Heating of a private house with steel radiators. Heating batteries - which are better for a private house? What you need to know about batteries

A private house is good because it provides the owner with more opportunities for arrangement than an apartment in a high-rise building. However, you will have to spend a lot of effort to ensure a comfortable stay. This also applies to questions. right choice heating systems. Batteries should be functional, durable, and not create a hole in the budget after maintenance. Let's figure out which heating radiators are better to install in a private house.

What you need to know about batteries

Today, building stores offer a wide range of heating appliances, so it is very easy to get confused in all the variety of types and models.

Before buying batteries, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic parameters that will help you make the best choice:

  • temperature regime;
  • Building heat loss. Here it is worth considering the height of the ceilings, the thickness of the glasses, how many doors and windows are in the rooms, the degree of decomposition of the material (for wooden houses), etc.;
  • The battery is usually installed under the window, so to determine the dimensions of the device, use the following parameters (in cm): to the windowsill - 10-15, from the wall to rear wall device - 3-5, from the floor - 7-12;
  • The heat output of the radiator, which can be calculated by the formula: S * h * 41:42 (S is the area of ​​the room, h is the height of the ceiling, 41 is the minimum power (indicated per 1 m3), 42 is the passport indicator of the nominal thermal conductivity).

Additional indicators that must be considered in order to select a suitable heating device:

  • Value for money (a key factor when buying);
  • Appearance (you should pay attention if you plan to design a room under certain design interior);
  • Weight (affects the complexity of installation).

Now let's look at what types of heating radiators exist for a private house, let's get acquainted with the technical characteristics of each of them.

Cast iron

Such radiators began to be installed in houses more than a century ago, at the time tsarist Russia. For 100 years, these batteries continue to be in demand, providing high-quality space heating. Even today, in houses built during the Soviet period, cast-iron batteries with more than 50 years of service life are quite common.

The following positive qualities brought them popularity:

  • Long period of work (radiators can function for decades);
  • High level of heat transfer (degree of heating - up to 130 ° C, can remain hot for 5-6 hours);
  • Good strength (batteries are able to withstand internal high pressure, are immune to mechanical stress);
  • Work with any quality of the coolant (no need to install a filter on the heating system);
  • Anti-corrosion resistance (under the influence of condensate and temperature changes, which is confirmed by uninterrupted operation in old houses).

However, cast-iron radiators have their drawbacks, due to which they are gradually being replaced by more modern types of appliances:

  • Large dimensions. Due to their size, they are difficult to transport, install and maintain.
  • Low thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and its porous surface. To achieve a high level of heat transfer, the temperature of the heat carrier must be 70-80°C.
  • Systematic maintenance is required. Batteries need to be cleaned and painted regularly.
  • It takes a lot of space to accommodate.
  • Good fasteners are essential for a secure installation.

Advice! To increase the heat transfer of cast iron batteries, you should wash them about once every two years from accumulated rust and small debris particles.

Cast iron radiator Konner "Legend"

In addition, cast-iron radiators are not the most attractive appearance, which is why the interior looks inharmonious. If the design of the room is important to you, you will have to purchase decorative elements in the form of partitions or fences, but not every owner will want to put additional decorations. Then how to choose the right cast-iron heating radiators for a private house in order to create a harmonious environment? Look at the special lines of some German or French manufacturers developing original design models for themed interior styles. Such radiators will become a real decoration of the situation, but not everyone can afford them because of the high cost.

Cast iron radiator MS - 140

Among the popular manufacturers of cast iron batteries, it is worth highlighting the Chinese companies Tokio or KONNER, as well as the Russian version - MS-140.


According to the design and functional features, these devices are of three types. Then which steel radiators are better to choose for a private house? Let's take a look at the characteristics of each type.


Also called convectors, since heat is supplied by convection (75%). They are rectangular in shape and consist of two welded panels. The coolant circulates through special dining channels. The battery is lightweight and compact in size, which allows it to quickly gain and maintain the required temperature.

Significant disadvantages include susceptibility to mechanical damage and low operating pressures. Also, steel panel radiators are destroyed by corrosion.

Manufacturers produce models with a lower type of eyeliner, which allows you to hide pipes under flooring. This option is ideal for rooms with an original interior design, in which the inlet / outlet communications will look out of place. Among the well-known manufacturers, we highlight Corado, Lidea and Buderus.


According to their characteristics, such devices are similar to cast-iron radiators, but they have a number of significant differences:

  • Internal pressure - 16 atm;
  • Increased strength due to welded joints;
  • Long service life (can work up to 50 years).

Unlike cast iron batteries, these devices are not as widespread due to the higher price.


In terms of functionality, they generally correspond to panel and sectional radiators, but they are much more expensive. The extra charge comes from a more attractive appearance, allowing them to be placed in rooms with a thematic interior design. In addition, it is very convenient to dry things on tubular batteries, which is especially important for families with small children.

Produced by well-known foreign manufacturers: Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi.


Aluminum conducts heat very well, so these radiators provide full-fledged space heating.


Among the advantages we highlight:

  • High heat transfer rates;
  • Small dimensions;
  • not bad operating pressure, which is 12-18 atmospheres;
  • A light weight.

We also note good heat transfer due to the fast circulation of the coolant, which is provided by free intercollector tubes. On the market, aluminum radiators are represented by a wide range of models with different sizes, so you can easily choose a heater for any room.

Attractive appearance allows using aluminum radiators not only as a heating device, but also as an element of interior design. Due to its neat shape, the device can fit into almost any environment.


However, aluminum radiators also have their drawbacks:

  • Sensitivity to the quality of the heat agent (regular filtration is required, otherwise the system will become unusable in a matter of years);
  • Susceptibility to sudden pressure drops (when filling, control of the pressure level is necessary);
  • Weak resistance to corrosion (when buying, be sure to check that there is a protective polymer coating on the surface of the radiator);
  • Fragility (service life is 10-15 years).

The increased heat transfer of aluminum radiators affects not only positive side. The powerful operation of the device quickly raises warm air up, which is trapped between the battery and the ceiling. As a result, a temperature difference may occur. Before buying a device, it is necessary to calculate the heat required for the room. Otherwise, the floor may not warm up.


Aluminum batteries are classified into three types by design. They differ in structure and serviceability.

Consider these types and try to understand which heating batteries are best for a private house:

  1. One-piece - distinguished by plasticity and durable construction;
  2. Composite sectional - during maintenance, it is possible to replace plates that are out of order;
  3. Combined - combine the qualities of the two previous types, but have a higher cost. In terms of functional advantages, they are recognized as the best aluminum heating radiators for a private house. Produced by Global, Ferroli and RIFAR.

The demand for these devices was provided by an affordable price, increased thermal efficiency and attractive design. This is one of the most best options for high-quality heating of your own home. If you follow all the rules of operation, such batteries will last for more than a dozen years, delighting residents with good heating on cold winter evenings.


The name bimetal means the combination of two or more metals in one product. The internal part of the batteries is made of steel or copper material, which increases their safety and ensures reliable operation. outer side equipped with aluminum fins. These devices can be called the evolutionary pinnacle in the development of radiators. Manufacturers claim that such devices can last 40 years.

Despite the high cost, bimetallic radiators in recent years have been occupying a leading position in the heating appliance market. It is advisable to purchase such batteries if the issue of price is not in the first place for you. Then they will fully pay off the financial costs and will serve for many years.

Manufacturers are constantly improving their devices. What bimetallic batteries for heating to choose for the house? Among well-known manufacturers, it is worth highlighting the following companies: Polywarm, Sira, Teplopribor. German Kermi is deservedly recognized as one of the leaders in this industry.

Aluminum and bimetallic radiators: which is better?

As can be seen from the description, both types of batteries can be placed in your own homes. V Lately they managed to gain wide popularity among consumers due to high heating rates. Now let's compare them in terms of technical indicators to find out which radiators for heating are best suited for a private house.

Heat volume

The aluminum battery section produces 200 watts of power. Part of the generated power is converted and the rest of the heat is radiated out. These batteries are able to warm up the room within 10 minutes, which has a positive effect on savings.

Heat transfer on bimetallic radiators is built according to a different principle: a steel core somewhat slows down its production. Each model distributes heat differently, but they all warm up the room longer than aluminum appliances. There are no significant differences in other characteristics.

Heat carrier temperature

Aluminum batteries maintain temperatures up to 110° C, while bimetal batteries operate at 130° C.


Both varieties have steel fasteners which are placed on screws or plastic dowels. Due to their light weight, the installation of these devices is not difficult. Installation and maintenance is carried out using shaped tools and a set of keys.

Life time

Bimetallic radiators are made from two metals, and, accordingly, are more durable. They can work well for 15-20 years, while aluminum ones, on average, function for about 10 years. If the duration of the operation of the heater is important to you, then it is better to give preference to the first option.

In the domestic heating system water contains a large number of chemical components. All these impurities have a destructive effect on aluminum, which reacts with them. As a result, rust forms on the walls, which over time can disable the device. For stable operation, the hydrogen index (pH) should be no more than 8 units.

On bimetallic devices, a special coating is used that protects it from the effects of chemical impurities, which makes the material less susceptible to rust. However, in some cases, hydrogen can get into the liquid, which will lead to rapid decay of the components.


A cozy atmosphere in a private house is impossible without quality work heating appliances. The first step is to determine the number of batteries to be installed and the technical characteristics of the room. We got acquainted with the varieties of heating devices. So what kind of heating radiators is better to install in a private house? First of all, the decision to buy a particular device should be based on its goals. They can be as simple as a heating device or as an exquisite piece of furniture. Also an important role is played by the desired service life and cost of the product.

Creation autonomous system heating a careful approach to the choice of equipment. And if everything is relatively simple with the choice of a heating boiler, then you will have to sweat with the purchase of radiators. What radiators to choose for heating a private house and what to look for when buying them? In order to answer this question, we will analyze the features of autonomous heating systems, talk about their characteristics, and only after that we will give advice on choosing.

Also in our review, we will consider the features of all radiators available on the market and talk about their use in heating systems of private houses. We will cover the following types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • tubular;
  • aluminum;
  • Bimetallic.

For each variety, we present the advantages and disadvantages.

Features of autonomous heating systems

Heating systems of private houses differ from centralized heating systems not so much in design features as operational characteristics. Heating high-rise buildings requires high pressure in the pipes so that the coolant can rise to the upper floors, pass through numerous radiators, passages, taps and bends, and then return back. The higher the house, the higher the pressure, and the more durable the radiators and connections must be.

Autonomous heating system used in private houses consists of: boiler, pipes, radiators, expansion tank and circulation pump(used in systems with forced circulation).

As for autonomous heating systems, they do not need a lot of pressure - the maximum figure here is only 2-3 atmospheres. Therefore, heating radiators for the home can be anything from cast iron to bimetallic. Some settle for the cheapest models, saving money in their wallet, while others give their preference to more reliable, modern and durable radiators. But our verdict is that any heating batteries are suitable for autonomous systems.

What is the difference between centralized heating systems? They are observed:

  • Low quality of the coolant;
  • Powerful water hammers.

The coolant in centralized systems is really disgusting. It is full of reagents harmful to pipes and radiators, a lot of dissolved salts and a lot of small mechanical impurities. Under such influence, only the most tenacious batteries survive, for example, cast iron or bimetallic ones.

Autonomous systems are good because here it acts as a coolant pure water poured from the plumbing system. At any time, water can be replaced, this will make the coolant cleaner. Often, alternative coolants are used here that do not react with metals and do not even freeze in the cold. That is, in autonomous heating systems there is no aggressive environment that could destroy pipes and radiators in the shortest possible time. Therefore, almost any type of radiators is used here.

When using steel radiators, it is recommended to create closed heating systems, since oxygen often enters open systems, which, together with water, begins to destroy not only batteries, but also pipes (metal).

Water hammers in autonomous heating systems rarely occur, since they are small in size, not large quantity coolant and minimum pressure. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this factor - feel free to install any batteries, but do not forget that any battery has its drawbacks.

Calculation of heating radiators of a private house

Table of characteristics of 1 section of a heating radiator, depending on the material and size of the section.

The uniformity of heating and the efficiency of the entire heating system depend on how accurately and carefully the calculation of the number of heating radiators in a private house is performed. The average thermal power of heating is 100 W per 1 sq. m. area. That is, to heat a room with an area of ​​​​20 square meters. m. need a radiator with a capacity of 2000 watts. If we choose a bimetallic radiator for heating with a heat output of 200 W per section, then we need a 10-section heater (or two batteries of 5 sections each). Cast iron batteries are characterized by lower heat transfer, on average 120-140 watts per section, so there should be more sections here.

Also included in the calculation process:

  • Amendments to the type of glazing;
  • The presence of thermal insulation and wall thickness;
  • Ceiling height (the standard formula takes into account ceiling heights from 2.5 to 3 meters);
  • The presence of heated rooms above the current room;
  • Number of outer walls ( corner rooms colder ones)
  • Number and area of ​​windows;
  • Climatic features of the area.

Most accurate calculations include taking into account the wind rose and the location of the outer walls relative to the cardinal points.

Connection schemes: "Leningrad", lateral connection and diagonal.

How to connect heating radiators in a private house? If you plan to run a one-pipe system, we recommend the Leningradka scheme with a jumper (bypass) for each battery. If you plan to use a two-pipe system, then a diagonal or lateral connection is used here. Adjustment of heating radiators in a private house is carried out using taps that block the supply of coolant. If necessary, taps can be placed on each battery - this will help even out the temperature in the rooms.

Adjustment is also available in a single-pipe system, but for this it must be performed according to the Leningradka scheme, with a bypass / jumper and three taps for each battery.

The choice of heating radiators in a private house

We have already figured out the features of the characteristics of autonomous heating systems and briefly got acquainted with the principles of calculating batteries. Now it remains for us to figure out how to choose a heating radiator for a private house and what to give preference to. Let's start with the old, but well-proven cast-iron batteries.

Bulky, heavy, but very reliable - this is how we can characterize cast iron batteries. They have the least efficiency, but they can survive any trouble.. With good care, they easily serve for 50-60 years, and it is not known how much more they could have served if they had not been thrown away during the next repair. These batteries are good with high heat capacity - they can keep warm during short-term heating outages (for example, they turned off the gas). They are also able to withstand any load.

They also have disadvantages. For example, the same high heat capacity of cast iron causes a high inertia of the system - after heat is supplied, it will take a long time before the batteries begin to warm the rooms. The disadvantages include the large internal capacity of the heatsinks, the enormous weight and the need to use bulky metal pipes to supply heat transfer fluid. Also, we can attribute to the minuses a low heat transfer, which ranges from 120 to 140 W per section - this is one of the biggest minuses.

The verdict is this - if you want to save on heating, and you already have suitable radiators and pipes, feel free to mount a system based on these components. Cast iron batteries are suitable for both one-story and two-three-story private houses.

Lightweight and very efficient - this is how we can characterize steel radiators. They are made of relatively rust-resistant steel and are characterized by high heat dissipation, unattainable for other radiators. They are characterized by ease of installation, which is associated with their low weight. Most often they have a panel form. This is what makes them popular in low-rise construction. They are also distinguished by low cost and low inertia - after 15-20 minutes you will feel how warm and comfortable it becomes in your house.

Panel steel radiators must be constantly filled with water - this will prevent the development of rust. For this reason, they often fail in high-rise buildings, as there are often problems with tightness. As a rule, there are no such problems in autonomous heating systems - they are simpler in design, they have less individual elements and connections. Therefore, they will serve here longer. But you need to ensure that oxygen does not enter the coolant - this will serve as a reason for the rapid oxidation of radiators.

Steel radiators are one of the most worthy solutions for heating private houses. They have high heat dissipation and are characterized by affordable cost. Of all the minuses, not very much can be noted good design but they are very practical.

More impressive tubular radiators are made of the same dough as ordinary steel ones. But if ordinary panel models cannot boast of a good appearance, then in the case of tubular radiators, we can see quite interesting solutions, including colored. These batteries are different high efficiency, so they can be safely recommended for heating private houses. As for the advantages and disadvantages, they are the same as those of the steel models described above.

Tubular radiators are convenient in that it is convenient to dry small-sized laundry on them, for example, children's clothes. But they are rarely found on sale, despite the fact that some manufacturers offer really interesting models - their price bites.

Considering the types of heating radiators for a private house, one cannot pass by modern aluminum models. These are inexpensive, quite reliable and efficient devices, well suited for installation in low-rise buildings. They withstand pressure up to 15-20 atmospheres and resist small water hammer well. Their main advantage is a small price, which goes well with excellent appearance. As a result we get a heating battery balanced in all respects for a private house- Inexpensive, effective and beautiful.

As for the disadvantages of aluminum radiators, this is the lack of resistance to coolant with high level acidity. For this reason, such batteries cannot be installed in high-rise buildings with centralized heating, where the quality of the coolant is extremely far from ideal. But if you pour well-purified water with a neutral acidity index (pH) into the home autonomous heating system, then the batteries will last a long time, featuring good efficiency and heat dissipation.

Also, the list of disadvantages includes too intense convection, which is why you have to carefully select these radiators for the area and volume of heated rooms. It is best to entrust this to heating specialists.

The characteristics of aluminum radiators are similar to those of steel models. But they confidently captured the low-rise construction market due to their lightness, reliability, lack of rust, high heat transfer and low cost - the last parameter is the most significant for the domestic consumer.

Bimetal radiators

This is the most durable battery type for private and multi-family buildings. They are resistant to poor quality coolant, high heat output (literally a few watts lower than that of aluminum models - this parameter can be neglected), pleasant appearance, and endurance. These radiators withstand high coolant pressure and are able to withstand water hammer up to 50 atm. Bimetallic radiators are good in all respects, but lose a lot in price- their cost is very high.

In general, bimetallic radiators are well suited for installation in private homes. But is it worth spending so much money if there is no high pressure, and the coolant is different high quality? Therefore, we can only recommend them if you have extra money in your pockets.

Efficiency and durability of the heating system private house depends on many factors, including from properly selected heating radiators. It is important to understand their characteristics and features even before starting the installation and decide which of them best meet the requirements you have presented.

Features of heating in a private house

In country houses and cottages, the heating system is usually connected to and differs from centralized systems. The most important ones are:

  • coolant pressure - it usually does not exceed 3 atm .;
  • type and quality of the coolant.

Unlike centralized systems. in autonomous. correct operation of the boiler. the possibility of water hammer is virtually eliminated. This feature, as well as the low pressure of the coolant, allows you to use almost any type of radiator without fear of destruction and leakage.

If water is used as the heat transfer medium, its quality can also affect the operating conditions of the radiators. In particular, hard water with a large amount of salts can cause sediment to form on the inner surface of radiators, and, as a result, to narrow the gap and worsen heat transfer.

The type of system - open or closed - is also important.

In an open system oxygen dissolved in water is constantly present, which at elevated temperatures leads to rather active corrosion of some types of radiators.
V closed systems With a membrane expansion tank, oxygen, during the initial heating of the coolant, binds to insoluble compounds - metal oxides, after which corrosion stops until a fresh portion of water is poured.

Also, in private heating systems, antifreezes are sometimes used that do not freeze at sub-zero temperatures. Their use allows you to stop the boiler in winter time, which is convenient for country cottages and houses used for occasional residence. Not all types of radiators can be used in systems with antifreeze.

Types of radiators and their features

Currently, there is a huge selection of models on the market from different material and with different heat dissipation. Before choosing heating radiators for a country or private house, you need to study their features and technical characteristics.

The most common types of radiators:

  • cast iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • anodized;
  • bimetallic.

They differ in shape, appearance, allowable pressure, heat transfer, as well as other characteristics, having studied which you can make the best choice.

Cast iron

They have a prefabricated structure and consist of required amount sections, providing the necessary heat transfer for the room. The history of the use of cast iron radiators is very long; they began to be used in heating systems more than a century ago. At the same time, their durability has been tested by time, and in houses of old buildings you can find normally functioning cast-iron radiators installed more than half a century ago.

Advantages of cast iron models:

  • sufficient resistance to corrosion in systems with any water quality;
  • high heat capacity to avoid temperature fluctuations - cast-iron radiators cool down slowly, which is important when heating a house with a solid fuel boiler with regular stops for cleaning and maintenance;
  • durability and strength;
  • modern models have an attractive original design.

Disadvantages of cast iron models:

  • rather high price, higher than that of aluminum and steel models;
  • big weight;
  • in systems using antifreeze, it is better not to use prefabricated radiators due to its increased fluidity.


They can be made in the form of panels or have a tubular design. Steel panel radiators, completely unsuitable for centralized systems due to the low pressure limit, are widely used in private homes. They have a small thickness, aesthetic design and low price.

Tubular steel batteries are similar in design to cast iron batteries and have a prefabricated sectional structure. They are more expensive than panel ones, but at the same time they have a more aesthetic and attractive appearance and can decorate the design of the room.

Advantages of steel models:

  • low price, panel models have the most budgetary ones on the market;
  • sufficient resistance to corrosion, resistance to leakage when using antifreeze;
  • long service life;
  • light weight, compact size.


  • tendency to form insoluble sediment when used in systems with hard water, which requires periodic flushing;
  • for the summer period, the coolant cannot be drained - this will lead to rapid corrosion of steel.


This type of radiators is widely used due to the combination of low price and good heat dissipation. The modular design allows you to choose the required number of sections. However, the use of aluminum radiators for heating a private house has a number of features.

Distinctive feature of aluminum- resistance to corrosion in atmospheric conditions in a neutral environment. With a low quality of the coolant, when the pH shifts, active corrosion of aluminum begins with the release of hydrogen. This creates air in the system, which can lead to noise, bubbling, and in some cases to a sharp increase in system pressure, ruptures and leaks. To avoid corrosion, aluminum is coated with a layer of protective coating from the inside and resistant powder paint outside.

Advantages of aluminum radiators:

  • high heat transfer coefficient, fast heating;
  • high allowable pressure, resistance to water hammer;
  • light weight;
  • attractive laconic design;
  • ease of care and maintenance;
  • some models are equipped with a built-in thermal head that allows you to adjust the temperature.

Disadvantages of aluminum models:

  • tendency to corrosion and airing;
  • seething and noise in radiators when gas bubbles are released;
  • when temperature changes - heating or cooling - deformation of aluminum sections and a characteristic clang occurs, which is eliminated by proper installation;
  • v adverse conditions the service life of aluminum radiators is significantly reduced, leaks appear.
When using aluminum radiators for heating a private house, it is important to follow the rules of water treatment in order to prevent the ingress of solid particles that can damage the protective coating. It is not recommended to use aluminum radiators in systems with an open expansion tank.


A more expensive, but durable variety of aluminum radiators with a special durable coating. After manufacturing, aluminum sections are processed, after which aluminum oxide is formed on the surface, which is resistant to any kind of corrosion, the appearance of solid deposits, dust and pollution.

Advantages of anodized radiators:

  • increased heat transfer;
  • resistance to damage, corrosion, destruction;
  • the use of coupling joints eliminates narrowing and leakage;
  • eliminated the main drawback of aluminum models - gas formation and corrosion.

They have only one drawback.- high price.


Their design is based on the joint work of two metals: steel and aluminum. At the same time, the advantages of steel and aluminum radiators are realized in bimetallic models - corrosion resistance and increased heat transfer. Weight bimetallic batteries also small.

Bimetallic radiators are a prefabricated structure, while all parts in contact with the coolant are made of steel, and the external panels that radiate heat into the room are made of aluminum coated with powder paint.

Steel, when used in systems with any type of coolant, is resistant to corrosion, and, unlike aluminum, is not prone to gas formation. The outer surface of bimetallic radiators, made of aluminum, has a high thermal conductivity, quickly heats up the room and does not weigh down the structure.

Thanks to these characteristics, bimetallic radiators are in high demand and popular with owners of private houses, even despite the high price.

Advantages of bimetallic models:

  • resistance to corrosion and sedimentation;
  • noiselessness;
  • resistance to high pressure and water hammer;
  • long service life;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • modular design allows you to choose radiators for any room.

The disadvantage of bimetallic models:

  • prefabricated structure when using antifreeze may leak;
  • high price, which is why their use in a private house is not always advisable.

What radiators are preferred for a private house

Having considered the described characteristics, we can conclude which radiators are more practical and better for heating a house.

  1. As a budget economical option, according to experts, steel panel models are perfect. They have different shape and size, they can be installed in a niche under the windowsill, where they will create thermal curtain cold air, or at the bottom of walls. They do not take up much space, are resistant to any coolant, including antifreeze.
  2. A more expensive option is steel tubular or cast iron prefabricated batteries. Modern models different attractive design, do not require maintenance and painting, easy to clean. These types of batteries are resistant to rust and salt deposits. Their shape allows not only to heat the house, but also to dry things and shoes, which is a nice option for a summer house or a village house.
  3. The choice of wealthy people - bimetallic models with a long service life and increased heat dissipation, corrosion resistance and good operational qualities. Their installation eliminates the problem of heating for many years, so the initial costs pay off over time.
  4. Aluminum prefabricated radiators can be used in autonomous heating systems only with appropriate water treatment or the use of high-quality antifreeze.

Alternative to water heating

Installing a boiler in a private house is not always advisable. For example, if it is impossible to connect to gas and the price of solid fuel is high, in some regions it is easier to install cheap electric heaters.

Electricity is not a cheap resource, but if you calculate all the costs for the purchase and installation of boiler equipment and installation of the heating system, it turns out that with the help of electric heaters you can heat the house for these funds for several years. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of the owners of cottages and houses with periodic residence.

When talking about electric radiators, they usually mean convectors or oil heaters. Their use has a number of features.

Convectors outwardly similar to panel steel radiators, they have a small thickness and dimensions, different power. They can be hung on the wall or installed on the floor, usually the models are equipped with legs and brackets for mounting to a vertical plane. Most modern ones are equipped with an automatic temperature control system, and sometimes a timer. They are silent, safe, quickly heat up the room.

Oil coolers- an analogue of floor-standing cast-iron batteries, they have a prefabricated sectional design, filled with oil from the inside, which has a high heat capacity. Like convectors, they are equipped with sensors and a regulator, and sometimes with a fan. They quickly heat up the air, but it is better to use them under supervision: the oil is highly flammable, and if leaked, it can lead to a fire.

When installing electric heaters, it is necessary to properly install the electrical wiring. Heaters of high power require connection with a cable of the appropriate section to a separate machine.

Video: requirements for heating systems in a private house

The choice of radiators for a private house is a crucial step on which the performance of the system as a whole depends. It is allowed to combine different types of radiators, taking into account the specifics of using specific models, and home heating will be efficient and safe.

The autonomous heating system of a private house allows you to choose any heat radiators.

However, it is important to consider them characteristics and features of the location of the interior to organize the heating of the house most economically and efficiently.

What to consider when buying, and what devices are best used for autonomous heating?

Selection of the best radiators for a private and country house

Private sector heating differs from centralized by the absence of water hammer and stable low pressure.

It also differs in closeness and lack of gas saturation. Therefore, the choice of radiators for your own home is not limited to conditions common system, a depends on the preferences of the owners of the premises.

However, there technical features , which must be taken into account when installing certain types of heating batteries. Namely:

  • Durability and price of the heating device.
  • The external shape, the presence of protruding edges and corners, safety and the possibility of injury.
  • Room dimensions and heat transfer characteristics heating device.
  • Calculations of the required amount of heat and the number of sections, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heating radiator.

Also, when choosing batteries, consider their appearance and the possibility of installation in the system.

Types of heating radiators

There are several types of heating radiators: cast iron, aluminum, bimetallic and vacuum.

Cast iron for brick, stone, wooden buildings

Cast iron batteries - universal radiators for heating brick, stone, adobe and wooden houses. They are almost always installed in high-rise buildings and are often used in the private sector due to their low price and the most impressive durability - 50-100 years old. High resource is achieved due to delayed corrosion and thick walls.

Photo 1. Cast iron heating radiator with decorative forging. It not only heats the house, but also decorates it.

Batteries made of cast iron have large internal sections. Therefore, the flow of water in them is not complicated by mechanical impurities, rust, and precipitation. coolant does not require filtration and frequent air bleeding.

For the private sector and current trends heating, cast-iron radiators have one drawback. They have high thermal inertia, warm up for a long time, so they are difficult to use in thermal control systems.

What else to consider:

  • corrugated shape with stiffening ribs, which can cause children's injuries. You can warn them by installing a protective grid, screen.
  • Significant weight and the load on the foundation, difficulties with transportation and exactingness in the quality of installation.

conclusions: cast iron batteries are the traditional choice for hot water heating systems. They durable, reliable and inert. Great for traditional brick houses, whose heating operates in standard mode. They can be installed in systems from which the liquid is periodically drained, or in which there is an open expansion tank. When adjusting the temperature, it must be taken into account that the heating system with cast-iron radiators must be “screwed on” or power must be added in advance.


Modern batteries that differ from cast iron predecessors weight and low thermal inertia.

They have an attractive appearance, a simple flat shape, due to which they rarely cause injuries.

But the main advantage - aluminum batteries have high heat transfer coefficient, which allows their surface to quickly heat the air.

Aluminum radiators are economical in every respect. Their less weight cast iron batteries 4 times(1-1.6 kg in one section aluminum vs. 5-7 kg in one section of cast iron). The inner cavity contains 2.5 l coolant (for comparison - in cast-iron batteries, one section is placed up to 10 l). Warm-up time - 6 times faster than cast iron structures. The only lack of savings is in the price of aluminum. They stand in 2-3 times more expensive.

Disadvantages of aluminum heaters:

  • Life time- less than that of cast iron and is 15-20 years. Shortened service life is due to aluminum corrosion and thin battery walls. You can deal with the disadvantage by controlling the quality of the coolant, which is quite possible in autonomous heating systems of a private house. The heating system must be completely closed, distilled liquid is poured inside.
  • In the process of corrosion inside aluminum batteries hydrogen is formed. This causes air bubbles to form. Which in turn initiates the appearance of cracks and leaks. This disadvantage is overcome by installing bleed valves. They should work automatically.

conclusions: aluminum batteries can be installed in the heating system of a private residential building with a closed expansion tank, subject to control of the composition and quality of the coolant. The heating system needs fill in a special fluid, install automatic bleed devices. These batteries are ideal for thermal management.

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Bimetallic batteries are one of the latest expensive developments that have emerged as an alternative to rapidly corroding aluminum batteries. Bimetallic structures soldered from two metalssteel core and aluminum case. This combination improves corrosion resistance(steel corrodes less than aluminum) and maintain high heat dissipation thanks to the aluminum surface.

Photo 2. Bimetallic heating radiator mounted on the wall. The device consists of several sections.

Bimetallic heaters - ideal for private houses with any walls. Due to their low weight, they are installed inside heavy brick buildings and hung on the walls of light frame houses. the only disadvantage bimetallic batteries is their high price.


The last advertised model of heating batteries with reduced fluid pressure inside. Positioned as a high performance design that quickly gives off heat and heats the space efficiently. However, vacuum batteries are heating devices. with unproven efficacy. They have a lot negative feedback and high selling price.

The device of a vacuum battery differs from cast iron and aluminum batteries the presence of a sealed internal cavity, inside which ethanol (alcohol) vapors or lithium bromide saline vapors circulate. These substances are coolants, their circulation is limited by the radiator cavity, inside which the pressure is greatly reduced (pumped out to a vacuum level). Reducing the pressure ensures the conversion of alcohol and lithium bromide into steam.

Through the inner cavity of the vacuum radiator a pipe passes through which a conventional coolant moves- water.

From hot water, the pipe inside the radiator heats up and transfers heat to the vaporous coolant. Steam settles on the cold surface of the outer walls of the radiator and gives them heat.

So the fluid circulation occurs with its constant evaporation and condensation. These processes provide heat transfer.

Such complex explanations of the operation of a vacuum radiator do not always make it possible to understand, due to which the efficiency of its work has been increased. In fact, many customer reviews say that vacuum batteries consume less energy, and at the same time also warm up the room worse. To achieve the same effect instead of one aluminum section you have to put two vacuum heating radiators.

Types of steel batteries

There are two types of steel radiators: tubular (sectional) and panel. They differ in design and price. There are also convector models with a built-in blower. What to choose for heating your home?


Panel radiators represent the cheapest heating battery designs.

They are enough effective, practical and safe, since all the tubes and protruding ribs in them are covered with a flat steel casing.

Their appearance resembles a flat box, suspended from the wall under the windowsill and radiating heat.

Another advantage of steel radiators - their price. In combination with low weight, ease of installation, aesthetic design, the price makes panel structures popular among buyers and developers.

Attention! When choosing a steel panel radiator, it is important to remember its service life - 20-25 years old.


Tubular structures differ from panel ones in price - they are more expensive. By technical specifications the two designs are comparable. There is a slight difference in operating pressure inside the batteries. Tubular radiators can withstand more pressure than panel radiators. But for the private sector with an individual heating circuit, this factor is not important.

Tubular radiators also called sectional since each pair of pipes are combined into one section.

The heating battery consists of several sections, the number of which determines the amount of heat that the radiator radiates over a period of time.

Important for the private sector: if in multi-storey buildings an increase in the number of sections leads to better heating of the room, then in the private sector the situation is different. The heat radiated into the room depends little on the area of ​​the radiator. It determined by the heat coming from the heating furnace. With an increase in sections in a room of a private house, the amount of heat in the system remains the same. Therefore, it is possible to significantly improve the heating efficiency only by upgrading heating furnace.


Convector radiators have built-in fan, which the provides movement of heated air. The name "convector" is associated with the physical term "convection", which means the mixing of air flows. In heating a private house, convector models are often used as portable batteries of the simplest connection.

For their work, it is enough to conduct electricity to the house and equip wiring, sockets suitable for power. Electric convector installed in the room, ensures fast heating.

Photo 3. Floor convector heating radiator. There are holes in the top of the device through which warm air.

Convector radiators affordable and less affordable in paying for their work. For electric heating of the house, it is necessary to insulate its walls, ceiling and foundation with high quality. Then heating with heat convectors will be efficient and affordable. - an alternative to cast iron batteries for energy-saving and frame buildings.Odnoklassniki


When developing a project for an autonomous system for heating a private house, it is necessary to decide on the choice of batteries. The efficiency and economy of the heating system, the level of comfort in residential premises directly depend on their parameters. country house or country cottage. To determine which heating radiators are best suited for a private home, it is necessary to compare their performance, reliability and cost.

Radiator heating in a private house

When choosing a heating system for a summer house or a house, you need to take into account installation costs, ease of use and profitability. For brick, block, frame and wooden house equally well suited water heating. This option is cheaper to use compared to installing electrical heating equipment and is more efficient than a conventional stove, which is fueled by coal or wood.

Radiator heating in the house

The radiator heating system for a country house or cottage has an advantage over water floor heating, since the installation of pipelines and radiators is easier and faster than laying the circuit and equipping the screed.

From central heating standalone is different:

  • low working pressure;
  • no risk of water hammer;
  • the ability to regulate the temperature of the coolant, set the permissible maximum;
  • the ability to adjust the acid balance of the coolant;
  • economy.

At the design stage of an autonomous system, it should be decided which radiators and pipes to use for installation. Its functionality, profitability and durability depend on it.

Varieties of heating batteries

In order to choose radiators with the best performance for heating a private house, you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of heating batteries that the market offers. Each type of heating device should be considered based on the properties of the material and design features.

Types of heating radiators

Radiators vary:

  • according to the material of manufacture (steel, aluminum, cast iron, bimetallic);
  • by design (sectional and solid):
  • according to the principle of heat transfer (radiating thermal energy, convection and combined).


Among heating radiators for a private house, steel models are in steady demand. Their list of benefits includes:

  • relatively light weight, which simplifies installation;
  • fast heating and cooling - allows you to flexibly adjust the temperature in the room when using a thermostat, saving fuel;
  • quite a long service life;
  • a wide range of models with different functionality and appearance.

Kermi steel radiator in the interior

The disadvantages of steel heating appliances include:

  • tendency to corrosion - such batteries are designed for installation in a heating system closed type since the free penetration of air into the coolant accelerates the process of destruction of the metal;
  • tendency to overgrow due to a rough inner surface - regular flushing of the system is required;
  • restrictions on the characteristics of the coolant - the addition of alkaline reagents should be avoided.

To understand which steel heater to choose, let's take a closer look at each variety. Manufacturers offer sectional, tubular, panel and convector steel heating appliances.


The battery consists of individual links, the number of which can be changed. This is a serious advantage of heating devices of this type. If the thermal calculation is incorrect and the radiator capacity is not enough, additional sections are added. If the house has been insulated and the need for powerful radiators has disappeared, it is enough to remove the extra sections to reduce energy consumption. The advantages of sectional models also include a stylish design that will fit into any interior. The disadvantage is a large number of joints, which increases the risk of depressurization of the battery.

Sectional heating radiator in the interior


Differ in original appearance, are convenient for drying of things. Reliable and durable due to the absence of joints - the radiator is a one-piece design. At the same time, it is important to choose the right heating device for power, since it will not be possible to correct this parameter.
Steel tubular radiator


Panel-type heating radiators are characterized by a stylish concise design. Unlike tubular and sectional batteries, panel models equipped with convective fins heat the air in the room faster - the formation of a stream of heated air is added to the thermal radiation. The possibility of creating a thermal curtain makes panel radiators in demand for installation in rooms with large area glazing. Panel radiators, like tubular ones, are integral. Models of this type can not only be mounted on the wall, but also installed on the floor.
Panel radiator Rozma


Water convectors consist of steel pipes, on which numerous metal plates are mounted, mounted on an edge. From above the heating device is closed by a stylish metal casing. There are models built into the floor. The gaps between the plates contribute to the formation of a stream of heated air. Convector radiators are recommended to be placed along panoramic glazing, v winter garden in a room with high ceilings. Due to natural convection, the room warms up faster than thermal radiation. When deciding which radiators are best, you should pay attention to the fact that a system with water convectors requires a smaller volume of coolant compared to using other types of radiators. The disadvantages of convector radiators include high cost. In addition, during the operation of such a battery, air currents constantly raise dust that enters the human respiratory system.
Floor convector

Cast iron

Considering different types radiators, you can not ignore the classic version - cast iron batteries. Until now, working specimens installed before the revolution have been preserved in old houses. In Soviet-built houses, mass-produced cast-iron radiators are massively used.

The advantages include durability and resistance to corrosion, high heat transfer, the ability to install additional sections. The list of disadvantages includes a tendency to overgrowth - over time, the heat transfer of such batteries decreases, as the free space inside the case narrows. Unlike modern appliances heating, cast iron batteries need to be painted regularly. Also, the disadvantages include a large weight, which makes transportation and installation difficult.

Before choosing a cast-iron battery for a private house, you need to pay attention to its high thermal inertia. It slowly heats up and cools down, which makes it impossible to quickly adjust the microclimate in the room.

Today, in private homes, cast iron radiators are installed if they want to emphasize an individual image. Manufacturers offer original floor models, decorated with artistic casting, which will perfectly complement the interior in a classic style.

Variety of cast iron decorative radiators


When deciding which heating devices are best for a private house to choose, pay attention to aluminum models. Such radiators are in growing demand among private developers due to their low weight and ease of installation, attractive appearance, the ability to add and remove sections. The cost of the product depends on the manufacturer. Domestic products are as affordable as possible, this is a budget suburban option. V country house better put imported products, they are more reliable, but also more expensive.

Aluminum radiators:

  • may leak due to the presence of threaded connections;
  • aluminum is demanding on the acidity of the coolant - the use of a liquid with inappropriate parameters disables heating devices;
  • due to increased heat transfer, they can not warm up well lower part rooms - the heated air quickly goes up and the floor remains cold.
But despite this, it is reasonable to choose an aluminum radiator for a private house - the metal quickly heats up and cools down, making it possible to quickly change the level of heating of the room in accordance with weather conditions and microclimate requirements. In this regard, aluminum batteries are the most practical.

aluminum radiator in the interior


Such heating devices combine the advantages of steel and aluminum models. The inner surface of a durable iron alloy is undemanding to the characteristics of the coolant and ensures the structural strength of the battery. The external aluminum casing is characterized by good heat dissipation, due to which the radiator effectively warms up the room.

The bimetallic radiator is designed for high operating and pressure pressure, which makes it the best choice for installation in an apartment connected to the central heating network.

Given the high cost of high-quality bimetallic models, in private homes it is better to use a budget option designed to work in a standalone system.

Bimetallic radiator in the interior

Battery Power Calculation Principles

To choose heating radiators for a country or private house, you need to perform calculations based on the fact that for heating one square. m. of living space requires approximately 95–125 kW. To warm up a room with average parameters (one window, one door, ceiling height up to 3 meters), it is necessary to heat the coolant up to 70 °C.

If the actual parameters differ from those indicated, corrections must be made. For example, with a ceiling height of more than 3 meters, it is necessary to increase the calculated battery power as many times as the actual height exceeds the conventional one. At low ceilings, the recalculation is carried out in the opposite direction.

A decrease in the temperature of the coolant for every 10 ° C relative to the indicated average mark makes it necessary to increase the calculated power of the heating devices by 15–20%, respectively. If the room is angular and there are two windows in it, the average design power of the batteries is increased by 1.5 times.

The heat transfer of radiators largely depends on the scheme of their connection. The average calculation is based on the fact that the heated coolant is supplied to the upper side inlet, and the return is connected diagonally to the lower inlet. Other connection options are less efficient and reduce battery heat transfer by 5-10%.

Note! The number of sections for radiator models of this type should not exceed 10 pieces - further growth will not help increase power, since the coolant will not be able to fully warm up such a battery.

Comparison of thermal power of different types of batteries

We calculate the parameters of the radiator

Particular attention should be paid to the issue of choosing panel and tubular batteries. Manufacturers include models of the same power in the product line, but with different geometric parameters. When choosing, the features of the installation site are taken into account - the height from the floor to the window sill, the length of the wall in an elongated room, etc.

Homeowners who choose heating appliances and want to get the best options for a reasonable price opt for steel or aluminum models. The cost of the most reliable, imported bimetallic radiator is prohibitively high, and cast-iron batteries have many serious disadvantages. According to statistics, those who are thinking about which radiators to choose for a private house or a summer cottage, stop at aluminum sectional or steel panel models based on the ratio of price and practicality.

Video with tips on choosing heating radiators: