How to harmonize your home space? Where should a mirror be hung in the house?

Vastu is translated from Sanskrit as "to live". Housing is considered as a living organism, which is influenced by the electromagnetic field of the Earth, the energies of 7 planets solar system and 2 lunar nodes - north and south (Ketu and Rahu).

Each sector of the apartment is under the care of its mentor planet and is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life. Equipping a dwelling taking into account energy flows, harmonizing the influence of the planets, a person significantly improves his life and health.

Vastu on the physical level means a comfortable and convenient space. At the psychological level, along with the aesthetic effect, there is a feeling of well-being, stress disappears and family relations improve. At the spiritual level, there is a sense of harmony, a desire for self-knowledge.

The task of vastu is to help a person achieve harmony with the universe. Let in the beneficial energy as much as possible, and block the negative energy as much as possible.

Vastu's first energy law states that there are two streams of positive energy on Earth: from north to south and from east to west. Accordingly, the most powerful movement comes from the northeast to the southwest - this is the geophysical nature of the Earth. Two important rules follow from this law.

1 rule. You can’t sleep with your head to the north and northeast, since the lines of the electromagnetic fields of the Earth and the person in this case will coincide, and according to the law of physics, the poles of the same name repel (the Earth has a pole from north to south, for a person - from the head to the feet). And if a person sleeps with his head to the north, there is an imbalance of important vital functions: this can cause circulatory disorders, palpitations, poor health in general. All other directions are equally favorable for sleep.

2 rule. It is necessary to strengthen the northern, eastern and northeastern sectors of the apartment in order to increase the flow of favorable energy into the house, and to weight the southern, southwestern and southeastern sectors in order to block negative energy. Each sector corresponds to a certain area of ​​life and health, so the more harmonious this sector is, the more successful this area of ​​life will be.

We study our apartment - we build a Vastu grid

Step 1. We take the exact plan of the apartment with the arrangement of furniture. It is better to take the BTI plan and draw it to scale, arrange the furniture. We enter the plan in a square or rectangle. Errors and inaccuracies at this stage will lead to incorrect analysis and conclusions. Therefore, the drawing must be as accurate and accurate as possible.

STEP 2. We find the center of the apartment.

STEP 3. We impose a wind rose on the center and unfold the plan so that the north is on top. Now again we enter the plan into a square or rectangle, the sides of which coincide with the cardinal points.

STEP 4. We divide each side into 3 equal parts, the entire square (rectangle) will accordingly be divided into 9 sectors of the same size. Each apartment has its own individual sizes and proportions, so everyone will have their own grid. You cannot use your own grid to analyze your neighbor's apartment. That is why it is very important to have an accurate plan.

STEP 5. The points where the lines intersect are called Marme points - these are sensitive points where walls or furniture should not stand. The inner sector between the points is called Brahmastana (or Brahmastana) - this space should always be free.

We analyze the apartment

Sectors, planets and spheres of life

NORTH. Water/air. Mercury. This planet is responsible for business, trade, education, wealth. And also for friendship and the ability to communicate with people in general. On the northern wall of the house it is good to place a library, shelves with books, mirrors, vessels with water (flower vases, an aquarium). If you sit facing north or northeast at your desk, it will improve memory and promote business development. It is also good to store money in this sector, put a piggy bank or a safe (so that its doors look north). The zone is good for an office, library, study. Favorable big windows, entrance doors. Unfavorable: placement of a bathroom or installation of a TV.

NORTHEAST. Water/ether. Jupiter, Ketu. Jupiter is responsible for spirituality, luck, children, health and material wealth, and Ketu for our past service. This is the entrance sector of the most positive energy, so we put low light furniture, amulets, icons, holy water. A great place for meditation, prayers and spiritual practices (facing east and northeast), recovery during illness. It is favorable to place water sources, an aquarium, flowers, mirrors. It is very dangerous to have dirt and debris in this sector (there is a risk of cancer).

EAST. Fire/Aether. Sun. The zone is responsible for our inner "I", character, charisma, spine, male energy. Perfect place for meditation, meeting the dawn. If the windows face east, it is very favorable to keep them open, letting in as much light as possible into the room. It is better not to hang curtains on the eastern windows at all. A great place for spiritual and health practices, massages. The best place to enter.

SOUTHEAST. Fire. Venus. This is the sector of beauty, romance, female happiness, harmony in the family. In general, he is responsible for the relationship between a man and a woman. Candles, aroma oils, jewelry boxes, beautiful expensive interior items, fresh flowers, fruit vases. The best place for creativity, games with children, salon, living room, TV and kitchen.

SOUTH. Fire / Earth. Mars. Mars carries the energies of fire, so a fireplace and candles “work” very well in this sector. Put live poppies or their image in this sector. Nice place for a kitchen or gym. The placement of the entrance to the apartment, as well as the bathroom, is unfavorable.

SOUTHWEST. Earth. Rahu. This is the area of negative energy at home, but at the same time it is the sector of the clan, ancestors, your family clan - the protection of the house. Put the tallest and heaviest furniture here, hang heavy blackout curtains on the windows. Place on the walls photographs of ancestors, a family tree, big ficus, decorate the area with flowers and houseplants. It is very unfavorable to have a toilet in this part of the apartment. The best place for the bedroom of the spouses, the owners of the house, the newlyweds (the roots grow into the family).

WEST. Water / air / earth. Saturn. Saturn is responsible for perseverance, learning (facing west), responsibility. Well positioned heavy cabinets, wardrobes, pantries for storing preserves and storing various things at home. The best sector for the elderly (if grandparents live in the house, then it is better to place their room here). Good place for dining table. Windows facing west should also be kept covered.

NORTHWEST. Air. Moon. The moon represents motherhood, caring, a sense of inner satisfaction with life, peace (or restlessness) of the mind, relationships with mom, feminine energy. It is very favorable to have an icon of the Virgin and Child in this zone. It is believed that this is the only sector in which everything can be located. It is not recommended only to sleep the owners of the house if they plan to live in this house all their lives. But for the guest bedroom the best place. You can place everything related to the cold (to calm the mind): fan, air conditioner, refrigerator.

CENTER. Ether. Brahmasthana (Brahmasthana). This is the “heart of the apartment” (corresponds to the human heart chakra). There is the most subtle energy. It is enhanced by harmonious music, the sounds of nature. You can't scold. It is not recommended to hang chandeliers in the center of the bramastana. Place for a hall or living room.

The importance of the impact of the sector on the energy at home:

  1. The most important sectors in an apartment or house are northeast and center.
  2. Then - the southwestern sector.
  3. In 3rd place - East, South, West and North.
  4. The least significant are the southeast and northwest.

The south side of the house is under the auspices of Mars and carries the energies of fire. In this sector, a fireplace, candles “work” well, this is a favorable place for the kitchen. Not without reason a synonym for a family is a hearth.

Color Correction

Effect of colors on chakras

  • Red (Mars) - increases blood pressure, appetite, warms the atmosphere in the house.
  • Blue (Saturn) - reduces appetite, can cause depression (with an excess of blue color in the house).
  • Green (Mercury) - ideal for doctors' offices, outdoor theaters.
  • Golden yellow - greatly improves the quality of healthy food (gold absorbs negativity).
  • Light colors lower blood pressure.

Color harmonization by cardinal points

  • North - light green, the color of the sea wave.
  • Northeast - yellow, gold, orange, white, lavender.
  • East - yellow, gold, orange (solar colors) and white.
  • Southeast - pink, lavender, motley, white, any very light, pastel.
  • South - red, burgundy, coral, a combination of gray and pink, white.
  • Southwest - natural brown, dark green, khaki, olive, terracotta, brick.
  • West - blue, purple, bright blue, bright saturated and dark colors.
  • Northwest - creamy, mother-of-pearl, silver, light gray (moon colors).

Sector harmonization

Each sector corresponds to a certain area of ​​human life and health, therefore, the more harmoniously this sector is planned and organized, the more successful the corresponding sphere of life will be. Harmonization methods improve the overall condition of the apartment by 30-40%. Factors that enhance or weaken the energy potential of space:

  • water, mirrors- reinforce (especially needed in the northern, eastern, northeastern sectors). Mirrors are placed in such a way as to face the north, east, northeast.
  • Weight, mass- makes the potential heavier (we close the southwest).
  • fire, ether- increase (south, southeast, east).

9 correction steps that will improve the energy performance of your home

1. If you are planning a renovation, then you can redevelop the apartment - make the following architectural changes.

  • Locate living areas in the most favorable locations.
  • Proportions and dimensions affect the characteristics of space: the ideal shape is a "square" or "rectangle", the proportions are 1:1, 2:3, 3:4. The living room and bedrooms should be the most spacious and bright areas of the apartment.
  • It is advisable to plan the doors of the rooms in one direction.
  • Avoid combining two different functional areas in one room (for example: kitchen and living room, living room and bedroom, bathroom and toilet).

2. If it is impossible to make redevelopment, then you can change the purpose of the rooms. According to the importance of the location, such zones are priority.

Main entrance, kitchen and toilet. ENTRANCE - attunement of the energies of the house with the neurons of the brain. The perfect place to enter a house or apartment - northeast, since positive energy enters from this side. The worst is the south, southwest - the energy of Mars enters. Next in importance are the bedroom and bathroom.

3. Rearrange the furniture, taking into account the most favorable northeast direction. Heavy and high furniture to the South, West, South-West, close to the walls. Light and low - to the North, East, North-East, while it is desirable to move it away from the wall. Release the center.

4. Create zoning in interior ways (for example, fence off the kitchen with a screen).

5. Unload the entrance area as much as possible - it should be bright, clean, free. Keep the toilet door and toilet lid closed at all times.

7. Carry out correction of sectors by 5 elements:

  • Northeast - water (put vases with water, an aquarium, an image of water).
  • Southeast - fire (candles, paintings with sunrise).
  • Northwest - air (fans, air conditioners, images of mills, running horses).
  • Southwest - land ( family photos, family tree, photo albums, houseplants).
  • Brahmastana - ether (free light space, pleasant sounds).

8. Make a color correction for each sector. The color of the ruling planet of the entrance to the house / apartment is the main one for the whole house. Neutral colors: white, milky, any pastel.

9. Establish good habits for all the inhabitants of the house: clean, air often, wash dishes immediately, take out trash and trash, keep all cabinets and shelves clean and tidy, make sure that the doors to the toilet are always closed, and also close the toilet lid. All sources of water must be clean: sinks, bath, dishes, vases.

If a pet lives in the apartment, it is necessary to carefully remove all traces of his life (wash, vacuum, keep all areas of his stay in perfect cleanliness, as pets bring the energy of ignorance into the living area).

Try not to sleep in the same room as your cat-dog. In addition, we can also say that each person has his own special place in the house, where he is most comfortable and useful to be. This place is calculated based on the exact time, date and place of birth. It is best if this calculation is done by a professional Vedic astrologer.

It is believed that good karma is to have a nice big bright apartment in a new house. Even better is to have your own house in nature, in solitude, built according to all the laws of Vastu, away from the influence of neighbors. By the way, neighbors are a study of patience, humility, acceptance. We have been given precisely those neighbors who will help develop these necessary qualities.

There are no unambiguously bad nice apartments- each apartment is the most favorable for its owner and all the people living in it during this period of life. Interestingly, Masters Vedic astrology can make the most accurate natal chart person by his dwelling. A person changes - his apartment also changes.

Mantra for harmonizing the house (apartment): OM MAHABHARATA VASTAPURUSH SVAHA.

Let your harmonious apartment serve as a source of inexhaustible strength and optimism!

Our house should charge us with excellent mood and vivacity, being a place of power. Let's use simple Feng Shui techniques for this. The invisible energy of qi permeates the entire space around us - air, sunlight, food, according to the ancient Taoist practice of Feng Shui. Difficulty, for whatever reason, the flow of qi affects its inhabitants negatively. Garbage and rubbish are dangerous enemies of qi. Each of us had to be in houses filled with objects beyond measure. In such houses there is a feeling of fatigue, stagnation and apathy. Let's take the first steps to "strengthen" your apartment - it will be cleaning. Feng Shui cleaning. But before you do it, take a walk around fresh air to get away from the routine and tune into one wave with natural energy.

After returning from a walk, inspect all the rooms in the house in sequence. You need to detect objects that are out of place, we are not talking about a mess. Pay attention to objects that “catch the eye”, because the same thing will happen to energy, interfering with its free flow. Move the chair, get rid of the empty boxes under the sofa, remove the pile of books from the table. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, even small permutations will provide a surge of energy and give a sense of novelty.

After you have removed the external barriers to the flow of qi, it's time to take on the islands of energy stagnation, which are hard-to-reach places rarely remembered by us. That bottom drawer desk, mezzanine, cabinet in the kitchen. After the general cleaning carried out here, it will immediately become easier to breathe.

We act. We take a capacious bag and put into it three unnecessary items, broken, unused, old, from each category:

  • stationery;
  • discs and cassettes;
  • cosmetics;
  • clothes and accessories.

You can continue this list yourself. Do not forget: useful things give us strength, the same things that have been idle for years, “de-energize” us, drawing energy onto themselves. So get rid of them without any regret.

We act. Very simple and effective method feng shui - do not leave garbage in the apartment and take it out every evening. In addition to the sanitary and aesthetic effect, it will strengthen the qi. It does not make sense to put bags outside the apartment - the energy of the surrounding space affects us. Take a couple of minutes and walk to the garbage chute or combine an evening walk with taking out the garbage.

To attract favorable energy flows, use color scheme white, yellow, brown, gold and silver colors, your home will become a real place of power. Also, this positive effect will have a good effect on the health of the expectant mother, who will also benefit from exercises for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester. The symbol of the Earth also corresponds to the current cycle, which is why houseplants are so desirable. Flowers enhance qi energy bright colors. The positive effect of cut flowers lasts no more than three days. But it should be noted that the bedroom should not have any fresh flowers or their images. This place is just for two. So for an aquarium, a home garden, photographs and paintings of animals and people, find a place in other rooms. This does not mean that any images in the bedroom are out of place. Just make sure that they are paired - two decorative pillows, two glasses, two red candles. This contributes to harmonious relationships, activates "love magic". In order to find a life partner or bring romance to relationships in the bedroom, place paired figurines of mandarin ducks, symbolizing marital fidelity and a happy marriage.

What are the first impressions we usually get from moving to new house. As a rule, it was built according to the so-called. monolithic principles. In addition, the house has large windows - from ceiling to floor. It seems to look nice, but somehow still uncomfortable. How is it possible to harmonize space?

In recent decades, it has become very fashionable in the interior to use a large number of glass materials, metal products as well as concrete. But in the philosophy of Feng Shui, glass is the material that causes subconscious fears and unconscious fears.

In addition, unedged glass surfaces are a source of unwanted energy emissions and, together with load-bearing beams ceilings, coupled with columns, negatively affect the whole energy of the surrounding space. Hence the feeling of discomfort in the new home. In order to neutralize the indicated negative influence of frills modern construction, we should carefully consider the filling of our homes.

From the position of Feng Shui, “reasonable” will be the style that is associated with the use natural materials: ceramics, cork, wood. They subconsciously "educate" in people softness, flexibility, even attitude to what is happening. However, it is important not to overdo it, because an excessive amount of wood in the house, especially oak, can cause malfunctions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

If something causes internal rejection, it should be excluded from the interior, otherwise problems with well-being may follow.

Unfortunately, the “achievements” of civilization in the form of heated floors, hundreds of meters of electrical wires, water pipes in walls and floors, as well as air conditioners, can weaken our immunity. If it is not possible to refurbish the room and get rid of these “benefits”, at least try not to sleep in a room with cables or underfloor heating.

An important role in the interior is played by plants, various aromas, calm music - they improve the overall energy. So, instead of an air conditioner, you can use “thunderstorm sounds” or “rain music” - and the body mobilizes “internal cooling”.

A few words about the quality of the concrete used in the construction of our new dwellings. Namely - commodity concrete. The production of which is a rather complicated process associated with the use of large-scale modern equipment and special vehicles for its transportation to the construction site.

Finished concrete mix, as you know, is a composition based on sand with crushed stone, fastened with cement and water. Given all the complexity of manufacturing technology, concrete is best purchased at specialized enterprises - concrete plants.

One of the competent representatives in this area is deservedly considered the company LLC "Concrete Plant in Vyritsa", on the website of which - you can get acquainted with the widest range of these products and purchase concrete for various needs at an affordable price.

The company provides concrete of various densities for any type of work: for foundations, building construction, road construction and other construction needs, depending on the scope of use. The cost of a cubic meter depends on the customer's desire for the composition of the required mixture used in the manufacturing process of the material, its classification.

In a previous article, I talked a little about ancient science like Vastu. Now it's time to talk about specific techniques for harmonizing the space in the kitchen, according to this ancient teaching and not only.

This is knowledge about different directions (cardinal directions), energies and their influence on our lives. By creating harmony in the room, we can easily progress, achieve success and prosperity.

The role of this knowledge cannot be overestimated. We spend most of our lives indoors: whether we are at home, in the office or going to the store. The energies that are present inside these rooms have a strong influence on us. In some rooms we feel discomfort, we have nothing to breathe, or conflicts constantly occur in them. In others, on the contrary, it is joyful and pleasant to be. What does it depend on? The atmosphere in the house is influenced not only by the mistress of the house, beautiful interior and comfort, but also subtle laws.

How many of you know about the existence of such a science as Vastu? Most likely, almost everyone remembered the world-famous Feng Shui. Let's look at the differences between these sciences about the harmonization of space.

Differences between Vastu and Feng Shui:

  • Vastu is ancient Indian knowledge, and Feng Shui comes from China;
  • Vastu is a very ancient knowledge that appeared during the period of Ramana and Mahabharata (more than 5000 years ago, Feng Shui appeared about 3000 years ago);
  • Vastu has a personal aspect, i.e. recognizes the existence of the Master of the house, who is a person, in the philosophy of Feng Shui only the impersonal circulation of energies is considered;
  • Vastu is part of a large Vedic knowledge and is inextricably linked with the laws of the Lord;
  • Vastu is passed down the disciplic succession without change.

The most unfavorable place for the location of the kitchen is north and northeast

North is the direction that is responsible for human well-being. If you place the kitchen there, then all the funds that come to the family will simply burn in the fire. The northeast is considered a spiritual direction that is not meant for the kitchen. In addition, the body of the Lord of the Vastu Purusha house is completely placed in the square of our premises. It has its head in the northeast. When we heat the head of our “brownie”, it begins to boil and scandals, conflicts and even dangerous situations with fire can occur.

The most favorable place for cooking in the southeast

The southeast direction is responsible for pleasure, communication and warm (fiery atmosphere), this direction kindles the fire of digestion. The East is responsible for wisdom and spirituality.

Position stoves and heating elements in the southeast

The southeast is the most favorable place for "fiery" objects

Cook auspiciously facing east

The East is the direction of wisdom. When cooking, looking at the East, food saturates not only on a physical level, but also on a spiritual one. Good thoughts and good mood appear. In addition, it will help to avoid health problems for members of the whole family.

Keep Order

If you do not follow the order and do not do it every day wet cleaning, the laws of Vastu cease to operate in full. To enhance the circulation of energy, it is useful to wash the floor before and after cooking. In addition, getting rid of trash will allow energy to circulate in space and benefit its owner.

Leave north and northeast as free as possible

It is extremely unfavorable to force these areas with furniture and interior items, as the energy flows that are responsible for harmony are disrupted, spiritual development, prosperity and welfare.

Do not put the kitchen set close to the wall

Do not place a trash can under the sink

By placing a trash can under the sink, we defile the water, which is responsible for the energy of purification and prosperity. Thus, we can lose wealth and purity. It is better to put the trash can away from the sink and water.

Keep clean drinking water in the northeast

This will help cleanse the atmosphere of the apartment and harmonize the interaction of the 5 primary elements (ether, air, water, fire and earth).

Place fire items (stove) and water items (sink) as far apart as possible

This is necessary so that the energy of the conflict of the 5 primary elements does not arise. This can cause conflicts between family members.

Create a harmonious space for the prosperity of all family members!

To begin with, it is important to determine the landmark of your house, this can be done using a Google Maps map.

A correctly oriented house is one in which the walls are parallel to the cardinal points - north, south, west, east
(picture 1). If your house has a displaced landmark,
you expand the plan of the apartment in relation to your house (fig. 2). Further, along the extreme inner points of the apartment, it is necessary to draw the perimeter to a rectangle (Fig. 3) and divide it into 8 equal parts (Fig. 4).

Each sector in the apartment is responsible for a certain aspect of life: C - wealth zone, SV - spirituality,
B - health, SE - female energy, Yu - transformation and strength, SW - protection and influence, Z - learning and old age, NW - relationships.

If there is a defect or clutter in a certain sector of the apartment, then the aspect of life for which this sector is responsible will suffer. For example, if the north - the zone of wealth - is affected by a pantry or a toilet, then these defects will affect financial flows. And if the eastern sector (health) is closed (does not have windows and doors) or is absent, then the most insignificant thing that can be -
this is a breakdown and malaise among the residents of this apartment.


Before analyzing and adjusting your housing, you need to know about defects and the basic principles of organizing space.

The main disadvantages in the science of Vastu are the toilet and any plums in areas of maximum inflow of favorable solar energy- NE, S and B. Moreover, the aspects of life for which these sectors are responsible are fundamental - physical and mental health, spiritual development and prosperity of the individual, wealth, including financial flows, food, warm relations with people. It is also unfavorable if these sectors are absent, or closed by closets, dark corridors.

The second strongest defect of Vastu are bathrooms, toilet rooms, kitchens, ventilation shafts or fireplaces when they are in the center of the apartment. In the space of such housing, the owners can often have conflicts, because the Brahmastana (central part) is the "center of the world." Also, if there is a bathroom / toilet in the south, southeast of the apartment, there is a lot of water element in the “fire” zone, then there is an imbalance of the primary elements.


For a complete analysis of an apartment or house, identifying defects and methods of correction, it is best to contact a specialist www.vastu-projects. So that you can figure it out on your own, I will give the basic principles of harmonizing space. There are 2 types of correction:

1. On the physical plane - when we change everything in our power: we rearrange furniture, install mirrors, correctly zone rooms, carry out color correction, and sometimes even demolish walls.

2. On thin plan- when a certain sector is missing, the landmark of the house has already been shifted and sewer drains cannot be transferred, then yantras and special plates come to the rescue.

Basic harmonization rules: one of the principles of Vastu says: N, NE and B should be opened and released as much as possible, and Z, SW and S should be better organized as more closed, weighted; on N, NE and B it is best to place a living room, an office, if bedrooms, then children's; when toilets / bathrooms / kitchens fall into these zones, then on the physical plane it is important to organize them more spacious, light, airy, apply color correction: on C - green, white with gold elements, on NE - all shades of yellow, on B - peach, all sunny warm colors.

Drain holes must be closed with special correctors - copper and marble plates. If you do not have plates yet, then close the holes of sinks and bathrooms with pebble stones in diameter or sea shells.

It is important to block the holes through which the maximum flow of favorable energy flows. And visually expand the space of these sectors by installing a mirror on the N, NE or in the walls. But this can only be done in the bathroom. Mirrors are not recommended in the toilet and kitchen. All the same rules apply to the rooms in the central part. In this case, it is necessary to use white, beige colors.

Apartment analysis, defects and correction methods in our online school VastuProjects take more than 12 hours of training, so in this section I will gradually introduce you to the basics of this unique and practical science of the harmonious organization of space.
I wish you love and prosperity! Remember that Vastu does not work where it is dirty, therefore, dear housewives, please keep the entire space of the apartment clean, including in closets and on balconies / loggias.

Olesya Veselova - vastu architect, head of the training online schools VastuProjects.