Do-it-yourself ventilation in the toilet and bathroom in the apartment. Forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet

The bathroom is a high humidity area, and the bathroom often has condensation due to the high temperature of the water during bathing. In order to keep dry walls, floor and ceiling in the room, it is important to ventilate the room well, otherwise mold will begin to develop, and being in the bathroom will be not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. By properly equipping the ventilation system, you can save yourself from the unpleasant consequences of its absence.


Any room in an apartment or house should not only be habitable, but also be used with comfort. So, if there are no windows in the living room, then the air there will be stale and stale, which will contribute to the development of pathogens, and the person who lives there will constantly get sick.

It is equally important to make sure that the stay in the toilet and shower is just as comfortable. The bathroom can be both combined and separate, which, in turn, implies a different ventilation device. The hood for the bathroom and toilet must effectively cope with its task, providing intensive air exchange and a constant temperature in the room. Ventilation is especially important in environments with high levels of humidity, because constant contact with water spoils any coating of walls, floors or ceilings and causes the appearance of unwanted microorganisms on it, which adversely affect human health.

In the toilet, an exhaust hood is needed to effectively remove unpleasant odors, which is very important for this room, especially in an apartment. Whatever room we are talking about, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the existence of a person of any age.

You can take care of the ventilation system yourself or with the help of professionals.


Based on the various configurations of the premises in an apartment or house, their dimensions, there are several options for ventilation that can be installed in them. The simplest will be natural ventilation, which is laid during the construction of housing, but if desired, it can be done or upgraded later. Such a system helps to promote air masses, effectively updating them indoors, without requiring the installation of any electrical equipment.

The principle of its operation is that air ducts leading to the roof are installed on top of the room., the hot air in the room rises and enters these hidden paths due to the temperature difference. This principle is called convection and works quite effectively if the temperature is different in the room and on the street.

When creating such an extract, it is necessary to provide for some nuances.

  • The air duct must be placed vertically. Each room in the room should have its own shaft.
  • If the premises are located nearby and have similar specifics in the form of high humidity, a large temperature difference and a strong smell, then they can be combined with one ventilation shaft.
  • The natural type of ventilation at a neutral temperature has a small draft, therefore it is desirable to make air ducts with smooth walls.
  • Being engaged in the installation of ventilation on your own, it is better to make sure that there are no sharp corners that impede the passage of air and its removal to the outside.
  • One-story houses should have a wiring near the ceiling, which goes to the attic and is displayed on the roof.

The air that is removed from the room has a certain tension and circulation, which is called traction force.

There are several ways to check the ventilation performance.

  • Bring a match to the ventilation. If there is movement of the flame, then the ventilation is working fully.
  • Take a sheet of paper and bring it to the ventilation. If he stays on it, then the traction is good, if he falls, then the air is removed badly. The indicators will be inaccurate if the air temperature in the room and on the street is approximately equal.

If natural ventilation is inefficient, it is advisable to use an enhanced version. Forced ventilation involves the presence of an electrical device in the form of a fan. Ceiling ventilation of this type must be equipped with a suitable apparatus that can cope with a given amount of air masses. For such a device, it is enough to have one channel in the room, through which all the polluted air from the room will be removed. To calculate the optimal power of the device, you need to multiply the volume of the room, where the length is multiplied by the width and height of the room, by the frequency of use, which varies from 5 to 10, which is dictated by the number of people living in the room and using the bath, toilet or kitchen.

With a minimum number of residents, the coefficient is five, then it increases relative to the residents of an apartment or house.

Using forced fans in the bathroom can be dangerous, because the contact of electrical appliances with moisture can cause a short circuit. In order not to risk the performance of the device and the safety of residents, it is necessary to install moisture-resistant fans.

When choosing a fan, it is important to pay attention to various indicators.

  • The presence of a humidity sensor, which itself calculates the moment to turn on when the humidity threshold has been overcome. This type of inclusion helps to significantly save on electricity.
  • Fans with a timer allow you to set the time for turning on the ventilation, so as not to waste time on this, but to actively use the room under optimal and comfortable conditions.
  • With the presence of a motion sensor that activates the fan if there is someone in the room.
  • A device with a non-return valve that prevents the entry of polluted air from the environment into the room.

Modern devices can be equipped with smart technologies that have many functions and are easy to operate. Smart ventilation allows you to achieve the desired result even for people with disabilities. Exhaust ventilation can have an autonomous version and be located in the ventilation shaft of the bathroom, in the kitchen window or any other place where it can bring air from the room to the street. The operation of such a device is carried out on batteries, which means that there is no risk of a short circuit and a threat to humans.

Such a portable hood will be a very convenient option for those who smoke, because it will help to effectively get rid of tobacco smoke and quickly clean the air in the room.

How it works?

Thinking about installing a fan in an air duct, you need to decide on the need for this device. If the hood copes with its work, then it makes no sense to mount additional devices.

To understand how efficiently ventilation works, you can look at the following indicators:

  • how sweaty the windows and mirrors in the bathroom are during the shower;
  • damp background of the room, slow process of drying towels;
  • the beginning of the development of the fungus in the seams of the tiles, in the corner of the room and on the ceiling.

Mold and fungus not only destroy the finish of the room, but also negatively affect the health of the inhabitants of the apartment or house.

Checking if the ventilation is pulling air out of the room is simple - for this you can take a match and watch the movement of the flame. If it does not move, then the air duct is clogged and needs to be cleaned. With a weak movement, a weak draft can be observed, which indicates the need to install a fan. It is important to carry out such a check in optimal conditions, when cold air is blowing outside and the house is warm. It is under these conditions that there is traction and one can judge the state of the ventilation shafts. Ventilation must cope with a given amount of air in the room, so it is important to choose sufficiently powerful devices.

If you install a forced fan, you can clearly hear its noise when it is turned on. It buzzes quite noisily in case of incorrect installation, but if everything is done correctly, the sound will be almost inaudible. The noise threshold for a bathroom is 25 dB. Noise can also occur due to the strong power of the device and the high speed of the blades. When making a choice in favor of a particular product, it is important to pay attention to power indicators, because they will affect the air exchange rate, and, importantly, the performance of additional functions, such as a timer or motion sensor.

Which is better?

In order to make the right choice and install the right fan, it is important to know what exactly you need to pay attention to:

  • Availability of certificates and quality assurance. The device must be safe and do its job well.
  • The electrical parts of the hood must be placed in a plastic housing that protects them from moisture and steam.
  • The optimal power level to quickly remove all the air in the room, refreshing it. If the bathroom is shared, then the hood should be more powerful in order to serve two rooms at once.

  • Fans of modern technology will like fans with a variety of sensors, a timer.
  • It is important to correlate the size of the exhaust hole with the dimensions of the fan itself, so that it enters it, but does not hang out at the same time.
  • The choice of ventilation devices is best made among the range of well-known brands that have proven themselves in the market.
  • The selection of the fan is also carried out taking into account the noise of the device, which should not be higher than 25 decibels.
  • Selection of a good device at the best price.

The most favorable fan option would be a device that runs on ball bearings., which makes them quiet and maximizes its lifespan. It is most convenient to use a fan with a motion and humidity sensor, which turns on itself at the right time, which does not require any human intervention and provides the latter with a comfortable use of the room.

The presence of a non-return valve greatly facilitates the care of the room, because no debris, dust and any small particles enter it from the outside, while everything unnecessary, harmful, and foul-smelling is constantly removed.


If you need to install a fan in the bathroom with your own hands, then the easiest way is to purchase a suitable device for this, place it in the ventilation shaft, connect it to electricity and fix it to the wall. If possible, it is better to buy a fan that is equipped with a humidity sensor, which ensures that it turns on at the right time. The apartment usually provides for special air ducts, in which a grid is mounted for natural ventilation or a fan for forced ventilation. If there is no such design, then it must be done independently, making it in a wall opening or in the ceiling. This is true for a private house, which was built as a country house and did not involve a year-round stay.

If the bathroom has a window, this is already an opportunity to ventilate the space., but it is much more efficient to add an electrical appliance to it to quickly pump out air and saturate the room with freshness. In cases where there is no ventilation and even a window is not provided, the shaft will exit through the wall of the house along the top, towards the roof. Having mounted all the structures, you need to check how well the air flows through them, and only after that mount the fan itself. In the process of work, something can clog the channel or partially clog it, therefore it is important to check the patency of both home-made air ducts and those that were provided during construction.

The selection of the fan is made according to the existing hole in the wall. If they do not match, then you will either have to expand it or compact it. Installation is done by removing the grille and fixing all the necessary wires. You can fix the equipment with self-tapping screws or liquid nails. When everything is ready, it is necessary to install the grate in place and cover the joint between the fan and the wall with sealant.

By correctly installing the fan, you can make your stay in the bathroom comfortable and enjoyable, ensuring the safety of all coatings for a person and extending their life.

Materials and accessories

Ventilation for the bathroom and toilet may be ready-made and located in the wall, or it may be absent, then you need to mount it yourself. The choice of materials in this case plays a big role. Air ducts can have a different appearance, be round or straight. The main material for their manufacture is steel, it can have different thicknesses depending on what temperature the air will have and how much it will move.

The main parts are pipelines for the passage of air, but besides them, it is also important to use shaped parts, due to which turns and bends of structures are formed. For areas where the ventilation shaft runs from the outside, copper, textile and plastic parts can be used, which will not only have a high quality factor, but also a decorative effect.

To fix the air channels, you can use a flange, bandage, socket or sleeve. Having drawn up a plan for future ventilation and having decided on the type of fastening and future materials, you can get to work. The next important step will be the selection of the fan itself and its components.

Each ventilation system designed to purify the air must have a filter, which can be of several types:

  • dry porous;
  • porous wetted;
  • electric.

The choice of one or another option is dictated by the amount of dust that the ventilation systems must catch and hold.

Another accessory is a silencer, which allows you to make the operation of the fan less noticeable and louder. Usually they are made of tin in the form of two cylinders, which are separated by an absorbent material. In some cases, it is advisable to install dampers that let air in when they open and stop when they close.

By itself, a fan for a bathroom or toilet can be of four types.

  • Axial. Used in apartments and houses, it has high efficiency with a relatively simple installation.
  • Centrifugal. They are used in large industrial facilities, because the ventilation capacity of this device is very powerful and can process a huge air flow using the same energy resource.

  • Channel. Installed in the duct itself. These devices have a humidity and shutdown sensor. Most often, the device is placed in a plastic case, which makes it possible to use it in a sauna or pool.
  • Domestic. Serves for serving the kitchen or bathroom in the apartments. For such rooms, it is recommended to choose a device equipped with a non-return valve, which will not allow air from the toilet or kitchen to enter other rooms.

Based on the room, its dimensions and the preparation of the ventilation shaft, you can choose the right fan, and if necessary, make an air duct.

Installation process

To install a fan, you must follow certain instructions. Often, on the package itself with a fan, there are already some recommendations on how to properly install it. However, before you can mount something, you need to check the operability of the ventilation shaft, whether it copes well with air intake and whether it fully removes it from the room. If any problems with the air flow are found, the channels must be carefully checked and cleaned.

To install the fan, the first step is to remove the decorative grille., then try on the fan to a specific duct. It is important to fix the device in the hole with sealant or special glue, but the most reliable option is to use self-tapping screws. Once the main fastening has been done, it is important to take care that there are no small flaws left. Once everything is finished, you can put the grate in place and check the performance of the device.

If there is no ventilation shaft in the room, then it must be organized at least at a height of two meters. It is advisable to place the outlet opposite the doors or diagonally from them. This will help create the necessary air flow for active ventilation of the space. Fan performance can be selected as desired. It can turn on automatically if it has the appropriate devices, or you can activate it by turning on the switch on the fan itself or combined with the light in the bathroom.

The choice of fan must be justified so that its power is enough for the bathroom, and the design of the lattice is selected based on the appearance of the space to emphasize its style and complement it if necessary. By installing such a device, you can extend the safety of all coatings in the bathroom and ensure comfortable and safe use of both the bath and the toilet.

If the fan is installed correctly, then there should be no problems with its operation, and it will effectively cope with the amount of air intended for it in the room. However, if mistakes were made during the installation process or the work was carried out by an unskilled craftsman without due attention, then the first problems may appear very soon.

Before installing the fan in the shaft, it is important to check the draft in it. If it is not there or it is weak, it is advisable to clean the entire system, otherwise the problem will only worsen over time, and to clean the moves, it will be necessary to dismantle the fan. When checking the draft, it is important to do two tests at once - one with the doors and windows open, the second with the doors closed to cut off access to a source of fresh air.

A combined bathroom with a toilet requires a more powerful apparatus, therefore it is important to correctly calculate the power of the device when choosing it. Knowing the area of ​​​​the entire bathroom, you can decide on the type of fan. Often, more powerful units are also larger, because they need to pump many times more air volume. When choosing a fan size, it is important to know the size of the ventilation shaft opening in advance so that you do not have to expand it or put something to fix it.

If, over time, when the fan is turned on, problems begin to appear and the device does not work, you need to check the wires and the switch, if it is a trigger element. When installing the fan, it is advisable to securely fasten all cables so that they do not unwind over time, because during operation there is a slight surface fluctuation that can affect them, because over time the contacts will loosen and move away.

Proper height and location can guarantee optimal fan performance, and the cleaned air paths will allow free passage of air from the room outside it and replace it with fresh and clean air.

When choosing a fan, it is important to pay attention to many details. If a bathroom is chosen as the installation site, then the humidity level in it will be quite high, therefore it is necessary to look for markings with the letters IP, which indicate additional protection of the case from moisture and are ready for moist air masses that will pass through it.

As for power, it is recommended not to take devices with parameters less than 100 m3 / h. To save energy, the most relevant will be models equipped with a motion sensor, which turns on the device when someone appears in the bathroom or toilet and turns it off when the object disappears. If there is a desire to use the fan only if necessary, then it is better to choose a device with a humidity sensor in the room, then the fan will start its work as soon as the norm level is exceeded, and stop when the air is fresh and clean.

If you want to take a shower in a well-ventilated area, you can set a timer to turn on the fan automatically, which will turn itself off at a predetermined time by the owner himself. When choosing a fan for high-rise buildings, it is very important to check the presence of a check valve that will block foreign debris and dirty air from letting it into the apartment.

Only careful selection of the device can ensure the comfort of living in an apartment or house. and the use of the bathroom and toilet in compliance with all standards of humidity, air purity and the complete absence of harmful factors that appear when such standards are not observed.

On the secrets of installing the hood in the bathroom and toilet, see below.

A bathroom is a place where water flows every now and then, a bathtub fills up, a hot shower soars, wet laundry dries. Therefore, ventilation here should work not only no worse, but even better than in any other room. Otherwise, the whole house will “suffer”.

Here are 10 facts about bathroom ventilation:

Fact 1: Mold, tile decay and rust are often the result of poor ventilation.

The bathroom is the most damp and humid, so it is necessary that the ventilation here works properly. Otherwise, avoid:

Musty air, unpleasant odors, condensation and, as a result, the occurrence of fungus, mold (unsafe for human health),
- the appearance of rust on metal surfaces,
- destruction of finishing materials (including darkening and cracking of inter-tile grout, and then chipping off of the tile itself),
- "swelling" of furniture coverings (even from moisture resistant materials).

If you notice mold, do not rush to buy dehumidifiers or special anti-fungal coatings. First, check the ventilation!

Fact 2. You can't block the vent in the bathroom!

This is common knowledge and undeniable. Complete overlap of the exhaust ducts is justified only if forced supply and exhaust ventilation is installed in the house or apartment.

Fact 3. Condensation on mirrors and walls is the first sign of poor ventilation.

If, after water procedures, the mirrors in the bathroom “fog”, and droplets of moisture remain on the walls for a long time, this is the first sign that there are problems with the exhaust or inflow.

Do you open the doors and the condensation quickly disappears? So the duct is working properly. Widen the gap between the door leaf and the floor, order special doors with ventilation holes, or just leave the bathroom entrance open more often to ensure air flow.

Humidity persists even with the doors wide open? Natural ventilation must be checked.

Fact 4. You can find out if the hood works by experimenting with a napkin. At the same time, checking natural ventilation in the summer is pointless.

There is a common way to check ventilation. We open the door to the bathroom and bring a napkin to the ventilation grill. If it is attracted, the ventilation works. If not, open all windows and doors and try again. Is the napkin drawn in? So the problem is with insufficient inflow (for sure, you have sealed plastic windows installed).

Does the napkin fall even with the windows open? Extraction problems. Perhaps the mine is clogged, it is worth contacting the management company.

Fact 5. The cause of poor draft can be exhaust devices installed on the lower floors.

Another reason that the air is not drawn out of the apartment may be fans or exhaust devices installed at the neighbors below. The fast flow in the ventilation shaft, created by forced devices, prevents natural ventilation from other apartments.

In addition, on the upper floors, due to the pressure difference, ventilation works worse without any interference than on the lower ones.

In this case, the exhaust fan is able to adjust the hood. But under one condition, which is described below.

Fact 6. Neither an exhaust duct nor a fan will provide full ventilation without an inflow.

For intensive air exchange, a balanced amount of both supply air and exhaust air is required. Therefore, we conduct the experiment with a napkin with open doors and windows!

The reason for insufficient inflow is often plastic double-glazed windows, sealed front doors, and insulated walls. They block the flow of fresh air. And the exhaust moist air from the bathroom is not drawn out, even with a working hood or when an exhaust fan is installed.

In order to establish the work of natural ventilation or to help forced ventilation, it is necessary to install in the living rooms supply devices .

Fact 7. A warm floor without ventilation will not get rid of the fungus in the bathroom.

Sometimes, in order to get rid of high humidity and mold in the bathroom, the owners install underfloor heating and change heated towel rails.

This can speed up the process of drying moisture and renewing air masses in the cold season. However, it will not help to completely get rid of the fungus in case of problems with ventilation.

Productivity is calculated according to the following formula: the volume of the room (length, width and height), multiplied by the air exchange rate (for a bathroom from about 4 to 8). For example, for a bathroom with an area of ​​​​2x2.5 m and a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the volume of the room is 13.5 cubic meters. We multiply by 4 and by 8. Find out the minimum and maximum power of the exhaust fan (54-108 cubic meters / h).

At the same time, according to SNIP, air exchange in the bathroom or toilet should be at least 25 m3 / h, in a combined bathroom - up to 50 m3 / h.

Fact 9. When installing an exhaust fan, it is necessary to place it as far as possible from the entrance and above.

It is better to install a fan (or diffusers of general ventilation) before finishing work,
to hide the wiring. Place - as high as possible, under the ceiling (or on the ceiling), ideally - on the opposite wall from the entrance, so that the supply air has time to pass through the entire room before entering the exhaust hood.

Fact 10. A non-return valve without proper ventilation can exacerbate the situation.

The non-return valve is installed in the ventilation duct, prevents the appearance of reverse draft (air movement from the street into the room), the ingress of odors, pollution, cold. But its installation is justified only if there is a working hood and an established inflow. Otherwise, the check valve will simply block the channel (the cross section will become even smaller, the air will not be able to be drawn out)!

So, in order to establish ventilation in the bathroom, you must:

- arrange flow
- adjust the hood,
- and ensure the free movement of air between rooms.

All this can be done either on your own (using appropriate ventilation equipment), or by ordering work from specialists.

Do you have any questions? Call. Our company performs ventilation design, supply of devices and components, installation. We work in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk. We provide warranties for both labor and equipment.

At the time of planning the interior and finishing work in the bathroom, you need to pay attention to a very serious issue, this properly functioning ventilation device. Well-arranged ventilation in the bathroom and toilet performs not only the role of the main air exchange, but also guarantees the entry of fresh air into the room.

With the help of a well-equipped ventilation system, a nasty stench and excessive moisture are eliminated from the bathroom and toilet rooms. Therefore, due to a well-thought-out and clearly mounted system of proper ventilation, the owners, in whose apartment such an air hood is installed, should not worry about the appearance of various molds and smells of dampness.

Ventilation system.

The building regulations prescribed in the reference books clearly establish the necessary standards that must be followed to achieve a good result when ventilating bathrooms with a high concentration of humid air.

According to the norms, ventilation ensures the supply of fresh condensate in the amount of 25 cubic meters per hour for the bathroom and toilet rooms, and for a room with combined bathrooms, the norm will be 50 cubic meters per hour. These are average standards for ventilation systems. Sometimes such norms may be recommended to increase to 150 cubic meters per hour.

Depending on the type of air ventilation, ventilation can be divided into natural and forced system . In the first variant, ventilation of the room is carried out due to the difference, which occurs due to different air pressure outside and inside the room.

Air flows through doors and windows, as well as special ventilation holes in the toilet and bathroom. True, it should be noted that due to the special internal arrangement of the bathrooms, the use of a natural method of ventilating a room does not always make it possible to obtain the desired result. To arrange a natural way of ventilation in the room, you need to make an opening connecting the hole for natural ventilation in the house with the bathroom.

During the implementation of a forced or artificial method of ventilation of sanitary facilities, apply specialized fans , giving an intense flow of fresh air, ensuring good air exchange.

Often, an electric fan directs air flows from the bathroom to the street, while fresh air enters the bathroom from the rest of the apartment.

Very often, owners install a small toilet in the toilet with their own hands. electric fan - an air vent, even considering that the house has excellent natural ventilation, this is done to speed up the cleaning of the air space in the room from disgusting odors.

If the owners fail to get good, natural ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, forced ventilation in the premises must be installed.

Types of ventilation.

Ventilation is divided depending on its application into:

  • Exhaust type of ventilation installed in the premises.
  • Supply type ventilation.
  • Mixed ventilation in rooms.

Exhaust ventilation of premises , described by us earlier, is when fresh air enters the room through external sources, squeezing out the old air mass due to the pressure drop.

Supply type of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet rooms it is performed in a different way, the air mass warmed up from the outside is squeezed out through special vents.

During operation mixed system air ventilation uses an adjustable flow of air mass in rooms for various purposes.

The ventilation system may or may not have a duct to ventilate the airflow, thus it is subdivided into channel and non-channel.

If possible, duct ventilation should be avoided. The best way out in this case is to slightly expand the hole in the wall, which serves as an exit to the common ventilation duct of a multi-storey building, and mount a small fan in it to extract air.

In separate toilet and bathroom, if there is only one ventilation hole with access to the general ventilation in the house, another hole with a fan is made between the bathroom and the toilet.

Installation of a special channel for ventilation makes sense in those places where enhanced ventilation of the room is needed from polluted or humid air space.

Diagnostics of the ventilation system.

Before you improve the ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with its device and diagnose its condition.

How to check ventilation in the easiest way, finding out if everything is in order with her. To do this, we first study air draft, you need to bring a burning match or a torch to the ventilation hole. Fluctuations or displacements of the flame towards the ventilation duct are proof that everything is in order with the air draft. In hot or calm weather, air draft is significantly reduced compared to windy or cool weather. It is desirable to carry out such diagnostics both with the door to the bathroom open and closed, in addition, for a better effect, you need to open a window in the apartment that faces the street. In the event of a decrease in the supply of fresh air, it is best to install means that will complement the ventilation system. Usually, in this case, to improve the ventilation process, special gratings are mounted in the doors to the bathroom and toilet, due to which the normal supply of fresh air mass is carried out with the doors tightly closed.

Even if there is good air draft in the system, it is not always possible to draw a conclusion about the normal functioning of ventilation. How to make the ventilation in the toilet and bathroom work normally, the way out is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary to check the working condition of the air exchange channel, which may have ceased to function normally as a result of unprofessional repair work or due to some unidentified reasons. By completely eliminating various blockages and blockages in the channel, it is possible to change the operation of the air ventilation system for the better.

Fan characteristics.

By purchasing vent fan , it is imperative to evaluate the noise that comes from the operation of the device. During normal operation, the amount of noise should not exceed 35 decibels. At the same time, in the room, as a result of air circulation, fresh air should update the room from 5 to 8 times in one hour. To calculate the performance of the device, you need to multiply the space of the room, calculated in cubic meters, by 5, and increase the result by 20%. Fans differ in the way of installation, devices of the same type are installed in the duct itself for ventilation, there are also radial devices mounted at the outlet of the duct. Such fans have a discreet appearance, as they are hidden from the inside. Radial models usually have a decent look in order to fit into the overall interior of the room.

Fan models can also have a strong difference:

  1. Ordinary axial devices , supply the air mass along the axis of the structure using the blades used for channelless devices.
  2. AT diametral devices low productivity, a drum-type wheel is used.
  3. Centrifugal models have an increased coefficient of efficiency in operation, as well as a high level of noise.
  4. Centrifugal axial fans emit less noise, but give the same effect during operation as centrifugal models of devices.

Improving ventilation in the toilet and bathroom, in some cases, timers and gyrostats are mounted on fans, with which it is possible to extend the operation of the device to achieve a better result.

Devices whose power is extremely weak cannot perform effective weathering of odors and moisture, but it is not advisable to operate high-power models either. Appliances with high power can give such a high-intensity air flow that the air will not come from outside, but from various ventilation holes, in which case the stale air will again enter the room.

Ventilation system device.

If for some reason there is no ventilation system in the room, it is necessary to immediately ventilate the bathroom, this is not too difficult a process.

High-rise buildings are designed so that the ventilation shaft is located behind the wall of the bathroom or toilet room. Mounting the correct forced ventilation in the bathroom and toilet is not very difficult. It is necessary to make a neat vent, if it was not there, then attach an axial-type radial fan from the inside of the hole, and connect it to electricity in compliance with all norms and requirements for the operation of electrical devices in high humidity conditions.

The outlet for aesthetics is covered with a beautifully made grille. If the living area has a shared sanitary unit, and the ventilation hole is located on the wall between the two rooms, the installation of the second fan is carried out in the manner described above. In some cases, it is very convenient to use decorative grilles specially designed for the installation of fans in them.

It is much more difficult to install ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, when the ventilation shaft borders on another room; in this case, installation of a channel hood is provided. To start work on the device, you need to choose a place for the vent of the bathroom and in the toilet. After that, you need to think over a plan for constructing a ventilation duct, through which the air masses will go into the mine.

ventilation ducts they differ in the following characteristics:

  • Rectangular or round box made of plastic.
  • Hard and soft type boxes made from corrugated iron.
  • Rectangular boxes made of plain or galvanized sheet.

Plastic products light and very simple when installing forced ventilation in the bathroom. They are much more durable than metal products, have a lower price and are easier to maintain. For this reason, plastic products are actively replacing metal products in the building materials market today. As for the use of corrugated products, its use is extremely rare, and this does not have any effect on the overall picture.

The box is best installed even before the start of the main repair work, but the installation of electrical equipment and gratings on the outlet is carried out after the main finish. At the final stage, the installed equipment is checked.

Errors that are possible with the ventilation device.

Sometimes it happens that the newly installed forced ventilation in the bathroom malfunctions and does not meet its requirements. This is a consequence of improper installation of the device and some errors made at the time of installation. Even before starting installation work, you need to clearly know how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

Here are some mistakes that are often made at work:

  • The ventilation channel is not designed correctly, this creates difficulties for the movement of air flow.
  • Rupture of hermetic connections of the ventilation duct.
  • Incorrectly installed fans, while they make a lot of noise.
  • The ventilation duct stretches through the rooms, creating unnecessary noise with its work.

Most of these unpleasant problems can be avoided. How to make ventilation correctly, for this you need to pay attention even at the stage of drawing up and thinking over a plan for the future installation of the structure. If all this was not done, and unpleasant problems arose already during the operation of the ventilation system, in this case a complete redesign of the entire structure may be required.

Another way to make forced ventilation work properly is to use different noise absorbers and installation of a more powerful fan .

November 16, 2019 No comments

Installing a domestic fan on your own: which device to choose for a particular ventilation system.

The bathroom and toilet must be provided with good ventilation. It is in these rooms that the level of humidity is significantly increased and there are odors, usually unpleasant. No air fresheners will help.

When the ventilation system either does not exist at all, or does not work quite efficiently, then in the designated rooms a persistent unpleasant odor eats into objects, and the walls become covered with fungus and black mold due to dampness. For pathogenic fungal microorganisms, such a microclimate is considered the most favorable. After a while, households will also be affected by fungal diseases.

You should not wait until the consequences of unremovable dampness appear. It is necessary to install the ventilation system, and then maintain it in working condition and cleanliness.

The installation of an efficient ventilation system is more of interest to the owners of mansions, and in the projects of apartment buildings, the ventilation system plan was laid down from the very beginning. Ventilation ducts designed for bathrooms and kitchens are usually separated. However, the originally planned exhaust air system is not always able to cope with its intended purpose. This serious defect can be noted in any ventilation systems, that is, installed both in apartment buildings and in private houses.

Ventilation systems can be divided into two types:

  • natural ventilation;
  • artificial ventilation.

When air masses move without additional influence, this is called natural ventilation. Air moves from an area of ​​high pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure. Special devices "do not customize" it.

Features of natural ventilation

Typically, apartments in apartment buildings are ventilated in this way. Vents (ventilation windows) in the toilet and bathroom (sometimes these rooms are combined), as well as in the kitchen, are designed specifically for the natural movement of air in the right amount. The efficiency of air exchange directly depends on the configuration of the vents and the capacity of the risers.

What is forced ventilation

There is a fan in the ventilation system. In private homes, such systems are installed everywhere in kitchens and bathrooms. But even in high-rise buildings, not all apartments are properly ventilated. Therefore, their owners, intending to improve the circulation of air flows, install fans.

Depending on the main design features and functionality, forced ventilation systems are also grouped.

Features of exhaust ventilation

Air currents, rising to the ceiling, are drawn in by the fan and brought out into the street. For their output, special channels are provided. Most often, such units become an addition to the natural ventilation system. When designing private buildings, such systems are used almost everywhere.

Features of supply ventilation

The fan in such a system supplies air into the room, and does not remove it. The air exits naturally, both the fan (at the inlet) and the ventilation ducts (at the outlet) are involved in the full cycle of ventilation.

Such a scheme is more suitable for some types of industrial areas, and not for residential premises. After all, there should be an exit of air to the outside with the required efficiency, and such ventilation systems will not be able to ensure the extraction of air masses if conditions for this are not initially created (insufficient throughput of the ventilation duct or its incorrect location, which prevents normal circulation).

Features of the supply and exhaust system

At least two fans are used. Air is forced into the room on one side, and on the other, it is also artificially removed. It is advisable to install such ventilation:

  • in houses with a significant quadrature;
  • in bulk structures;
  • in buildings where air stagnation is unacceptable;
  • in rooms where the natural inflow / outflow is weak, it needs to be strengthened.

Disadvantages of the system: additional costs when using it and constant drafts.

What type of fan is suitable for a particular room

For a residential building, it is best to choose an exhaust ventilation system. Air enters the room naturally and is removed by a fan. Exhaust fans are divided into the following types:

  • channel;
  • axial;
  • radial;
  • roof.

Axial wall fans (also called overhead)

The design includes:

  • body in the form of a cylinder;
  • wheel inside the body (it has cantilever blades);
  • the axis of the electric motor (the wheel is attached to it);
  • rotor and stator.

The air is captured by the rotating blades and the activated air flow is discharged from the room to the outside.

Prices for overhead fans

Duct type fans

Axial duct fans appeared in the homes of citizens not so long ago. And they are not installed as often as overhead fans. The reason for this unpopularity is the complexity of do-it-yourself installation. But sometimes they become indispensable and ideally suited for specific conditions. For example, if the quadrature of the room in which ventilation is required to be controlled exceeds 15 m².

Radial fans

The structure of this unit is:

  • engine;
  • the axis of rotation of the wheel having blades;
  • spiral-shaped metal box (reminiscent of the shell of an ancient ammonite mollusk), closed.

Fans are installed on the roofs of mansions and apartment buildings.

Roof fans are often used in private houses.

Ventilation installation requirements

When choosing a fan for the toilet and bathroom, you need to consider the main characteristic - performance. This is the possibility of pumping air in a certain volume per unit of time (usually m³ / h).

It is necessary to take into account the relevant annexes and sections of SNiP 2.08.01-89 * and SNiP 41-01-2003. These sanitary norms and rules regulate the installation of engineering communications in residential premises, including ventilation.

According to the specified requirements, ventilation, which is created forcibly, is allowed to be installed only in those rooms where air circulation is insufficient according to sanitary standards. There are no windows with opening vents, the ventilation is weak, and the circulation of the air flow through the ventilation duct is also not effective.

Not every fan can be installed in specific rooms, since you have to take into account the level of noise it creates. Sound pressure indicators must be present in the passport.

Also, be sure to pay attention to the availability of a quality certificate for the selected fan. It is advisable to purchase the device in a specialized store by choosing a model of a well-known brand. Such a brand is in itself an indicator of quality. Of course, if it's not counterfeit.

This work is laborious, but not difficult. The multi-storey building already has a ventilation system, even if it does not function very well. The installed unit will only increase the hood. Exhaust air, overflowing with unpleasant odors and moisture, will quickly leave the room.

But in a private house, installing a ventilation system is much more difficult. Although here you can solve the problem on your own. Naturally, it is best to install all elements of the ventilation system during construction. However, such useful changes can also be made in the finished structure, for this it is enough to have the skills of installation work.

What elements does the ventilation system consist of?

First you need to decide what kind of ventilation system will be installed. Next, you need to prepare all the required elements, having previously determined their sizes. Here are the essential items you need.

Firstly, fan. This is the main component of the system. It is embedded:

  • into the ceiling;
  • into the wall.

This unit is built directly into the duct if it is planned to install a complex ventilation system. For example, a toilet and a bathroom are different rooms. Then, in each room, separate ventilation openings should be installed, boxes and pipes should be removed from them. And only later these elements will need to be connected to a single duct.

Secondly, The material for its manufacture is metal or plastic. The section is round or straight. Each system has its own advantages. For example, a rectangular version is easier to attach to the wall, to the ceiling. Above a stretch or false ceiling, its location looks perfect. But the round section provides more effective air removal, because there are no internal corners.

Thirdly, parts for fixing air ducts. Brackets are used (ready-made clamps or home-made elements). They are installed approximately every 0.5-0.7 m, it depends on the location.

Fourth, swivel knees. Used when using a rigid box. Intended:

  • for the installation of complex structures;
  • when you want to output through the ceiling or wall;
  • if the direction of the airflow changes.

Fifth, couplings. Required to interface individual sections of the duct.

At sixth, check valve. It is necessary to prevent the reverse flow of air masses after the ventilation system is turned off. Also, a check valve is required if there is a strong wind outside.

Seventh, ventilation grates. They must be present at the inlet and outlet of the opening of the system with a duct fan. And if an overhead axial fan is installed, then the grille is mounted on the outlet.

Mounting methods

The type of fan installation will depend on the design of the fan. First of all, a scheme is carefully drawn up, it will simplify the task.

  1. The ventilation system was already installed, but it needed to be updated. Then it is advisable to replace the air duct by installing a new one. If this is not possible, then the old duct is being cleaned:
  • from garbage;
  • from layers on the inside.
  1. When laying the ventilation duct, it is necessary to determine in advance exactly where the fan will be installed. The best place is the wall, which is opposite the door.
  1. Ventilation window:
  • is set if it was not;
  • expands if it is necessary to improve the efficiency of the old system.
  1. An air duct pipe is led into the arranged hole. The outer end reaches the attic or is displayed through the attic floor to the roof. A ventilation hood is installed on top.
  1. In the case of planning the exit of the channel to the street through the outer wall, it is recommended to install a pipe (from the street) into the hole. This pipe rises vertically by about 0.5-1.0 m, or more.

  1. You can mount the fan in the ceiling with its connection to the corrugated pipe (this is a flexible air duct). The corrugated pipe is connected to the outlet, which is covered with a protective grill and is located under the roof soffit (that is, under the filing of the roof overhang).
  1. When the air duct is drawn and fixed, you can start installing an axial overhead fan. It is inserted into the box, securely fixed to the wall. How it will have to be fixed, it will depend on the specific situation.
  1. The overhead axial fan is fixed in the window opening and connected to the power supply. It is advisable to put the cable from the fan to the switch in a plastic cable channel. It is mounted on the wall and placed along the ceiling. And so that the cable is not noticeable, it is hidden above the suspended structure.

Video: Ventilation in the bathroom and toilet:

Natural ventilation in our homes is organized as follows: air entering the windows, passes through the living rooms, and is removed through the ventilation ducts in the upper part of the kitchen and bathroom. Then it rises along a vertical air duct, after which it is discharged into a ventilation shaft. Together with it, dust, moisture and carbon dioxide leave the apartments. This is ideal. In fact, in our housing there is a smell of neighbor's broth, cigarette smoke and sewage. What to do when the ventilation ducts stop working at the designed capacity? The only way out is to install ventilation in the bathroom and toilet.

But do not rush to run to the store for the most powerful and expensive fan. At a minimum, you need:

  • check traction;
  • determine the cause of poor ventilation;
  • choose the type of fan;
  • figure out how to properly make a hood in the bathroom and toilet, what materials will be needed for installation;
  • Read the attached instructions on how to install a fan in the bathroom.

Traction test

To check the draft, it is necessary to ensure the flow of air by slightly opening the window. Hold narrow strips of paper near the ventilation grille. If the strips stick to the grate, the ventilation is working properly. But if the paper does not sway, or vice versa, deviates from the hood, then there is a reverse thrust effect. We will identify the causes and eliminate them.

Using an anemometer, we measure the speed V (m/s) of the air flow passing through the ventilation duct. The air flow through the ventilation system channel is determined by the formula: D = V x F, m³/h, where: F - cross-sectional area of ​​the channel, m². After that, the calculation made is checked for compliance with the standard parameters.

For a bathroom or toilet, the flow rate through the hood hole must be at least 25 m³ / h, for a combined bathroom - 50 m³ / h.

Causes of poor (or reverse) draft in the toilet and bathroom.

Consider several reasons for poor ventilation in the bathroom or toilet:

Choosing an extractor fan

Do you want to know how to properly ventilate? Select the electric fan model based on the features and functions below.

Fan performance

For the calculation, we use such a value as the frequency of air exchange. For a bathroom (toilet and bathroom), this indicator lies in the range of 6 ... 8 and means how many times in 1 hour the air in the room should be updated.
Example. Bathroom area - 9 m², height - 2.5 m.

We calculate the volume of the room:
V = 9 m² x 2.5 m = 16.8 m³

Vvent \u003d 16.8 m³ x (6 ... 8) \u003d 100 ... 135 m³ / h

According to the calculation, the power of your fan should be at least 100 ... 135 m³ / h. However, this calculation is not suitable for ventilation systems with a reverse draft effect. In order to “push through” the channel resistance, a more powerful cooler is required. How much more powerful? We recommend increasing the calculated fan performance by 30% Vvent. This should compensate for the aerodynamic resistance of the channel on the segment "apartment - entrance to the mine".

Advice. Avoid installing fans with a capacity of more than 1000 m³/h. For efficient operation of such equipment, a large volume of supply air is required. Working "idle" it will overheat and quickly fail.

Fan mounting

Before you start installing a fan in a bathroom or toilet, we consider it necessary to convey one fact to you.

By converting your natural circulation into forced circulation, without the permission of the state housing inspectorate, you are committing an administrative offense. An exception is low-power equipment up to 100 m³.

In fact, fines for unauthorized installation of a fan are extremely rare, so when choosing between the smell of a neighbor's sewer and installing a fan in a toilet (bathroom), most people prefer the latter option.

Installation of an axial fan according to the "bulb-fan" scheme

This scheme will be of interest to those who want to know how to make ventilation in the toilet quickly and without unnecessary "bells and whistles".

Before you make an exhaust hood in the toilet according to this scheme, you need to be aware of its “weak points”. Since the connection goes through a light bulb, you will have to use a two-core cable (phase-zero). Grounding the equipment will work only if you throw a separate wire between the “ground” of the fan and the “ground” of the outlet or switch.

Installation of an axial fan with a built-in delay timer

For those who want to make ventilation in the bathroom, we recommend purchasing a model with a built-in timer. The scheme of its work is as follows: when the light is turned on, the hood starts working. When a person leaves and turns off the light, a delay timer (from 2 to 30 minutes) is activated and the fan continues to draw out moist air.

Below is the installation procedure, for those who do not know how to install the hood in the bathroom according to this scheme.

  1. We make strobes or if the bathroom is already finished, we lay plastic boxes for open wiring.
  2. Remove the decorative (front) cover of the device. We pass the wires (zero and phase) through the fan housing and the holes of the built-in terminal block, but do not fix it yet.
  3. Set the delay time. There are models where the setting is made from the remote control, but in inexpensive models this parameter is set using a slotted screwdriver on the TIME control.
  4. We fasten the body with self-tapping screws to the wall or sit it on silicone sealant.
  5. We clamp the wires in the fan terminals. We connect the stripped wire leads from the fan and the light bulb through the terminal block. We pull the wiring from the light bulb to the switch. Before you make a hood in the bathroom, decide where the switch will be. For reasons of convenience, we recommend moving it to the inner wall of the bathroom, but the degree of protection of the shell must be at least IP44.
  6. We put the cable in the box.
  7. Close and fasten the decorative cover of the fan.


Shall we summarize? We have learned:
- determine the degree of functionality of our natural ventilation;
- discussed the reasons why the draft in the ventilation ducts can weaken or disappear altogether;
- gave advice on choosing an exhaust fan for a bathroom or toilet;
- told how to make ventilation in the bathroom and toilet, using the two most popular schemes.

The arrangement of ventilation in the bathroom and toilet will maintain a healthy microclimate in your apartment and save you from many problems.