Door frame for interior doors standard sizes. Width of door frames of interior doors

It is known that furniture comes in standard and non-standard sizes. In the first case, it is easy to find suitable items and it is easy to repair them. And their price is more affordable, since production does not require setting up equipment. In the second case, it is much more difficult to choose a product with suitable parameters, and customization will cost more.

The thickness of the door frame of the interior door refers precisely to such parameters.

The rise of the standard

The emergence of a standard for any product is associated with several factors. For kitchen furniture, this is, for example, the ergonomics and dimensions of kitchen equipment, for a bookcase - the size of books, which are quite standardized. Doorways are also made based on certain rules:

  • the width of the opening cannot be less than 60 cm. Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to use it;
  • the same parameter for a single-leaf structure cannot be more than 120 cm, since in this case the canvas will have an excessive weight;
  • the height, as a rule, is limited to 2100 cm, and it is also found lower, since houses with very low ceilings were built in the USSR;
  • the wall material practically does not affect the thickness of the box, but the thickness of the canvas matters;
  • the material of the canvas is taken into account when developing the frame. As a rule, the frame and the canvas are made of the same material, so that the weight correspondence is respected here. But when replacing a product, this feature must be taken into account.

Dimensional parameters

In a store or custom-made, the model is usually offered along with a box. Moreover, when choosing dimensions, attention is paid precisely to the overall dimensions. They measure the dimensions of the entire block, add 1.5 cm each and get those opening parameters that are needed to install the door.

If we are not talking about a capital wall with a very large thickness, then adjusting the dimensions of the opening to the dimensions of the canvas in the frame is easier and, ultimately, cheaper than ordering a product for the opening.

On average, the box adds 70 mm to the canvas around the perimeter. The standard dimensions of the box correlate with the parameters of the sash itself as follows.

Dimensions of interior door boxes: width, height and thickness.

Interior door Door frame
Height, mm Width, mm Height, mm Width, mm
2000 600 2071 671
2000 700 2071 770
2000 800 2071 870
2000 900 2071 970
2000 1202 2071 1272
2300 900 2371 970
2300 1402 2371 1472
2300 1802 2371 1872

The last 2 variants suggest the presence of 2 valves, at least a narrow inactive and a wide active one.

  • What thickness of the interior door frame is suitable depends on the size of the wall. The wall thickness of the opening in most buildings is 75 mm. Accordingly, the standard thickness of the interior door frame is 75 mm. It is very rare to find a value of 95 mm, and even less often - 65 mm.

If the wall differs in very atypical dimensions, then they resort to special techniques. For example, with a large size, the opening is blocked with the help of an expander - a slope or a slope. And if the wall is too narrow, then even cutting the frame is allowed, so long as it can hold the canvas. In the photo - the design of the opening with slopes.

It is much more convenient to consider the parameters of the kit, and not the canvas, due to the fact that in the finished block there are gaps for free opening of the sash and for installing fittings. If the frame is selected separately, the gaps must be taken into account independently, and their value depends on the material of the canvas.

Materials (edit)

It is best if the entire door block is made of the same material. First, the same material reacts to changes in temperature and moisture in the same way. Secondly, the material wears out in about the same way, which does not cause aesthetic dissonance.

This parameter does not affect the dimensions of the box of interior doors in terms of thickness, however, if it is necessary to use expanders, it acquires a value.

  • Solid wood is an expensive and beautiful material that is always popular. However, the massif reacts noticeably to dampness.

  • MDF is the most popular material. The consistency of dimensions compares favorably with wood: under the influence of temperature or dampness, the canvas does not change. MDF can have a different coating, which both increases the cost and reduces the cost of the product:
    • veneer - a cut of natural wood. This option cannot be distinguished from the massif, and its resistance to dampness is higher;
    • eco-veneer is a multilayer plastic that exactly reproduces the color and texture of wood. Eco-veneer has a very high wear resistance, so it is recommended to use it in public places;
    • melamine film is a common material coating that reproduces the color, but not the structure of wood.

Sooner or later, the owner of the house has to solve the issue of replacing the doors. An old door leaf can be broken, outdated in design, and disliked by its appearance. Sometimes you have to increase or decrease the doorway, for this you need to know how to measure the thickness of the door frame correctly. We will talk about issues related to self-installation or changing doors in our article.

Door dimensions

This work is not very difficult, and an amateur who knows a little how to own the instrument can cope with it. It is very important to do everything consistently and strictly adhere to the technology.

There are standard door leaf sizes on the domestic market. This is due to the fact that the equipment on which the doors are made has standard width formats: 60 cm, 70 cm, 80 cm, 90 cm.

At the same time, the height remains constant - two meters. Often, non-standard doors are required, the height of which can be up to 3 meters, and the width - one meter.

If the customer requires other sizes, then the price will be higher for the following reason:

  • Reconfiguration of equipment.
  • Unnecessary time expenditures.
  • Manufacturing of a product according to an individual order.

Some clients order double sliding doors. The production of such products is much more expensive. Often, expensive non-standard materials are used, for example, mahogany.

  • It's good to calculate everything.
  • Decide on the material.
  • Take off all dimensions.

The most reasonable option is to call a master who will make the product so that he personally inspects the "front" of future work. A professional person will be able to perform all organizational work faster and more clearly. Also, a specialist will give qualified advice on the door block itself and its further operation. If you have a firm desire to install the door yourself, you will have to study the process of measurements and installation a little so that the end result does not disappoint.

By measuring the opening under the door, you can choose a completely new location for its location, which may be more convenient. Always leave 20-30 centimeters of indentation from the wall to the door so that a switch can be installed there, and the door can also be opened at an angle of more than ninety degrees.

Be sure to check if it is possible to cut a new doorway in a particular wall.

If the building is old, then an extra opening can provoke the destruction of the wall.


The door frame is a U-shaped or O-shaped structure. The latter option occurs if a threshold is provided. The element is fixed in the opening, the door leaf is hung on it.

The profile of the door frame has a non-rectangular structure, usually a ledge of 0.5-1 cm is the ledge with which, after complete installation, the door will slam, because of which it will open in one (desired) direction. On this very ledge, in some assemblies, rubber noise insulation is attached, which also prevents the canvas from being damaged during use and the door slams gently and smoothly. But this ledge also conceals the opening space a little, and as a result you get not 60, but 58 cm wide. This point should be taken into account when you plan to carry furniture or interior items through the installed door.

It is also worth noting that during the repair, the door is installed last. Usually, the ceiling, walls, floor are made first, only after that a master is invited to install doors and platbands, if necessary. Of course, sometimes the ceiling can be left for the completion of repair work, but the floor with walls is what the future door will be fastened to, and therefore it is worth taking care of their finishing in advance. To do this, it is necessary that the width, height, depth of the opening for the dimensions of the new door are correctly calculated.

How to correctly remove these dimensions, consider the example of a door leaf with dimensions of 2000 by 60 cm:

  • At a height of 200 cm, you need to add 3-4 cm (the thickness of the MDF, chipboard or wood board that you are going to install). Add 3-4 cm (the opening between the board and the wall for a good fixation of the foam and wooden pegs), so 200 + 4 + 4 = 208 cm (masters advise adding no more than 10 cm, 6-8 is ideal).
  • With a width of 60 centimeters, we do the same - 60 + 4 + 4 = 68 cm or 60 + 3 + 3 = 66, you can take the average value - 67 cm (no more than 10 cm for secure fixation).

A gap of 10 cm should be left only if you are not sure about the dimensions of the future door and are going to change it over time for another. This will make it easier to enlarge the opening for subsequent work after a certain time.

Veneered doors have a larger frame size due to their top coating.

When forming a doorway at the stage of repair, the floor covering should not be overlooked. Some underlays for laminate are more than one centimeter wide, or when pouring the floor, 2-5 cm can go away, even ordinary linoleum takes from one centimeter. This must be taken into account so that later the classic mistake of novice craftsmen does not turn out, when the prepared height of 2.08 m turns into 2.01 m.Often it is necessary to cut off a piece of the top of the opening again for optimal installation of the door. If you do all the preparatory work correctly, then it will be easy to put a new door.

The standard thickness of the door frame for an interior door is 3.5 centimeters. Today, the production of boxes of non-standard sizes is increasingly common (in everyday life they are called lightweight). Their use is due to the need to install the canvas a little wider in size.

When determining the thickness of a doorway, the following points must be considered:

  • In standard houses, up to plastering the walls is usually 7-10 cm, which allows you to have sound insulation between rooms at a low level. Plaster usually picks up 1-5 cm, this certainly makes the sound quieter when passing through the wall.
  • Well, if you decide to install a profile with glass wool, then you can safely add all 10-15 cm to the additional board when ordering a box. The opening is supplemented with such boards if the standard quantity (7-10 cm) is not enough to completely overlap.

Additional boards (planks) are of two types - telescopic and ordinary. The usual additional plank is just a wooden board, cut on both sides (on one side it rests against the box, on the other - with a platband, if you look at the door in section). Telescopic - this is a box with special grooves inside for the installation of extensions or platbands. Telescopic is the most convenient and durable option, because the fasteners will be less exposed to mechanical stress during installation and, as a result, will last longer than ordinary additional strips.


Hardware for doors on the market today is a fairly popular and diverse product in style and shape. The best models are now being made in Italy, France and Spain, but domestic production has recently practically not yielded to European counterparts (except in price).

Door salons usually work for a long time with the same supplier, for the quality of which they are responsible. You can always make a return or change the purchased products and again choose hinges, locks, handles yourself. If it is not possible to install fittings, it can be done by a call technician.

Block assembly

Installation of a door block (door leaf + box) is not always carried out by specialists precisely on foam for installation, but any of the methods implies the use of such. There are various techniques for the type of additional fasteners that are used during installation. Mostly spacers or pegs made of wood are used, they are inserted into the cavity between the opening and the box. With the help of such elements, the block in the opening is also aligned according to the mounting level: each peg must be driven in tightly so that the box does not turn out to be deformed, and the entire block is firmly held in the opening.

When the new doorway is firmly secured with wooden stakes, use. It is very important to use horizontally placed stakes inside the space from the box to the wall, so that after expansion the foam does not cause visible changes in the structure of the box. It is recommended to ensure that there are no distortions, the doors in the section must remain within the specified dimensions. All this will guarantee that the door will serve for many years.

After applying the polyurethane foam, it is advisable not to use the door for some time, but to leave it closed for a day (until the foam completely solidifies, in order to avoid deformation of the box).

Examples and variants

The door leaf should be chosen based on the fullness of light in the room where the new door will be installed. It is even possible to install completely glass, frosted or sandblasted doors, if the purpose of the room behind the door allows it. Through such doors, sunlight will penetrate well, which will save on electricity and, moreover, daylight is much more favorably perceived by the human eye.

In order to bring the production of interior elements to a single model, standard dimensions of interior doors were introduced and approved at the state level. This greatly simplifies the selection of products when it is necessary to replace them. It is enough to make a correct measurement of the parameters of a typical opening and buy a suitable model.

If there are no problems with domestically produced products, then when buying an imported interior door, a difficult situation may arise, since there is a different standard in foreign countries. In addition, when buying alternative types of doors (double, sliding, hidden), you need to know some of their design features.

State standards

There are certain approved state standards (GOST), according to which domestic manufacturers produce interior interior elements. These are GOST 6629-88, as well as SNiPs 21-7, 21-8, 21-9, 21-10, 21-13. For ease of viewing, these data are summarized in a table, where the most common standards are displayed:

If the choice fell on a product of imported origin, then the dimensions of the interior door can be checked for compliance with European standards DIN 18100-18102, as well as DIN4172, indicating the dimensions of the opening in the light:

These dimensions must be taken into account if you plan to order, for example, an Italian door. Most likely, imported models will have non-standard dimensions that should be taken into account when laying doorways in the process of planning construction or major repairs.

For doorways in height exceeding 2000-2040 mm, its own standards have been developed, indicated in the table below.

The development of state standards takes into account the needs of the main segment of the population living in standard buildings. In the choice of typical models of one size or another, its functional purpose also plays an important role. In other words, the place in the apartment where this product will be located is important. In accordance with this requirement, the dimensions of the canvas, design features, and equipment with special fittings are selected.

The nuances of correct measurement of the opening

In some cases, it becomes necessary to independently measure the parameters for the purchase of an interior door. This happens if the house or apartment is located at a great distance from the manufacturing company, in another city or in another state. Self-measurement is also carried out in cases where there is no time to wait for the visit of the measurer, or it is more convenient for the customer to take measurements on his own. Regardless of the reason, this event must be carried out as accurately as possible so that the selected model fits perfectly into the existing opening without the need to adjust it. This means that the height, width and thickness of the interior door leaf should be as close as possible to the corresponding parameters of the opening. To carry out a correct measurement, you should be guided by the following rules.

Determination of the value of the width of the opening.

To do this, measure the distance between the walls at the narrowest point of the opening. If the wall becomes narrower closer to the door, then it is necessary to measure in this part. In the case of a uniform wall width without tapering, the location where the width is measured is not critical. If the dismantling of the old door has not yet been made, then the measured distance from the middle of one platband to the middle of the opposite platband is the width of the interior doors.

Determination of the height of the opening.

To determine the indicator of this dimension, it is required to measure the distance from the point of the finished floor to the lowest point of the upper part of the opening. If the doorway narrows closer to the hinges, then the measurement should be taken in this area. If the height of the opening is uniform, then the location of the measurement is not critical. The easiest way to measure is the old door, if it has not yet been dismantled. In this case, the height of the interior doors will be equal to the distance from the middle of the upper platband to the zero point of the finished floor.

Determination of the depth of the opening.

To do this, you will need to measure the thickness of the wall in which the doorway is located. This will be the depth of the opening. Measurement should be made in three sections: top, middle and bottom on both walls. This meticulous exercise is necessary in order to identify the widest spot in the wall. If the old door has not been dismantled, then it is necessary to measure the dimensions of the box and the wall (thickness) if it protrudes beyond the box. It is best to use the services of a professional to correctly measure the three key dimensions. Possessing a body of knowledge, the installer will make an impeccable measurement and give practical advice on choosing a typical or non-standard interior door. We remind you that when ordering doors from Porta prima, the visit of the master to measure the dimensions and consultation on the choice of the door leaf are absolutely free.

Formulas for measuring door leaf

Often there is such a situation that it is required to make a doorway, and the choice of the model of the canvas has not yet been made. In this case, to measure the parameters of the opening, the following points must be taken into account:

  • dimensions of the door leaf (width, height, thickness);
  • box dimensions (thickness, width);
  • indicator of the width of the platbands.

For greater clarity, an example of calculating the dimensions of a doorway will be given.

Suppose that a standard size door leaf with the following dimensions will be used for installation:

  • Vdv - door leaf height - 2000 mm;
  • Шдв - standard width of an interior door - 70 0 mm.

With such parameters of the interior product, a box will be installed, the thickness of which (Tc) will be 30 mm. In this case, the size of the mounting gap (Mz) will be equal to 10 mm, and the value of the door block (Bd) will be 20 mm. At these standard values, the threshold height (Bp) will be 20 mm.

Formula for calculating the width of the opening of the future door:

W of the opening = Shdv + 2 × Tk + Mz + 2 × Bd = 700 + 2 × 30 + 10 + 2 × 20 = 810 mm.

The opening height is calculated using the following expression:

In the opening = Vdv + Vp + 2 × Tk = 2000 + 20 + 2 × 30 = 2080 mm.

Therefore, for an interior door leaf with dimensions of 2000 × 700 mm, it will be necessary to make a doorway of 2080 × 810 mm.

The door frame is manufactured according to the standard of the opening depth of 7.5 mm. If the thickness of the door leaf of the interior door does not correspond to this indicator, it is necessary either to order a box according to individual dimensions, or to use additional elements in the design. Therefore, it is recommended to make calculations in advance.

How to calculate if the door fits into the opening?

A common situation is when a standard door is selected to an existing opening. Usually, a good clue for choosing is the labeling of door products, on which the main dimensions are indicated.

At this stage, doubts may arise whether the product will fit and whether there will be additional difficulties in its installation.

To dispel doubts, you need to reason as follows:

  • Let's say we have a doorway of 900 × 2040 mm, which meets the standard.
  • We calculate the width: we add the indicator of the standard width of the canvas 800 mm with the thickness of the box (on both sides) and design intervals of 15 mm. Note that there is an interval to the left and right of the door, so you need to multiply it by two. When calculating, we get 880 mm.
  • We calculate the height in a similar way. A door leaf height of 2000 mm is added to the box thickness of 25 mm and the top mounting distance of 15 mm. We get the value 2040 mm.

Therefore, an interior door with a standard size of 800 × 2000 mm will ideally fit into a typical opening with dimensions of 900 × 2040 mm. This once again proves the need to create state standards in the construction industry. You can safely buy a typical product without worrying about whether it will fit.

What to do if the door is chosen incorrectly?

However, there are situations when the purchased canvas with the box was not chosen accurately. When the return of the purchase is impossible for an objective reason, you can use some construction tricks:

  • when only a few millimeters in the width or height of the doorway are missing, you can carefully cut a wider hole in the wall;
  • if the box is narrower than the thickness of the wall, it is recommended to use an extension that will cover the prominent area of ​​the thickness of the wall;
  • if the thickness of the box is much narrower than the dimensions of the doorway, then along the perimeter of the box (with the exception of the bottom) they are drawn into an even slope;
  • if the listed methods are unacceptable, it is recommended to order doors according to individual non-standard parameters.

At Porta prima you can buy high-quality standard interior doors or order an individual design according to your project. Thousands of Muscovites have appreciated the wide assortment, convenient service and unsurpassed high consumer characteristics of the products of our factory. The prices are reasonable and correspond to the high quality of the interior doors.

Perhaps, there is little that can be changed in the renovation of the interior of an apartment or a private house, without causing global devastation and without spending significant efforts or financial resources, so that it has such a practical and aesthetic effect as if you change the interior doors.

After all, no matter what beautiful wallpaper or flooring, leaving the room, the last thing that fixes our consciousness is the decor and quality of the alignment (canvas) with its framing. Therefore, such a final touch largely influences our perception of the design and comfort of the room as a whole.

Door marking

With the marking, which is the passport of the product, not everything is so simple. On the one hand, there are certain GOST recommendations for designations, and on the other, the abundance of manufacturers sometimes confuses general standards. It is not uncommon that doors made using the same technologies and having a visual identity can be named and marked in different ways.

To begin with, consider the state standard, which has not been canceled. For example, the production of wooden interior doors for residential and public buildings is still in force. GOST 6629-88, according to which it is indicated (in order of positions in the marking):

Product type: D- door assembly, NS- door leaf.

Canvas type: G- deaf, O- glazed, TO- glazed swinging, Have- reinforced with continuous filling.

Height of a door with a frame, in dm.

Width of a door with a frame, in dm. Additional letter indices: L- left door, N- overlapped, NS- with a threshold.

State standard index.

For example: DG20-10L GOST 6629-88 or PO19-7LN GOST 6629-88.

Despite the fact that any self-respecting manufacturer of door products still adheres to state standards, along with official model designations, entrance and individual factory codes. For example, one of the Russian brands uses this identification, producing doors 40 mm thick and 2000 mm high:

Model name.

Canvas type. DG- deaf, DOF- with milled glass, DOOF- with two milled glass panes.

Opening width, cm

Veneer color.

Opening direction.

For a variant of similar products on the packaging, you can read: "Stella" DG 60 Oak lion.

Ultimately, no matter how different any factory marking from the gost mark, the appearance, structure and operational properties of the door are more important to us, about which you will need to ask the seller in detail and carefully study the company passport attached to each product with its characteristics and installation instructions.

What do you have to deal with or what kind of doors are there?

Doors to an apartment or a country house are classified according to the following parameters:

Location in the building:

Entrance (outdoor)

Interroom (internal)

Number of canvases:



One and a half

Opening method:

Door leaf filling:


Functional purpose:

For residential buildings

For public


By material:





The market does not allow you to relax in search of a suitable model, offering a huge-looking variety of door products. At the same time, upon closer examination, several main types of products can be distinguished:

For painting

Allows you to achieve a complete color combination with the surrounding design. Supplied with primed, ready-to-paint decorative interior compositions.

In this group of products, two subspecies should be distinguished - elite and budgetary orientation. The expensive paintable door segment is produced for the so-called concealed installation. After installing and tinting such a product, only a protruding handle can indicate the presence of a passage in the wall.

Budget models can be found in many public institutions, they are also widely used in "economical" apartment renovations and as temporary options. They are a textured MDF coating on a timber frame. Their main advantage is the lowest price among all door designs.


They are delivered to the distribution network ready for installation. In many respects, the device resembles the previous budget class. However, they have a stain-resistant coating laminated with a polymer film that can imitate any decorative material.

They can be filled with heat and sound insulating materials: corrugated cardboard, mineral wool, polyurethane foam or foam. There are models with smooth or textured surfaces, as well as profiled plates made of pressed MDF.


They are the next, higher step in quality and appearance. The basis for them is the same frame MDF with different types of fillers. On top of the base, the thinnest sections (0.7 mm) of valuable wood - veneer - are glued, which are then varnished. The result is a complete imitation of a product made of massive material, but with less weight and an acceptable price.

Solid wood

Probably it is not necessary to extol once again products made from completely natural materials. In addition to all its advantages, such a door will add sophistication and comfort to any interior, if you are ready to pay its high cost. However, one should not forget that wood is very sensitive to changes in humidity, therefore, for a long service life of such elite products, it is necessary to control the microclimate in the room.


They also belong to the high price segment in the market offerings of door products. They help in the implementation of special design delights, and are also ideal for installation at the entrances to bathrooms, showers, saunas and other places with high humidity. They are transparent, translucent, frosted, made of colored glass and with surface milling.

Reinforced plastic

They serve as a good solution for exits to loggias, terraces, as well as for damp rooms, as a cheap alternative to glass doors. They have excellent sound insulation and heat retention properties. The surfaces of products can be laminated with films for any natural material

About dimensions and not only. Standard sizes of interior doors

If we do not take into account the non-standard approaches of some private customers, for whom the binding of door dimensions is based on subjective requests and desires, then most of the manufacturers are guided by the standard openings of typical buildings from the Soviet period. And why reinvent the wheel - from the point of view of ergonomics of door products designed for the physiology of the human body, everything has long been invented and thought out.

At the same time, the share of individual requests (with regards to product sizes) on the market is small, therefore it is successfully replenished by the efforts of small private manufacturers, although they are much more expensive than standard models.

The ratio of the sizes of doorways and doors (door frame + leaf) according to domestic SNiP. From the tables below, you can find out the size of the doorway for a door with a width of, for example, 80 cm.

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600*2000 680-710 2050-2070
700*2000 780-810 2050-2070
800*2000 880-910 2050-2070
900x2000 980-1010 2050-2070
600*1900 680-710 1950-1970
550*1900 630-660 1950-1970
600+600*2000 1280-1310 2050-2070

The ratio determined by the DIN standard:

Door dimensions, mm Opening dimensions, mm
Width height Width Height
600x2000 700-740 2060-2080
700*2000 800-840 2060-2080
800x2000 900-940 2060-2080
900x2000 1000-1040 2060-2080
600+600*2000 1340-1400 2060-2080


The very first thing, speaking about the size of doors, both swing and sliding, any of us means the width of the canvas, which we will use every day. Somewhere you need and want to be wider, but somewhere narrow enough. Gost's Verified Recommendations offer the following options:

For bathrooms - 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms - 800 mm.

If we consider real market products, then its range (adjusted for the needs of modern consumers) is somewhat wider:

For bathrooms - 550 mm and 600 mm,

For kitchens - 700 mm,

For living rooms - 800 mm and 900 mm.

Let's not undeservedly forget the double doors, because they often emphasize the special status of living rooms or passageways to terraces. Usually they are composed of the same standard canvases in equal and unequal combinations, for example: 600+600=1200 mm or 600+800=1400 mm... Also for "kopeck piece" are used and narrowed segments 400 mm - 400 + 400 = 800 mm or 400 + 800 = 1200 mm.

Height standards

If we start from the domestic "classics", then it was preserved in the proposals 1900 mm and 2000 mm, although now the European standard is also often found - 2100 mm... Higher products can also be installed - 2300 mm and even to the ceiling. It is clear that such "giants" are more convenient to use in a sliding design.

The thicker the canvas, the better?

Is it always like this? What does this parameter affect? Of course, massive thick doors perfectly emphasize the interiors of living rooms, especially those made in the Empire, Baroque, Renaissance styles, but thin screens and sliding partitions will be an excellent addition to the aisles to the closets or dressing rooms.

The thicker the door, the heavier it is (in its group of design solutions and type of materials), therefore, the requirements for its hinged fittings will be higher, it may be necessary to install additional hinges, which together will lead to an increase in the cost of the entire product. Therefore, the choice of a canvas by the criterion of massiveness, as well as by other parameters, should be based on rationality and optimality.

Typical products prevailing in the market have thicknesses in a range of sizes 30-40 mm... Already in this fork of parameters, most often you can find doors 35 mm and 40 mm, as well as with intermediate values 36 mm and 38 mm.

In addition to the indicated running dimensions, sliding MDF partition doors can be quite thin - from 20 mm, but the products of enterprises from solid wood are unlikely to be produced with a base section of less than 40 mm(can be up to 50 or more on special orders). It should be noted that, relatively recently, but gaining popularity, that have come to private interiors, are doors made of tempered glass, the thickness of which starts from 8 mm.

What else is good to know when choosing an interior door?

When making measurements of the opening for the purchase of a new door, please note that it must be at least 30 mm more dimensions of the box along the top edge and in width. The installation gap is required to adjust the product with wedges, followed by fixing with polyurethane foam. Of course, this value is relevant for the correct vertical and horizontal opening.

Most boxes are made thick 35 mm... Those. overall width of the product assembled with the blade 800 mm will 870 mm (+35 mm * 2). Similarly, the size in height increases, although you still need to take into account whether there is or is not a threshold.

Thick doors retain heat better and resist noise from adjacent rooms.

When installing the box, before installing the flooring, carefully calculate the level of the finishing surface. If the door starts to rest on the floor, then it is very difficult to cut it perfectly on your own, and not every model will be able to do this.

In conclusion, we can say that the interior door structure, with the apparent simplicity of the device, is quite sensitive to installation errors. Therefore, either its installation and configuration will take you a lot of time, or you will have to attract highly specialized specialists.

One of the repair stages is the choice of interior doors. Everything matters: material, texture, color, design. And dimensions. Incorrectly selected dimensions are extra money and time for adjusting the opening to the canvas, or vice versa. Meanwhile, the existing standard dimensions of interior doors fit the vast majority of openings.

How to calculate

The overall dimensions of the structure, which will fit into the opening, are made up of the height and width of the canvas, the thickness of the box and the width of the mounting gap one and a half to two centimeters. And three centimeters per threshold, if provided.

The width of the box depends on the thickness of the walls of the opening. The standard dimensions of door frames and the doors themselves are always 7.5 centimeters wide. If the box turns out to be wider, it will have to be filed; if already, installation of additional elements will be required.


Standard dimensions of interior doors (canvases):

For openings with a height of 1.94-2.03 meters, canvases of 1.9 meters are suitable;

201-204 centimeters - two meters;

The width of the door leaf is 55 centimeters, designed for an opening of 63-65;

0.6 meters - 66-76 cm;

0.7 meters - up to 87;

80 centimeters - up to 97;

90 centimeters - 98-110;

Dimensions of interior doors with a box, consisting of 2 sheets:

Two flaps 0.6 meters each - 128-130;

Double-leaf models with canvases of 60 and 80 centimeters - 148-150;

The same with canvases 90 and 60 centimeters - 159-160.

There is also a certain correspondence between width and height, which applies to both Russian and European models. Standard dimensions of the door frame of the interior door:

Width 55 centimeters - height 190;

60 – 190-200;

In addition, there are GOSTs for the dimensions of doors / boxes / openings for various premises:

The size of the door to the bathroom and toilet: 55-60 centimeters wide, 190-200 height, 5-7 cm thick;

The size of the door with a box for a room: 80 centimeters wide, 200 - height, wall thickness (box width) - from 7 to 20 centimeters;

The standard dimensions of interior doors for the kitchen are two meters high, 70 centimeters wide, and a wall thickness of 7 cm.