Riddles about furniture are complex. Furniture riddles train your logic! Children's riddles about Furniture

It is always interesting for children to make riddles. Adults have fun watching, asking their inner question: "Will you surprise me with the correct answers this time or not?" Riddles are used not only for fun, but also for children's development during themed classes in kindergarten or at school. So, for example, a lesson about the objects around us in everyday life will be useful, during which you can make riddles for children about a table, chair, door, window, bed, wardrobe, mirror, sofa, balcony - about everything that fills our house.

How can you help your child solve?

Preparation is important in any business. Children are not born with an idea of ​​the world; adults help them to form a complete picture. To teach to analyze what was seen and heard, to help form an idea of ​​pieces of furniture - the task of adults. If you decide that it is time for your baby to move away from simple riddles about a doll and a bunny, then help him realize what he sees every day many times.

TOP of the best riddles about furniture

This beast is familiar to you

Here's what he is:

He has a big back,

And on it he allows

And write and paint.

Dwells in cabinets

Unusual this beast,

He has a door on his body:

And there is room behind the door

For textbooks, notebooks,

Compasses and chocolates.


You can sit on it

Kohl tired of standing and if

Suddenly they called to the table to eat,

You won't drown in it like in an armchair,

Do not slouch at all:

Smooth correct fit

Keep your posture.

He is serious, even gloomy.

The back is straight,

But try to sit down differently -

Like a skate, let it gallop.

Press your back to your heart

Boldly sit on him:

Now it’s another matter!

If you're tired of playing

Then you lie down on ...

At sunrise and sunset

Sleeps well on ...


Four legs, one body and two backs.


From worries and from labors

We rest here,

Well, the bummer is ready

To live in this place

Here we sleep and here we lie

If you get sick

Man cannot live

Without his ...


He has four legs

It looks a little like a horse,

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And wonderful food

On his back wide

Placed without difficulty.

(Dinner table)

Decorates the apartment, but not the furniture.

It burns brightly, but not fire.

The bell rings, but not.

Shimmers and sparkles, but not a diamond.

Hanging but not fruit.

A cap for a light bulb.

That which allows things to hover between heaven and earth.

(Hook hanger)

Long guy by the wall

Bones with ribs are visible

Hands are thin as sticks

It looks funny and pathetic,

Everyone wants to dress him

And coats, raincoats and jackets

Fall into his hands.


Lies on your back -

No one needs it,

Lean against the wall -

Climb up it.


She lets me into the house

And lets out.

At night - under lock and key

She keeps me sleeping.

She is neither in the city nor in the yard

Doesn't ask for a walk:

Looks into the corridor for a moment -

And into the room again.

He meets everyone with one handle,

With another handle he sees off.

In our house under the window

There is a hot accordion:

Doesn't sing or play -

she heats the house.

Heating battery

Stretched out like an accordion

A miracle stove by a window

She warmed the whole house for us.


The mistresses really need me

I am very friendly with dishes,

I'm happy with all kinds of dishes

I am called ...


I look a little like a table,

There is in the kitchen, and in the hallway,

I'm rarely in the bedroom

And my name is ...


Didn't look out the window -

There was one Antoshka,

I looked out the window -

There is a second Antoshka!

What is this window

Where was Antoshka looking?


Like a holiday product

You will place your shoes on it:

And sneakers and boots

Sandals, sandals,

So as not to gather dust

And they were easily worn.

(Shoe shelf)

There is no way in front of me -

I'm at home and not at home

Between heaven and earth.

Guess, friends, Who am I?


Sometimes they take from me

Rivers have their source

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle.

If you're tired of playing

Then you lie down on ...

At sunrise and sunset

Sleeps well on ...


I'm ready for training starts,

Soon I will sit down for ...

Made yesterday by Nikolka

For your toys ...

The mistresses really need me

I am very friendly with dishes,

I'm happy with all kinds of dishes

I am called ...


Play as a form of learning

Want to unobtrusively tell your preschooler about furniture? Play it. Let your dolls and toys want to play hide and seek, but each of them wants to hide in a certain place. Let, at their request, the children seat the players in the closet, under the table, under the bed or sofa, behind the mirror, under the chair, outside the door, onto the balcony - you can go around the whole house. While the dolls are hiding, talk about the pieces of furniture you are approaching.

Here is a table - how do we know if this is a table? It has 4 legs and a roof. What is it for? To eat or write with it. Where can he stand? In the kitchen or in the room. Here is a chair. What is it for? To sit. How do we know if this is a chair? It also has 4 legs and a cover, only it is small and it has a back. The chair always goes side by side with the table.

Here is the door. It can be made of wood, iron, plastic, large or small. What is the door for? To separate one room from another, it can be opened and closed. Here is the door to the balcony. What is a balcony? This is the part of the house where you can stand outside. A balcony can be on any floor.

Amuse the children and let them crawl into the closet with the toy. Who are they now? Books or clothes? After all, a wardrobe is needed to put things. The wardrobe can be book, linen, large - full-length or small.

There is a mirror hanging on the cabinet. And here is a window in the wall. How are they similar? And they look in the mirror and in the window. But the one looking in the mirror will see himself, and the one who looked out the window will see the street. And if you look at the picture on the wall, you will see in it what the artist saw when he painted it.

The doll is hiding behind the sofa, and the bear is under the bed - how do we know where to carry whom? The sofa has a padded back and armrests. The bed is not, but it has a mattress. You need a sofa to sit comfortably and sometimes sleep. Bed - to sleep comfortably and sometimes sit.

Let's go around the whole house in order to create in the child's head a general picture of all the pieces of furniture. Talk about the concept of "home". What does it take to call a room a home? Home is where you sleep or something more?

Are all the toys hidden in their places? Now start looking for them. Make riddles about the corresponding items and take turns finding the hidden toys. Now it will be easier for your sun to surprise you with the correct answers to not so simple riddles about household items.

Why are riddles needed?

Riddles for children in general, including about furniture, teach children from the very younger age learn to analyze what he saw, think logically, highlight the most essential features of objects, make it clear what can be said about each object in different words.

Start with simpler object riddles. Let the table be the first in line. He is well known to all children. Riddles about him will set the child in the right mood, and it will be easier to guess further. It will be better if the first riddles have rhymed endings: this way it will not be difficult to find the correct answer.

Riddles about furniture

      Stretched out like an accordion
      A miracle stove by a window
      She warmed the whole house for us.

      (Answer: Battery)

      What stands between the window and the door?

      (Answer: Letter "I")

      Our apartment has a new house,
      Dishes live in that house
      There is also room for sweets,
      It is called…

      (Answer: Buffet)

      From high he looks down:
      There is also a brand new set in it,
      And old dishes
      There are a lot of knives and forks.
      There are only no clothes here:
      It's all the same ...

      (Answer: Buffet)

      I am hanging in the hallway
      It looks like a rake.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      Everyone wants to dress her
      And they hang on it all day
      Both coats and jackets
      When we come from a walk.

      (Answer: Hanger)

      In a leaky mesh
      Children are resting.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      He's a swing and a bed,
      It's good to lie on it
      Is he in the garden or in the forest
      Shakes in the air.

      (Answer: Hammock)

      Is he a freak or an ignoramus?
      Look at anyone:
      He wears clothes on top.
      He has it - inside.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Whoever goes into the house -
      He takes my hand.

      (Answer: Door)

      He meets everyone with one handle,
      With another handle he sees off.

      (Answer: Door)

      She lets me into the house
      And lets out.
      At night - under lock and key
      She keeps me sleeping.
      She is neither in the city nor in the yard
      Doesn't ask for a walk:
      Looks into the corridor for a moment -
      And into the room again.

      (Answer: Door)

      He is the first enemy of work,
      He is very happy with lazy people:
      Let them rest on it
      Well, the thing - will wait!
      How easy it is to sit on it
      And it's nice, sweet sleep!
      The back is soft, pillows ...
      What else do you need to be happy?

      (Answer: Sofa)

      I'm comfortable, very soft
      It's not hard for you to guess -
      Loved by grandmothers and grandchildren
      Sit and lie down.

      (Answer: Sofa)

      Didn't look out the window -
      There was one Antoshka,
      I looked out the window -
      There is a second Antoshka!
      What is this window
      Where was Antoshka looking?

      (Answer: Mirror)

      Sometimes they take from me
      Rivers have their source
      And in your hands I will open
      I am any castle.

      (Answer: Key)

      They sit on it, but it's not a chair.
      He has armrests
      But this is not a sofa.
      He has pillows
      But this is not a bed.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He takes everyone in his arms -
      And lulls, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      Club-footed animal
      The back is high
      Yes, the belly is wide.
      He takes everyone in his arms -
      And lulls, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      Quiet horse
      Grazed on the lawn
      The horse runs -
      The lawn lies
      Doesn't end.
      You will sit on a horse -
      You will download!

      (Answer: Rocking chair)

      At sunrise and sunset
      Sleeps well on ...

      (Answer: Beds)

      During the day, a blanket and a pillow sleep on it,
      And at night Andryushka sleeps there.

      (Answer: Bed)

      If you're tired of playing
      Then you lie down on ...

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, one body and two backs.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs,
      One body and two backs
      On one of the backs -
      Perinka for Irinka.

      (Answer: Bed)

      Four legs, but not a beast.
      There are feathers, but not a bird. What is it?

      (Answer: Bed and pillow)

      There is no way in front of me -
      I'm at home and not at home
      Between heaven and earth.
      Guess, friends, Who am I?

      (Answer: Porch)

      Wooden road -
      She goes up gently, -
      Every step is a ravine.

      (Answer: Ladder)

      Lies on your back -
      No one needs it,
      Lean against the wall -
      Climb up it.

      (Answer: Ladder)

      He has four legs
      It looks a little like a horse,
      But it doesn't jump anywhere.
      And plates, cups, spoons,
      And wonderful food
      On his back wide
      Placed without difficulty.

      (Answer: Dining table)

      Glass fields,
      Boundaries are wooden.

      (Answer: Window)

      He has a big back,
      And on it he allows
      And write and paint
      And sculpt and cut.

      (Answer: Desk)

      This beast is familiar to you
      Here's what he is:
      He has a big back,
      And on it he allows
      And write and paint.
      Dwells in cabinets
      Unusual this beast,
      He has a door on his body:
      And there is room behind the door
      For textbooks, notebooks,
      Compasses and chocolates.

      (Answer: Desk)

      Like a holiday product
      You will place your shoes on it:
      And sneakers and boots
      Sandals, sandals,
      So as not to gather dust
      And they were easily worn.

      (Answer: Shoe rack)

      Not an ottoman and not a sofa.
      Not a bed and not a trestle bed,
      But sometimes Kostya has
      Our guests sleep sweetly.
      And when they sleep a little,
      They will collect it with an accordion
      And until nightfall every time
      Take it out of sight.

      (Answer: Clamshell)

      The mistresses really need me
      I am very friendly with dishes,
      I'm happy with all kinds of dishes
      I am called ...

      (Answer: Sideboard)

      There are four legs under the roof,
      And on the roof - soup and spoons.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four brothers
      Belted with one sash,
      They stand under one hat.

      (Answer: Table)

      Four sisters
      Under one fatice.

      (Answer: Table)

      There is a back, but never lies.
      There are four legs, not walking.
      Itself always stands, and orders others to sit.

      (Answer: Chair)

      You can sit on it
      Kohl tired of standing and if
      Suddenly they called to the table to eat,
      You won't drown in it like in an armchair,
      Do not slouch at all:
      Smooth correct fit
      Keep your posture.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He is serious, even gloomy.
      The back is straight,
      But try to sit down differently -
      Like a skate, let it gallop.
      Press your back to your heart
      Boldly sit on him:
      Now it’s another matter!

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs - without arms
      With sides - without ribs,
      With a seat - without a belly
      With a back - without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs
      But no hands;
      With a seat,
      But without a belly;
      With back,
      But without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      I'm with legs, but I don't walk,
      With a back, but I don't lie,
      You sit down - I am not sitting.

      (Answer: Chair)

      Although we have four legs,
      We are not mice or cats
      Although we all have backs
      We are not sheep or pigs
      We are not horses, even on us
      You sit down many times.

      (Answer: Chairs)

      Has an old grandmother
      A very little secret:
      Dresses, books and toys,
      Curtains, rattles,
      Dolls and bike -
      She stubbornly hides everything
      So that the grandson could not get.
      There is a grandmother in the country
      Shabby old ...

      (Answer: Chest)

      Grandma has a safe.
      It's not new for a long time,
      Moreover, absolutely
      Not steel,
      And oak.
      He stands modestly by her
      In a corner.
      In it the grandmother holds
      Robes, socks,
      Cuts for dresses
      A little bit of yarn
      Downy shawl
      And even a pension.
      But not the door
      And the lid is on it.
      Very heavy
      With a padlock.

      (Answer: Chest)

      I look a little like a table,
      There is in the kitchen, and in the hallway,
      I'm rarely in the bedroom
      And my name is ...

      (Answer: Stool)

      There are hangers and shelves,
      Like the floors in the house.
      Trousers, blouses, t-shirts -
      Everything is in order.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Everyone in the room will notice me
      And having opened me, he will meet winter and summer.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Like a guard, stands at the door
      He will meet everyone and undress everyone,
      He knows one secret:
      If he can undress you,
      So he will be dressed himself!

      This beast does not bite,
      Open your mouth to him,
      He is always ready to accept
      Jackets, fur coats and sweatshirts,
      And leather jackets and windbreakers,
      And there is room for shoes
      And clothes are not cramped there.
      This beast stands in the hallway
      And he does not look like a beast.

      (Answer: Wardrobe for clothes and shoes)

He walks, walks, but does not enter the hut.

It will take two hundred times a day,
Although it always stands still.

I'll let you into any house,
You knock - I'm glad to knock.
But one thing I will not forgive -
If you don’t give me your hand.

He meets everyone with one hand,
With the other hand he sees off.
Who comes, who leaves -
All lead her by the hand.

I know people - darkness,
I can't count them myself
Because who will pass
He will shake my hand too.


Black dog
Curled up lies:
Doesn't bark, doesn't bite,
But he won't let him into the house.


Sometimes they take from me
Rivers have their source
And in your hands I will open
I am any castle.

I'm all made of iron
I climbed into the crack.
You're in the house for nothing
You won't come in without me.

The tail in the yard
The nose is in the kennel.
Who will turn the tail
He will enter the house.

He will lie down without attention
All day in your pocket.
You will come home without him -
You won't get into the house.

With a short beard,
With a hole in the middle
I lie quietly
Ringing in my pocket.

I'm at the door, I'm at the castle
I am in the musical line,
I will unscrew the nut,
I can if I want
Send a telegram
And solve the riddle.


No chauffeur, no wheels
And he brought me home.

Ride me almost
To the door of the apartment.
Drove it along the way
The passengers themselves.


Wooden road
Goes up sloping.
Every step is a ravine.

What is this road:
Who walks along it -
Is he limping?

Window, windows

Not on the floor, not on a shelf
And he looks into the house, and into the street.

Wooden borders,
And the fields are glass.

Many neighbors live nearby
And they never see each other.


I'm from home to the doorstep
Only one step took -
The door closed behind my back
There is no path in front of me.

I'm at home - and not at home,
Between heaven and earth,
Guess, friends,
Where am I?

Home is like home
One hundred pockets in it.
In every pocket -
Flower beds.


Look under the window -
An accordion is stretched out there,
But the accordion does not play -
The apartment warms us up.

Under the window accordion,
Hot as fire

Stretched out like an accordion
Miracle stove under the window.

Water pipes

I carry water in me
We'll need some water.
We can swim without hassle
If there is?..

If the river is on the pipe,
Runs into your house
And he is in charge of it -
How do we call it?

Water faucet

I am a relative of Moidodyr,
Turn me away quickly:
AND cold water
I'll wash you quickly.


Our dough hit
To a hot place.
Got it - not lost
It became a rosy bun.

There is a brick hut
Sometimes it is cold, sometimes it is hot.

Our fat Fedora
It takes a long time to eat
But when you are full,
From Fedora - warmth.

In the hut there is a hut,
There is a pipe in the hut,
It rustled in the hut,
The pipe hummed.

The people see the flame
And it does not go to extinguish.


On the roof of our gnome sits
And the sky smokes every day.

Sits on the roof of everyone above
Breathes smoke.


I do not chew, but I devour everything.

That, barely touching,
Turns firewood into smoke?

No matter how much you eat,
It is never full.

You feed it - it lives
If you drink it, it will die.


The house is small, but there are many inhabitants.

V wooden house
Gnomes live.
Such good-natured people -
Distribute lights to everyone.

This is a cramped, cramped house.
One hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It can flare up like a bonfire.

In a neatly cleaned fire chamber
Little sisters doze
These sisters all day
They get a light.


I was born in the oven
Curled into rings
Danced trepaka
And went into the clouds.

I am hairy, I am hairy,
I am above every hut in winter,
Over a fire and a factory
Over the fire and the steamer
But nowhere, nowhere me
There is no such thing as fire.

White pillar stands on the roof
And it grows higher and higher.
Now he has grown up to heaven -
And disappeared.

No arms, no legs
And he climbed into the hut.

Fire and smoke

Father is hot and red
It is sometimes dangerous.
And the son will rise like a bird,
He will not return to his father.


I climbed into the stove for treasure,
I need it for the field.
What did the stove give me?
What is the name of the treasure? ..


The black horse jumps into the fire.


It may melt, but not honey,
Not a lantern, but light.

The head is ablaze with fire,
The body melts and burns.

I want to be useful:
There is no lamp - I will shine.


She's like a pear on the outside
Hangs around during the day
And at night it lights up the house.

House is a glass vial
And lives in it - a light!
During the day he sleeps, but when he wakes up,
It will light up with a bright flame.

Sun over the ceiling
It shines late in the evening.

I brought the sun
For your little window.
Suspended from the ceiling -
It was fun at home.

Held to the ceiling
Amazing lace.
Screwed on the bubble -
The light came on.

Electricity, electric current

Who is on the wire
Does he come to our house?
To distant villages, cities
Who is on the wire?
Bright majesty!

I run along the paths
I can't live without a path.
Where am I, guys, no,
The light will not come on in the house.

Electricity meter

Very strict controller
Looks straight from the wall,
Looks, does not blink:
One has only to turn on the light
Or plug in the oven -
Everything is bewildering.


Behind the white door - cold, ice,
Santa Claus, friends, lives there.

North pole inside!
Snow and ice sparkle there,
Winter itself lives there.

There is a white house in the kitchen,
Solemn in appearance.
As if with solid milk
Covered on all sides.

They brought a box to the kitchen -
White white and shiny
And everything is white inside.
The box makes the cold.

Father Frost all year round
He lives in a white house.
It will become quiet and silent,
It wakes up and grumbles.

Guess soon, friend,
What kind of snow house?
Preserves in the heat for us
Milk, sour cream, kvass.


He climbed onto the table from under the bench,
Looked around on the stand
I wagged my flexible tail,
I licked the folds from the tie.

Back and forth
The steamer walks and wanders.
Stop - grief!
Make holes in the sea!

In the linen land
Along the river Bed
The steamer is sailing
Back and forth.
And behind him is such a smooth surface -
Not a wrinkle to be seen.

I'll walk a little hot
And the sheet will become smooth.
I can fix imperfections
And point the arrows on the trousers.

Vacuum cleaner

Walks-wanders on carpets,
Leads his nose in the corners.
Where I went - there is no dust,
Dust and debris is his lunch.

We have a robot in our apartment,
He has a huge trunk.
Robot loves cleanliness
And it buzzes like a Tu-liner.

He willingly breathes dust,
Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze.

I breathe in a lot of dust
To keep you healthy.


They go with a load -
stop without load.

I've been spinning the whole century, not a person.

They wiggle their mustache all day
And they tell the time to find out.

We walk at night, we walk during the day
But we're not going anywhere.

We hit regularly every hour
And you, friends, don't hit us!

Eremushka has been walking all century:
No sleep for him, no nap.
He leads the exact steps,
But it will not leave the place.

Knocking, strumming, spinning,
Not afraid of anyone.
Counts all his life
And all is not a man.

On the arm and on the wall
And on the tower above.
They walk, walk smoothly
From sunrise to sunrise.

We don't sleep during the day
And we don't sleep at night.
And days and nights
We knock, knock, knock.


I don’t knock in vain -
when necessary, wake up.

Daily at seven in the morning
I rattle: "Get up porrrra!"

Clock hands

Two sisters one after another
Run round and round:
Shorty - just once
The one higher - every hour.


I'll sit under my arm
And I will indicate what to do:
Or let me walk
Or I'll put you to bed.


Capricious sandals
Once I was told: -
We are afraid of being tickled
Shoemaker strict ..?


There's a plate on the wall
An arrow walks on the plate.
This forward arrow
He will know the weather for us.

Record player

No ears, but hears.
I have no hands, but writes.


Musician, singer, storyteller,
And all - a circle and a box.

Gramophone record

I'm spinning, but not a whirligig
And a needle runs down me
I'm spinning without getting tired
I speak, I sing, I play.


Will guide a glass eye
Clicked once - and they remember us.


Is he an eccentric or an ignoramus?
Look at anyone:
Clothes are worn on top.
He has it inside.


There are four legs, one hat,
Needed if the family begins to dine.

Four brothers
they live under the same roof,
girded with one belt.


I stand on four legs
I can't walk at all:
When you get tired of walking
You can sit down and rest.

There is a back, but never lies.

There are four legs
And not even three.

Himself always stands
And he tells everyone to sit.


At night in me Vanyatka
Until then it will doze off sweetly,
I don't want to get up.
What kind of thing am I? ..

A pillow sleeps on it during the day.
And at night - Andryushka.


Two abdomens, four ears.

They filled us with feather and down,
So that we are very soft.
We lie quietly under the cheek
So that sleep was sound and peace.


I lie under your feet
Trample me with your boots
And tomorrow take me to the yard
And beat me, beat me.
So that the children can lie on me
Flounder and somersault on me.


When I lie still
Without opening your mouth
In me, I will say but honor,
Such a void!
Hurry, sooner summer
! And people will lay
Travel items
Into my big mouth.


Who came out with me in the rain,
For that I like a roof.

He reveals himself,
And he closes you.
Only the rain will pass
Will do the opposite.

Saves from the rain
And he gets wet.
Although it gets wet
But it doesn't get wet.

I'm under a small roof
I went out for a walk in the rain.


Of cold rubber
And he knows how to warm.
Pour boiling water -
Then it will warm you.


Fingers on the rope
Hold a blanket.


The way watermelons are great
Like apples, crayons.
They cannot speak
But they can determine everything.


Mushroom pickers really need it,
You can't cook dinner without him,
You won't go hunting.
What is this?..

If imprisoned,
He cuts everything very easily:
Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,
Fish, apples and butter.


Two ends, two rings
In the middle of the carnations.

Experienced tool -
Not big, not small.
He's got a lot of worries
He cuts and cuts.

See we opened our jaws
You can put paper in it.
The paper in our mouth
Divided into parts.


How did the godfather get down to business,
Screamed and sang
Ate, ate, oak, oak,
Broke a tooth, a tooth.

Rides and rides back and forth
Will take in the teeth
It will split into two parts.

If the pines and spruce
They knew how to run and jump,
They are from me without looking back
Would rush off
And more with me
Would never meet
Because - I'll tell you
Not bragging, -
I am steel and wicked

The eater eats the wood,
One hundred teeth in one row.


I rested my foot on the screw,
The chatterbox has lost peace.


Where it rests with its tail
There will be a hole later.


He rang in the woods all day
Thick, whitish from frost,
And at night, going up to the fire
I fell asleep with my nose buried in the log.

There is a man from the forest
Mirror in the belt.

Bows, bows
When he comes home, it stretches out.

I go to the forest - I look home,
I go home - I look back at the forest.

Wonderful buddy:
Wooden hand,
Yes, an iron butt
Yes, a red-hot scallop.

He is held in high esteem by the carpenters,
Every day with him at work.

Although small in stature,
And I'm used to respect:
Before him are oaks and maples,
And the birches beat bows.


Titus went to work,
Everyone heard.
He himself is thin, a head with a pood,
As it hits, it will become strong.


I'm all made of iron
I have no legs or arms.
I'll fit my hat into the board,
But for me everything is thump and thump.

They beat the kid on the cap,
So that he lived in a piece of wood.

Without a head, but with a hat.
One leg, and that one without a boot.

Hammer knock-knock -
Bitches sticking out on the wall.
I knocked again -
Will not see.

Hammer and nail

The fat one will beat -
Slim will nail something.

I am the most lively worker
In a workshop.
I poke as much as possible
How I will see a lazy man
What is lying around for no good
I'll push it to the board
How can I knock you on the head!
The poor thing will hide in the board
His cap is barely visible.

Iron someone
Hit him hard
And he was gone
The cap remained.


With a body as nimble as a snake,
I screw into the board.


The Humpbacked Skate
Wooden sides.
As you hold it in your hand -
He will slide on the board.

On a wooden river
A new boat is running
Curls into rings
Its pine smoke.

I'm running on my bald head -
I cut curls from my bald head.

Glass cutter

On a mirror rink
On a single skate
He rode once
And the whole skating rink fell apart.


This stone circle
Instruments best friend
Will whirl sparks over him,
The blunt will make it sharp.


They have hard work
They press something all the time.

Sewing machine

In the clearing woolen
The thin-legged dancer.
From under the steel shoe
The stitch creeps out.

Needle and thread

I am small
Thin and sharp
I'm looking for a way with my nose,
I drag my tail behind me.

The girlfriend is holding
For my ear
One stitch
The century is running after me.

The craftswoman walks
On silk and on chintz,
How small is her step!
It is called - stitch

I'm a one-eared old woman
I'm jumping across the canvas
And a long thread from the ear,
Like a spider web, I pull.

Needle, needles

They are usually for sewing;
And I saw them at the hedgehog.

I visit a pine tree, a tree,
Are they called -? ..

Sheathes everyone in the world
He does not wear what he sews.

Thin-legged Jelila
All dressed up, dressed up.
On the very, poor thing,
Not even a shirt.


Small head
Sits on a finger
Hundreds of eyes
Looks in all directions.

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.


Two slender sisters
In the hands of the craftswoman
Dived into loops all day
And here it is - a scarf for Petenka.

Clothes brush

Who can't name me?
I look like a hedgehog.
I am from dust and stains;
Guarding your dress.

Floor brush

Our dancer all day
I'm glad to dance on the floor
Where he dances, where he waves,
Not a speck to be found.

It looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes -
The clothes will become cleaner.


Many friendly guys
They sit on one pillar.
How they start to frolic -
Only dust swirls around.

Twisted, tied
Impaled on a stake
And dances down the street.

An old grandmother is sneaking around the yard,
Keeps cleanliness.


Troubled Egorka
Took up cleaning:
I went to a dance around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor.

Worth Erosha
Shaggy and disheveled!
Will dance around the hut -
Waving twigs.
For a dashing dance
Belted with a bast.

Little Erofeyka
Belted shortly
On the floor, hop-hop -
And sat down in a corner.

Troubled Egorka
Took up cleaning:
I went to a dance around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor.


A snake crawled into the courtyard,
Black and long
I watered the snow with water,
I didn’t yawn at work
I worked for a day -
There is a skating rink in the yard.

Every child from early childhood has a lot of questions related to the structure of the world, things, the organism of a living being and many other phenomena that make one think about something more complex, and sometimes even higher. Parents only have to throw firewood into the fire of curiosity with the help of developmental tasks. Among these there are everyone's favorite riddles. There are many rhymes about a variety of subjects. Perhaps the most common version of puzzles for children is furniture riddles.

Bed riddle

1. She is wearing a pillow, a blanket.

If Masha is tired,

This soft thing

Will not let you fall from fatigue.

You rest on it,

Pull the arms, legs,

And then play again.

And her name is ... (bed)!

2. At night I am your girlfriend,

Not a cat and a toy

If you want to sleep

Then lie down on ... (bed)!

3. During the day, boys do not sleep on it,

And the girls: all the kids.

At night, after a hard day -

Head on the pillow.

She has a pillow on her again in the afternoon

And then - Andryushka again!

The parent should make sure that the child can guess any puzzles inherent in his age, even riddles about furniture. With the answers, at first, you can help, suggest, hint. Only after the baby learns to navigate in different household items, compare their signs and try on different objects, it is worth giving several chances to guess.

Riddle about the table

1. I put the dishes on it,

I won't forget to push the chair,

I will teach lessons:

Books and pens.

And if I want to play,

This item can become a house!

2. It is usually made of wood,

He is a familiar resident in the house,

It looks a little like a horse,

Only saucers, cups, spoons

Always on his back

Placed easily.

3. A horse with a wooden back

In every house there is.

It has four legs,

But he doesn't run anywhere.

On his back, he permits a lot of things:

And write and cut

And sculpt, then play.

To make it interesting for the child to guess riddles and so that this case is not an extra reason for him to be capricious, the parent can come up with a kind of game for points. For example, a riddle about a bed will score 2 points. And if the child does not guess it, then the same number of units is withdrawn from his account. The riddle about the table is a little more complicated than the riddle about the bed, so you can give 4 points for it, etc. At the end of the game, your child is simply obliged to receive a prize, it can be candy (for the minimum number of points), as well as several chocolate bars ( per maximum amount points).

Chair and chair riddle

1. I stand with my back

And I will support yours.

There are legs and handles too,

But not alive, what am I like? (Armchair)

2. My elder brother is a table.

Children eat on it.

Well, I'm a different subject

The uniform is the same, but they don't cook dinner on me.

My task is different -

They sit on me, not remembering me. (Stool, chair).

3. It will embrace you with warmth,

Whether you are a child or an old man,

It lulls, shaking.

But they sit in it, and this is not a sofa,

What is this? Guess it yourself! (Rocking chair).

Riddles about furniture are the most difficult for children, because they are not yet developed enough in this topic to quickly name all objects. Do not be upset if the baby cannot yet guess what in question in a rhyme - do not worry, but help him. To make the riddle about the bed and other pieces of furniture seem easier for him, show him pictures with answers, and then clearly explain why the answer was a chair, and not a table or sofa.

Hard furniture puzzles

1. With four legs, but no knees.

With two elbows, but no arms.

With a back, but no spine. (Armchair chair).

2. Stands on four legs, but cannot be called an animal.

Carries on his back, but not a car or a bicycle.

There are clothes, but not people. (Bed).

3. She has four legs, two backs, but one body. (Bed).

4. Four staunch brothers live under the same roof and wear the same hat. (Table).

These types of riddles cannot be called poetic, they are more like logical puzzles, so they need to be thought of by children who are already 7-8 years old. But even if at this age your child cannot guess this or that riddle, you should not scold him, because even an adult will not immediately guess riddles about furniture for children. It must be remembered that children are only studying this world, this process will become memorable and fun or boring and full of tears and hysterics, depends not only on the child, but also on the parent.

Riddles about other pieces of furniture

1. He's probably an eccentric.

He is an ignoramus and a fool!

You think, look:

Everybody has clothes on the outside

And he carries it inside! (Wardrobe, wardrobe).

2. He lives in the kitchen,

Stores cookies, sweets, dishes,

And if you need something

It is worth standing on a chair - this is understandable for a camel.

After all, it hangs high on the wall

And you just can't get it.

Only dad can do it

Take something from it. (Sideboard, kitchen cabinet).

3. Clothes lie on the shelves,

There are also shoes here,

Little by little of all seasons

In this big box there is:

Here is a fur coat and pants,

Sundress, sandals,

Cloak, boots for spring

They waited for their time. (Wardrobe).

Try to make solving riddles more fun! Whether it's a riddle about a table, an armchair or a wardrobe, contact your child, let him feel the interactive form of the game.

Why is it so important to ask riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that from the very moment a child begins to crawl, he pays attention to every little thing, to every object that comes his way. That is why you need to keep the kid's interest in the world and objects in it with the help of games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because from childhood we all strive to absorb everything that is told to us, which is why psychologists and teachers consider children under 15 to be the most capable of learning. Riddles about furniture can also become a source of knowledge, they will develop logic and help you cope with more difficult tasks.

Logical thinking is a type of thinking that is formed in a child very first, therefore it is important to give this Special attention... Furniture riddles are a great way to train your little one.

Riddles about the sofa.
It is very soft for us,
We love to lie down very much
Helps us in this
Our familiar (sofa)

He is always friends with the chair,
They are loyal friends.
What kind of joke is this?
So a riddle about (sofa)

He stands harsh, strong,
You can't budge him.
In fact, very soft,
And his families love him.
Answer: sofa

To lie on it is a complete whim,
But just a little
After all, laziness cannot defeat us,
We have a lot to do.

it true friend families,
He will support the nights, days.
If you are very tired
Lie down on him as soon as possible.

He gives children fun
You can jump from the heart
We always need it very much-
Soft, velvet (sofa)

He's so comfortable, soft
I don't want to get up.
You can sleep right there,
You just need to disassemble.

What a miracle!
At home, a transformer is waiting for us!
Two movements and one time
It turns out a bed.
What is the subject given to you?
Of course, (sofa)

Come on, kids, find the answer
What item do you have at home?
He looks like a hippopotamus:
Very soft and large.
Catches us on it doze-
You can also sleep on it.

Stands, he is the head of the room,
And the whole family is on it.
He does not care a straw,
He's strong and big.

Came straight from the factory
He's so plush.
Comfort brings us
Our comfortable (sofa)

Each house has its own cloud on which you can sit, lie, sleep, jump. However, this cloud does not fly, but it is very soft and comfortable. What is it?

We bought it yesterday
He now lives with us,
Very soft, very sweet
And our comfortable (sofa)

Tell the children this is the answer:
What do you sit on when the sun is shining?
What are you lying on when the moon shines?
Have you already guessed? Well done then!
Answer: sofa

Other riddles:

Picture Sofa

Several interesting children's riddles

  • Hamster riddles for kids with answers

    Like beads, little eyes, Ears like a kitten. Behind the cheeks - a whole treasure, He is glad to rustle the newspaper.

  • Riddles about Tulips for children with answers

    What flower is considered a symbol of spring and freshness? (Tulip).

  • Riddles about the Fog for children with answers

    It looks like the ocean, the water is white vapor. Spread out like a carpet, it enveloped the house. What is this ocean? That's right, this is ***** Answer: fog