How to make a dressing room out of a niche yourself. Do-it-yourself wardrobe: original solutions and designer tips

A dressing room is a space allocated for storing things: underwear, outerwear and clothes, as well as shoes. This is necessary in order to concentrate all the clothes in one place, to distribute them on the shelves, and not to run all over the apartment in search of underwear or outerwear. Here, clothes can be tried on, put on and a harmonious combination can be found. Especially, this is important when you plan to go on a visit or to any celebration.

A dressing room does not require a large living space. For its organization, it is enough to allocate 1.5-2.0 meters of square living space. But on the other hand, it will always be possible to easily and quickly find the clothes you need, since they are located in one place and lie in certain points of the closet.

Unfortunately, we have to admit the fact that our citizens live in small apartments, where every square centimeter counts. In this regard, it should be noted that the size of the dressing room is directly proportional to the size of the apartment. As a rule, its dimensions are within 1.5x1 m, no more, or even less. The most optimal solution is a corner dressing room: although it is smaller in area, it is more spacious. What a paradox!

Small dressing rooms with dimensions: 1.5x2.5 m and 2x2 m.

A mini-dressing room in the form of a rectangle, when things are located on one side, must have a width of at least 1.2 meters, and for double-sided storage, at least 1.5 meters. In addition, there should still be room for a person who does not just look at the wardrobes, but dresses or undresses. Therefore, wardrobes are fundamentally different from wardrobes. Plus, there should be enough space in the dressing room so that any doors can be installed.

If a closed space appears, then air will surely stagnate in it, after which, over time, an unpleasant smell of stagnant air appears. If something is also stored in this room, then heavy air appears, absorbing the aromas of those things or objects that are in it. In this regard, we can immediately say that ventilation is necessary, moreover, ventilation is effective, which must be organized even before things are placed in the room for storage.

The principle of ventilation is quite simple: in the upper part of the room, closer to the ceiling, there is an exhaust opening where a fan can be installed, and in the lower part there are openings where fresh air enters the dressing room. The exhaust outlet can be connected to a general ventilation system or have an independent outlet. It is better if it will be an exit to the street, and in extreme cases it is an exit to the apartment. Due to the air circulation, foreign odors will not be felt, and things will be stored in appropriate conditions. At the same time, it should be remembered that the lower to the floor and higher to the ceiling the holes are located, the more efficient the exhaust ventilation will work.

Options for organizing ventilation in dressing rooms, through the bathroom.

When choosing a fan (if it is a forced system), you should pay attention to its noise level. The fact is that a place for a dressing room can be allocated in the bedroom or next to it. Therefore, unnecessary noise is absolutely useless. The fan is switched on either automatically or using a conventional mains switch.

As for the lighting, it should be bright. Firstly, you need to quickly find the right things, and secondly, the color of things must be real. If there is little illumination, then the color of things is the same foggy and unnatural, after which you can confuse some things that have a similar pattern and color. In addition, when putting on underwear or clothes, you should really appreciate their harmonious combination. At the same time, the light should spread evenly throughout the dressing room. The mirror can be located on the door or the doors themselves can be mirrored.

One way to install fixtures.

Which lamps to use is already at the request of the owner, but the approach should be as follows: more light, combined with daylight. This will allow you to always choose the right clothes, depending on the conditions of wearing it. Lamps can also be switched on from a motion sensor. Then there is no need to install other switches. Usually, in such rooms they often forget to turn off the light, but the motion sensor will do it automatically.

Where can I find a place for a dressing room?

In small apartments, it is very difficult to allocate space for a dressing room. Despite this, there are still options, since the layout of the apartments is carried out with the presence of various small niches intended for storage rooms, etc. If this is not possible, then you can carry out a partial redevelopment of the apartment, especially since most layouts, especially since Soviet times, do not differ in their practicality. During the renovation process, many owners do just that: they partially move the partitions, removing unnecessary ones and optimizing the living space for their needs.

How to make a closet out of a pantry.

If the apartment is corner, then there are many more options for arranging a dressing room. Alternatively, you can select one of the suitable corners. In addition, the arrangement of windows and doors allows for so-called blind spots. In this case, the ideal option is to equip the zone with the share of the dressing room.

Dressing room located in the corner.

If the area does not allow, then you will have to artificially increase it somewhat, making the walls not even, but with the middle pushed inward. The area of ​​the room will not be affected by this, but in this place you can really accommodate a huge variety of useful things.

How to slightly increase the usable space.

There is another, but quite useful option - this is the placement of the dressing room on the balcony or on the loggia. But before that, you should take care that it is warm on the balcony or on the loggia, and this is possible only as a result of insulation. In addition, it is desirable that this place be heated.

The location of the dressing room in the side of the balcony or loggia.

If there is a wide loggia, then shelves or racks can be placed along the wall.

Option for using a wide balcony.

If the layout allows, then in the hallway you can also allocate a place for a dressing room. Although, it all depends on the wishes of the apartment owners.

And yet, the most suitable place to place a dressing room is in the bedroom. It is convenient to undress and dress here, therefore, most apartment owners opt for this particular option and do not spare part of the area for placing a dressing room. To organize such a useful space, it is enough to mount a partition, for example, from drywall, which does not take much time. In addition, the technology is so simple that even without proper experience this work can be done by hand. This can take a maximum of a week, without the presence of special construction waste.

Despite this, there are certain nuances. If the partition is made according to technology, then you will have to sheathe the frame on both sides, which takes away extra centimeters of usable area. Alternatively, the frame is sheathed only from the outside, while the inside is not sewn up. And here it is very important to arrange the profiles so that they can serve as a support for boxes or other hanging elements.

Plasterboard partition for the dressing room.

There are also simpler and more technologically advanced options, without the use of putty. It can be a partition made of ordinary chipboard, OSB boards or MDF lining. In this case, it is possible to choose the color that best suits the overall interior of the room. If you use non-laminated finishing materials, then they can then be pasted over with the same wallpaper that is intended for the room. In this case, it will be possible to somehow disguise the dressing room.

In fact, there are a lot of options and approaches, so choosing the right option is not a problem.

The choice of doors for the dressing room

When the dressing room is formed by hand, there are several options for installing doors: it can be “coupe” doors, “accordion” doors, hinged doors on rollers or ordinary swing doors. Alternatively, you can completely abandon the doors if the place for storing clothes is located in the bedroom: anyway, no one outside will come in. But this does not mean at all that it is not worth maintaining order in the dressing room. That is why she is a dressing room, so that things are stored in a certain order, otherwise it will be very difficult to find something. As a last resort, you can install something like a Japanese curtain.

Sliding doors - a compartment in the design of the dressing room.

There are also several options here: they can be installed over the entire width of the opening or in parts. Parts that do not take part in the work of the doors should also be used, because there is not enough space anyway.

Dressing room in the attic, where its side is used.
Full width sliding doors for easy access to things.

Doors are made at will. They can be made bright, eye-catching, or made to match the tone of the room so that they fit into the overall interior.

Arrangement: Application of storage systems

With small areas, it makes no sense to make or order furniture made of chipboard, MDF or wood in the dressing room, since it takes up a lot of free space. In addition, after its installation, it is already unrealistic to redo something.

Classic furniture takes up considerable space.

In this case, they resort to more modern approaches, using light metal storage systems for this. These are modular structures that are mounted on special racks. They can be attached in different ways, depending on the conditions of their use: either to the ceiling and to the floor, or to the walls. Different manufacturers produce different systems, which may differ in the way they are attached. After installing the racks, everything that is needed for storage is hung on them.

The racks have a special design that allows you to install any element and at any height. These are the most modern, mobile storage structures. They can be easily modified depending on the available space, by the usual movement of elements.

Modern, convenient modular system.

The racks can also be of rectangular cross-section, in which grooves are formed on both sides. With the help of special clamps, various accessories are fastened in these grooves.

Another type of racks and a different mounting option.

At the same time, one should pay attention to the fact that shelves and boxes of various designs are used here. They can differ both in the way of fastening, in the way of functioning, and in the way of arrangement. For example, they can simply be stacked on top of each other.

As a rule, such storage systems are quite expensive, as they are common mainly in European countries. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the purchase of such systems. The best option is to independently manufacture such a storage system from a round chrome-plated pipe using various fasteners. In fact, it turns out the same furniture system, although not so functional, but much cheaper. As we say, why pay more?

The device is a dressing room made of round furniture pipe.

Clothing storage equipment

Along with the classic drawers, shelves, there are other storage methods. These include skirts or trousers. These are specially designed structural elements, sometimes equipped with clips. They allow skirts or trousers to be stored for a long time without storage consequences. As a rule, if trousers or skirts are stored under normal conditions, then they must be ironed after that. An innovative approach allows you to store skirts or trousers for a long time without additional operations to bring them into a conditioned look.

If such a hanger also slides out, then this is another plus, allowing you to visually inspect everything that is in stock.

Brackets for skirts or trousers are one of the applications for storage items.

Despite this, there is another, more affordable option that costs much less, but the result is no worse. In this case, hangers with crossbars are used, located one above the other. It may not be so convenient, but the result is almost the same.

One of the cheapest options for storing skirts and trousers.

For storing ties, there is also a special design that extends in length. Although, there is another system that focuses on storage in drawer cells.

Tie storage design.

Hangers can be placed in different ways. One of the simplest ways is to use pull-out brackets, similar to the tie storage principle.

Pull-out brackets for storing clothes.

Another, but very interesting design is the pantograph. It allows us to use the usable space right up to the ceiling without affecting functionality. Moreover, the device can be mounted both to the side walls and to the ceiling itself. A special rod is installed in the center of the pipe, the movement of which lowers objects to a horizontal position. As a rule, the carrying capacity of such devices does not exceed 18 kg, which corresponds to lightweight clothing.

Pantograph for storing clothes (light).

Shoe storage methods

As a rule, in every family there are dozens of pairs of shoes, therefore, the problem of storing them is obvious. As far as we know, there are classic storage options that everyone is used to and have been using for decades. At the same time, such methods are not functional enough, especially in conditions of a lack of usable area. In this regard, it makes sense to pay attention to more modern approaches to storing shoes, which can save vital space.

For example, you might really be interested in a retractable system, where pins fixed on a movable base are used to store shoes. It is convenient and compact, which suits our conditions.

Pull-out shoe frame with pins.

There is another approach - this is a mini - chest of drawers that are mounted on the walls and which practically do not take up space. Alternatively, a system of hanging organizers, which are used in conjunction with a horizontal pipe, will do.

Options for storing shoes in the dressing room.
Using mini dressers located on the wall.

These are not all ideas, as there are a lot of them. They allow you to store your shoes compactly, practically not taking up much space. You can see them in the photo below.

There are other, cheaper storage methods. They can actually be used for storing seasonal shoes. The shoes that are used can be stored on special nets equipped with adjustable hooks. Something similar can be seen in shoe stores. As a rule, this is a metal mesh or perforated chipboard panel, where hooks with shelves are fixed. The hooks are mobile, so they can (just like the shelves) be set for any shoe size.

Mesh with hooks and shelves is one of the cheapest options for storing shoes.

Installing such a grid at home is not difficult. Moreover, it can be fixed on the wall, on the side of the cabinet or even on the door. Shelves and hooks cling to the horizontal bars. This approach saves not only space in the apartment, but also money. This idea is so simple that it can be implemented for very little money using your skill. In other words, it is really possible to make it yourself, it is enough to make or find a panel with holes where such hooks will be inserted. By the way, you can do everything yourself: both panels and shelves with hooks.

Option: shield with holes and hooks for shoe placement.

If the budget is limited, then it is better to purchase and search for such systems not in furniture stores, but on the Internet. Firstly, it can be much cheaper, and secondly, the sites may have a wider range of devices that may be of interest to any potential client. There are many gadgets here that are designed to save space. Take at least the same stores that are interested in displaying the maximum amount of goods in conditions of a lack of usable space. You may really be interested in special racks for placing shoes.

Metal shoe racks.

If you add wheels to such racks, you get a unique pull-out system for storing shoes. Most importantly, such a system will cost several times cheaper than the one sold in the store.

Dressing room design stage

First of all, you should decide on the size of the dressing room in order to further acquire storage systems that would correspond to the dimensions of the room. In any case, you should get approximately the same layout as in the photo below.

The approximate organization of the location of storage places for various things (indicating all sizes).

For the convenience of using the space, it is desirable to maintain the following dimensions:

  • smallest shelf-to-shelf distance:
  • when things are stored - 30 cm;
  • when the shoes are stored - 20 cm;
  • jackets, jackets, shirts - 120 cm;
  • trousers:
  • folded in half - 100 cm;
  • in length - 140 cm;
  • space for outerwear - 160-180 cm.
  • space for dresses - 150-180 cm.

In the upper part, there is space for clothes of a different season or for things that are rarely worn. Sometimes at the very bottom they set aside a place for a vacuum cleaner, and in one of the cabinets they set aside a place for an ironing board (a very necessary thing).

Who wants to make a dressing room on their own, you can get acquainted with several schemes.

Shoe rack with all sizes.
Methods for making shoe holders.
The use of plastic pipes for storing shoes.

In order to create a comfortable environment in the interior of a house or apartment, it is important to properly organize the space.
Today, special zones are created for storing wardrobe items or separate rooms are allocated, equipping them with the necessary things: shelves, racks, racks and modules.

It seems to some that making space for such a purpose with a comfortable layout and fashionable design is an overkill, bordering on luxury.

But if you study examples of ready-made dressing rooms, you can make sure that this is real in any room for residential purposes, and even from an ordinary pantry, you can create a full-fledged dressing room with your own hands.

The main task is to decide what dimensions and layout the dressing room will have, and think over the rest of the details.

Do-it-yourself dressing room from the pantry 4 sq. m, photo

Subtleties of location

When choosing the location of the area intended for storing wardrobe items, be guided by the size of the room allocated for these purposes.

A small wardrobe for storing a large number of things can be equipped even in a modest-sized room. The smallest dressing rooms have dimensions of 1x1.5 and 1x2 m. In such a space with an area of ​​2-3 sq. meters, you can fit drawers, hangers and a rack, and decorate the free wall with a mirror.

Small dressing room, photo

Important! The space set aside for the dressing room should be well lit: hang small light sources in this area on the ceiling or on the walls. It is best to opt for recessed luminaire models.

In the event that space in the living room is allocated for placing clothes, it is advisable to give preference to a modular system. This option will make it possible to change the position of the modules. In most cases, such systems are located in the corner of the room or along the wall so as not to take up space in the center of the room.

The second type of dressing rooms involves the allocation of a separate room - 12, 16 and even 18 sq. meters, although most often it is a small pantry.

The photo shows an example of a dressing room from a small pantry:

Small dressing rooms from the closet, photo

If the layout and dimensions of the housing allow you to allocate a separate room for placing wardrobe items, then you will gain much more advantages from creating a full-fledged wardrobe system for storing things.

The main advantage of such a layout is the possibility of dividing the space into functional zones and the allocation of separate sections for all residents of the house.

When choosing the type of system for storing things and the place for its location, take into account that the shelves and racks should be in a conveniently accessible place. If there is not enough space, install only the most necessary sections, and place items of secondary importance, for example, a dressing table, an ironing board, outside the wardrobe.

Advantages of wardrobe equipment

If you doubt whether it is worth equipping a dressing room in your apartment or private house and where it is better to arrange such a zone, consider the advantages of having such a system:

In the photo - a sample of the built-in wardrobe room:

Built-in dressing rooms, photo

Before you start arranging your wardrobe, familiarize yourself with the options for its layout to ensure its maximum comfort, functionality and ergonomics.

Layout options

There are several options for planning your wardrobe. The simplest is a linear, like a long compartment wardrobe, with monolithic walls and sliding doors.

If such a wardrobe does not occupy the entire room, plasterboard partitions are used to differentiate. If there is no need for a reliable space divider, then use a beautiful curtain for this purpose.

Small dressing rooms, photo

It should be noted that the layout of the linear type is also suitable for wardrobes located in walk-through areas. If a separate room is allocated for storing things, install the shelves along the wall or parallel to each other, and hang a mirror on the wall perpendicular to them.

A wardrobe can also be arranged in the corner. Corner walk-in closets save space. To allocate more space for storage, you can use unusual radius doors that have a hemispherical configuration.

Doors for the dressing room, photo

If the room is spacious, an excellent solution would be to organize a storage system in the shape of the letter P. As filling, as structural elements; such a wardrobe should be equipped with traditional shelving; special laundry baskets, convenient hangers, hooks, and an ironing compartment are also suitable.

How to equip a dressing room, photo

Small-sized wardrobe systems can accommodate a limited number of modules, so you need to choose only those that are most needed.

The main areas that make up the dressing room include:

  • a high section designed for outerwear (coats, jackets, raincoats) with a bar located at a height of 1.5 meters;
  • section 1 meter high - for short clothes;
  • compartment for shoes;
  • shelves for hats and things that you won't need at certain times of the year.

The minimum width of the dressing room is 1-1.2 m.

For example, in a dressing room of 4 square meters in the bedroom, as in the photo, these sections will be enough:

Photos of small dressing rooms 4 sq. meters

Thinking over the equipment of the wardrobe, be guided by the needs of all residents. Women need an area with a mirror, for men it is more important to quickly find the necessary items of everyday wear, so the practicality of storage compartments is brought to the fore.

The system for storing children's clothes also needs increased attention: the shelves are located at a lower height, differ in shape and have a smaller volume.

Recommendation: the wardrobe, which will be used by the fairer sex, can be equipped with small chests, drawers for accessories and other useful devices created to organize order and demonstrate the original design.

Recently, products with the ability to transform have come into vogue: pieces of furniture - transformers, adjusted to the required parameters. A similar system is appropriate for a small wardrobe area, and for a separate room.

How to make a dressing room in a small room, photo

It is more rational to place a bar for attaching hangers in the middle of a modern dressing room, and place racks and small shelves on the sides. In reality, there are a variety of ideas for organizing wardrobes, and before you start setting up your own dressing room, explore a few different layouts.

Corner wardrobe

For small rooms, wardrobe systems with an angular configuration are perfect. They can be placed in any free corner of the room and used in rooms with an area of ​​20 square meters. m. To accommodate things, there is enough space of 4 square meters. m.

Considering the layout and other features of the room, sketch the wardrobe.

Such systems can have different configurations:

Based on the chosen option, various equipment can be placed in the wardrobe. For corner systems characterized by a modest area, simple models are preferred.

Walk-through wardrobe option

Sometimes there is a need to organize a storage system in a room that is a walk-through. In such a situation, the racks are positioned so as not to block the passage to the adjacent room. For example, this is possible in apartments with a layout in which the bathroom and bedroom are located next to each other.

Narrow dressing room, photo

What should be taken into account when organizing the space in this way? First of all, correctly plan the location of the shelves and other sections. Place them so that they do not interfere, but also do not lose their spaciousness. Ordinary doors that can be opened from oneself or, conversely, toward oneself, are not ergonomic, they take up a lot of space. In such a situation, compartment doors are more suitable (on the principle of a wardrobe).

A convenient option is the location of adjacent rooms in the same axial plane, and not diagonally. This allows the racks to be installed so that they do not interfere with movement and create an attractive appearance for the entire area.

In the attic

Arranging a dressing room with your own hands will give you the opportunity to adapt to the characteristics of the room and its layout. You can easily arrange your wardrobe, even in the attic.

Choose details for wardrobe systems, taking into account their fit into sloped spaces and areas of the attic with low ceilings.

Important! It is not recommended to equip a system for storing things in an attic room if its height is less than two meters.

Do not forget about convenience, if you cannot straighten up to your full height when entering the attic - this is not the best option for a dressing room. If there is enough space, you can start planning.

Dressing room in the attic

In those parts of the attic where the ceilings are low, arrange shelves for shoes, in those that are higher - sections for outerwear.

Design nuances

When decorating a dressing room located in a bedroom or other room, you can easily decide on the design. The color scheme of materials used for finishing should be combined with the palette prevailing in the interior of the room itself.

It is optimal that pieces of furniture, including those in the dressing room, have a similar texture or belong to the collection of one designer.

Design of a small dressing room, photo

Dressing room doors are decorated with frosted transparent glass inserts, carved patterns, mirrors. The decor option is chosen based on the style direction in which the room is decorated. For example, plastic photo panels are suitable for a modern style.

The decor of a dressing room located in a separate room, in most cases, needs a good level of lighting, since windows in such rooms are rare. For this reason, it is preferable to decorate the walls in light colors (you can paint or paste over with wallpaper).

As for the color range of furniture facades, it can be different; be guided by personal preferences and the size of the room, but it is desirable that it was a subdued, easily perceived scale.

Bedroom design with dressing room, photo

If there is interior lighting in the dressing room, you can use non-standard sections. For example, glass racks or shelves on which stylish accessories or designer shoes will be placed.

A large wardrobe can be decorated with a soft carpet with fluffy pile, the walls can be decorated with mirrors in beautiful frames.

Look at the photo how you can properly and competently equip the dressing room:

The options for planning and decorating dressing areas and rooms are varied. Study the photos of finished and already completed projects and implement your favorite option in your home. It is not so difficult to equip a comfortable, beautiful and functional area or room for placing things, it would be a desire.

In the photo - diagrams and samples of the layout and arrangement of dressing rooms with dimensions (pictures are clickable):

Having your own dressing room is not a luxury, but a necessity, providing convenient, orderly storage of things.

Ready-made sketches will help you create a cozy and presentable wardrobe in a room with any layout, even the smallest and most modest in size.

For some modern styles (modern, minimalism, high-tech), it is appropriate to use it for wall decoration: look at the examples and evaluate their properties to find out if such a material is right for you.

Options for interior drywall arches in the apartment can be seen in the photo.

Photos of chic bedrooms in a modern style - in an article at:


Video on how to equip a dressing room with your own hands:

Now there is no need to run from the closet to the corridor in which the full-length mirror is located, choosing one or another combination of clothes. And the sudden appearance of guests will not take you by surprise because of the untidy apartment, because all things can be distributed in the dressing room. Even in the smallest apartment, it is possible to place a compact size dressing room, which will store clothes, shoes, accessories.

Thus, the dressing room will place ready-made combinations of clothes, and things laid out in a certain order will later save you time on searching and selecting. The urgently needed item will be found in a matter of seconds.

The storage of things can be organized both according to the functional purpose of clothes, for example, T-shirts and T-shirts on one shelf, jeans and trousers on another, as well as the distribution of things according to colors. Having installed a dressing room, you will always be sure that things are neatly hung, they will not wrinkle, and will not lose their impeccable appearance.

Where can you place

It is possible to place a dressing room in a private house, in an apartment and even in a country house. Do not be mistaken that the owners of small-sized housing should give up their own dressing room. The walk-in closet can be built-in or located in a separate room.

Wardrobe rooms for every taste and budget are presented to your attention.

From the pantry

If you have a storage room in your apartment layout, then we recommend using this room in the most useful way. By placing a structure for storing clothes and things, you can use the entire usable area in the best possible way. The dressing room fits perfectly in the size of the pantry. It is enough just to add various shelves, drawers, brackets for hanging outerwear to the wardrobes. Dividers can be installed in the boxes, and belts, accessories, hats can be placed there. Place neatly folded clothes on the shelves, as well as lay out footwear arranged according to the seasons.

The dressing room should suit your needs, therefore, the design should be approached after analyzing the number of things. Understanding the total amount of items for storage will help you correctly calculate the required number of shelves.

In the bedroom

If the bedroom is impressive in size and the owner prefers to have a dressing room at arm's length, then the designers are ready to offer a variety of options. The dressing room can be with sliding doors, or even have a structure without doors. An individual dressing room with a unique design is designed for each customer.

In the corridor

The optimal solution for filling the corridor space is to install a dressing room. Now there is no need to purchase wardrobes and dressers that take up free space in rooms. Having installed a dressing room in the corridor, you solve several problems at the same time: freeing up free space in the rooms and organize the empty space in the corridor. The dressing room can be designed as a corner, built into the wall, or any other configuration.

From a niche

In order for the interior to be distinguished by its individuality, it is enough to use free niches for the installation of a wardrobe system. You can draw the attention of others to such a non-standard approach, interesting design, and also make any niche useful and functional.

In the attic

You should not steal a place for a dressing room in the bedrooms of your own cottage, because the attic room does an excellent job of solving this problem. The use of the attic allows you to rationally use the living space for the needs of a modern person.

Under the stairs

The space under the stairs is quite spacious and allows you to place things and clothes. Place your dressing room under the stairs and you can save money on other storage furniture.

Materials (edit)

Various materials are used to make a dressing room with your own hands. The proposed list of materials will help you make your choice.

Drywall allows you to make a separate niche in the room, which is further saturated with accessories for convenient storage of things. Drywall is easy to paint, because the dressing room can be made for the most daring color preferences.

It is not difficult to make a dressing room from old furniture, of an original and unique design, with a minimum investment of money and maximum time savings for the manufacture of elements.

Chipboard is an affordable and common material for making frames, shelves and drawers. It allows you to create a dressing room in various color variations, with a matte or glossy finish.

The joker system is a base, including various accessories, to saturate the dressing rooms. Holders of glasses and shelves, hooks, hangers will make the dressing room functional.

Plywood is a material with increased strength properties. Plywood is widely used for the manufacture of partitions and shelves in wardrobe rooms.

Wood is a natural material that can be used to create dressing rooms in children's rooms, summer cottages, any living quarters where the owners care about the safety and environmental friendliness of the interior.

Chrome pipes allow you to create a mesh wardrobe room. Pipes are used, the outer diameter of which does not exceed 25 mm. The pipe is easily cut with a hacksaw, and connecting and fixing accessories will help to mount it in the wardrobe. The structure, made of chrome-plated pipe, has high performance characteristics.

How to do it right: step by step instructions


Today, a dressing room for most people is no longer a luxury, but a necessary attribute of a living space. A high pace of life requires a large amount of clothing, which is important to properly store. A well-designed dressing room will create a certain mood in the room, save space in other rooms, and provide convenience and comfort in everyday life.

Before designing a dressing room, you should decide on its location, requirements for design and capacity, the amount of money that you are willing to spend on manufacturing. A wardrobe room can be provided for all family members, or, on the contrary, separate niches for each can be allocated. The size of the room will depend on whether you wish to supplement your clothing storage with items such as blankets, pillows, and bedding sets. Sports equipment can also be located in the dressing room.

Pre-sort things in order to calculate the required number of shelves and hangers. It is advisable to draw up several sketches of dressing rooms, and after consulting with all family members, stop the choice on one. When designing, consider a few additional shelves that you may need in the future.

When developing a project for a mesh wardrobe, it should be taken into account that the structure of a mesh shelf can withstand no more than 60 kg. However, such systems are notable for their affordability and relative ease of installation.


The shelves are installed at a distance of 35 or 40 cm from each other. The depth of the shelves, as a rule, is more than 40 cm. The wide shelves allow you to stack clothes in several piles. Long shelves require additional support to prevent sagging from heavy items. It is recommended to place the rods at a distance of 100 cm one above the other. In the presence of long coats or dresses, installation of a single-row rod is allowed. Drawers should be installed using quality fittings that can withstand high loads. Drawers located above the chest line are extremely inconvenient. Baskets with heavy items should not be placed higher than their height.

Sliding doors fit into almost any interior and room configuration. Such doors are not only distinguished by their functionality, they also add a special design to the interior. Sliding doors are easy to use for children and the elderly. To install doors, no experience or special skills are required, just insert the doors into the guides.

When designing a rack in a dressing room, one should not forget that it is not customary to store linen in them, as well as medicines in open or transparent containers. You should consider in advance what you will be placing on open shelves. Racks are practical, because they can be made in a variety of sizes. Identify your needs and act boldly. Racks allow you to save space and compactly store a large amount of various things and clothes when folded.

Lighting and ventilation

It is necessary to pay special attention to the creation of sufficient lighting and the presence of ventilation. The presence of a little natural light does not exclude the need for additional light sources, such as chandeliers, sconces, floor lamps. Light in the area where the mirrors are located plays an important role. Floor lighting around the entire perimeter of the room will enhance the illumination of the lower shelves. The main job of providing clean air is performed by ventilation. It is the ventilated room that guarantees protection against unpleasant odors and the formation of pests. Also, ventilation eliminates the deposition of dust on clothes and things.


When there is enough free space in the dressing room, you can install a comfortable chair or sofa. It is worth considering placing mirrors that can be freestanding or wall-mounted. It will be useful to purchase additional hangers, which, if necessary, will help to place new clothes.

Here are a variety of wardrobe room designs that can serve as inspiration for designing your own.

  • Here is an example of a dressing room, which is located in the closet. It should be noted that the room was made to suit the man's requirements. The shelves for bags, shoes, denim pants, sweaters and pullovers are arranged in a certain order.
  • This pantry takes on a completely different sound when shelves are designed in it, the size of the entire length of the room. The design of the dressing room is decorated with a raised baguette. Due to the limited space, there are no hinged doors in the structure, as well as a minimum number of drawers.

  • The design is distinguished by the presence of built-in lamps along the entire perimeter of the room. Spot lighting allows you to effortlessly find the items you need on the topmost shelves. Since the width of the room is sufficient to accommodate various pull-out shelves, this dressing room is designed with all kinds of variations.

  • The dressing room is designed in a minimalist style, with a small number of drawers. Wicker baskets with handles are used for small items and various accessories. Trousers are not stored folded on shelves, but hung on special holders. The structure is mounted to the ceiling and floor surface to ensure the stability of the system. Recommended for installation in a small bedroom. The wardrobe is economy class and allows you to make the most of the free space in the bedroom at low cost. Low cost, convenience, ease of installation are distinctive features without a door structure.

  • Sliding doors separate the sleeping area from the dressing room. This solution is appropriate for premises with a total area of ​​more than 18 sq. M. As a rule, in such dressing rooms a full-length mirror and an ironing board are placed. In a separate dressing room, it is possible to store not only clothes and shoes, but also household appliances, such as a vacuum cleaner, an iron. It is possible to add shelves to the system for storing books, family photo albums, personal hygiene items and cosmetics.

  • Sliding doors separating the dressing room will be a modern and practical solution. They are made using glass or mirrors. Glass can be colored, transparent or tinted. Often there are corrugated or patterned glass, as well as mosaics. The cost of the original design of the coupe doors is relatively high, but they will certainly declare the excellent taste of the owner.

  • The dressing room is represented by a complex structure, which, due to large mirrors, visually increases the space in the corridor. An interesting design will certainly attract the attention of guests. In the absence of sufficient light in the corridor, built-in lighting in the wardrobe system will be relevant.

  • A widespread version of the dressing room in Russian apartments. This choice is preferable for large apartments with wide corridors. Hinged doors provide some inconvenience for use in corridors. Therefore, sliding doors are recommended, which are distinguished by their reliability and stability. Such dressing rooms are made strictly in size and allow you to hide the unevenness of the walls of the corridor.

  • A design proposal that creates a specific style for the interior of the apartment. Wicker baskets made of wicker add originality to the dressing room. Several vertical and horizontal partitions, the presence of hooks give the design simplicity and minimalism. The relatively low cost of manufacturing and the ease of installation of such dressing rooms are also pleasing.

  • A bold solution in which the dressing room has no doors. The minimalist design is distinguished by the construction. It is recommended to install a double-row hanger in the dressing room if you have a large number of blouses, jackets, suits.

  • A separate niche was made with the help of drywall, into which a wardrobe structure was installed. This solution helps to use any free space available in the apartment or house. Oftentimes, residential projects already have various niches that are great for walk-in closets. You can find houses in which each family member has a separate niche with a dressing room.

  • Install folding doors in the niche, and the dressing room is ready for saturation with shelves or a hanger. Doors can be plastic, glass or wood. Also, various textured curtains look great, which serve as an excellent replacement for doors. Manufacturers offer a huge range of components and ready-made systems for filling the dressing room.

  • A spacious attic with a modern wardrobe system. A discreet color palette and a bright sofa create a special style. High walls allow for hanging racks for outerwear such as coats. And in narrow niches it is possible to store shoes.

  • The dressing room is made in light colors, which visually add spaciousness to the room. The lack of natural light is compensated by the installation of various lamps aimed at all the niches of the attic. The free space in the middle of the dressing room is used for furniture, which also stores various things and clothes.

  • The presence of an apartment in the attic does not exclude the possibility of installing a dressing room. The design in pastel colors is presented, which creates coziness and comfort. The low wall of the attic does not allow installing a wardrobe, therefore storage of things can be organized in the best way using a wardrobe system consisting of chrome pipes.
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Dressing rooms are special rooms designed for storing things, shoes and other small items. Usually they are represented by separate rooms equipped with different systems for keeping things. Often they are formed independently in the hallway or converted from a small pantry. They are considered multifunctional and comfortable to use, and a do-it-yourself dressing room can be made, for which different materials and drawings are used.

If you plan to do the work yourself, it is recommended to watch the training video in advance in order to learn all the subtleties of the work, as well as take into account various errors and problems that arise in the process. The first stage of creating a dressing room is the formation of special drawings, according to which subsequent work will be implemented. When a sketch is formed, important points are taken into account:

  • initially, a drawing is made of a direct compartment intended to create a dressing room, and it can be represented by a small storage room or even a small niche available in the corridor, bedroom or other room of the dwelling;
  • all the results are transferred to paper, and it is quite difficult to do this work yourself without experience, special skills;
  • it is determined what dimensions the racks will have, shelves and other elements installed in the dressing room, and it is taken into account that the shelves should not have a depth exceeding 50 cm, and there should be a distance between them within 35 cm;
  • if there are difficulties with determining the appearance of this compartment, then it is advisable to view the photo in the selection in order to take as a basis any ready-made drawing;
  • it is important to decide whether there will be a door in the structure, since if it is planned, then it is decided what size it will have, and also whether it will be standard, swing or sliding;
  • do-it-yourself wardrobe drawings and diagrams of which can be seen in the selection must be made strong, of high quality, therefore all the elements contained here must be securely fixed, therefore, the fasteners used for these purposes are thought out.

The finished project should contain numerous calculations and photos so that you can clearly imagine how the dressing room will look like in the apartment, as well as what fasteners and materials must be purchased to complete all the work.

Tools and materials

Making a dressing room on your own requires the advance preparation of various materials and tools used during this work. At this stage, you should use the information calculated as a result of the design.

The elements must be prepared:

  • rack and guide profiles designed to create the frame of the future wall, and their thickness should not be significant, since partitions that are significant in thickness take up too much space, which is not suitable for limited space;
  • drywall used in the process of sheathing partitions, and it is desirable that its thickness varied from 12 to 15 mm, and it is also recommended to use a moisture-resistant material;
  • to increase the soundproofing parameters, it is recommended to fill the space of the frame with any suitable material, and mineral wool is considered an excellent solution for these purposes;
  • materials for finishing work, and this includes putty and mesh to strengthen the putty layer, as well as the finishing material, and paint, wallpaper, as well as various wall panels can be used;
  • to create high-quality, uniform lighting, lighting devices are purchased, as well as wires for wiring, sockets and a switch;
  • fittings for various storage systems, doors, other elements used in the room;
  • Do-it-yourself dressing room arrangement implies the use of different shelves and racks, mirrors and other elements for filling it, and their choice depends entirely on the chosen layout, the preferences of the owners and on their financial capabilities.

When buying lighting fixtures, it is recommended to give preference to LED lamps and a special tape, since these elements guarantee high-quality and uniform illumination, and are also considered economical to use.


Framing elements


Installation of plasterboard construction

At this stage, the direct creation of a drywall dressing room begins. For this, walls are created from pre-purchased metal profiles. The whole process is easily implemented independently at home, and it is recommended to watch the training video in advance in order to take into account the nuances of the work. Sequential and correct actions are taken:

  • markings are applied to the walls in those places where it is planned to attach the structure to the walls, and for the correctness of this process, you must use the building level;
  • holes for dowels are created, and it is important to know how to make them correctly, since they must be located where there is a markup for this;
  • the profile is fastened, and this process must be done quickly, reliably, for which dowels are inserted into the holes made in advance, where the screws are driven, and then the profiles are attached;
  • we assemble the structure, for which the ventral posts are mounted, inserted into the already fixed guides, and the distance between them should be about 60 cm;
  • if it is planned to manufacture a dressing room with a door, then where there will be an opening, it is necessary to strengthen the structure, for which special jumpers are used.

It is necessary to make a dressing room with your own hands in such a way that the resulting structure is not skewed in any way, and it should not bend or wobble.


Profile attachment

Wardrobe rack

The optimal solution for each dressing room is such a special rack. It fits perfectly even in a small room, and it is not difficult to assemble it. It can even be made independently from chipboard or other materials available and easy to process. There are many photos with this design, so you can be convinced of the attractive appearance of such dressing rooms.

A wardrobe rack can be purchased ready-made or made by yourself. In the latter case, you can embody unique ideas, ideas, as well as arrange a dressing room that ideally meets the needs of the owners of the premises.

A photo of ready-made such racks in large quantities is available below, so you can choose the best option. With self-creation, the following steps are implemented:

  • initially, markings are applied that determine the dimensions and parameters of the future structure, and it should be located both on the walls and on the floor of the room where the work is planned to be performed;
  • the installation of the guides is performed, and they must be attached to the base base with a back so that a groove is formed for inserting the racks;
  • the structure is sheathed with plasterboard or different plates, and the choice depends on the preferences of the owners of the future dressing room, as well as on the chosen style.

Thus, the shelving unit is ideal for dressing rooms. Dressing rooms with this design are distinguished by their high capacity, attractiveness and versatility.

Assembling the elements of the rack

Painting metal parts

Installing the frame

Shelf attachment

Fastening the assembled rack

Finished construction

Pencil case

Often, a special pencil case is arranged in this room. It is a narrow and long cabinet designed for storing different clothes or other not too big things. Often, it is additionally equipped with a special hanger in the form of a frame that slides out from the side. The number of shelves in such a pencil case may be different, and it is determined depending on the number of people living in residential real estate.

The process of creating such a structure is divided into successive stages, which allows you to make a really high-quality and multifunctional pencil case in an apartment:

  • the necessary materials for work are purchased, and it is important to choose high-quality videos;
  • first, the hanger is assembled, and then special rollers are attached to the sidewalls;
  • the back and top wall is fixed;
  • the hanger moves in;
  • then we make the remaining sidewall.

Thus, if you figure out how to build a wardrobe pencil case, then this process will not cause any difficulties and problems.


When studying how to make dressing rooms in rooms, you need to decide on finishing materials. Drywall is most often chosen as cladding, and various objects and elements can be fixed on structures made from it. After creating the frame and fixing the sheathing, putty and wall finishing are carried out. To carry out the work correctly and competently, you must follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • sheets of drywall are fixed to the frames made;
  • if necessary, they are cut and bent in different ways;
  • the structure is putty using self-adhesive tape, and it prevents the occurrence of cracks;
  • it is desirable to apply the material in two layers at once;
  • a special strengthening primer is applied, which reduces the absorbency of the base, as well as increases the adhesion of the paint;
  • the surfaces of the resulting structure are painted, and it is also allowed to use other materials for cladding, for example, wall panels.

Thus, if you carefully study the device of the dressing room with your own hands, then this process will not take much time and will not require an investment of a significant amount of money. When working independently, it is given the opportunity to obtain a truly unique design, ideally suited to a particular room and its style.

Lighting and ventilation

Another important point is the creation of high-quality ventilation and lighting in the dressing room. Most often, it is a room without windows, so natural renewal of air and the flow of sunlight is impossible here. Therefore, in the process of finishing this room, the following features are taken into account:

  • under the dressing room door, a sufficiently large gap is certainly left through which fresh air will enter the room;
  • in the process of erecting partitions, special technological gaps are certainly left;
  • small holes in the walls can be created above the skirting boards;
  • if the work is carried out in a private house, it is recommended to make a ventilation hole on the floor at all, closed with a strong and fine mesh grill.

Lighting in a dark room should be of high quality and optimal. Therefore, it is advisable to use not only a common lamp installed on the ceiling, but also additional lighting. To increase the comfort and speed of finding various items on the shelves, it is recommended to attach LED lighting presented in the form of strips to them.

Drawings and diagrams

If you create a dressing room with your own hands, then you need drawings and diagrams, according to which the main work will be carried out. In these documents, the main points are certainly thought out:

  • the size of the room;
  • the location of all the elements contained here;
  • the need, dimensions and other parameters of the doors are taken into account;
  • calculation of finishing materials and fasteners is made;
  • provides for the use of different retractable structures;
  • the calculation of all costs necessary to obtain a full and comfortable room is carried out;
  • the planning is thought out in advance.

The drawing is certainly created in advance on paper, and when studying it, it will be schematically visible how the room will look after the work performed. If there is no experience with drawings, then you can use special programs.

Thus, the dressing room is a useful, multifunctional room designed for storing various items and clothes. To understand how to make a dressing room with your own hands, it is recommended that you carefully study the training video in advance in order to take into account the numerous nuances, features of this work. It is important to use pre-made drawings during work, as well as to use exclusively high-quality, reliable materials. With a competent approach, it is guaranteed to obtain a high-quality, durable structure that can withstand various loads and influences. We must not forget about optimal ventilation, uniform lighting. The comfort of using a self-made dressing room depends on all of the above nuances.

Probably the most convenient device for storing things is the dressing room. After all, it's really great when all the details of the wardrobe are in one place and you can immediately assess how well the newly selected set is combined, and not run from room to room - take, try on, see. Moreover, you can make a dressing room in a very small area: the minimum is 1.5-2 square meters. Even in a small apartment it is possible to fence such a space. Moreover, it has been noticed that it is more convenient to use them if you have assembled a dressing room with your own hands. It's simple: no one knows your habits better than you and will not be able to arrange things in the right order. So, let's start creating a dressing room on our own.

Dressing room sizes

Our realities are such that most people live in small apartments, where every centimeter counts. Therefore, size issues often play a decisive role. The smallest dressing room can have an area of ​​1.2 - 1.5 square meters. meters. It is a rectangle with sides 1.5 * 1 meter or so. Also, a small dressing room can be angular - this option is even more spacious than a rectangular one of the same area: with an equal area, the length of the sides along which shelves can be placed and storage systems will be greater.

The smallest dressing rooms: 1.5 by 2.5 m and 2 by 2 m

Rectangular mini-dressing room with one-sided placement of things should have a width of at least 1.2 m, with two-sided - at least 1.5 m. The depth should be such that it was possible to "enter" there. This is how wardrobes, in the main, differ from sliding wardrobes, and also the ability to install any doors.

Ventilation and lighting

Even in mini-dressing rooms, and even more so in large ones, ventilation is necessary: ​​in a closed room, a musty smell quickly appears, which no perfume will mask. Therefore, even when planning, find a way to make ventilation in the dressing room.

The principle of its structure is no different: in the upper part of any of the walls, preferably further from the door, an exhaust hole is made, where the fan is inserted. The inflow is provided either in the gap under the doors or in special inlets located just above the floor level. They are covered with decorative grilles. The outlet of the ventilation duct should be in the general ventilation system, you can take it out into the street or under the roof of a private house with plastic boxes. Air exchange organized in this way effectively maintains the normal state of things.

The principles of organizing the ventilation of the dressing room through the bathroom

When choosing a fan, you should pay special attention to the noise level. Since walk-in closets are often made in or close to bedrooms, noise should be kept to a minimum. It can be controlled with the help of automation or switched on / off by conventional or.

The lighting should be bright. Firstly, it is necessary to quickly find things, and secondly, dressing rooms are often used as fitting rooms in order to immediately see how the chosen things are combined. In this case, the mirror is usually placed on the door or mirrored doors are made. In this case, the light should be directed not only to the shelves and storage systems, but also to the fitting area.

You can use any type of lamp, but it makes sense to make them turn on from motion sensors. We opened the doors - the lamps went on, there was no movement, they turned off. There is also an option for swing doors, there are lamps with buttons that light up when the door is opened and turn off when they are closed.

Where to do

Even in small apartments there are "appendicitis" which cannot be used normally. It is in such a place that you can make a dressing room.

Another popular option is a pantry. In this case, everything is generally simple. You remove all unnecessary things, change the doors and install the appropriate filling: racks, racks, baskets, shelves.

If there is nothing like this in the apartment, part of the room is fenced off - the end or corner - you need to look at the layout. The corner dressing room is good in that it allows you to use the most difficult areas to equip, namely the corners. Especially if there are closely spaced doors in two adjacent walls. This zone is considered "dead": you cannot put anything there except for a small corner shelf: everything will interfere. Roughly the same option - two windows or a window and a door.

If the area turns out to be too small, it is possible to increase it slightly by making the wall not even, but with the middle extended slightly. The area of ​​the room will not greatly decrease from this, but things can fit much more.

They also make them on the loggia - by making part of the glazing opaque or by building a wall. Only here you can't do without insulation - it's unpleasant to put on cold things in winter.

The second option is suitable for wide loggias. In them, shelving can be placed along a long wall.

In the corridor or hallway, a corner or "appendicitis" is also fenced off, if the layout allows. Here everyone can decide only in place: is there a place for this or not.

Most of all, the dressing room is appropriate in the bedroom. There is simply an optimal place to store things: in the sense that it is more convenient to dress here. Therefore, for these purposes, part of the room is fenced off. In this case, this technology is necessary for a long time and has been worked out to the smallest detail. It won't take a lot of time even in the absence of experience: a maximum of two or three days for assembly and finishing.

If you make a partition from gypsum plasterboard or GVP according to all the rules, you will need double cladding, and this is "eaten" centimeters, or even meters of area. Therefore, most often they are sheathed only from the outside, but with two sheets with overlapping seams. When assembling the frame, do not forget to make reinforced racks for fastening the door. With single sheathing, naked profiles remain inside, but it is convenient to hang shelves-baskets for things on them. If you plan to do so, then take them with a thick wall: so that they normally hold the weight.

The partition can be made from or from a plate. This is an option for those who don't like messing around with putty. But you need to choose a lamination that will fit into the interior without any problems.

Doors for the dressing room

What is good about the do-it-yourself dressing room is that you can put any doors: sliding, like "coupe", accordion, ordinary swing, hinged on rollers. You can even get by with all the bases. This option is called a wardrobe rack, but then everything will have to be kept in perfect order: everything is in plain sight. The most budgetary option is blackout curtains or something like a Japanese curtain.

If the front wall turns out to be large, part of it can be stationary, part - occupied by doors. In this case, it is also possible to somehow use it on stationary walls. If desired, the doors can be made in full width, or consisting of fragments.

A variant of a dressing room in the attic: a side part with a low ceiling is occupied under it. Full width doors - easier to get to things

The design can be anything, as long as it fits into the look of the room. If desired, they can be made to match the walls so that it is not visible, but you can - bright and conspicuous.

Arrangement: filling and storage systems

If the area is limited, it makes no sense to make furniture made of wood, MDF or chipboard in the dressing room. They take away precious centimeters of the area, and even interfere with the movement of air. Another drawback: redoing something is problematic.

Furniture of the "standard" type takes up too much space

Recently, the general trend is the installation of lightweight metal storage systems. They are modular and assembled on special racks. The racks can be attached in two ways - to the walls or to the ceiling and floor: different manufacturers make different systems. And already on these racks they hang everything that is necessary.

The posts can have notches along their entire length, which makes it possible to install any element at any height. These are the most mobile systems that can be easily and easily modified - simply by hanging from one row of notches-hooks to another, arbitrarily changing the height of the shelves and baskets, and other elements.

There are rectangular posts with grooves cut on both sides. In these grooves, the necessary accessories are attached to the clamps.

Please note that there are different shelves and drawers - made of wood or wood materials, metal - chrome-plated or painted. They can be retractable, they can be put one on top of another or on shelves.

All of these systems are sold: racks and a list of different accessories. But they are produced mainly in European countries, because the price "bites". An economical version of equipment for a dressing room can be made independently from a round chrome-plated furniture pipe and various fasteners to it. It turns out that this furniture is not as mobile as we would like, but it costs significantly less.

Appliances for placing clothes

In addition to standard and not-so-standard drawers-shelves, there are interesting special options. For example - skirt women or trousers. Special guides on which the cross bars are fixed, sometimes there are clips on them. They allow you to hang your skirts / trousers straight and not be afraid that they will fall. It is convenient if such a hanger slides out, allowing you to inspect all the contents.

One of the options for filling the dressing room is a bracket for skirts or trousers

This device can be replaced by a simpler one, but much cheaper - a hanger with crossbars located one under the other. It is not so convenient, but it allows you to organize your clothes just as well.

There is a retractable design for ties, only it, as a rule, is oriented in a different way and extends in length, although not everyone likes this system, but rather folded into the drawer cells to taste.

There are several ways to place the hangers. The simplest is pipes, more economical (in terms of use of space, but not in terms of money) - tie-like retractable brackets.

Another device is a garment pantograph. This is also a pipe, but it can go down. A kind of lift for clothes. Such a device allows you to use the space right up to the ceiling, and without sacrificing your comfort. It can be attached both to the side walls (the more common option) and to the wall. A handle bar is attached in the middle of the pipe, pulling which you lower it to a horizontal position. The carrying capacity of such devices is usually small (up to 18 kilograms), therefore they are used for light - in terms of weight - clothing.

Furniture pantograph - for light (by weight) clothing

Shoe storage systems

Often there are problems with storing shoes: for some, there are dozens of pairs of them, so it is just right for them to arrange separate dressing rooms. But among the standard sets of equipment there are some interesting ones for storing shoes.

Let's start with the retractable system. It is in IKEA. Pins with shoe modules mounted on a movable frame. Convenient and compact.

There are mini-chests of drawers that do not take up almost space, but are hung on the walls, there are hanging organizers that can be easily placed on a horizontal pipe.

These are mini dressers on the wall

In general, there are many interesting ideas for shoes that allow you to place them compactly and at the same time conveniently. Some are in the fog gallery.

Such "swivel" drawers are very convenient not only for shoes, but also for small things and linen. The way to store boots is on hangers with clothespins.

There are very inexpensive options. For example, a seasonal one that is currently in use can be stored on a mesh with reversible hooks or wire shelves. You've probably seen similar ones in stores. This is a mesh or perforated panel on which hooks / shelves are hung. Convenient: you can move it under any type of shoe, make more or less distance.

Economy option for storing shoes - mesh with hooks and shelves

Hanging such a grid is not a problem - even on the wall, even on the side of a cabinet or door. Hooks and shelves simply cling to the bars. This option is ideal when you are short of money and space. If you like the idea but need something more presentable, make or find a perforated metal shield on the frame. Hooks are also inserted into it "with a bang".

Modification - hook shield

In general, when arranging a dressing room and a limited budget, it is worth looking for storage systems not in furniture stores - on-line or off-line. Better take a look at sites that sell shop equipment. There are many interesting gadgets that save space: shops also try to display the maximum amount of goods on the minimum area. For example, these are the shoe racks.

If you attach wheels to the first, you get an excellent pull-out system. The price for such equipment is much less than for similar equipment, but which is sold in furniture.

Making a dressing room project

As you can see, there are a lot of ideas for equipment and storage systems. But so that it does not turn out that the purchased excellent thing simply does not become in your wardrobe, you need to draw a plan on which you indicate all the dimensions and sizes. It is drawn on a scale, then mark on it those parts that must be required. They are drawn on the same scale. If everything "fits", armed with dimensions (you have them, or you can measure in the figure and, using the scale, calculate the real values), you can go to the store to choose systems.

There is another approach. Find out the dimensions of the fixtures and systems you like (mounting dimensions), cut them out to scale from cardboard or thick paper and try to combine everything. If you succeed, great, you can buy. No - look for other options. As a result of your efforts, you should get approximately the same layout as in the photo.

To make it convenient to use the equipment and get things, you must maintain the following distances:

  • minimum distance from shelf to shelf:
    • when storing things - 30 cm;
    • when storing shoes (without hairpins) - 20 cm;
  • shirts, jackets, jackets - 120 cm;
  • trousers:
    • folded in half - 100 cm;
    • in length - 140 cm;
  • compartment for outerwear - coat - 160-180 cm;
  • for dresses - 150-180 cm.

At the very top, we set aside space for clothes of a different season or rarely used things. Often there is a place for a vacuum cleaner below, and a built-in ironing board is made in one of the cabinets.

For those who like to work with their hands, there are several dimensional schemes so that you can equip the dressing room with your own hands (at least partially).

Shoe shelf drawing with dimensions

Plastic pipe shoe storage system ...