Who should paint gas pipes? How to paint gas pipes: the choice of color and type of coating Who paints gas pipes in the private sector.

This foam has good properties thermal insulation and is capable of being refractory for a long period of time. For example, fire-resistant dyes for metal products able to protect metal structure for at least an hour. Technological features coloring Many people think about whether it is possible to color gas system on one's own? Wouldn't it be difficult? The staining steps, in general, do not differ from the staining procedure of any metal pipe, but having one caveat: in the process of cleaning from the old layer of paint, it is forbidden to use heaters. 1. A piece of the product must be wrapped in a rag, after soaking it with a wash. After 20 minutes, use a spatula to remove the softened paint. 2. Next, the pipe must be cleaned with a metal brush to rid it of old coating and rust accumulations. 3.

Who paints the gas pipe in the private sector?

Guest 14 - 10/12/2015 - 22:53 and you can also see where the fistula is simvolika 15 - 10/13/2015 - 10:04 can I ask here ?! if a little, almost imperceptibly, a tap leaks at the junction of the outlet to the house and I decide to call the gas service, at whose expense should the work / materials be? Krasnodargorgaz 16 - 13.10.2015 - 10:15 Good morning! I draw your attention to affordable way to receive information. To receive a prompt response, please choose the right employee of the relevant department to which your appeal (question) is addressed: equipment. 2) Service center (e-mail: ) — primary gasification, transfer gas equipment and gas pipelines.

Who should paint the gas pipe passing through the area in the private sector


There are no government requirements for living quarters, both inside and outside. 2. Create protection against corrosive formations. Since there are no oxygen accumulations and water vapor inside the pipe, the long-term operation is directly dependent on the level of resistance to corrosive formations of external surfaces.

how to paint gas pipes on the street


Color solution What color to paint the gas lines? According to the source of information (Safety Rules for the gas distribution system), the painting is as follows: 1. The gas pipeline passing above the ground must be painted with a two-layer yellow paint.


Lacquer and enamel of the same color is also allowed. The coloring matter must meet the requirements of the substance for working outside the product. Color marking is necessary to identify the object.


Gas pipe

Identification staining is used in certain areas: at the junctions during branching. Painting gas pipes on the facade of the house, passing through the wall, must necessarily include an appropriate color marker. Staining of a pipe passing through the wall. Painted pipes in White color Inside a building or dwelling, gas pipes are painted in accordance with the requirements of the interior. Usually base color running meters pipeline white.
The gas pipe passing through the wall is not specially marked. Painting services are provided by the builders themselves. Pipes inside the house The choice of paint Paint for painting gas pipes in the house or on the street is also selected in accordance with certain requirements.

Questions and answers

The gas system that runs over the facades of the structure may have the color of the structures that enclose it. Painting of internal gas pipeline structures inside residential premises and the color scheme for them are not provided at all.

Finding the owner Who is responsible for painting the gas pipe? Many people ask this question. Unfortunately, responsible person for such a process in each individual case has to be found separately.

In such cases, you need to be guided by the contract Maintenance gas pipeline. In certain areas, the responsibility is distributed as follows: 1.
In multi-apartment buildings, the pipeline lines inside each apartment must be painted by the owners of the apartments.

Who is responsible for painting the gas pipes on the facade of the house?

Has dispersions of aluminum and zinc (see aluminum pipe). Such a coating is considered the most reliable protector against corrosive formations. This type of paint, after it dries, forms a unique film on the pipe, which ensures the durability of black steel structures. how to paint gas pipes in an apartment Gas pipelines indoors In this case, in addition to special external paints, it is allowed to use interior paint. But it is worth considering one of the main rules that vapor-permeable coatings cannot be used, since the purpose of painting pipes is to maximize the isolation of steel pipes from vapors and oxygen compounds. Paints with high level fire resistance how to paint gas pipes with your own hands These are coatings that, in the process of heating them, begin to bubble and turn into a carbon foam state.

Rules for painting gas pipes according to GOST

Coordination of redevelopment of premises, placement of buildings and structures on land plots, communication projects. 3) Press service (e-mail: ) - official letters, notices, appeals addressed to the administration of JSC "Krasnodargorgaz". In addition, I place a linkhttp://www.krasnodargorgaz.ru/php/co...g=kuda_obr.htm
Guest 17 - 10/13/2015 - 12:52 15 - simvolika, I called the gas workers in the same situation. no one asked me for money. done and left. Apex 18 - 10/16/2015 - 21:08 My territory but no pipe. Let Miller and paint. Quote: Posted by Kasya 0-fargus1981 You yourself should follow the section of the pipe that passes through your territory. And they should also paint accordingly.

Who should paint the gas pipe?

Dede 4 — 10/12/2015 — 19:53 Are acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and operational responsibility coming to the agreement? Chip AC 5 - 10/12/2015 - 21:28 According to my documents (act of balance sheet ownership), after the valve on the wall - mine, and what's before it - gas workers. Although these 50m pipes run along my site, they do not belong to me, but to the gas workers.

I gave it to them forcibly 🙂 I carefully paint everything that is mine. The rest is broken for now, I'm waiting for a freebie :))) Guest 6 — 10/12/2015 — 21:34 why paint it? she won't rust. There is a large thickness) Dimentiy Expert 7 — 10/12/2015 — 21:35 Rubber gloves, construction (knitted) on top, a can of paint. You dip your hands and then them on the pipe. Painting is very fast. Chip AC 8 - 10/12/2015 - 21:39 7-Dimentiy is not our method.

How and with what to paint gas pipes so that they do not rust in a private house, in an apartment

Often the question arises of how it is possible to paint the gas system, and whether it is allowed at all. It is necessary to understand what colors of paint to paint the pipes, what types of dyes are allowed to be painted and how to apply paint on the surface of the pipes.

What is it for? Painting gas communications is far from an aesthetic matter. This is required in order to: 1. Determine by color gas pipeline, do not confuse it with other types of pipes. This is especially necessary in industrial enterprises, in boiler houses. Naturally, according to the external signs and color of the pipes, desired line it is much easier to determine, as opposed to studying all the documents for a decoupling. An important nuance it should be mentioned that it is necessary to mark gas pipes by color only for industrial enterprises or when laying a gas pipe above the ground.

Who should paint gas pipes in the private sector

Hello, Nadezhda! In this matter, everything is simple, where the pipe is located, that paints it. The street gas pipeline is painted at the expense of the municipality. The yard gas pipeline passing through the territory of your site must be painted by the owner of the household. There are no fines for an unpainted gas pipeline, but if corrosion is detected on the supply gas pipeline, the gas supply to your household may be stopped. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the proper condition of the gas equipment in your area.
Ask a clarifying question at special form below if you think the answer is incomplete.

Dear Natalia! border painting gas pipes in apartment building

How to correctly determine the border of painting gas pipes in an apartment building? Before the ceiling tap, let's say, our HOA paints, and after that, the Gorgaz service paints? Or all the pipes that are on the territory of the HOA are painted by the HOA itself?

Mosgaz specialists answer

According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is laid outside the building to the case when entering the building. The specified gas pipeline is under the economic jurisdiction of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation. Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, is common property. According to Clause 16-B of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building”, the proper maintenance of common property is ensured by a homeowners association. http://www.gazportal.ru/info/faq/?id=17. According to Art. 161 LCD RF: 1.1. Proper maintenance of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the law Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, consumer protection, and should ensure: 5) constant readiness engineering communications, metering devices and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, to the supply of resources necessary to provide utilities citizens living in an apartment building, in accordance with the rules for the provision, suspension and restriction of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2.3. When managing an apartment building by a managing organization, it is responsible to the owners of premises in an apartment building for the provision of all services and (or) performance of work that ensures the proper maintenance of common property in this house and the quality of which must comply with the requirements of technical regulations and the maintenance rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation common property in an apartment building, for the provision of public services, depending on the level of improvement of this building, the quality of which must comply with the requirements of the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and restriction of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings. According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is laid outside the building to the case when entering the building. The specified gas pipeline is under the economic jurisdiction of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation. Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first disconnecting device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, is common property. I wish you good luck.

Hello Anna.

In accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation:

1.1. Proper maintenance of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, on technical regulation, fire safety, consumer protection, and must ensure:

5) the constant readiness of utilities, metering devices and other equipment that are part of the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, to supply the resources necessary for the provision of public services to citizens living in an apartment building, in accordance with the rules for the provision, suspension and restriction provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2.3. When managing an apartment building by a managing organization, it is responsible to the owners of premises in an apartment building for the provision of all services and (or) performance of work that ensures the proper maintenance of common property in this house and the quality of which must comply with the requirements of technical regulations and the maintenance rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation common property in an apartment building, for the provision of public services, depending on the level of improvement of this building, the quality of which must comply with the requirements of the rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the provision, suspension and restriction of the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.

According to the Safety Rules for Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems PB 12-529-03, the external gas pipeline is laid outside the building to the case when entering the building.

The specified gas pipeline is under the economic jurisdiction of the enterprise, unless otherwise specified in the technical documentation.

Painting of the external gas pipeline is carried out according to the schedule. Gas pipelines from the point of intersection with the wall of the building, gas risers, branches from the risers to the first shutdown device located on the branches from the risers, including disconnecting devices, is common property.

According to Clause 16-B of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491 “On approval of the rules for maintaining common property in an apartment building”, the proper maintenance of common property is ensured by a homeowners association.

Apply with the relevant application to the Criminal Code, in case of refusal, file a complaint with the housing inspectorate.

Of all the "utilities", gas is the most "nasty". Lower the cost of connecting to gas networks which doesn't seem reasonable at all. The gas pipeline can run right along the border of the site, but you will be charged more than a thousand dollars for the “connection” of two meters of pipes. This is what the "service organization" will take from you, in my case - "OdessaGaz". In addition, at your own expense, you will design and build a gas pipeline that will run through your site and to appliances inside the house. Needless to say, both the design and installation of this gas pipeline are carried out by “licensed” enterprises that also want to eat, and eat well. In general, the situation when the seller of goods requires the buyer to build an infrastructure for the delivery of goods seems absurd to me. It's like buying a milkman a car so he can sell milk to you in the morning.

Further more interesting. After you pay for all this infrastructure for delivering gas to your home, they also begin to dictate some requirements for its maintenance in the form in which it is convenient for the gas service, even if this contradicts your desires and existing norms.

For example: such a cute coloring of gas pipes in poisonous yellow, which our gas workers love so much and which they want to see on all facades, regardless of their color.

Not the most aesthetic option.

We take DBN V.2.5-20-2001, Gas supply. Reading. We find that “gas distribution points” are painted yellow, and not gas pipelines low pressure for residential buildings. The gas distribution point is something like this:

For low-pressure gas pipelines used in residential buildings, only the number of layers of primer and paint, plus the type of coloring material (which is logical - the gas pipeline must be protected from corrosion), are established, but not the color. So the requirements to disfigure your facade can be safely ignored.

The next interesting point is the ban on " concealed installation» indoor gas pipeline. According to the interpretation of gas service workers, this means that all gas pipes inside your house should stick out in plain sight (and also be painted yellow, yeah) and you cannot sew them up with anything. When I was told this for the first time, I simply brushed it aside, but during the installation process I was persistently accustomed to the idea that these pipes on the walls are now part of my life and it’s better for me to make friends with them right now. I had to rummage again in the same DBN, after which it turned out that the hidden installation of the gas pipeline is an absolutely permissible thing, you just need to provide access to it using any removable panels and ventilation of the space in which it is located. Again, quite logical requirements - if you have a leak, it is in your best interest to smell it as quickly as possible so that the gas does not accumulate in an enclosed space.

So we are fighting the insanity of the gas services with actions of civil disobedience - we paint the pipes in any color that suits us and hide them behind beautiful panels!

Gas / Gasification and gas supply

Situation: gasified a private house, the pipe goes from the fence, along the wall of the house and starts inside. Who should paint and, in general, monitor the condition? We are publishing clarifications on this issue by specialists from JSC Gazprom Mezhrregiongaz Krasnodar

Who is responsible for the gas pipe on the territory of a private household?

Question: Good afternoon, hello! I live in a private house, the house was gasified more than 10 years ago. Could you tell me, please, the supply gas pipes passing through the area of ​​our household - do we have to paint ourselves? Employees of gas supervision never told us about this. Now the paint has come off the pipes, it’s winter, I heard that from the new year they will be fined for unpainted gas supply pipes. Is this true? Thank you.

Answer: Tatyana Alexandrovna! In the village where you live, the street gas pipeline is painted. The yard gas pipeline passing through the territory of your site must be painted by the owner of the household. There are no fines for an unpainted gas pipeline, but if corrosion is detected on the supply gas pipeline, the gas supply to your household may be stopped. To avoid this, it is necessary to monitor the proper condition of the gas equipment in your area.