Modern man. Man in the modern world

Today it is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of ecology both in the life of the whole society and separately in the life of each person. So the state of the planet depends both on commercial companies that produce tons of waste every year, and on an individual who enjoys the benefits of civilization.

A bit of history

Throughout known history Humanity has evolved and with it, its concepts of the surrounding world have developed. Very early, people realized that natural gifts should be used wisely, without destroying the natural balance between man and the planet.

This is confirmed by the rock paintings, which speak of a person's interest in environment.

From later data it is known that nature conservation was actively practiced in Ancient Greece where the inhabitants protected the beauty of natural forests.

Modern look

Now ecology is interpreted as a science that studies the interaction of living organisms with each other, as well as with the environment.

Any organism living on the planet is influenced by many factors: favorable and unfavorable. All these factors can be conditionally divided into two groups: biotic and abiotic. Biotic include those that come from living nature; to abiotic - those that are carried by inanimate nature. For example, an orchid growing on the bark of a tree is an example of symbiosis, that is, a biotic factor, but the direction of the wind and weather conditions that affect these two organisms is already an abiotic factor. All this creates conditions for the natural evolution of living organisms on the planet.

But here another important aspect appears that significantly affects the state of the environment - this is the anthropogenic factor, or the human factor. Deforestation, diversion of rivers, mining and development of minerals, release of various toxins and other wastes - all this affects the environment where such impacts are made. As a result, biotic and abiotic factors in this area undergo changes, and some of them even disappear altogether.

In order to regulate environmental changes, scientists have deduced the main tasks that ecology must solve, namely: the development of laws for the rational use of natural resources, based on general principles organization of life, as well as timely decision environmental issues.

For this, environmental scientists have identified four basic laws:

  1. everything is connected with everything;
  2. nothing disappears into nowhere;
  3. nature knows best;
  4. nothing comes easy.

It would seem that the observance of all these rules should have led to a reasonable and harmonious use of natural gifts, but, unfortunately, we are seeing a different trend in the development of this area.

Why is this happening? Why does the role of ecology in the lives of many people still remain in the background? Any external problem- it's just a reflection human consciousness. Most do not even suspect what is hidden behind the result of their daily life.

Aspects of nature affected by the anthropogenic factor

The sharp increase in consumer lifestyle has led to the unreasonable use of natural resources. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress, the large-scale growth of human agricultural activities - all this aggravated the negative impact on nature, which led to a serious violation environmental situation on the entire planet. Let us consider the main natural aspects most prone to the ecological crisis.


Once upon a time there was a different atmosphere on Earth, then it happened that oxygen appeared on the planet, and after it aerobic organisms formed, that is, those that feed on this gas.

Absolutely all aerobic creatures depend on oxygen, that is, on air, and our life depends on its quality. Everyone knows from school that oxygen is produced by plants, therefore, given current trend deforestation and an active increase in the population of people, it is not difficult to guess what the destruction of the fauna leads to. But this is only one of the aspects that affect the state of the atmosphere of our planet. In reality, everything is more complicated, especially in large cities, where, according to medical standards, the concentration toxic substances exceeded tenfold.


The next equally important aspect of our life is water. The human body consists of 60-80% water. 2/3 of the entire earth's surface consists of water. Oceans, seas, rivers are constantly polluted by man. Every day we "kill" the world's oceans by extracting oil from offshore fields. Oil slicks threaten the lives of marine life. Not to mention the garbage islands, continuously drifting on the surface of the oceans and seas.

Fresh water is most vulnerable to human ignorance. Wastewater, various toxins such as mercury, lead, pesticides, arsenic and many other "heavy" chemicals poison rivers and lakes daily.


The main foundation of life on earth is soil. It is known that in order for the Earth to be able to create one centimeter of black soil, it will take about 300 years. Today, one centimeter is fertile soil, on average, dies within three years.


The totality of all environmental problems leads to climate deterioration. The climate can be compared to the health of the planet. When individual "organs" of the Earth suffer, this has a direct impact on the climate. For many years we have been observing various anomalies due to climate change, the causes of which are the anthropogenic factor. Human intervention in the activities of nature has led to a sharp warming or cooling in certain areas, to rising ocean levels due to the rapid melting of glaciers, to abnormal amounts of precipitation or to their absence, as well as to severe natural disasters and much more.

The main thing is not to focus on the list of problems, but to comprehend the causes of their occurrence, as well as focus on effective ways and methods for their solution.

Areas of our lives affected by the environment

What is the role of ecology in human life? As for absolutely everyone, with which we all deal every day, every second of our lives; without which life, as it is now, could not exist?


Health as a constructor, from separate parts which depends on his condition as a whole. There are many such factors, the main ones are known to everyone - this is the way of life, nutrition, human activities, the people around him, as well as the environment where he lives. Ecology and human health are closely interconnected. If there are violations on one side, the other reacts accordingly.

A person living in a city is at risk of getting sick with some kind of serious illness many times more than a person living in the suburbs.


When a person eats improperly, his metabolism is disturbed, which in turn leads to more serious problems with health. It is worth remembering that these violations can also affect future generations.

The main problem for human health is chemical substances, mineral fertilizers, pesticides used on agricultural fields, as well as the use of additives and dyes to improve the appearance of products, preservatives to increase the shelf life of products, and much more.

There are known cases of adding heavy metal compounds and other elements unfavorable for the human body, such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, manganese, tin and others.

Poultry and cattle feed contains many toxins that can cause cancer, metabolic failure, blindness and other serious diseases.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to be careful about the products you buy. Study the composition and symbols printed on the packaging. Do not support manufacturers who are indifferent to your fate and the state of our planet. Pay special attention to E-additives with three-digit numbers, the value of which can be easily found on the Internet and thereby live a longer and happier life.

Vitality and mood

The state of health and the quality of nutrition are the determining factors of human activity and vitality. As we can see, all these factors can be associated with the state of ecology on our planet, on which we directly depend. Leading a healthy lifestyle, doing yoga and self-knowledge, it is simply impossible to be indifferent to the environment. When we are in nature, we breathe fresh air, we eat clean, hand-grown products - our life changes its quality. The state of mind is also transformed, from which the mood and attitude to life in general are harmonized.


Everything in this world is natural; everything that we do, one way or another, comes back to us, immediately or later - it does not matter. If we take care of ourselves and the world where we now live, save resources, think about nature, live in good conscience, then the ecological situation on the planet will improve - and we will not have to pay for our own recklessness and inattention.

Live consciously, eat healthy - only natural products - take care of the disposal and recycling of waste, use the most necessary - then your life and the life of our entire planet will improve! Great things start small!

In the process of many years of research into the impact of sports on society, the fact was revealed that playing sports has a huge impact on the physical and spiritual state of the individual. The influence of sports on people's relationships, the level of sociability, the ability to self-determine and realize one's potential has been established. Sport is a tool for shaping the culture of mankind.

The place of sport among human values ​​is noticeably increasing, because. sports activities are universal tool self-development, creative expression and self-realization. Sport is a reflection of the socio-cultural system in which it develops. Significant changes have taken place in Russian society in recent decades, which has affected the transformation of value orientations and attitudes towards physical culture and sports.

In the Soviet period, society was characterized by collectivism, responsibility to the group and individuals. It was replaced by a post-industrial one based on a market economy. The actions of people began to be based, first of all, on personal interests, the resulting individualistic orientation is reinforced by the right to privacy of a lifestyle. Increased personal responsibility for their actions, for their destiny and life path.

During the reforms of the last decades, the Soviet system of physical culture was destroyed, the mass physical culture and sports movement practically lost significant state support. Sports and physical development have become a private matter, due to the commercialization of a significant share of sports and recreation services. This led to a noticeable decrease in the number of people involved in sports, to a decrease in the importance of sports in the general system of values ​​of Russians and, as a result, to a deterioration in the social standard of living.

Market relations that dominate society, as well as the release of the state from social obligations, affect the value system of individual segments of the population. On the value of sports and healthy lifestyle life oriented, more, representatives of the upper strata of society, for whom sports become part of fashion and prestigious consumption. Representatives of low social groups, on the contrary, consider sports activities unnecessary and meaningless.

In the process of many years of research into the impact of sports on society, the fact was revealed that playing sports has a huge impact on the physical and spiritual state of the individual. The influence of sports on people's relationships, the level of sociability, the ability to self-determine and realize one's potential has been established. Sport is a tool for shaping the culture of mankind

The phenomenon of sports is a multifaceted phenomenon of our time. According to the structure, it is possible to classify sports in two directions - sports of the highest achievements and mass sports. The first is the sport of the highest achievements, which means the struggle for first place in sports competitions. The second, opposite, is mass sport, which performs the function of improving people's health through self-expression and self-realization of the individual, satisfying the need for physical development and leisure. Mass sport is a universal tool for eliminating asocial phenomena.

Sport is one of the components of the physical culture of society, which has developed historically in the form of activities that prepare a person for competitions and the competitions themselves. It is the competitive element that distinguishes sports from physical education. Training both in sports and in physical education includes similar actions and exercises, but the goal of the athlete is to evaluate, through competitive activity, his physical capabilities in certain disciplines and compare his results with the success of others. While the athlete is interested in the development of physical qualities for healing and personal improvement.

Mass sports allow you to improve physical qualities and expand opportunities, improve health and prolong longevity, resist the undesirable effects on the body of modern production and conditions. Everyday life, involving a large number of members of the society.

The purpose of the classes various types sports - improve health, improve physical development, fitness and actively relax. This is due to the solution of a number of particular problems: to increase functionality individual systems of the body, correct physical development and physique, increase overall performance, master the necessary skills and abilities, it is useful to spend leisure time, and achieve physical perfection.

The tasks of mass sports are largely identical to the tasks of physical education, but differ in the component of the implementation of the sports orientation of the training process.

Schoolchildren are already being introduced to the elements of mass sports in Russia, and in some sports even preschoolers. It is mass sports that are most widespread in student groups. As practice shows, in non-physical education universities of the country in the field of mass sports, regular training outside school hours is carried out by 10 to 25% of students. Modern program for academic discipline"Physical culture" for students of higher educational institutions allows almost every healthy student of any orientation to join one or another type of mass sports. The type of sport, the system of training, as well as the time of their conduct is chosen by the student himself, based on his desires, needs and opportunities.

Mass sports include all those types of physical culture and sports activities of various groups and strata of the population, which are aimed not at achieving the highest sports results and material benefits, but at developing in accordance with their own needs and at solving various problems. social tasks. It should be noted that sports activities complement professional ones and are not the key determining factor in a person's life.

Sport involves not only physical development. Sports are of great importance in the formation of numerous mental qualities and properties of a person, acting as a kind of "school of will", "school of emotions", "school of character". This is due to the high demands placed on sports competitions and all sports activities for the manifestation of volitional qualities and for self-regulation.

The problem of the human value of sport and its role in the modern world has been and remains debatable in the research of scientists. The concept of "humanization of sport" is closely related to the concept of humanism, in which everything that contributes to the full development of a person, strengthening his health, and meeting his needs is recognized as humane. However, the most highly organized and perfect activity will be considered as inhuman if it is directed against health, happiness, self-realization and the very existence of a person.

Modern researchers positively evaluate sports in terms of humanistic values ​​and ideals. Scientists note the important role of sport as a tool for maintaining and strengthening people's health, as well as the development of their physical and personal. sport performs important element in the value system of modern culture.

Nevertheless, there are supporters of a negative assessment of sports from the standpoint of humanism, who argue that modern sports harm cooperation, form a vicious division of people into winners and losers; develops negative personality traits, such as selfishness, aggressiveness, envy, gives rise to the desire to win at any cost, even at the expense of health, violation of moral standards.

The existence of opposing assessments of the humanistic values ​​of sports is due to the fact that some abstract, unchanging essence is assigned to sports, while researchers rely on separate, isolated facts and do not take into account the distinctive points between the two main directions in modern sports: sports of the highest achievements and mass sports, which, obviously, have different value and humanistic potential.

The importance of sport today is high, it occupies one of the highest positions among sports human activity. However, elite sports have not gone far ahead of the development of physical culture and mass sports, their socio-cultural significance is not lower.

The professionalization of sports is impossible without the development of physical culture and mass sports. With some conventionality, one can consider sport as a symbol, a concentrated expression of the principles and problems of modernity, as an area in which the principles of equality of opportunity, achievement of high results and competition characteristic of a given society are manifested and applied especially clearly and purposefully.

It should be noted that modern civilization focuses on material values. Competition is growing, commercialization of all spheres of public activity is increasing. At the same time, with the help of industrial civilization, the essence of human passion, which is also sport, is realized not only in its entirety, but in all its humanity. The spirit of competitiveness models the situation of human self-determination, which is carried out in the system "I-Other" or "I-Others". Self-determination is possible if "I" compare my indicators with those of the "Other".

This matching is required attribute sports activities, evaluated from the outside. But there are difficulties here too. A person's attitude to his abilities (in particular, the ability to show his activity above the norm) does not look like indifference, shown with might and main in relation to incidents that can happen to them. “Man,” writes E. Levinas, “from now on is thrown into the environment of opportunities, in relation to which he is now engaged, with which he is now involved, from now on he either took advantage of them or missed them. They are not added to his existence from without, like accidents.

Opportunities do not appear before a person in the form of ready-made images that he can evaluate with different parties. Opportunities, rather, are the main ways of a person's existence, since for a person to exist means precisely to take advantage of one's own opportunities, or else to miss them. The possibility of excessive activity is a danger, it must be regulated and backed up by some positive result. Nevertheless, excess activity is beneficial for the survival of the human race as a whole, despite the danger to the individual. A person develops, revealing himself, using his abilities. The possibilities inherent in the individual in the process of his activity gradually "exhaust" themselves; and if the individual does not possess the fundamental potentiality of returning to himself, this original position taken in relation to his own existence, then the very basic being of human existence is called into question.

In Russia, the trend of mass sports began its development in the 30s of the 20th century. The revolution, civil wars, states negatively disposed towards the country - all these factors set the task for the leadership - to increase the level of physical fitness of citizens, in case of an outbreak of popular discontent or foreign attacks. Shooting ranges, shooting ranges, flying clubs, military sports clubs were created throughout the country, in which young people mastered various specialties that were in demand in wartime - a telegraph operator, pilot, nurse, orderly and many others. The main organizer of the new movement was the Komsomol, on whose initiative the first All-Union sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" was opened. The purpose of the organization of which was the introduction of a single set of principles and standards of sports education and physical education. Compulsory classes were introduced in the country, all conditions were organized for the possibility of independent sports as a leisure activity. Active promotion of a healthy lifestyle, physical education and sports was carried out. For decades, Soviet citizens actively participated in the sports life of the country, girls and boys were proud of the badges received for the high result of passing the TRP standards.

The complex had such an attractive force that millions of young people Soviet Union with the highest enthusiasm went into sports and achieved such results that they were the best athletes in the world in various fields. The TRP system was a powerful incentive. Preparation for the implementation of the standards developed all muscle groups, increased the level of endurance and health. Thanks to this system, our country raised the world's best cosmonauts, which naturally had a positive effect on the international position of the USSR.

In 2013, on the eve of the Olympics in Russia, the country's leadership put forward a proposal to revive the TRP complex. As a result of painstaking preparation, in March 2014, a decree was issued “On the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (TRP)”, which decreed the commissioning of the complex from September 1, 2014.

Organizers modern project The TRP calls the revival of the “Ready for Labor and Defense” complex in schools and universities fundamentally important for the formation of such qualities in the younger generation as determination and self-confidence and their capabilities.

Thus, the return of the TRP to Russia is undoubtedly in demand by the new time and existing social factors. Most Russians positively met the new, or rather the well-forgotten old trend. The health of the people, unfortunately, declined in recent years under the influence of stress, the deterioration of living standards in the post-Soviet period, is priceless, and its foundation is laid, among other things (and, perhaps, mainly) by similar nationwide events of a regular nature. The mechanism of the basis of the system of physical education developed over decades is viable, and one can hope that its implementation will soon initiate progress in the development of Russian sports.

The role of the Internet in life modern man hard to overestimate. Nowadays, more than 30% of the world's population uses the Internet, and this is a little bit about 1,500,000,000 people. Back in 1992, only 100 people used it. It was planned to use the Internet only for business purposes. And now? Each student, having launched a browser, can find the information he needs in a matter of minutes. About, how people spend their time online I already wrote, now not about it.

The role of the Internet in the life of modern people

The number of Internet users is growing rapidly. By 2018, the Internet will be in almost every family. Television will be a thing of the past. Across the Internet will pay public utilities, ordering food at home, although, in principle, this is already possible now. And most importantly, in the future, many will do their work without leaving home, saving their time, which can be spent with loved ones. Those times are not far off.

Let me quote from the President Conde Nast Karina Dobrotvorskaya’s Russia: “Just a year ago, print journalists media talked about the Internet as a hidden threat, and all conferences about the invasion of new social media were somewhat mournful. Now the tone has changed radically. They are not talking about a threat, but about new opportunities. Discuss not death, but development. Previously, "paper soldiers" (meaning print media, etc.) tried to get away from online projects as an additional burden. Now they are afraid that they will not be given this burden. After all, this will automatically mean that they will not be taken into the future.”

Already, many central channels have been established on the Internet. In the coming years, they will stop broadcasting on cable TV and limit themselves to broadcasting on the network.

There are many media resources on the Internet where you can watch your favorite movies and series in high quality(HD). Such resources have replaced VHS cassettes and DVD discs for us, and for free. The only thing you need to pay monthly subscription fee for the internet. The prices for the tariffs are quite reasonable, and I think everyone can afford to pay for the Internet.

The Internet plays a huge role in the life of modern people, without it it is already impossible to imagine life on Earth.

When did the Internet appear?

The official date of birth of the Internet is not indicated in any document. In each country, he appeared at different times. The Internet was born in the United States in 1969. The purpose of the Internet was to provide a reliable communication channel in the event of a nuclear war.

In Russia, in 1998, a tradition was born to celebrate the birthday of the Internet in September, when one of the IT companies organized a “census of the Runet population”, according to which no more than a million people had access to the Internet.

Today, according to the latest statistics, over 50 million people use the Internet in Russia. At the same time, the monthly growth of the audience is more than 20%. More than 72% of users access the Internet every day.

By 2015, Russia plans to significantly increase the level of Internet penetration, especially in remote regions. Now, Russia ranks 2-3rd in the world in terms of Internet penetration.

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In today's world, there is no greater power than money. Money unleashes wars and ensures the well-being of entire countries and regions. Because of money or with the use of money, the vast majority of crimes are committed. And at the same time, thanks to money, people create the greatest inventions, perform feats, discover new lands and conquer new worlds.

Money organizes modern society and the state. The life of modern people, states and the entire world community is subordinated to money.

Money is an outstanding achievement of mankind. They created modern civilization. Without money, a person would still dress in animal skins, and as a labor force would use animals or their own kind, turned into slaves.

How could a person go into space, create artificial intelligence and other wonders of modern civilization, if there was no money.

Two greatest inventions man created modern civilization. The first is writing, which singled out man from the animal world and created the possibility of accumulating experience and knowledge and passing them on to descendants and other people without direct human contact. The second is money. Money has created the ability to manage the activities of man and society in terms of ensuring their benefits without direct impact people to each other.

The role of money in history has constantly increased, and now our civilization has reached a state where their value has become totally decisive. Even a hundred, even fifty years ago, there were large human communities who did not know money or used it in their daily lives in an extremely limited way. The end of the 20th century is the era of complete and total "moneyization" of the entire human community. In the modern world, a person cannot do without money in the same way as without water, air and food. In today's society, a person who does not have money is literally doomed to death, and in the shortest possible time. He can walk around a city full of food stores and starve to death if he has no money.

Or another example. Imagine a large factory equipped with modern equipment, where skilled workers and other specialists, raw materials, and consumers expect the products of this enterprise. And yet the enterprise stands still and does not work. And the reason is just that there are no numbers in some mysterious banking computer - there is no money on the company's account.

Even the desert, “watered” with money, will bloom and turn into a garden of Eden. And the most beautiful place for life, devoid of money, will become a vale of sorrow and suffering.

What the life of people in the modern world without money turns into is clearly seen in the example of Kampuchea during the time of Pol Pot. Three million dead - such is the price of the experiment to eliminate money.

Society can be controlled either by force or by money.

We know very well from our own experience how the mechanism of social and economic life is destroyed when the monetary system is disturbed. The consequence of this was the general crisis of the country, which engulfed the state, economic, social, legal and other spheres of life.

Money for us is a way to express our aspirations, fulfill obligations, achieve revenge and retribution. The secret power of money binds us all - brothers and sisters, young and old - with bonds of love and envy, pity and malice.

Money does not leave anyone indifferent. Some are convinced that if they have more money their lives would be much better, and they would be able to find happiness. Others who have a lot of money seem to be constantly preoccupied with how to get more of it, how to spend it and not lose it. Money does not leave anyone indifferent, and it is hardly possible to find a person who would be satisfied with how much money he has and how he uses it.

The poor have very different concerns than the rich, but family conflicts generated by money are often very similar in different socioeconomic strata. For most of us, money is so deeply woven into our lives that the problems associated with it affect our health, our intimate relationships, and our relationship with our children and parents. This is a problem that is always with us.

Money is not just cash that allows us to buy different things. With money, you can buy education, health, security. You can buy time to enjoy beauty, art, the company of friends, adventure. With money, we help those we love and give our children greater opportunities. With money, you can buy goods and services or save such an opportunity for the future or for your descendants. Money is an instrument of justice by which we make amends for the harm done to others. Equitable distribution of money in the family and in society ensures equal opportunities for all. Money can serve as a symbol of all that is good in life: material wealth, education, health, beauty, entertainment, love and justice.

Although we know how many good things in life are associated with money, each of us is well aware of the problems that they create. Money worries can cause a lot of grief. Wealth often seems to bear the stamp of a curse and brings more misfortune than joy. Many of us indulge in the bitterest despair because we earn too little, or fear that because of the lack of money, we or our children will be hurt. Money is not only a symbol of all the good things in life, but also the root of all our problems.

Everyone understands that money is often the cause of happiness or sorrow, but in almost all walks of life there is a general taboo on any talk about our personal relationship with money. It is considered bad form to talk about how much it costs, who earns how much and who has how much money. Therefore, money very rarely becomes a topic of open discussion between parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, friends, and even between a therapist and his patient.

Money is a kind of energy, the driving force of our civilization. A similar situation arose in the course of human development only recently; it was not always so. In the past, the source of energy that fueled the interactions between people was the land or cattle, or slaves, or natural resources (water, salt, iron), or weapons. And although people have always used one thing as the main source of energy - one thing or one natural resource- none of these things or resources could turn into that colossal mechanism, which in our time is money - the only thing that permeates all aspects of human life and constitutes the main element of modern culture. Today, money is the energy that drives the world.

Money is something dirty. Freud was the first to realize that money has a hidden meaning. However, he saw only their negative side. For him, money symbolized excrement and was associated with something disgusting and despicable. Perhaps that is why it is not customary to talk about money in most sections of society.

Freud rebelled against the hypocrisy of the mainstream religion of the Victorian era, with its condemnation of what was considered the "lower" part of human nature: the body, sexuality and material desires. He broke the taboo that forbade considering sex as an important part of human life. However, Freud did not do the same with money, perhaps because he believed that the desire for money was not an original, infantile impulse, or perhaps because in Freud's time money had not yet become the universal source of energy that it is today, - the only symbol that personifies any desire.

The taboo that keeps money from taking its place in our understanding of human nature is still in place. Even therapists who have no hesitation in touching on all sorts of issues related to sex and power rarely touch everything that has to do with money. They offered little to no wisdom on how to view the important role of money in personal development. Most people don't even think of consulting a therapist when they are overwhelmed by financial conflicts. However, disagreements over money cause perhaps more marriages to fail than for any other reason. Resentment based on money is probably the most important of all the problems that create estrangement between parent and child, brother and sister.

For today's world, money means the same thing that in the Middle Ages meant the salvation of the soul. The most important wars of the 20th century were not fought over religion, but over money. The question remains: does our modern view about people a place for spirituality. And if so, how does spirituality relate to money?

In the past, the relationship between our spiritual obligations and material desires was regulated by organized religion. As spirituality ceased to be an important element of our "I", our sense of self became increasingly determined by material desires, greed and addictions. The balance was upset, and material urges got out of control.

Today, money is the main reflection of the material world, that "low" world, the roots of which are rooted in the physical needs of our body, in desires and fears. Spirituality is a reflection of our best properties, the ability to feel sorry for others, the "higher" world of searching for the meaning of life, striving for unity and community.

Money can also be one of the elements that make manifestations of spirituality possible. They allow us to sympathize, pay tribute, "love your neighbor." However, the pursuit of money for selfish purposes is contrary to spiritual values. Where is the line between loving yourself and loving others? The answer to this question means the resolution of the dilemma of our dual nature.

In today's society, as a bargaining chip that serves to satisfy all desires, money is the energy that moves the world. The desire for money reflects the desire to own a Porsche (namely a Porsche, not just a car to drive); the need to have a country house (namely a country house, and not just a roof over your head); the need to feast on cakes and sweets (and not just satisfy hunger). The desire for money is an artificial need that personifies all other artificial needs - to be slim and beautiful, and not just healthy and strong; be influential and admired, and not just have a good job; the need to communicate thoughtfully, and not just have a good time.

These are all artificial needs, and the symbolic desire for money personifies an irresistible desire for their satisfaction. In exchange for all these things, we offer our bodies, our time, our love, and our peace of mind.

In the lives of many people, money is the main bargaining chip of love. When we love someone, we try to get something from him and at the same time give him something. This duality of purpose is what makes the problems of love so complex. Money also affects our character, making us either selfish or altruistic. But if you can love and be loved at the same time, then when it comes to money, we often have to choose between selfishness and altruism.

For each of us, money is a special inner world, a hidden life that may not manifest outwardly. Inside each of us, perhaps, there is a secret miser or philanthropist. We are tormented by tormenting feelings of guilt or unsatisfied desires. Happiness and sorrow are part of the secret meaning of money. Everyone relates to money in their own way, and for many of us this attitude determines the nature of all our other relationships. We have seen that the secret meaning of money can be refracted in various dimensions and has a wide range of manifestations, up to the most extreme. For example, money can be used to express hostility or love, to help or exploit people. The nature of our relationships with others depends on what exactly we want to express through money.

What is now being said at all meetings of parliament and government, at meetings with the president, in tens of thousands of newspaper articles, in numerous television programs ... about the lack of money.

But if you think about it, it cannot but cause surprise. Ten years ago, the country's budget was characterized by sums of tens of billions of rubles, and at the same time there was constant talk about the lack of money. Now the account in the budget goes to hundreds of trillions. And again we hear about the catastrophic lack of money. And if the budget will be millions of trillions. Interestingly, then they will say that there is enough money. Until recently, we received salaries of one to two hundred rubles and were satisfied. Now even a pensioner receives thousands of rubles and complains about the lack of money. And if he gets a hundred million, are we sure that he will become richer.

Thus, the matter is not at all in the amount of money, but in something completely different. The point is, first of all, in the system of functioning of money. And the amount of money in itself is a secondary issue.

That is why it is important to know and understand how money functions in modern society.

Unfortunately, this knowledge is often hidden from society. People who control society with money are not at all eager to share their knowledge in this area with the public. On the contrary, myths are specially created in this area and disinformation is being prepared, public attention is diverted to all sorts of secondary issues from truly important points.

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