An excellent alternative in the absence of a main gas pipeline: heating from a gas cylinder. Gas heating in a private house: general principles of the device and many useful tips Boiler from gas bolon does not work

Everyone is faced with the problem of how to heat the house if it is not possible to make a connection to the central gas pipeline. There is a way out of this situation - heating with gas from cylinders. Gas from a cylinder does not differ from the main pipeline. There are no prohibitions on the use of this type of room heating. It is gaining more and more popularity. The price of solid fuel is constantly rising. Not everyone has time to prepare firewood for the winter, because they need to be chopped and stacked. This is a labor intensive process. It is much easier to fill several containers and bring them to a country house.

Pros and cons of balloon heating

Heating a summer house with a gas cylinder is considered autonomous heating. Vessels can be easily delivered by car to the most remote villages, thus solving the problem of heating rooms. The cost of this type of heating requires significant financial costs. The use of gas-balloon heating will be beneficial if the following factors are taken into account:

  • Premises up to 100 sq.m.
  • Reducing heat loss (the house must be insulated).
  • There are other heating devices.
  • This type of heating is temporary, after a while there will be a connection to a gas pipeline with natural gas.

The advantage of using such heating is that when connected to the central gas pipeline, it will not be necessary to buy another boiler. Such boilers operate on both liquefied and natural gas. Change injectors and reprogram the system. Buying one equipment, you can use two types of heating.

Connecting the house to gas cylinders does not require significant preparatory work. To connect to the central gas pipeline it is necessary to do a lot of work in the building.

To heat the dacha with a gas bottle, containers must be taken to a gas station. This will cost extra money and time. The use of such fuel requires compliance with safety regulations, gas liquefaction is explosive. Individual room heating with gas cylinders must be installed correctly.

The disadvantage of this method of heating buildings is its price. In different regions of the country, the price of fuel is different. Gas will cost more in one area and cheaper in another. Buying low-quality liquefied gas will increase fuel consumption. This method of heating rooms is not cheap. Adhering to all possible ways to save fuel, you will need at least ten vessels per month.

The specifics of the arrangement of balloon heating

To heat the house with bottled liquefied gas, choose the right boiler. Not every heating equipment can operate on this type of fuel. A burner must be installed in the device. Buy equipment with a capacity of 10-20 kW, pay attention to the heated area.

Follow safety precautions, choose proven high-quality gas cylinders. Post them outside. In winter, when the air temperature drops, the vessel may freeze, which will lead to a decrease in pressure in it, the gas will not evaporate. The supply to the boiler is stopped. Therefore, the gas cabinet where the equipment is located must be insulated and installed on the north side of the house. The gas cabinet should be as dark as possible.

To insulate the gas cabinet, run a special sleeve from the boiler room, through which heated air is supplied with the help of fans. It is forbidden to heat the gas shield with heating cables. For gas heating, use at least four vessels.

In order for the heat to be evenly distributed throughout the building, correctly calculate the required number of radiator sections. On average, for one section of a standard aluminum radiatorcan distinguish from200 watts of heat. If we take the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house 100 square meters. m. and a ceiling height of 2.5 m., then a boiler with a capacity of 10 kilowatts or more is required. Therefore, 50 radiator sections will be required. An accurate calculation can be carried out taking into account heat losses through windows, walls and roofs. If in doubt about the correctness of the calculations, contact the experts.

Boiler selection principles

To heat a country house with gas cylinders, buy a reliable boiler. To use liquefied gas as fuel, buy boilers with a special water circuit. Pay attention to devices designed to use natural gas. Having bought equipment for natural gas, it is enough to change the burner or nozzles, and it can be used for reduced gases. When there is no longer a need for bottled gas heating, install other nozzles and heat the building with natural gas. Using autonomous heating with liquefied gas, select boilers with high efficiency.

The stores have a very large selection of boilers. You will find equipment not only of domestic manufacturers. There are many models developed by foreign manufacturers. Therefore, the price of such equipment may vary. Everything will depend on the manufacturer and technical characteristics of the devices. To make propane heating a building economical, choose the right equipment.

Boiler connection diagram

It is strictly forbidden to use gas boilers without their transfer to the use of liquefied gas. Natural gas is supplied through large nozzles; for liquefied gas, nozzles of a smaller diameter are installed.

To properly connect the vessels to the gas system, buy a reducer. With the help of this device, the gas passes from a liquid state to a gaseous state, and then it is fed to the boiler.

You can buy a reducer that fits all supplied cylinders or buy such equipment for each. It is cheaper to purchase one common device at a cost, but such equipment is less secure. To connect several containers to heating equipment, install a ramp. The ramp selects gas from one vessel, and when the gas runs out, the boiler switches to spare tanks.

Choose gas pipeline pipes with a thickness of at least two millimeters. The pipe that goes through the wall must be in a foam case. To connect the reducer to the gas pipeline, buy a rubber-fabric sleeve. If you do not know how to properly connect the gas system, contact a specialist.

Gas cylinders are placed outdoors in a special ventilated gas cabinet. They shouldn't be in the sun. If you are going to install containers in the boiler room, they must be located no closer than two meters from the boiler.

Using a Reducer

An obligatory part of the gas-cylinder system is a reducer - this is a device that is used to reduce pressure . The installation of a reducer is mandatory, because the pressure in the tanks is constantly changing due to different air temperatures outside and the amount of remaining gas in the cylinders. Be very careful when choosing a gearbox. Choose the right performance for this device. Gearboxes that are switched by automatics are used with special protection. With a large rise in the pressure level, the protection opens the relief valve.

Cylinder filling principles

Cylinders for heating a house with gas are filled with a mixture of propane and butane gas. Gases are in liquid form. The type of mixture that is filled into the vessel is influenced by the season of its use: summer or winter. In winter, the air temperature drops, so the tanks are filled with a winter technical mixture of propane and butane.

Vessels are filled by eighty percent. If it is completely filled with an increase in air temperature, the vessel will burst. Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters are used. The containers are filled at the gas station. If you do not have your own transport, order delivery by a special car that delivers filled vessels to the villages.

Gas consumption from cylinders

Many are interested in the question of whether heating with bottled gas is beneficial or not. Before installing it, calculate the amount of fuel needed to heat the rooms. Maybe it will be more profitable for you to put a solid fuel boiler. If the house is large, poorly insulated, then it is better to use other methods of heating the house.

For heating a building up to one hundred square meters with bottled gas, two or three vessels per week, with a capacity of fifty liters, are needed. When you leave, set the heating temperature of the building to a lower level, then you will need one gas cylinder for a week. To save fuel, experts recommend using automatic devices for the heating system. You can set the temperature at which the heating system turns on. You don't have to run around adjusting it yourself. When the temperature in the rooms drops, the heating system will turn on, and at normal temperatures, the heating will turn off. There will be no excess fuel consumption. To save fuel, it is recommended to reduce the gas supply at night.

Such heating at a cost will cost more than a central gas supply, but will be cheaper than eclectic space heating. In cold weather, fuel consumption will be much higher. Control how much gas remains in the vessel in order to fill it in time. Always have a few spare refilled cylinders so as not to be left without heating the house in winter, in cases where only this method of heating buildings is used.

What is better to use for gas storage: gas tank or cylinders

It is not necessary to use cylinders to store liquefied gas. You can use gas holders - these are large tanks made of steel. One filled tank will be enough to heat rooms in cold weather.

The disadvantage of a gas tank is that there may be problems with its delivery and storage. To fill it up, you need to call a car with gas. Additional costs will be required to place the gas tank underground.

A good compromise would be the use of a mobile gas tank, which combines both a capacity of about 600 liters and the ability to tow it to a gas station. With an average gas consumption, this will have to be done only 2-3 times a year.

LPG tanks are easier to fill. They can be taken to a gas station at any time, and a car with gas must first be ordered, and then wait for it to arrive. To heat the house with liquefied gas in cylinders, install several vessels. One will not be enough.

Ways to reduce gas consumption

Insulating windows can reduce fuel consumption because the building will give off less heat. Also use other elements to reduce gas costs.

  1. It is necessary to control the temperature of the room in which the gas boiler is located. If the temperature in the room where the gas devices are located is low, there will be problems with the operation of the boiler. The same air temperature must be maintained in the boiler room and heated rooms.
  2. It is necessary to fill the cylinders with high-quality gas at proven gas stations. Different impurities will increase fuel consumption.
  3. In the gas system, use automation. Its use will reduce heating costs.
  4. The gas system may be leaking. This will increase the gas consumption for heating the house. Buy and install sensors that will give signals when gas appears in the room.

Use of gas cylinders and compliance with all safety measures

Gas in cylinders for heating buildings should be in specially prepared iron containers on the street. If you don’t know how to make a gas cabinet for cylinders, buy a ready-made one at the store. This type of gas collects at the bottom when leaking. You may not feel its accumulation in time. And if the cylinders are in the room, a large concentration of gas can lead to an explosion. Cylinders cannot be installed in basements, cellars.

Cylinder cabinet

Cylinders are installed vertically. When equipping a place for their storage, it is necessary to provide ventilation holes. So that when it leaks, he was not going to. Carefully check the detachable connections on the gas pipeline. Such connections are installed in places where other connections cannot be used.

If you decide to make a boiler room to store gas cylinders, make walls from non-combustible materials. Make ventilation. Do not place flammable materials near vessels.

Gas cylinders are forbidden to fill more than eighty percent. If it is completely refueled during frost, and then brought into a warm room, the vessel will explode. If corrosion appears on the container, do not use it. The life of the residents of the house depends on the observance of all safety measures for the use of gas-balloon equipment.

It is beneficial to use bottled gas for heating a summer house or a house as a temporary alternative, with further conversion to use natural gas. The most convenient to use are vessels with a volume of fifty liters. The advantages of gas-balloon heating are that containers are easily delivered by car even to the most remote village. To fill them up, just go to the nearest gas station. On average, to heat a house with an area of ​​​​up to one hundred square meters per week, you will need two gas cylinders.

This type of building heating is environmentally friendly, the environment is less polluted. And when using solid fuel, a lot of smoke appears.

I share my experience of heating a house with bottled gas. (10+)

Heating with bottled liquefied gas. Practical experience

Initially, my heating system was designed for diesel fuel. Ferroli GN 1 boiler and diesel burner installed. However, the cost of diesel fuel and light heating oil quickly soared up. So I decided to transfer the system to bottled gas, since I have no desire to install a gas tank, as well as the ability to build a main one.

Burner for bottled gas

Here is a selection of materials for you:

Gas consumption for heating

Gas consumption for heating turned out like this. How much diesel fuel used to be consumed per day in terms of volume, how much liquid gas is now burned. But a liter of gas costs 14 rubles, and a liter of winter light heating oil - 29. So it turns out half the price. By the way, my observations on gas consumption are approximately confirmed by consumption calculations based on the calorific value of propane and diesel fuel.

Added. The cost of heating the house 200 sq. m two floors, very well insulated, is about 60 t. for the heating season or 4000 liters of gas.

Other options for heating with liquefied gas without installing a gas tank

A neighbor, inspired by my experiences, implemented such a model. Bought a trailer. I installed on it two gas cylinders from a truck of 300 liters each. Rides, refuels them, and drowns from these cylinders. I just had to insulate the trailer from all sides, and install a small (500 W) electric heater and a thermostat there to maintain the temperature of the cylinders at 20 degrees Celsius. When he arrives from a gas station, he immediately connects his heater to the network. He says that the electricity consumption is small, most of the time the heater is turned off by the thermostat. It turns out about 100 W average consumption. But this is from his words. I didn't check.

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Ask a Question. Article discussion. messages.

A pensioner living in a country house wants to buy a Cooper oven. A gas burner is also sold under it. The inlet gas pressure for it is 1.5 kPa. The gasman said that an ordinary cylinder gives 0.5 kPa. It turns out that the gas pressure in the cylinder is insufficient for the operation of the burner. Tell me which burner you are using, or you need a different gearbox. And how many cylinders or liters of propane do you need

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If it is impossible to connect to the central gas pipeline, an alternative to switching to solid fuel or using electric heating can be heating the house with gas cylinders. Such a method of heating a home is by no means a rarity in our country, because in terms of its characteristics, liquefied gas is no different from the main one, even if it is much more expensive.

Heating a private house with gas cylinders

Arrangement of balloon heating

In the vastness of our country there are still areas remote from the main roads and the benefits of civilization with several summer cottages or houses. Is it possible to heat a house with liquefied gas from a cylinder in an area remote from gas communications?

In principle, there are no restrictions and prohibitions on autonomous heating of an individual house with gas in cylinders. But heating with gas not from the central line requires significant costs for obtaining thermal energy.

Heating a house with liquefied gas is rational when:

  • building area up to 100 m 2;
  • arrangement of effective thermal insulation of the building;
  • minimum heat loss.

The organization of heating the home from gas cylinders can also be considered as a short-term solution, since in the future it is possible to re-equip the existing boiler to be fed from the central gas pipeline.

Heating of a country house with liquefied gas is carried out by standard 50-liter cylinders. Vessels are mainly filled with propane and butane, which are pre-liquefied.

Heating with gas can also be carried out with such combinations of combustible substances:

  • SPBTL (summer version of the mixture);
  • SPBTZ (winter version).

LPG cylinders

Cylinders require constant monitoring in winter. Even at the lowest temperatures, heating gas mixtures do not freeze, but interruptions in the supply of fuel are quite likely, which is explained by different boiling temperatures (for propane - -40 ° C, for butane - 0 ° C).

If we consider a temperature of -10 ° C, the mixture begins to boil in a vessel filled with gas, and propane begins to evaporate first. Before the butane begins to boil, a decrease in its evaporation can be observed in the bottled gas, which leads to a decrease in pressure below the level required for normal operation of the boiler.

The best possible solution in such circumstances is to heat the cylinder to a temperature at which the butane begins to evaporate. For this purpose, a corrugated sleeve from the boiler room should be inserted into the box. To transfer heated air through an arranged channel, it is necessary to use low-power duct fans.

Also, when heating in winter, it is possible to organize the heating of the duct with pipes according to the principle of a warm floor.

In no case should cylinders located in conditions of negative temperatures in a country house or in a private house be heated with heating cables or heating elements.

Which boiler to use

Gas heating of a private house from cylinders is mainly carried out using a boiler with a water circuit as a heat generator. Moreover, any model of boilers designed for burning natural gas is suitable. For normal operation of the equipment, you only need to replace the burner or adjust (replace) the nozzles - most boiler manufacturers include a special kit for liquefied gases in the delivery.

Similarly, the type of heating device and its power are selected. However, taking into account the high operating costs of gas-balloon heating, it is necessary to choose a boiler with the highest possible efficiency, for example, a gas condensing heat generator.

Wall-mounted gas boiler for cylinder heating

Boiler connection diagram

Heating a country house with gas cylinders requires retrofitting with equipment and purchases:

  • boiler;
  • special nozzles for gas, if they are not included with the boiler;
  • ramps;
  • shutoff valve.

Installation of cylinders in the basement or basement is not recommended, the best place for their location is a box made of metal, with ventilation holes made from the bottom and top of the front part.

Tanks should be placed strictly horizontally, storage of full cylinders in a vertical position is not allowed. The box should be located on the north side of the building, if possible - in the most shaded place.

For normal operation of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to connect it to a "battery" of 4-5 cylinders for heating. Their installation and connection is carried out according to the following scheme.

For the device of the outlet gas pipeline, a pipe with walls from 2 mm thick is used. At the point of its passage in the wall, a sleeve with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipe by 20-30 mm is installed. The space between the pipe and the circumference of the sleeve is filled with mounting foam.

The inclusion of vessels in the system is carried out using a reducer that returns gas from a liquid back to a vapor state for its subsequent supply to the boiler.

Connection is carried out in two ways: one common reducer for all cylinders or one device for each of the vessels. The implementation of the second method will cost more, but it provides complete security.

To increase the interval between fillings, it is better to connect several cylinders to the boiler at the same time through a ramp - a two-arm manifold that separates the vessels into the main and spare bundles. Gas first comes from the main bundle, and when it comes to an end, the boiler switches to a spare one. When installing new, filled cylinders, the heater returns to power from the main bundle.

LPG heating system

All connections during installation are made in the form of pipes and hoses, detachable connections are checked for leakage by washing.

Heating a country house with bottled gas requires compliance with the most important safety rule: filling a bottle with more than 80% of the volume is prohibited. The reason is the high percentage of expansion of the mixture of propane and butane. Despite the sufficient strength of the cylinder, when its volume is filled over 94% and the temperature rises, there is a high probability of an explosion.

Cylinders or gas tank

To store gas in a liquid state, gas holders are also used - steel tanks of large volume, which, unlike standard cylinders, are often enough for the entire cold period.

However, heating a private house with gas cylinders seems to be more convenient, since there are no problems with the purchase and delivery of fuel in any volume. In addition, gas storage in gas tanks requires a significant amount of excavation, which will lead to additional costs.

The disadvantage of balloon heating compared to using a gas tank is the need to simultaneously connect several vessels at once. The point here is not the desired gas supply, but the fact that a single cylinder has an insignificant evaporation area and cannot provide enough fuel to a powerful burner. To heat the house, you need to immediately collect a group of vessels.

Gas tank 500 liters

What is a reducer for?

Cylinder pressure is a variable that depends on a number of conditions:

  • the number of vessels;
  • remaining fuel;
  • composition and temperature of the gas mixture;
  • distance from the box with cylinders to the boiler.

A reducer is used to convert and maintain a stable gas pressure in the vapor phase.

The device is selected according to two main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • operating pressure.

Energy-efficient heating of a country house with gas cylinders depends on the fuel consumption of the heating installation. In this regard, the productivity of the gearbox should be no less than the injectivity of the boiler.

According to the working pressure, the device is selected in accordance with the parameters of the heater. If the pressure supplied by the reducer is too high, then the boiler automation may be damaged, or the flame will “break off” and the burner will die out. Reducers are produced with a pressure of 30, 37, 42 and 50 mbar. There are also models in which this parameter is adjustable in the range from 20 to 60 mbar.

High tech pressure regulator

When connecting cylinders using flexible hoses, you will need a reducer with a “herringbone” fitting; when connecting using combs and rigid pipes, fittings will be required with threaded outlets.

In addition to their intended purpose, gearboxes switched by automation are equipped with protective elements. When the pressure rises to a critical level, the protection automatically works by opening the relief valve.

LPG consumption

Heating with liquefied gas for a house with an area of ​​​​about 100 m 2 can be carried out by a boiler with a capacity of 10 kW. To obtain 1 kW of heat energy, it will be necessary to consume 100-120 g / min of liquefied gas with a 100% boiler load. If the duration of the cold season is approximately 7 months, then the approximate estimated consumption for the entire season will be about 5 tons.

But in fact, the consumption will be almost half as much - the automation switches the heater into an economical mode at a sufficient temperature in the rooms or in accordance with the timer readings.

When comparing the cost of heating a summer house or a house from a main gas pipeline, heating with gas cylinders will be about 5-6 times more expensive. But in the end it will still be cheaper than heating with electricity.

If you look at the cost of gas in a liquid state, then heating a country house from cylinders can be considered not the worst replacement for liquid fuel and electric systems. Especially if there are problems with solid fuel in the region or its cost is too high.

Gas cylinders with a volume of 50 liters

Heating on liquefied gas is the best solution if gasification of the settlement is planned in the near future, since then it will not be necessary to purchase a boiler again. In addition, personal experience in handling a gas boiler will be obtained.

Advantages and disadvantages of heating with liquefied gas

Heating a private house with bottled gas has, in fact, only one significant drawback - the high cost of installation and operation. You will have to pay not only for the consumed gas itself, but also for the delivery of cylinders, and they will most likely have to be changed every week.

However, individual heating of a house or a summer residence with gas cylinders has its undeniable advantages.:

  • high efficiency and significantly lower labor costs compared to wood heating;
  • the possibility of re-equipping the boiler to work with conventional main gas in the future;
  • complete independence and autonomy of the system;
  • long service life of the equipment;
  • high demand for equipment in the secondary market - if necessary, cylinders can always be sold, while returning most of the money spent on them.

Conclusion . Heating on gas cylinders as the only way to heat a home cannot be called profitable in the long run. But as a temporary measure with re-equipment of the boiler for main gas in the future, it is quite suitable.

Now such energy carriers as electricity, gas and solid fuel materials are becoming popular. Some users are trying to combine options and heat a private house with a gas and, for example, solid fuel boiler. A controversial question arises: does this method really save money? Not always. One of the most profitable options for heating a home (if it is impossible to connect to the main gas pipeline) is the use of gas cylinders. Of course, this method, in addition to the advantages, also has its drawbacks, which every owner of a private house planning this type of heating should be aware of.

The main elements of gas-balloon heating

For a gas heating system, the home owner needs to purchase the following:

  • A boiler operating on both main and liquefied gas. Of course, if you have extra funds, you can buy 2 boilers, each of which will be adapted for a certain type of gas. But, as it turned out from user reviews, such a decision will only lead to unnecessary waste of funds. You should be aware that before connecting another type of gas, the jets or the entire burner should be replaced on the boiler. In more modern devices, it is also necessary to reconfigure the automation and control system (see video below).

  • Stop valve. Allows shutting off the gas flow in emergency situations or when necessary, for example, during repairs. A frequent element of any gas pipeline is a standard valve.

Gas ball valve - handle painted yellow

  • Automation and control system. There is no special need to install this system, but automation eliminates human intervention. Also, such systems are very often equipped with additional security elements.

Important! Bottled gas is heavier than air and will accumulate in the lower part of the room if it leaks. For this reason, a ventilation system must be provided that will work effectively throughout the entire volume of the boiler room. Turn to the services of qualified professionals!

  • Gas reducer - a device for lowering the pressure of a gas or gas mixture at the outlet of a container (for example, in a cylinder or gas pipeline) to working pressure and for automatically maintaining this pressure constant, regardless of changes in gas pressure in the cylinder or gas pipeline. Correct functioning of the system without a gearbox is impossible.

If possible, gas-cylinder installations should be used, one of the manufacturers of which is the German company GOK.

All of the above elements of the gas-cylinder system have a different pricing policy. It all depends on the owner of the house, but it should be remembered that the operation of low-quality and cheap gas cylinders can lead to very bad consequences.

A bit of theory

Before installing gas equipment in the house, you should find out its principle of operation, as well as familiarize yourself with the design of the entire system.

Propane-butane is pumped into cylinders.

propane butane— universal synthetic gas obtained from associated petroleum gas or oil refining, i.e. in fact, for most manufacturers it is a by-product.

In order for gas to be transported and used in cylinders, it must be converted from a gaseous to a liquid state. Therefore, before filling the tank, the gas is liquefied, which allows it to be pumped in larger quantities.

Cylinders "Lukoil" in stock ready for shipment

After connecting the cylinder to the line and opening the tap, the work of the reducer begins. The reducer lowers the pressure several tens of times, because of this, the gas returns to its original state and can be used as a fuel for space heating. The reducer allows you to use the entire capacity of the cylinder.

It should be remembered that any gas cylinder has a high pressure inside, therefore, it requires appropriate handling and maintenance.

The main advantages of heating a house with gas cylinders

This system is most often used for heating a small area - up to 100 m². Ideal for country houses, cottages, as well as small private houses.

The main reasons for choosing gas-balloon heating:

  • The cylinder heating system has a higher efficiency than solid fuel or electric boilers. According to average indicators, from 6 to eight cylinders per month are enough to heat an area of ​​100 m².
  • To re-equip the system, it is not necessary to purchase a special boiler, it is enough to install new nozzles on the old one. In the same way, the system can be returned to its original state.
  • When installing cylinders, the heating system acquires an autonomous character - the owner of the house becomes independent of breakdowns and maintenance of the central highway.
  • Buying high-quality gas-balloon equipment, the user can be sure of its durability. For a long service life of this system, it is only necessary to carry out maintenance on time, for which they usually allocate time before the heating season.
  • High demand for heating systems with cylinders. This means that if necessary, the system can be quickly sold - both as a complete set and separately.

Of course, no system can be perfect. Disadvantages exist in any design: high fuel consumption, insufficient level of efficiency, high cost of maintenance and repair. In gas-cylinder systems, these are additional costs for refueling and transporting containers (cylinders). Also, the installation of the system and the purchase of the following elements have a high cost: a boiler, a gas-cylinder installation, cylinders.

Selection and operation of a gas boiler

As mentioned above, there is no need to look for a “special” heating boiler that runs on liquefied gas - modern products can run on both natural gas and liquefied gas. Accordingly, when choosing a boiler, one should proceed from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. You can install a convection or condensing boiler. The convection device is mounted on the wall, and at the same time copes with an area of ​​​​up to 300 m². Condensing boilers are not only more powerful (the heated area is at least 400 m²), they are also more economical.

Separately, the topic of hot water should be touched upon. Many users specifically install an electric boiler, believing that in this way big savings are achieved - this approach is wrong. It will be correct to purchase a double-circuit gas boiler. At the same time, gas consumption does not increase much, but the quality of hot water changes dramatically.

Popular models of double-circuit boilers include Buderus Logamax U072-24K - designed to operate on both natural and liquefied gas.


Type of heating boiler - gas, convection
Gas stove
Number of circuits - double circuit
Thermal power - 7.20 - 24 kW
Thermal load - 8 - 26.70 kW
Combustion chamber - closed
Heated area - 250 sq.m
Efficiency - 92%
Management - electronic
Installation - wall
Primary heat exchanger material - copper
Mains voltage - single-phase
Built-in circulation pump - yes
Built-in expansion tank - yes, 8 l
Fuel - natural gas, liquefied gas
Consumption of natural gas - 2.8 cubic meters. m/hour
Consumption of liquefied gas - 2 kg / hour
Nominal pressure of natural gas - 10.50 - 16 mbar
Permissible pressure of liquefied gas - 35 mbar
Heat carrier temperature - 40 - 82 °С
Temperature in the DHW circuit - 40 - 60 ° С
Hot water capacity at t 30°C - 11.4 l/min
Hot water capacity at t 50°C - 6.8 l/min
Max. water pressure in the DHW circuit - 10 bar
Max. water pressure in the heating circuit - 3 bar

In order for the boiler to function properly, maintenance should be carried out correctly and in a timely manner, which includes:

  • Replacing the coolant in the heating system (at least once every 5 years) if non-freezing liquids such as "Warm House" are used, etc. When used as a water coolant, replacement is not required.
  • Cleaning the internal parts of the boiler from soot.
  • Replacement (if necessary) of rubber components - rings, gaskets, bushings, etc.

Setting up the boiler for liquefied gas

The pressure of the gas coming from the cylinders is much higher than the natural pressure. For this reason, the purchased boiler must be reconfigured. As a rule, the procedure is limited to two steps:

  1. Installation of jets with holes of smaller diameter (or replacement of the entire burner).
  2. Gas pressure setting according to passport data.

Important! No matter how simple it may seem to set up a boiler for liquefied gas, it should be done by specialists.

The video below shows the setup process for the most popular models.

Viessmann Vitopend 100 (Vissmann Vitopend 100).

Baxi ECO-5 Compact 18F.

Proper use of gas cylinders

Tanks for the storage and transportation of liquefied gas must undergo an annual verification if they are operated continuously, if only during the heating season - 1 time in 2 years.

Cylinders cannot be installed both in the basement and in the basement. Where the cylinder will be installed, a solid floor must be installed, without cavities and free space. This requirement is due to the fact that the gas is heavier than air, and if the system is not tight enough, its accumulation leads to the possibility of an explosion. If there are no other rooms, then the basement should be properly equipped: install a concrete floor, and also eliminate free space in the walls, if any.

Containers must not be used in an inclined or lying position. Only vertically, after fixing it to the wall with a special clamp. The clamp prevents accidental dropping of the container. To allow the cylinder to be checked or quickly replaced, it should be installed separately from the main equipment. Next to the used product, for better practicality, it is possible to mount holders for spare containers.

Learn more about cylinder cabinets in the video below.

LPG equipment in cars and private homes is identical, and during its operation one should be guided by the basic rule - do not fill the cylinder completely. For products that are more than 90% full, the service life is drastically reduced, and the possibility of an explosion increases.

Gas cylinders should not be left in direct sunlight - gradual heating of the outer surface of the product can also lead to an explosion.

When using a heating system in the house built on the use of gas cylinders, one should not forget about periodic maintenance. Usually, users try to do maintenance before the heating season, or immediately after it ends.

How to calculate the heating system on gas cylinders

To understand the practicality and efficiency of this heating system, it is necessary to carry out preliminary calculations and answer an important question: how long does one cylinder last?

The sequence of the calculation, based on the average readings:

  • The power of the boiler must correspond to 1 kW of energy per 10 m 2 of the room. For a private house with a total area of ​​​​up to 100 m 2, it is necessary to purchase a gas boiler with a capacity of at least 10 kW. Installing heating radiators, instead of conventional multi-section batteries, will contribute to faster heat transfer throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.
  • For the gas boiler described above, at least 0.86 kg / h of liquefied gas will be required, given the fact that the efficiency of the boiler must be at least 90%.
  • The heating season usually takes no more than 6 months, sometimes 7 (if April is too cold). 7 months - 5040 hours. Of course, the boiler will not work with the same power all this time; for greater efficiency, the operating modes should be alternated.
  • 1 cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters holds 21.2 kg of liquefied gas. A calculation is made: 5040 is multiplied by 0.86 kg / h and the resulting value is divided by 21.2 kg of gas. The final value (rounded down) is 204 cylinders for the entire heating season. This figure will be even higher if, instead of cylinders with a capacity of 50 liters, products of 27 liters are used.

Such calculations are very superficial, because no user will constantly keep the gas boiler in full power mode. But, based on these values, which should also be multiplied by the price of gas (add more transportation and filling of cylinders), you can decide whether to install a gas-balloon heating system.

How long does one gas bottle last?

When alternating temperature conditions, one cylinder is enough for 1-2 days. This value also includes the use of hot water. With such an expense, the temperature in a house with an area of ​​up to 100 m 2 will be from 21 0 C to 23 0 C. An important factor here is the weather outside. For example, at -15 0 С, up to 4 cylinders can be used per week, and when the temperature drops to -25 0 С, then a gas boiler of insufficient power may simply fail.

Is it possible to reduce gas consumption

This is not only possible, but necessary. Since a few simple elements in a gas cylinder system help to significantly reduce gas consumption.

  • Install special sensors that signal the presence of gas in the room. This allows you to identify the leak in time (which leads not only to an explosion, but also to excessive overflow) and eliminate it.
  • Without fail, the gas heating system should be automated. Only with the use of automation elements can lower fuel consumption be achieved.
  • Use only high-quality and real fuel, without additives. If impurities are present in the gas, then its consumption increases significantly.
  • Monitor the temperature in the room where the gas equipment is installed. It, like the rest of the rooms, should be heated. Insufficient temperature in the furnace may be the cause of the failure of the gas boiler.

In addition to the above measures, the house should be insulated from the outside. High-quality insulation will help to achieve a minimum gas consumption and a more comfortable temperature in the house.

Costs and reviews

There are many videos on YouTube in which residents of the former Soviet Union share their experience of heating with gas cylinders. The video also includes actual gas costs.

Convection boiler Buderus Logamax U072-18K (18 kW).

Condensing boiler Logamax plus GB072-24K.

Convection boiler Bosch Gaz.

Floor boiler KELET AOGV 10 (10 kW).

Summer has come, but the question of how and with what to heat a country house does not lose its relevance.

Regular readers of our site have already managed to get acquainted with the article: "".

Despite the fact that there are many heating systems on the market, many residents would like to heat their home with mains gas.

However, it is not always possible to connect to the “blue fuel” pipeline. If there is no gas and the gasification of your individual housing does not shine in the near future, liquefied gas from cylinders will become an alternative.

Is gas-balloon heating profitable?

It seems that autonomous gas heating of a private house is easy and simple to organize. All you need is:

  • Buy a gas boiler. Most of the boilers operating on main gas can also operate on liquefied gas. To do this, you need to change the nozzles and, if necessary, reconfigure the control system;
  • Purchase a gearbox, gas-cylinder equipment and valves;
  • Connect and set up the heating system.

The main questions that arise for any homeowner who is thinking about an LPG heating system are:

  • Will I be able to heat the house;
  • How long can the boiler work on one cylinder.

Autonomous gas heating of a private house is best organized using 50-liter liquefied gas cylinders.

The practical experience of members of the forum suggests that it is unprofitable to heat a private house with gas from cylinders if the cottage is poorly insulated and the building has large heat losses. It is necessary to take into account the total area of ​​​​a country house. Gas heating from cylinders of a cottage with an area of ​​150-200 sq.m. can cost a pretty penny.

In this case, solid fuel boilers can become an alternative.

- I heard that one 50-liter tank is enough for 1-2 days of work (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water supply).

- I heard that one cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough for 1-2 days of work (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water).


- I heated a house with an area of ​​70 sq.m. with gas. On average (depending on the temperature outside), one 50 l cylinder was enough for me for a period of 1 to 7 days.


- I have a well-insulated frame house. I heat about 140 sq.m. At outdoor temperatures down to -20°C, three cylinders are enough for 5-6 days. At -5°C - for 10 days.

- I have a house with an area of ​​145 sq.m, the foundation is UWB, heating with underfloor heating plus hot water supply. The boiler turned on twice a day, for 2-3 hours. Cylinders of 50 l filled with 20 kg. The temperature in the house was set to 23°C. The monthly costs are as follows:

  • November - it took 4 cylinders. Temperature outside +5-0°C.
  • December - it took 10 pieces. Temperature outside -10 -27°C.
  • January - it took 8 pcs. Outdoor temperature -5 - 20°C.
  • February - it took 7 pieces. Outdoor temperature -5 -15°C.
  • March - it took 6 pcs. Outdoor temperature -5 +5°C.

From 35 to 42 liters of gas is placed in one gas cylinder, in liquid form it is 22 kg. Consumption of liquefied gas for any boiler - 15 liters per day per 100 sq.m. heated area.

Before you understand whether the game is worth the candle and whether autonomous gas heating of a country house will pay off, you need to familiarize yourself with the following data, which presents the economic feasibility of a particular type of heating.

1. = 33 kop/kW*h.

2. An electric boiler operating in conjunction with a TA (thermal accumulator) at a night rate = 0.92-1.32 rubles / kWh.

3. Pellet boiler = 1.20 -1.32 rubles / kW * h.

For comparison, the efficiency of heating on liquefied gas is only 2.32 rubles / kWh.

When calculating the efficiency of a particular heating system, it should be taken into account that in the suburbs of Moscow and other regions there may be priorities in choosing fuel, which depend on its availability and climatic conditions. Somewhere it is cheaper to heat the house with coal, and somewhere with firewood.

When calculating the profitability of heating with liquefied gas, many people forget that cylinders will have to be transported to a gas station on average once a week, and these are additional costs, both monetary and temporary. Therefore, heating on liquefied gas can be beneficial if 4 conditions are met:

  • Small area of ​​the house - up to 100 sq.m.;
  • The house is well insulated;
  • In the near future, your village is planned to be gasified, main gas will be connected. In this case, heating with liquefied gas is a temporary measure that allows you not to buy two different boilers;
  • The liquefied gas boiler is a backup and works in conjunction with other heating appliances.


– When I leave for work, I turn off the home gas boiler and turn on the heaters powered by electricity, because. in frosts over -20°C, the gas runs out quickly. In such a “sparing” mode, two cylinders are enough for me for 7 days. And this includes the preparation of hot water. I recommend purchasing at least 3 bottles. One - for the operation of the boiler, one - as a reserve, one - for refueling.

You can also mount a bunch of electric and gas boilers.

Despite the increase in the cost of such a heating system, the overpayment is not for the sake of saving, but to increase comfort.

In this case, the need to travel and refill tanks is partially eliminated.

Features of gas-balloon heating

To install a reliable and safe heating system on liquefied gas, it is necessary to understand its features, which are due to the properties of this fuel.

Cylinders are filled with a mixture of propane and butane. This mixture, at high pressure, is in a liquid state, which is necessary for its transportation. Also, tanks can be filled with different types of fuel - depending on the season:

  • technical butane (BT);
  • summer technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTL);
  • winter technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTZ).

Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (propane-butane) are abbreviated as LPG.

Gas-balloon heating requires special attention in winter.

– We decided to heat a house with an area of ​​120 sq.m. using a gas boiler running on liquefied gas. Gas cylinders are on the street in metal cabinets. There is one for the stove, and a bundle of 5 cylinders has been made for the gas boiler, but so far only 2 are connected. When the temperature drops to -2 ° C, a problem arises - gas does not flow, and the boiler, accordingly, does not work. I think the gas is frozen.

Gas neither in pipes, nor in cylinders does not freeze. It simply does not evaporate, and again turns into a liquid inside the gas pipe if it has a negative temperature.

This happens for the following reason. The boiling point of butane is about 0°C. The boiling point of propane is -40°C. At a street temperature of -10 ° C, the propane-butane mixture in the cylinder boils, giving out the gaseous fraction necessary for the operation of the boiler. Propane will evaporate first, and only then the turn will reach butane. During this process, heat is absorbed. The balloon starts to freeze. As a result, the gas remaining in the cylinder (butane) also cools down. This leads to a decrease in the degree of its evaporation. Accordingly, the pressure necessary for the operation of the boiler drops.

There is only one way out - to prevent the cylinder from freezing and warm it to a positive temperature, necessary for the evaporation of butane. You can do this as suggested by a forum member with a nickname Ruslan2.

- In my opinion, the best way to deal with this problem is to force the gas cylinders to be blown with warm air from the room (boiler room) where the boiler is installed: with a fan through an aluminum corrugation or plastic air ducts led into gas boxes, etc.

It is also possible to heat the cylinders (only not with open electrical cables!) According to the principle of a warm water floor, placing them in an insulated gas cabinet.

Safety measures when using gas equipment

A mixture of propane-butane is much heavier than air. Liquefied gas from cylinders always accumulates at the bottom. In the event of a gas leak, if the cylinder is in the room, you can simply not smell it until it reaches an explosive concentration. Therefore, it is planned to install the container outdoors, vertically in an iron box with holes at the bottom and top for ventilation.


- I know a case when a man lowered a gas cylinder into the cellar. One day the homeowner decided to pick potatoes. He climbed into the cellar. He did not feel the smell of gas, and since. there was no switch, he just screwed the light bulb into the socket. There was an explosion. The man was lucky, being at the epicenter of the explosion, he escaped with only a shell shock, and a pile of construction debris remained from his garage and two neighboring ones.

Safety rules prohibit: placing gas cylinders in the underground, basements, cellars, pits dug in the yard or near the house.

  • It is forbidden to use electric heaters, heating cables, heating elements, etc. for heating gas cylinders.
  • Gas cylinders must be placed in special cabinets installed on the north side of the house.

  • The cylinder must not be filled more than 80% of its volume. Liquid gas has a large coefficient of volumetric expansion. This means that as the temperature rises, the volume of gas in the vessel increases. The expansion coefficient of the propane-butane mixture is about 7%. According to Russian standards, 15% is left for expansion. A cylinder of any thickness and strength will burst if filled to more than 93% in -20°C frost and brought into a room where +20°C.

  • All detachable connections on the gas line must be checked for leakage by washing.
  • Detachable connections are made at the points of attachment of various elements where other connections are not possible (faucets, meters, gas appliances, etc.)

  • Gas pipelines are made of steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. When passing through the walls, the pipe is placed in a case foamed with a soft material. The connection of the boiler to the gas pipeline can be done with a flexible connection specially designed for this purpose. The reducer is connected to the gas pipeline with a rubber-fabric sleeve (durite hose).

  • If the cylinder is located in the room next to the boiler, then the connection is made with a rubber-fabric sleeve.

FORUMHOUSE users can learn about what to do if, discuss the details, learn about such gas in the house, take part in the discussion of the issue.
From our video you can learn how to heat a large house in the absence of main gas.