Column tsar what. Purpose and functions of the drawer in a moonshine still

Every sophisticated moonshine lover wants to ensure that the output is not just moonshine, but high-quality alcohol of 95.6%. To obtain such a result, it is necessary to modernize the moonshine still, which, if desired, can be done with your own hands. This can be achieved by installing a rectification frame.

The drawbar for a moonshine still is an elongated stainless steel tube with special spiral-shaped attachments inserted inside. The main function of this device is to separate alcohol-containing vapors based on their density. This ensures maximum purification of alcohol.

Operating principle of the drawer

The basic principle of preparing alcohol is the process of refluxing, i.e., separating vapors that differ from each other in boiling point. Thus, alcohol vapors are the lightest, and they are separated from heavier substances during distillation. Refluxation always occurs in the same way, no matter whether a steam chamber or a rectifying chamber is used. The only difference is the size of these two devices. The tsarga, in contrast to the steam chamber, has a much larger volume, therefore the productivity of alcohol is several times higher.

The drawbar for a moonshine still requires very specific and precise dimensions. Its length cannot be arbitrary, since it is the length that determines how many times the moonshine will be purified. So, for example, a tube 15 cm long will allow you to purify the distilled liquid 20 times, 35 cm - 50 times, 45 cm - 60 times. In other words, the longer the pipe, the longer the rectification process takes place and, as a result, the amount of unnecessary impurities is increasingly reduced, and the degree, accordingly, increases. In general, even with a minimum length, you can prepare your own high-quality moonshine if, after distillation, you filter it using ordinary activated carbon or potassium permanganate (i.e., potassium permanganate), sold in any pharmacy. For such filtration, you need to take approximately 50 g of coal for each liter of moonshine, crush it and pour it. Let sit for a week, stirring occasionally. After the expiration date, pass through a household water filter. That's all, a pure moonshine product without an unpleasant odor or harmful substances is ready.

If you want 95.6% alcohol immediately in one distillation session, then you will need to use not just a moonshine still with a drawer, but also a drawer that is 45 cm long, no less. It can be purchased in a store, although it will not be cheap, ranging from 3000-5000 rubles. However, why buy if you can make it yourself? But it should be understood that making such a device is quite a labor-intensive task.

Making your own drawer

There is nothing overly complicated about the question of how to make a tsar with your own hands. A person who knows how to handle a tool tolerably is quite capable of coping with the task of making simple types of drawers. But it will be very useful if you have the skills of a turner or welder.
First you need to take an inch pipe of the required length. In principle, the drawer can also be made up of several sections of pipes, so that the structure can be increased or decreased as needed. Ideally, the pipe should be stainless, but copper or brass is also quite suitable.

Iron, cast iron or plastic are unacceptable here, since iron tends to rust, and cast iron pipes do not come in this diameter. Plastic releases harmful substances when in contact with alcohol. So, on a stainless, copper or brass pipe, the first thing you need to do is cut threads at both ends. For stainless steel, you will need special pliers of the P18 brand, and cutting will require considerable effort, since it is quite difficult to cut it by hand. For copper and brass, regular pipe clamps are suitable.

After the thread is cut, it is necessary to install the threaded fitting on the lid of the evaporator (distillation cube), securing it with a pair of clamping nuts with silicone washers underneath for tightness. It is better not to use rubber gaskets, since they, unlike silicone ones, are less heat-resistant. If the evaporator cover is made of stainless steel, then the fittings (optional) are welded. Then we connect the fitting to the lower edge of the drawer. If the thread on the drawer is cut from the outside, then the fitting, accordingly, must have an internal thread. If, on the contrary, the drawer has an internal thread, then the fitting is selected with an external thread. For a homemade design this is quite acceptable. In order for the connection to be tight and reliable, the thread length must be at least 3 cm. It must be taken into account that this thread will hold almost the entire moonshine still, at least its main upper part, especially if a cooler is planned to be connected to the side of the rectification frame . Therefore, a strong and stable foundation for this entire structure is so important.

Depending on the type of construction, the steam pipeline of the cooler (coil), the second part of the drawer or the top of the distillation column is connected to the thread at the upper end of the drawer pipe. As already mentioned, the lower 35-centimeter part of the drawer can be easily extended by connecting pipe sections using a conventional pipe coupling.
Further. A little lower, about a couple of centimeters, a small hole (3-4 cm) is drilled, a thread is cut into it, into which a tube 4 cm long is screwed, also with a pre-cut thread. This will be the socket for the temperature sensor probe, which is inserted there along with a silicone seal during the brewing process.

Having dealt with the external connections, we move on to filling the internal part, perhaps the most important element in the design of the drawer. It is this filling that turns the metal pipe into a rectification frame. The body of the drawer, made of a pipe, is stuffed with special spiral-shaped elements made of stainless steel or copper, which externally resemble small springs with a diameter of 2-3 mm. These springs are called a nozzle or filling. They cannot be prepared with your own hands from available materials, so the easiest way is to order the filling on the Internet on sites that sell similar equipment. This filling acts not only as a filter, but thanks to it complex physical and chemical processes occur where steam and condensate interact. It is because of these processes that alcohol vapors are divided into fractions of different densities, and purification from foreign impurities occurs. It is also worth considering that when using a drawer, distillation is much slower, by about a third. But the time spent is more than compensated by the high quality of the finished product.

Many moonshine experts advise that the apparatus be insulated. In the drawer, heat exchange between evaporating alcohol and condensate takes place. This is the main process that allows alcohol to be separated from impurities. Therefore, heat exchange inside the drawer is very useful. The external heat exchange of the drawer with the environment is a harmful process, because negatively affects the main one, so ideally it should be reduced. For this purpose, it is recommended to insulate the outside of the drawer.

So, let us briefly repeat once again how the drawer for the moonshine still is assembled with your own hands. In general, the scheme is simple. A stainless pipe with a diameter of 1 inch is taken and connected to the evaporator using a threaded fitting. A sieve is placed at the bottom of the pipe. The rest of the internal space of the pipe is filled with filling. A steam tank is installed on top of the drawer. This entire manufactured device can reach a height of one meter or even more. However, in this case, you can use a moonshine still without a steamer. Then the top of the drawer is connected to the coil, from which the finished alcohol will drip.

A technological process such as moonshine brewing requires a responsible and rational approach to the production of alcohol. This requires special equipment. One of the additional structures is the drawer. A moonshine still with a drawer produces high-quality, strong alcohol without impurities. Not everyone who starts producing alcohol at home believes that a moonshine still is serious equipment. Nevertheless, it is so. Therefore, you should treat it properly, just like a refrigerator or stove.

Description and purpose of the king

A moonshine still with a drawer and steamer is designed for high-quality purification of an alcoholic drink, as well as for imparting strength. The external structure looks like a pipe, inside of which there is a stainless steel spiral. In order to install this design on the tank of a moonshine still, it is necessary to build a distillation column. As soon as the temperature increases, all the liquid will begin to settle on the surface of the structure, and alcohol vapor will begin to circulate in the drawer. Thanks to this systematic heat exchange process, the solution is separated into several parts.

Lightweight gaseous elements move into the reflux condenser and pass through the cooler, becoming alcohol droplets. Heavy substances are returned to the tank and then rectified again. In order to obtain a high-quality and pure alcoholic drink as a result, and the purification process itself to be quick and effective, you need to pay special attention to the choice of drawer: the longer the length, the better and more effective. There are drawers with lengths of 20, 35, 50 centimeters. Some professionals use several cylinders at once in order to achieve better cleaning.

The outside of the structure is protected by a special insulating material. Protection with material is necessary so that the cylinder is under no circumstances exposed to external heating, otherwise the technological flow of work will be disrupted.

Design features of the drawer

The drawer for a moonshine still consists of the following elements:

  • Threaded knots for connections;
  • Nozzle fixer;
  • Stainless steel pipe;
  • Heat insulation system using foam rubber;
  • Chaotic, chaotic nozzle with the presence of contact parts;
  • Systematic attachment with contact elements.

Typically, a rectification column contains several drawers. If double distillation of moonshine is required, then the drawers are filled with contact elements. As a result, a heat exchange procedure occurs between different parts: moisture (accumulated condensation) and steam rising to the top.

Refluxation process

In order to obtain alcohol purified from impurities with a high degree of alcohol, you need to understand the main principle of its production. The process of creating an alcoholic drink and its purification cannot be done without reflux. Refluxation proceeds the same way regardless of whether a steam steamer or a reflux condenser is used. The differences lie in the parameters and productivity of these designs. The drawer is larger in size than the steam tank, as a result of which the alcohol productivity is greater.

What is the essence of reflux? What is meant by this concept? Refluxation is the process of condensation of vapors that have different boiling points. It can only occur successfully if the counterflow of vapor in the distillation tank flows from the top of the drawer.

The secret of the success of the reflux process is the speed of the condensate: the slower it moves towards the vapor, the more efficient and better it is. To maintain heat exchange, it is necessary that condensates (or reflux) feed the steam. If the heat exchange stops, then the alcohol will not be released from the steam, and as a result, the creation of purified alcohol will stop.

How to make a device yourself

The drawer for a moonshine still is quite simple to construct with your own hands. If you are one of those who have basic skills in using a grinder or drill, then you are undoubtedly able to make a drawer yourself. So, first you need to decide what tools you will need. You need to prepare in advance a part of the pipe, the diameter of which will be 35-45 millimeters. Let the pipe material be steel, copper or brass, as they do not rust. Do not use ordinary steel (will rust), plastic (incompatible with alcohol fumes) or cast iron (unsuitable due to heavy weight).

At your discretion, you can create one or another type of drawer. If you like to conduct various experiments, then build a drawer with several levels that can be disassembled and connected. If you prefer a classic, proven option, then stop at just one fragment. The structure is designed in such a way that with any option, if there is a need, you can increase the length.

How to make a king yourself? In addition to the stainless pipe, you need a threaded fitting secured to the top of the distillation cube with nuts. It is better to limit the presence of rubber in the device, or choose one that is resistant and resistant to high temperatures. If the cube itself is made of stainless material, then a good option would be to weld a fitting to it.

The fitting will serve as a starting point for the work. Make an internal thread on the fitting, and make an external thread on the shell of the drawer. The manual process makes it possible to perform such actions. The thread should be 3 centimeters. It is the thread that will support the upper body of the device.

The upper body may also have threads. It will be needed if the drawer will have an additional lateral load in the form of a pipeline with a refrigeration chamber. If this option is being considered, then a steam line will need to be additionally connected to the drawer (specifically to the refrigerator), an additional chamber of the drawer, and the upper part of the distillation column. The lower body of the drawer should be approximately 40 centimeters. If desired, the body can be increased in length.

It is a mistake to assume that the automatic communication method is the most significant. The main point in the process of creating a moonshine still kit is the internal fragments. The drawer is filled with metal wire spirals (nozzles). Their size is 2-3 millimeters, they are similar to springs. The nozzles are made of stainless metals (usually copper). They are required in large quantities. These numerous parts must be ordered or purchased in specialized stores.

To an inexperienced person, these fillers and numerous details seem unnecessary, but in fact they are very important. Thanks to them, any pipe can be transformed into a drawer. The physical and chemical processes occurring with the help of the drawer are filtering and purifying. During the installation and operation of the drawer, the distillation time has become longer, but the quality characteristics triumph over the time spent.


The operation of such a structure as a drawer for a moonshine still is a simple but very important procedure in the process of moonshine brewing. It is necessary to take care not only of the taste characteristics, but also to ensure that the alcoholic drink you produce undergoes a process of purification from fusel oils and other harmful substances. Therefore, if you are faced with the choice of “should I buy a drawer or not?”, then, undoubtedly, the best decision would be to purchase it (or make it yourself).

In search of ways to produce not only natural, but also pure moonshine at home, inventors came up with a smaller copy of industrial installations for the production of alcohol.

This is how a drawer for a moonshine still appeared in the design, capable of both purifying and strengthening alcohol vapors.

This is the superstructure over the distillation cube - vertical pipe. There are compact designs in which the drawer is low, and additional attachments extend from it - a steamer/bubbler.

There are also long structures - film and distillation columns.


With the help of the tsarga, it is possible to obtain moonshine that is strong and relatively organoleptically pure.

That is, in your own kitchen, create a product that is not inferior to store-bought spirits, or even superior to them.

Functions and design features

The pipe above the cube has three functions:

  1. Purification of moonshine from high-boiling components - oily fusel.
  2. Splash prevention.
  3. Strengthening the final product through dehydration. The degree of strengthening depends on the height of the column. With a 20-centimeter it is foolish to hope for alcohol, but with a high one it is quite possible.

The drawer can be either hollow or filled with nozzles or spiral-prismatic nozzles (RPN or SPN).

Operating principle

The module operates on the same principle as industrial column installations for the production of alcohol. Heat and mass exchange occurs in the column: vapors, breaking away from the heated alcohol-containing liquid, rush upward, partially cooling, and return downward with reflux.

Along the way they meet new couples, interacting with them. Heavy oily fractions flow back into the cube. Repeatedly evaporating, the alcohol is purified, getting rid of water at the same time (strengthening).

This process is called partial condensation. In the same way, multicomponent mixtures (oil, for example) are separated into individual substances.

Column nozzles increase the contact area between vapor and reflux, improving the quality of the final product.

How to choose?

When choosing a device with a drawer, it is important to consider the purpose for which you are purchasing it. If you need it to obtain aromatic moonshine, then the length of the drawer is equal to the refrigerator or slightly higher.

Common materials for making: food grade stainless steel, although there are also copper ones.

If you want to produce alcohol with a strength of 80° or more, you need a high column. Let's look at this design in more detail.

Drawer for distillation and mash columns

There are special conditions for mash and distillation columns. The success of converting mash or raw alcohol (distillate obtained by direct distillation) into pure alcohol depends on compliance with the requirements for devices of this type.


For household distillation and mash type columns, the accepted internal diameter is 38-48 mm. The productivity of the column depends on it.

With a nominal height of 1.5 meters and an internal diameter of 38 mm, the calculated productivity will be up to 1 l/hour, and with 48 mm – 1.8 l/hour.

Effect of altitude

It is extremely important for the separation ability of the column (separation of individual substances) that the packed part is at least 1 m, and the total height does not exceed 1.5 meters. If the length is shorter, the efficiency of selecting heads will be impaired and even 96° alcohol will not be pure in composition.

The quantity of nozzle should be 30 times the quantity inner diameter kings. That is, for example: 38 mm x 30 = 1140 mm. With a diameter of 48, this figure will increase to 144 cm.

Attention. Do not confuse the full height of the drawer with the attachment (the one where the RNP is located), which determines the performance of the structure.

Is it possible to replace it with a steamer?

Not able to fully replace the drawer. This is due to the difference in chemical processes that occur in these modules.

The dry steamer only partially eliminates fusel oils even with fractional distillation, but the column is capable of producing alcohol completely free of impurities.

How to do it yourself?

In order to make a tsar with your own hands, you will need:

  • hollow pipe made of stainless steel or copper;
  • adapters;
  • connecting elements;
  • welding machine and skills to work with it.

Calculation of length and diameter

The generally accepted diameter (internal) has already been mentioned. One should not think that as the length of the pipe increases, its productivity and degree of purification will also improve.

Changes in height have an uneven effect on separation abilities and operating efficiency:

  • It has been practically proven that when the height of the drawer is less than 45 cm, only partial purification and strengthening of the resulting distillate occurs.
  • The height of the mash column always exceeds 45 cm.
  • For rectification, it is necessary that the height of the drawer be 30 of its internal diameters.


The body can only be a pipe made of copper or stainless steel. Aluminum, cast iron, especially plastic, are not suitable for this module.


Since the drawer is installed vertically above the cube, in industrial applications clamp connections are used as the most reliable. Sometimes they make a flanged cover on which a pipe is fixedly installed by welding.

When making it yourself, the threaded connection is most often used. For this purpose, a threaded fitting with an external thread of the same diameter as the drawer is installed in the middle of the cube lid.

Accordingly, a thread is cut on the inside of the drawer that matches the fitting. At home, internal and external threads can be “swapped”.

Carefully. For a reliable connection, the threaded part must be at least 3 cm.

Mesh for stuffing

The mesh for stuffing can be stainless steel wire scrubbers, which are common in the kitchen. They do a good job of precipitating fusel components and purifying moonshine.

In the case of using wire mesh for dishes, the first one is inserted entirely into the lower part of the drawer. The rest are cut into pieces and poured on top. This ensures reliable heat and mass transfer between steam and reflux.

Attention. When distilling grain and fruit mashes, it is better to use springs made of copper wire rather than pieces of mesh.

Wind the wire turn by turn onto the rod (cleaned electrode), then cut into small pieces. Copper perfectly cleans moonshine from sulfur compounds, which are especially abundant in grain wort.

An excellent option would be to purchase a RNP (regular Panchenkov nozzle) made of stainless steel. You can buy it in most online stores and use it an infinite number of times.

After each distillation, take out the mesh, unfold it, rinse it, twist it and insert it back. If you do not plan to use the device quickly, it is better to dry the attachments.

Peculiarities. The on-load tap-changer can be used in conjunction with copper springs. Or buy copper mesh right away, there is that option.

Work progress

  1. Cut the drawer, focusing on 45-50 cm (or an arbitrary length depending on your idea).
  2. In the middle of the cube, install a fitting onto which the drawer will be screwed.
  3. On top of the pipe, provide for mounting the head part of the rectifier with cooling if you are building a distillation column. Or brew it tightly by welding a tube at the side and top leading to a steamer/bubbler or directly to the refrigerator.

Peculiarities. To create a full-fledged distillation or mash column, provide mounting so that you can deliver another module of the drawer.

  1. Provide a socket for a thermometer on the top or side.
  2. Connect other modules (if used) and the refrigerator.

Often in home kingdom construction, a mesh is also welded at the bottom of the pipe in order to be able to fill the frame with washcloths or spirals. This role can be perfectly fulfilled by an RNP, twisted and inserted into a pipe.

Is insulation necessary?

Another important question is whether insulation is needed for the drawer? Many people do without it; moreover, they direct a flow of cold air onto the pipe with a fan to cool it for better condensation.

However, it has been proven that insulation reduces heat loss, resulting in faster distillation and higher purity of the resulting distillate or rectified product.

Some industrial-made drawers come with insulation. If you decide to insulate, then make a cover from felt or flexible insulation with foil from a hardware store. Make the cover removable, since it is difficult to predict whether it will be useful. Only practice will show this.

It’s up to you to use a ready-made device with a drawer or improve an existing one. If you have experience working with an “old-fashioned” distiller and a still with a drawer, share your impressions in the comments to the article.

A do-it-yourself drawer for a moonshine still will help solve several problems and modernize an old type device. This is a device that can turn outdated equipment into a very powerful and quite fashionable device for distilling moonshine at home.

If we talk about what the drawer looks like and what it is, then it is worth explaining that we are talking about a tube that is attached to the distillation device. But this is not a simple pipe; it has a certain “filling”, which helps to obtain a high-quality product with excellent characteristics.

What is the drawer needed for?

During the distillation process of moonshine, the mash goes through several stages of purification. It gradually turns into alcohol, but its composition still contains impurities and so-called fusel oils.

Drawer drawer for moonshine still

Fusel is harmful to human health; it can cause severe poisoning, which, in turn, will lead to organic damage to the liver and brain. A sign of intoxication is a severe hangover.

If there is no fusel in alcohol, then there will be no hangover from it, at least if you do not abuse alcoholic beverages.

So the drawer is needed in order to clean the moonshine from harmful impurities and fusel oils. Due to the special “filling”, a seemingly ordinary pipe performs the function of a multi-stage filter. It purifies alcohol from harmful impurities, increases its strength, and affects taste and smell.

You can make a drawer yourself, but there are certain difficulties in the technology of its manufacture. For this reason, the drawer is often bought ready-made. The device can be purchased on specialized websites that sell moonshine stills and additional modules.

As for the functions of the device, they say that the drawer increases the quality of alcohol several times and helps to obtain a high-quality product without resorting to re-distillation.

When choosing the length of the drawer, it is worth considering that the degree of sedum depends on the length of the pipe:

  1. A 15 cm long pipe gives a 20-fold degree of purification.
  2. 50x - 35 cm.
  3. 65-fold - at least 45 cm.

Some fans of making moonshine at home think that they can get a drink 20 times purer by attaching a pipe only 15 cm long to the machine. In reality, this is not entirely true. The multiplicity shows how many times the condensate comes into contact with the nozzle or the so-called filling.

The higher the multiplicity, the better for the product, the higher its quality and strength. Many people confuse the drawer with a rectifier; in fact, these devices have several differences. To be more precise, the drawer is an integral part of the distillation column. But the rectifier consists of more than just a drawer, which is worth considering.

Despite the fact that the design of the drawer has certain features, it can still be made with your own hands at home if you have certain design skills.

We make the device ourselves

If you look at it, there is nothing complicated in making this device. But in order to make a drawer, you must have at least some skills in working with an angle grinder, a soldering iron and metal.

The best material for this device would be copper or stainless steel. As for the first, it is characterized by high thermal conductivity, but stainless steel is ideal for creating a distillation cube, drawer and other parts of a moonshine still.

If you have the opportunity and desire, you can make a detachable drawer, especially if you plan to equip the device with a pipe at least 45–50 cm long.

But it is worth keeping in mind that you will have to cut the thread on the pipe yourself. Its diameter is selected individually.

The process of making a drawer with your own hands:

  • We choose a pipe; a piece with a diameter of 35 to 45 mm is suitable. You will also need a fitting, preferably detachable; it should be secured to the lid of the distillation cube. Two nuts and silicone gaskets will help secure the fitting; they will ensure the structure is sealed. But in order to save money, you should not use rubber gaskets. The fact is that this material affects the quality of the product, changes its taste and smell. If the cube lid is made of stainless steel, then the fitting can simply be welded to it.
  • In order for the pipe to be easily screwed onto the pipe, you will have to cut a thread on its inside. If the thread on the fitting is on the inside, then on the drawer it should be on the outside. The thread length must be at least three centimeters. It is worth checking the strength of the structure, since it is on it that the entire upper part of the device will be supported.
  • The base must be strong, especially if a refrigerator with piping will be connected to it. In the event that it is planned to create a distillation column from the drawer, the design may be slightly less durable, since the refrigerator or pipeline will not put pressure on it.
  • The top of the tube will also have to be threaded. Through it, the second part of the distillation column, the “head” part of the drawer, or the outlet of the steam line that goes to the refrigerator will be connected.
  • The lower part of the drawer should be from 35 to 45 mm long. If the pipe does not reach these indicators, then it can be extended by any known method. But you should not use various inserts in an attempt to lengthen the drawer in this way. An insert made of plastic, cast iron or any other material can have a negative impact on the quality of alcohol: add unnecessary impurities to the drink, change its taste, smell and composition.
  • Now you need to drill a hole, it should be just 2-3 cm below the edge of the thread. The diameter of the hole is small, only 3-4 mm. Again we cut the thread and screw a tube 3-4 cm long into the hole. This tube will be a kind of socket into which you will then need to insert a fitting and a thermometer. The temperature sensor will be mounted in the fitting using silicone seals.

When the drawer is ready, it will need to be filled. Small, spiral-twisted wires made of copper or stainless steel are used as filler. But you shouldn’t try to make the “filler” yourself: it is a very labor-intensive and thankless job.

The filler can be purchased at a specialty store. Some people use finely chopped stainless steel dishwashing sponges as “filters”. In principle, there is nothing “criminal” about this. But you should have 100% confidence that the washcloths are made of this metal and not any other.

To prevent the filler from accidentally ending up inside the tank, you need to install a limiter, which can be used as a stainless steel strainer. This could be a very large tea strainer or a regular old strainer from the kitchen.

You can also use a dishwashing mesh for this purpose, but before cutting out a circle of the required diameter from it, you should make sure that the mesh is made of stainless steel. It is necessary to push several similar sections inside the pipe and seal the structure.

If you don’t mind the expense, then instead of such “innovations” you can limit yourself to buying a special attachment.

The nozzle is a tightly woven strip of stainless steel; it is rolled into a roll and then inserted inside the pipe. The cost of the nozzle cannot be called high.

As for the filler, in fact, this is the main part of the drawer; you should not neglect it and use low-quality materials for its manufacture. This will directly affect the taste characteristics of alcohol.

Before making a module, if you want to modernize an old device for producing moonshine, it is worth considering that the presence of a drawer will slightly reduce the power of the device. In practice, the power of the device will decrease by about 30%, which means you will have to spend a little more time dispensing alcohol. But these costs are easily offset if you take into account the fact that the drink obtained as a result of distillation will have excellent characteristics.

However, one should not overestimate or underestimate the king. This device often helps turn a device that previously dispensed undrinkable alcohol into a device that is capable of producing high-quality, high-strength moonshine.

Obtaining rectified alcohol is the cherished dream of every moonshiner. This is pure ethyl alcohol of 96% strength, purified from all foreign impurities. In order to prepare such high-quality alcohol, it is necessary to install a rectification frame on the moonshine still.

This is a tube of a certain length, made of stainless steel and filled with prismatic spiral-shaped nozzles. The main task of such a device is to separate moonshine vapors into separate fractions of different densities. A do-it-yourself drawer for a moonshine still, made according to all the rules, allows you to create factory-level equipment.

Why do you need a drawer for a moonshine still?

The length of a homemade rectification drawer must be clearly defined - it is the length that is responsible for the frequency of purification of the final product. Thus, a 15-centimeter pipe provides 20 times of cleaning, a 35-centimeter pipe - 50 times, and a 45-centimeter pipe - 60 times of cleaning. As you can see, the higher the distillation chamber, the slower the process of fraction separation occurs, accordingly, there are fewer foreign impurities and the higher the strength of the drink.

Even with a standard drawer height of 15-35 cm, you can get an excellent product, but before that you should definitely clean it with activated carbon or potassium permanganate.

For reference. How to clean moonshine with charcoal - take the preparation at the rate of 50-60 grams per 1 liter of drink, crush and pour. Leave for 5-7 days, shaking occasionally. After a week, you pass it through a regular water filter and you get moonshine without fusel oils and foreign odors.

If you want to get 96% alcohol after the first distillation, you will need a 45 cm distillation frame. You can buy it, but it will be quite expensive. Average price 2600-4800 rub. And you can do it, although it is not so easy.

How to make a king with your own hands

First, let's define what a tsar is. This is a structural unit that allows you to clean moonshine as much as possible from all foreign impurities and fusel oils. If a drawer is installed on a household moonshine still, the output will be perfectly pure alcohol, which is usually obtained in a factory.

The key process in the distillation of moonshine is distillation, which is literally translated from Lat. means the flow of drops. During the heat exchange of alcohol-containing vapors and condensate (drops, reflux) occurring in the drawer, moonshine is purified 10-15 times better, which allows you to obtain an absolutely pure product.

First, let's figure out what the drawer is and what structural elements are included in it.

Next, study the structure of the device according to the diagram in order to understand the principle of operation and the main elements. Distillation begins from the moment when water boils in the distillation cube and alcohol-containing vapors begin to rise through the pipe.

  • 1,2 - connecting threaded units;
  • 3 - fixation of the nozzle;
  • 4 - stainless steel pipe;
  • 5 - thermal insulation (foam rubber, polyethylene foam)
  • 6 - chaotic nozzle with contact elements;
  • 7 - regular nozzle with contact elements.

A distillation column is usually assembled from several frames. Their volume is completely filled with contact elements, which ensures heat exchange between different fractions - liquid in the form of flowing condensate and steam rising to the top. In order for the layer of condensate (reflux) to be sufficient, the nozzle must be developed and fill the entire space.

How does the reflux process occur?

The production and purification of alcohol is possible only if there is a counterflow of steam from the distillation cube and flowing condensate from the head of the column.

Alcohol is removed from the liquid phase!

If the steam is not fed by reflux, heat exchange will become impossible and the process of rectification - separation of alcohol from steam - will not occur. In order for the phlegm to be saturated with alcohol-containing steam, it is necessary to install a reflux condenser. After it comes a condenser - the hollow part of the tube where the liquid is cooled to a certain temperature. Air vents, so-called, should be installed along with the reflux condenser. alcohol traps that extract substandard alcohol from steam and remove excess gas outside.

Since the alcohol is taken from the liquid (condensate), a small refrigerator must be installed to cool it sufficiently.

The main difference between a rectification chamber and a column is that the reflux process is gradual and very slow. At this time, constant heat exchange between liquid and steam occurs, which allows for better separation of fractions and, as a result, a purer final product.

Necessary materials

  • a piece of stainless pipe 15.35 or 45 cm long - the basis of the drawer for the moonshine still;
  • adapter with thread for fixing the limiter;
  • a sieve with minimal holes to prevent the filler from spilling out;
  • 35-40 metal scourers made of stainless steel.

To check whether the washcloth is actually made of stainless steel, take a regular magnet. If you are attracted to a washcloth, buy it. No - look further.

Making filler

Let us repeat, spirals from steel wool can be used as such material. You can also purchase miniature glass balls or ceramic filling in a specialized store. Both materials are completely inert and do not have any effect on the finished product.

Cut the washcloth into 2 equal parts and carefully separate the springs. Twist them into small rings to make 3-5 turns.

Be sure to sift the resulting springs so that unnecessary debris does not get into the reflux condenser.

The ideal filler is “Rolled Sulzer”, which is made from two strips of corrugated fine mesh. When laying the roll into the drawer, the direction of the strips alternates from right to left and from left to right, resulting in a regular nozzle with contact elements.

How to assemble a king

  1. Take a 35 inch pipe, an adapter for 35 inches on the bottom (female) and an inch on top (male);
  2. Screw the distiller onto the “male” from above.
  3. Measure 35 cm from the bottom of the pipe and drill a 6 mm hole in the pipe - this will be a sleeve for the thermometer. Insert the probe from a digital thermometer here, which will allow you to control the temperature. Be sure to cover the thermocouple sleeve with a rubber band from the dropper so that the connection is airtight.
  4. Fill the pipe with previously prepared springs, glass balls or ceramic filling. You compact it tightly, but don’t push it with anything. It is enough to tap the pipe on the table.
  5. Screw the sieve onto the bottom and secure it with an adapter.

How to assemble the simplest version of a drawer with your own hands - video