Natural conditions and resources. Brazil country description

Brazil- the largest state in Latin America. In the north it borders on Guyana, Venezuela, Suriname, French Guiana, in the northwest - with Colombia, in the west - with Peru and Bolivia, in the southwest - with Paraguay and Argentina, in the south - with Uruguay. In the east it is washed by the Atlantic Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Portuguese brasa, which means "heat, hot coals" (as the Portuguese called red sandalwood, which for some time was the main export from Brazil to Europe).





176 500 thousand people

Administrative division

The state is divided into 23 states, one metropolitan area and 3 federal territories.

Form of government

Republic, with a federal state structure.

Head of state

President elected for 5 years.

Supreme Legislature

National Congress (bicameral parliament, consisting of the Federal Senate and the Chamber of Deputies).

Supreme executive body


Big cities

Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Belo Horizonte, Recife, Curitiba, Porto Alegre, Belém, Manaus, Fortaleza.
Official language... Portuguese.


89% - Catholics (Roman Catholic Church), quite big number residents officially professing occult religions.

Ethnic composition

55% are Europeans (Portuguese, Italians, Spaniards), 38% are mestizo, 7% are from Africa.



On the territory of Brazil, 6 main climatic zones are distinguished: equatorial, tropical, high-altitude tropical, Atlantic tropical, semi-arid, subtropical. On more territory the average annual temperature of the country is above + 20 ° С, which is due to the proximity of the equator and the low rise of the terrain. In general, tropical regions of Brazil are characterized by dry winters and rainy summers. Annual precipitation decreases from 3000 mm in the western Amazonian lowland to 500 mm in the northeast.


The territory of the Amazon basin is covered with jungle - evergreen humid rugged tropical jungle. The rest of the territory is dominated by tropical forests.


The fauna of Brazil is characterized by puma, jaguar, ocelot, anteater, fox, monkeys, deer, armadillo, tapir, rare bush dog, sloth, possum, crocodile, a large number of birds, insects and reptiles. Caimans and piranhas are dangerous in the rivers.

Rivers and lakes

The largest rivers are the Amazon, Parana, San Francisco. The latter forms a cascade of Paulo Afonso waterfalls with a height of 84 m.


The historic quarters of Ore Preto have been meticulously restored and are currently protected as a national treasure of Brazil and a monument of world importance. The capital is home to the Itama-rati Palace, the Cathedral, the Museum of Modern Art, the Indian Museum, the Ethnographic Museum and many others. The symbol of Rio de Janeiro is Mount Corco Vado with a statue of Christ the Savior. The annual carnival is famous.

Useful information for tourists

Traditional shopping - interesting and entertaining souvenirs: Native American vessels, Negro amulets or pau-brazil mahogany products. The best place for buying souvenirs - the Hippie fair on Sunday. Rio also has large shopping centers- Rio Sul and Barra Shopping. Serious shopping to do in Brazil is natural gems: diamonds, emeralds, topaz.
Brazil is one of the ten most criminal countries in the world. It is not recommended to wear expensive jewelry, large sums of money, leave clothes, cameras and wallets unattended on the beach, accept invitations from unfamiliar people. Do not visit torch (slum) areas even during daytime. Never leave documents, money and Jewelry in the hotel room (hotels are not responsible for the loss of things from the room). On the resort outskirts of Rio, in Manaus, at the Iguazu Falls, it is safe.
Tipping in expensive restaurants and bars is 10% of the bill (if it does not include a service charge); in cheap eateries - 1-2 reais; the cafe on the beach is not accepted; the porter at the hotel or airport is given 1 real; the taxi driver is rounded up.

Area - 8.5 million sq. km.

Population - 171 million people. (2000).

The capital is Brazil.

Geographical position, general information

Brazil is the largest state in South America, located in its central and eastern parts. The length of the land borders is about 16 thousand km, in the east for 7.4 thousand km. the country is washed by the Atlantic.

For nearly three centuries, Brazil was a Portuguese colony. Independence was proclaimed in 1822, slavery was abolished in 1888, and the monarchy was overthrown in 1889. Currently, Brazil is a federal republic, administratively divided into 23 states, 3 territories and federal district.

Natural conditions and resources

Brazil covers almost 1/2 of the mainland. In relief, they are clearly distinguished: the northern low-lying swampy plain of the Amazon, covered with the richest gilea on earth, and the southern elevated part occupied by the Brazilian plateau (average height 2,500 meters), which is high hilly plains, mountains and depressions. There are also lava plateaus. This territory has a unique mineral resource base (especially for ore reserves), there is a lack of fuel resources.

The western Amazon lies in an area of ​​a constantly hot and humid equatorial climate, the eastern part of the Amazon and the center of the Brazilian Highlands - in the subequatorial climate. In the eastern part of the plateau, hot and humid tropical is widespread, in the south of Brazil, subtropical. The change of climatic zones and sectors causes a change natural areas: wet and variable moisture forests, shrub and tall-grass savannas, areas of subtropical vegetation. As a result, Brazil has unique water, forest, soil and climatic resources, which creates the basis for the development of industrial economy.

Brazil ranks 5th in terms of population. The era of colonization of the country is associated with the massive entry of European immigrants and the import of blacks from Africa. The Brazilian nation has a complex ethnic composition. Whites make up 54%, blacks - 5.9%, mulattos 38.5%, there are also Portuguese, Spaniards, Germans, Ukrainians, Japanese, etc. The average population density is 20 people / sq. km., but within a narrow coastal strip (7% of the territory), almost 1/2 of the total population lives, and in the west, the density does not exceed 1 person / sq. km. The rate of natural growth of the population in Brazil, in last years, decreased and amount to 1.6%. There is a large proportion of children in the age structure of the population. There are sharp contrasts in the living standards of different segments of the population and different regions country. Urbanization is developing rapidly (now the share of the urban population is 77%). The largest metropolitan areas are Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, El Salvador, Fortaleza.

Brazil is one of the key countries in the developing world. In terms of GDP, it ranks first in Latin America, and in terms of industrial production it is in the top ten largest countries the world.

The share of industry in GDP is 33%, and agriculture is 11%.

The mining industry - despite fast development and a rich resource base, the share of this industry in GDP is small. But Brazil ranks I in the world in the extraction of iron ore, apatite, II in the production of beryllium, III in. mining of bauxite, IV - mining of gold, asbestos, tin. The iron ore industry is largely exported.

Energy. In spite of fast growth of oil production in Brazil, up to 90% of electricity is produced at hydroelectric power plants, alternative sources(most cars run on alcohol), firewood, coal, one nuclear power plant is in operation.

Ferrous metallurgy works on its own ore, but on imported coke. The country is among the top ten world steel producers (smelting - 25 million tons). The largest factories are located in the states of Minas Gerai and São Paulo.

Non-ferrous metallurgy. The most developed production of aluminum on its own bauxite.

Mechanical engineering and metalworking takes a leading place in the manufacturing industry in terms of product value.

Transport engineering is well developed (primarily the automotive industry: Brazil produces one million cars a year.

The country occupies the 4th place in the world in the construction of sea vessels, the successes of aircraft construction are noticeable. The production of electronic computers is developing rapidly. The main centers of the industry are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

Agriculture accounts for about 12% of GDP. it employs 30% of the EAN. In the structure of the industry, crop production is the leader (60% of the value of all production, and in the course of the evolution of land use and land tenure systems, the institution of large land ownership - latifundia (80% of all cultivated land) has developed. In addition, small land ownership - minifundia is widespread. specific gravity the latter is small, but it is they who produce the bulk of food (and not export, as on latifundia plantations) crops for domestic consumption of cereals, legumes, and potatoes. Brazil is a traditional producer and exporter of a number of agricultural products: coffee, sugar cane, soybeans, corn, cocoa, bananas, cotton, and also has a significant livestock population. In the north of Brazil, there are huge forest areas of the Amazon (60% of the territory). But stocks of valuable tree species are used irrationally and poorly. The most important is the collection of rubber, the procurement of nuts and medicinal plants.

Livestock in Brazil is mainly meat, accounting for about 40% of the value of agricultural products. Pasture cattle breeding prevail, as well as high-value beef cattle breeding in combination with vegetable growing.

In the territorial structure of the economy, there is a pronounced shift in the distribution of the economy and population to the west, to the oceanic part, where the "industrial triangle" of Brazil is located - an area between the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, characterized by a high population density and the most highly developed industry.

The development of the Amazon (3/5 of the area) is the main task of the regional policy, for this purpose a new capital, Brasilia, was built in the center of the country.

In the 70s, the Transamazonskoe highway (length - 5.5 thousand km) was built, contributing to the settlement and development of the Amazon.

Transport arteries (at first - railways) began to form in the 19th century. And now, new and modernized railway lines mainly connect mining centers and agricultural production areas with ports.

Car roads, although they are the longest in Latin America and carry most of the passengers, do not meet the needs of the country, moreover, they are unevenly distributed throughout the country. In the development of foreign trade relations, an exceptional role is played by sea (98% of all foreign trade cargo) and air transport.


The involvement of the pristine forests of the Amazon in economic activities has led to a serious violation of the ecology of the region. This was mainly due to deforestation and flooding of vast territories during the construction of run-of-river hydroelectric power plants. Despite a number of steps taken by Brazil (like other countries located in the Amazon Basin), the country's environmental management system cannot be called rational.

help me please! plan for describing the country according to plan. Brazil.

  1. Kapets, just thank you, there are no words!
  2. Thank you very much, keep up the good work! :)
  3. thanks
  4. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  5. Geographical characteristics of Brazil

    Brazil is in South America and occupies about half of the mainland. It is the fifth largest country in the world. The national composition of Brazilians is diverse: Indians, Negroes, Caucasians, etc., as well as people of mixed origin. Most use Portuguese, but there are many words of Indian and African origin.

    During the colonization of the country, a lot of wood of a tree called brazil was exported from it. Hence the name of the country.

    Brazil is distinguished by a variety of natural complexes. In natural areas, the Amazon and the Brazilian Highlands are distinguished.

    The Amazon occupies a flat lowland. Once upon a time there were ancient seas, rivers and lakes. As a result, there are now a lot of loose sediments here. There are many deep rivers in the Amazon, it is covered with evergreen wilds.

    The relief on the Brazilian Highlands is varied. There are elevated plains and low mountains. In the east, the plateaus drop abruptly towards the Atlantic Ocean. Crystalline rocks here contain ores various metals... There are many waterfalls on the rivers of the plateau.

    The climate in Brazil is different. Moving from north to south, it changes from equatorial in the Amazon to subtropical in the south of the Brazilian Highlands and in the pampas. However, the climate also changes from west to east. Tropical rainforests are replaced by savannas with distance from the ocean. Along the rivers there are forests dominated by wax palms.

    Mixed and evergreen forests grow in the south of Brazil.

    The vast majority of Indians live in the Amazon (about 1.5 million people). Their tribes are engaged in hunting, fishing and farming. The rest of the Brazilians are called Creoles. Most Brazilians live in cities. The capital of Brazil is Brasilia, one of the most beautiful cities is Rio de Janeiro.

    Traditions of different peoples are intertwined in the culture of the country.

    Socio-economic in Brazil there are many extremes. Advanced industry and science are combined with the existence of the poorest areas in the cities.

    In Brazil, a lot of iron, aluminum and manganese ores, as well as bauxite and oil are mined. Strongly developed Agriculture... Coffee, cocoa beans, cotton, sugar cane, etc. are grown.

    Deforestation, mining operations damage the nature of the country, which in the future may lead to the emergence of deserts. To counteract this, National parks, laws on nature conservation are being adopted.

  6. lolthank you
  7. thanks a lot
  8. 1. Political, economic, physical, climatic;
    2. In the eastern part of the mainland. Brasilia;
    3. Along the Atlantic coast there is a coastal plain, which narrows greatly within the states of Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo, where the Brazilian Highlands scarp close to the ocean. The northern part of the coastal plain stretches from the state of Rio Grande do Norte to Espirito Santo, while the southern part occupies the coast of the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul. The transition from plain to highland is gradual in the far north, in the southern regions it becomes more abrupt. On the ocean side, the coastal plain is bordered by sandy beaches, lagoons and swamps. A few convenient natural harbors are located where the mountains rise to the very shore. An illustrative example serves as the harbor of Rio de Janeiro Guanabara Bay. Port Santos was artificially created in poorly drained coastal lowlands.
    The width of the coastal plain ranges from 80 km in the south to less than 16 km in the north. In the section from Rio de Janeiro to Rio Grande do Norte, there is a narrow strip with flat-topped table outliers from 45 to 150 m high, composed of subhorizontal layers of sandstone. To the west of this strip rises the edge of the highland, in some places up to 900 m above sea level. m. South of the state of Bahia, the sedimentary cover of the coastal plain is broken in places by granite outliers, similar to the famous Mount Pan di Asucar (literally sugarloaf) over the Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro. Fertile red-colored soils are developed in the deltas of the Rio Dosi and Zhekitinhonya rivers and at the foothills of granite outcrops, where the products of bedrock weathering have accumulated; cotton, tobacco, cocoa and sugar cane have been cultivated in these areas for almost 400 years. ;
    4. Brazil is less diverse than its topography. Although Brazil is a tropical country, there are few areas unfavorable for permanent residence too hot, too humid, or at the same temperature.
    5. The Amazon is formed outside Brazil by the confluence of the Marañona and Ucayali rivers and has a length of 6400 km from the source of Marañon and more than 7000 km from the source of Ucayali. Its length within the country is 3165 km. The area of ​​the Amazon basin in Brazil is about 4.8 million square meters. km (almost 60% of the total area of ​​the basin). The width of its channel on the border with Peru is more than 1.5 km, in the middle reaches, near the city of Manaus 5 km, in the lower reaches up to 20 km, and at the mouth reaches 80 150 km. The depth of the river in the middle course is about 70 m, near the town of Obidus 135 m, at the mouth from 15 to 45 m. Numerous tributaries flow into the Amazon. The largest right tributaries are the Purus (3 thousand km), Zhurua, Tapajos and Xingu (each about 2 thousand km long), Madeira (about 1.5 thousand km). Large left tributaries of the Rio Negro (more than 1.5 thousand km), Japura, Isa. ;
    6. The richness of the vegetation cover in Brazil is largely due to the diversity of the geographical, climatic, soil and hydrogeological conditions of the country. ;
    7. Brazil is uneven: 86.6% is in the North-East, South-East and South, which together cover only 36% of the country's area. In addition, in these areas, the population is concentrated in a coastal zone several hundred kilometers wide. The most densely populated wet agricultural coastal areas are in northeastern Brazil between Ilheus and Natal. In this coastal area, where sugar cane plantations are located, the population density is 100 people per sq. km, which is five times higher than the average for the entire country (19 people per 1 sq. km). The second densely populated region is the South-East with numerous coffee plantations. The least populated is the western Amazon, an area of ​​tropical rainforests.

The area is 8.5 million km2. Population - 173 million people. Federal Republic - 26 states and one federal district. The capital is. Brasilia


... Brazil is located in the eastern and central parts. South. Of America... The most big country on the mainland, occupies almost 50% of its area. It shares borders with all countries. South. America, except. Ecuador and. Chile. Length of borders. Brazil exceeds 23 thousand km (land - 16.5 thousand km m; coastline. Atlantic Ocean - 7.4 thousand km) in the northern part of the country crosses the equator, and in the southern -. Southern Tropic. The country's greatest length from west to east and from north to south is about 4300 km. Around the intersection of these long lines, the capital of the state is built.

Since 1983, the country has become a member of the Latin American Integration Association -. MERCOSUR and the subregional trade and economic association "La Platskogo group" - since 1969. From 1978 he was a member of the trade and economic formation "Amazon Pact".


Brazil ranks fifth in the world in terms of population, the state has a high natural population growth - 3 million people a year. The birth rate is 37 per 1000 people, and the mortality rate is 9 per 1000 people. 50% of the population is young people under 20 years old, over 50 years old - 10% of the population. The average lifespan is 63 rockrocks.

Insofar as. Brazil is a former Portuguese colony, then the Portuguese played the main role in the formation of both the country and the nation. The state language is Portuguese. With the development of coffee production. Did Germans, Swiss, Italians also travel here? Significant contribution to economic development the country was brought in by Japanese immigration in the 1930s (over 1 million people). Most of them were highly qualified specialists.

In general, Brazilians are a nation formed as a result of mixed marriages of Europeans, Negroes and Indians. Europeans make up 25%, blacks 10%, Indians 0.2%. Two-thirds is a mixed population (mulattos, sambo, mestizo).

Many areas. Brazil is poorly populated, the average population density is 20 people per 1 km2, and in. Amazon - 0.1 person per 1 km2. On the coast. The Atlantic Ocean in the state is home to 80% of the population, and its density ranges from 60-100 people per 1 km2. In order to redistribute the population across the country, the government decided to build a new capital closer to the central regions. Brazil, away from the sea, a few in the inhabitants of the city. Brasilia today exceeds 1 million units.

The number of urban population is rapidly growing in the state, its share is 65%. Most of the urban population. Brazil lives in cities with a population of over one million, located mainly on the coast. Atlantic Ocean ((Sao Paulo - 18.4 million people, Rio de Janeiro - 11.7 million people, Recife - 3 million people, Salvador - 3.5 million people, Porto Alegre - 3.5 million people, etc.).

The economically active population is more than 63 million people, and women make up only 20% of this category of the population. With an increase in the share of employed in the branches of material production, 45% of occupations of the fifth work in the service sector.

Natural conditions and resources

Brazil has large reserves of mineral resources, the structure of which is dominated by ore minerals. The reserves of energy resources in the country are insignificant and do not meet their own needs. So,. Brahe Ilia has relatively small deposits of coal in the southeast of the country. Large probable oil reserves c. Amazonian lowland, the territory of which is very poorly explored, and within the shelf zone. Atlantic Ocean, stretching for more than 7 thousand km. The lack of its own oil was the impetus for the widespread use of cane sugar alcohol as fuel in vehicles. Large deposits of uranium ores are of great importance for the power industry.

Brazil has large reserves of iron ore - 40 billion tons (second place after Russia), manganese ore (one of the first places in the world), significant deposits of various non-ferrous metal ores, in particular bauxite. Nike ale, tin, titanium and tungsten ores. For a long time. Brazil was famous for its large reserves of gold and precious stones. The country has insignificant reserves of raw materials for the chemical industry.

Relief. Brazil and the amount of precipitation falls here, contribute to the formation of an extensive river network, which plays a major role in the formation of its water and hydropower resources is of particular importance. The Amazon is the largest river in the world in terms of its basin area (7 million ?? km2). Brazil occupies one of the leading places in the world in terms of water resources, which are estimated at almost 120 million kW, of which only 50 million kW are used.

The country ranks second in the world after. Russia, in terms of forest resources, is large by. Earth's area of ​​humid equatorial forests (5 million km2) are located in. Amazon. Thanks to the huge reserves of forest ,. Brazil may in the future take one of the leading places in the world in its procurement and export "" /

According to natural conditions, the territory of the state can be divided into two parts: forest plains. Amazonian and tropical landscapes. Brazilian Highlands. The country's territory lies in the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic zones of the average annual

precipitation: 2000-3000 mm - in. Amazon, 1400-2000 mm - in the center. The Brazilian Highlands are arid territories located in the northeast. The Brazilian highlands (500 mm per year) generally have agro-climatic conditions. Brazil, in particular the growing season, which lasts almost all year, the amount and frequency of rainfall contribute to the cultivation of crops here that can be felt in a whirlpool in a limited number of countries of the world: coffee, cocoa, sugar cane.

Land resources . Brazil is over 750 million hectares, but agricultural land occupies less than 1/5 of the country's territory. Their structure is dominated by pastures

The largest state in South America is Brazil. The characterization of the country includes a description of the nature, population, government, economy and main development problems. Read our article and you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about this distant country.

Brazil: state characteristics (general information)

The Republic of Brazil is in the top five It occupies the entire east and center of the South American continent.

The city of Brasilia (amazing consonance with the name of the country!) Is the capital of the state of Brazil. The characteristic of this settlement can be as follows: a capital built from scratch. The city was really founded only in 1960 and was built just for the needs of the capital.

The configuration of Brazil is surprisingly compact: from north to south, the country stretches for 4320 km, from west to east - for 4330 km. The total length of all borders is simply amazing: almost 16,000 kilometers. Brazil shares borders with ten countries.

Characterization of the state is impossible without delving into its history. Initially, Brazil was a Portuguese colony (it was the Portuguese Pedro Cabral who was the first European to land on its shores in 1500). In 1822, the country declared its independence, and at the end of the same 19th century, it became a full-fledged republic with a bicameral parliament. Nevertheless, Portugal had a significant influence on the development of the South American state: the population of Brazil speaks Portuguese and professes (mostly) Catholicism.

Brazil: characteristics of natural conditions and resources

The relief of the country is very diverse: in the north - the low-lying valley of the Amazon River, in the south and in the center - the Brazilian Plateau, which abruptly drops off to the sea with rocky ledges. Mount Bandeira (2890 meters) is the highest point in the state of Brazil.

Characterization of the country is impossible without a description of climatic conditions. Brazil's climate is generally hot. Average temperatures, depending on the region, range from +15 to +29 degrees. Frosts occur only in certain areas. Precipitation ranges from 1200 mm in the center of the country to 2500-3000 mm in the Amazon.

The country's hydrographic network is very dense. Most of the territory is occupied by the world's largest Amazon river system. Summer floods, rapids and waterfalls are common in Brazilian rivers. Many of them also have significant hydropower reserves.

The bowels of Brazil are very rich in various minerals. Iron, manganese and bauxite, graphite and precious stones (in particular, diamonds) are mined here.

Brazilian population

The republic is home to 202 million people (it is the fifth largest in the world in terms of population). Brazil is characterized by a small, but still positive annual natural increase. About 85% of the country's inhabitants live in cities.

The official and most spoken language in Brazil is Portuguese. In addition to him, the population uses others: English, Spanish, French, Italian. The literacy rate of the population is almost 90%.

Most Brazilians (65%) consider themselves Catholics, another 22% are Protestants. Spiritualism, Buddhism, Islam, various Afro-Brazilian cults are also widespread in the country.

Economic potential of the country

A full characterization of Brazil is impossible without describing it National economy... The country has a colossal GDP level, this is the first economy in Latin America.

Both the mining and manufacturing sectors are well developed. The country produces almost the entire range of products, from simple consumer goods to computers and airplanes. Agriculture is also very developed.

Brazil's main exports are automobiles, coffee, soybeans, steel, footwear and textiles. V recent times the country's government is making every effort to expand its presence in world markets.

The main problems of the country's development

It will help to understand the main problems of the country Comparative characteristics Brazil and its main statistics with other states. The republic is among the top ten world economies in terms of the nominal size of GDP (7th place). In the ranking, Brazil is on the 79th line. In the ranking of countries in terms of corruption, the country occupies the 69th position, which also indicates the presence serious problems in this domain.

A comprehensive description of Brazil shows that this country is characterized by whole line chronic problems. Among them are high inflation rates, large external debt of the state, unemployment, corruption and poverty.

Another serious problem in Brazil is the uneven development of different regions of the country. Almost all industry is concentrated in its southern and southeastern parts (the state of São Paulo alone produces up to 65% of the total Country GDP). But the northeastern regions of Brazil are sheer poverty, illiteracy and lack of infrastructure.


This article presents a comprehensive description of Brazil as a state. The country is the largest in Latin America, and is also among the top ten world economies (in terms of nominal GDP). The main sectors of the economy: electric power, mechanical engineering (including aviation) and agriculture.

Brazil's economy and social sphere still have a number of serious problems, but the government is trying to solve them through reforms.