linoleum, laminate, tile or carpet. Under granite, tiles, ceramics, it is better to use mats or an electric cable.

Despite these shortcomings, not everyone is ready to give up infrared thermal insulation boards. When installed using special technology, disadvantages and risks are reduced to a minimum. This persistence is due to the significant benefits of infrared flooring:

Efficient and uniform heating of housing;
simple installation;
duration of work;
minimum loss of space in the room - the thickness of the infrared floor is not more than 5 mm;
reasonable cost of an infrared floor under a tile;

Space heating is improved due to secondary convective hot objects;

The concentration of negative ions is increased by 4 times - this has a positive effect on indoor air quality;
minimum electromagnetic radiation;

Working infrared film is not accompanied by noise, vibration and dust emission.

This is interesting! 90% of the heat from infrared radiation freely passes through the screed and tiles, not only heating the air in the building, but also the human body.

Choosing an infrared floor

There are two types of infrared heated floors for tiles: and film.
Features of the rod floor, working on the principle of infrared radiation:

Laying directly into the adhesive solution is acceptable;
the use of additional reinforcing mesh is not required;
installation of the core floor is easy to perform and does not require the participation of specialists;
automatic heating system setting mode - enabled in the maximum energy saving mode.

During the installation of the heating film, it is important to comply with certain requirements, which affects the increase in the cost of repairs. Infrared film, in turn, is available in two versions: with carbon and bimetal heating element.

In the first variant, carbon fiber acts as a heating element (carbon paste with various additives). The main material is lavsan film, which has properties such as durability, strength, elasticity and good dielectric performance.
under the tile: photo

Heating elements are hermetically sealed in two layers, power supply is carried out through copper or silver-copper conductors. Underfloor heating is connected in parallel.

Important! Infrared carbon film can be used to insulate vertical surfaces and ceilings.

Optimal - graphite-coated IR film. The material has high reliability and long service life. The disadvantage is the high cost.
The structure of film heating by a bimetallic heating element consists of two layers: aluminum and copper with additives.
In the second variant, bimetallic floors - an elastic film made of polyurethane. Installation must be supplemented with a ground wire, and the installation procedure is somewhat more complicated. The connection is made through an RCD and a differential machine.

Important! The bimetallic infrared floor must not be laid under the tiles.

Technical characteristics and calculations of underfloor heating under tiles
Underfloor heating film for tiles have the following characteristics:
maximum power consumption in heating mode - up to 250 W / sq.m;
temperature setting in power consumption mode - 35-85 W / sq.m;
radiation wavelength - 5-20 microns;
the maximum percentage of infrared radiation in the spectrum is about 90-95%;
maximum heating temperature - 130 °C;
operating voltage - 220 W.

High-performance parameters make it possible to use film heating not only as an additional, but also as the main element of the heating system!

When planning a floor heating installation, it is first necessary to calculate the area, infrared heating coverages and the power consumption of the covering film. Basically, the heat output for normal heating in a room is assumed to be 100 W / m. with heating. Given the efficiency of IR film at 90%, this value is equivalent to 111.1 W/sq.
To use underfloor heating effectively, IR film must cover all unfurnished spaces. For example, if the free area is 80% and the whole room is 25 square meters, the IR film is equal to the size of 20 square meters.
In the thermoregulation mode (35%), the power consumption is: 0.35 * 220W / m * 20 square meters. M * h 1 \u003d 1540 W / h.

Infrared floor under tiles: installation technique

Necessary materials:
To install the infrared floor under the tiles with your own hands, you can buy a ready-made set of "warm floor" or buy all the materials yourself separately.
The standard set of materials for installation includes:
film roll;
wiring kit;
bituminous adhesive for insulation;
PVC insulation;
detailed installation instructions.
In addition, you need to prepare:
polyethylene film (heat-resistant);
heat-reflecting insulation;
thermostat (selected based on power and type of location / recess installation);
thermostat box;
wire for thermostat installation; when choosing a wire cross-section, one should start with the wire material and the design capacity of the system;

Temperature sensor (if not included);
double sided tape;
self-levelling dry mix for thin coating for tiles;
assembly power tools: pliers, wire cutters, etc.;
indicator electric screwdriver, multimeter;
tile adhesive;
measuring instruments: meter, tape measure;
tools needed for laying tiles.

Step by step instructions for installing underfloor heating

The base under the floor heating must be smooth without recesses, protrusions or other visible defects. Permissible height difference - no more than 3 mm. Before packing, check the surface level and level, if necessary, to make the concrete screed level. Let the screed "set" (28 days), clean the surface from dust. After cooking, you can install the infrared floor.
1. Installation of a waterproofing layer. Membrane waterproofing is necessary to protect the heating system from moisture.
2. Laying heat-reflecting material (penofol, isolon, etc.). Thermal insulation is placed upwards, the reflective surface. Insulation reduces heat loss, thereby increasing system efficiency and reducing energy consumption. The material expands on the floor and extends to the adhesive seams.

3. Create a layout plan and determine the location for the installation of the thermostat - optimally 15 cm above the floor level. When planning, it must be taken into account that the warm floor is not mounted under appliances and stationary large-sized furniture. If an infrared floor is used as the main heating system, it must occupy at least 70% of the area. If the floor is additional heating, then 40% is enough.
4. Layout under the floor, prepared according to the scheme. The laying is carried out according to a number of requirements:
o the first row is located at a distance of 10-40 cm from the wall;
o heating decomposes the side of the copper foil down to the wall where the thermostat is;
o between the strips of the film it is necessary to leave a gap of 5-10 mm; it is important that the strips do not overlap each other;
o floor heating rollers at the edges, glued to the insulating foil tape.
5. Connect floor heating:
o electrical connections in places where, for example, a copper bar, terminal clamps or crimping pliers are installed; the protrusions on the terminals should be slightly pressed against the plastic, ensuring contact with the copper strip;
o the ends of the conductive wire inserted into the terminal and crimped;

o perform a parallel connection of the cut parts of the IR floor; Special thick bitumen or tape seal on both sides, covering the open ends of terminals and wires;
o isolate the bare ends of the copper wire;
o connect the wires to the required length to the place of the intended outlet of the thermostat;
o sensor with a wire inserted under the film floor and connected to the thermostat; mount the temperature sensor head under the black silicone film heating film using bitumen insulation, and cut the thermal insulation at the installation site to prevent the appearance of a hill.

Important! It is better to entrust electrical work on the installation of a warm floor to a professional master.

After connection, it is necessary to check the performance of each heating tape at temperatures up to + 30 °C. If the system works well, you can proceed to the next step - laying the screed and tiling the surface of the tiles.
For additional leak protection, apply a layer of plastic sheeting over the underfloor heating layer. Then cover the surface with a plastic reinforcing mesh - this will improve adhesion to the film. Pour the mixture or self-levelling floor screed 8-10 mm thick. Leave the floor for 3 weeks to harden and tile.

Basic requirements and recommendations for installing an infrared underfloor heating under the stove:
1. To replace the temperature sensor when it breaks, it must be mounted in a corrugated pipe with a plug.
2. If the IR floor consumes more than 2 kW in total, it is advisable to connect it via a separate machine.
3. Before pouring the screed, it is necessary to pass a second tear test so that there is no need to dismantle the tile later.
4. Floor heating after pouring can only be turned on after complete drying - namely, not earlier than 28 days.
5. If the IR film was damaged during installation, it is best to insulate with aluminum tape on both sides.
6. When laying tiles, you should not use metal reinforcing mesh.
7. Underfloor heating should only be installed on a dry surface.
8. Do not place electrical appliances such as a stove or fireplace on warm floor heating elements.
9. Do not bend the film more than 90°.
10. It is undesirable to lay one part of the film over 15 meters.

To order calculation and installation, please contact our managers by phone 8-800-511-65-10.

Installation of infrared film under the tile: Video

Ceramics, glazed tiles are considered the best floor for sanitary rooms, kitchens. A cold surface will become comfortable if you install an infrared floor under the tiles. Radiant heat does not dry up the air, it is useful. Which method to use, dry or wet, when creating a puff cake of a film underfloor heating under a tile? Are there any features in the installation of heating slab cladding? Here we will talk about the advantage of installing a warm film floor under the tile.

Why are tile floors better than cable ones?

Both types of heating circuits are powered by the electrical network. But the cable is laid on a base of mats or poured with a concrete screed. This slightly raises the surface of the floor, applied using a screed or fill.

The tape design of the infrared heater consists of graphite rods in a film, 3 mm thick. The infrared warm floor under the tiles is laid on the prepared base, no screed is required. You can do the installation of a warm film floor under the tile with your own hands.

Both heating systems require wiring to connect the circuit, with the installation of a thermostat. There are features of the use of insulation, adhesive composition.

Features of infrared floor heating

Laying tiles on the prepared surface of the room can be done in a wet and dry way. We suggest that you carefully consider the composition of the IR tape.

Infrared underfloor heating under the tile has its own characteristics. When applying self-leveling floors or screed, you need to consider:

  • The cement mortar does not form a bond with the coating film. If notches are applied to the film surface, they are not properly insulated, the floor will be shocked.
  • An alkaline screed solution leads to structural changes in the film surface, the tape will quickly become unusable.
  • A film IR heater based on bimetal cannot be used for laying under tiles, only carbon.

Based on the characteristics of the infrared film underfloor heating, it is better to install under the tile in a dry way. Experts consider the Teplolux film to be the most effective IR heater.

Installation of infrared floor heating under the tile

The figure shows the sequence of work on laying a film underfloor heating under a tile.

Before laying, the heating circuit should be outlined. It should not be located under furniture. Taking into account losses, efficiency of 90%, it is optimal to choose a material with a power of 200 W / m2. The larger the volume of the room, the greater the heat transfer should be if the IR film is the only source of heat.

The sequence of operations for laying the IR tape

The infrared heat-insulated floor under a tile keeps within, with observance of all recommendations of experts.

It is important to carry out all operations for laying an infrared warm field under a tile in strict sequence and accurately. In the absence of skills in working with electrical appliances, invite a specialist. At each stage, you need to ring the circuit to make sure that there are no sections with a short circuit. Carefully insulate the wires, crimp the terminals, install the thermostat - the most critical part of installing a warm floor.

Do you have any doubts about what material to choose for installing underfloor heating? Where is the best place to buy a film heater? Call, our experts will advise.

The comfort of living in an apartment or a private house largely depends on the microclimate in the premises, so you need to take care of a good heating system. The best modern option is a film underfloor heating, which is great for laying tiles. It is a rolled material consisting of a dense base and heating elements. Depending on the type, the film floor can become an additional or main source of heat in the room.

Features and Benefits

The popularity of the film floor is explained by the presence of a wide list of advantages, which include:

1. High efficiency. Due to the high power, the system is able to heat up quickly, and the maximum temperature can reach 50 ° C.

2. Minimum electricity costs. The film floor consumes a small amount of electricity, which allows you to save in the cold season, abandoning the central heating. In addition, the automatic control system automatically turns off when the optimum temperature is reached, but the heated surface of the plates continues to emit heat.

3. Uniform heating of the room. The film covers 70% of the floor area, so the air warms up much faster, while the highest temperature remains in the lower part of the room.

4. Availability. Prices for film floors have a wide range, so among the rich assortment it is not difficult to find inexpensive materials. In addition, you can save on the services of a wizard if you install the system yourself.

5. Versatility. Electric underfloor heating is suitable for any floor covering, be it tile, parquet, laminate or linoleum.

6. Moisture resistant. Heating sheets can be safely installed in rooms with high humidity - in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen.

7. Safety. Warm floors do not pose a danger to others. They do not emit toxic substances and do not ignite.

8. Easy installation. Installing and connecting the system is not difficult, you just need to follow the instructions exactly and follow the recommendations.

Underfloor heating of the film type is most often mounted under ceramic tiles, because. it has a high degree of thermal conductivity.


Roll heating systems that are installed under the tiles can be in the form of a thin mat with heating elements, or two soldered films with carbon fiber between them. Both materials are quite effective, but to understand which one is better, you should familiarize yourself with their characteristics.

Model with carbon fiber made of lavsan film, which has high strength, elasticity and wear resistance. In addition, it is a dielectric, which indicates its safety. For the production of a heating element, i.e. carbon fiber use carbon paste and special additives. To increase the strength and durability of heating systems, some manufacturers cover the films with graphite sputtering.

The carbon filler is laid in parallel strips and sealed between two films. Then the products are equipped with conductors made of copper or a copper-silver alloy, through which the current will flow to the heating elements, and they, in turn, are equipped with a parallel circuit. Film floor of this type is also called infrared. It can be installed in just 2-3 hours, and just as quickly dismantled to be moved to another room. The only drawback of the system is its high cost.

Thin heating mats consist of a heat-resistant mesh and a cable attached to it. Products are equipped with a conductor with a small cross section, which can be single-core unshielded, or two-core with protection. This type of film floor can be installed in various rooms, regardless of their conditions. In addition, mats will be a good choice for rooms with a non-standard configuration, because. their mesh backing can be cut between the heating cable and placed in the desired position.

Installation of a warm floor is quite quick and simple, because you just need to unwind a thin mat, connect it to the network, and after that you can lay the tiles. When facing the floor, a small amount of cement mortar is used, it will be enough not only to glue the tiles, but also to securely fix the mats, because. the mixture will penetrate both their cells and the heating wires to the bottom.

How to choose?

Film underfloor heating, designed for laying tiles, have many similar characteristics, which complicates the choice for consumers. Therefore, in order to determine which system is best suited, you should pay attention to their differences.

For example, a film with carbon fibers has the following features:

  • the material can be dismantled and installed in another room;
  • furniture and other objects can be placed directly above the installed system, and they will not interfere with the radiation of heat rays;
  • the electromagnetic field is practically zero;
  • in case of damage to the heating elements, the entire system continues to operate, with the exception of the failed section;
  • can be the main source of heating.

As for thin mats, their positive differences include only simple installation and affordable cost. So infrared film is the best choice. But it should be noted that floor heating mats will be good if there is a main source of heat in the room. In addition, they are much cheaper than films with a carbon heating element, which is an important choice factor for most consumers.

Preparatory work

Before starting the installation of a warm floor, it is necessary to prepare the base. The first step is to remove all items from the room and clean up. Then, using a level, check for irregularities on the surface. If there is a significant curvature of the floor, then it is better to make a screed using a self-leveling mortar, otherwise a local application of putty will be sufficient.

If the wooden floor in the room is without visible damage and rotting, then it can be left, but before installing the film floor, it is still recommended to perform scraping. In another case, the old coating should be removed and a concrete screed should be made, or it should be replaced with GVL or plywood.

Another important step is drawing up a scheme for laying the heating material. As a rule, it is placed on almost the entire floor area, retreating from the walls by about 20-30 cm. It is important to remember that when laying thin mats, furniture placement should be taken into account, because. there should be no heating elements under it.


To lay a warm film floor, you need to prepare additional tools and materials:

  • scissors;
  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • plastic corrugated pipe;
  • hammer;
  • dowel;
  • bitumen tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • reflective film;
  • electric wire;
  • connecting clips;
  • temperature sensor;
  • thermostat.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the thermostat, after which, using a perforator, a small trench is prepared in which the corrugated pipe with electrical wires will be placed. Further, in accordance with the scheme, a reflective film is laid on the floor, sheets of heating material are placed on it, connected to each other and a temperature sensor is installed, and then connected to the thermostat. Finally, the system is covered with plastic wrap and fixed to the floor with dowels. After that, you can start laying floor tiles. It should be noted that when installing thin mats, it is not necessary to use a plastic film, you can immediately start finishing the surface.