Garden furniture options DIY garden furniture - drawings, tools and ideas

V spring-summer period the question of how to make garden furniture with your own hands is becoming popular. Successful homemade can become the main decoration of any garden. Before thinking about how to make garden furniture with your own hands, it is worth determining what it can be made from. The most common material for country furniture is wood, which fits perfectly into site landscape but other materials are also used. Be sure to take a closer look to see if you have preserved in your country house or in country house some seemingly unnecessary things. Quite often, masterpieces are obtained from the simplest objects.

DIY garden furniture. The most popular trend is wooden furniture

Wooden furniture is environmentally friendly, beautiful, concise and relatively easy to manufacture. Sometimes even rough wood is not needed to work with wood. male power. Do-it-yourself garden furniture made of wood different ways Depending on what materials are to be used:

  • Easiest to work with finished boards, bars, slats - already processed material. There are many simple and more difficult ways make furniture for a summer residence with your own hands. Benches with a back are convenient for relaxing, a whole set is indispensable for organizing a feast, and benches without legs will turn out swing- only a few carpenter skills, boards and a rich imagination are required.

Advice! It is better not to choose logs for creating furniture coniferous trees. They emit a resin that will stain the clothes of those sitting. If there is no other material, it is necessary to first deresin the wood.

  • Much more monumental benches and tables are obtained from logs. Sometimes you can just put big log and throw a couple of pillows on top to make it appear comfortable spot for sitting, but it is better to work on creating more interesting project. Some masters manage to do without single nail, creating a mobile log structure.
  • Great for creating hemp garden furniture. Separate small stumps can be adapted for stools, and a larger stump - under table. It is only important to fix the stumps so that they do not fall or stagger, for which they can be dug into the ground or placed on a flat surface - a pedestal on the terrace or a small platform on lawn. To make it comfortable to sit, you can sew bright pillows for them.
  • If you use branches and snags from the forest to create garden furniture, you can get into a real fairy tale. Nature itself sometimes dictates the original outlines of future masterpieces. A garden bench made of branches will harmoniously fit into the design of any site, for the frame of which it is better to take more durable material (logs, bars, etc.). Driftwood or branches are sometimes used even as legs, but for structural strength it is better to decorate only the back and armrests with them.
  • To create garden furniture or its design, you can use tree cuts. Such cuts can be used for countertops, chair seats or stools. They are attached to each other and to the base with waterproof glue.

Each owner of a private house of an urban or country type, a summer cottage or a personal plot, sooner or later faces the need to improve his territory. AND we are talking not about breaking beds and flower beds, planting trees and shrubs, but arranging comfortable, but at the same time practical areas for recreation, cooking and eating on fresh air. Imagine landscaped area it’s difficult without garden furniture, but not everyone can afford to buy one, and it’s much more pleasant to sit on a bench made with your own hands or dine outdoors at a table that didn’t cost you a dime. In this publication, we have collected many options for garden furniture that you can make yourself. Possessing only improvised materials, a small set of tools and a great desire to make your site landscaped, comfortable and aesthetic.

In order for garden furniture to appear on your site, which can become not only a reliable exterior item, but also a reason for the pride of the owners and the envy of neighbors and guests, you need not so much - waste material, perseverance, a little imagination, work and effort. In this article you will find examples of making garden furniture from wood, construction pallets, used household items.

Choosing a material for the execution of country furniture

In order for self-made furniture to organically fit into the existing image of a summer cottage or a private courtyard, it is necessary to responsibly approach not only the manufacturing process itself, but also the choice of material. The most versatile and at the same time very malleable material in terms of processing is natural wood. The advantage of wood is that it can fit perfectly into any stylistic direction in the design of the landscape. And this can be achieved through a variety of design options - from massive furniture made from logs to light and elegant products woven from vines or twigs.

The advantage of wood for creating furniture with your own hands is that it has many manifestations. You can create a piece of furniture with minimal material processing in the shortest possible time. For example, ordinary hemp can be turned into stools or small tables-stands. It is enough to make sure that the surface of the new pieces of garden furniture is perfectly hewn and becomes safe for use.

You can create garden furniture from branches and twigs ...

Or logs and large timber ...

Benches and benches - an essential attribute of country life

Even a very small backyard needs garden furniture to sit on to enjoy the fresh air, watch the sunset or watch the sunrise. Well, on the site big family or in the courtyard of hospitable hosts, where companies gather, and it is absolutely necessary to take into account the possibility of seating several people.

One of the most simple ways creating benches and benches - use wooden beam and cinder block with square holes. The bench or bench is assembled as a constructor, you do not even need to use any tool or bonding solution, construction adhesive. The advantage of such structures is not only ease of installation, but also portability - you can easily disassemble your piece of garden furniture and move it to another place or put its parts in a shed until the new warm season.

If you put on a bench made of cinder block and timber soft seats and sofa cushions, then an ordinary solid garden bench turns into a convenient, comfortable sofa.

By combining the materials of garden furniture, you can increase the strength and improve appearance products. For example, together with a tree in one modification or another, you can use metal constructions, for example, parts of beds (backs, legs).

Outdoor dining area

In the fresh air, any dish seems to be tastier. Every owner of even a tiny backyard tries to create an environment in which they could have meals outdoors, even if we are talking about short breakfasts. Depending on the needs and size of your family, you can equip a small area for short meals, or install a spacious dining table for receiving guests in the fresh air. It is noteworthy that both options are within the power to implement on their own.

One of the simplest, but at the same time practical ways to organize an outdoor dining group is to make a table, together with benches. The model shown in the photo will require a minimum amount of material, but it will be quite roomy. The only drawback of such a dining group is that if you need to increase the number of people sitting at the table, then you can do this only for 2 seats (you will need chairs or stools).

Arrange dining area or a segment for short meals (breakfasts and afternoon snacks) can be like a bar counter. This is easy to do with the help of building blocks and wooden beams or boards. Only stools for such a countertop need to be selected as bar stools, with the appropriate height.

Recreation area on a summer cottage or personal plot

Outdoor recreation is associated with different things for everyone. For some, these are gatherings with friends and neighbors, for others, reading on a slightly swaying swing, while others need sunbeds for air baths. For all options for active and not very relaxing, you can make furniture with your own hands, and even from improvised means at minimal cost.

One of the most common ways to create garden furniture for a seating area is using construction pallets or pallets. The advantage of such an assembly is its simplicity - wooden blocks already formed in terms of future armchairs and sofas. Well, build coffee table from pallets even the owner of a summer house or any other land plot who had not previously held a hammer in his hands. Even building glue can be used to fasten the elements.

Another benefit of using construction flights for the manufacture of garden furniture is that you can get the material at a very low price or even free of charge, because we are talking about used products. It will only be necessary to take care of thorough cleaning of surfaces, leveling and slight polishing, impregnation of the material with antiseptics against decay.

From building pallets, you can create whole compositions for outdoor recreation areas. It can be a spacious corner complex, composed of the type of a sofa, comfortable chairs and coffee table. It is enough to put soft pillows and seats in armchairs and sofas to arrange a living room atmosphere right on a summer cottage or garden plot ...

With the help of wooden pallets, you can equip an area not only for relaxation, but also for sleeping. A summer bed or just a layer of construction pallets with a mattress is a great opportunity to create a bedroom in the fresh air - take care only of a canopy over the bed to protect from the sun.

It is easy to build a comfortable swing from old pallets. You can tie them on ropes or chains to the roof of a canopy and gazebo, on a terrace or just under a tall sprawling tree with thick branches.

Slightly less popular, but still practical way arrangement of a summer cottage garden furniture - the use of building wooden coils. They can be used to make chairs…

Even the most modern interior can become much more comfortable if it contains garden furniture made with your own hands, in which you put your whole soul. Undoubtedly, country furniture has differences with pieces of furniture intended for arranging residential premises, therefore it can even be made from improvised means. It is enough to study a few tips, show imagination, perseverance, a little work and on your garden plot furniture will appear that will become the pride of the owner and the envy of the guests.

How to choose material

In order for pieces of furniture to blend harmoniously into the landscape, it is worth making a choice in favor of natural wood. To do this, you can use the usual materials - sheets of fiberboard or chipboard, as well as branches, trunks or tree roots that will help create unique works.

Stylish and economical products can be obtained from the branches of flexible tree varieties. Nothing compares in beauty to wicker garden furniture. If you are not experienced in this process, stop at bird cherry branches, which are easy to process and pliable.


This is how techno-rattan furniture is made:

Varieties of designs

One of the popular options for garden furniture is considered workplace gardener. Even if you are not an avid gardener, it will be much more difficult for you without an equipped table.

If you prefer original solutions, you can make a picnic table in an unusual style.

On a fine summer day, a gazebo with folding chairs and a table, which are not only comfortable, but also compact, will be indispensable. Bright modular structures, such as benches, will add variety to the landscape. With frequent family vacations, do not forget to take care of the kids and make a table and chairs of the right size for them.


  1. For beginner carpenters furniture industry it is worth giving preference to more economical options, not too complicated in execution. That is, those for the manufacture of which you do not need to perform difficult connections. Make a choice in favor of wood, which is the easiest to process and purchase at a relatively low cost, and it is much more pleasant and easier to work with it;
  1. Semi-hard, hard and soft woods, as well as wood-based materials, are ideal for practical execution of furniture items. Rounded pine blanks are often used as legs, and for seats and backs - boards with a section of 2 * 12 cm, armrests are best made from bars 5.5 * 3.5 cm;
  2. You can start the process only after you have a sketch, either drawn or in the form of a drawing. Before starting work, decide on the dimensions of the future product, and stock up on the following tools:
    • bolts;
    • screws;
    • PVA glue;
    • self-tapping screws.

Also, as a support for the products, you will need metal corners, pipes, channels and other improvised materials suitable for the furniture you have chosen. At the same time, make sure that all fasteners are completely recessed into the material, otherwise you can get hurt on them while using the furniture.

Note! Dachnaya wood furniture must be treated with antiseptic and protective compounds which will protect parts from rotting and abrasion. If you are not yet experienced in making furniture, when making seats, follow the proven technological advice: the product should have a slight slope towards the back, which will make the operation of the bench or chair as comfortable as possible.

In order to make a piece of furniture from improvised material, it will help you old barrel, which will later become unusual chair with a back. In a short time, you can build a bench, using as support legs boulder stones and a wooden board as a seat. To build such a bench, you will need tools:

  • planer for board processing;
  • drill with a diamond nozzle;
  • anchor bolts.

Having processed the board with a planer, they adjust the boulders to the required height, after digging a hole and arranging it at the bottom sand cushion. In the board and stones, it is necessary to drill holes for anchor bolts.

The final step is to tighten the bolts and cover the surface of the board with a protective layer of varnish.

Today, outdoor furniture is an indispensable attribute of a suburban area, where there is a green corner, even if small size. Without a comfortable lounger and a comfortable set, you will not be able to fully enjoy outdoor recreation. After all, there is nothing better than having a meal in the shade of an apple or pear tree, and there is little that can compare with a nap in a hammock. Those who have already purchased comfortable wicker furniture for a summer residence, for example, a rattan chair or a comfortable garden sofa, are well aware of this. However, most likely, everyone knows firsthand that buying such furniture is not exactly a cheap pleasure, so not everyone can afford this luxury. garden furniture do-it-yourself - an excellent alternative for those who are not eager to part with a tidy sum. Yes, and making furniture for a summer residence with your own hands is much more pleasant.

Wood is the best material for making garden furniture

Garden furniture for the street, made of wood, enjoys the greatest success among summer residents. However, not all types of wood are suitable for these purposes. For example, experts advise abandoning pine materials, due to the fact that this raw material is very delicate and sensitive to impact. external factors. It is better to choose furniture made of oak, ash or hornbeam - their wood is hard, durable and easy to care for.

Besides distinctive feature wooden furniture is that it is an absolutely environmentally friendly product, striking in its beauty and variety of textures. Wooden garden furniture is made quickly enough, the main thing for these purposes is to use high-quality material.

Fit harmoniously into overall design suburban area - dining table. In the garden, he will show himself perfectly both in brown and in brighter colors. Apart from big table the set should have comfortable chairs, sitting in which you will feel quite comfortable.

To make the seats comfortable, it is worth bandaging them with removable cushions. It is also good when the chair can be folded. Unused, they will take less space, and in winter they can be easily hidden in a garage or basement.

The easiest way to make furniture from finished material. Unassembled boards are easier to process, impregnate and prepare for painting. You just have to assemble all the details into a single design, according to the drawing.

There are many ways to make garden furniture. The Internet will help you choose the option that suits you, where in its vastness you can easily find exactly what you need.

stylish chairs, beautiful tables, comfortable sunbeds, swings, chairs - this is just a small list of what you can do with your own hands. Of course, for this you will need some carpentry skills and good tool, as well as the presence fresh ideas in my head.

How to choose the right style

The most fashionable sets of garden furniture are those made in or French style, and country style is also quite popular. Country is characterized by an uneven, rough structure. Often combined and cast iron, trimmed with metal-plastic.

Wrought iron is appropriate in romantic gardens. french style. If you want to introduce a subtle note of Provence or shabby chic into the green corner, it is best to put whitewashed rattan furniture.

Comfortable furniture is one of the main items in any green space. It can be a companion of morning coffee or lunch - barbecue. Daily outdoor recreation, especially on sunny days, is a balm not only for the body, but also for the soul!

Leisure furniture

Dining room furniture in the garden is not everything. To fully enjoy a pleasant stay among flowering greenery, you need to buy more and full set furnishings. Sets include a sofa, two armchairs or chairs, plus a low coffee table. The most fashionable are designs made of rattan, strewn with large pillows.

Soft accessories are mostly covered with cotton. Under the fabric of the fluffy cover is a highly resilient polyurethane foam. Armchairs, sofas and chairs are often cubic in shape, making them voluminous and very comfortable.

Garden set from pallets (pallets)

Also quite popular is wooden furniture made from pallets. This design is very easy to bring down, paint and impregnate. Pillows can also be sewn on your own or bought at a garden supply store.

Producing furniture from wooden pallets (pallets) is quite simple, and most importantly, quickly. Just 2-3 pallets will be enough to fold one by one to get a coffee table. Impact-resistant glass with machined edges is placed on top of the table. Everything - the coffee table is ready, it remains only to make chairs. You can also make them from the same material, only carpentry skills will come in handy here. Using a hacksaw or chainsaw, cut the pallet into two parts, one of which will serve as the seat, the second - the back.

The presence of a sofa, armchair or pallet bed in the garden will emphasize the individuality of your site, create a cozy atmosphere, make it truly unusual and worthy of attention.

If you have a large number of pallets (the material can be purchased for a small amount in hardware stores), you can organize full place for recreation, where you can relax with a large company. In this case, construction or open can be completely abandoned.

Construction pallets (pallets) can be used both in painted and unpainted form. Their design feature allows you to store something useful between the rows of boards. Also, this space can be occupied by drawers, providing them with a special mechanism and beautiful handles.

Furniture always like new

Climatic conditions contribute to the fact that both the tree and the vine or rattan burn out, become dull and brittle. Cast iron and metal furniture can be destroyed by corrosion. So, if you do not have umbrellas in the garden, remember to systematically impregnate the furniture. To reliable materials from the harmful effects of external factors, they should be covered with something.

The best way to protect wood is to apply a special acrylic varnish to it. It will not only protect the wood structure from moisture, but also prevent the appearance of blue, mold and fungus on it.

The tree must be degreased without fail. The old impregnation layer should be removed sandpaper, best with a grit of 150 to 320. The thickness of the paper is selected according to the degree of unevenness of the base. Not all types of wood require impregnation. For exotic tree, such as tick, is superfluous.

Rattan garden furniture should also be oiled or varnished every 5-6 years. Corrosion on furniture made of metal should be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper and painted with the selected paint from corrosion.

It is important to remember that to restore old furniture always cheaper than buying a new one. Well-maintained and updated furniture will make your garden elegant and attractive at no extra cost.

Chaise lounge for a summer residence - a comfortable stay in the garden

In ancient times, people loved to relax among the greenery on soft ottomans or deck chairs. Today these are not only comfortable, but also functional sunbeds.

Their streamlined, adjustable design features headrests and armrests. The fabric covers are removable so that the sun loungers can stand in the garden even on rainy days.

Beautiful design and smooth lines - all you need for a summer lounger

To protect from the sun, you can use a shady canopy or an umbrella. The latter will brighten up your time spent outdoors. A bright, colored spot that protects from the sun will bring a touch of freshness and lightness to your garden.

Garden umbrellas must be stable so that they are not turned over by a sudden gust of wind. Therefore, the frame of the umbrella must be strong. It is also very important right foundation and functional masts and bowl should be made of good quality material.

Rattan is a classic of the genre

Rattan has been used to make furniture and accessories since ancient times. Furniture made of it is characterized by lightness, elasticity and is associated with a romantic elegant garden in the Provencal style.

This material is easy to paint, so you can always keep your favorite furniture in good condition. at its best. Rattan looks beautiful in a natural color, as well as a noble shade of bleached oak.

Wicker furniture in the garden looks impressive and elegant, but it is worth noting that you will hardly be able to immediately create masterpieces that you saw in specialized stores without some practice. Weaving from rattan is a rather laborious process.

To begin with, it is best to practice on small items, for example, weave a small stool or table top. Only after successful practice can you move on to weaving more sophisticated furniture such as a deck chair or a swing.

Rattan in classic style

This calm and elegant will enliven anyone. Rattan is perfect for him. V classical style accessories are very important. Each piece of furniture should be laid out with soft pillows in gentle pastel colors or cover the furniture with a cream plaid or woolen bedspread that will keep you warm during cold summer evenings.

There are no special requirements for creating an interior in a classic style - absolute freedom actions. Furniture made in this style will look equally beautiful both in the garden and in the house.

Caring for rattan furniture

Rattan is not a moisture-resistant material, so furniture made from it should be protected from rain. Fortunately, due to its lightness, this does not cause much trouble. This material wears out over time, so furniture should be taken care of regularly.

Modern garden furniture

Modern outdoor furniture in terms of shape is in line with two hot trends.

  • The first is minimalism and geometric simplicity.
  • The second is futuristic forms.

Beautiful and stylish terrace with beautiful modern garden furniture - everything you can dream of

Modern fluorescent furniture looks very interesting. She uses natural solar energy. Absorbs rays during the day to radiate a fabulous glow in the evening. Therefore, she can replace the lamps in front of the house. Modern furniture is worth buying in ready-made sets. They can be kept in one color scheme or bright duets.

Popular materials for manufacturing

Modern garden furniture is most often made of durable and moisture-resistant plastic. The design of such models meets the hottest trends in modern times.

Here are two types of material that have gained particular popularity:

  1. techno rattangreat alternative vine or rattan. The reason is resistance to moisture and direct sunlight. In addition, modern furniture is very comfortable.
  2. Polypropylene- popular polymer material, characterized by high mechanical strength, well tolerates the effects of adverse weather conditions. By the way, it is also quite plastic in the production process, which sometimes leads to bizarre forms of furniture. The only drawback is that some polypropylene furniture is very light, which means that strong gusts of wind can break its stability.

Recreation in nature is the best way to relax and rejuvenate

And finally. In the article, we mentioned only the most popular and best-selling garden furniture for summer cottages, which you can make yourself.

You can try to create something else, no less interesting and useful. The main thing for this is to make a little effort and diligence.

You will probably find this information useful in your creative endeavors. Experiment and create, try to make what is already there a little better.

Make the garden cozy and comfortable for a pleasant stay with the family without investing heavily in the purchase of furniture.

15 garden ideas

Country rest has always been popular among the townspeople. Today, more than half of urban residents have a piece of land, a summer cottage or a house outside the city for summer holiday. The trend of migration of citizens to life in Zamkadye will only increase every year. That is why people strive to make their vacation more comfortable.

A country house is not just grass and beds, this is a place where they spend time with family, communicate with friends and just relax in silence.

What to consider when making garden furniture

  • Use everything that you have left after building a house, a fence, or you can simply get it cheaply, and invest the saved money in equipment for a comfortable stay.
  • Choose natural materials: wood, metal, glass, textiles. Products from plastic and PVC can be made for free, but still outside the city you think more about ecology.
  • Plan the dimensions of the furniture wisely, if the area is small, it is better not to litter it, but to use transforming furniture and smaller stationary, fundamental structures. So you can use every meter of the site as needed.
  • Zoning the space is always convenient, it is better to place a relaxation area with a hammock at a distance from the feast and barbecue area, for example.
  • Consider the wishes of all family members, even the smallest.
  • When choosing furniture for the garden, take into account the weather conditions of the region, if your summer is often dry, consider awnings from the sun, etc.
  • Use means of preserving furniture in the off-season: awnings, impregnations, varnishes and more.

That is why people strive to make their vacation more comfortable.

What can be made from improvised materials

  • Upholstered furniture: sofas, couches, armchairs, chairs, tables and tables;
  • Storage furniture: racks, shelves, mezzanines, cabinets and chests of drawers;
  • Furniture for rest and relaxation: sun loungers, benches, benches, stools, ottomans, swings and
  • Flooring and stairs: for terraces, swimming pools, saunas, etc.
  • Interior items: lamps
  • Children's furniture: tree house, sandbox, tent, raft, children's dance floor and more

Photo gallery: creative ways to create furniture for a summer house with your own hands from improvised materials

A cozy place for the whole family can be arranged at home or on open space
A cozy swing will please not only children, but also adult gardeners
Such a set will be a budget and functional solution for any site.
A real three-seat sofa with colorful cushions and an awning to keep out the sun or rain
From pallets you get not only furniture, but also a comfortable podium or terrace
A hammock chair with soft cushions fits organically under a tree and on a veranda
Classic and simple cocoon hammock for outdoor relaxation
A set of cozy sun loungers can be completed with wheels to move around the garden as needed
Budget alternative to expensive wicker furniture
You can decorate for children their own corner with the help of tires of a small radius
Quickly and simply make a dining room out of logs and stumps
It is rational to install such a bench in the center of the site, where the view opens on all sides.
You can use all unnecessary utensils, the main thing is a creative approach
Use the remains of a tile, decorative or ordinary stone after construction to create a campfire site
The perfect solution for dynamic grills and barbecues

What materials are best suited and where to get them

We will not delve into the technology of furniture production; in the manufacture of garden furnishings, we do not have to work hard physically - arm yourself with desire and creative mood. Also, we deliberately do not consider materials that require certain professional skills in processing, because both fragile ladies and peppy old men want to have beautiful furniture on their site.

Look at what you can use on your site, it’s good if there are various small ones in your “arsenal”. construction tools, the remains of paint and varnishes.

Do-it-yourself garden furniture from pallets (pallets)

Furniture from used pallets is even mass-produced by eminent furniture suppliers. Considering the global hysteria about environmental friendliness and recycling, we can safely say that such furniture will be in trend not only in the coming, but for many years to come.

Where to find?

It is now easy to find pallets for free or for a moderate fee if you set a goal and persevere.

  • Wholesale and Retail Stores often throw away pallets left after unloading goods
  • Editorial offices of newspapers and magazines receive finished products and paper on pallets
  • Construction sites can also simply dispose of pallets if a return system is not in place.
  • A small business can sell used pallets at a negotiated or acceptable price
  • Internet search provides many options from donation transfer to barter exchange
  • Pros: environmental friendliness, popularity, availability, low cost (or lack thereof)
  • Minuses: fragility when used outdoors and poor quality of wood and, especially, hardware

hunting trophies

Perhaps you or your friends are ardent fans of hunting, or just love everything unusual and extravagant. Use your trophies when decorating and making furniture: horns of wild animals, bones, skins. Such design techniques in ethnic style the best way complement the atmosphere country house and decorate its territory. Especially if you prefer country, ethnic, chalet and rustic interiors.

Where to find?

  • A personal collection that you have long forgotten about may contain exactly that cherished copy
  • Friends gifts to be adjusted
  • Order for foresters and hunters to provide budget samples at a similar price
  • Thrift shops and flea markets, flea markets often offer illiquid or inexpensive "treasures"
  • Online platforms for the sale of trophies will help you find the right material

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, ease of processing, uniqueness, outrageousness, relevance in a "rustic" style
  • Minuses: fragility and fragility when used in harsh weather conditions outdoors, relatively high cost

Logs, driftwood, logs, tree trunks

If you have unused pieces of logs lying around, why not use them in making garden furniture. This material is the most simple and affordable, and most importantly, you do not need to buy it.

You can choose different types of wood, remove or leave the bark, make holes, paint, varnish, there are many options for processing this material. Choose the diameter of the tree to your taste and get to work.

Where to find?

  • Own remains after the construction of a house, a bathhouse and other buildings
  • In the nearby forest or plantings, you can find fallen, partially rotted trees.
  • In the villages, stumps remain after cutting firewood, you can agree on acceptable price or receive as a gift
  • In the forestry they will definitely help you find the right specimen.

Important to remember! In no case can not arbitrarily cut down trees. A fine for deforestation is also provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 8.28. for an individual can be from 4,000 rubles and more.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, availability, ease of processing, durability and practicality in use
  • Minuses: susceptible to damage by pests, requires care and processing, can dry out and rot

Building coils

Building coils in the interior began to be used not so long ago, but they immediately gained their popularity. Such coils are used in construction for storing and transporting cables and are often disposed of after use. If you're lucky, you can get coils different sizes and diameter at a very low price, or they can be found for free.

Wooden construction coils are used for the production of tables, ottomans, armchairs and even barbecues. Don't miss your chance to add this interesting decor to your collection.

Where to find?

  • Construction sites often throw away coils
  • Points of acceptance for recycling of secondary raw materials

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, ease of processing, structural integrity, durability and practicality in use
  • Minuses: hard to get right size quite heavy for transport and use


Plastic is not in the forefront of materials for garden furniture because of its non-environmental friendliness, however, if you are not afraid chemical composition, then this material also deserves attention. Plastic is everywhere leading the way in the industrial production of outdoor furniture because of its practicality in use. But you can make plastic garden furniture yourself.

Where to find?

  • Store warehouses and retail outlets often throw away packaging and boxes
  • Internet platforms for the sale and marketing of various recyclables
  • Receiving points for plastic processing
  • Perhaps your own supplies are stored in similar boxes too.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: availability, durability and practicality in use, light weight
  • Minuses: not environmentally friendly material, difficult to process


The stones were used for outdoor furniture from time immemorial. This material has all the necessary properties for outdoor furniture - it is not affected by natural and weather phenomena, it is affordable, budget-friendly and environmentally friendly. However, now it is less and less common to see carved stone benches in the park or in the country, due to the severity of processing, more practical and modern materials have come to replace the stone.

Where to find?

  • On the site after the construction of the house, the well often remains unnecessary stones and cobblestones
  • In the vicinity of the site, fields, etc., you can also find beautiful specimens
  • You can find a lot of material for your furniture in the quarries.
  • In construction stores and bases, you can order both ordinary cheap stone and beautiful cobblestones of various breeds.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, affordability, durability and practicality in use, monumentality and aesthetic appearance
  • Minuses: difficult to handle, transport and stack


Textile as the main material for furniture is rarely used, but in garden furniture it is a very convenient and even indispensable material. You can make pillows, seats, hammocks, swings, a bungee chair, deck chairs, a hut, awnings and awnings and much more from it.

Where to find?

  • Remains of fabric from our own stocks, including old unnecessary things for rework
  • Fabric stores offer a wide range of budget colors
  • Thrift stores and second-hand
  • Major sales on online trading platforms

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros:
  • Minuses: complexity in processing - sewing is necessary, the need for frequent washing

Tires (tires)

Tires are often used outdoors, so this perfect material for garden. Furniture made from rubber tires is durable and unusual, and very flexible in processing. Important! Be sure to wash and degrease the tire before use. Remember the material is highly flammable.

Where to find?

  • Own old tires
  • Accept as a gift from friends, acquaintances
  • Tire shop often throws away unwanted used tires
  • Garage owners often leave old tires at the gate.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: availability, popularity, no purchase costs, durability and practicality in use
  • Minuses: not environmentally friendly and fairly combustible material

tin barrels

From the old metal barrels, which often remain summer cottages because it's a pity to throw away, you can make interesting interior items.

Where to find?

  • Own old barrels
  • Automotive service stations often throw away empty barrels
  • Garage owners often leave old barrels at the gate.
  • Industrial and construction companies throw away empty barrels in large quantities.

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: availability, durability and practicality in use, aesthetic appearance
  • Minuses: not environmentally friendly, difficult to process

metal pipes

The remains of metal pipes after laying the water supply can also be used for garden furniture. Metal is always a practical and durable solution for furniture.

Where to find?

  • Own remains of the pipe
  • Construction stores offer leftovers and illiquid assets at low prices
  • Internet portals can offer barter exchange or attractive prices

Advantages and disadvantages of the material

  • Pros: environmental friendliness, availability, durability and practicality in use, aesthetic appearance
  • Minuses: complexity in processing - skills and tools are required, the need for anti-corrosion treatment

Step-by-step instructions for making country furniture with your own hands from improvised materials

Start by making simple stylish things for your suburban area and soon you will be able to show off your exclusive handmade item to your guests.

Tire ottoman will decorate any garden

Materials and tools: Tire of any diameter, plywood sheet, screwdriver, hemp rope, drill, 12 screws, scissors, glue gun, glue, brush, varnish.

How to do:

  • Put a pre-cut plywood circle of the appropriate size on the tire;
  • We drill holes along the edge of the plywood with a drill and connect it with the tire with screws;
  • We do the same with the other side of the tire;
  • We mask the tire, starting from the center of one of the circles, glue the hemp rope;
  • We varnish the finished pouf with a brush.

Wooden lounger for a comfortable stay in the country

Materials and tools: A tree trunk (if possible, straight and without knots) or about 15–17 logs up to 15 cm in diameter, an electric saw, a screwdriver, hardware (take with a margin), colored tape.

How to do:

  • The tree trunk, cleaned in advance from knots and notches, is cut into pieces 80–90 cm long, up to 20 pieces
  • With colored tape we glue the stencil form of a deck chair on the floor (“wave” figure);
  • We alternately connect the logs with screws along the line of the stencil;
  • Under one arc, we install an additional log-support;
  • The finished deck chair can be sanded and painted as desired.

Video: detailed instructions for making a sunbed with your own hands

In order for your furniture to look neat and serve for a long time, it is necessary to properly provide options for care and protection from external factors. You may need: protective impregnation and antiseptic for wood, paints, varnishes, anti-corrosion compounds for metal, protective waxes for trophies and fragile woods, sealants, covers for storing furniture in the off-season.

The pipe must first be cleaned and coated with an anti-corrosion compound.
For outdoor placement, it is better to varnish or cover with a composition for ship decks
It is better to treat the joints with silicone or sealant led strip
Cover the tabletop special composition for countertops or yacht oil and it will last a long time
Painted loungers will keep their appearance attractive longer
Varnish for outdoor use all year round
Rub the rubber with a special compound so that it does not crack and shine

Video: saving on furniture for a summer residence correctly

From improvised materials you get many options for beautiful and comfortable furniture for garden. But giving preference to environmentally friendly and simple materials, you can fill the space with cozy things, remaining in harmony with nature and in accordance with the family budget.