The alarm light is on. What to do if the alarm light is constantly on

The operating modes of the car alarm are controlled by the alarm indicator light. The alarm status is monitored without using a key fob with an LCD screen. Depending on what mode the security device is in, the alarm lamp is on, blinking or at rest (not on). The article presents a brief analysis of the LED indicators of several types of alarms.

Alarm light options

Each developer of a car alarm puts a certain state of the LED into the functioning algorithm. Under different conditions, it burns, blinks, flashes alternately, or is in an extinct state.

Below is a table of light bulb states (solid on, blinking, resting) placed on the machine.

Modes Bulb status
continuous burning Does not burn Slow blinking fast blinking Flash bursts (number)
With the engine running from a distance +
With turbo timer enabled +
With immobilizer enabled +
Disarmed +
Security alarm +
With open doors or hood, trunk (with ignition on) +
With everyday auto start of the car engine 2
With autostart by temperature 3
With daily auto start by temperature 4
Enabling the service mode "VALET" 5

The PANDORA car alarm (more about) uses a three-color light bulb. The car alarm indicator on the car is on or blinking, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table below.

Modes State
Continuous glow (color) Blinking intermittently (light bulb color) Does not burn LED flash colors
Set to guard Red, single, short
Ready for automatic, passive arming Red
Enabling "Free Hands", "Panic" Red
Alarm disabled (disarmed) Alternating red, green
Disarmed +
Disabling the immobilizer +
Car alarm maintenance (ignition off) +
Maintenance (ignition on) Green
Temporary channels are turned on 1 green
VALET button pressed 1 orange
Disarming the car alarm, the alarm from the door sensors has been triggered 2 red
Disarming, alarm triggered when ignition is turned on 3 red
Disarming, shock sensors triggered 2 green
Disarming, additional sensor triggered 3 green
Disarming, hood and trunk sensors worked 2 orange
Disarming, the voltage of the network of the machine has fallen, below the permissible level 3 orange
anti-hi-jack mode single green
Modes State
Constant glow Light bulb blinking Does not burn
VALET option +
Lack of security +
The alarm is armed with passive arming Often
Car alarm under protection Slowly
Activation of the main zone 1 of the vehicle impact sensor 1
Activation of the main zone 2 shock sensors
Activation of triggers for hoods, trunks 3
HF triggers in doors
Transpoder registration fixed Alternating 1 long and 3 short
Modes State
Lit Light bulb blinking Switched off Number of LED flashes with a pause
VALET option all time
The time is counted down until the alarm is armed in passive mode In frequent
On state At a slow pace
Passive blocking of the motor is included At a very slow pace
Remote activation of "Anti-Hi-Jack" 5 s, ignition on
Car alarm triggered by shock sensors 1
Operation from triggers of hoods, trunks 2
Operation from door triggers 3
Operation from turning on the ignition of the car 4
Operation from an additional sensor 5
Activation of a car alarm when the power is turned off 15
When disarmed and ignition off +

The LED can blink from 1 to 3 times per second or does not glow at all.

Different states of the warning light

Today, vehicles without car alarms are some models of the classics of the distant Soviet period. Security systems are mounted at service stations, supplied with cars from manufacturers. Like all technical means, they are prone to breakdowns and failures. A light bulb signals a failure, it burns all the time, blinks non-stop or goes out completely. Let's take a look at the most common situations.

Reasons for the constant burning of a light bulb

A constantly burning car signal light indicates that something is wrong with the car alarm. The reasons can be very different, among the main reasons why it burns are considered:

Accidental activation of the "VALET" mode. In normal modes, it is activated in car alarms by combinations of key fob buttons. Unintentionally pressed activation buttons cause the LED to glow continuously, which causes unpredictable actions of the car driver when the light does not blink, but is on all the time. If the alarm service mode is accidentally activated, the security options are deactivated. There is an option that remotely controls the opening and closing of the door locks, hood, trunk of the car. Reduction to working condition is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions for the car alarm.

Technical breakdowns. In cases where the light should blink, but it is on, problems should be sought in the technical component of the alarm. One of the reasons is problems with limit switches. The essence of the problem often lies in the oxidation, burnout of the contacts of the limit switch. As a result, the car alarm circuit is not closed, the LED is constantly on, the car is unprotected. The problem is eliminated by cleaning the contacts, replacing the switches. Another problem, when the car alarm light does not blink, but is on, occurs when the device's sensors fail. Properly, the problem is solved in service centers.

Failure in software or hardware. If the LED on the car continues to burn after checking the above reasons, there are problems in the main car alarm unit. An accurate diagnosis will be made by specialists of the service center with subsequent troubleshooting.

Reasons for the frequent flashing of the alarm lamp

A common problem in vehicle signaling is the frequent blinking of the indicator light, followed by blocking the engine start. One of the reasons is the incorrect operation of the limit switches, the closing parts of the car. It is enough to fail one of them and there is a failure in the correct operation of the device. It is enough to clean the contacts or replace the switches.

Another reason is the incorrect location of the temperature control sensor of the power unit. The car alarm LED will start working normally if the sensor is reinstalled according to the instruction manual.

The alarm lamp has stopped burning - causes

In the practice of motorists, there are situations when the alarm LED does not light up at all and does not blink. Experience shows that the main reasons can be as follows:

  • The main unit overheats;
  • Errors during installation, when the power is turned off, the alarm returns to the factory settings;
  • Contacts, wiring, fuses burn out.

Diagnostics of specialists will help to accurately determine the problems in the security system on the car. For a car owner who is ignorant of the nuances of electronics, it is difficult to identify the reason why the LED does not light up. Service centers that have devices and tools will most efficiently restore the alarm so that the light meets its purpose: when necessary, it blinks; when necessary, it burns.

So, this article discusses the main reasons for what problems there may be in a car alarm, determined by the state of the light bulb. It burns continuously; blinking out of place; does not glow.

As a result, it was revealed that alarm problems are related to the operating state of the limit switches. Sometimes sensors become the cause of the incorrect behavior of the car alarm LED. There are problems with the main processor unit: hardware failure; incorrect operation of the software.

Timely diagnostics, troubleshooting will save the car from intruders, theft.

Now it is difficult to find a car without an alarm. Some receive a security system at the factory, some later - at the service station. But there are situations when yesterday everything was still working, and today the alarm light is constantly on or blinking. What to do, and is it necessary to do something in such cases?

The reasons

What does such a light bulb mean? Most often this is a signal to the driver (or owner) that something is wrong with the system. Let's analyze the most common cases why the alarm light is constantly on. There can be many reasons, but there are only three main ones:

  • accidentally pressing buttons on the key fob;
  • there is no contact on the door switches or hood / trunk lids;
  • the system as a whole or individual sensors do not work.

If for the latter case the recipe is universal - a service center, then the first two can often be solved by yourself.

Important! If the lights are on, the security system is partially working or not working at all.

We will talk about trailers below, because in almost all cases, the reason is the same, and it is solved according to one recipe. In addition to the fact that the alarm light is constantly on, this can be understood by other signs. And now consider the first point - accidentally pressing the buttons on the key fob.

If the owner carries the key fob in his pocket, then a random movement can press a sequential combination that includes the so-called service mode. While the mode is running, the blue alarm lamp is lit on the owner's call sensor. The mode is designed to service both signaling components and the entire machine as a whole, and is activated by masters at the station.

Locks work in this mode, and that's it. Sometimes in the documentation this mode is called "valet" or "valent".

Attention! In this mode, the alarm is disabled (does not work).

However, practice shows that the mode can be turned on by accident.

Flashing light bulbs in popular alarm models


So, we have a lamp on the Sherkhan alarm constantly on. How to check if the service mode is enabled, and if so, disable it? Note that not only for Sherkhan, but for most systems, the key combination is written on the back of the key fob. Also, the owner should remember that the service mode indicator is blue. In other words, if a blue light is on on the Sherkhan alarm, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the accidental activation of the service mode. Sometimes, in the case of an LCD keyfob, it may display a character that resembles one or more of the Latin "Z".

To disable (or enable) maintenance mode, the owner must press buttons "1" and "3" at the same time by holding them down for one second.

Attention! Holding for two seconds will turn off the shock sensor, which will not be indicated in the service mode.

If everything is pressed correctly, the light goes out. Sometimes, depending on the modification of the security system, the car may respond with beeps or flashing headlights.

Sherkhan can illuminate almost every event with light bulbs. Sometimes the light bulb will not be blue, but red. A red light anywhere needs attention. If a red light is constantly on on the Sherkhan 5 alarm, you definitely need to pay attention to this. The security system indicates the presence of one of two problems:

  • the battery is discharged below the mark for a normal engine start. Most often, it is already impossible to leave by such a car;
  • the car needs a visit to a service center because the malfunctions are of an extraordinary order.

We will not dwell on these options in detail. If the car starts - you need a center, if it doesn't start - you need a new battery. However, Sherkhan 5 is just an example. All of the above applies to other models of this system. In any case, if the Sherkhan alarm light is on, then something needs to be adjusted.


If your car has a Starline system, then everything described above, in principle, is also suitable in this case, with the exception of one little thing. In the latest Starline alarm models, the light blinks, and does not burn constantly, like Sherkhan's.

Disabling Valet will also look different.

Attention! Enabling the mode allows you to open the car, other security functions are deactivated.

And if in normal mode we turn off the alarm, then open the car, then under normal conditions nothing will blink. However, when you turn on the Starline alarm service mode “car is open”, the light will continue to blink. Again, this is not a problem. The car can be used, moved around the city, but the blinking alarm lamp when driving will remind you that the security functions are currently deactivated.

To disable the valet in the Starline alarm system, just press the button "2" once(in the figure, the middle button is on top). At the same time, the lamp should go out, and the “VALET” mark will disappear on the key fob display.


The developers of the Tomahawk system took a slightly different path. Unlike Sherkhan, who gives a lot of information with different lights, in the Tomahawk alarm only one lights up when both the service mode and the “passive immobilizer” function are turned on. At the same time, the difference in modes is visible when “disarming the car”. The immobilizer will turn off the bulb when it is removed again, the service mode will not. Removal from the service mode is carried out by several pressing the "z" button on the key fob. This is implemented differently in different versions, so you need to look at the instructions. Usually once with a hold and once briefly.


The red light, as mentioned above, is a reason to pay attention. If a red light is on on the Pandora alarm, communication with the key fob is possible. At the same time, the loss is not constant, sometimes everything works normally. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that according to the specification, this security system checks the connection only in armed mode. There are no checks at other times. Often, either the key fob battery or the contacts in it can be to blame for this. If replacing and checking contacts does not help, only to a service center.

limit switches

Before writing about limit switches (limit switches), it is necessary to separately mention the feature of the Starline security system. At a good speed, in some cars, the air flow, running on the hood, can raise it a little. But Starline's hood contacts are located so that the signal lamp will be on while driving, indicating that the hood cover is "not closed."

You can also note the limit switch on the trunk of cars in which the Sherkhan system is installed. As long as the trunk is not tightly closed (for example, due to non-standard cargo), the blue light on the Sherkhan alarm will be constantly on.

This is what the trailer might look like.

If the owner has checked the "immobilizer" functions, and is sure that the service mode is not enabled, it is necessary to check the limit switches of all doors and not just the hood. If the contact is oxidized, dirty, or the cover presses on it with insufficient force, this is the second reason why the light is on on the alarm. Checking and cleaning - usually solves the problem, after which the light goes out.

Light bulb not flashing

Finally, let's analyze a special case when everything worked before, but now the alarm light has stopped blinking. As in other cases, there are several solutions:

  • at the service station they were too clever;
  • The alarm works, it just doesn't blink.

In both cases, the problem can only be finally solved at the service station.. Just note that the owner knows the answer to the first option. The second case can be diagnosed at home, before a trip to the service station. If the light just goes out, the alarm in this case is working normally. Turn on as usual, and then check. If the security system senses an alarm, the owner will immediately understand it. If nothing happens, decide only through the station. For ease of testing, some sources recommend trying while sitting in a car.

Advice! It's still worth contacting the service station. The alarm lamp is a health indicator.

Sometimes the light bulb goes out in another case. A reaction that can only manifest itself over time, and only on the driver's door. This is not the case here, as mentioned above. You need to check the contacts in the lock activator. It is diagnosed simply - at times the lock sticks (does not freeze).

A constantly burning light bulb in this article was mentioned repeatedly.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the security system today includes a number of parameters, and the question of what to do if the alarm light is constantly on should not arise from the current owner. First you need to diagnose yourself (in particular, the maintenance mode), and do not delay visiting the service center. Of course, the on-board computer often helps in diagnosing, but there is something that he simply does not understand what is the norm and what is a problem.

Nowadays, it is quite difficult to find a car without an installed alarm, except perhaps an old Moskvich, which has long been gathering dust in the garage of an equally young grandfather. And more modern models are already initially equipped with regular electronic protection devices from the automaker. However, electronic security systems have the unpleasant property of breaking down, “failing” and giving other failures that make negative changes to the daily routine that is familiar to us. Most car owners determine the status of their “signaling” by the LED lamp, which is made in order to display the current status of the protection system with various light signals. However, not everyone has an idea of ​​what kind of light signal means this or that alarm condition. Most are guided by what signs the LED has given since it was installed in the car, mainly this is measured blinking. And as soon as this very blinking turns into something else, then every car owner certainly considers it his duty to dig into the protection system and find out what the matter is. On the one hand, this is correct, because no one wants to leave their car in the care of an "inadequate" alarm. On the other hand, if you are not a car thief or an employee of a service station, then it will be quite difficult to understand such complex devices, and it is fraught with a final breakdown of the security system. And, perhaps, the most frequent question, which is usually followed by picking the “signal”, is why the alarm light is constantly on? This is what we will try to answer you further. Table of Contents [Display] REASONS WHY THE LED IS CONSTANTLY LIGHTING There are several reasons why the alarm lamp is constantly on: The most common reason is the running service mode "Valet" (Jack). The second fairly common cause is a malfunction of the door, hood and trunk limit switches. Well, a less common reason why the alarm light is constantly on is a software failure in the operation of the security system itself, as well as the failure of one or more sensors. This problem can be associated with both a software failure and a problem in the electronics itself. After reviewing the list, let's look at all the points in more detail, and start with perhaps the most common cause, the occurrence of which is most likely. SERVICE MODE "VALET" (VALET) The very designation "service" already indicates that this function is intended for service work both in the security system itself and in the car as a whole. In this mode, all security functions of the device are deactivated, and the car protection does not react to anything. The entire functionality of the alarm in this state is reduced only to the possibility of remote opening and closing of the locks of doors, hood and trunk. At the same time, the LED lamp stops flashing and switches to the continuous operation mode; on some devices, the lamp goes out when the engine is running. The activation of the mode on most devices is carried out from the remote control by pressing a certain combination of buttons. Thus, if you carry the remote in your pocket, then the buttons could accidentally be pressed in the desired combination, thereby activating the mode. Basically, such combinations consist of simultaneously pressing and holding two or three buttons, complex combinations of successive pressing of the corresponding buttons are less common. Valet mode can be turned on by accidentally pressing buttons on the remote control. There are systems that do not provide for the inclusion of such modes through the remote control. For such devices, a button is installed in the cabin, and is called “Valet”. Such a button in the cabin is a real happiness for car thieves, because it allows you to instantly turn off all car protection, including engine control. Therefore, having found such a button, an attacker can easily drive off on your car wherever he pleases. How to find the "Valet" button When installing an anti-theft device, each owner has the right to choose the location of such a button. A similar button is placed in secluded corners of the car, and the better you hide it, the more likely it is that the hijacker will not find it. You can install it anywhere, even in the trunk or under the hood. But if for some reason you did not take such part in installing the alarm, then basically, by default, the button is placed under the steering column, covering it with an inconspicuous plug. If there is nothing under the steering column, in this case we recommend that you look at the technical instructions for your alarm, namely the location and designation of the output sockets to which various sensors are connected, and our cherished button. Having found the right connector, just follow the wire leading from it, and in the end you will run into what you were looking for. If the alarm remote control has a display, then when the Valet mode is on, the icon in the form of the letter “Z” is displayed on the screen in most cases. In order to deactivate the mode using the button in the passenger compartment, press and hold it for about ten to fifteen seconds, after which the car will emit several short beeps, accompanied by light signals of the parking lights, and the LED lamp in the passenger compartment will turn off. However, this method of activating and deactivating the mode is not suitable for all devices, just like the key combination on the remote control each manufacturer has its own. Below we will provide combinations of the necessary buttons on the remote control of the most popular alarms. For more detailed information on enabling and disabling the mode in systems not included in our list, please refer to the instructions or contact the service center of the manufacturer of your security system. Activating and deactivating the "Valet" function in the Star Line Twage B6 alarm To activate using the remote control, hold the three key until the remote control emits one long and two short beeps. One of the icons will flash on the remote control screen. By briefly pressing the three key, set the blinking of the “VALET” icon. Press the key one, after which the car will notify you with a light signal of side lights, and the remote control will emit two short and two long beeps. After that, the “VALET” icon will be constantly displayed on the remote control screen, and the LED lamp will switch to the permanent mode. Deactivation is performed by pressing key two, after which “VALET” will no longer be displayed on the remote control screen, and the alarm lamp in the cabin will go out. Similar manipulations are applicable to the Star Line Twage B9 system. Activating and deactivating the "Valet" function and alarm Scher Khan Magicar 5 To activate the mode, simultaneously press and hold the "I" and "III" keys for no more than one second. Be sure to observe the duration of holding the keys, since the same combination, when held for two seconds, deactivates the shock sensor. After activating the Jack mode, the light is on constantly. To deactivate the Jack, repeat the combination of activation - "I" and "III" hold for no more than a second. If the shock sensor is accidentally deactivated, then press the "I" and "III" keys and hold for at least two seconds. Similar combinations are used in the Scher Khan Magicar 6 system. TECHNICAL AND SOFTWARE PROBLEMS Another common reason why the alarm light is constantly on is faulty door, hood and luggage compartment switches. The limit switch is a small button that is installed in the car door. The security system unit is connected to them, when the door is closed, the limit switch button is pressed, thereby closing the circuit. The alarm thus understands that the door is closed. Faulty, oxidized contacts in the limit switch may not close the circuit, as a result of which the protection system may not understand the current situation, and will notify you of an allegedly unprotected place in the car with the constant operation of the LED light. Such problems can be eliminated on your own, you just need to disassemble all the limit switches, thoroughly clean the contacts, rinse in alcohol and lubricate with electrically conductive grease. Then you can re-install the buttons in their original place. Although in rare cases, the answer to the question of why the alarm lamp is constantly on can be various sensors that have failed, for example, such as shock, volume and body position sensors. In such cases, it is better to contact the service center for help. Also, you should contact a specialized center for help if the alarm lamp is constantly on due to a software or hardware failure in the security system unit itself. If none of the checks of the above reasons gave a positive result, then most likely the failure is in the alarm unit. In conclusion, we wish that from now on you will never again be tormented by the question of why the alarm light is constantly on, as well as restful sleep at night without worrying that someone will take your “iron friend” away.

Alarm malfunction is one of the most common vehicle problems. At the first manifestations of abnormal operation of the car alarm, measures should be taken to identify the causes of failures, and begin to eliminate them.

Otherwise, a situation is possible when the anti-theft system will refuse access to the passenger compartment or will not allow the engine to be started. Consider the main signs of a malfunctioning car alarm, the causes and ways to eliminate them.

Why is the warning light on the windshield not on?

In this situation, there are three options for the operation of the security system:

1. The alarm works in the normal mode, except for the light indication of the control LED

Most likely, the connection of the main signaling unit with the control LED is broken. Usually, the connection of the indicator LED to the head unit is organized by a two-wire conductor through the chip.

It can be damaged by mechanical influences. The wire is usually laid from the lower zone of the front driver's pillar (there is usually an alarm there) up to the windshield, the driver can touch it with his foot. The connector contact may also loosen or corrode, in which case it should be tightened.

If these steps do not help, you can ring the LED with a multimeter. It rings like a regular diode: in one of the directions, the resistance is equal to infinity, in the reverse connection of the probes, the resistance will be about 600 ohms. If the LED is defective, it must be replaced with any low-power LED of the corresponding color.

2. The alarm does not respond to remote control signals when arming

For example, the LED on the key fob is blinking, the display key fob is working normally, but the car is not locked.

The probable reason is the absence of one of the supply voltages for the alarm or a reliable connection to the body. You should check serving the central alarm unit. They are usually located under the steering wheel on non-standard conductors or sockets.

You should also check with a multimeter the presence of “+12 Volt” supply voltage on the fuses, the quality of the connection of the blocking alarm relays. If these actions are not successful, using the Valet button, you should try to restore the alarm to its original (factory) state. To do this, follow the instructions that come with the security system kit.

3. The alarm does not respond to remote control signals when disarmed

The LED on the key fob blinks, the display key fob works normally, but the car remains locked.

First of all, you need to open the car with a mechanical key. Then, using the Valet button, remove the car from the alarm, then bring the car alarm to the factory settings. Next, you need to try out the methods listed in the previous paragraph.

What to do if the alarm indicator is constantly on

There are three possible situations for such a car alarm to work:

1. The car is locked and does not respond to the signals of the working key fob

If the car is closed, use the key to open it, disarm it using the Valet button. Most often, the constant glow of the diode indicates a software failure of the security system.

Modern security systems are a complex microprocessor controlled complex. They can freeze like a computer. You can try to restore the factory settings using the Valet button. Sometimes it helps to turn off the alarm from the power supply by removing the fuses that serve it. It is more reliable to disconnect one of the battery terminals for 15-20 minutes.

The Valet button is usually located near the driver's left knee or in a hidden place no further than 50 centimeters from this zone.

A typical way to remove the alarm using a secret button: turn on-off-turn on the ignition, then briefly press the button one (sometimes three, five) times. If the car responds to it, pressing will be accompanied by a sound or light signal.

2. The car is not blocked, does not respond to the signals of the working key fob

The sequence of actions is approximately the same as in the previous paragraph. If there is a spare or additional key fob, you can try its interaction with the alarm.

If the alarm does not react in any way to the Valet button, most likely one of the voltages supplying it is missing, or the main alarm unit is faulty. You can check the health of the unit only by temporarily installing a known-good unit of the same model. It can be temporarily borrowed (not for free, most likely) at a workshop that installs alarms from this manufacturer.

3. The car is not blocked, the alarm is working normally

The probable cause is a breakdown of the control transistor in the head unit of the car alarm.

If it is built into a microcircuit, then such repairs are carried out by replacing the microcircuit, but this cannot always be implemented in practice.

Another possible cause is a short in the wiring leading to the LED.

If the light on the alarm key fob

Solid on

Possible situations:

The reason for the constant glow of the diode may be a breakdown of the control transistor in the key fob. It is located separately on the board or built into the control chip. In the second case, it is cheaper to change the key fob or the entire board. If the transistor is faulty, it can be soldered to a serviceable one. Such repairs require appropriate qualifications.

The probable cause is a software or technical failure of the key fob.

First of all, in such a situation, you should try to temporarily (for 15-20 minutes) remove the key fob battery. Just in case, you need to check the amount of residual voltage on the battery. If it is less than the nominal value by 20 percent, it should be replaced.

At the time of re-installation of the battery, the key fob microcontroller is rebooted, after which it can return to working condition. If this situation repeats again for a short time (month), the key fob should be replaced, after which it must be “registered”.

Does not burn

Possible situations:

1. The car alarm is working normally

Most likely, the cause of such a malfunction is the failure of the LED or corrosion of its soldering point. It is necessary to disassemble the key fob, ring the LED and the additional resistor with a multimeter.

If the LED is working, it is necessary to solder the place where the diode is installed on the board. Sometimes corrosion (cold soldering) is not visible even under a magnifying glass.

2. Alarm does not respond to remote control signals

Typical malfunction. The most likely causes are a low battery or a malfunction of the key fob.

Some car owners are limited to dismantling the battery from the key fob and checking the residual voltage with a multimeter. After making sure that it corresponds to the nominal value, they decide to replace the key fob. This is not entirely correct. Under load, a heavily discharged battery may not provide the current necessary for the normal operation of the key fob circuit. Therefore, it is more reliable to replace the battery.

In the case when the key fob accidentally fell into a puddle, another water environment, was stored in damp conditions, it is possible that mold has formed on its board, corrosion, which leads to high leakage currents, inter-track short circuits. The battery in such a situation can be discharged within a week. It is necessary to disassemble the key fob and clean its board with alcohol. Other solvents should not be used.

Most modern cars are equipped with factory alarms. Often, a car owner buys a used car with an alarm already installed. In both cases, the owner of the car may not know all the intricacies of the security system of his vehicle. A constantly burning alarm light is a sign that the car's security system is broken. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the constantly working indicator and eliminate them in order to restore the system to working capacity.

Main reasons

There are several main reasons why the security system indicator is on with a steady, unblinking light.

  1. The most common reason for a constantly lit alarm indicator is the intentionally or accidentally turned on Valet security system mode. In this mode, the indicator light is constantly on. However, the car is not protected. The car owner is notified of the inclusion of this mode by an inscription on the electronic display of the alarm key fob.
  2. Another common cause of a constantly burning light bulb is a malfunction of the limit switches (limit switches) of the opening parts of the car body, that is, in the doors, trunk or hood.
  3. A less common, but still common, cause of a permanently lit indicator is a software failure, a hardware alarm error, or the failure of individual sensors.

For some alarm models, a constantly lit indicator can be associated with the activation of certain security system modes: “Panic”, “Hands free”, with the immobilizer on, with remote engine start, etc. In this case, removing the constantly lit indicator is quite simple. It is necessary to transfer the alarm to the standard security mode or turn it off for a while.

Various manufacturers of security systems for cars put into the software several modes of illumination of the alarm operation indicator. In different modes, it blinks, is at rest, or is constantly on. Most manufacturers of security systems provide a Valet service mode when the car is unprotected.

Valet is primarily intended for servicing and repairing a car, when the security system can interfere with car service workers. Valet can be accidentally or intentionally turned on by the car owner, in which case the constantly lit alarm indicator indicates that the car is unguarded. In this mode, the car owner can only remotely open and close the locks of the doors, luggage compartment and hood.

On some alarm models, it is enough to simply accidentally turn on the Valet mode, as it is activated from the remote control by pressing a key combination. On other models of security systems, it can only be started from a button in the car.

How to disable Valet

The option to turn off Valet mode depends on the possible ways to turn it on. It is deactivated either by pressing a button in the car interior, or using the alarm remote control by pressing a combination of buttons.

Switch to mode button

The "Valet" button can be located anywhere in the car: both in the passenger compartment and in the luggage compartment or even the engine compartment. Often it is hidden in a particularly inconspicuous place so that potential hijackers would not be tempted to disable the entire security system with a simple push of a button.

As a rule, when installing an alarm, service workers check with the car owner for the desired location of the button for turning on and off the Valet mode. If the owner of the car does not know where such a button is located, you will have to look for it. The most expected button locations are as follows.

  1. Under the steering column is the most banal location of the button, which is also the most unsafe. The area under the steering column is handy as the driver can press it without leaving the driver's seat. However, potential hijackers are looking for it in the first place in the same place. As a disguise, the button can be covered with an ordinary plug, which will also prevent accidental pressing.
  2. Under the driver's seat is another convenient, but banal option, which is also often masked by a stub.
  3. In the driver's door - a dubious option, since in this case it can be accessed from outside the car.

In general, the placement of the button is limited only by the imagination of the person on whose initiative the alarm was installed. Therefore, in order not to waste time on empty searches, it is better to carefully study the technical documentation of the alarm.

Disabling the Valet mode using the button for almost all manufacturers of car alarms looks the same.

  1. You need to start and then turn off the car engine.
  2. After 10 seconds, you need to press the Valet button and hold it for a few seconds, or turn the switch to the “Off” position.
  3. The driver is notified of the mode deactivation by a double horn sound, after which the indicator light will go out.

Combination to enable Valet

Another option to turn off the Valet mode of the car alarm is possible using a remote control, that is, a key fob. To do this, you need to press one of the key fob key combinations, while the combination of keys for different manufacturers of security systems, as well as the sequence and duration of pressing can vary significantly.

The exact combination for turning off the service mode in a specific model of the security system can be found in the car alarm user manual. The key combination for the most common car alarms is as follows.

  1. For security systems of the popular Scher-Khan brand, the Valet mode is turned on and off by simultaneously pressing and holding buttons 1 and 3 for one second. You can’t overdo it, because when you press these buttons for 2 seconds, the shock sensor will turn off.
  2. Valet mode in StarLine family alarms is disabled by pressing button 2 once.
  3. In Tomahawk car alarms, the mode is turned off by pressing the Z button, usually you need to press it twice - 1 time once and 1 time while holding the button. For some models of company alarms, the method of disabling may vary, so you should first study the manual for using a particular security system.
  4. For Alligator brand alarms, the mode is deactivated by simultaneously holding buttons 2 and 3 for 3 seconds.

Mechanical damage, manifested in the constant burning of the indicator, is usually associated with the limit switches (limit switches) of the doors, luggage compartment or hood. Limit switches are the simplest opening-closing sensors, which are buttons connected to an alarm. In the closed position, they are in the pressed position and close the electrical circuit, in the open position they open. The cause of damage to the limit switches can be:

  • oxidation of contacts in conditions of high humidity or in winter;
  • loose fit as a result of deformation of the body part due to an accident or improper installation;
  • failure due to mechanical impact or impact.

When the electrical network opens, the alarm perceives the body part as open. As a result, the alarm indicator light stays on.

On modern cars equipped with a display, identifying the problem of an inoperative limit switch is quite simple. In a graphic representation of a car model, a door or body part with a non-functioning limit switch will also be displayed as open.

To solve the problem, you need to visually inspect all the limit switches of the car for oxidation of the contacts. If an oxidized limit switch is detected, it must be disassembled and the contacts cleaned.

If the cause of the failure of the limit switch is mechanical damage, then it must be replaced with a new one. If incorrect positioning of the limit switch is detected, the position of the limit switch must be adjusted to the position necessary for proper operation.

Malfunction of programs or sensors

A rather rare, but possible reason for the indicator to be constantly on is a software failure or a malfunction of individual sensors. The special meters of the security system include sensors of mechanical impact (impact), changes in the volume in the cabin, position of the body, etc. If one of the sensors breaks down, the system perceives the situation as an emergency, which notifies the car owner using an indicator. In this case, to diagnose a faulty sensor, you will have to contact a specialized service.

Also, a constant indication can be caused by a software or hardware error in the electronic alarm control unit. You can try resetting the alarm by disconnecting the battery power. If the problem persists, then it is difficult to solve it yourself, so it is better to contact the service center

In any case, the constant burning of the indicator light is a sign that the car is not under reliable protection of the alarm, therefore, the safety of car ownership is reduced. By finding the cause of the constant burning of the indicator and eliminating it, you can return the reliable protection of the car using a car alarm.