Ventilation in the kitchen - how it works and what it consists of. How ventilation is constructed in the kitchen: rules and diagrams of the hood device Ventilation from the kitchen hood to the ceiling

The kitchen, like no other room in the house, needs effective ventilation. After all, here not only does the level of humidity rise due to cooking, but also gas emissions occur. In this article, we will consider what ventilation should be in a kitchen with a gas stove, options for different air exchange schemes and their features.

General information

If there is no ventilation in the kitchen or does not work efficiently, this can lead to a number of negative consequences:

  • As a result of the increased humidity, mold will start to appear on the walls.
  • Fat and soot will settle on the surface of the decoration and furniture, respectively, the room will quickly lose its attractive appearance and become unusable.
  • The smell of food and burning during cooking will be carried throughout all areas of the dwelling.

In addition, as mentioned above, during the operation of gas burners, gas emissions occur, which have a toxic effect on the human body. Thus, effective ventilation is, first of all, the safety of the residents of a house or apartment, as well as the durability of kitchen furniture and furnishings.

Therefore, the requirements for ventilation of a kitchen with a gas stove are the most stringent - standard air flows here must be at least 70 cubic meters per hour.

Ventilation device

The construction of any house implies a ventilation device, which is planned at the stage of its design. As a rule, ventilation holes are located not only in the kitchen, but also in the bathroom, as well as in the toilet. However, during the operation of the house, the system becomes clogged and the efficiency of air exchange decreases.

Therefore, residents have to think about additional measures that will ensure the flow and outflow of air. To do this, first of all, you need to figure out what kind of ventilation systems schemes exist. In fact, they can all be divided into four types:

Natural ventilation

This scheme is found, as a rule, in old houses. With such a system, it is necessary to regularly check the thrust c.

This can be done in two ways:

  • There is always a grill under the ceiling for ventilation in the kitchen. You need to attach a piece of paper to it. If it is stuck, then there is traction and ventilation is working well.
  • You can bring a lighted match or lighter to the grate. In the presence of thrust, the flame should deflect into the interior of the system.

If such a check showed that the ventilation is faulty, you can try to remove the grill and clean it of dirt and dust, as well as clean the air duct, which is located in the access area. If these actions do not help, you need to seek help from specialists.

Often there are cases that, if there is traction in the system, the air exchange in the kitchen is still insufficient. In this case, it is necessary to equip the room.

Advice! To prevent reversal of the air flow, a check valve should be used to ventilate the kitchen. This device will also allow you to shut off the system if necessary and adjust the flow rate.


The exhaust ventilation system in the kitchen is one of the most common. First of all, it should be said that it is of two types:

  • General - instead of a ventilation grill, a fan is installed, which pumps air flows into the air duct.
  • Local - an exhaust device (hood) is installed above the stove, which, with the help of a fan, extracts all emissions of fat, steam and gas, preventing them from spreading throughout the room.

The most effective is ventilation in the apartment in the kitchen with an extractor hood. Most often it is a dome-shaped structure that is connected to the general ventilation using an air duct.

The section of the duct for ventilation in the apartment in the kitchen can be square or round. The most common is an air duct 130x130 mm. If its axis is offset relative to the axis of the ventilation hole, then the connection is carried out using a corrugated pipe. The hood itself can be attached to a wall or to a wall cabinet.

In order for the polluted air to leave the room, clean air must come from somewhere. If plastic windows are installed in the kitchen, then there are probably problems with the flow of clean air.

A supply valve, which can be installed in the wall with your own hands, will help to solve this problem.

In addition to providing fresh air access to the room, this device, like a check valve, also performs some other functions:

  • Allows you to adjust the intensity of the incoming air flow.
  • Filters incoming air.
  • It allows you to close the ventilation in the kitchen if necessary.

After installing such a valve, the air exchange efficiency will increase even more.

Advice! If the apartment has a kitchen with a ventilation protrusion, you can visually hide it using a cabinet. The best option in this case is custom-made furniture.


Fresh air ventilation by itself is quite rare in kitchens. As a rule, it works in conjunction with an exhaust hood, resulting in a supply and exhaust system.

If there is no hood, before installing the supply equipment, you need to make sure that there is good draft in the overall system. Otherwise, polluted air will mix with clean air and be carried to other areas of the house.

If the air outflow is well organized, then the easiest way is to provide a forced air flow using a special fan. This device looks like a supply valve.

The most advanced models of fans are equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, so they can work automatically. Some of them even have an air heating function. Despite the fact that the price of such devices is higher, they are a profitable purchase, since they allow you to reduce heating costs in the winter.

Installation instructions for such fans are quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to determine the place where the fan will be located, and drill a hole in the wall along the diameter of the device pipe.
  • Then you should install the device in the hole and foam the space between the wall and the pipe.
  • A protective grill must be installed on the outside of the wall.
  • After that, according to the instructions from the manufacturer, the device is connected to electricity.

This completes the installation of the device. The most difficult part of this operation is to drill a hole of the required diameter.

Advice! The ventilation of the kitchen in a private house, as a rule, is planned at the stage of construction. In this case, the best option is a common supply and exhaust system. The project of such ventilation must be carried out by specialists.


There are many ways to ensure effective air exchange in your kitchen. The most common option is an exhaust system with a local exhaust above the stove. Subject to all the conditions for its implementation, such ventilation will ensure the comfort and safety of being in the kitchen during the cooking process.

From the video in this article, you can gather some additional information on this topic.

Household men, as you know, strive to do every little thing in the house with their own hands in order to be sure of the result. It was they, probably, who came up with the worldly wisdom that if you want it to be done well, you must do it yourself.

Many, in an effort to improve the convenience and beauty of the interior, get to the kitchen ventilation system.

2 Classification of types of ventilation systems in the kitchen

When developing kitchen ventilation with your own hands, first of all, you should decide which of the types of hoods is most suitable for the kitchen, so that the wrong choice of its type does not lead to unwanted redevelopment of the room, or disruption of the kitchen interior. Or vice versa, if your plans include a radical redevelopment and a complete change in the interior of the room, then it is no less important for a new interior.

At the moment, there are several main types of this technique:

  • Dome hood- the traditional and most common option. Suitable for most classic kitchens.
  • Suspended- flat hood, often mounted between the hob and the wall cabinet. Does not violate the overall style of the interior.
  • Corner cooker hood- suitable for kitchens with a small area, in which, due to lack of space, the stove is located in the corner.
  • Island hood- designed for kitchens, the area of ​​which allows the hob to be placed on a kind of island in the middle of the room. Such a hood is installed to bring the interior of the room closer to the look of a professional kitchen.
  • - mounted in a cabinet, hiding its main part from prying eyes, as well as air ducts. An excellent option for those who do not want to violate the overall style and interior design.

Having decided which type of hood is right for you, you can start studying the intricacies of doing work on installing the ventilation system with your own hands.

2.1 Self-assembly and disassembly of kitchen ventilation systems

When installing a ventilation system with your own hands, it is important to initially correctly calculate the required hood power. Wrong performance choices can lead to system malfunction.

The calculation of the exhaust power is the key to the correct operation of the system

There is a standard formula for calculating the power of the hood: this is the volume of the room, multiplied by 12. The volume of the room is simply calculated by multiplying its area by the height. And the number 12 is the recommended standard for the number of air updates in the kitchen in one hour.

2.2 Choosing the Right Ductwork for Your Ventilation System

Having calculated the required power of the hood, you also need to select a pipe to connect the hood to the ventilation shaft, which is easy to reach by dismantling the decorative grill that hides it. Only choosing the right pipe diameter and length will ensure optimal performance of the ventilation system.

The most common options are and. The diameter of the duct must be selected based on the dimensions of the exhaust outlet. In no case should you install a pipe with a smaller diameter, as this will lead to a loss of system performance and to an increased noise level during its operation.

When installing the pipe connecting the hood to the ventilation shaft, it is advisable to avoid a large number of sharp turns in the duct, as this will inevitably have a detrimental effect on the power. If you cannot do without turns at all, it is advisable to make them smooth, with a large radius, or make one bend at 90 degrees in two stages of 45.

When the air duct is taken out not into the ventilation shaft, but directly to the street, the outlet of the pipe must be equipped with a grate, as well as a non-return valve. in this case, it will serve as a protection against foreign objects entering the air duct, and the check valve will not allow air flows to create a reverse draft.

The importance of proper ventilation

Unlike the times when most apartment buildings were designed, and ventilation rates were calculated based on the throughput of wooden windows, today's apartments for the most part are already equipped with plastic windows, which let in much less air from the outside.

This should also be taken into account in the calculations, since air in this case, during the operation of the hood, will begin to flow from the rest of the rooms of the apartment, as well as from the ventilation shaft located in the bathroom. By getting rid of one problem, we will thus amass the next. This can be avoided by installing forced ventilation in the outer wall. In fact, this is a piece of pipe through which, when the atmosphere in the kitchen is rarefied, air begins to flow from the outside.

Such a system should also be equipped with a grate and a non-return valve, but now this valve no longer allows air from the kitchen to escape. And the grill, traditionally, protects the air duct from debris and foreign objects. It is best to place them behind a heating radiator so that the air coming from the outside has time to warm up slightly.

The diameter of the pipe should be calculated based on the power of the hood, as well as the intensity of its use. In order not to complicate the task for yourself, sometimes, at low capacities of the hoods, it is enough to equip a plastic window in the kitchen with an inlet valve.

To be or not to be demolition of the ventilation duct?

Many, when redeveloping the kitchen, decide on the demolition, which, in their opinion, does not bring any benefit, but only occupies the usable area of ​​the room. In no case should you do this.

This box is not only an element of the interior. It is also part of the general building system of natural ventilation, and its demolition will inevitably lead to disruption of the ventilation shaft. Not only will the ventilation of your apartment be disturbed, but also the smells of neighboring apartments can become your regular guests.

In addition, the demolition of the box is simply prohibited, which can lead to problems if an unauthorized redevelopment of this type is detected by the competent authorities. In addition to penalties, you may also be required to rebuild the ventilation duct in the kitchen.

So, when changing the layout of the room, this opportunity should be abandoned. Therefore, since it cannot be removed, then you can make its decorative finish, harmoniously fitting it into the overall style of the interior.

2.3 Rules for the operation and prevention of kitchen ventilation system

Correct operation is the key to the efficiency of the system

During installation and subsequent use of the ventilation system in the kitchen, an important rule should be “do no harm”. Intervention in the original ventilation system during kitchen redevelopment should be such that would improve the original ventilation system, and not reduce its performance.

As mentioned above, when developing a ventilation system project and redeveloping a room, you need to refuse to demolish the ventilation box, as this is fraught with negative consequences for you and your neighbors.

The wrong choice of the exhaust power also affects the performance of the ventilation system. Too weak a hood will not be able to clean the air in time, and too strong for a given volume of the room will lead to an imbalance of air flows.

Also, one of the keys to the long-term operation of the system is its timely prevention.

Timely prevention is a guarantee of longevity and a way to save money

It is well known that during the operation of any equipment it is better to carry out prophylaxis on time than to subsequently carry out expensive repairs. Prevention of ventilation systems must be carried out regularly, and this is a fairly simple procedure that can also be done by hand, without the involvement of specialists.

The air ducts should be inspected at least once a year and, if necessary, cleaned of soot and dust. Also, the grate located at the end of the exhaust duct should be cleaned if it is brought out. It is equally important to clean the ventilation grill.

The grease grate located on the hood must be prevented as soon as it gets dirty. Sometimes it is enough to wash the grill with warm soapy water, without using aggressive detergents and hard metal brushes.

The wrong choice of detergent can deteriorate, damaging the coating. And the frequency of replacing the carbon filter must be calculated based on the intensity of use of the hood.

In general, the question of self-installation of the ventilation system is quite wide, but we hope that the information presented in our article helped you find out some of the nuances associated with this type of work. And the air ventilation system, installed by you yourself, will function properly, delighting with its functionality and complementing the interior of the kitchen.

It's no secret that ventilation in the kitchen is important for any home. In order to efficiently remove exhaust gases and provide fresh air, in addition to the existing communications, residents add an extractor hood. Immediately, we note that an incorrectly installed device will not create the expected effect, rather it will worsen the work of the existing natural ventilation. In our article we will find out in the kitchen, as well as get acquainted with the varieties of such systems.

Why do you need ventilation in the kitchen

When cooking food, various harmful substances accumulate in the kitchen. Some of them can be hazardous to human health. One of these is considered to be carbon monoxide, which accumulates in the air after the combustion of "blue fuel" or when cooking in a wood-burning stove. Its smell is not perceptible, and the substance itself cannot be qualitatively selected by charcoal filters. High concentrations of carbon monoxide lead to poisoning, and then to death. This is why it is important to develop an efficient kitchen air exchange scheme and remove this hazardous product.

When the burner of the gas stove is turned on, as well as when the water heater is in operation, a certain amount of natural gas that did not have time to burn enters the inner space of the room. Properly functioning natural ventilation installed in the kitchen can easily cope with such an emission, but its capacity will not be sufficient if fuel leaks from the pipelines. If a persistent odor of ethyl mercoptan is detected, call the emergency service.

There are other air pollutants in the kitchen:

  1. Chad from frying food is released in the form of processed particles of fat and sunflower oil. As a result of strong heating, such substances become dangerous for the inhabitants of the house, they settle on the walls of the room, dishes and furniture, as well as on our lungs. To effectively remove such particles, it is necessary to select the correct size of ventilation in the kitchen.
  2. In addition to the fumes, water vapor is emitted in the room. It is relatively harmless, but it can affect the indoor climate.

From the above, the only correct conclusion can be drawn about the need to use a high-quality ventilation system. It will remove kitchen odors and excess moisture.

Kitchen ventilation systems: natural or forced

Not everyone knows which ventilation scheme for the kitchen is better, the standard natural one, when exhaust gases go out through the channel to the street or forced (a fan is used to remove contaminated oxygen). There is no unequivocal answer to this question, because each of the hoods performs its functions, has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the kitchen, regardless of its location (in an apartment or a private house), a natural ventilation system is required. Particular attention should be paid to the operability of the equipment, and especially if there is a gas stove in the room. In this case, harmful emissions will be discharged to the outlet through the vertical channel of natural ventilation. The exhaust rules do not consider forced ventilation as mandatory engineering communications, it only ensures the comfort of the residents. Next, we will describe each of the types of air exchange in more detail, consider their strengths and weaknesses.

Natural ventilation in the kitchen

Exhaust ventilation in the kitchen is familiar to all residents through vertical shafts that have an exit on the roof of a residential building. Harmful substances and vapors are removed through such passages, and fresh air enters the premises through cracks in windows or special valves on frames. Warm air heated by the stove rises upward, it accumulates on the ceiling and goes out through the ventilation hole outside the house. In its place comes fresh oxygen from the street.

Correct, well-installed ventilation for the kitchen in the apartment removes a small amount of waste gas, but it does so in a constant mode. The ventilation duct cleared of debris is able to remove carbon monoxide and minor fuel leaks from kitchen equipment. For high-quality removal of foreign odors, an extractor hood should be installed above the stove.

Supply ventilation has the following advantages:

  • high-quality air exchange in the apartment;
  • removal of harmful substances that are released during cooking;
  • removal of odors and high humidity when several burners are turned on;
  • lack of financial investments for the operation of the system;
  • noiselessness.

Ventilation in a kitchen with a cooker hood has the following disadvantages:

  • decrease in work efficiency in the presence of hot weather;
  • the possibility of a return flow of air from the street to the kitchen;
  • relatively small volume of processed air per unit of time;
  • you need to constantly check the draft in the ventilation duct.

Not all owners of suburban real estate know how to properly arrange a natural ventilation system in a private house. In this case, the channels will be made in the walls of utility rooms such as bathroom, toilet and kitchen. For high-quality ventilation of the whole house, and not just these rooms, it is necessary to additionally let the air flow from the bedroom, living room or dining room. In some cases it is necessary to keep the windows open.

If a four-burner gas stove is installed in the kitchen, then the hourly volume of the processed air should be within 90m3. For efficient operation of the ventilation system, it is necessary to install a duct with a cross section of 0.02 m2. This parameter corresponds to a pipe diameter of 16 centimeters or a shaft made of bricks in the shape of a square with a side size of 14 centimeters. The entrance to the channel is located on the ceiling or at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from it. To ensure stable draft, a ventilation duct with a length of 5 meters or more is required.

Forced exhaust system

Forced ventilation refers to an engineering system in which polluted air flows are removed to the outside using a fan. In the kitchen, such appliances are mounted in different ways:

  • Into the vertical ventilation shaft.
  • Into the hole made in the wall of the building. In this case, the polluted air will be removed from the kitchen outside, bypassing the ventilation shafts.
  • The corrugated pipe from the cooker hood can be inserted into the window.
  • Some consumers install a special device, a hood, over the gas stove. Polluted air can escape from the kitchen into the natural ventilation shafts or directly to the street through a hole in the wall.

The advantages of connecting an exhaust fan or a kitchen hood are:

  1. Improved performance. Effective ventilation in the kitchen allows you to quickly remove odors and harmful substances accumulated in the air.
  2. The cooker hood above the stove removes harmful substances before they enter the room.

The disadvantages of the hood are:

  1. Dirty air is removed from the room only when the fan is running.
  2. Such a system requires financial investments. In addition to the cost of the hood itself, you will have to constantly pay for the electricity consumed.

When installing a fan in a mine, there are several important points to consider. The fact is that such a device has a check valve, which prevents the intake of dirty air when the hood is not working. This valve must be removed so that it does not interfere with the operation of the natural ventilation system. It should be noted that the performance of the device will coincide with the passport data only in the case of a horizontal outlet duct of small length. A modern hood connected to a common house mine will have a lower performance compared to the declared technical characteristics.

What kind of ventilation would be the best option

For people who are building a large country house or making repairs in an elite apartment, we can recommend an expensive, high-quality and efficient ventilation system with heat recovery. The owners of expensive real estate are installing a powerful hood, and the outlet for the exhaust air should be made in the wall. Instead of a gas stove, it is better to use an electric household appliance due to lower emissions of carcinogens.

For developers with limited financial resources, the best option would be to use natural ventilation, which is supplied to the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, as well as auxiliary rooms. If in a private house the work of the hood installed above the kitchen stove will be used, then the channel for removing the spent air masses is made not in the vertical direction to the roof, but in the wall. A check valve is installed on the fan, it prevents the penetration of cold air from the street into the room.

Natural ventilation already existing in the house is considered the best option for apartment owners. In addition, an extractor hood is installed above the stove in the kitchen and air is vented through a hole in the wall. If this option does not work, the fan is mounted in the riser of the existing channel, but the check valve is removed.

The supply of fresh air is necessary not only for living rooms - the kitchen must also have properly equipped ventilation. If we are talking about an apartment, in fact, most owners do not need to do anything extra: a ready-made system is already there. Another option is that it may not work, or work, but it is bad - then you still need to act.

In private houses, the arrangement of the ventilation system is done in the same way as in apartments - however, there are more convenient options (especially if the house has not yet been built). Below we will deal with the basic rules and methods of organizing normal air exchange.

Features of the kitchen microclimate: why is proper ventilation important?

worry about proper ventilationfor this roomit is necessary because:

  • food is prepared here, the smell of which can "eat into" interior items (especially textiles - curtains, towels) and spread throughout the apartment if it is not quickly removed;
  • the kitchen is often used as a "smoking room" and the tobacco smoke must be quickly removed;
  • due to the increased temperature (during cooking) and humidity, condensation forms faster on the windows in winter;
  • due to high humidity and heat, with stagnant air, it can appear, in the corners of the walls, in cabinets with dishes (if you put them wet), with food.

Also, it is in the kitchen that ventilation shafts are almost always located. Ventshakhta serves to remove "exhaust" air from the apartment - and therefore its work should not be disturbed.

How to check the operation of the ventilation mine?

Very often, ventilation in the entire apartment is seriously disturbed precisely because of the common (for the riser) shaft - in case it clogs up, or if the draft in it is broken for other reasons. In this case, the air removal system will not function normally.

Projection of a ventilation shaft with a hole covered with a grill

Therefore, first of all, you need to check that the ventilation duct is working properly.

To check, tear off a thin strip of soft paper (toilet paper will do). Then open a window in any room, open the doors between that room and the kitchen, and hold the paper strip to the vent.

If the strip is noticeably attracted to the ventilation grill, everything is in order: the system is working. If it does not attract at all, or weakly attracts, the exhaust shaft either does not work at all (does not create thrust), or it works, but badly. In this case, you need to contact the housing office (or the organization that maintains ventilation in your house), to solve the problem - the channel will need to be cleaned or repaired.

An important nuance: if your kitchen has a hood that is directly connected to the ventilation shaft, and the shaft opening completely blocks its outlet, this is also a problem. In this case, the air will only be removed when the hood is running.

In order not to disrupt the operation of the system, the kitchen hood outlet must be connected through an element that has a grate below the air duct opening, with a non-return valve. In this case, air will escape naturally through this grate when the hood is not working. When the hood turns on, it removes air from the room, and the check valve prevents it from flowing back.

Checking the operability of the ventilation mine (video)

Arrangement methods

If we are talking about a kitchen in an apartment or a private house, there are a small number of ventilation schemes. Below we will look at each method in more detail.

Natural system

The simplest option, but also ineffective. The air exchange of such systems depends on the weather (wind speed, pressure, temperature), the total number of storeys of the house and the floor on which your apartment is located.

The circuit itself looks like this:

  1. The inflow is carried out in other rooms - through open windows / vents, or through micro-ventilation (if any), or through valves (or).
  2. The air is removed through the kitchen vent (i.e. through the ventilation shaft).
  3. In order for the air to freely pass through the windows / valves into the room, from there it enters the kitchen and then is removed through the ventilation - it is necessary that there are cracks under the door. If they are not there (now some people put interior doors with thresholds, without gaps) - either you need to put them in the door leaf, or you need to keep the doors open.

In principle, if the house is new, and / or the ventilation shaft in the building is working as it should, then this method is quite enough for normal air exchange. However, in practice, in buildings that were built 10+ years ago, ventilation mines may be in poor condition and not properly maintained.

Arrangement of such a system is either free (if you have micro-ventilated windows), or it will cost up to 10-15 thousand rubles. This amount is enough for the purchase and installation of 2-3 supply valves (which is enough for a 1-3-room apartment). If we also take overflow grids - 1 piece will cost several hundred rubles.

Forced system

A more efficient way is when both the inflow and the removal of air (or only the removal) are carried out using fans. The performance of such a system can be adjusted: if you need to quickly ventilate the room, just turn on the fan, or turn on a higher speed (if it is already running). In addition, forced ventilation does not depend on the weather or the number of storeys.

Operation of the hood + natural ventilation with and without a check valve

How such a scheme looks and works:

  1. Air is supplied inside by the air handling unit. In fact, it is a pipe that is inserted into a hole drilled into the street. There is a fan inside the pipe, which will supply air to the inside of the room.
  2. Air removal is carried out through the hood in the kitchen (either above the gas stove or in the wall - we will talk about this in more detail).
  3. The overflow is carried out as in the natural system - either through the cracks under the doors, or through the overflow grates in the doors.

In fact, installing air handling units in each room is worth it only if it is a large room (relatively speaking, from 15 "squares"), and / or if 2+ people live in it.

In most cases, it is sufficient to install supply valves or micro-ventilated windows in the rooms, and put the kitchen hood. That is, we will not get a completely forced system, but a naturally forced system: air will not be supplied inside by fans.

If we compare the cost of systems - this option will be more expensive. The cost of a kitchen hood starts at an average of 5,000 rubles. The approximate cost of 1 supply unit is about 10 thousand. Roughly speaking, for a "odnushka" you can keep within 20 thousand, if you take into account the cost of services for the installation of these devices.

An example of a diagram for a private house, with an exhaust hood and an air vent (video)

Where to take the hood out?

The options are:

  1. Connect the hood to the ventilation shaft - this is exactly what they do in most cases.
  2. Direct the outlet of the cooker hood towards the outside, through the wall.
  3. Install an exhaust fan into the wall.
  4. Install an exhaust fan in the window.

Connecting the exhaust outlet to the ventilation shaft is a common option, but not always convenient:

  1. Sometimes the stove is far from the vent. Because of this, you will have to pull the air duct far. It is not difficult and feasible, but such a pipe will ruin the interior, and it will take up space (which is often not enough in the kitchen).
  2. Sometimes there is simply not enough space in the kitchen, and in order to save money, you can not hang the kitchen hood.

Withdrawing the pipe from the hood through the wall (directly to the street) - it is more convenient if the stove is closer to the wall than to the ventilation shaft, and to pull the air duct closer to it. However, this method is more expensive and more difficult, because you have to drill a hole in the wall, which you cannot do with your own hands. Also, it is not suitable if an adjacent balcony is located next to a suitable place (for output), or there is a neighbor's inlet valve nearby. In this case, the smells from your kitchen may enter their apartment - which they are unlikely to like.

Installing an exhaust fan into the wall is relevant if there is very little space in the kitchen. This method is especially suitable if the stove is located next to a street wall - in this case, the fan will immediately draw out the smells from the cooking food. The appliance itself will cost less than a “regular” cooker hood.

Installing an exhaust fan in a window is a relatively old method and is now rarely practiced. To put the device in a modern plastic window, if it works, it will be difficult to do it.

Should I put a supply in the kitchen?

In most cases, an exhaust hood is installed in the kitchen, and the inflow is provided from other rooms.

Installation of a supply valve in the kitchen is allowed, but it is not recommended to do this: because of it, the draft from other rooms may deteriorate. Moreover, if necessary, you can simply open the window through which fresh air will flow.

This may be required when in the kitchen:

  • smoke;
  • preparing strong-smelling food.

If there is an inflow point in the kitchen through which air from the street will flow, then the room will be ventilated much faster (than if air comes from other rooms).

In the terminology of sanitary norms and rules, ventilation of living quarters can be mechanical and natural. To ensure the ventilation process, it is necessary to create an air exchange process. Air exchange consists in a balanced flow of air and its extract from the room.

Kitchen ventilation design is not a complex type of design, as we say in production. It uses dedicated AutoCAD Mechanical solutions for industrial engineering design. It is better to read about them on the site.

However, you need to know the peculiarities of kitchen ventilation, especially when buying a kitchen hood.

Three types of kitchen ventilation

Without taking into account the corridor-type living quarters, as well as dormitories and rooms without natural light, three types of kitchen ventilation can be distinguished:

Natural ventilation, through vents, transoms and other elements of window structures used for ventilation, as well as cracks and gaps in window structures. According to the physical laws of air movement, such ventilation will be supply ventilation.

Mechanical or forced ventilation. The obligatory mechanical ventilation of apartments includes exhaust ventilation through the exhaust ventilation ducts of the kitchen. The channels of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are sometimes led out into the general ventilation duct of the corridor.

Additional forced ventilation. Additional ventilation in the kitchen includes a local hood installed above the kitchen stove. Installed according to the air exhaust scheme, the hood performs the task of additional exhaust ventilation of the kitchen.

It is this scheme with air outlets from the kitchen that raises a lot of questions that need to be paid attention to.

What to look for when choosing a hood

Firstly, the general ventilation of the house is designed for the intake of 150-200 cubic meters of air per hour. If you connect a hood with a capacity of 300 cubic meters per hour to it, you will not get the proper effects from such a connection. In addition, it is possible to blow air to your neighbors through the duct, which is not at all good.

Here you can argue and say that the hood will work as an exhaust ventilation. But it does not always work, and most of the time it simply weighs as a decorative element.

Solving the problem of overlapping ventilation with an exhaust outlet is simple. The exhaust vent in the kitchen is split in two. One is used to remove the hood, and the second remains for the air of the kitchen itself. This must be taken into account.