How to make a glue gun at home. Hot glue gun

The glue gun is one of the most commonly used tools in the home. With its help, we fix, insulate, create homemade products. What if you try to create glue gun with your own hand?

See how to make a DIY glue gun:

So, to create our own glue gun, we need:
- teflon tape or other non-stick coating,
- a piece of tin that can be cut from tin can,
- copper wire,
- silicone rod,
- wooden block,
- an ordinary small boiler.

The materials are ready, you can start making a glue gun.

The first step is to make wooden handle... To do this, you need to measure the bottom of the boiler, which, as a rule, is 6-7 centimeters and convert the dimensions to a wooden block. Note that the dimensions have been transferred twice as the handle will be made in two parts. After that, it remains only to cut off two parts, make a small depression so that both parts of the handle can be attached to each other and the middle of the boiler does not interfere. Finally, you can round off the handle slightly for a comfortable grip.

The wooden handle is ready. The next step is to wrap the middle part of the boiler with Teflon tape so that it does not heat the wood, and then fasten the two parts of the handle with self-tapping screws or electrical tape.

The first piece should be wound on a silicone rod, and from the second, a separate piece, 5 centimeters wide and 7 centimeters long, should be cut off. From this piece, create a small bag and attach it to the first piece by carrying both pieces through the passage at the bottom of the boiler, winding them with copper wire to fix it.

The cool gun is almost ready. To use it, just plug the gun into an outlet, wait until it heats up and slightly press on the silicone rod.

Attention!!! It is advised not to plug the homemade glue gun directly into an outlet. It is better to use an extension cord with a regulator to regulate the power of the boiler, which heats up to record temperatures without water, which can lead to rapid wear.

These ideas for what you can do with a glue gun will surprise you with their simplicity - it turns out that it has so many uses, and each of them is ingenious in its own way! The described life hacks will help you organize your everyday life.

If, when thinking about how to use a glue gun, only small work comes to mind, then this article will be a godsend for you - learning what you can do with a glue gun, you will be fascinated!

Hang objects on the wall without damaging it

First, stick a strip of electrical tape to the places you want on the wall, and then use a hot glue gun to attach any pictures, posters, or other objects that are not worth drilling into the wall. When you get bored, simply tear off a piece of duct tape from the wall. Especially true for brick walls.

Create step shoes in seconds

Make anti slip interlayer for carpets

Decorate with homemade beads

Make glue "beads" by dropping onto a non-sticky surface like a silicone baking mat, casting surface, or parchment paper. Movements should be smooth so that the glue lies flat. When the garments are dry, separate them from the pallet and touch up the bottom with nail polish or acrylic paints.

Note: if using a silicone surface, be careful not to touch the mat with the gun - the silicone will melt.

Prevent mold in baby bath toys by covering holes with gun glue

Make the frames hang straight

Hot glue not only holds the frame in place, it also helps move it away from the wall, which also creates a smoother look.

Add texture to your crafts by painting the design with glue and then covering it with paint

Hot glue is suitable for the design of any surface - canvas, eggs, wood, bottles, vases, etc.

Hang the lights on the wall with a hot glue gun

Create mini substitutes hot glue gun - matches

Apply some glue near the burning tip of the match. If you are in a hurry and need to quickly fix something, light a match and let the fire heat the glue on the stick.

Then extinguish the flame and distribute the glue where you need it - over the buttons that have fallen off or to fix something on the hike, for example.

Apply some glue to the soles of slippery shoes

Create fancy jewelry

You can look for colored glue, or just wait until the usual one dries up and paint the items with a permanent marker or paint.

Make one large drop at the beginning, then drag to the desired length and make a large drop again. Then create some design and let the glue dry. Hole a large drop at the beginning and end and tie them together with a string.

Seal used coffee machine containers so they can be reused

After that, they can be used as ice cream molds, decorative flowerpots, etc.

Seal letters with a hot glue gun and wax crayons

All you need are pencils, a pistol and envelopes. Remove the wrapping from the pencils and use a cheaper glue gun - once the envelopes are sealed, it won't be suitable for any other business.

Tuck in your pencil carefully and plug in the gun. You will know that your homemade "sealing wax" is ready when the pencil starts to flow from the pistol.

Note: don't forget to add something , otherwise you will stain the work surface. Point the gun at the back of the envelope and seal it. Do not touch until dry and hardened.

Every needlewoman has a tool such as hot glue. Such an item is required if you need to glue something together. Moreover, it can be used not only for direct appointment but also to create wonderful crafts. For example, you can familiarize yourself with a photo of glue crafts to understand what we are talking about now.

Comb for a cat

You don't have to buy a special pet hairbrush, as you can make it yourself. Take the usual latex gloves the color you like and apply small drops of glue over the entire area. Allow time for the glue to dry properly, and you can start stroking the cat. This process will become not only pleasant, but also useful, since such a tool will remove excess hair from the animal and it will not scatter throughout the apartment.


If you are going to decorate with your own hands any item of your wardrobe, then undoubtedly a great solution there will be a sequin button.

From the tools you need only hot glue and the glitter themselves. It is necessary to pour in sparkles and organize a circle out of them, then the whole thing is covered with glue and a small amount of sparkles is poured on top. When the glue dries, you need to make several holes with a toothpick through which the button will be sewn to the clothes.

Moreover, you can sell such hot glue crafts with your own hands and organize a good profitable business.

Eraser at the end of the pencil

Have you seen pencils with an eraser on the back? So, glue can become the same eraser, and it will be no worse to cope with the task at hand. Just dab some glue on the ball end of the pencil and let it dry.

Unique vase

Do you have a transparent glass vase at home? Try making it more original with hot glue. Just apply the glue evenly in the form of a texture or pattern over the entire area of ​​the vase, let it dry properly, and you get a non-slippery vase with an unusual design.


As with a vase, you can achieve an anti-slip effect on other items. Best idea- a craft made of glue for making shoes that will not slip on ice. To do this, apply small plots or strips of hot glue on the soles of your shoes and wait for it to dry.

Now you do not have to be afraid that you will immediately fall as soon as you step on the ice. You can also make an inscription on the sole of the glue, which will look very unusual.

In the same way, you can get a coat hanger (hanger) for clothes, from which the clothes will not slide off. Apply a little glue evenly to the clothes hanger and wait until it dries completely. Try the improved thing!

Interior decoration

Apply the glue to the waxed paper in such a way that you get a shape, for example, it can be a snowflake. Wait for the glue to dry, and for an even more stunning effect, you can paint the snowflake with nail polish in different colours... Decorate a tree, wall or window with these shapes and they will delight the eye.

Please note that if you work with such glue with children, then be extremely careful, as the glue gun itself heats up very much, and the glue will be very hot - one awkward movement and you can get burned properly!

It is not necessary to spy on the techniques that are used to make crafts, try to take paper and make crafts from paper and glue using your imagination, we are sure that you will find your use for all this.

Wax crayons

Crafts made with wax crayons can ruin your glue gun a lot, so for this hobby it is better to use an old or unnecessary tool.

Instead of glue, you need to insert a colored crayon into the hole, and when the gun heats up, gently push it inward. Under the influence of temperature, the chalk will melt, and the molten colored mass will begin to drip from the gun. It is very convenient to use for creating colored blots in the composition.


For this work, you need a vase or glass of glass, glue with a gun, acrylic or aerosol paint and spray oil or ordinary vegetable.

Choose a wide container that you will use as a candlestick, as the temperature of a burning candle can melt the glue, which will undoubtedly ruin the product.

Remove any residue from the vase and cover with a thin layer of oil. Create beautiful pattern or a drawing on the outer surface of a glass, you can even come up with a special structure.

Your best bet is to apply glue lines that touch each other just in case you can easily remove the glue from the glass.

The next step is to carefully separate the adhesive from the glass. You can use a knife or screwdriver to help remove the layer.

When the work is finished, the glass must be rinsed from traces of glue, this is best done detergent... And the candlestick itself needs to be painted with paint of your favorite color. If you are using spray paint, then carefully read the instructions before using it.

Crafts made of threads and glue have an interesting look, which cover, for example, a vase with a layer of multi-colored threads, and glue is used as a binder.

It is not at all necessary to look at someone's work and repeat it exactly. Turn on your imagination and you can come up with an adhesive accompaniment to any item of your interior. There are a lot of options, you just have to raise your head and run your eyes over the objects that surround you.

You can also find on the Internet various master classes on crafts from glue that will help you if you really can't think of anything at all on your own. Some tips can be very helpful.

Try to surprise your guests and loved ones with such gizmos that are made strictly only of glue, without using other decor items. Take our instructions on how to make a craft out of glue as a basis, supplement them with something of your own and you will truly amaze your future fans.

Photo of glue crafts

How to make a glue gun on your own? Today we will consider an option that involves the use of.

With my real experience in this matter, on the pages of a trade publication 3D Today, the portal user has shared under a pseudonym TanyaAkinora... We present to your attention her story. Punctuation and spelling of the author are traditionally preserved.

As a maker, I use various tools in my work, including glue gun... For miniature work, there is a small pistol with a 7 mm shaft. But in any case, you have to pull the trigger, making some effort. And this is not always convenient.

So the idea to make your own instrument appeared. in this regard, an irreplaceable assistant.

The experience of using a 3D pen suggested a variant of the case. The result is a device that I named GlueDart... This is a glue gun in the form of a handle with electric for 7 mm rods.

The feed button is on the front under the thumb right hand... Thus, it turned out handy tool, which makes the gluing process more accurate and precise.

All plastic parts are 3D printed,. In the process of use, the case practically does not heat up.

The only part that has gone over from the standard glue gun is the nozzle. As a heater, I used a conventional ceramic heater from a 3D printer, which does an excellent job. With a supply voltage of 5 V, its power is 7.2 W.

The extruder uses a reciprocating mechanism and a small motor with a gearbox. An attempt to make an extruder similar to a 3D printer was unsuccessful, since glue stick much softer than a filament bar.

Thus, it turned out to be convenient and light tool with safe 5V power supply. A blue LED is used as an indicator of the on state.

An option with variable speed was created, but this option turned out to be superfluous.

All modeling was done in Autodesk 123D Design, and some parts (axial cam) and partly video in Fusion 360.

I wish all the makers creative success.

We print a glue gun on a 3d printer - video

Equipment: Anet A8 3d printer

When implementing this case, a 3D printer was used Anet a8... This is an updated version of the previous model of the Chinese printer - Anet A6.

The printable area is 220x220x240 millimeters. The printer is equipped with a heated table, display and can print materials such as ABS, PLA, HIPS and some others.

In this way, you can create many useful things and tools in everyday life. If you have your own experience in this matter - let us know and your story will appear on the pages of our section.

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Builders, as well as home craftsmen, who are often involved in renovating their apartment or fixing things, appreciated the thermal gun, which makes it possible to glue together with extraordinary ease various surfaces... It is used by florists, designers and needlewomen, to whom a glue gun helps in making souvenirs, scrapbooking or creating designer dolls. It is hand-mend lovers who often ask themselves the question: how to choose a glue gun for needlework.

Types of thermo guns

Glue guns are divided into several categories, namely:

  • Professional;
  • Household.

Professional ones are quite massive, they are used for long-term work, which is provided by a rod with a large diameter, which is necessary during construction work.

Household - can fit in the palm of your hand, lightweight and convenient for gluing various little things and doing simple jobs, when decorating crafts or interior items.

  • mechanical, that is, the glue is supplied by simply pressing the trigger;
  • automatic, when the adhesive is supplied using an electromagnetic starter.

Undoubtedly a tool for professional builders differs in greater reliability in operation, however, their cost mainly depends on the modification, versatility and brand of the manufacturer.


In the body of the glue gun, to which the power cord is connected, elements are fixed that allow the tool to properly perform its functions:

  • nozzle;
  • trigger or trigger;
  • cylinder for installing the glue stick;
  • legs.

A big advantage of the model is the presence of a kind of recess on the body, through which it is possible to determine the presence of the remaining adhesive composition, the integrity of the rod and its timely replacement.

In the case, made of plastic, special legs are built in, which allow the tool to be in an inoperative state with its nose down, since in a different position it can overheat, which leads to malfunctions and the failure of the pistol.

The presence of a button that can turn off the energy also has a positive effect on the operation of the tool, since it saves adhesive, which, in between uses, can leak.

The glue gun, provided with tips of various configurations, refers to more complex modifications of products. Usually, such nozzles make it possible to change the diameter of the hole through which the adhesive enters the work surface and thus adjust the amount of adhesive. Replaceable nozzles with long, small diameter elements are used for gluing product fragments in hard-to-reach places... In this case, the decor with a glue gun requires great accuracy and skill from the needlewoman.

Replacement parts are made of metal, and reputable manufacturers provide them with a rubber or silicone protector, which significantly reduces the risk of burns.

In order to understand how this tool works, you need to have an idea of ​​how the glue gun works inside. This will help determine some of the parameters and characteristics of the device.

So, a heat gun is a tool, inside which, a polyurethane adhesive is heated to liquid state... The device is charged from the rear with rods, the diameter of which varies from 7 to 11 millimeters.

The rod, passing through a special sleeve, enters the rubber tube, after which the spare wheel is driven into the chamber, where, under the influence of the temperature created by the heating device, the polyurethane composition is melted. This process takes about five minutes. Then, work trigger makes the spare wheel act like a piston, creating pressure in the heated cylinder and injecting glue through the nozzle onto the work surface.

Heating chamber is a metal cylindrical container containing a so-called heating unit, consisting of a heating element. It is the size of the heating chamber and the power of the heating element that determines the volume of the adhesive mass ready for use, that is, the productivity of the tool. Therefore, when answering the question of which gun to choose for needlework glue, these characteristics must be taken into account.

Power consumption

The power consumption of the heating element of the glue gun largely determines the rate of transformation of the adhesive into liquid and affects the amount of consumed electrical energy... So, devices for professionals can take 300 W or more, and handicraft guns are limited to a consumption of 30 - 150 W.

Some manufacturers produce thermo guns with power controls. Then, at the beginning of work, the device consumes 200W, switching into an operating state with an electricity consumption of 40W, and while waiting, it reduces requests to 15W.

However, the speed of "melting" of the adhesive composition may not affect the performance of the tool at all, since it is necessary to take into account the capacity of the heating chamber.

In the event that a heating element able to provide working temperature, and there is a sufficient amount of adhesive in the heating tank, the power of the device can be ignored.

When trying to find the answer to the question of which glue gun is better for needlework, you should focus not on its power, but on performance.

In addition, crafts with a glue gun can be made from different materials, some of which are quite sensitive to high temperatures.

So, for polymers, paper or fabric, low-temperature adhesives... Moreover, for such rods, special pistols have been developed or tools with the ability to adjust the temperature regime should be used, which is often reflected in such a characteristic as the price of a glue gun for needlework, it is necessary to choose, taking into account various parameters.

The World Wide Web opens a wide selection of Internet resources where you can buy pistol glue for needlework, in rods of various diameters, colors and lengths.

Crafts with a glue gun, often, are genuine works of art, and many craftswomen appreciated the capabilities of this tool. It is convenient and safe, and the results of the work that are created with the help of a glue gun are simply amazing.


  • adhesive composition for thermo guns is less toxic and does not exude unpleasant odors;
  • replaceable nozzles, allow you to work in those places where it is very problematic to get to the usual ways;
  • correct inaccuracies, since parts are easily detached when heated;
  • glue sticks perfectly retain their qualities for a long time;
  • the polyurethane substance sets quickly and firmly;
  • the seams created by the glue gun perfectly withstand the effects of moisture;
  • allows you to firmly bond both synthetic and natural materials.

Care should be taken, however, as awkward use can burn your hands. It is not recommended to use the adhesive properties of the tool on thin synthetic materials or polyethylene.

The cost of a glue gun for needlework depends on its power, the possibility of using various temperature regimes and the types of rods suitable for this model.

You can buy a glue gun for needlework in specialized online stores, in the same place where the glue gun is sold, in this case, it will not be difficult to choose, it is important not to miss some of the nuances.

What to look for when buying

Having decided where to buy glue gun for needlework, first of all, you should pay attention to its technical characteristics:

  • power;
  • working temperature of the melt;
  • productivity, which, in the documentation, is more often referred to as the speed of work, that is, the supply of the adhesive;
  • power supply options.

However, as already noted, the performance of the tool is usually more important than its power and it is this indicator that will be the main one for determining the category of the tool, as for the other parameters, they can significantly affect how much a glue gun for needlework costs. And this is from 250 rubles and more.

Undoubtedly, the Internet allows you to compare prices on resources where you can buy a hot glue gun for needlework, but it is useful to know the features, thanks to which you can make the best choice.

So, if you have to work with a pistol periodically, then there is no point in acquiring an expensive modification capable of maintaining high temperatures, for home art, devices with a chamber heating up to 165-170˚ are quite suitable.

In addition, you should not buy a thermo gun with the ability to autonomously work, a work of applied art can be created with a tool powered from the mains.

However, before deciding which glue gun is best for needlework, you need to familiarize yourself with its capabilities:

  • switchable temperature mode;
  • the presence of electronic regulation, which excludes the possibility of overheating;
  • determination of the state of readiness for work;
  • the presence of a push-button switch on the body;
  • illumination of the working area;
  • the presence of a viewing window on the body;
  • special trigger designs;
  • the ability to change nozzles;
  • the presence of a nipple on the nozzle;
  • the presence of a support leg;
  • completing the instrument with a special case, a set of rods.

It is worth noting that, despite a large selection of similar industrial production tools, and a fairly democratic price, craftsmen, if possible, are quite capable of making a thermo gun with their own hands.

How to make a thermal gun yourself

Certainly, homemade tool will not have the capabilities of industrial analogs, but there are situations when such a device is urgently needed.

In this case, for those who wondered how to make a glue gun on their own and quickly solve this problem, you will need:

  1. a roll of non-stick tape;
  2. a tin sheet that can be cut out of a regular tin can;
  3. a coil of copper wire;
  4. wooden block with a cross section of 2 × 4 cm;
  5. small household boiler;
  6. silicone rod.

First of all, a wooden handle is made, for which, the length of the handle of the boiler is measured, up to its working part. It is about seven centimeters. It is this value that is measured twice by wooden block and saw off two parts.

Then, with a hacksaw, stepping back half a centimeter from the edges, make two longitudinal cuts on one side, at each of the resulting blanks.

The depth of the cuts should completely sink the handle of the boiler, after the excess wood has been removed from the grooves with a chisel.

The boiler is insulated from wooden surface with teflon tape and fit into the stock of the handle, after which both parts are fastened with self-tapping screws or insulating tape.

The main part is ready.

Now, it is necessary to make a nozzle-nozzle and a cylindrical heating chamber. For this, a silicone rod is wrapped in half of a sheet cut from a can. The resulting cylinder should fit freely into the coil of the boiler.

With the help of pliers, a funnel is made from the rest of the sheet metal, which should fit tightly with its wide end on the cylinder of the heating chamber.

The connected parts threaded into the coil of the boiler are firmly fixed with copper wire.

After inserting the glue stick into the tool, you can get to work.

It is important to note that a glue gun, where a boiler is used as a heating element, cannot work directly from the network. To connect the device, you need a special power regulator, which can be used to control the heating of the device.

Of course, a homemade thermal gun cannot replace industrial designs, and most likely, it will not be useful for home craftswomen in their work, but help in urgent renovation works he is quite capable.