Types of graphics in the interior. Graphics in modern interiors

Graphics (Greek. Graphike, from Grapho - I write, Cherka, Drawing) View of fine art, including drawing and print artworks Engraving based on the art of drawing, but possessing their own visual means and expressive opportunities.

Term "G." Originally used only in relation to the letter (Appendix 1-4). He received a new meaning at the end of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Due to the rapid development of printing and the distribution of a calligraphically clear, contrast linear drawing, most convenient for photomechanical playback in the book and magazine. Then the city was determined as art, which is based on the line, or as the art of black and white. Such an understanding of the city was further expanded. In addition to the contour line, the city uses the barcode and stain, also contrasting with white (less often colored or black) surface of the paper - the main material of the combination of the same means can be created by tonal nuances. G. does not exclude and apply colors.

The most general distinctive feature of G. - the special ratio of the image of the subject to space, the role of which largely performs the paper background, "air of a white sheet", according to the expression of the Soviet Masters of Graphic V.A. Favorsky. Spatial sensation Create not only not only busy sections of a sheet, but often (for example, in watercolor drawings) and a paper background with a colorful layer. At the same time, the graphic image associated with the sheet plane is and to a certain extent plane character. Without possessing such complete opportunities, as painting, in creating the spatial illusion of the real world, G. with great freedom and flexibility varies the degree of spatiality and flatness. G. may be peculiar to the thoroughness of volume and spatial construction, interest in the narrative, the circumstance of the category of nature, detecting the structure of the subject. But the artist-schedule can limit both a quick impression, the conditional designation of the subject, as if hinting at him, turning to the imagination of the viewer; The incompleteness and laconism at the same time serve as one of the main means of expressiveness. The image capacity in the city is often achieved by saving and concentration of artistic means, visual graphic metaphors, which allows to compare G. with poetry.

Therefore, in the city. Along with the completed compositions, independent artistic values \u200b\u200bhave natural sketches, sketches of painting, sculptures, architecture (Pictures of Michelangelo, L. Bernini in Italy, Rembrandt in Holland, V.I. Bazhenova in Russia, O. Rodin in France) . The ability of G. to a sharp decrease in the image led to the widespread development of graphic satire and grotesque (the etching of F. Goya in Spain, Lithographs O. Domier in France, drawings of J. Grosa in Germany, Kukryniks in the USSR).

The texture of the materials used, the specificity of graphic techniques and receptions play an active role in the city. Special place occupy in the city of inelling elements - purely decorative motifs, ornament, text, which is a system of graphic signs. G. has a wide range of functions, species, genres, artistic means creating in their entirety unlimited opportunities for the image and figurative interpretation of the world, the expression of the feeling and thought of the artist. Methods of communication of the viewer with the works of G. - from the mass effects of the poster to the intimate perception of the outline, illustrations, miniature works of G., requiring careful examination near.

The important features of the city are its ability to quickly respond to current events, the convenience of replication in many copies, the possibility of consistent disclosure of the plan in a number of images (series of England England Hogart, Belgian F. Masel, Soviet graphs I.I. Nivinsky, A.I. . Kravchenko, V.I. Kasyina, Lithographs A.F. Pakhomova, Figures B.I. Prophetova, E.A. Kibrika, D.A. Schmarinova). These qualities were widely used in the campaign and satirical political city, the rapid development of which falls for the years of large historical events ("volatile leaves" of the peasant war 1524--26 in Germany, engravings of the Great French Revolution, Lubki Patriotic War 1812, Civil and Great Posters Patriotic Wars). In the 20th century G. develops as a democratic art of great social sound facing the mass audience; At the same time, the tendency of individualistic aesthetism, narrowly formal and technical experiments, was determined.

According to the technique of the city, the most ancient and traditional type of graphic art is divided into drawing - the origins of which can be seen in primitive rock paintings and in antique vases, where the image of the image is the line and silhouette. In the tasks of the drawing a lot in common with painting, and the boundaries between them are conditional: watercolor, gouache, pastel, temperatures can be used to create both graphics and picturesque characters and styles of works. The drawing brings together painting and its uniqueness, while the works of the printed g. - Engravings and lithographs - can spread in many equivalent copies. Engraving is known from 6--7 centuries. In China, from 14-15 centuries. In Europe, lithograph originated only by the 19th century. Before the photomechanical reproduction appeared, the printed is served to play pictures and drawings.

On the appointment, the glass, book and newspaper magazine, applied city and poster differ. Stankovaya G. Commanded mainly from the Renaissance. It has long been referred to the traditional genres of the visual art - to the thematic composition (engravings of A. Durera in Germany, J. Callo in France, Rembrandt in Holland, K. Colvitz in Germany, Lithographs E. Delacroa, T. Steinlelen in France, drawings and ., Repeina, V.A. Serov in Russia), portrait (F. Clue drawings, D. Engra in France, O.A. Kiprensky, Engraving N.I. Utkin in Russia, Lithographs G.S. Veresky in the USSR ), Landscape (Japanese hocus engravings, Sov. Artist A.P. Otrumova-Lebedeva, drawings P.V. Miturich, N.N. Dzpeyanova), still life (Pictures of MA Vrubel in Russia, A. Matisse in France, Engravings D.I. Mitrichina in the USSR). Machine works of printed g. (Estampa) by virtue of circulation and, consequently, more accessibility, as well as decorative qualities caused by work in the material (wood, metal, linoleum in engraving, stone in lithographs), are widely used to decorate the modern interior. Specific mass views are in the ease-printed graph of the lubok, and in the newspaper magazine - caricature. One of the main applications of the G. - Book. With the handwritten book of antiquity and middle ages, the drawing history is largely connected, with the printed book - the development of engraving and lithography. In the ancient world, a font appeared, also attributed to the city, since the letter is a graphic sign. Book graphics (W. Morris in England, V.A. Favorsky, E.E. Lancere, V.V. Lebedev, S.M. Pozharsky, S.B. Telingher in the USSR, V. Cleck in the GDR) includes illustrations ( Performing tasks of interpretation of literary works), creating a font pattern, general design and design of the book. A relatively young region of G. - a poster, which in modern forms has developed in 19 V. as a type of trading and theater advertising (P. Chero billboard, A. Toulouse-Lotrek), and then began to fulfill both the tasks of political agitation (Posters D.S. Moore, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.A. Deines in the USSR, . Trepkovsky in Poland). In addition to the drawing, the poster uses both photomontage techniques that also used in the book and the journal (J. Hartfield works in Germany, G.G. Klotsis in the USSR). Applied, including industrial, G. (L.M. Lisitsky, A.M. Rodchenko in the USSR) acquires a wide range of functions, making an artistic start in the design of utilitarian items (postage stamps, exlebris, trademarks, labels, etc. ). Communication of the city with modern life, the possibilities discovering in front of the development of printing create conditions for the occurrence of all new types of graphic art.

Sometimes there is a situation where repairs in the apartment completed and all furniture stands in their places, and the interior still leaves indifferent and guests, and the owners themselves. To understand what is still not enough, something else requires the design of the interior, sometimes it is very difficult. What exactly will be able to make the design of an apartment spectacular, fill it with meaning, not upgrading with the space? Perhaps, one of the most interesting options that the interior will give the uniqueness and at the same time expressiveness is graphics.

What is the first coming to mind when mentioning graphics? Pencil sketch made by fast and clear movements of the artist. A drawing arising on a white sheet of paper in your eyes as a result of several cramps graphite pencil seems almost magic. He attracts, fascinates, makes it look again and again. Creating such a black and white drawing is not easy. So that the sketch of lines and strokes is really a work of art, a considerable time is required and a big talent.

Thanks to its refinement, some inexpensive, unobtrusiveness, a graphic drawing will always find its place in the design of any interior. He does not bother, and at the same time, gives spirituality of the interior of the room. With his simplicity of the graph, the viewer's imagination will work. And often a black and white drawing of several lines is more interesting and more fully, than other screaming art objects, by no means decorating the design of the apartment.

What kind of graphics may be present in the interior? Well, first, in the form of a separate picture. It can be placed on the walls of the living room, hallway and even the kitchen and children's. The main plus it is mobility. Such a drawing can be taken and walk around the apartment, trying to determine where it will be most fully fit into the design concept. It should be noted that black and white graphics are more restrained, intelligent, even one can say more intellectual. She communicates with man only through lines, she does not have such a powerful factor as color. That is why the graphic black and white pattern is very complex and more strict with respect to the subjects surrounding it, their form and texture.

It is believed that black and white graphics are an unsuitable decoration for children. This is not quite so. For the baby's room, it will be really not a very suitable object of the decor, because the crumb is more to taste bright colors and clear forms. The interior design of the Apartments of Tinager is another matter. For such a room, a talented artist is able to create a wonderful black and white masterpiece that interests the child, make him think and at the same time give the room personality, so appreciated by adolescents.

Today, the graphics made on the ceiling, doors of rooms or cabinets, walls are becoming increasingly popular. The design of the apartment or at home will only benefit from such a decoration. It can be both black and white and color drawing, which is an abstraction, portrait shot, landscape. You can paint the walls in Japanese style and then elegant Sakura will drive the room. The walls of the elongated and relatively narrow corridor of the city apartment perfectly suitable in the form of black and white drawings depicting buildings and streets of the modern city. Any apartment, a country house, as well as an office or a restaurant can be filled with individual features using graphics. Of course, with the condition that the drawing combines with a common style design of the room.

It is necessary to mention that, having decided to create a design of an apartment using graphics, we certainly need to take care of the choice of artists. The artist must have sufficient experience and possess talent and creativity. Only in this case, the details of the drawing will be carefully drawn, and the image itself is quite realistic with its entire convention.

Graphic design - the oldest and most common of designer activities, which is aimed at creating and changing a visual-communicative environment. (Appendix 5)

It also includes the art of paperwork, branding, industrial graphics and packaging, development of labels and trademarks, branded signs and fonts, promotional products on shields and facades in the city. Over time, a person approached the realization that often the expression of the information by means of a graphic image - much more efficiently than text or oral speech.

The painting of the walls in the house or apartment is not a new decoration element. Various plots decorated the walls of private dwellings in antique times. Then the wall painting was only available to aristocrats, and today everyone can decorate the apartment with an exquisite painting. Modern designers and artists under the power to paint the wall even in a small room so that the drawing is harmoniously fit into the interior. No need to be the owner of a gorgeous mansion to enjoy the work of art on the walls of your house.

Wall painting in the house or apartment - not a new decoration element

Decorative wall painting in the interior today is very popular. There are many agencies and private artists engaged in this type of art. They work in various techniques and genres, so choose the drawings on the wall can be the most incredible. As a rule, it distinguishes 3 main technicians:

  • plane;
  • embossed;
  • 3D painting.

The species of plane technology are quite a lot - these are the frescoes applied by water-soluble paints on wet plaster, Enkauska, which is melted wax, and the Griezail depicting the vintage black and white photos. In one technique, the drawing is applied using aerosols. This is, for example, graffiti or airbrush. Other uses various appliances to paint images.

Modern designers and artists under the power to paint the wall even in a small room so that the drawing harmoniously fit into the interior

Relief painting is more complicated by plane. This is a very capricious technique. It is only suitable for a classic style room, baroque or rococo. Relief painting is a combination of drawing and volumetric parts from plaster, plaster, decorative stone, etc. It is similar to a volumetric painting technique. However, this is not the same thing. The volumetric pattern is created with the help of paints, but thanks to a skillful combination of light and shadow it seems that the wall has a tunnel or magic portal.

Perform three-dimensional painting only by professionals, because this is an ordinary drawing with paints that seems voluminous. The secret is that the paint applied to the surface is rubbed, acquiring the effect of depth and space. Graphics in the interior can also be three-dimensional. 3D effect is achieved due to the geometry of the pattern, which is very difficult to perform.

Gallery: wall painting in the apartment (25 photos)

Simple wall painting with their own hands (video)

Choosing a place and plot

Art painting in the interior is a task for real designers, because not every surface is suitable for work. Painting on the walls must match the purpose of the room, to harmonize with the stylistics and color range of the interior. Graffiti will be strange and inappropriate to look in classic styles, and the directions of high-tech or minimalism, on the contrary, do not tolerate pomp. It is best to draw a room plan with all objects and already look for a place for the drawing.

The image must be well covered, so the ideal option is to choose a wall in an apartment opposite the window, or to spend the LED tape or hang the lamp over the drawing. The painted area does not have to take the entire wall. It may be some part, a small picture on a monophonic background. Recently, among designers, it is fashionable to make painting on several surfaces. For example, it can be a landscape stretched out into several rooms, a beautiful floral ornament, "curly" from the floor to the ceiling, or an abstraction, coming on the door or furniture.

Hand painted walls is appropriate in any room, and here you have to think about the plot. The main room in the house is a living room. It reigns comfort and calm, in this room the whole family is going, there are also guests. Ideal themes for this room - landscapes in calm colors, delicate flowers or animal images. If the living room is combined with the hallway, the theme of the picture can smoothly move from one room to another. For small corridors and hallways choose the plots in bright colors to visually expand the room.

The image must be well covered, so the perfect option is to choose the wall in the apartment opposite the window

Bedroom - a place to sleep and relax. The painting in the bedroom should not be aggressive. The motive is usually associated with sleep: pacifying landscapes, sunset, starry sky, zodiac signs. Often in the bedroom do painting walls in oriental style. Cleaning Arabesques fill the room atmosphere of eastern fairy tales. Graffiti and contrasting drawings for the bedroom are not suitable.

Children's is a special room in which the child holds. The interests of the kid do not always coincide with the desires of adults. Ideas for painting walls in the nursery should come from a child, because it is its territory. No matter how much the parents want to do everything to their taste and draw a flower field or the sky in the clouds, you will have to accept the desires of the child. Preschoolers often choose the plots of cartoons, school children - pirate ships and castles, teenagers prefer graffiti, abstraction, etc.

The kitchen appropriate paintings depicting food. It can be various still lifes, orchard, ancient fireplace, etc. It is also being relevant extensive panoramas with beautiful views. The wall painting in the kitchen is best done on the opposite surface of the surface of the surface, so that fat and water will not fall on the painting.

Unusual wall decor with their own hands (video)

Do it yourself

Professional wall painting is expensive, because this is handmade. The price depends on the complexity and size of the pattern. For the murals of the walls in the interior with their own hands, artists use, of course, complex and require certain skills and skills. But the simple pattern can be created for everyone. The painting of walls in the apartment with their own hands is usually performed using:

  • stencil;
  • contour;
  • slide projection.

Starting work follows from surface preparation. The wall is aligned with plaster or drywall. Then you should apply several layers of putty. And the primer is applied to each layer, so that the putty will crack over time. On this surface, the paint will feel good and will last for a long time. Before painting and apply the drawing, the wall is painted in the background color and waiting until complete drying.

Stencil allows you to quickly apply a color or monophonic pattern. With it, it is possible to draw graffiti, a vegetable pattern, an interesting ornament. It is only necessary to attach a stencil to the selected surface and carry out a brush.

Apply the contour image is also quite simple. The finished image like is played by contour on the surface. However, the image should not be too complicated. The contour is drawn with a pencil, and if something fails, the drawing can be wiped with a damp cloth and start over. Further drawing is simply painted with paints. Even a child will cope with a simple plot.

Apply the painting on the projection of the slide will be able to those who have a special apparatus. The image is simply projected onto the surface, then the contours need to be obliged, and drawing coloring. Using the projection slides, it is fairly easy to apply graphics on the wall.

The paint for work can be chosen any. Usually use water-emulsion or acrylic paints. Acrylic is indispensable for the bathroom, where the humidity is always increased. Beautifully looking watercolor walls, but they are not suitable for every room. Children can be painted with a child even a gouache, but with the condition that no one will rub and wash the image. It is even better to cover the masterpiece with several layers of varnish. The modern industry produces a huge number of different decorative paints that are sprayed to the surface, light in the dark, etc. Create with their help unusual drawings on the walls will be even at a novice artist.

Art painting of walls in the interior with their own hands - the work is not the simplest. But such an image is created with warmth and love, because each artist leaves the soul particle in his writings. In addition, the painting of walls with their own hands is the original design, which there will be no one for sure.

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in 05/26/2018 166 views

Exclusive design of walls with their own hands

A classic combination of colors in the interior can be compared with a series of repetitive strips of human life. Clear lines and strict forms are always appropriate and easily combined with any style. No wonder the interest in black and white photography does not lose its relevance, despite the appearance of color pictures. The striking possibilities for transferring the depth of the image with only two colors still inspire designers, photographers and fashion designers.

  • Influence of graphics on the interior
  • Several ideas for incarnation
  • Achieving a common balance
  • Non-standard drawings always fascinate, emphasize the originality of the style

    Influence of graphics on the interior

    Wall painting There are millions of years, which confirm the excavations of archaeologists. With the advent of new opportunities and modern technologies, people continue to use graphic drawings to decorate their housing and give it unique features. Graphics in the interior resembles a picture of an artist with coal sticks or a simple pencil. Often, only a few lines allow you to make the design originality, which is no less effective than screaming art objects.


    Graphics as it is impossible to be suitable for the workplace arrangement. The black and white palette helps to focus, work in creativity and does not distract attention. In addition to entering the interior of some novelty, it can be used in such an important quality:

  • for the formation of the visual center of the designer composition;
  • erasing the boundaries of functional zones in the studio apartment;
  • configuration modeling due to an increase in the ceiling or expansion of a narrow wall with a literate selection of the pattern;
  • creating a unique design in finishing or furniture subjects;
  • underscore characteristic signs of style, for example, high-tech or modern;
  • dilution of the bright palette of the paint of the interior used in the creation of pop art and kitche;
  • transfiguration of decor elements by coloring flower pots and lamps.
  • Office decor walls

    As a plot, you can choose an image of animals, night city, various philosophical lines, abstraction or flower arrangements. It is especially attractive in modern interiors looks 3D graphics, expanding the boundaries due to the visual increase in space.

    Tip! Use the graphics to combine the functional zones or to create accents on the walls, the ceiling, furniture.

    Smoothing the ceiling lines using graphics

    Basic rules for creating graphics

    For the most spectacular impact, graphics better apply on a neutral background. Most often, black and white drawing in the interior is found in the form of black lines on a white wall.

    Tip! In small rooms, it looks great ornament, ethnic motifs or mandala.

    For example, Dream Catcher in the bedroom over the bed will be a bright accent in neutral colors. A more dynamic drawing is suitable for the office, creating a powerful energy: an image of a flying aircraft or rushing at high velocity of the car.


    Decoration of the wall in the living room in need of adding an emphasis will require a more complex pattern. A symmetric composition with a multitude of parts will be very interesting for consideration.

    Tip! When decorating the lounge zone, it is desirable to avoid sharp corners and pay attention to the gradual transitions with streamlined forms. Such graphics will help to tune in to a full-fledged rest and fully relax.

    Recreation area with light tropical wall decoration

    In the room with a neutral color scheme, black and white graphics can create unwanted dissonance, so its sharp features are better to soften.

    Idea! For these purposes, the mirror elements of the decor with a chrome surface reflecting the drawing are perfectly suitable.

    If graphics are the main acting person in the interior, the LED backlight will help strengthen the effect and highlight the composition.

    Accent decor in the hallway

    Tip! The use of graphics involves the manifestation of creative abilities rather, and not following clear rules. The main goal of this technique is to create a comfortable housing in which it is pleasant to be.

    Original wall design in a cafe

    Several ideas for incarnation

    Graphics in the interior can be in the form of a picture on a wall made using airbrushing. No less interesting look painting and frescoes. A small glow from the inside creates a mysterious atmosphere and is excellent for gothic interiors.

    Tip! Starting artists will help stencils with ready-made images.

    Different inscriptions used in cafes and restaurants are increasingly found in the modern kitchen interior. There you can also place newspaper pages under the glass of the table, adding English aesthetics interior.


    Black and white graphics on the wall has a lot in common with a tattoo on the body: the desire to move away from conservative obstacles by self-expression. The Bunctric Spirit of the schedule holder is immediately felt due to the bold solution to apply a similar image instead of the usual picture. With the only difference that repaint the wall is much easier than getting rid of the broken tattoo. So, the experiment deserves attention, and it's not worth afraid to be afraid of the framework of the traditional finish.

    Graphic pattern, which can be transferred to any section of the wall

    Achieving a common balance

    To obtain a harmonious combination of colors, you need to focus on that effect that causes each shade. If white has the properties of expansion of space and filling it with air and light, then black, on the contrary, is able to bring a note of noura and mystery. Therefore, when creating graphics, it is important to take into account the humming of the room, the stream of natural light and its preferences.

    On a note! If the ultimate design goal assumes a twilight in a bedroom or living room, then it is definitely not worth limiting in the use of black color.


    Another feature of black is his ability to emphasize the surface proportion. Any unusual shape or texture can go to the fore and become a "highlight" of the interior.

    Important! If the surface is imperfect, has sharp corners or narrow openings, then it is better not to focus on such disadvantages.

    Not in vain fashion designers often turn to black color as a showcase: it as a magnet attracts the views of others.

    Stencil image

    To smooth out the transitions and dilute the contrast slightly, you can add a gray shada palette into the graph by analogy with a black and white photo. If the flashes of pure color are turned on in such a picture without muted tones, the graphics will play the scope and the picture will become more alive.

    • Volume is achieved with effect of depth of space. Black elements seem to come forward, and white, on the contrary, slightly removed from the viewer.
    • If you add some paints, it turns out a unique decor

      Tip! Black and white graphics are very practical: if necessary, the drawing can be supplemented with paints, change or beat with scenery.

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The scope of graphic elements in the design is not limited to the development of sketches of packages, posters and book covers. Whether you are sitting in a cozy cafe or rummage along the cargo forgotten by the motorway towards the adventure - the graphics surrounds you everywhere. It doesn't matter whether you are a professional designer or simply have a good taste - in this post you will certainly find several useful ideas.

Graphic colors

First of all, be bolder in choosing furniture. A good option is Poang Chair from IKEA. Of course, not all furniture should have a "screaming" coloring - quite enough one or two chairs, which will perform in the interior with focusing elements.

Geometry forms

Add accessories in the design of which the combinations of various geometric shapes prevail - for example, this lantern from H & M Home. Although the most characteristic feature of the modern interior is considered minimalism, "geometric" accessories does not happen much.

Typographic elements

Most people have a Society 6 brand associated primarily with T-shirts and various decorative baubles. However, the company also produces bed linen, shower blinds and other accessories that will help you bring a typographic style element in the interior of your home. Take a look at the print, decorating this duvet cover - concise, modern and at the same time quite expressive.


Straight lines must be the main motive in the design of any element of the "graphic" interior - from light sources to furniture and, of course, accessories. This wooden table lamp from MUUTO will help to give the interior feeling of graphics and reproduce the effect of the "sculptural group" in any office.


Graphics in the interior can turn the trivial appearance of the house in a picturesque art space, decorated with black and white paints and drawings with interesting plots.

Using illustrations in the interior creates expressive focal points and visually modifies the structure of residential space.

A very fresh solution for designing a dining area, despite the advantage of black and white gamut. Bright yellowish accents are diluted with interior monochrome

The role of graphic art in the interior

Graphic drawings of the time of time decorated the housing of a man, giving his appearance unique features. Many artists for drawing paintings on canvas and illustrations on the walls were actively used coal sticks and stylized pencils.

The picturesque objects of art, found in the interior, magnetically attract the eyes of the surrounding, admissive than the fineness of execution and trying to solve the plot of the drawn composition. Therefore, the drawings depicted on the accent walls, ceilings, furniture and other parts of the situation are a popular way to highlight the central components of the interior pattern, an effective method for combining functional zones and spaces into a single integer.

Large studio room of a spacious apartment in gray tones. The focus center is a large volumetric abstraction on the wall above the sofa, which supports the overall mood of the room

Important! The graphics are interpreted as a type of visual art, which uses the monochrome palette of the paints: black, white and gray. In the process of creating drawings, straight lines are used, images of different geometric shapes, strokes, contours, tonal contrast of light and dark tones.

From the point of view of designers, graphics on the walls in the interior decorated with acromatic colors, ideal for finishing offices, home offices, libraries and other parts of the house, where the situation should dominate, which has a workforce or intellectual leisure. The neutral palette of the paints contributes to the work of creativity and fruitful activity, since the calm range of colors is not annoying and does not distract attention from performing certain tasks.

Despite the limited choice of paints for drawing, according to A. Ber, "Graphics are a special world of expressive opportunities, where black, white and gray interacts with each other in an infinite number of options." It is difficult to disagree with a German artist, because black and white drawings are able to make a note of novelty to the picture of the interior, solve many design tasks:

  • form a visual center of the interior composition;
  • erase the border between functional zones in the studio sample apartment;

  • modeling the asymmetric configuration of the residential premises - visually increase the height of the ceiling with a wall decor with a vertical image, moving to the ceiling, reduce the length of the high wall due to the image of several parallel horizontal black and white lines, drawn in the middle of the wall throughout the perimeter of the room;

  • growing an expressive line between the elements of the black and white decoration of the bathroom, kitchen or other residential premises;

  • create a unique design of furniture by applying monochrome images to the coupling of the sofa or the facade of the wardrobe;

  • emphasize the characteristic signs of modern design destinations - High Tek and Modern;
  • dilute the bright palette of the paint interior performed in the manner of pop art, boho or kitsch;

  • transform the appearance of the interior parts or create a unique decor - draw a dial on the wall with anterior patterns or strict geometric abras, decay the flower pots or vases with ornaments, harmoniously overhanging the prints used in the interior.

The art of creating magnificent compositions with the help of achromatic colors has the units of hypereal artists who thoroughly know the rules of the game of light and shadows. Among them are the names of the world famous masters of picturesque art: Stephen De-Kruk, Mattias Adolfisson, Sandra Javad, Diego Fazio, George Nova, Caesar Del Valya, Linda Haber. Reproductions of their paintings depicted by a stylist pencil are often used for autoivenings, decorating walls of public institutions and houses, where monochrome tones are opposed as the main colors of the interior design palette.

Portraits, animal images, philosophical plot lines, telling about global problems of humanity, black and white stripes of life, abstraction, requiring the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist's ideas, will definitely become the main attractions of the house, emphasizing the reverence of the owners of the visual art in graphical execution.

Tip! 3d graphics possesses limitless potential. The interior can find the features of the guide, if you personally create a sketch image in a graphics editor with a plot advertising the concept of the selected stylistic direction, hobbies of households or objects that they dream.

A sketch of a black and white pattern can be used as a template for creating the design of photo wallpaper, decor of mirror facades, stretch ceilings, a panel of ceramic tiles or modular paintings.

Graphics in the interior: use rules

To avoid creating a sad atmosphere in rooms where black and white compositions are dominated, you need to correctly choose a place to place the paintings. Graphics in the interior presents presentable on a neutral background due to decoration of snow-white, pastel light blue, beige or pearly tone. By choosing such an original way to decorate the inner housing shell, it is worth remembering the rules for the application of graphic compositions:

  1. In spacious premises, there is a surrounding chart in the interior, the photo of which it is worth selecting in the process of creating a design project. With the help of 3D interior visualization, you can clearly appreciate many nuances of choosing graphic illustrations: evaluate a proportionate and balanced combination of colors and their gradations, correctly select a dominant color that connects all other tones among themselves, reduce or increase the tonal saturation, stop the choice on the optimal picture of the picture.

  2. In small rooms, black and white ornaments, patterns and ethnic motifs are organically looking. For example, the mandala of the graphics in the interior can fill the atmosphere with notes of mysteriousness and sacral magic. The most suitable for the interior decorated with graphic patterns with geometric components will be a schematic ornament of Sri Yantra with a framed composed of rectangular elements.

  3. In the representative areas of the house you should use to decorate the walls of the walls with a dynamic character, creating an illusion of movement: graphics with an image of a car running on a high speed, breaking through the space of a rocket, liner or aircraft. This will create an energetic emotional atmosphere, charging the driving mood of others during the long-awaited meetings with guests.

  4. Lounge zones must be decorated with static black and white drawings without acute edge and curvilinear lines. Graphics with streamlined abdomen and gradual transitions of tones configures on spiritual soothing and measured rest.

  5. Accent walls should be made by symmetric compositions, allowing to fully consider each part of the graphic pattern.

  6. To highlight a picturesque composition, it is worth adding it to LED backlighting or sideways directed to the main dominant of the interior pattern.

    Unusual geometric abstraction made in graphic technology

  7. To bright illustration, decorated with sharply contrasting black and white tones, organically looked against the interior with a neutral palette, should combine it with mirror panels or chrome wall metal panels capable of reflecting a graphic pattern.

    Light living room in monochrome tones with graphic drawings decorated in frame

  8. With the help of graphic compositions, objects of adoption as a link between parts of the space reflecting the canons of different interior genres can be placed on the walls of the house. For example, combine a colorful provence with aesthetics of the Mediterranean style with the help of black and white engines departing natural motives and diluting a bright palette of paints.

Tip! There are no strict rules for decorating residential space in the interior design.

Therefore, you can confidently trust the personal aesthetic taste in the process of the transformation of the environment, with confidence, paint the walls of the house, without fear to put a bliss in a prominent place, since the modern design direction welcomes the manifold, simplicity and imperfect forms in any manifestation.

Variations of graphic compositions

Graphics in the interior can be presented in different images:

  • In the form of a bright picture performed in the equipment of airbrushing. With the help of an airbrush, the master can apply any image on a metal, glass, wooden panel or perfectly plastered wall. Due to the skillful combination of black and white colors, professionals create amazingly beautiful graphic drawings, from which it is difficult to translate a look at another detail of the situation. Therefore, that the surrounding interior items do not merquis against the background of dynamic images, it is worth adding the composition of chords in the form of a red-white or yellow-black upholstery of chairs, a curtain of green or blue, unwittingly distracting attention from flawlessly executed graphics on the wall.

  • In the form of painting or frescoes decorated with acromatic paints. The unique technology of applying black and white images on the wall, covered with a thick layer of Levkas (primer base). This material use icon painters. It emits a barely noticeable glow from the inside, fascinating the reflections. Such an original type of graphics will effectively look at the interiors filled with notes of attractive antiquity and genuine luxury: in homes where aesthetics of vintage, classics, ar-deco, gothic are dominated.

  • In the form of all sorts of inscriptions, reflecting the foundations of letters (art creation of drawings with the help of letters written by calligraphic handwriting). Slogans with a positive meaning, life devises or quotes of idols are organically looking at the walls painted by a monophonic color. A huge advantage of using such a type of graphics in the interior is an opportunity to easily modify the decor of the walls.

  • In the form of drawings transferred to the wall using stencils. With the task of applying a graphic illustration, anyone who wants to dilute the boring look of housing with bright images or inscriptions. To do this, you can choose stencils with a pattern or slogan, imposing aesthetics of the interior genre, attach the template to the wall using double-sided tape and perform the decor with the alternate use of quick-drying black, white and gray paint in the canopy.

  • In the form of a passe, which can be made with your own hands. In a white frame made of wood, plastic or cardboard, you can place black and white pictures of your favorite painters, printed on the printer, or comfortable and causing smile children's drawings. The original graphics in the interior of the surrounding will cause no less delight than the original of the Great Artist.

  • In the form of newspaper pages, placed inside the glass dining table tabletops or kitchen headset. An organic supplement will be the design of a kitchen apron by throwing wallpaper with a newspaper print. Such a nontrivial decoration of the kitchen is impressed by the interior with aesthetics of English style, retrostil and pop art.

Graphics in the interior in any hypostasis, whether it is a beautiful black and white picture with an intricate plot line, placed in the living room, or comics depicted on the wallpaper of a teenager, always look accelerate and cause interest among others. Therefore, boldly introduce fashionable art objects in the appearance of the house, which will make guests a non-trivial approach to the decor and the ability to enter the interior of graphic compositions, often found in everyday life: on posters, black and white photos, reversal of books, newspapers, advertising banners and signs.