All about bimetallic radiators. Selection and installation of bimetallic batteries Heating battery bimetallic radiators

Bimetallic radiators appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but have already become more popular than aluminum or cast iron radiators. The reason for this popularity is the set of excellent technical characteristics that bimetallic radiators have.

To calculate heating radiators, you can use the heating radiator calculator.

Types and types of bimetallic radiators.

The bimetallic heating battery consists of steel pipes, through the core of which hot water passes, as well as aluminum panels that heat the air masses in the room. The aluminum sheathing of the core contributes to better heat distribution, in addition, thanks to the use of aluminum, bimetallic battery weight decreases, which additionally affects the convenience of installing the battery.

Bimetallic heating radiators consist of steel pipes made in the form of a core, these pipes can withstand pressure from 20 to 40 atm., And the temperature of hot water that can pass through them varies from 110 to 130 ° C

Today bimetallic batteries of two types can be found on store shelves:

  • Fully bimetallic radiators;
  • Semi-metallic radiators.

Fully bimetallic radiators, that is, 100% bimetal, these are radiators that have a steel core of pipes, surrounded by an aluminum shell. They are characterized by increased strength. Basically, this type of radiator is made by Italian companies:

  • Global Style;
  • Royal Thermo BiLiner.

And also they are made by Russian manufacturers - for example, the company Santekhprom BM.

Semi-metallic radiators, differ in their structure from completely bimetallic ones in that only pipes that reinforce vertical channels are made of steel. With this arrangement, the aluminum is partially in contact with water. These bimetallic radiators have a higher heat transfer, their cost is 20 percent lower, but they are less durable.

They are made:

  • Domestic manufacturer Rifar,
  • China - Gordi,
  • Italy - Sira.

The overwhelming mass of such radiators consists of a certain number of sections. That is, initially, each of the sections is made completely, and then they are connected with nipples. This is done in the factory, the total number of sections is even. In addition to sectional ones, there are also solid bimetal batteries, such batteries will not burst even if the pressure reaches one hundred atmospheres.

If you choose radiators, you need to thoroughly study the passport of the radiator model you like. Next, we will take a closer look at what parameters can be specified there.

Parameters of bimetallic radiators.

Heat dissipation... The amount of heat that a radiator gives off at a water temperature of + 70 ° C is measured in watts. The average value of the heat transfer of bimetallic batteries is from 170 to 190 watts. This is a pretty high figure. Heat transfer occurs both by heating the air and due to the special design of the radiators - by convection.

Pressure... The pressure that bimetallic radiators can withstand is from 16 to 35 atm. and depends on the model and manufacturer. In cases where the heating system is centralized, then the standard pressure does not exceed 14 atmospheres in it, but in an autonomous system it is about 10 atmospheres. To prevent the battery from leaking when the pressure rises, the manufacturer usually specifies this parameter with a margin.

Center distance. This distance is called the indent from the upper radiator manifold to the lower one. The standard values ​​of the center distance are: 800, 500, 350, 300 and 200 mm. However, radiators with 50, 35 and 20 cm between the axes of the collectors are often more in demand.

The limiting temperature of the coolant. As a rule, bimetal radiators can withstand water temperatures up to 90 ° C, but no more.

Reliability and service life. If we take into account the characteristics of bimetallic heating radiators, then 20 is the guaranteed service life of almost any bimetallic radiator. This radiator does not require any maintenance.

Easy to install. The sections of bimetallic radiators are absolutely identical. This allows them to be installed either to the left or to the right of a suitable pipe. In the place where the pipe fits, a pipe is connected to the radiator. At the opposite end, a plug is mounted, which is completed by a Mayevsky crane (side), as well as another plug (below).

In addition to those mentioned above, radiators are also made with pipes that are located on the lower side. A valve with a thermostat is connected to them, which controls the air temperature in the room. Branch pipes, plugs, as well as a Mayevsky crane are included in the set of each bimetallic radiator. Plus, it also comes with a set of brackets for installing the battery on the wall.

Disadvantages of bimetallic radiators.

The biggest drawback of these batteries is their high cost. It is comparatively higher than cast iron radiators.

Another disadvantage is that when exposed to both water and air at the same time, the steel pipes of the core can corrode. And this happens when, during a repair or an accident, water is drained from the heating system. Often, the steel core can rust from the presence of antifreeze in the water, which can be added to the heating systems of small houses. In these cases from bimetallic sectional batteries you need to refuse - it is better to purchase one-piece, or completely aluminum radiators.

There is also a variant of radiators with a copper core and an aluminum casing. The oxide film on copper pipes is quite strong - it protects the pipes from corrosion. As an option, you can use stainless steel instead of a copper core.

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Bimetallic radiators, which, as the name implies, are made from a composition of two metals, began to be produced more than fifty years ago in European countries. They quickly gained wide popularity due to their reliability and operational efficiency when installed in any heating system.

Which bimetallic batteries are better to choose, and what should you pay special attention to? This question always arises for all those who decided to replace old heating devices with more modern options that differ in both high performance and respectable appearance.

Today the production of bimetallic radiators has also been established in Russia. Domestic products are quite popular, and they have fully justified themselves when installed in central heating systems.

Design of bimetallic radiators

General design principles

This type of radiator consists of two main parts, made of different metals.

Internal channels are made of stainless steel, external heat exchanger body is made of aluminum

Their inner part is made of stainless steel or, less often, copper, since these metals are highly resistant to the aggressive environment of the heated coolant. Pipes made of these materials are located vertically and horizontally, and it is through them that the coolant circulates.

The outer part of the radiators is, in fact, a casing equipped with fins, which is made of. This metal has excellent thermal conductivity and heats up quickly, giving off heat to the premises, which is why it was chosen for the outer part of the structure.

The inner and outer parts of each section of the radiator are interconnected by injection molding or spot welding. The sections are assembled into a battery using steel nipples and heat-resistant rubber gaskets designed for temperatures up to 200 degrees. However, in addition to such batteries, there are also monolithic radiators made of the same materials.

The pressure test passport pressure of bimetallic batteries may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer - this indicator depends on the material of manufacture of internal pipelines and dimensional parameters. If, during the pressure testing of certain models, a test pressure of 35 atmospheres was created, then they will be able to withstand hydraulic shocks, during which pressure drops reach 25 ÷ 30. This allows the use of such radiators in central heating systems, which sometimes do not differ in the stability of the coolant pressure.

Due to their high thermal conductivity, bimetallic devices turned out to be even more effective than the familiar cast-iron batteries.

In appearance, bimetallic radiators practically do not differ from aluminum models. However, they can be distinguished by their weight, since because of the steel tube "core", bimetallic batteries are heavier than aluminum ones, by about 50%. In order not to make a mistake when choosing, it is imperative to study the certificate of conformity and other accompanying technical documentation, which must be attached to batches of products, and is located at the seller of a specialized store.

Bimetallic and semi-bimetallic radiators

In addition to bimetallic, semi-metallic radiators are also produced. You need to know how they differ from each other, and which one is better.

  • Bimetallic devices

In real bimetallic radiators, only the outer casing of the device is made of aluminum.

The process of their production consists in the fact that the finished completely steel cores, laid in special forms, are poured under pressure with aluminum, which conducts heat well, but is not resistant to aggressive media and high coolant temperatures. In bimetallic versions, aluminum does not come into contact with the liquid medium in any way and only serves as a heat exchanger. A design made according to this principle is ideal for installation in both central and autonomous heating systems.

In some models, the core is made of copper, not stainless steel - such batteries are usually used for installation only in an autonomous heating system, where special antifreezes are used as a coolant. Steel pipes, even stainless ones, do not behave as adequately with some of these antifreezes.

Water is not the only possible type of heat carrier

To dust the circuits of an autonomous heating system, in addition to water, other liquids are also used - this may be due to the peculiarities of the operation of the system or requirements from the boiler equipment. More about - in a special publication of our portal.

  • Semi-metallic batteries

For semi-metallic radiators, the inner channels are made of different metals. So, vertical pipes can be stainless steel, and horizontal - aluminum, as in conventional aluminum radiators. There is also the opposite option. In a word, they do not "pull" on full-fledged bimetallic ones.

Be careful - instead of full-fledged bimetallic radiators, there is a chance to purchase lower quality and reliable semi-bimetallic radiators

This type of battery is not suitable for central heating, since the coolant there is often not of high quality and is fashionable to contain a sufficiently high concentration of alkali. In contact with aluminum, such a composition can cause corrosive processes, which, among other things, will "capture" steel elements installed in combination with aluminum. In addition, the differing thermal expansion of these metals can even lead to displacement of elements when exposed to extremely high temperatures, which is fraught with leaks and even more serious accidents.

Such radiators are often confused with bimetallic - outwardly they are generally indistinguishable. Not really versed in the intricacies, they are often preferred because of the more affordable cost. However, as can be seen from the description, they differ quite significantly in their reliability.

As a last resort, a semi-metallic version of the radiator can be installed in a stand-alone system. But nevertheless, if it is decided to make the heating of a house or apartment as reliable as possible, then it is better to refuse from semi-metallic radiators, and opt for real bimetallic samples. Be sure to consider this when buying.

Monolithic or sectional bimetallic radiators

As already noted, collapsible bimetallic radiators are produced, which consist of sections fastened together with nipples, and monolithic non-collapsible ones.

In the sectional version, each of the sections inside the horizontal pipe sections has a multidirectional thread on both sides, designed for screwing in connecting nipples with sealing gaskets.

This design is the main significant disadvantage of sectional batteries, since these joints can be damaged from, for example, a low-quality coolant, which significantly reduces their service life until the next preventive intervention. In addition, leaks often occur at the connections of the elements, under the influence of high temperatures and high pressure in the system.

To avoid these unpleasant moments, another technology for the production of bimetallic radiators was thought out. It consists in the fact that, first, a one-piece welded copper or steel collector is made, which is placed in a special shape and poured with aluminum under pressure. These bimetallic batteries are called monolithic.

And this bimetallic radiator is a monolithic assembly

Both types have their own advantages and "vulnerabilities".

The lack of a collapsible circuit has already been mentioned. And the main advantage of such batteries is that if one of the sections is damaged, it will not be necessary to completely change the whole, since it is quite enough to make a bulkhead - to replace or simply remove only the failed element.

In the event of any leakage in a monolithic radiator, it only remains - they have practically no maintainability.

Selected comparative characteristics of radiators of both types are shown in the table:

Cost is often the decisive criterion. The fact is that the monolithic type of radiators has a higher price than the sectional type, and this difference can be up to 20%.

When using monolithic bimetallic batteries, it will not be possible to vary the total thermal power - to reduce or increase the number of sections. Therefore, before purchasing them, it is necessary to carefully calculate what power is needed to heat a particular room. It will not be difficult to choose the right option, since monolithic bimetallic radiators are produced in different sizes, both in length and in height.

When choosing between sectional and monolithic batteries, the features of the heating system should also be taken into account. For example, if they are planned to be installed in an apartment of a high-rise building, then it is better to choose a monolithic type of devices, since the pressure in the heating system of high-rise buildings is often quite high, water hammer is not excluded. and the connecting assemblies of the sectional batteries may not withstand it and give leaks.

Selection criteria for bimetallic radiators

When choosing a specific model, in addition to the characteristics already mentioned above, there are other points that will directly affect the quality of operation of heat exchange devices and the duration of their operation.

  • The design of the radiator must withstand water hammer and high pressure. This is especially important to consider when installing them in a central heating system. Be sure to pay attention to the test pressure reading.
  • The battery material must be inert to the aggressive environment of a low-quality coolant with an increased level of alkali or acidity. This factor also mainly concerns batteries installed in multi-storey buildings.
  • The material of manufacture must also resist the occurrence of electrochemical corrosion.

  • Radiators must be resistant to mechanical stress, that is, their outer casing must have sufficient strength. To check the quality of the aluminum (aluminum alloy) used, try to bend the rib with your fingers. In a low-quality product, the ribs bend easily, and sometimes they can even crack or break.

  • Internal ribbed channels should be made of one metal, and it is better if it is high quality stainless steel.
  • The wall thickness of the inner pipe must be at least 3 ÷ 3.5 mm.
  • An important element in the sectional design of the battery are gaskets, since the reliability of the joints will depend on their quality and elasticity, therefore, they are most often made of rubber or silicone. You can check the quality of the O-ring by bending it with your fingers several times. If the gasket is rigid and inelastic, then it will obviously not last long.

Particular attention to the quality of the nipples - they must be made of durable steel
  • In the sectional radiator, high-quality steel nipples must be installed, in which the internal "antennae" will not break off when the sections are twisted and the threads will not be "gobbled up". The fact that the nipple is of poor quality can be recognized by the softness of the metal of manufacture.

If this element is of poor quality, then when unscrewing or twisting the battery, the hooks for the key will definitely break off, and then the nipple will have to be sawed with a grinder, and then its parts must be removed from the holes in the sections.

  • The width of the front part of the radiator fin should not be less than 70 mm, since if this parameter is smaller, the heat transfer from the device is significantly reduced. It is best if the section size in the section is 80 × 80 mm - such parameters are guaranteed to give high heat transfer.

Optimum depth and width of sections - about 80 mm

Some manufacturers use a marketing ploy - they reduce the price of their products by reducing the size of the sections, which significantly reduces the total thermal power of the device. Therefore, when choosing a radiator, it is advisable to have a tape measure or a ruler in your pocket so that you can check the optimal dimensions.

  • In a high-quality battery, the thickness of the protruding ribs should be at least 1 mm.

If the thickness of the fins is less than 1 mm, then this most likely indicates an insufficient quality of the product, since the strength of the radiator casing is reduced in it, as well as the heat transfer is not so high - due to the low heat capacity of too thin heat exchange plates.

But on this model, the thickness of the ribs is clearly underestimated - you should think about it ...
  • You also need to know that if a manufacturer saves on high-quality nipples and gaskets, this means that the entire product, with a probability close to 100%, is not of high quality, and it is better to abandon it right away.
  • It is not worth buying devices for which the manufacturer gives a warranty period of only 1 ÷ 2 years, despite the fact that the service life of bimetallic sectional batteries is 25-30 years, and monolithic ones - even about 50. Such a small guarantee suggests that the manufacturer himself is not confident in his products.

Advantages and disadvantages of bimetallic radiators

Positive their qualities include the following:

  • Bimetallic radiators fit perfectly into modern interiors of both residential and office premises.

  • This type of radiator is often available in different colors. If the desired color is not found, then self-staining is allowed. For this process, special heat-resistant paint compositions are used that can withstand temperatures up to 150 degrees.
  • Smooth surfaces and rounded corners make these radiators safe enough from the point of view of the possibility of injury, and therefore suitable for installation in children's rooms.
  • The advantage is a fairly long guaranteed service life, subject to the selection of high-quality radiators and their correct operation.
  • Bimetallic radiators can be installed in any heating system, even with a low-quality coolant.
  • This type of device, unlike other modern radiators, is able to withstand high intrasystem pressure and temperatures up to 130 degrees.
  • One of the key advantages of such batteries is their very high heat dissipation.
  • Such devices, as a rule, are equipped with a thermostat, which allows you to set the desired temperature for their heating. Its correction occurs almost immediately, due to the small cross-section of the channels.
  • The number of radiator sections for each specific room can be easily calculated independently using the mathematical formula that will be given below. The correct calculation will help to avoid unnecessary costs when buying radiators, their installation and further operation.

The calculation is carried out for each room separately.
Sequentially enter the requested values ​​or mark the necessary options in the proposed lists

Indicate the area of ​​the room, m2

100 W per sq. m

Number of external walls

No one two three

The outer walls face:

North, Northeast, East South, Southwest, West

The position of the outer wall relative to the winter "wind rose"

Windward side Leeward side parallel to the wind direction

The level of negative air temperatures in the region in the coldest week of the year

35 ° С and below from - 30 ° С to - 34 ° С from - 25 ° С to - 29 ° С from - 20 ° С to - 24 ° С from - 15 ° С to - 19 ° С from - 10 ° С up to - 14 ° С not colder than - 10 ° С

What is the degree of insulation of external walls?

The outer walls are not insulated Medium insulation The outer walls are well insulated

Indoor ceiling height

Up to 2.7 m 2.8 ÷ 3.0 m 3.1 ÷ 3.5 m 3.6 ÷ 4.0 m over 4.1 m

What's on the bottom?

Cold floor on the ground or above an unheated room Insulated floor on the ground or above an unheated room There is a heated room below

What's on top?

Cold attic or unheated and not insulated room Insulated attic or other room Heated room

Installed windows type

Regular wooden frames with double glazing Windows with single-chamber (2 panes) glazing Windows with double-glazed (3 panes) or argon filling

Number of windows in the room

Window height, m

Window width, m

Doors facing the street or balcony:

Supposed heating radiator tie-in scheme

Alleged features of the location of the radiators

The radiator is installed openly on the wall The radiator is covered from above by a window sill or shelf The radiator is covered from the top by a wall niche The radiator is covered from the front with a decorative screen The radiator is completely covered by a decorative casing

Indicate the power of one section of the selected radiator (when calculating for a non-separable model - leave the field blank)

Which manufacturers can you trust?

Bimetallic radiators from both foreign and domestic manufacturers are presented on the Russian market. This comparative table shows high-quality, operation-tested models with various characteristics. Therefore, for those who are going to buy such devices, it is possible to study the basic parameters in advance, so that, going to the store, already have a certain idea.

ModelDistance between axles (mm)Section dimensions: width × height × depth (mm)Maximum working pressure (bar)Thermal power of the section (Watt)Coolant volume in section (liters)Section weight (kg)Maximum temperature of the heating agent (° С)
"RIFAR" (Russia)
"RIFAR Forza 350"350 415 × 90 × 8020 136 0.18 1.36 135
"RIFAR Forza 500"500 570 × 100 × 8020 202 0.2 1.84 135
"RIFAR MONOLIT 350"350 415 × 100 × 80100 136 0.18 1.5 135
"RIFAR MONOLIT 500"500 577 × 100 × 80100 194 0.2 2/0 135
GLOBAL Radiatori (Italy)
"STYLE 350"350 425 × 80 × 8035 125 0.16 1.56 110
"STYLE 500"500 575 × 80 × 8035 168 2 1.97 110
"STYLE PLUS 350"350 425 × 80 × 9535 140 0.17 1.5 110
"STYLE PLUS 500"500 575 × 80 × 9535 185 0.19 1.94 110
ROYAL Thermo (Italy)
BiLiner Inox 500500 574 × 80 × 8720 171 0.2 2.0 90
BiLiner 500500 574 × 80 × 8720 171 0.2 2.0 90
"TENRAD" (Germany)
"TENRAD 350"350 400 × 80 × 7724 120 0.15 1.22 120
"TENRAD 500"500 550 × 80 × 7724 161 0.22 1.44 120
"GORDI" China
"Gordi 350"350 412 × 80 × 8030 160 0.21 1.4 110
"Gordi 500"500 572 × 80 × 8030 181 0.3 1.7 110
SIRA Industrie (Italy)
"Gladiator 200"200 275 × 80 × 8030 90 0.1 0.65 110
"Gladiator 350"350 275 × 80 × 8030 140 0.13 0.85 110
"Gladiator 500"500 423 × 80 × 8030 185 0.42 0.6 110
LLC "LITIZ" (Ukraine)
"Altermo LRB"500 575 × 82 × 8018 169 0.15 2.5 130
"Artermo RIO"500 570 × 82 × 8018 166 0.15 2 130
"GRANDINI" (Italy)

Bimetallic heating radiators: features, types, how to choose

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Today, different types of radiators are used to heat the house. The most popular are bimetallic batteries that combine the properties of steel and aluminum. In the article, we will consider the design features, pros and cons of such batteries, and also answer the question: how to choose bimetallic Radiator?

Bimetallic heating radiators

How bimetallic radiators work

As already mentioned, bimetal batteries are based on two materials: steel and aluminum. The internal part of the structure (pipes), through which the process of movement of the coolant is carried out, is usually made of stainless steel (sometimes copper). This metal is very durable and does not lend itself to the negative influence of the aggressive environment of the heated coolant.

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The outer side is made of aluminum and is a finned casing. Aluminum is characterized by high thermal conductivity, warms up as soon as possible and the air in the room begins to instantly warm up.

Device bimetallic radiators

The inner and outer parts of each section are joined together by casting. This process is carried out under pressure or spot welding. By means of steel nipples and heat-resistant gaskets, which are able to withstand a maximum temperature of no more than 200 ° C, the sections are assembled into a battery.

The fact that in the design bimetallic the radiator contains parts made of steel, due to a number of positive characteristics that this metal possesses:

  • steel is able to withstand pressure drops;
  • steel is highly resistant to electrochemical influences, while the inner surfaces of aluminum rust quickly, and therefore their service life is short.

However, in turn, aluminum is characterized by high thermal inertness. On the one hand, this is an advantage, but on the other, it is a kind of disadvantage. Aluminum surfaces react very quickly to even the smallest temperature changes. Thanks to this property, you can very quickly adjust the temperature parameters of the heated room.

Due to the high heat transfer of aluminum, less coolant is consumed, while the amount of heat given off is identical to that of cast-iron radiators. That is why the dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators are more compact, and the shapes are very attractive in appearance.

Advantages and disadvantages

By purchasing an installation made of bimetal, your heating system will be provided with many positive aspects:

  1. First of all, it is a long service life. Due to the high quality of the design, in which two good materials are combined, such radiators can work effectively for 30-50 years.
  2. Durability and reliability. These qualities are ensured by the steel core, which is able to withstand high working pressure and water hammer.
  3. Bimetallic heating radiators are suitable for any heating system, even with a low quality heat carrier.
  4. High heat dissipation is another important positive quality. Due to the fact that the outer casing is made of aluminum, heat is distributed throughout the room very quickly. Standard models, in which the distance between the axles is 500 mm, have a heat transfer of up to 190 W, which is significantly higher than in radiators made of only one metal.
  5. Thanks to the built-in, you can control and regulate the heating temperature.
  6. Externally, bimetal batteries are very attractive. Various color and design solutions allow everyone to choose a radiator to their taste.

As you can see, bimetallic radiators have a large number of advantages, which determine a wide demand for such products. However, there are some disadvantages that you cannot ignore when choosing:

  1. Different coefficients of expansion for steel and aluminum. In this regard, after long-term operation, noises and squeaks may occur in the heating circuit, and the strength of the structure will be lower.
  2. In the process of installing radiators in a central heating system, heat transfer pipes can quickly become clogged. This is due to the fact that they have a small diameter. Given this feature, it is better to be careful and install a coarse filter.
  3. High price of bimetallic radiators.

Varieties of bimetallic radiators

Radiators made of bimetal are of two types: monolithic and sectional.

Sectional ones are constructed of sections, each of which has a multidirectional thread inside the horizontal pipe sections on both sides, by means of which connecting nipples with sealing gaskets are screwed in.

It is this design that is one of the most important shortcomings of bimetal batteries. The downside is that defects often appear at the joints, for example, from a low-quality coolant. As a result, the operating period of the radiators is reduced.

Also, in the areas where the sections are connected, leaks can be observed under the influence of high temperatures. In order to avoid such unpleasant moments, another technology for the production of bimetallic heating radiators has been created. Its essence lies in the fact that initially a one-piece welded collector is made of steel, then it is placed in a special shape and, under the influence of high pressure, aluminum is poured over it. Such radiators are called monolithic.

Both varieties have their own advantages and disadvantages. We have already mentioned the disadvantages of sectional sections, but their advantage is that if one section is damaged, then it is enough just to replace it. But if a breakdown or leak occurs in a monolithic structure, then you will have to purchase a new radiator.

Let's carry out a comparative analysis of monolithic and sectional bimetallic radiators.

The cost of a monolithic radiator is higher than a sectional one, by about 20%.

Selection of bimetallic heating radiators

When choosing bimetallic batteries, you should pay attention to a number of criteria on which the efficiency of operation will depend.


As already noted, radiators can be monolithic and sectional. In order to choose the most optimal option for a specific heating system, you need to know what the operating pressure is in the system. If it is exposed to powerful water hammer, then it is better to give favor to monolithic models. In all other cases, it is recommended to purchase sectional ones, since they are much cheaper.

To get a more reliable device, you should know that there are two types. The first type is made of a steel frame, the other is supplied only with steel-reinforced channels through which the coolant moves.

Batteries belonging to the first type are characterized by greater strength and reliability. In such structures, the coolant does not come into contact with the aluminum alloy, as a result of which the risk of corrosion is minimal.

The main features that characterize the first type are weight and cost. They are produced by the following firms: Royal Thermo BiLiner, Global Style, Rifar (Monolit model) and the domestic company Santekhprom BM.

Another type is called semi-metal radiators. The main characteristics of such devices are: high heat transfer and lower price. Most popular device brands Gordi, Sira and Rifar, excluding the Monolit model.

Center distance

Most of the manufactured models of bimetallic radiators are equally functional. However, the distance between the axles varies between models. Standard indicators of the distance between the axles: 35 and 50 cm.

You can find radiators in which the gap is 20 cm, this length is considered to be the minimum. Batteries with this distance are produced by the companies: Sira, BiLUX and RIFAR. The maximum distance is 80 cm, such models are available from the manufacturer Sira.

Manufacturing material

It is important that the radiator withstands well the effects of an aggressive environment if the coolant is not of high quality and contains a large amount of alkali and acidity. This is mainly the case for batteries in apartment buildings.

  1. It is important that the inner channels are made of the same metal, preferably stainless steel.
  2. The wall thickness of the inner pipe should be 3-3.5 mm.
  3. The quality and elasticity of the gaskets play a very important role. It is they who affect the reliability of the connections, therefore, usually rubber or silicone acts as a material for their manufacture. To check the quality of the O-ring, just bend it with your fingers. If the gasket is rigid and inelastic, then this indicates its poor quality.
  4. If the radiator is sectional, then here you should pay attention to the nipples. It is important that they are made of high quality steel. The low quality of these parts is evidenced by the softness of the metal. If it is of poor quality, then the hooks for the key will definitely break off and in this case the nipple will need to be sawed with a grinder and parts of it removed from the holes in the sections.
  5. The width of the front part of the radiator fin should be more than 70 cm. If this indicator is lower, this will affect the heat transfer of the radiator in the negative direction. The most optimal ratio of the section size to the section is 80 * 80 mm. With such indicators, heat transfer will definitely be high.
  6. The thickness of the protruding ribs is also indicative of quality. This indicator should be at least 1 mm.


The warranty period also indicates the quality of the product. If the manufacturer gives a service life of only 1-2 years, this means that the likelihood that the radiators will work with high efficiency is small, because the operational period of a quality product is 20-30 years.


Battery specifications include dimensions. The height of the radiators ranges from 20 to 80 cm. To select a radiator of the required size, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the base of the window and the floor and subtract 20 cm from this number. The width is directly dependent on the place where the device will be installed.

Another important indicator is the working pressure, which varies between 15-35 atm. For centralized heating systems, it is better to choose the maximum values; for autonomous heating systems, the minimum is also possible.

One of the most important and essential criteria affecting the efficiency of radiators is power. This indicator is determined based on the power of one section (it is indicated in the data sheet).

Calculation of sections of bimetallic heating batteries

In order to effectively heat 1 m² of the area, you need 100 W of thermal energy. To calculate the area of ​​a room, you need to multiply the width by the length.

N = S * 100 / P N - number of radiator sections, S - room area, m², P - specific heat output of one section.

Use the calculator for calculating the required number of bimetallic radiator sections.

Installation of bimetal heating radiators

Bimetal batteries must be installed in accordance with the instructions specified in the device's passport.

In order to connect a radiator with your own hands, you need to take into account a number of factors:

  • it is better to choose the middle of the window as a location for the battery;
  • installation is carried out exclusively in a horizontal position;
  • from the wall to the battery, you need to maintain a distance of 3-5 cm.If you place the radiator too close to the wall, the result will be an uneven distribution of heat;
  • the distance to the windowsill should be 8-12 cm, if it is less, this will negatively affect the heat transfer of the batteries;
  • the distance from the floor to the battery is 10 cm.

Installation of all system elements is carried out in a polyethylene package of the radiator. It is forbidden to remove this packaging until the entire installation process is completed.
The procedure for installing bimetallic heating radiators:

  • initially you need to make a markup of the proposed area on the wall where the brackets will be attached;
  • then the brackets are fixed;
  • batteries are installed on them;
  • then the radiator must be connected to the pipes;
  • then a thermostatic valve or faucet is mounted;
  • an air valve is installed at the top of the battery.


Currently, on the heating equipment market, you can find a large number of different models of bimetallic radiators produced by both Russian and foreign manufacturers. Let's consider the main characteristics of the most popular models.

Model Distance between axles, mm Section size: width * height * depth (mm) Maximum working pressure, Bar Thermal power of the section, W
Rifar (Russia)
Rifar Forza 350 350 415*90*80 20 136
Rifar Forza 500 500 570*100*80 20 202
Rifar MONOLIT 350 350 415*100*80 100 136
Rifar MONOLIT 500 500 577*100*80 100 194
Global Radiatori (Italy)
Style 350 350 425*80*80 35 125
Style 500 500 575*80*80 35 168
Style Plus 350 350 425*80*95 35 140
Style Plus 500 500 575*80*95 35 185
Royal Thermo (Italy)
BiLiner Inox 500 500 574*80*87 20 171
BiLiner 500 500 574*80*87 20 171
Tenrad (Germany)
Tenrad 350 350 400*80*77 24 120
Tenrad 500 500 550*80*77 24 161
Gordi (China)
Gordi 350 350 412*80*80 30 460
Gordi 500 500 572*80*80 30 181
Sira Industrie (Italy)
Gladiator 200 200 275*80*80 30 90
Gladiator 350 350 275*80*80 30 140
Gladiator 500 500 423*80*80 30 185
Litiz LLC (Ukraine)
Altermo LRB 500 575*82*80 18 169
Altermo RIO 500 500 570*82*80 18 166
Grandini (Italy)
Grandini 350 350 430*80*82 16 130
Grandini 500 500 580*80*80 16 167

Thus, high-quality bimetallic heating radiators are able to work effectively over a long period of time.

Bimetallic heating radiators have recently become an integral part of the heating system. When planning a major overhaul of a residential or office space, it is impossible to ignore the work on updating heating devices. The most progressive and cost-effective is the use of bimetal radiators, capable of uniformly supplying heat, as well as attractive from the point of view of modern interior aesthetics.

More and more we see how the apartments of compatriots are changing. Repair is acquiring a broader concept than the banal plastering of cracks. Increased attention is paid to design. Even when choosing ordinary batteries for an apartment, the owners tend to buy bimetallic heating radiators with a laconic, attractive appearance.

Why bimetallic heating radiators? - you ask. D Reality, common sense and reasonable prices make this productwe will answer with the most demanded radiators. And we will try to reveal all the pros and cons, while not forgetting to take into account the internal content of the devices.

Uniform heat distribution with bimetallic heating radiators

Bimetallic heating radiators in modern heating devices

Cast-iron radiators have long been replaced by bimetallic heating batteries. They are distinguished from post-Soviet models by their beautiful design, lightness and protection against corrosion. The reputation of the best and most reliable batteries for heating an apartment is so great that even desperate skeptics do not argue with this.

The very name of the batteries suggests that bimetallic heating radiators are composed of two different metals. passes through steel pipes, which are the least susceptible to corrosion. The steel is packed in aluminum, which has good heat dissipation properties and beautiful appearance.

Note that in addition to steel, a system of copper pipes can be packed in aluminum by the manufacturer. This design is irreplaceable if batteries for an apartment are installed in the systems where they are used. The presence of glycol containing coolants will require the owner to opt for bimetallic heating radiators on models where copper is used as a core, since it is more stable in such an aggressive environment.

You can also find semi-metallic options on sale. Here, the internal filling of the radiator is represented by a double core. The horizontal elements are made of aluminum and the vertical ones are made of steel. This increases heat dissipation but decreases durability.

Internal filling of bimetallic heating radiators

As we noted, bimetallic heating radiators include two metal elements in their design, in addition, they are made in an all-metal casing or contain integral sections. Despite the fact that there are semi-metallic options, however, bimetallic heating radiators have a main division into only two categories:

  • modification steel plus aluminum;
  • modification copper plus aluminum.

Radiator category “steel plus aluminum”, includes two pipes made of steel, running horizontally like a collector, they are connected to each other by vertical columns that are mounted in. The heating medium flows inside the steel pipes without touching the aluminum.

The constructive solution allows you to use all the charms of an aluminum radiator, additionally counting on an operating temperature of + 110 C with a pressure of up to 40 bar. Sealing the joints of the sections allows you to exclude leaks, provided there is no open marriage. To the advantages of sectional models of bimetallic heating radiators, an easy increase in the number of sections is added at the request of the consumer.

Copper plus aluminum design does not imply sectional modeling, bimetallic heating radiators with a copper core are always made in a single and one-piece housing. Inside the aluminum case, there is a copper alloy coil. Brazed coil, capable of operating at a working pressure of 50 bar.

The advantages are not only in the increased operating pressure, the efficiency of the thermal conductivity of the copper metal is higher, respectively, the radiators have increased thermal efficiency. The most important advantage of a bimetallic heating radiator with a copper core is its low susceptibility to the occurrence of carbonate deposits in it during corrosion.

The radiator is perfect for a system where the coolant includes various antifreezes. In this battery, the coolant comes into contact only with copper. Among other things, bimetallic heating radiators with copper pipes have a low roughness coefficient, which favorably affects the operation of the pumping group.

What to choose - a section or a monolith?

When buying bimetallic radiators, you should pay attention to the design features. The most common are sectional radiators, as they were among the first to appear on the market. Such radiators will require crimping measures, since there is a possibility of leaks due to insufficiently reliable joints.

The latest modifications are already favorably distinguished by their solidity. The coolant is a one-piece unit made of copper or steel, clad in an aluminum casing. It is these batteries for an apartment that are worth choosing, since their performance is much higher than that of sectional radiators. Despite the fact that the thermal power of these varieties is almost the same, on monolithic ones, the working pressure is 5 times higher.

Quality always costs more, so you have to take into account the possibilities of your own budget. If the price does not matter, then it is better to install monolithic bimetallic heating batteries at home. And design types and modifications of batteries can be selected for every taste.

The use of bimetallic heating radiators is becoming more and more popular not only for private houses and apartments, but also in enterprises and offices of companies.

The growing popularity is due to the high efficiency of these devices and the attractiveness of their external design. Bimetallic radiators fit perfectly into the interior of any style, without disturbing its harmony and beauty.

Bimetallic radiators: advantages and disadvantages

When compared with aluminum counterparts, bimetallic radiators are slightly inferior to them in terms of heat transfer. But they are significantly superior in strength and service life. Bimetal is less susceptible to corrosion and is able to withstand high water pressure (up to 24 bar). As for the price, it is noticeably higher than that of aluminum radiators. However, the bimetal version will serve for at least 25 years and will fully justify the high cost.

Buy bimetallic radiators for home or office

Specialty stores today offer a wide variety of models from a variety of manufacturers supplying excellent products to the consumer market. These are firms such as Global, Rifar, Sira and many others.

Those wishing to buy bimetallic radiators for home or office should take into account the area of ​​the room and purchase a sufficient number of sections, because their number affects the efficiency of the installed radiator. We will not describe the calculation of the number of sections in this article, firstly, this has already been done, and secondly, we are posting a video clip, where the calculation of the number of sections in heating radiators is set out in as much detail as possible:

Bargaining rules

In order for bimetallic radiators to serve for a long time, they should be purchased in stores with a solid reputation. Before buying it will be completely useful:

  • make mathematical calculations that will help coordinate the footage of rooms and the number of sections in the battery;
  • take into account the features of the selected model;
  • study consumer reviews;
  • weigh your financial capabilities.

Heating radiators Sira (Sira) (bimetallic)

The domestic consumer is well aware of the reliable, practical and high-quality products of the Syrah corporation, a reputable Italian manufacturer of heating systems. They are made of steel and are intended for heating various public, warehouse and residential premises.

The entire model line of bimetallic heating radiators, in addition to the traditionally high performance, is distinguished by an up-to-date stylish design, which allows using the product without the slightest harm to the interior design. The center-to-center distance of such a model is only 30 cm, and its depth is 9.5 cm. Also, Sira heating radiators (bimetallic) have excellent technical properties and exceptional performance characteristics.

The consistency of Sira's products is proven by their long-term effective use in domestic conditions and is conditioned by multi-level control of all production processes and stages. So, each section of a SIRA bimetallic heating radiator? a specific product is subjected to separate testing, and the assembled heating device is compressed with compressed air.

The entire range of Syrah products perfectly resists pneumatic and water hammering, which makes it resistant to pressure drops. The hallmark of such a radiator is reasonably considered its high heat transfer and long reliable service life.

The absence of welding seams of Sira bimetallic heating radiators, which is achieved by casting structures under pressure, determines the tightness of the products. The coolant circulates through a special internal channel made of first-class, corrosion-resistant steel.

Sira heating radiators (bimetallic) do not require prompt repair or additional maintenance. Maximum comfort and coziness in rooms heated by Syrah heating devices is achieved due to the zero noise level inside the device itself and the ability to quickly and flexibly regulate the temperature regime.

Special emphasis of the Italian manufacturer concern “ Sira Group ” makes on the safety of its own products, which is ensured by the absence of sharp corners and all kinds of burrs. A distinctive feature of Sira bimetallic heating radiators is their proper efficiency. Thus, the minimum amount of coolant and the high heat transfer of each structure make it possible to optimize the consumption of the energy carrier.

Popular bimetallic heating radiator Syrah

The most popular on the market remains the Sira RS BIMETALL series. Models Sira RS 300, Sira RS 500 The number indicates the height of the section, corresponds to the heights of 372 mm and 565 mm with a constant width of 80 mm and a depth of 95 mm.

Convenient overall dimensions make it possible to mount the radiator in rooms with different heights of window-sill openings. The standard sectional assembly comes in even variants from the factory. Any changes to an individual request are made by the seller. If desired, within reason, you can order bimetallic heating radiator of suitable length. Reasonable limit Company " Sira Group ”restricts assembly regulations no more than 20 sections.

Bimetallic heating radiators of the Sira brand are allowed to be connected in both gravitational and forced circuit systems. The acidity range of the coolant must not exceed (6.5-9 pH). The design temperature should not exceed 110 degrees.

Bimetallic heating radiators are widely used in private houses and apartments. They are characterized by extremely long service life and high pressure resistance. By installing such radiators in your apartment, you get at your disposal a reliable and durable source of warmth and comfort. What are the best radiators and how to choose them? You will learn about this from our review.

Bimetallic radiators - what is it

For many years, cast iron and steel heating batteries have been used in heating systems. They had certain advantages, but over time they were supplanted by modern aluminum and bimetallic radiators with high efficiency. Today, bimetallic models are the leader in terms of reliability. What are they?

Aluminum radiators are very sensitive to the pressure in the system, and will inevitably burst at high pressure.

Many people know about efficient and inexpensive aluminum batteries. Aluminum radiators are characterized by excellent heat dissipation, light weight and ease of installation. But they also have obvious disadvantages - this is the lack of resistance to corrosion, high pressure and water hammer. Aluminum deteriorates under the influence of aggressive heat carriers and bursts when the nominal pressure is exceeded. To solve the problem of the lack of stable radiators, bimetallic heating batteries were created.

The basis of bimetallic radiators is solid steel - the core is made from it... On top of this steel core is an aluminum “jacket” that is responsible for heat dissipation. The result is a kind of "sandwich" of two metals. Steel tolerates pressure surges and water shocks well, and under the influence of an aggressive coolant, it deteriorates rather weakly. This makes the battery very durable.

As for the aluminum "jacket", it does not come into contact with the coolant, so it is practically not in danger. As a result, the developers managed to create lightweight, durable and extremely durable heating batteries. What are the benefits of bimetallic batteries?

The bimetallic radiator consists of a robust steel core and an aluminum housing.

  • Long service life - in the production of radiators, resistant and durable steel is used, which does not deteriorate under the influence of an aggressive coolant. As for aluminum, in a dry environment it is practically eternal;
  • Resistance to high pressure and water hammer - the same steel core is responsible for this. Battery manufacturers claim that their radiators can easily withstand pressure surges up to 50-60 atmospheres. Also, models began to appear on the market that are resistant to pressure up to 100 atmospheres (for a short time);
  • Long service life - it reaches up to 25 years. But practice shows that this indicator is not limiting;
  • High heat transfer is the key to the efficiency of the heating system. Bimetal radiators have a heat transfer of up to 200 W per section. This is a very high indicator, typical for steel and aluminum models - this is exactly what the developers were striving for when creating these batteries;
  • Great appearance - bimetal batteries are extremely neat and compact. They are well suited for surface and concealed (under-panel) mounting. They can be installed both in the apartment and in the office - they fit perfectly into any interiors;
  • Lack of inertia - bimetal batteries heat up in a matter of minutes. This is due to the low heat capacity of the metals used;
  • Possibility of repair - if necessary, a failed section can be quickly replaced without changing the entire battery.

Thus, bimetallic radiators have absorbed only the best features of their predecessors... They have become indispensable when creating heating in multi-storey buildings, where there is a high pressure of the coolant. But they also have their disadvantages:

  • High cost - the disadvantage is not very significant, since you have to pay for quality and reliability;
  • Noisiness - this manifests itself over time and only on batteries of poor quality (when the manufacturer frankly "cheats", saving on the production of radiators). As a result of thermal expansion, the batteries begin to emit extraneous sounds.

On this the list can be completed, since bimetallic batteries do not have any special drawbacks - only solid advantages.

Where are bimetallic batteries used?

A frequent consequence of a water hammer in a heating system with low-quality or old radiators is a battery rupture.

Heating of multi-storey buildings is carried out by centralized heating systems. They are characterized by low quality of the coolant, high pressure and the presence of water hammer. In many high-rise buildings, steel radiators are still used, which have good efficiency and high heat transfer. But their appearance is far from perfect. Therefore, apartment owners in multi-storey buildings often change batteries for bimetallic ones.

Bimetal radiators withstand high pressure well - some models can withstand up to 60, or even up to 100 atmospheres. That's why they are ideal for district heating systems... The resistance to water hammer arising in heating systems connected to central boiler rooms is also pleasing - other batteries literally burst, flooding apartments and personal belongings of residents.

Also, bimetallic batteries are used to heat large industrial, administrative and utility rooms connected to centralized boiler houses. They are also installed in private households, but this is not very profitable - there is no high pressure in autonomous heating systems, so buying bimetal batteries will be a waste of money.

For heating private houses, it is more profitable to purchase aluminum radiators - they have a more affordable price and work well with a good quality coolant.

Characteristics of bimetallic radiators

Technical characteristics of bimetallic radiators of the Italian company Global

  • Coolant temperature - up to + 110-130 degrees;
  • Thermal power - up to 205 watts per section;
  • Internal volume of one section - from 0.15 to 0.4 liters;
  • Working pressure - from 16 to 35 atm;
  • Peak pressure - 50-100 atm;
  • Section weight - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Center distance - 350 or 500 mm.

Naturally, the characteristics may differ in one direction or another, depending on the manufacturer.

You can obtain more detailed information on the technical characteristics of the selected bimetallic radiators from the product passport.

Which bimetallic radiators are better

When choosing equipment for installing a heating system, you need to pay attention to radiators. They must be reliable, durable and of high quality. Bimetallic heating radiators - which are better and how to choose them? Focus on the following parameters:

  • Heat transfer of one section;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • Trademark.

These are key parameters, so you need to pay special attention to them so as not to buy some short-lived nonsense. The price for one section for bimetallic radiators varies from 550 to 1000 rubles. Naturally, there are also more expensive models in stores. If the selected radiator turns out to be suspiciously cheap, it is better to refuse to buy it. The optimal price tag for today is 600-700 rubles per section.

Heat transfer selection

For more efficient heating of the room, use radiators with a higher heat dissipation.

The higher the heat transfer, the warmer it will be in the rooms - the simplest laws of physics work here. Cast iron batteries have low heat transfer, so they cannot release much heat into the atmosphere. If the temperature in the rooms seems low to you, try replacing the old cast-iron batteries with modern bimetallic ones. Thanks to its high heat dissipation, you will feel that the rooms will become much warmer.

The range of thermal power for bimetallic radiators is quite large - from 130 to 205 W per section. The greater the heat output (heat transfer), the warmer it is in the rooms with the same number of sections... We recommend choosing batteries with maximum heat transfer, because the heating system should not only be beautiful, but also compact - with powerful batteries you can reduce the number of sections. But you need to remember that you have to pay for high heat transfer, therefore such batteries are more expensive than their low-power counterparts.

If we do not take into account the most advanced and efficient bimetallic batteries, the average thermal power will be about 170-180 W per section.

Selection by country of origin

When choosing the best bimetallic heating batteries, you need to pay attention to the country of origin. Italy is the leader in quality. If you see Italian batteries in the store, you can safely count on them of the highest quality. Only German products can be compared with Italian products - many well-known and little-known manufacturers work in Germany. As for domestic manufacturers, they work under licenses of foreign brands, so their quality can be trusted.

Italian bimetallic radiators GLOBAL Style Plus

Nothing unambiguous can be said about Chinese manufacturers - that's why they are Chinese manufacturers. Something they do well, but something they do very badly. One batch of batteries can differ dramatically in quality from another. Somewhere they can save on the thickness of the metal, forgetting to correct the technical characteristics. And someone makes quite decent batteries, although they are somewhat inferior in quality to European products. That's why buying Chinese radiators is always associated with a certain risk.

For our part, we recommend buying bimetallic batteries from well-known manufacturers from Italy, Germany and Russia. However, if you come across radiators from the well-known Chinese manufacturer Grandini, then you can think about buying them - they are quite good in quality.

Selection by manufacturer

Which bimetallic batteries are better and which ones are worse? You can answer this way - if you buy batteries from the Italian brand Global, then you will not be mistaken in your choice. This manufacturer produces a wide range of radiators, including bimetallic ones. The Style Plus 500 series has the highest heat dissipation. The numerical index here indicates the center distance, and the heat transfer rate reaches 185 W per section. Other series are also on sale, differing in more affordable cost.

One of the best domestic firms producing bimetallic radiators is Rifar.

Domestic bimetallic radiators Rifar have good characteristics.... They are manufactured under license from the aforementioned Global brand and are characterized by high heat dissipation, reaching 205 W. The batteries are really great and their main advantage is their affordable cost. As a result, we get a product that is balanced in terms of characteristics and price.

It is impossible not to mention the products of such a famous Italian brand as Sira. These are durable and hardy radiators with good technical characteristics and low cost - the perfect balance for the products of the famous Italian manufacturer.

You can buy bimetallic heating radiators at any heating equipment store. They are not in short supply, so there will be no problems with the purchase. You only need to be afraid of Chinese radiators, as they can fail with quality.

Bimetal radiators - customer reviews

You already know which bimetallic batteries are better and which are worse. Now it remains for us to consider user reviews.

I have my own assembly team and we are engaged in the installation of heating systems. In apartment buildings, we always install Italian bimetallic batteries, renowned for their quality. Therefore, our customers are always satisfied - the batteries effectively heat the premises, and some of them even get hot from such batteries. Bimetal tolerates water hammer well, can work at elevated pressure. We almost never encountered breakdowns, since they are very rare. People order such batteries even for private houses, as they want the heating to work for a long time and without problems.

In our apartment there were old cast-iron radiators, which literally disfigured the rooms. Last summer we decided to overhaul our entire den. At the same time, we changed the batteries - in the store we were advised to buy bimetallic radiators Rifar Monolith. They are very neat and flat, they do not spoil the interiors of the rooms. The craftsmen calculated the number of sections for us, as a result of which it turned out that the new batteries will turn out to be smaller in size than the old ones. Now we have an excellent renovation apartment with nice bimetallic radiators. In winter, it is very warm with them, so we are already planning to install the same radiators in our son's apartment - he has old steel batteries-dust collectors.

My husband and I bought an apartment, but instead of checking in, they decided to make repairs first, otherwise the repairs would go on the back burner. They installed new kitchen furniture and completely re-poured the floors. We also decided to upgrade the heating and install modern bimetallic radiators. The very first winter showed that the batteries heat well, but one of them showed a leak. It's good that they installed taps along with the radiators, so we didn't have to suffer with the repairs - they cut off the coolant supply, unscrewed it, and handed it over to the master. Here is such a vaunted Italian quality, although it is possible that we just got a defect - the rest of the batteries have been working for the fourth year already.