How to insulate a wooden house with organic, mixed, synthetic materials. Warming the veranda - we expand the living space with our own hands Warming the cold veranda

If you have a veranda, then we can say that you happy man... This is a great place to spend time in the summer. The veranda for each owner serves a specific purpose that he pursues. This is an additional area of ​​the house that can be used for any purpose. Only now in winter period time, the veranda can play a cruel joke with you. The whole house can lose heat because of it. And in the veranda itself it will be simply unrealistic. To make your stay in the house and in the veranda comfortable, we recommend that you insulate your veranda.

However, this is easier said than done. In this article, you will learn how to insulate a veranda in a wooden house or a brick house. What materials to use when working? Insulation from the outside or from the inside? We will consider all this further.

What way to insulate the veranda to choose

There is a lot of controversy regarding the type of veranda or terrace insulation. Some say that it is better to do the insulation of the veranda from the inside with your own hands, while others are supporters of the method of insulation from the outside. But which one is better? We will shed light on this mystery by comparing the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

Let's start with insulating the veranda inside. Here are the advantages of this method:

  1. Works are carried out at any time of the year and in any weather.
  2. You can have free access to the surface at any height.
  3. You can insulate every surface in one go - the floor, all the walls and the ceiling.

True, this method of insulation has its drawbacks:

  • you need to dismantle the finished coating;
  • with this option, the freezing point begins to shift into the wall, which is fraught with its gradual destruction;
  • a layer of insulation can take up precious space inside;
  • garbage accumulates inside during work;
  • some materials may have harmful substances, so you will have to dwell only on environmentally friendly ones.

This was a comparison of insulation from the inside. And what about the external method? The advantages are as follows:

  1. During operation, debris will not accumulate in the room.
  2. The space inside does not get smaller.
  3. Repair work can be done without disrupting the way of life. Nobody has to go anywhere.
  4. The freezing point is shifted into the insulation, so the walls will accumulate heat and not collapse so quickly.
  5. After warming, the veranda outside can be decorated and transformed by sheathing with clapboard, siding, decorative bricks or other facing material.
  6. You can choose any material, regardless of its components. He will all be exactly outside.

As for the disadvantages of warming the veranda outside, there are several of them:

  • work can only be performed in good weather;
  • it is difficult to access every surface, especially the roof.

We have given you some statistics, and you can already decide for yourself which insulation option to choose. Analyze the pros and cons, and consider your circumstances. When you have chosen a method of insulation, you can think of an insulating material.

Warming of the veranda - list of materials

There are so many heaters in our time that it is sometimes difficult to make a choice. All of them are good in their field and are used by builders. Nevertheless, over time, each material has received a certain reputation, so you can make a list of the most best materials for insulation. Let's take a look at it as it was compiled based on user feedback, characteristics and the balance of advantages and disadvantages.


This material is known to everyone. He copes with his task perfectly and has a lot of advantages. The material is produced in rigid plates of a certain thickness. The thicker the foam, the better thermal insulation verandas.

Material pluses:

  1. Low price and availability.
  2. Versatility, suitable for insulation of ceilings, walls and floors.
  3. The material is very easy to work with.
  4. Possesses high degree saving heat.
  5. Not afraid of moisture.
  6. It is lightweight and does not weigh down the structure of the veranda.
  7. Non-toxic and able to absorb noise from the street.

Note! You can also use expanded polystyrene. Its properties are very similar to polystyrene, only better. The material is durable and well processed.


Practical material that is easy to work with. Due to the foil layer, the material additionally protects the wooden veranda from the cold.

Material pluses:

  1. It can be combined with other materials, used as one insulation or reinforced with others.
  2. Is environmentally friendly, will not emit toxic and harmful substances... Therefore, you can use it internally.
  3. It is very simple to work with it, the process of warming is within the power of everyone.
  4. It is fireproof.
  5. Penofol will protect the veranda from the cold air from the street.

Mineral wool

No less popular insulation than styrofoam. Can be used as rolls or slabs. Minvata has earned the respect of many builders and is used very often to insulate verandas. It's all about its characteristics and advantages:

  1. The material is vapor-permeable, i.e. breathable. Due to this, the veranda will have an excellent microclimate and optimal humidity.
  2. This is an environmentally friendly product that will not harm anyone.
  3. The quality of mineral wool insulation is at a height.
  4. The material is lightweight and comfortable to work with.
  5. Just like polystyrene, cotton wool has the property of soundproofing a room. No extraneous sounds will penetrate the veranda.
  6. Versatility. You can insulate the floor, walls and ceiling of the veranda with cotton wool.

Important! One of the varieties of mineral wool is basalt wool. The material is biologically resistant, does not burn, resists moisture and is durable.

PPU (polyurethane foam)

An excellent material for insulation, which is applied by spraying. It can be compared to polyurethane foam, which after application increases several times. Although, on sale you can find ready-made panels that are mounted on the principle of foam. However, this method is worse than the spraying method. Why? When fixing slabs (this applies to foam, mineral wool and other slab and roll insulation) cold bridges are formed, through which cold penetrates into the veranda. And when spraying, a monolithic layer without gaps is created.

Material pluses:

  1. Lack of cracks.
  2. High quality thermal insulation.
  3. Polyurethane foam is not afraid of moisture.
  4. Biostable.
  5. It is lightweight and sound insulating.
  6. Penetrates into all cracks, creating a monolithic layer.

Advice! With all this, PPU is quite expensive, and for its application you need to have special equipment. In addition, the material is vapor-tight.

It is from this list of materials that you can choose the insulation that you like the most. With it, your veranda will be reliably insulated. Start from the characteristics of the material, as well as from your financial capabilities. If you have already chosen, then you can proceed with the insulation itself.

We insulate the foundation of the veranda

High-quality insulation is reduced to the elimination of heat loss through each structure. After all, the task of insulation is not only to prevent the penetration of cold. The main task is to preserve the heat generated by the heating system of the room. It is noteworthy that the veranda is most often built on the same foundation as the entire house. Most often, the base serves monolithic concrete or plates. It is they who are the cold bridge, through which about 20% of the heat leaves. Therefore, first you need to take care of the insulation of the foundation and basement.

Styrofoam is the ideal material for this job. It is cheap, lightweight, and resists outside influences well. Warming the veranda with foam is one of the most common options. So, what you need to do to insulate the foundation:

  1. Dig it to the ground. If it is not waterproof, then lubricate it bituminous mastic... So, you will extend the life of the concrete and foam itself.
  2. Then you need to install the foam plates on the gravel bed and glue them to the foundation. Use polyurethane glue.
  3. Glue the joints between the boards as well.

That's all, the job is done. You need to protect the entire foundation, right down to the basement. And the foam itself is revetted with any material.

We insulate the floor in the veranda

Floor is another source of heat loss in verandas and terraces. Most often, the floors in the veranda are made of concrete screed... Sometimes wood is used (by the way, it is warmer). In the event that you plan to make a warm floor in the veranda, we recommend that you stay at electrical system heating to turn on the system as needed. As for water insulation, it is better to refuse it on the veranda. In frosty weather, pipes can freeze and deform. Then the system will need to be replaced completely. How to make a warm floor on the veranda is shown in this video.

But what if you don't want to use underfloor heating technology? It is possible to insulate the floor on the veranda in a simple way"By lags". Here's what you need to do this:

  1. Make a subfloor from planks.
  2. Install logs on the boards. The height is chosen taking into account the thickness of the future insulation.
  3. The logs and the space in them are covered with a waterproofing film, with access to the walls.
  4. Now, between the lags, you can install insulation. It is best to use mineral wool. IT must be tightly packed in free space so that there are no large gaps.
  5. A layer of insulation is covered vapor barrier film, with an overlap on the walls.
  6. A finished floor is arranged on top. you can use OSB slabs, plywood or boards. You can put laminate or other flooring on top.

We insulate the walls of the veranda

A lot of heat is escaping through the walls. This is why insulating veranda walls is so important. You can insulate the walls from the inside with foam, polyurethane foam or mineral wool. You decide. However, the insulation technology is almost identical. Your task is to create a crate so that this or that material can be laid in it. In fact, the work resembles floor insulation, only in the vertical plane.

When the veranda is made of wood, the insulation takes place in this way:

Note! Insulation is performed on the outside in the same way. But finishing material should not be afraid of moisture and external influences. It could be facade paint or plaster, bark beetle, siding.

If the veranda has concrete walls, then you can insulate it with foam. Everything is somewhat simpler here. It is necessary to glue the foam plates to the wall with special glue, and then strengthen the fixation with dowels with an umbrella. Further, the surface of the slabs is coated adhesive solution into which the reinforcing mesh is recessed. Once dry, you can do decorative plaster(bark beetle, fur coat, etc.).

We insulate the windows of the veranda and doors

Windows are almost the main source of heat loss. If they are old and have cracks, then the heat successfully leaves the room. To eliminate the problem, you can blow out all the cracks and holes with polyurethane foam. But, sometimes this method simply does not help. The point is that the windows can be very old. In this case, we recommend that you replace them with new ones made of metal-plastic. As you know, they perfectly retain heat in the room, not letting in the cold.

Among other things, such windows will isolate the veranda from noise. Installation plastic windows it is not easy, however, the companies that sell them provide such services. You can take advantage of them, saving you energy, time and nerves. And professionals will not make mistakes in editing, which can become fatal.

As for the doors, they need to be upholstered with felt or other insulation from the inside and outside. Rubber seals can be installed on a wooden box. Inspect the places where door frame connects to the opening. If you find cracks and holes, fill them with polyurethane foam.

We insulate the ceiling of the veranda

At the end of the whole complex of warming the room, it remains to take care of the ceiling. This is not an easy job for them, since the work is carried out at a height. Yet if you choose the right technology and insulation material, then everything will work out.

There are two options for ceiling insulation:

The first option is most often done during the construction phase. Although, nothing prevents you from doing it later. Its advantage is that the ceiling does not lose its height, and the room does not shrink. The work is simple: you just need to put the insulation material in the rafter frame and sew everything up with foil.

As for insulation from the inside, there are difficulties here. There are 3 different options insulation of the ceiling from the inside:

  1. First of all, a frame made of timber with a section of 30 × 30 mm is mounted on the ceiling. Insulation of identical thickness is placed in the resulting space. It is advisable to work with dense insulation such as polystyrene foam. Then you need to sheathe the ceiling with sheets of drywall and finish it.
  2. The ceiling covering is replaced with OSB boards or plywood. Then the waterproofing film is fixed and the frame is filled from a bar. The insulation is laid according to the already familiar principle. It remains only to sheathe everything with foil and knock out the ceiling with clapboard.
  3. The third way is frameless. It can only be realized with tough insulation such as Styrofoam. Slabs of material are laid on the ceiling with glue and dowels, and the ceiling is covered with a special mesh. The surface is putty and the ceiling is finished as desired.

That's all, now your veranda is completely isolated from the cold and can withstand any frost. It is clear that for this you need to spend a lot of money, effort, time and nerves, but the result is worth it.

Let's summarize

So, you have learned exactly how you can insulate your veranda by insulating the foundation, ceiling, walls, floor, windows and doors. All that remains is to follow the advice, purchase material and bring everything that you have learned to life. As for the heating of the veranda, then ideal option can be called a mobile heater that can be carried. It is either an electric radiator, oil radiator, fan or UFO. It is only important to follow all safety rules. Then your veranda will be warm all year round. You can rest easy in it, do winter Garden or use for other purposes.

Or verandas in a suburban area - perfect solution to create additional living space that can be used throughout the year. Before insulating the veranda, it is necessary to think over the main points of the work: the type of insulation, heat-insulating material, the place of installation of the insulator, etc. Insulation can be done both from the inside and outside.

Insulation from the inside is considered the most effective.

In this case, work can be carried out in any weather. In this case, you can use the same thermal insulation materials for walls, floors, ceilings. At the same time, if the veranda has already been made, and is not under construction, then it will be necessary to dismantle the existing coatings. In addition, the freezing point will move inside the wall material, which will negatively affect its performance.

At the same time, many experts advocate external insulation, who note that when work is carried out outside the veranda in a private house, the area of ​​the room will not be reduced. In addition, the freezing point will be shifted into the thermal insulation material, which will allow the walls to accumulate heat.

With external insulation, it will be necessary to provide high-quality protection of the insulation from moisture and atmospheric phenomena, since almost all modern insulators are susceptible to the negative effects of humidity and temperature extremes.

What materials can be used to insulate the veranda?

A huge number of the most different types thermal insulation materials having different characteristics and prices. The most common ones used in suburban construction are the following:

  • Penofol. If you ask a builder about how to insulate a veranda, then he will most likely talk about penofol. Penofol is a modern heat-insulating material that is used separately from or together with other insulators. Penofol is suitable for insulating various buildings in country house... This is an environmentally friendly material with a minimum degree of vapor permeability, which can be assembled by hand.
  • Styrofoam. Probably one of the most popular heaters. Distinctive features: minimum weight, rigidity, stability of performance over many years of use, ease of installation, the ability to install with or without a frame. But the foam is susceptible to fire and is also attractive to rodents. At the same time, when using this material, there is no need to make an additional layer of waterproofing.
  • Expanded polystyrene. A modern insulator, which has all the advantages of foam insulation, as well as good strength characteristics and ease of processing. Among the minuses, one can single out only low soundproofing indicators, but they are usually not required on verandas. Not flammable.
  • Mineral wool. The most popular insulation that can be used everywhere in a private house. Well suited for warming a veranda for winter use of the premises, but only in combination with other insulation and waterproofing. For the installation of mineral wool slabs, a frame device is required. In addition, after several years of operation, the material will begin to lose its density, which will lead to a loss of insulation performance.
  • Basalt wool. Almost a complete analogue of mineral wool, although from an environmental point of view it is safer.
  • Polyurethane foam. It is one of the most modern and effective insulation on the market. It can be produced in the form of plates, panels, or applied to insulated surfaces using special equipment. Advantages: light weight, resistance to any natural and chemical influences, high thermal insulation performance, amazing durability (over 40 years). The main disadvantage of this material is its high price.
  • Linen, tow, moss. These traditional heaters can be used only in cases where it is required to insulate a veranda in a country house made of timber, as well as to seal the cracks at the joints. They cannot be considered as a full-fledged thermal insulation material.

The choice of insulation or several insulators will depend on many factors: materials for the construction of the veranda, the desired level of insulation of the room, the dimensions of the structure, etc.

It should be noted that a truly warm veranda for year-round residence, it will only work with high-quality insulation in combination with glazing and heating.

Warming the floor of the veranda

You can insulate the floor of the veranda in different ways. Consider the two most common ways of doing the job.

In the first case, it is necessary to completely dismantle finish coating premises upon reaching the sub-floor (concrete, beams, etc.). After that, it is necessary to completely cover the subfloor surface with expanded clay (or its analogs). Then, if there is room left, you can lay the slab insulation by attaching them to the floor beams. Finally, the finishing layer is laid again.

Thermal insulation of the floor with expanded clay.

The second method also involves dismantling floor covering, however, work can be performed on it. If the work is carried out on the existing wooden floor, then in the future its surface will become a rough one. First of all, 50x50 bars are installed on the logs or on a rough surface (depending on the chosen method), then the vapor barrier layer is laid. Insulation is placed on the vapor barrier layer (mineral wool slabs can be used). Laying is done in such a way that there are no gaps and gaps between the wooden beams and the insulation. Existing gaps and crevices can be closed with construction foam.

Floor insulation with slabs.

From above, we again close the insulation material with a vapor barrier, turning the foil part inside the veranda. It is recommended to close all the resulting joints with construction tape. At the end, the installation of the final flooring is carried out.

In some cases, to ensure maximum thermal insulation of the floor, the foundation of the veranda is insulated, but this is often not required.

Insulation of the ceiling and roof of the veranda

It is difficult to imagine warming the veranda from the inside with your own hands without creating an insulating layer on the ceiling surface. The principle of work here is about the same as in the case of the floor. The main difference is that all installation works a canopy, which is fraught with some difficulties, so it is better not to do this alone.

The first method of insulating the ceiling of a veranda in a country house involves the use of a frame. Dismantling is performed first ceiling covering, after which a waterproofing film is installed on the rough surface of the ceiling. If it is supposed to use soft heat-insulating materials, then a frame of a bar can be made for them, as a result of which an insulator can be mounted between the bars. After laying the insulation, it must be closed again with a waterproofing film over the entire area. Finishing ceiling in this case is performed drywall sheets or wooden clapboard.

The second method involves the use of polyurethane foam and rigid types of thermal insulation materials. Mounting insulation materials in this case, it occurs directly on the ceiling surface, after which it is completely covered with putty.

In order for the putty to hold as securely as possible, it is necessary to close the foam with a metal mesh.

Warming the walls of the veranda

Insulation of the veranda very often begins with the creation of an insulating layer on the walls. In this case, the work can be done both from the inside and outside. To insulate the walls of the veranda, a variety of thermal insulation materials listed above can be suitable. Experts recommend not to insulate the walls of the veranda on existing finishes- it must be removed before carrying out work, attaching the insulation to the rough surface of the walls.

Insulation of the veranda with ecowool outside.

When insulating walls (no matter whether from the outside or from the inside), it is recommended to protect the thermal insulation with a waterproofing layer, for which modern waterproofing films are perfect. If slab insulation is used, then it is required to make a small timber frame on the existing walls, which will hold them in place.

Frame insulation of the veranda from the inside.

All gaps and gaps that will be formed between the insulation and wall material, must be caulked with jute or filled with polyurethane foam.

The most important thing is that there are no gaps left through which it will penetrate into the room cold air from the street.

Is there enough insulation?

If it is planned to operate the veranda all year round and maintain a comfortable temperature in it winter time, then the insulation of the veranda must be carried out together with high-quality glazing of the room and the installation of heating elements. Veranda heating can be done by the most different ways: installation of traditional radiators, installation of electric heaters, installation of "warm floor", etc.

The choice here is quite large. But the main thing is compliance with safety rules.

When choosing traditional radiators, the heating project will have to be coordinated with the regulatory state authorities.

Veranda is a great place for relaxation, family teas and friendly gatherings. V warm time the terrace is becoming the most popular part of the house and a great opportunity to bring dear people together. However, with the onset of cold weather, the idyll ends - no one wants to sit on the cold veranda. But the situation is easily fixable - for this it is enough to know how to properly insulate the veranda. By the way, competent insulation will not only preserve the usual comfort, but will also help protect the corners of the extension from the formation of black spots that arise under the influence of low temperatures.

What is the best way to insulate the veranda?

The range of thermal insulation materials is quite wide, so the selection process remains relevant as never before. Meanwhile, there are samples that have proven themselves the best. It is they who should be given preference when buying.

The leaders in terms of the number of positive reviews are mineral wool and polystyrene. A profitable way to insulate the terrace, and even save a significant amount at the same time. To improve the created effect, a foam foam gasket is used. Plated sheets reflect the cold street air and do not allow precious warmth to "escape". Penofol is a high-tech heat insulator consisting of foamed polyethylene covered with aluminum foil. This material can be used both in tandem with other fellow heat insulators, and alone. Of course, the first option is more effective, because allows you to use the advantages of protective raw materials to the maximum.

How to insulate a wooden veranda?

The problem of how to insulate a cold veranda begins to worry the owners of country cottages with the onset of the first frost. Do you really have to abandon the tradition of relaxing on the terrace until spring? Not at all - keep warm and keep enjoying life!

Tools and building materials

  • insulation (penofol, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc.);
  • foam (thickness not less than 10 cm);
  • nails, hammer, nail gauge;
  • scissors, hacksaw for metal;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • Scotch;
  • paint, brushes;
  • putty knife.

We insulate the floor

If you are thinking about how to insulate a plank veranda, but do not know where to start, then experts advise the first thing to do is to protect the floor. Some people mistakenly believe that it is not necessary to insulate the floors and that you can limit yourself only to the walls and the ceiling, but this opinion does not correspond to reality. If there is no continuous foundation tape, then the question of how to insulate the floor on the veranda takes on a different meaning. Defining.

The seams between the boards are putty, then painted and punched with penofol from the bottom side. From the inside, the floor can be insulated with linoleum on a polypropylene basis or carpet on felt. A more complex, but also more reliable way is the arrangement of the second floor. It is used as a rough version, followed by the installation of thermal insulation and topcoat... The only thing, keep in mind that this will significantly reduce the height of the ceiling.

How to insulate walls?

How to insulate a veranda from the inside? If this problem is urgent for you, then get ready for the fact that you will have to replace the wall cladding completely. The boards are removed with a nail gauge. To prevent the tool from leaving traces, place a piece of cardboard under it. The more carefully you remove old boards, the easier it will be to mount new ones. One of the most simple solutions- fix the insulation with a foil layer (10-15 mm thick) on wooden brackets, and finish the walls with MDF panels on top.

If the walls are brick, then it is necessary to make a crate of transverse wooden beams with a section of 25x40 mm. Insulation in this case is used thicker - 25-30 mm. It must be cut into strips and laid between the beams. There should be no gaps.

The following method is no less popular. After careful measurement of the territory, penofol is cut into pieces of the appropriate size. Leave a couple of centimeters at the top and bottom for the fold. Cover the wall with material, fix the edges with tape. Next, foam is laid on top of the penofol. The panels should fit together as tightly as possible. In narrow, hard-to-reach places you will inevitably need the pieces non-standard forms and sizes that can be cut with an ordinary hacksaw for metal.

Nail the sheathing. If the thickness of the insulation is selected correctly, then the boards will not bend and "sit" perfectly. The final step is painting the trim and replacing the skirting board.

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda?

A hydro-barrier is mounted on the ceiling, then the surface is sheathed with a 27x27 mm bar. The gaps between the beams depend on the thickness of the insulation, but it is not recommended to leave intervals greater than 0.8 mm. The hydro-barrier is attached horizontally, the seams are glued together with metal tape. Sheathing beams are nailed vertically.

Penoplex sheets are inserted between the bars, which are fixed with dowels with a wide head. A heat reflector is laid on top of the penoplex, for example, Ekofol (foamed polyethylene, covered with a metallized lavsan film). Temporarily the heat reflector is fixed with a stapler. Later, he is pinned down by the blockhouse. The assembly of the blockhouse is carried out in concentric rows, which is necessary to create a perfectly flat surface.

The blockhouse can be replaced with clapboard or OSB. When carrying out work, use only serviceable tools, remember about protective equipment (mask, gloves). If you spray foam, ventilate the area from time to time.

How to insulate a summer veranda?

If the veranda is not in the house, but is an extension, this does not mean at all that insulation is impossible. If you have a canopy or roof, it is quite possible to do this.

Again, you should start from the floor. Around the perimeter of the veranda, paved with concrete or stone, a small fence made of building blocks or bricks is laid out. Then the floor is covered with roofing material in two layers, which will simultaneously perform the function of hydro and vapor barrier. The selected insulation is laid on top (layer thickness - 10 cm), then a vapor barrier membrane and a topcoat are laid.

The next step is double-glazed windows, brought out to the very roof. The roof is insulated according to the "pie" type: waterproofing film on the rafters, insulation, vapor barrier, decorative coating.

Terrace with wood floors insulated in a slightly different way. The floors are opened, insulation is laid between the logs. However, it is necessary to lay waterproofing under it, because in this case, the foundation under the summer veranda is usually absent. A fence made of timber is installed along the perimeter, which is used as the basis for double-glazed windows.

Features of insulation outside

If you have recently made repairs and do not want to start construction activities anew, you can insulate the veranda from the outside. This will provide an excellent opportunity to refine the facade and give the building a modern look.

The crate is mounted horizontally or vertically on the walls. The intervals between the guides are filled with insulation and moisture insulation. The cladding is attached last, for example, metal siding or decorative panels, finished with powder coated honey.

Now you know how to insulate a veranda, which means that your home will always be cozy and comfortable. Even the coldest autumn evenings spring and good mood will reign on the terrace!

Veranda: photo of insulated options

Video: how to insulate a veranda

Hard to imagine country cottage or a cottage without a veranda. Basically, such a building is used only in the warm season. But often, in order to increase the usable area and operate the premises in winter, they carry out insulation of the veranda attached to the house. How to implement it correctly and with minimal cost, we will tell in this article.

Warming methods

How to make a veranda suitable for winter residence? It is advisable to think over the possibilities of thermal insulation at the beginning of construction, since after the completion of the work, labor costs and financial investments increase several times.

Thermal insulation of the veranda involves the installation of insulation on the floor, walls, ceiling. However, due to the influence of the atmospheric environment, not all types of materials are suitable for solving this problem.

The best option is roll and plate heaters based on natural minerals. They are sufficiently air and vapor permeable, which contributes to the free removal of moisture and protects the wood from rotting and deterioration.

Artificial insulation made of polyurethane foam, which has low vapor permeability, is less preferable for the veranda. These materials are more often used for external insulation, plates are fixed on a pre- installed frame from a bar.

We start from the floor

It is much easier to carry out measures to insulate the veranda during the construction phase. As a rule, such structures are made according to frame technology... This facilitates the process of laying the insulation in the walls, floor and ceiling.

The first stage of preparing the structure for winter living is the insulation of the floor on the veranda. After the foundation is erected, the lower strapping of a bar with a section of 150x150 mm is installed on the supports and the crate is mounted. Before insulating the floor on the veranda, the tree is treated with a protective compound.

Next, the so-called rough floor of the veranda from edged or unedged boards 25 mm thick. In the presence of a subfloor, this task is relatively easy to solve. In the absence of the necessary space under the floor of the veranda, 30x30 bars are attached to the side planes of the floor in the lower part, on which the subfloor is mounted.

Insulating material and a vapor barrier layer are installed on top of the fixed boards. Since the lion's share of heat loss occurs through the floor, 2-3 layers of insulation are laid on the lower floor, alternating directions at an angle of 90 °.

Instead of plate or roll insulation, solid materials are used, for example, expanded clay is poured between the beams. A layer of vapor barrier is laid on top and the floor is finished.

We insulate the walls

The next stage of veranda insulation is wall insulation. Vertical bars are fixed along the perimeter of the floor and fixed with the help of jibs and transverse horizontal inserts. Outside, the walls are sheathed with finishing material of one kind or another, pre-laying a vapor barrier.

Between vertical posts the insulation is mounted in at least two layers.

As a rule, the thickness of the material makes it possible not to fix it additionally. It is enough to cut pieces of mineral wool 3-4 cm wider than the opening in which the installation is planned.

After the vertical surfaces are insulated, they are sewn finishing layer vapor barriers and carry out interior wall decoration.

We work with the ceiling

It is impossible to qualitatively insulate the veranda from the inside, bypassing the ceiling. Upper frame collected in the same way as the bottom floor, that is, from wooden beams square section. In the case of sequential work, the ceiling is insulated before installing the roof. For this, on the underside of the floor slabs, the surface is finished with a preliminary installation of a vapor barrier.

Insulation is mounted on the finish in several layers and covered with a draft ceiling. If the veranda does not imply the presence of a separate roof with an attic, a crate is attached over the sheathing and the roof is installed.

Warming the finished veranda

It is much more difficult to carry out thermal insulation of a building erected several years ago. In this case, it is advisable to minimize dismantling work that can damage the previously installed finishing material of the walls, floor and ceiling. Let's take a closer look at the nuances of warming the finished veranda.


If there is a need to rebuild the premises for winter living, the installation of the insulation begins with dismantling interior decoration ceiling. The operation is performed carefully to minimize waste. As a rule, in wooden houses, when decorating verandas, they use expensive material - lining.

After all panels have been removed from the upper horizontal slab, they proceed to the installation of the insulation. To avoid falling out mineral slabs, proceed as follows:


As a rule, the finished veranda is insulated outside. This saves expensive interior finishes. After dismantling the outer wall cladding, a vapor barrier is installed: the film is fixed in the gaps between the racks using a construction stapler.

Insulation of the veranda outside

Instead of mineral wool, foam plastic is used for external wall insulation, which is resistant to weathering and is not afraid of the influence of microorganisms. Insulation of the veranda with foam is carried out in a pre-assembled crate, which provides free air circulation.

Particular attention is paid to the windows. It is better to install two- or three-chamber double-glazed windows.

If there is single glass in the windows for the veranda, all joints are treated with a special insulation on an adhesive basis, and the frame landing sites are coated with sealant.


A large amount of cold air enters the room through the floor. Winter operation of the veranda is impossible without high-quality thermal insulation, while heating costs increase significantly.

We begin work on laying the insulation with the dismantling of the floor covering. Floor boards can be fixed in several ways:

If there is a rough sheathing, they are attached vapor barrier membrane and laid expanded clay or mineral wool. At standard thickness It is recommended to put 3 layers of mats or rolls of 50 mm between the 150x150 timber. On the upper planes of the beams, a vapor barrier is attached and the floor boards are mounted in their original place.

If there is no subfloor, a false lattice is made of pine timber 30x30, attaching it to the side planes of the beams with 70x4 mm self-tapping screws.

Thus, having studied the technology of warming the veranda, even a novice master will be able to independently perform all the work. Of course, it is better to insulate the room during the construction phase. But as a last resort, you can make insulation of the finished veranda, spending an additional amount of effort, time and finances.

It is necessary to be able to distinguish a veranda from a terrace.

Most often, wood is used to build country houses and dachas. Buildings made of wood are very easy and quick to assemble. If such a structure is well and correctly insulated, then living in it will be very comfortable even in winter.

Very often, the owners, on their own, attach a veranda to the house on which you can relax on a warm evening or hide from the scorching sun during the day.

But in cold and damp weather, this additional structure is practically not used.

To make the room more comfortable even in winter, you need to think about how to properly insulate the completed veranda from the inside, perhaps with your own hands.

People sometimes confuse a veranda with a terrace, let's make a small digression and consider which is which.

The terrace is an open area, so there is no point in insulating it. The veranda is an additional glazed building, so it should not be confused with a terrace.

The veranda, like the terrace, is not heated, therefore the air temperature in it differs little from the temperature outside.

How to insulate the floor on the veranda

If you are preparing a plan for the construction of your house, then it is better to immediately provide for a place for the veranda.

Thermal insulation of the floor on the veranda is one of the main stages of the whole process. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Of course, nothing prevents the veranda from being added later to the finished house.

But with the first option, it is possible to foresee a built-in veranda in advance and it will be part of your home. A attached veranda will be located outside the home. To insulate, of course, you need both options.

Warming the veranda from the inside should start from the floor. In wooden houses, it is most often made of logs laid on the ground, to which boards are attached.

To properly insulate the floor, you first need to remove the boards.

Place wooden blocks between the logs and fix them with screws. And now we put insulation material between the bars.

It is best to use mineral wool, penoplex or polystyrene in the form of insulation.

It is very important that the insulation tightly fills all the spaces between the logs.

Styrofoam sheets are very easy to adjust to any size of logs, as this material is very easy to cut with a knife.

Before laying, mineral wool must be insulated with polyethylene or foil. This is necessary so that the insulation does not deteriorate from moisture.

All empty spaces must be filled with special polyurethane foam.

The height of your insulation structure should be a few millimeters below the floor itself.

Air movement will constantly pass through such a gap, which helps to remove moisture, ventilating the space, and you can avoid getting wet and rotting floor elements.

At the very end, we lay tightly on the insulation plates plastic wrap, the edges of which are fixed with metallized tape. Only now you can lay the floorboards and move on to insulating other elements of the veranda.

Insulation of the walls and ceiling of the veranda

How to insulate a veranda with your own hands if it is inside a building? In this case, only external walls... The walls that connect the veranda with other rooms no longer need to be insulated.

The structure of the thermal insulation of the walls of the verandas. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Let us now consider the technique of warming such an option.

Initially, all walls must be covered with a waterproof material. Glue strips of polyethylene or foil with horizontal lines. We close all the joints obtained with tape so that there are no gaps for air.

Then, given the size of the slabs of cotton or foam insulation, you need to fill wooden blocks on the walls. And now we put insulation between them, for example, such as mineral wool. Styrofoam can be simply glued to the wall surface using special glue.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

And the easiest way is to insulate the walls with liquid foam, which is called polyurethane foam. This insulation perfectly protects from the cold and will serve you for several decades.

It has the ability to fill all flaws and cracks with itself, creating an even coating layer. But, it is worth noting that it is not cheap, because it is very rarely used for private buildings.

Insulation plates must be wrapped in foamed polyethylene. And if you use a heat-reflecting material, then you need it metal surface place inward.

On top of this structure, you can attach a finishing material such as lining and the like.

How to insulate the veranda from the inside so that the room can keep warm longer? To do this, you will also need to insulate the ceiling. Everyone already knows that warm air rises up. And without meeting a good obstacle, it will freely leave the room. If the ceiling is insulated, then most of the heat supplied to the veranda will remain inside the room.

The ceiling of the veranda is insulated in the same way as the walls. The insulation is isolated from moisture, wooden planks are stuffed to fix the insulation, the voids are blown out with special mounting foam and all this is sewn up with clapboard or other finishing material.

If your veranda is occupied most of window frames, we recommend that you install a triple frame structure. Because most of the heat loss goes through the windows.

Before you start insulating the veranda, you need to take care of fire safety... For insulation it is worth choosing non-combustible materials such as mineral wool. If there is a fire, then your veranda, not protected by fireproof materials, will flare up at the slightest hit of fire and burn for a very a short time... Thus, during a fire, the veranda can become a real obstacle to the exit of residents.

If you have a terrace, then it is impossible to insulate it. You can simply make an additional structure that will protect you in windy weather.

The review describes the option internal insulation verandas. But it is also possible to carry out insulation on the outside of the extension. Such insulation will additionally protect wooden walls from wind and precipitation. This way, they will last better and last longer.

As you can see, it will not be difficult to insulate the veranda with your own hands, the main thing is to determine in advance what and how to insulate, and then it is a matter of technology.