How much chaga is stored in dry form. Chaga - birch mushroom (harvesting and storage)

The medicinal properties of chaga are literally legendary today. This fungus is used to treat a variety of ailments, including those for which official medicine is powerless: tumors, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and other organs. Chaga is able to alleviate the condition of people suffering from oncological diseases, significantly improving their well-being, delaying the development of tumors and metastases. It is well known that adherence to the technology of collection and storage of medicines created by nature itself is the key to their successful, effective use. And chaga is no exception. The preservation of its unique natural components, biologically active substances that can create miracles in the understanding of modern medicine directly depends on how accurately all the subtleties of collecting and storing the mushroom will be observed.

When is it harvested?

Most representatives of the plant world have quite definite seasonal periods when they can be efficiently harvested, processed, and prepared for storage. There is a widespread opinion that chaga can be harvested all year round and that its medicinal properties will not go anywhere. How true is this statement?

Indeed, mushroom harvesting can be done at any time of the year. It belongs to the category of perennial mushrooms. He is not afraid of external unfavorable atmospheric influences. But the content of biologically active substances necessary for the human body in the mushroom varies depending on the season.

Traditional medicine says: the preparation of chaga should be carried out either in the spring or in the fall. What is the reason for this? Due to the fact that it accumulates the substances of the fungus useful for humans in the maximum amount precisely during the period when there is an intensive movement of juices near the trees. They give vitality to green spaces either in the fall, when the trees are being prepared for winter, or in the spring, when nature is awakening. It is this time that is important for the "quiet hunt" for the mushroom.

It is collected according to certain rules. For example: the mushroom is not taken from dry, lifeless trees. It is not harvested very low, close to the ground. And this is only a tiny fraction of the nuances associated with the mushroom and its preparation.

Time of gathering on birches

Such a detailed question worries many who decided to try to collect chaga. For some, this occupation is a profitable business, but for others it is another, granted by nature, perhaps the last chance to support the body in the fight against an illness. The most optimal months when the mushroom has a full range of useful medicinal substances are April, September, October and November. You can collect chaga all year round, but it is absolutely clear that these actions will be an irrational waste of effort, money and time.

To comply with the technology of collecting the mushroom, an ax is used. You can also use a sharp knife, which is extremely impractical, since it will complicate and lengthen the time for separating chaga from the tree trunk in the place where it is located.

Chaga grows on alder, willow, mountain ash, but most often on birches. Chaga, which has unique medicinal properties, can only be harvested from birch trunks. The most optimal place for mushroom collection is not where lonely birches grow, but in a birch grove. Chaga located on a freestanding tree contains significantly fewer biologically active substances, for which it is so highly valued.

Chaga is not harvested from felled trees, since the mushroom will not have the necessary healing properties on them. If it is distinguished by old, crumbling growths, it is completely unsuitable for medicinal use. It cannot be collected and stored in this state. Correctly cut the chaga vertically, separating the mushroom from the tree as close to its trunk as possible. This operation can be performed parallel to the direction of its growth.

Processing and storage

After the chaga is separated from the trunk, right there, in nature, in a birch grove, it must be processed, leaving the unusable parts of the mushroom, birch sawdust, garbage in the same place where it was cut. The mushroom processing process is not so much laborious as painstaking. Chaga is divided into parts: those that are darker and those that are lighter in color. Light, loose chaga, like the parts with the same color, do not have the necessary medicinal properties, they do not have the necessary biologically active additives, and they are not used in folk medicine. Once the chaga is divided into parts according to color, the solid and dark components of the mushroom are processed so that the chaga can be stored further, before thoroughly drying the mushroom.

How to store chaga properly and how many years can it be stored? Quite a controversial issue. Those who have been collecting chaga for a long time, of course, have their own secrets. Someone even assures that chaga is stored for many years without losing its unique properties. But any biological substances have their own shelf life when they have certain qualities. The approximate shelf life of the mushroom is about two years. That is how long chaga does not lose its unique healing properties and it contains biologically active substances that are necessary for the preparation of medicines.

or "Birch mushroom"- symptomatic and general tonic.


Chronic anacid gastritis, malignant tumors of various localization (inoperable cases of neoplasms).

The best effect of using chaga is observed in cancer of the stomach, lungs and other organs richly supplied with blood vessels. The infusion is less effective in localizing the tumor in the skin, brain, bones.


Chaga infusion(Infusum inonoti obliqui 20.0: 100.0) is prepared as follows: the mushroom is washed and then soaked for 4-5 hours in boiled water so that the body of the mushroom is completely immersed in it. The soaked mushroom becomes softer and is easily chopped - with a rasp, grater or passing through a meat grinder. The water in which the chaga was soaked is used for infusion.

1 part of the chopped mushroom is poured with 5 volumetric parts of water remaining after the mushroom has been soaked (temperature 50 ° C, it is not recommended to pour the mushroom with water of a higher temperature, as it loses activity) and leave for 48 hours. Then the liquid is drained, and the remainder is squeezed out through several layers of gauze. The thicker liquid obtained after this is diluted with boiled water to its original volume.

Warm infusion of chaga with milk and sugar tastes like surrogate coffee.

  • For anacid gastritis, take 1 glass of infusion 1-3 times a day as directed by a doctor.
  • In case of malignant tumors, an infusion of chaga is prescribed for adults in an amount of at least 3 glasses a day during the day in fractional portions at any time of the day. For tumors in the small pelvis, in addition to oral administration, warm medicinal microclysters (50-100 ml) are prescribed at night.

Chaga tablets(Tabul. Inonotus obliquis) take 1 piece 4 times a day half an hour before meals, with 50 ml of water.

Treatment should be carried out in courses of 3-5 months with short breaks (7-10 days) between each course.


The infusion of chaga is completely harmless, but with prolonged continuous use of chaga preparations, in some patients, increased excitability of the vegetative part of the nervous system is observed - these phenomena gradually disappear when the dosage is reduced or the drugs are canceled.


The use of penicillin (fungal antagonist), intravenous administration of glucose solutions. Relative contraindications to the use of chaga are diseases in which large amounts of liquid cannot be injected into the body (in these cases, the mushroom infusion can be used instead of tea or a solution of double strength - 2 parts by volume of chaga per 5 parts of water).



  • Weighted chaga powder for preparation of infusion (10 g).
  • Chaga tablets.
  • Chaga thick extract (Befungin).


Store in a cool dry, dark place.

The shelf life of chaga is 2 years. The ready-made infusion can be stored for 3-4 days.


Chaga is usually harvested in spring and autumn, at which time the mushroom has the strongest biological effect. Harvesting is quite difficult - the growths are chopped off with an ax, after which they are cut into separate pieces and dried in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50 ° C. In dried raw materials, moisture is allowed no more than 12%, extractives - not less than 20%. The presence of a loose light brown or yellow part of wood, easily crumbling, is allowed in chaga, no more than 25%; birch residues that have grown into pieces of chaga - no more than 5%.

Chaga grows, feeding on birch sap, causing rotting wood at the site of its introduction. Chaga outgrowths are found not only on birches, but, less often, on alder, mountain ash, elm, ash.

Chemically, the birch mushroom has been little studied; a small amount of resinous substances and alkaloids was found in it. The positive effect of chaga preparations in tumor processes may be associated with the presence in them of a certain amount of pterins (teropterin and aminopterin).

Birch has always served a person, even if the tree is sick. On a birch, a mushroom is often formed, which is called chaga. This growth is a sterile form of mown tinder fungus, mainly this fungus forms on birch trunks. Spores of this fungus penetrate into birch wood in places of its damage, and gradually destroy it. However, for humans, they can be beneficial. Today we will tell you about the beneficial properties of birch chaga.

In places of infection with tinder fungus, black growths appear over time, which have a bumpy surface with shallow cracks. The growths gradually increase. The shape of the tinder fungus is determined by the nature of the damage to the tree bark. The most common forms of mushrooms are found in the form of nodules 10-15 centimeters thick and 30-40 centimeters long. The outlines of the outgrowths are not correct. Ball-shaped growths usually form in places of felled branches.

Often, outgrowths on birch trunks leave birch bark remnants on their hard surface. When you cut the mushroom, you can see three layers. The first layer is superficial, black, hard to the touch, its thickness is about 1-2mm. The second layer is medium, has a brown-brown tint, dense. The third layer is inner, has a yellowish or brown color, loose in structure. The inner layer extends deep into the wood in the form of rotten wood.

The appearance of a birch mushroom is different from that of typical tinder fungi. Chaga does not form fruiting bodies that grow on dead trees or stumps. It also lacks a tubular layer, which is characteristic of all fungi of this type. Chaga has a lifespan of 10 or more years; it should be noted that it produces substances that are not typical for plant tissues.

The chemical composition of birch chaga

Chaga treatment

In modern medicine, this type of fungus is used to treat gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and malignant tumors. There are positive trends in the treatment of gastric and other organ cancers. Such treatment is applied, if not possible, surgical intervention.

Since ancient times, people have known that chaga has anti-tumor properties.

Back in the 17th century, there are references to the beneficial properties of the birch mushroom. But the mushroom is not always used as a medicine. Among the peoples of the Far North and Siberia, chaga is a drink, something like a substitute for black tea. "Tea" brewed with the use of this plant, restores strength, invigorates, increases human appetite.

Chaga infusion is a kind of medicine. In medical procedures using infusion, they insist on a plant-milk diet. This medicinal infusion is categorically contraindicated when used together with drugs of the pinicillin group and with glucose injections.

To prepare an infusion of chaga, it should first be soaked in boiled water for 5 hours, while making sure that the birch mushroom is completely submerged in water. Then chop the mushroom by grating or passing it through a meat grinder. Then heat five parts of the water in which the chaga was soaked to 50 degrees Celsius. Leave this mixture for 3 days, then drain the water and squeeze the mushroom. Dilute the resulting liquid with boiled water to the original volume. This liquid should be stored no more than 3-4 days.

Chaga infusion is used for tumors, while it is necessary to consume at least 3 glasses a day, after dividing the infusion into equal parts. It is important to remember that there are contraindications for some diseases, so it is advisable to limit the intake of chaga infusion. For diseases that retain water in the body, only infusion should be taken, it is not advisable to drink another liquid.

Currently, chaga is not so often found in pharmacies, but now industrial production of a birch mushroom has been established, which offers a remedy called befungin. This drug relieves pain, and also tones the body.

Befungin is indicated for use in stomach ulcers, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and is also used as a symptomatic agent for certain cancers. Before use, Befungin should be shaken and diluted in boiled water in proportions: 3 tsp to 150ml. water. Take orally 1 tablespoon 30 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. Take this remedy for 7-10 days.

Collection and storage

To preserve all the medicinal properties of birch chaga, you need to follow some rules when preparing it. Of particular fundamental importance is not what time of the year to collect chaga. Some experts recommend harvesting chaga when the trees have no foliage. During this period, the mushroom is clearly visible.

The birch mushroom is separated from the trunk with an ax, after which the loose inner part should be thrown out, as well as get rid of the bark and wood on it. After that, dry the chaga at a temperature not exceeding 60 degrees Celsius, after chopping it into small pieces.

After complete drying, the mushroom becomes dense and takes on an indefinite shape with numerous cracks. The top layer of chaga is dark, and the inner layer is dark brown with a pattern of small dark veins. Has a bitter taste, odorless.

The shelf life of chaga is no more than 2 years, since this mushroom quickly begins to grow moldy.

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Chaga represents solid, rather large, up to 50-60 cm in circumference, up to 20 cm thick, growths weighing from 1.0 to 5 kg, round, spherical in shape with deeply cracked black surface. Chaga can grow for 15–20 years. The inner tissue of these outgrowths is brown, dense enough, penetrated with small whitish veins. Spreading. Chaga is found in the birch forests of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Europe, in the northern United States, in the mountains of North Carolina ..

Procurement and storage of birch mushroom "chaga"

The mushroom (chaga) is harvested throughout the year, cutting off the growths with a sharp object or knocking down with an ax. In terms of the activity of the impact, mushrooms collected in autumn and spring have some advantage. The wood and rotten parts are separated from the bruised outgrowths. Mushroom crushed into pieces 5-6 cm in size, and dried in a well-ventilated room, or in a dryer at a temperature of 50-60 C. Dried raw materials are stored in dry rooms. Shelf life is 2 years.

Pharmacological properties of birch mushroom "chaga"

Prearates birch mushroom are used as active stimulants of the immune system, which increase the body's defenses, stimulate the nervous system of the body, improve metabolism, and act as a general tonic.

Dosage forms and application of the birch mushroom "chaga"

INSIDE - infusion of birch mushroom: mushroom washed with water, soaked in boiled water, completely immersed, insisted for 4-5 hours. The soaked mushroom is crushed and poured with water heated to 50C in a ratio of 1: 5 (by volume), using the same water that remained after soaking. Insist 48 hours. The liquid is filtered, the sediment is squeezed out and the resulting infusion is diluted to the initial volume. The infusion is stored for no more than 4 days. Drink three glasses a day in small doses half an hour before meals (dose for adults).

Extract is made from birch mushroom - Befungin

Certification of copies of documents. Certification procedure.

Certification of copies is an action carried out by a notary, as a result of which the conformity of copies of documents is attested.

In practice, the certification of copies of documents by a notary occurs when the original document is provided or when a copy of certified by the responsible person is provided.

Often diabetics , and not only, are faced with this procedure when registering a pension under disabilities, when drawing up documents for the provision of medicines and accessories, devices.

A notary must not certify copies of the submitted documents if they have corrections, additions, notes, illegible text, insufficiently clear seal imprint, if there is no part of the document.

If the submitted original of the document consists of several sheets, then the notary's certification of copies of this document occurs if such a document is bound and the sheets are numbered.

If a citizen is a minor, then he can only certify copies of documents with a notary that relate to himself (birth certificate, passport, certificate of maturity).

Where chaga grows

The mushroom is a black "hump" on a tree trunk, uneven outlines, whose surface is covered with a mass of cracks. Despite the external unsightlyness, the product has a lot of nutrients and microelements.

In order not to spend on searching and collecting a healing agent, you need to know exactly how to find chaga in the forest. Going to forest land, look for a birch forest - it is birch that is a favorite place for tree growth. In addition, it can be found on mountain ash, beech, alder, maple. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the birch, since the growths on the "body" of this tree have the maximum healing effect.

Is it possible to collect chaga in winter

When is the best time to harvest chaga? Spring and autumn are considered the most favorable periods, since at this time the tree growth accumulates valuable substances in the maximum amount.
However, the growth is a perennial mushroom, perfectly protected from the vicissitudes of the weather. That's whycollection of chaga is possible in winter, although during this period the medicinal properties of the product are lower than in the autumn-spring. When going on a winter "hunt" for a healing growth, consider some of the nuances:

  • Chopping a mushroom in cold weather is more difficult than in warm weather. The frozen build-up is stronger and stronger.
  • Drifts will also complicate the collection of chaga - it will be more difficult for you to get close to the healing growth.
  • The subsequent drying of the winter product takes a little longer.

How to collect birch chaga

Let's take a look at the important rules for collecting a natural remedy:

  • The growth retains its benefits throughout the year, however, the maximum concentration of valuable substances and trace elements reaches in April or from September to November.
  • The mushroom grows from the very "body" of the tree, so it is not so easy to separate it from the trunk. To separate the chaga from the birch, "arm" yourself with a small compact hatchet (in extreme cases, a wide and large knife), with which it will be easier to cut the "hump" from the tree.
  • The growth should be cut vertically, right at the point where it joins the trunk (parallel to the woody "body").
  • For medicinal purposes, a "hump" is used, which grows exclusively on birches. It is believed that a whole "family" of growths, located in the neighborhood on several birch trees, and not on a lone birch, have the greatest benefit. Therefore, it is better to cut off tree outgrowths in a birch forest.
  • There is no need to pick mushroom from fallen, old or dry trees. Because, as soon as the tree “master” begins to die, the growth on its “body” also dies off.
  • Tree outgrowths located at the very bottom of the trunk do not have the necessary healing properties. Most often these are old mushrooms that have already lost their benefits. It is necessary to cut off the chaga, which is located at a distance of at least a meter from the ground.

Important! Distinguishing a valuable mushroom from a useless growth is not difficult. A useful product is dense, crumbles with difficulty, inside it has a fairly strong brown filling. Old, useless outgrowths are loose, have a black "insides" and easily crumble.

How to clean chaga

After you have cut down the build-up, it needs to be properly handled. Healing substances contain the very insides - the brown inner part of the product. But the build-up must be cleaned from the black surface. The junction of the outgrowth with the wood also has no useful properties, so this part must also be removed. At home, the steps for preparing the product for subsequent drying are as follows:

  • We beat off with a large, wide knife or hatchet the light brown part, the one that was connected to the birch wood. It is easy to define it - it is loose and crumbly.
  • We remove the black surface.
  • Divide the remaining middle part (brown or brown) into pieces. How to grind chaga properly? Don't try to crush the mushroom or cut it too finely. You need to cut or chop the build-up into 3 to 5 cm pieces.

How to dry birch chaga at home

After you have chopped the mushroom into small pieces, you need to dry the raw material so that it retains all the nutrients. For proper drying, pay special attention to the room - it must be dry and warm, and in addition, it must be well ventilated. It is necessary to put the raw materials on paper and in a few months the medicine will be ready. The finished pieces will acquire a special hardness and will easily crumble.

Do not try to speed up the drying process by heating the mushroom in the oven. High temperatures will simply destroy the bulk of nutrients.

Important! Freshly cut growth is sensitive to mold spores, therefore, in a cold, insufficiently ventilated room with high humidity, a valuable product will be spoiled.

How to store chaga

Dried pieces of the build-up need to be able to and properly stored. For this, dry raw materials can be placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. In addition, sealed paper bags or linen pouches work well. Linen bags should be made from natural fabrics (linen, cotton). However, it should be borne in mind that raw materials in such fabric bags are very sensitive to temperature extremes and humidity levels.

Shelf life of chaga

After you have prepared the raw materials, you need to know how long the chaga is stored. Dried medicinal mushroom retains its beneficial characteristics for 2 years.

Healing tree growth has a huge range of useful substances and trace elements that can be used to treat a variety of diseases, including cancer and diabetes. Knowing how to properly collect, dry, store the mushroom, you will be able to preserve its healing abilities in full, always have at hand the most valuable remedy presented by Nature itself.

All materials on the site are presented solely for informational purposes. Before using any means, a consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Updated: 08-11-2019