The history of the pillow. Creative project "sofa cushion" The history of the toy pillow

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Natalinskaya secondary school"

Creative project on the topic:


The project was completed by:

7th grade student

Masanova Anya

Project Manager:

technology teacher

Guryeva A.N.

2016 year

1. Justification of the problem.

2. Purpose and objectives of the project.

3. Historical background (research)

4. Design analysis

5. Development of options.

6. Identification of the basic requirements for the product.

7. Analyzing ideas and choosing the best option.

8. Organization of the workplace.

9.T.B. at work.

10. Design part.

11. Manufacturing technology.

12. Business case.

13. Environmental justification.

14 Self-assessment.

15. Used literature.

    Justification of the problem

In technology class, I need to complete a creative project. A problem immediately arose in front of me, but what could I have done, because I need not only to do something, but so that I need this product and be useful in my life. Most likely, it should be something for my house, because we recently made repairs in the house, and now, together with my mother, we are trying to make the house more comfortable, warm and beautiful, besides, I have my own room where I am I can make my wildest fantasies of interior decoration come true, try on a little the role of a designer.

Everyone dreams of a comfortable, comfortable and beautiful home. And everyone is faced with just one question: how to make your home beautiful, comfortable, and most importantly, cozy? After all, the ideal solution for planning an apartment cannot provide us with comfort without a rational and artistic organization of the interior.

Different people put different meanings into the concept of "cozy room". And this is correct, because how many people, so many opinions. Comfort, of course, can be different, but whatever we put into this concept, there are things that are associated with it most often.

For example, a sofa cushion. It not only provides additional comfort when we settle down to relax on our favorite sofa or armchair after work, but also decorates our upholstered furniture, and the whole room as a whole. My room just lacks beautiful, soft and cozy cushions, so I decided to make a set of cushions that will delight me and my family.

Colors are of particular importance in the creation of works. But about color - a special conversation. For many centuries, people have admired all the splendor and variety of colors created by the great artist Nature, and discovered the laws of color harmony, which are well known to professional artists. Those who work with a combination of colors can be called artists, only in their hands instead of a brush and paints, they hold colored patches, threads and a needle. Just like artists, they need to be proficient in color, which helps to avoid gross mistakes when creating a "painting". And bright and varied colors will not limit even the highest flight of imagination.

Paintings, graphics, applied art, sculpture and artistic textiles are the finishing touches in the organization of the interior of the apartment. Some spend a lot of money on paintings, some buy expensive decoration souvenirs. This project assumes a very inexpensive and very fun way to decorate your room, bring comfort to it, and give individuality to your home.

It is enough to provide yourself with the necessary tools, materials and devices, fortunately, now it is not difficult and accessible to everyone.

Objective of the project

Make a soft, bright pillow with your own hands.

Project objectives:

1. Decide on the choice of pillow.

2. Select material and filler for making a pillow.

3. Prepare templates for sewing.

4. Sew a pillow.

5. Protect the project.

History of the sofa cushion (research)

The rise of cushions came a little later than conventional sleep cushions, but the history of the cushions goes back many centuries.

If the first pillows for sleeping are found already in the days of Ancient Egypt, then the East or Ancient Greece is considered to be the birthplace of sofa pillows.

One of the stories of the emergence of cushions is associated with a special tradition of Eastern countries - the absence of furniture that is well known and familiar to us: chairs, armchairs, benches. In the east, they ate and slept on the floor.

In wealthy houses, the floor was naturally soft, warm carpets, but that was not enough. This is how the first cushions appeared. Usually, for greater convenience, they had an oblong shape. Such pillows were called minders.

Another variant of the appearance of a sofa cushion is Ancient Greece. A low couch bed or a soft sofa was a widespread piece of furniture among the ancient Greeks.

During a feast or discussing important deals, they preferred to recline on comfortable beds, surrounded by pillows. That is why the history of the emergence of cushions is usually associated with this period in the history of mankind. It must be said that the pillows that appeared among the ancient Greeks had nothing to do with the pillows for sleeping of the ancient Egyptians.

They were soft. Every well-to-do citizen of Greece had a similar attribute of comfort and coziness in his property.

The ancestors of modern sofa cushions, these pillows were filled with a wide variety of materials and decorated to show the wealth and prosperity of their owners.

The story of the sofa cushion did not end there. Already in the Middle Ages, analogues of modern sofa cushions were taken with them to the church, laid on benches, and placed in saddles. There was even a special kind of pillows, they put their feet on them so as not to freeze them on the cold stone floors of the castles.

In Russia, the sofa cushion was called "dumka", "dumochka", since they did not sleep on it, but while lying on the sofa they thought about life, being.

The emergence of a sofa cushion in our usual understanding of this combination occurred later.

It was then that the additional function of room decor was assigned to the pillows, when, in addition to comfort for its owners, the pillow was supposed to decorate the sofa or armchair and the room as a whole.

Different styles replaced each other, sofa cushions changed, the main functions that were assigned to them changed.

One thing remained unchanged: they were always needed to provide comfort and create additional coziness.

Sofa cushions still regularly perform this important function in our homes and apartments.

Design analysis.


Model sketches

To develop my product, I reviewed many magazines and books on needlework and came to the conclusion that I can make a set of pillows with various types of needlework. Here are a few pillow options I came up with:

Knitted pillows. This is an interesting option for pillows, but for my room, I think, not very suitable, since the room should have, as it were, rustic notes in its own style, and I want it to be modern and youthful, so this option does not suit me.

Picture 1

Pillow toys. Making such pillows you can dream up very well, such pillows should be colorful and cheerful. I have a little brother who would love these pillows very much, but this is no longer suitable for me, since I grew out of the age of toys.

Picture 2

Fabric pillows. They can be of different types and sizes, you can also decorate them in a very different way. Such a pillow will probably be the most suitable for my room, the fabric can be chosen to match the color of my curtains, or vice versa, then the curtains can be sewn to match the color of my pillows, this will add coziness and warmth to my room.

Figure 3

Patch pillows. The patchwork technique is very popular now, and the pillows made in this technique are beautiful and varied, but it is a very time-consuming and interesting process. I will dwell on this idea and sew a pillow from the rags.

Figure 4

Conclusion: I chose pillow number 4 - I liked it the most. Not too big. In my opinion, it is not difficult to sew. The size of my pillow is 30 by 40 cm.

Product requirements

After determining the type of product and the material for its manufacture, criteria should be developed that the product must satisfy.

1. The pillow should be suitable for my room decor.

2. The product should be original and beautiful.

3. Use scraps of fabric as a material.

4. The material should be in bright saturated colors.

5. The product should not be expensive.

6. The pillow should be comfortable.

7. The product must be aesthetically pleasing.

All of these factors should be considered when planning your work.

Aesthetic justification

Color in the interior ... (research)

Does the color environment affect our psychophysical and emotional state? Even the same , depending on the intensity and duration of exposure, evokes negative or positive emotions in us. And our eye is able to distinguish 1.5 million colors and tones. Color can irritate, cause anger, or vice versa, soothe, bring peace. Listening to our own feelings, we strive to surround ourselves with the color scheme in which we are as comfortable as possible. In general, this manifests itself in the selection of colors for the interior of the room. However, nevertheless, in nature there is a certain law, the effect of color on the psychological state of a person.
Researchers, as a result of numerous studies, have come to the conclusion that there is a biological innate in color preferences. So, children under the age of one year, regardless of race and place of residence, show the same preferences: they prefer scarlet, yellow and orange to green, blue and purple. In adolescents and adults, colors are distributed in popularity as follows: cyan, yellow, purple, greenish, lilac, orange, whitish.

Rainbow colors in order

Surely, each of us has seen a rainbow at least once and can easily name the colors of the rainbow in order. Memorizerainbow colors in order we were taught as a child. Remember the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants To Know Where The Pheasant Sits? But this is nothing more than the most popular mnemonic phrase in order to remember the colors of the rainbow in order. The first letter of each word of this phrase corresponds to the first letter in the name of the color. Therefore,rainbow colors in order sound like this: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. In addition to the above phrase, there are several other mnemonic phrases that help you learn the arrangement of colors in the rainbow. For example: How One Day Jacques-Bell-Ringer Broke The Lantern With His Head, Every Designer Wants To Know Where To Download Photoshop and others.

Why is this sequence of colors seen by a person in a rainbow? The fact is that a rainbow occurs as a result of the refraction of sunlight through droplets of moisture. Does a rainbow appear only after rain, when the sun immediately shone? Right. Water droplets still float in the air, through which sunlight penetrates.

The sequence of colors that a person sees in a rainbow are the colors of the optical spectrum, from red, the light with the longest wavelength, to violet, the shortest wavelength of the spectrum visible to the human eye. This is why the top color is red and the bottom color is purple. In fact, a rainbow represents a huge number of transitions from one shade to another, but a person sees only seven primary colors.

The rainbow is found in the beliefs of many peoples. In Russia, it was believed that a rainbow is a serpent that drinks water from lakes and rivers and then sheds it on the ground with rain.

Investigation of patchwork technique

Difference between patchwork and quilting

Comparing the two concepts, it should be noted that patchwork acts as a separate technique in which its own techniques are applied, and quilting is a harmonious combination of several sewing techniques at once (the products obtained in this case have the corresponding name "quilts"). In other words, the difference between patchwork and quilting is the narrower focus of the former.

The essence of patchwork is to create a beautiful canvas from many fragments. Their size, shape and color are individual for each product. In this case, the method of connecting the elements is of great importance. In one case, for example, a strict ornament is created from triangles of the same size, in the other, fragments of arbitrary shape and color are chaotically connected. There are special patchwork techniques that reveal the sequence of the arrangement of pieces of material to obtain a particular result.

Patchwork is only a frequent component of quilting. In addition to a pattern of patches, quilts can contain applique, when various elements are sewn to the fabric, and embroidery. It is the creation of fancy patterns of stitches that connect all layers of the product that is a characteristic feature of quilting.

Quilts are always obtained soft and voluminous due to the "air" layer, for example, from padding polyester, enclosed between the upper and lower canvases of the product. Items made exclusively using the patchwork technique do not always differ in volume.

What's the difference between patchwork and quilting yet? It lies in the fact that quilting has to do with sewing. Patchwork can also be knitted. In this case, elements created using knitting needles or a crochet are combined with each other.

Conclusion: After researching the patchwork and quilting technique, I concluded that my pillow will be made using the Patchwork technique. Since my pillow consists of two colors and a narrow variety of elements.

Organization of the workplace

For operations performed manually, a work table is required, on which only workpieces, tools and fixtures should be located. During manual work, you need to ensure the correct fit. Incorrect position of the body (trunk) causes fatigue, reduces performance, and also leads to stoop, curvature of the spine, and impairs vision.

A workplace for performing machine work is a table on which a sewing machine is installed and the necessary tools and devices are laid out.

When working on the sewing machine, the workplace should be well lit. When using the sewing machine, it is very important to sit with the body slightly tilted and head forward.

TB at work

Safety instructions for manual work :

be attentive;

put the thimble on the middle finger of the right hand so as not to

prick him;

stick needles and pins only into the needle bar,

do not sew with a bent needle;

do not stick needles into clothes;

put scissors to your right with closed blades;

transfer scissors only with closed blades and rings


Safety instructions for sewing work:

Do not lean close to moving parts of the sewing machine;

Keep your fingers away from the driving needle;

Do not place foreign objects on the platform.

Safety precautions when performing wet-heat


Do not leave the iron on;

Place the thermostat disc in accordance with the selected


Place the iron on a special stand;

Make sure that the cord does not touch the sole of the iron; Switch the iron on and off with dry hands, while grasping

the plug body, not the cord; WTO products or parts to be performed from the seamy side in the direction of the shared thread.



1. Torso - 2 days

2. Inner torso - 2 days

3. Middle part of the head - 1 d.

4. Belly - 1 day.

5. Ear - 4 days

6. Language - 1 d

7. Tail - 2 days

Manufacturing technology

Fold the ear details in pairs with the right sides inward and sew along the outer contours to the marked line of the seam of the attaching

Fold the tail details with the right sides and stitch along the outer contours to the marked line of the stitching seam

Turn out details

Sweep the ears to detail 3-4 in the marked places.

Fold the middle part of the head with both parts of the body on the front sides, grind. Fold the inner parts of the body with the right sides, stitch along the dotted line, leaving part of the seam for turning.

Fold the inner part of the body with the front sides with the body, stitch to the body on each side along all cuts from the middle seam to the middle seam. Sew the back seam while stitching on the loose tail. Turn the puppy out and stuff SYNTHEPON. Sew the open seam by hand with small stitches. Sew on the tongue. Sew on buttons - nose, eyes. Pull one end of the collar into the buckle, sew on, cut the other end obliquely. For the pin of the buckle, make 4 holes at a distance of 1.5 cm from each other or tie a ribbon.

Economic justification



Price, rub.)



Cost, rub.)


White fabric


245 RUB

RUB 98

98 RUB

Blue fabric


175 RUB

35 rbl.

35 rbl.



RUB 70

RUB 14

Was in



RUB 10

A pair of eyes

RUB 10

RUB 10



12 rubles

Was in



RUB 169

157 RUB

From the compiled table, it can be seen that the cost of the toy,

made with your own hands, less than the cost of a toy bought on the market or in a store from similar materials.

Environmental justification.

Environmental issues are of concern to everyone in the modern world. The more a person moves along the steps of technical progress, the more harm is done to the nature around us. Man uses the resources of nature without thinking about the consequences of his activities. Keeping rivers, air and soil clean is essential. ... To do this, you need to create and install the latest , to use non-waste technologies, but all this requires large costs, but these costs are negligible in relation to the salvation of nature, on which our future and Life on Earth depend.

Therefore, in the manufacture of the project, I will try to use only environmentally friendly materials, without harming the environment. Also, the purpose of my product requires safety: all small parts (buttons) must be tightly sewn so that the child does not swallow them and get hurt. A synthetic winterizer lined with fabric does not pose a danger to children. Fabrics and small parts did not cause allergies in anyone .. All this proves the environmental friendliness of this product.


For self-assessment, it is necessary to answer the question: have I achieved all the goals and have I fulfilled all the requirements? I will answer consistently:

1. The product is of high quality. When examining the toy I made, I did not find a very noticeable marriage.

2. The toy is bright, beautiful, hand-made.

3. The product is functional. It has certain mechanical capabilities, conceived in advance.

4. The main factor that speaks in favor of my product is the extremely positive reaction of children to the clown.

So, in my opinion, the project was a success, and I am quite happy with my product.

I will assess myself with the following questions:

p / p.

Questions for my self-esteem.

My mark.

Can this toy perform the function that I invented for it?


Is the toy made well?

Yes, I did it beautifully, independently and efficiently.

Did you succeed in everything?


Did I come up with the toy myself?

No, I used a ready-made pattern from a magazine.

What rating did I give myself?

I will set myself a "5", because I like the toy and is made as I intended.

How did the kids rate my toy?

The children were happy with my work.

Did the toy turn out beautiful?

Yes, the toy is beautiful and my friends liked it.

My toy turned out to be expensive or cheap -

I think my toy is sewn sparingly

Used Books.

1M. Ventana. Technology textbook. M. "Count" 2012.

2.N. V. Vinogradov. DIY soft toy. S-P. "Nedra" 1995.

Matveeva Anastasia

The creative project "Pillow-toy" gives an opportunity to show the ways of using waste fabric to create interior elements.



Municipal educational institution "Basic School No. 12"

Creative technology project

9th grade student

Head: M. Naumova,

technology teacher

Tara, 2010

1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………… ..2

1.1. The purpose of the project .................................................................................... ................... 3

1.2. Project objectives ……………………………………………………………………………………… ..3

1.3. Justification for the choice of the project topic ……………………………………………………… .4

1.4. Brief definition of the design problem …………………………………………… .5

1.5. Tools and accessories for work …………………………………………… .6

1.6. Selection of fabric, filler and equipment ..................... ................................. 7

2. Main part

2.1 The history of the appearance of the sofa cushion. ………………………………………………. eight

2.2. Safe work rules ..................... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .................................. 10

2.4. Sequence of work execution …………………………………………… .14

3. Final stage

3.1. Environmental justification …………………………………………………… ......... 15

3.2. Calculation of the cost of the product ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… .. 15

3.3. Aesthetic assessment of the chosen option ……………………………………… 16

3.4. Assessment of the finished product …………………………………………………………………… 16

4. Conclusion

4.1. Sources of information …………………………………………………………………… ..17


Organization of independent creative work on the manufacture of a cushion toy.

  1. Get acquainted with the history of the emergence of cushions;
  2. Compare pillows made in different styles;
  3. Make a toy pillow with your own hands;
  4. To cultivate an aesthetic taste.

The apartment in which we live, work and rest should be comfortable, cozy and, of course, beautiful. To achieve this, there is no need to spend a lot of money. Are we not familiar with apartments furnished with expensive headsets, which, nevertheless, give the impression of boring and formulaic. At the same time, the often small, modestly furnished room reveals the good taste of the hostess. But for this you need to do a lot with your own hands.

A safe "refuge" after a hard day is a sofa or an armchair. And this is where a comfortable and beautiful cushion is simply needed.

Few will deny themselves the pleasure of relaxing on the sofa, covered with pillows on all sides. Sofa pillows are those pleasant little things that give the apartment a habitable look, emphasize its individuality and are always ready to carefully offer themselves to a tired owner or guest. And the sofa cushion made in the form of a child's toy will certainly please those children who come to visit you.

A pillow is man's best friend. Especially after work! There are many beautiful ones on the shelves in the store. And how to make not just a pillow, but a pillow-toy yourself?

Making a toy sofa cushion is the best way to get rid of the remnants of scraps, braid, buttons, beads and fur, which I have enough for this job. And also express yourself in creativity. After all, any novice craftswoman can tailor and decorate the pillow. A handmade pillow toy will decorate any faceless or boring interior.

  1. A toy sofa cushion should be matched in color and material with the furniture upholstery, bedspread or sofa cover.
  2. It should serve as a color accent, a spot that makes the interior of the room unique and interesting.
  1. From the variety of options, it is necessary to choose the one that is suitable for the interior of my room.

Selection of fabric, tools, fixtures, equipment

Tools and accessories

  1. Pencil
  2. Scissors
  3. Compass
  4. Ruler
  5. Tailor's chalk
  6. Tailor's pins
  7. Tape measure
  8. Non-woven
  9. Iron
  10. Stuffing materials
  11. Sewing machine

Materials for templates:

  1. Graph paper
  2. Cardboard
  3. Tracing paper
  1. The choice of fabric.

By researching various materials used in the manufacture of pillows, I found the optimal solution between the cost of the material and the availability of its processing. To make a pillow using the patchwork technique, you can use the remains of fabric always available at home, and the most simple to process is cotton fabric.

2. The choice of filler.

  1. Foam rubber.

Since my cushion toy will have a flat shape, the best filling will be foam rubber. It does not wrinkle and retains its shape well.

3. The choice of equipment, tools and fixtures.

  1. Sewing machine.
  2. Ironing board, iron.
  3. Hand needle, pins, scissors, thimble.
  4. Cotton threads # 40 - for machine work; and # 30 - for manual work.
  5. Chalk, compasses, ruler.
  6. Drawing paper, patterns, books for making cushions.

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, initially pillows were used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil the intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow was then curved planks on a stand. On the pillows they began to depict the gods who protected the sleeping person from the dark forces. Until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan. Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain, or metal. They were also solid rectangular supports.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Here comfort was more appreciated, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult item for the Greeks, they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented. The increasing complexity of dye-making and sewing techniques led to the transformation of pillows into an object of art, and richly decorated pillows became an expensive commodity.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. The sizes of the pillow were different. They were filled with animal hair, grass, down, and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

In ancient Rome, at first, they were mistrustful of pillows. But soon the Romans appreciated pillows, especially down pillows. Geese down was used to make down pillows. Often, military commanders released their subordinates from military service and sent them out to collect down for pillows.

Then it was believed that pillows have a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow so that his sleep was stronger. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold out. The emperor Augustus ordered the debtors to purchase a pillow, according to him he wanted to own a pillow on which a person with so many debts slept peacefully.

But there are many more positive stories associated with pillows. Indian pillows helped the great Buddha to restore health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture, he was lying on the ground barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful scent of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground, stuffed a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which the Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, he had the strength to go further on the journey.

In Arab countries, pillows were the most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet, which protected the feet from the cold. The floors in the castles were stone; heating could not warm up large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days. It was at that time that prayer pillows began to be used, they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Horse riding pillows were also common and cushioned the saddle.

In some European countries, there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under the pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say "Give birth to a boy" to your wife at night, a boy will be born.

During the Christmas holidays, fir branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped fulfill desires. Many divinations are associated with pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of the betrothed, the girls put a twig from a broom under the pillows.

In Russia, embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. The poor stuffed pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered luxury.

During the Industrial Revolution, the manufacture of decorative fabrics and pillows became mass production.

Safety rules for working with a needle, pins and scissors

Needles and pins

1 ... Store the needles in a pillow or needle bed with a thread wrapped around them. Store pins in a box with a tight-fitting lid.

2. Do not throw a broken needle, but put it in a specially designated box.

3. Know the number of needles, pins, taken for work. At the end of the work, check their availability.

4. During operation, pins and needles stick into the pillow, do not put in your mouth, do not stick into clothes, soft objects, walls, curtains. do not leave a needle in the product.

5. Do not sew with a rusty needle. It does not penetrate fabric well, stains and can break.

6. Attach the patterns to the fabric with the sharp ends of the pins away from you, so that you do not prick when you move your arms forward or to the sides.

7. Before trying on, check if there are any pins or needles in the product.


1. Store the scissors in a specific place - in a stand or work box.

2. Putting scissors with closed blades away from the worker; while passing, hold them by the closed blades.

3. Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

4. Do not leave the scissors with open blades.

5. Observe the movement and position of the blades during work.

6. Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Rules for working on a sewing machine.

1. Rotate the flywheel towards you only.

2. Select the thickness of threads and needles in accordance with the fabric.

3. Check the tension of the upper thread, stitch size, type of machine stitch.

4. Thread the threads exactly according to the instructions for the sewing machine (the threads of the upper and lower threading must be of the same number and preferably the same color).

5. Remember that when sewing, the part of the product should be on the left side of the worker, and the seam allowances should be on the right side.

6. Place fabric under the foot, make a puncture with a needle, lower the foot, and guide the threads behind the foot with 8-10 cm long ends.

7. At the end of work, raise the needle and foot, move the fabric to the side, tighten the threads and cut them using the knife located on the arm of the sewing machine.

8. Do not allow the sewing machine to operate when the fabric has come off the teeth of its rack.

9. When finished, place a piece of fabric under the presser foot and turn off the electric sewing machine.

Ironing rules

1. Before using the iron, check that the cord is working properly.

2. Switch the iron on and off with dry hands, gripping the body of the plug.

3. Place the iron on the stand.

4. Make sure that the soleplate does not touch the cord.

5. At the end of the work, turn off the iron.

One of the oldest patchwork techniques is based on working with pieces of fabric of the simplest geometric shape - a square. Colored squares, sewn according to certain rules, resemble colorful chessboards.
This technique has been known since ancient times, when very few fabrics were produced, they were too expensive, and even postage stamp-sized scraps were used, by the way, they gave the name "postage stamp" to one of the patterns made up of tiny squares.
Such sewing was especially often used in village families, where each piece of fabric was treated with great care.
It is a pleasure to work with squares. First, a colored pattern is drawn on checkered paper - a sketch (one cell is equal to one square). Many, without puzzling, use ready-made patterns for cross stitching and ornaments for knitting. According to the sketch, the number of squares from fabrics of a certain color is calculated. Cutting should be exactly according to the pattern, otherwise the squares are difficult to align when sewing.
Large shreds (more than 6x6 cm) are cut taking into account the share - it should run parallel to either side of the square, in smaller ones - the share is not respected.
For this simple technique, sew a 30x30 cm sample from 25 squares. Each patch is 6x6 cm, taking into account the seam allowance on all sides of the square by 1 cm.
Cut out the squares and lay them out on a flat surface, arranging them in the same color as in our sample.
The principle of joining squares into a canvas is as follows: first they are sewn into strips, and then stripes are sewn together. For a rectangular product, the squares are sewn into stripes on the shorter side - this is much more convenient. In our case (square product), all sides are equal, so start with any of them.
Connect the first two flaps of the top row with the right sides inward, cleave, aligning the sections, and sew exactly along the seam allowance line. Press the seam “on the edge” and then press towards the darker square so that the seam allowances do not show through the fabric.
Attach the third square to the second with the right sides inward and sew. Press the seam towards the dark square. Sew on all the next squares of this row in succession. The first page is ready.
Prepare all the remaining strips and connect them into a canvas: fold the first two strips with the right sides inward and pin them exactly along the machine seams, placing the pins perpendicular to the cuts. Then sew the strips along the seam allowance and, removing the pins, press the seam “on the edge”, and then in one direction. Connect the rest of the strips in the same way and iron the finished sample.
Two-color "checkerboard". Two fabrics, contrasting in color, can be used to create a simple checkerboard pattern. Sewing a canvas with such a pattern is quite simple.
First, the same number of strips of both colors are cut with a width equal to the width of the finished checkerboard square, plus an allowance for seams on each side of the square, that is, they add to the seam not only from the edges of the strip, but also take into account the allowance, measuring its length.
Cut the strips to the desired size and sew them into the canvas, as shown in the diagram.
Sew the strips in small stitches, alternating in color. Press the seams “on the edge” and then press towards the darker strip.
Line the sewn fabric into new strips of the same width as the previous ones (do not forget about the allowances), placing them across the seams. Cut the canvas along the outlined lines - stripes of squares formed.
Turn every second strip "upside down" - you get a "checkerboard" pattern. It remains to grind the strips, iron them out, and the canvas is ready.
Diagonal checkerboard. This pattern is used as a decorative trim in the form of a border. For work, several strips of different colors are cut, but of the same width and length (at least 50 cm). The width of the strip is calculated as in the previous pattern.
Take several multi-colored strips 5 cm wide and 50 cm long, sew them along the long sides and press the seams to one side. Mark and cut the canvas into strips 5 cm wide. The result is strips of squares.
Lay out the strips of squares, shifting one in relation to the other one square to the right, and sew them one by one without breaking the offset.
Smooth the canvas and cut off the extra corners - you get a decorative border. This trim can be used to decorate clothes, for example, sew on the bottom of a skirt or apron.

1. Making templates:

 draw drawing grid

 apply the lines of the drawing, thinking over and taking into account the proportions

 make templates.

2. Cut out the torso templates

  1. Determine the direction of the warp thread
  2. Align one edge with a triangle
  3. Cut edges
  4. Arrange the cut details according to the colors on the seamy side of the fabric
  5. Outline templates with a pencil
  6. Make seam allowances -1.5 cm on each side
  7. Cut parts (5x5 squares) along the allowance line
  1. Torso processing
  1. Sweep and grind 10 squares in succession, forming a strip
  2. Connect the strips in series
  3. From the resulting canvas, cut out the details of the torso (front, back)
  4. Sweep and grind the body parts together. Leave the lower part of the body unstitched.
  5. Turn the torso out through the unsewn hole.
  6. Insert the foam rubber and cover the bottom hole.
  1. Head treatment
  1. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 12 cm from a padding polyester.
  2. Decorate the edges of the circle with fur.
  3. Cut out and sew on a muzzle.
  4. Cut out and glue eyes, eyelashes, nose, mouth.
  5. Decorate the muzzle with a bow.

My work did not require the use of a large number of resources: energy costs, complex tools, expensive materials, energy-intensive equipment. When creating my project, I used only scissors, iron, glue, and I believe that no damage to the environment was caused.

Scraps of various fabrics, like a thrifty housewife, were given to me by my mother, they remained with her after making garments, and I also used things for work that were no longer suitable for wearing. Thus, they did not have to be thrown away, therefore, there was no damage to the environment, and things got a second life.

Products made from shreds allow you to achieve zero-waste production, since even the smallest shreds may be needed for work. In this way, we benefit the environment without polluting it.

The cost of a cushion made using the patchwork technique can be calculated as follows:

  1. We do not take into account the cost of the fabric, since we use the remains of the fabric of the students of our class used for the manufacture of other garments.
  2. Foam rubber for the execution of the torso. I used the one that was already in use before.
  3. Threads. I used up 1 coil at the price of 8 rubles. The cost of the threads is equal:

C1 = 8 rubles.

  1. Fur. Used a piece of fur from an old collar.
  2. Braid. I spent 20 cm at the price of 4 rubles. The cost of the braid is equal: 80 kopecks.
  3. The work was carried out during the daytime, so there is no power consumption.

Total costs excluding wages amounted to 8 rubles 80 kopecks.

My work has a positive emotional effect. It will become a bright color spot in the interior of the room. Made with high quality.

In the market and in shops of our city, sofa cushions are sold, as a rule, of "Chinese" production. Their assortment is not very diverse, and the quality leaves much to be desired. In addition, we are often not satisfied with their design and prices.

The pillow I made is smart and bright. Of course, in the process of doing the work, I encountered many difficulties, but it seems to me that I coped with them. A small cushion made by me can serve not only as a decoration in the interior of my room, but also, on occasion, serve as a toy for small children.

I will make several pillow toys of different shapes, colors and finishes. I will give them to my loved ones, relatives and friends. This will be an advertisement for my products.

Good quality and aesthetic design will add variety and novelty to the furnishings of modern apartments. Will attract the attention of young children.

Since this is a practical and useful thing, my friends will want to give the same pillow to their acquaintances or friends, their children. And they will be able to place an order with me. And I will be happy to help them.

  1. M. V. Maksimova, M. A. Kuzmina / Patchwork. - Eksmo-Press, 1998.
  2. M. V. Maksimova, M. A. Kuzmina / School of Home Economics. - Eksmo-Press, 2000.
  3. The history of patchwork.
  4. we sew toy pillows with children.

Although we cannot imagine life without a pillow, initially pillows were used only by wealthy people. The first pillows were found in the ancient Egyptian pyramids. The pillows were invented by them in order not to spoil the intricate hairstyle in a dream. The pillow was then curved planks on a stand. On the pillows they began to depict the gods who protected the sleeping person from the dark forces. Until the 19th century, wooden pillows were common in Japan. Traditionally, Chinese pillows were made of stone, porcelain, or metal. They were also solid rectangular supports.

The first soft pillows appeared in Greece. Here comfort was more appreciated, and Greek pillows have no connection with Egyptian pillows. The bed was a cult item for the Greeks, they spent most of the day on it. Therefore, it was in Greece that soft mattresses and pillows were invented. The increasing complexity of dye-making and sewing techniques led to the transformation of pillows into an object of art, and richly decorated pillows became an expensive commodity.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. The sizes of the pillow were different. They were filled with animal hair, grass, down, and bird feathers. The cover was made of leather or fabric, it could be either rectangular or square.

In ancient Rome, at first, they were mistrustful of pillows. But soon the Romans appreciated pillows, especially down pillows. For the manufacture of down pillows, geese down was used. Often, military commanders released their subordinates from military service and sent them out to collect down for pillows.

Then it was believed that pillows have a magical effect. Nero, for example, put his snakeskin bracelet under his pillow so that his sleep was stronger. Octavian Augustus wanted to get the pillow of a Roman patrician. He was mired in debt, and all his property was sold out. The emperor Augustus ordered the debtors to purchase a pillow, according to him he wanted to own a pillow on which a person with so many debts slept peacefully.

But there are many more positive stories associated with pillows. Indian pillows helped the great Buddha to restore health. Buddha weakened from hunger and self-torture, he was lying on the ground barely alive. And suddenly he caught the wonderful scent of the leaves of a tree growing nearby. Buddha got up from the ground, stuffed a bag with these leaves. This is how the pillow turned out, which the Buddha put under his head and fell asleep. After sleeping on a wonderful pillow, Buddha began to feel better, he had the strength to go further on the journey.

In Arab countries, pillows were the most popular. The houses of the sultans were decorated with embroidered painted pillows with tassels and fringes. Richly embroidered and decorated pillows were a sign of the owner's wealth.

In the Middle Ages, they began to use special small pads under the feet, which protected the feet from the cold. The floors in the castles were stone; heating could not warm up large rooms during the frosty period. Therefore, foot pillows were popular in those days. It was at that time that prayer pillows began to be used, they were placed under the knees during long prayers. Horse riding pillows were also common and cushioned the saddle.

In some European countries, there was a funny custom. Married men put an ax under the pillow before going to bed. It was believed that if you say "Give birth to a boy" to your wife at night, a boy will be born.

During the Christmas holidays, fir branches were hidden in pillows, which brought happiness and helped fulfill desires. Many divinations are associated with pillows. For example, in order to find out the name of the betrothed, the girls put a twig from a broom under the pillows.

In Russia, embroidered pillows have always been part of the dowry. Somewhat later, decorative pillows appeared. The poor stuffed pillows with hay and horsehair; down and feather pillows were considered luxury.

During the Industrial Revolution, the manufacture of decorative fabrics and pillows became mass production.


Research on the Internet:

Design specification of project item:

The list of criteria that the product must meet:

ü Original and unusual;

ü Durable and practical;

ü Take up a little space;

ü help to solve educational problems;

ü from the available waste material that does not irritate the color of the tones;

ü inexpensive.

Chapter 3 Manufacturing Sequence

Operation description Tools and equipment
1.Pencil paper.
1.English pins 2.Pencil 3.Rule
Sew on the eyes, nose, and heart in the marked places. ! Zigzag stitching is best. 1.Sewing machine
Sew on small details: eyes, mouth, mustache. ! Mustache and mouth are sewn by hand by hand 1.Buttons 2.Needle 3.Threads
1.Sewing machine
1.Sintepon 2.Threads 3.Needle
Operation description Technique or graphic representation Tools and equipment
Trace the pattern onto a sheet of paper using a grid - the size of the cell can be any, the size of the pillow depends on its size. ! If you change the size of the cage, the pillow will be the size you need - larger or smaller. 1. Pencil 2. Graph paper.
Fold the fabric in two layers right side in, lay out the pattern pieces and pin on the pins. It is very difficult to draw with a pencil on fleece. 1.Fabric 2.English pins 3. Ruler
The pattern will need to be cut out, making seam allowances of about 1 cm. You should have 2 torso parts. 1.English pins 2.Scissors
Cut out a nose, two ears, two spots under the eyes from black fleece. ! When painting spots, do not forget to turn the template for the second spot. 1.Scissors 2.Pattern 3.Fabric
Cut and white fleece small eyes 1.Scissors 2.Pattern 3.Fabric
We mark the navel. It can be sewn by hand or on a sewing machine using a button stitch. We mark the line of the abdomen and sew it with a small zigzag 1.Sewing machine 2.Threads
Lay out the eyes and nose beautifully, fix it. Zigzag stitching
We attach white eyes over black spots. We sew in the same way as the eyes. 1.Sewing machine 2.Threads 3.Fabric
We make the pupils and mouth as well as the navel. 1.Sewing machine 2.Threads
We make two small folds "inward" in the middle of the ear and fix in this position 1.Thread 2.Needle 3.Fabric
We attach them to the panda head with the right side inward. 1.Thread 2.Needle
Fold the parts of the body with the front sides and sew, not forgetting to leave a small section unstitched. In the places of rounding, the seam allowance must be cut and, through the open area, the pillow must be turned out to the front side. 1.Sewing machine 2.Threads 3.Fabric
Stuff the pillow tightly with padding polyester, starting from the tail. Then carefully sew the incision with a blind stitch. ! With a blind seam 1.Sintepon 2.Threads 3.Needle

Chapter 4 "Economic"

For manufacturing 3 toys required a certain minimum cost, pleasant effort, and we are very pleased with the result of the work!

Environmental page

Special attention should be paid to environmental assessment project: substantiation that the manufacture and operation of the designed product will not entail changes in the environment, disruptions in human life.


I completed the project and am very pleased with the result, my family liked the toys that I made.

The work on the project was successful and gave me great pleasure. I tried very hard, put a lot of time and effort into it, and most importantly, we achieved the desired result.

I really liked the type of work, and I believe that this work will perfectly complement the interior of my house. My parents appreciated my handicraft, they really liked the fact that I sewed the pillows myself. The pillows are comfortable, original and beautiful. The pillows blend harmoniously with the interior and create a great mood ..

Having completed this project, I made sure that nothing is impossible.

Any creative project provides an opportunity for the disclosure of abilities. This is how my project turned out to be. I was able to create a thing with my own hands, show my imagination, find new ideas for the future.

The product turned out to be original and beautiful, and most importantly, multifunctional and exclusive.

As a result, I gained experience in sewing, finding the necessary information, critically evaluating my work, and most importantly, I realized that giving is much more pleasant than taking, I was once again convinced of this and these are not just words.


Safety rules when working with a needle,

pins and scissors

Today we can no longer imagine our life without pillows, but initially they were intended only for wealthy people. The history of the pillow begins in the days of Ancient Egypt. Archaeologists have found the first specimens in the pyramids.

The Egyptians invented them, fearing to ruin the intricate hairstyle during sleep. The pillow of that time is a curved plank on a stand. Images of gods were applied to the pillows so that they could protect the sleeping person from evil forces.

Wooden pillows were common in Japan until the 19th century. Instances made of stone, metal or porcelain were traditionally Chinese. These were solid, rectangular-shaped stands.

The appearance of the first soft pillows in history was noted in Greece. They had no connection whatsoever with the Egyptian or Chinese versions. The Greeks valued comfort more. The bed was a cult item for them, as they spent most of their day on it. That is why soft mattresses and pillows were invented in Greece. Difficulties in the manufacture of dyes, as well as in the sewing technique, turned the pillow into an object of art. Now, ornate pillows have become a real expensive commodity.

Already before our era, every wealthy Greek (5th century) had pillows. They were made in different sizes, and as filler they used animal hair, grass, bird feathers and down. A case that has a rectangular or square shape could be made of leather or dense fabric.

At first, they were mistrustful of pillows in Ancient Rome. But soon they were appreciated there, the Romans especially fell in love with down pillows. Goose down was used to create them. Military commanders often sent their subordinates to get fluff for pillows, freeing soldiers from military service.

In those days, it was believed that pillows were capable of magical effects. So, for example, Nero always had his bracelet made of snakeskin under his pillow. He did this, wanting to make his night sleep better.

Octavian Augustus wanted to own the pillow of a Roman patrician who was mired in debt. All his property was sold. The emperor ordered the purchase of a pillow on which a man who had a sea of ​​debts slept so calmly.

The history of pillows goes back more than one millennium. The most ancient accessories were found by archaeologists when they studied the Egyptian pyramids. The pillows we found were not very similar to what we use today. In history, examples of the use of the first pillows are associated not only with Egypt, but with China, Japan, Greece. Only wealthy people had access to the privileges of using them.

Where and when did the first pillows appear?

The Egyptians invented the first pillows in history so that the complex hairstyle of a sleeping person does not deteriorate overnight. The pillow is then a small curved board placed on a stand.

On the pillows were depicted deities protecting a person from the influence of dark forces.

Until the 19th century, they were actively used in Japan, which is also noted in history. Their pillows were made of stone, metal, porcelain. The fixtures were still in the form of a solid rectangular stand.

The idea of ​​creating the first soft pillows in history belongs to the Greeks. People here loved comfort, so their pillows are nothing like what was used in Egypt.

The history of the bed among the Greeks is impressive. They loved to spend most of their time on it. In Greece, soft pillows and comfortable mattresses are invented. The invention of new methods for the production of bright dyes, materials became the reason for the transformation of accessories into an object of art.

History says that only very wealthy people could buy a richly decorated thing.

In the 5th century BC, every wealthy Greek had a pillow. They were different in size, filled with wool, feather / down, grass. The pillowcase was made of leather or fabric.

The history of the pillow also touched Rome. At first, the locals did not treat her with confidence, but then downy options became popular.

The history of the emergence of pillows in Russia

In Russia, almost no one knew what a down pillow was. She was a real luxury item.

In history, it is noted that Russian peasants used pillows filled with hay and horsehair, and girls who were going to get married beautifully embroidered pillowcases for themselves as a dowry.

A little later, when the item became more commonplace, fir branches were hidden in a pillow at Christmas. They brought happiness, helped to fulfill desires. Many fortune-telling is associated with these accessories. To find out the name of the groom, the girls put a rod pulled out of a broom under it.

Pillow evolution history

The history of the evolution of the pillow includes various stages. After the usual options, beautiful elements with decorations appeared, and closer to our days, they began to produce models that could even heal the body.

What types should be noted separately:

  • decorated couch;
  • anatomical;
  • for pregnant;
  • anti-stress.

Decorative pillows for the sofa

So, it is worthwhile again to return to the history of the pillow, which began in Ancient Greece. Decorative patterns were very popular here. They were made of precious materials, embroidered with gold threads, precious stones. The pillow was expensive, so the Greek nobility bought them.

Decorative pillows have played a significant role in Eastern history. They complemented the interior, had a variety of padding. The items were decorated without measure. So the owners of the house wanted to emphasize their own status, to declare their wealth. During receptions, all conversations were conducted in a reclining position. Guests and hosts lay surrounded by a large number of decorated pillows.

In the history of the Middle Ages, the congregation came to churches with pillows. They were placed under oneself to make it more comfortable to sit on a firm bench, protected their feet from the cold floor, and knelt down in prayer. Pillows were produced to facilitate the riding process.

Progress developed, new fabrics, technologies appeared, pillows began to be decorated more strongly. Relations between the East and the West strengthened, which is why the products appeared in Europe, arousing the interest of people, taking a place in prestigious salons.

This fashion also came to the history of Russia from the East. The first decorative pillows in history were small, called "dummies".


In the middle of the 19th century, scientists discovered the process of vulcanization. This technology made it possible to produce:

  1. Rubber.
  2. Rubber.
  3. Latex foams.

These materials combine softness, firmness, elasticity. They became a filler for creating new types of pillows - anatomical.

Latex is a hygienic natural raw material with natural bactericidal properties. The production of pillows stuffed with it helped to deal with the problem of not only back pain, neck pain, but also allergies to down / feather fillers.

The pillows were based on the idea that during sleep the support should be under the neck, not the head.

An incorrect position prevents a person from resting, the cervical vertebrae are bent, nerves are pinched, migraines and other diseases occur.

The correct pillow prevents this from happening.

For pregnant

The history of pregnancy pillows does not include a long period. These complex shaped accessories have recently appeared on the market.

Inside the pillows there is a filling of increased elasticity. The configuration was invented specifically for the woman to feel the greatest comfort. Flexibility allows you to bend, crumple the pillow as you like in order to take a comfortable position.

The functionality of the pillow allows you to use it on vacation, while feeding an already born child, for taking care of and playing with him.

Antistress pillow toys

In the 21st century, the assortment of pillow toys is such that a product is available for both a child and an adult, which will not only have beauty, original upholstery, but an environmentally friendly filler that can benefit health.

Nowadays, comfort and health are given serious attention. Therefore, anti-stress pillows are sold. They help to support the head and neck of a sleeping person, to make the spine rest from the load. Orthopedic pillows - prevention of health problems.

They also continue to be a decoration of the room, used in children's games.

The health benefits of a pillow

  1. The spine of a person sleeping on a flat surface is constantly tense in the neck area. Muscle pain occurs, osteochondrosis develops. A raised head on a pillow will eliminate this risk.
  2. The thrown back head provokes the throwing of saliva into the respiratory tract. There is discomfort, coughing.
  3. When a person sleeps on their back, on a flat surface without a pillow, their tongue sinks. This causes snoring.

The debate about whether sleeping without a pillow is beneficial continues. Orthopedists and scientists have not come to a consensus.