Fairy tale online snow queen. Audio fairy tale snow queen listen online

Audio fairy tale The Snow Queen is a work of G. K. Andersen. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. Audiobook "The Snow Queen" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio fairy tale Snow Queen, content:

The Snow Queen audio story tells online about a brave girl named Gerda and a naughty boy named Kai.

Once, on an ordinary winter day, when all the children were playing snowballs and making snowmen, the daredevil Kai tied his sledge to the carriage of the Snow Queen passing by their yard at that time and flew far after the ice wagon.

Soon everyone learned that the ice queen had kidnapped him and left him to live in her palace, and made the boy's heart so cold that he became angry and forgot his home.

So that he would not be bored at a party, the kidnapper ordered the word “Eternity” to be made from pieces of ice, which he obediently did all his free time.

A small but brave girl Gerda decided to rescue her friend from the cold captivity of the Snow Evil and set off on a journey through the snow to the very heart of the North Pole.

On the way, she was helped by deer, robbers and good Eskimos who lived in those cold lands.

When she reached the ice palace and found Kai, he didn't remember her. All persuasions to return, the boy did not even want to listen.

Then the girl hugged him and cried, at the same moment the frozen heart thawed, and the memory returned.

Together they escaped from the ice prison and returned to their home.

Thus, everything ended well in the Snow Queen audio fairy tale, so you can listen to it online with the whole family.

- an audio fairy tale for children, amazing in terms of fascination and educational load. The Snow Queen fairy tale will captivate your child and take him to a magical space where mysterious events take place. The fairy tale consists of seven stories: parents will have about an hour and a half of free time while the baby listens to it online.

Of course, very young children cannot concentrate for such a long time, so it will be possible to listen to a fairy tale in several stages. In this case, for comfortable use, you can download a fairy tale for free and let your child listen to it chapter by chapter.

Why is it useful to listen to the Snow Queen fairy tale?

A fairy tale for children created by the Danish storyteller H.K. Andersen, will show the child examples of good and bad behavior, positive and sharply negative actions. The plot is built in such a way that everything negative in the fairy tale is condemned. Good, as it should, wins. The main characters of our story - brother and sister - find themselves in a difficult situation, out of which love and faith in each other helps them.

If you have several children, let them listen to the Snow Queen fairy tale online together - this will strengthen their mutual feelings and show that together they are capable of much more than each separately.

A story about two children from poor families, a boy Kai and a girl Gerda. They were not related, but they loved each other like brother and sister. Living in the attics of adjacent houses, the children spent all their free time in a small garden of roses that grew under the windows between their houses.

One day Kai and Gerda were sitting in the garden and looking at a picture book, when suddenly two pieces of a magic mirror hit Kai in the heart and in the eye. This mirror was once made by the feisty Troll, the devil himself. It turned everything good and beautiful into ugly and ugly. The devil was terribly amused, and his minions ran around with a mirror everywhere. In the end, they wanted to get to heaven with it in order to laugh at the angels and the Creator himself, but it fell to the ground and shattered, scattering fragments all over the world.

Because of the shards of the mirror, Kai became rude and angry. He began to offend his girlfriend Gerda, mimic his grandmother and all the neighbors, flaunting all their oddities and shortcomings. Once in winter, sledding on a large square, Kai met a tall, slender, dazzling white woman - the Snow Queen. She wrapped him in her fur coat, kissed him on the forehead, and he forgot about Gerda and grandmother. The Snow Queen put him in the sleigh and they rushed forward.

No one knew where Kai had gone, everyone assumed that he had died. Gerda shed many tears, but refused to believe it. She put on red shoes, kissed her sleeping grandmother and went in search of her brother...

Fairy tale Snow Queen listen online:

Audio fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen The Snow Queen in mp3 format - listen or download for free.

Audio fairy tale "The Snow Queen" G.Kh. Anderson can be given to children from 3 years old. This product perfectly lulls the kids, so you can turn it on before going to bed. In general, the fairy tale has excellent musical accompaniment, here there is a high-quality scoring of roles in different voices, good intonation of the announcers.

Listen to the fairy tale snow queen online

Briefly about the plot of the audio fairy tale

What is the audio story about? The story is about two best friends - Kaya and Gerda. They were inseparable and lived next door. Both were very kind, loved flowers and grew them on the windowsill. One day, a shard of a broken mirror created by an evil troll went straight to Kai's heart. Because of this, he became rude, cruel, his worldview was distorted beyond recognition. It seemed that Kai at some point began to hate the whole world: he mimicked children and old people, destroyed plants, allowed them to behave inappropriately.

One fine winter day, Kai went outside to go sledding. At that moment, a woman appeared in a dazzling white dress - it was the Snow Queen. Kai, without hesitation, tied his sled to the sleigh of the Snow Queen and drove off with her to the ice palace. Kissing the boy on the forehead with her icy lips, the Snow Queen made Kai forget about everything.

When Gerda found out where Kai had gone, she rushed to find him without hesitation. How many adventures she will have to go through, how many trials she will have to go through in order to return her Kai alive and unharmed! But true friendship conquers all!

Who is the author of The Snow Queen?

Danish poet, prose writer and author of many children's fairy tales Hans Christian Andersen wrote The Snow Queen back in 1844. The idea of ​​the fairy tale came when the poet traveled around Europe. The work is dedicated to his beloved, singer Jenny Lind from Sweden, from whom he did not wait for mutual feelings.

Moral of the tale

At first glance, it may seem that the plot of the fairy tale is too cruel: there is an evil troll, a cruel Snow Queen, and dangerous robbers ... However, any evil in a fairy tale is condemned, and good is encouraged. Listening to the audio fairy tale "The Snow Queen", the child will be able to catch examples of bad and good behavior, see positive and sharply negative actions.

In addition, the fairy tale shows true friendship between children, which consists in mutual assistance, love, faith, understanding, devotion. Children will learn all these qualities by carefully listening to a fascinating story. Their imagination will draw unforgettable stories, the child will learn to empathize, to capture the right emotions.

The tale of the Snow Queen teaches kindness, love and friendship, fidelity and devotion, teaches you to fight for your happiness, go to the intended goal and not be afraid of difficulties. The work once again clearly shows that any evil can be overcome with kindness and noble deeds.

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What is the best way to listen to a story?

The Snow Queen audio tale consists of 7 chapters. In general, the work can be listened to for an hour and a half without stopping. However, this should not be done. It is better to divide listening to a fairy tale into 3-4 days, especially since a child, listening to a work before going to bed, will not always be able to listen to a fairy tale to the end.

Andersen, telling in his autobiography the story of the creation of one of his fairy tales, wrote; “An alien plot, as it were, entered my flesh and blood, I recreated it and only then released it into the light,” And now, a hundred years later, Andersen’s poetic plots, in turn, survived the transformation in the fairy tales of Yevgeny Schwartz. They helped Schwartz understand his own artistic style, find new techniques in the difficult genre of theatrical fairy tale. The characters of Andersen's "The Snow Queen" received a new life from Schwartz, because the playwright found characteristic features for his characters that came from modern life. Gerda became more decisive and courageous. A satirical image of the commerce of an adviser, a biscuit, a pedant, a greedy and stupid man, who is sure that he alone thinks correctly, deeply and scientifically, has arisen. The little robber has also changed. Having somewhat softened the cruelty and eccentricity of the unrestrained tomboy in her, Schwartz showed the main thing - respect for the courage of Gerda. Finally, a new character came - a kind, active storyteller, assistant and leader of children in trouble. He is always next to Gerda, who decided to save her beloved brother from the evil spells of the Snow Queen. He is ready at any moment to give his life for his little friends. This is how the inner life of Andersen's heroes in Schwartz changed. The performance of the children's theater surprisingly combines the poetry of Andersen with the courage and simplicity of Schwartz.
"Cribble-crable-booms" - one had only to hear these magic words, and it became quiet in the auditorium. Because everyone knew: now it will begin, now we will see Kay and Gerda. The Prince and the Princess, the Little Robber and the talking crows, the evil Snow Queen and the Abominable Advisor, and there will also be singing steps and a rose bush that miraculously blooms in winter. All this was promised to be shown by our chief friend, the lanky Storyteller with kind eyes and a slightly sad smile, in the same wide-brimmed hat and long cloak. By his sad smile, we guessed that our beloved heroes were in danger on the way, and by the objects that the Storyteller mysteriously removed from under his cloak (a pistol, swords, masks), we understood that he would come to the rescue in difficult times.
"Cribble-crable-booms" - steps creak cheerfully. The room in the attic is light and cozy. Winter, but the fire is crackling in the stove, and the rose bush is full of flowers. Cheerful Kay and charming Gerda are on the stage. But here came an important gentleman in a black frock coat with highly raised eyebrows on a self-satisfied smooth face. This is the Advisor. Mysterious green highlights running along the walls accompany the appearance of the Snow Queen. And when Kei kisses her, he turns from a sweet, kind, fair boy into a sharp, evil mocker, and then suddenly disappears ... That's it. the heroes are excited, especially Gerda. She decides to find her brother by all means. The viewer anxiously follows the dangerous adventures of Gsrda, rejoices when a smart girl defeats the evil and nasty Councilor, triumphs when Gerda disperses the cowardly palace guards, armed to the teeth. The scenes with the Little Robber are the most exciting in the play. The dialogues of the fragile, little Gerda and the strong, mischievous daughter of the chieftain showed how genuine courage and stubborn movement of a person towards the goal is stronger than robber daggers and threats. It was interesting to observe how the unbridled nature of the Little Robber obeyed the poetic charm of Gerda, with simple and therefore very convincing words.
... The country of the Snow Queen struck with grandeur and cold beauty. There are huge, sparkling icebergs on the stage. The wind howls and the snow falls. At the very top of the iceberg, Kei sits on an ice throne and forms the word "eternity" out of ice stars. Sliding on the ice floes, Gerda hardly gets to him. Kei looks at his sister with a completely absent look, his movements are clear and measured. He is busy and wants not to be disturbed, Gerda is in despair. She doesn't know how to revive a frozen heart. Suddenly, a hot tear touched Kei's cheek. And then a miracle happened. He woke up from a magical dream, smiled at Gerda with a clear, sunny smile, then his face showed complete bewilderment: what a strange world around them? Children quickly leave the evil cold country. And now the stairs are singing again. The Prince and the Princess, the Little Robber, Grandmother, the crow and, of course, the Storyteller gathered in the room in the attic. And the rose bush blossomed again, welcoming the return of Kay and Gerda.