Accurate world of tanks statistics. Extended player statistics World of Tanks

In World of Tanks, player statistics are very important for many tankers. This is not surprising, it is the competitive element that is paramount after pumping most tanks. Our service will allow you to evaluate a variety of indicators, ranging from win rate to time spent in the game.

Why do we need statistics?

In any multiplayer game, everyone wants to be the best, and statistics allow you to see how the results of one tanker differ from another.

  • With the help of the XVM mod, you can check the status in WoT right in the battle. And not only their own, but also enemies, as well as allies. As a result, the player more competently assesses the overall balance of the team's forces, seeing how skilled the players are.
  • Extended statistics services in WoT are a must-have tool for every recruiter looking for new players for their clan.
  • There is also clan community statistics in World of Tanks, thanks to which the entire clan is evaluated.
  • Evaluating your achievements - watching how the indicators grow from day to day is quite pleasant.

What is a stat made of?

Before proceeding to the description of various ratings and efficiency calculators in WoT, you should go through the fundamental data with which these ratings are compiled.

  1. Percentage of wins- This is the main indicator that demonstrates the success of a tanker on the battlefield. Since the probability of winning is 49.9%, the player's contribution to the battle and his skill in playing can lead to victory. Thus, skillful tankers can boast statistics of 51% or more.
  2. Damage per battle- The effectiveness rating in WoT also includes this data, which objectively shows the contribution to the battle. But keep in mind that this indicator is completely optional for light tanks, whose task is to detect the enemy. But for TTs and tank destroyers, damage per battle is a critical indicator.
  3. Survival- controversial data, since until the moment of his death, the player can inflict a huge amount of damage and destroy many enemies. But still, the survival rate perfectly shows the tendency of the tanker to go on a suicidal attack. If you are a fan of LT, then it is survival that is a very important indicator, along with enemies discovered during the battle.
  4. Accuracy (percentage of hits)- Efficiency includes information on the percentage of hits. It is critical to have good accuracy on art, secondarily on other classes.
  5. kill/kill ratio- 30 vehicles collide in battle, 15 on each side. One destroyed tank is already a full-fledged contribution to achieving victory, everything that was done on top speaks of the effectiveness of the tanker, so a ratio equal to, for example, 1.50 is a good indicator.
  6. Average level of fights- shows at what levels the player fights most often.

This is not all the information available in our service, only the most important data is described.

Main types of ratings

Since there are a lot of input data for statistics, they can be interpreted a little differently. However, despite the large number of different skill measurement systems, all of them, in principle, one way or another converge in their evaluation gradations. In other words, a good RE player will also be good in WN8.

There are three main ratings on our site.

Personal rating (according to Wargaming)

  • percentage of wins;
  • experience and damage per battle (average);
  • survival;
  • the total number of battles;
  • damage by light and help to allies (when a player knocks down a caterpillar to an enemy and his allies finish him off).

Players with a lot of battles have the most trouble getting this efficiency rating up in World of Tanks. To increase the HP indicator, you need to damage enemies as much as possible, thus gaining experience. Light tanks won't stand aside either, because the rating will grow due to the light damage.

RE (performance rating)

It consists of the following data:

  • Average damage.
  • Points of shooting down and capturing the base.
  • The number of exposed enemies.
  • Fragi (destroyed tanks).

In order for the statistics calculator in WoT to please you with positive emotions, we advise you to increase the rating in several ways at once.

Raising the percentage of wins - if things are not going too well in random, you can go to companies or team battles, where, with a good commander, you can keep an excellent win rate. But in companies, only the percentage of victories rises, to increase the average damage, you should play on high-level vehicles. At the tenth levels, you can not only do more damage, but also get many times more experience than, for example, at the fifth or sixth levels. As a result, the efficiency in WoT will grow, and with it the RE.


Extended statistics in WoT continues to be improved and the new WN8 efficiency calculator is the next iteration after WN7. Unlike the previous calculator, in WN8 damage is more valued than frags, as it was in WN7.

In addition, WN8 cannot be called a full-fledged formula, it is rather a skill calculation system, since a huge database is used with information about all tankers and their successes on a particular vehicle. For each tank in WN8, so-called "reference values" or ideal indicators are used, and the closer (or higher) you are to these ideals, the steeper your rating in this system will be.

To quickly increase the efficiency coefficient in WoT, we advise you to play on those vehicles that work best, because the more effective the battle is, the more damage the tanker will have. And since damage is one of the main indicators of WN8, the numbers will go up. But keep in mind that WN8 calculates damage differently on each tank. For example, playing on some kind of imba, for example, FV215b (183), it will be more difficult to increase the rating than playing on the same IS-7, because the standard damage on a tank destroyer is greater than on a TT.

  • Related article: .

What should you pay attention to in statistics?

The first thing you need to pay attention to is three different ratings that objectively show the success of a tanker. These are RE, WN8, as well as a rating from Wargaming.

Winrate- the holy of holies of almost any player. If the win rate is above 50%, it means that the tanker benefits the team.

The third important indicator is damage per battle. Most tankers prefer damage dealing classes, so you can judge the tanker and his average efficiency.

Average level of fights- if a player has an average level of the fifth or, for example, the sixth, then it immediately becomes clear that he does not really like to ride at the tenth levels. Thanks to this information, it is possible to evaluate applicants for joining a clan that often fights in the Civil Code.

Two ratios - killed/killed and inflicted/damaged. For experienced tankers, this indicator will be higher than 1, because the player is useful in battle. If this indicator is less, then it becomes clear that more often than not the player drags the battle, but the team drags the player. But if the account has the most LT battles, the ratios will not objectively show the effectiveness of the tanker.

Features of extended statistics on our website

Statistics will meet you with such a window in which you need to specify your game nickname:

Select the desired nickname from the list:

The main statistics window will open, where you can see three ratings, as well as other information, such as win rate, number of fights, damage received, etc. Thanks to this, you can evaluate the success of any player.

An interesting feature of our statistics is that you can see how much time was spent on all battles. The data is approximate, the average duration of the battle was taken for calculation (more than two million battles were taken into account).

Have you ever wondered how many times you saw the timer click before the start of a fight? In our statistics, you can see how much time you spent on timer clicks. And yes, be careful, the truth is simply amazing, for example, on a demo account, the countdown took almost five days. An incredible amount, right?

Another interesting feature is tracking progress over time. The course of events for four weeks, one week and a day is shown. Thanks to this information, you can see if the tanker is developing or if his performance indicators have decreased.

Hello tankers!

Today I want to touch upon such an extensive and interesting topic for many thousands of players - how to raise your statistics.

Each player, from the moment when he understood the basic mechanics of the game, its rules and ways to achieve victory, begins to be interested in his success, his place among other players. Everything is like in life here - every healthy person wants to be the best in what he does, or at least strives for it, right? Everyone comes to this in their own time. When such thoughts begin to visit the player, he is interested in his successes on the battlefields, and then the question arises, how can you still improve your skill and place in the ratings? This is where a person asks himself a question, the answer to which I will try to give in this article.

Today, there are a huge number of types of statistics, as well as ways to raise it, but here I will try to tell my vision of the topic. It may differ from yours, there is nothing surprising in this. And this topic is starting to bother players who already understand how to play, so let's get started!

Types of statistics

Let's start with the types of statistics in WoT - there are several of them:

  • official and public figures- % of wins, personal WG rating (hereinafter referred to as WGR), as well as indicators such as average damage done on top cars, average damage dealt by account, medals, and other little things,
  • unofficial indicators developed by players- ratings such as Performance Rating (RE), WN6/WN7, WN8 (the most common now), Bronesite, Ivanerr power ratings and others.

If everything is simple and clear with official indicators, they are available even from the game client without third-party modifications, then with unofficial ratings everything is somewhat more complicated. For example, in order to check them, you need to install a third-party mod on the client, or go to a special site where you can see the statistics by entering a nickname in the appropriate field.

Official and public figures

Percentage of wins- everything is simple and clear here. The greater the number of battles in which your team wins, the greater the percentage of victories you will have in the end.

Player's personal rating(LRI or WGR) - was introduced by WG in update 0.8.8 after much request, its formula has undergone minor changes twice in patches 0.8.9 and 0.8.10. WGR is, like many other ratings, a mathematical formula for calculating a player's performance based on a variety of parameters. A kind of vision of the player's skill ratings from the WoT developer himself.

If we talk about damage on tops, average damage dealt per account, medals, average experience and other trifles, then these things are very subjective. Each player has their own, and some of them do not depend specifically on the skill: for example, one plays with an activated Premium account, and the other does not: as a result, the first has an average account experience 1.5 times more than the second. The situation is the same with medals - some medals are received only with a successful set of circumstances, but not because of their playing skill. For example, the medals of Fadin, Biyot, Raider, and some others. The average damage on tanks and on the account is also subjective. A skillful player maintains indicators that a beginner never dreamed of; for this you need to have a huge pool of knowledge: maps, positions, the use of equipment, enemy vulnerabilities and much more, which can be devoted to more than one hundred pages. Today we will talk about how to raise statistics for a novice player.

Unofficial Player-Developed Metrics

Many different mathematical formulas for calculating the effectiveness of players appeared throughout the entire life cycle of the game. At different times, different indicators dominated. Patch after patch, the game accumulated changes that were incompatible with the current calculation formulas, and the old methods of skill ranking were replaced by other, more advanced ones.


One of the first appeared the so-called "Efficiency Rating", aka RE. With the spread of the complex XVM mod, the so-called "reindeer gauge", it received wide publicity and the first users - after all, before that, statistics could not be viewed directly in battle. And now - the revolution! But few people remember what tricks they had to go to in order to play with the “reindeer” - they had to put a separate XVM module on the computer and run the whole game through it.

Some people still use RE, as they say, "the old fashioned way." Why sin, your obedient servant himself used it and focused on it for quite a long time. Only relatively recently I switched to WN8, as a more objective rating. RE is still present in many modpacks and on many sites for viewing statistics. It takes into account many indicators, but the developers have put in it a strange dependence on base capture / defense points. This resulted in the fact that the players who understood this began to quickly "grow" the stat, becoming a capture and achieving huge results. For example, in a week it was possible to grow RE by as much as 30 or even 40 points! While an ordinary player grows it by an average of 2-5 points per week. To make it even more clear to you, I will give here the following fact - 10 points of capturing or defending a base equals 4,000 damage - numbers that a player can not knock out every battle! So over time, many refused such a rating, and the “WN era” came to replace it.


Ratings developed by players from the American cluster for the entire tank community. At one time they replaced RE (WN6), later WN6 replaced WN7 - more advanced than RE, but as it turned out, not the best rating.

We will not dwell on them for a long time, we can only say that no one really used them and almost no one uses them now. They are in many places (modpacks, sites for calculating stats), but this is just a tribute to time and respect.

In one way or another, these ratings were skewed in some respects, they were biased, because at low levels, in the so-called "sandbox", they made it possible to fill in large numbers of statistics, doing practically nothing. For example, doing 1 frag at level 1 and at level 10 are different things, but WN6/WN7 was treated almost the same way. Hitting 3,000 damage at level 7 and at level 10 are also different things, but also calculated incorrectly. I think there is a difference.


To date, the latest version of the WN * formula, the most perfect and objective, takes into account many indicators, depending on the state of the art. It is used almost everywhere, it is widespread, thousands of players are guided by it during their game. Yes, yes, it's all about WN8. The formula was developed in 2014, since then almost never changed. In his work, he uses the so-called "expected values", i.e. an average sample of statistics for all players and all tanks for a certain period. Each tank has "expected values" for average damage, exposure, win percentage and other indicators. If you do more on a certain technique than in the "expected values", then your statistics grow. WN8 greatly encourages flare, damage, and frags when there is damage. Just ride for fun, deal as much damage as possible, shine as much as possible, and your WN8 stats will skyrocket!

How do you still raise the statistics?

Here we will consider raising the most important and common indicators, such as: percentage of wins, WGR, RE and WN8, omitting the less significant WN6 / WN7.

I want to make a reservation right away that the fewer fights you have, the easier it is to raise statistics. The more fights you have, the harder it is to grow it, but the more pleasant the result will be, because you remember where you started.

Try to NEVER substitute and take damage, play thoughtfully, watching the minimap, the location of allies and opponents, change positions in time, I emphasize again, take care of your tank as long as possible, because the more you live, the more useful you are to the team and the more you will be able to deal or shine damage. Watch your allies and opponents, remember the golden rule of a good field commander - don't forget to "cut your barrels" - after all, even a tank with the amount of health per one of your shots is still alive and can fire. Let's go directly to the ratings.

Upgrading Win Percentage

To increase the percentage of wins, it is recommended to play in a platoon. Yes, yes, nothing surprising, because there is always someone to cover you, there is always someone who is ready to lend a shoulder, help, and, if necessary, drag them;) And also the very fact that you play not 1 against 29, but would be 3 against 27 :) Plus, no one canceled the recently introduced dynamic platoons.

Find one or two players, preferably good ones, who will sometimes play with you in a platoon - and you yourself will notice how your percentage will slowly but surely creep up. If you are not a fan of playing in a platoon, then deal as much damage as possible. This will help not only raise all your efficiency ratings, but also provide all possible assistance to the team, which, in which case, will have an easier time with less enemy durability, and if you're lucky, even with fewer tanks. Do not hesitate to follow good players - you will be able to find good positions for yourself, see how the player acts in battle, and, in case of emergency, help him. The main thing is not to cross the line where help will only be a hindrance.

You can play on any vehicle, the main thing is that it affects the outcome of the battle (i.e. art will not work in most cases). Platoons from equipment of the same class are recommended.

To summarize:

  • play as a platoon
  • inflict damage

Increase LRI (aka WGR)

To raise the LRI, it is necessary to inflict damage, knock down the tracks of enemy vehicles and shine (the so-called "assist" damage is counted). The mathematical formula developed by the WG pays the most attention to these indicators. And it doesn't matter how you played before patch 0.8.8 - it takes only up-to-date data, discarding the "history". That is, starting from patch 0.8.8, your LRI will grow, as well as other ratings from glare, knocking down caterpillars and causing damage. In principle, nothing complicated, but the greatest emphasis was placed on these coefficients.

To summarize:

  • inflict damage
  • make frags
  • knock down tracks
  • shine on allies, both on LT and, if possible, on other vehicles

Raising RE

To raise the RE, it is recommended to deal as much damage as possible, to make frags. And also, no matter how trite it may sound - to capture, and even better - to shoot him down from the allied base. But it is not worth it with fanaticism and round eyes to rush to the enemy flag at the beginning of the battle - in most cases this ends very deplorably and predictably. Wait until the fight goes into the last phase, when there are a few opponents left to finish off, or allies that distract the enemy. This is where you get a precious chance to win the battle. Sometimes some obviously "draining" battles can be won by becoming a capture in time, but again, I repeat, without fanaticism! For example, you are on a slow weight, and against you is a nimble LT or ST - so why chase him if allies can do it? Or, for example, there is only one art left against you, which still needs to be found. Again, why scour the whole map in search of a cunning self-propelled guns - it's easier to become a capture.

I am generally silent about knocking down the capture from my own base - you need to rush to your flag after the first sounds of the siren, notifying you that the enemy is already at your respawn.

To summarize:

  • inflict damage
  • make frags
  • capture the enemy base
  • defend the allied base

Boost WN8

To raise WN8, you need to deal a lot of damage, more damage, even more damage! Also WN8 encourages flashing a lot. Moreover, one must try to shine both on LT and on any other technique that, in principle, is capable of this. The ideal option for you would be to shine for yourself and shoot at your own. WN8 will grow right before your eyes! Also, to raise WN8, you need to make several frags, coupled with damage, preferably more than two. Which is generally logical, if you look from the outside - a skillful player not only shoots damage at opponents, he also destroys them and highlights for his own.

I would also like to tell you a few secrets of raising WN8, which few people know about (and who knows, is in no hurry to share). I want to tell you what tanks you need to play to raise your WN8. First of all, you need to determine which of your machines you can play best on - for this, go to and enter your nickname in the appropriate field. Next, click on the "recommended tanks" button and look at the list of vehicles that raise your WN8. On these machines you should play more. Also, similar ratings for your own equipment can be found on the website by entering your data and going to the "Technology" tab. There will be a "WN8" column at the end, by which you can sort your combat vehicles. By myself, I can say that there are my favorite tanks, playing on which I get the most pleasure.

I would like to add that WN8 grow LT very much, especially from the sixth level, because. you increasingly find yourself in battles with "serious" machines that have a lot of hit points, for illuminating and killing which (according to your intelligence, of course) you will receive huge figures of the indicator per battle. Not without reason, for example, in my top ten tanks in WN8 there is an AMX 12t - a tank that I used to go through with great pleasure - because it can not only “highlight” the allies, but also “snarl” at the expense of its small drum. Raising the statistics of LT-7 and LT-8 also helps a lot in this matter, but they are already harder to play, because. they are always at the bottom of the list. To you, my dear reader, I want to advise you to learn to "shine" the allies on your LT, and not rush headlong at the beginning of the battle in search of enemy "art". Then you will understand what a “high” you can experience when you see enemy heavy vehicles, but they don’t see you. How they try to do something in a panic, move their proboscis, and your allies kill them - an indescribable feeling!

We figured out the LT, now I would like to talk about another feature of raising WN8. This indicator is growing very well when playing on ST. Skill thoughtful game on ST. Especially on ST-9. Yes, it didn’t seem to you, ST-9. Why this is so - I will explain. As I wrote above, WN8 takes into account the difference between machines. Most often on your CT-9 you will play in level 8-10 battles, even more often with “tens”, and since. some CT-9s are practically not inferior to their older counterparts in terms of characteristics (after all, once level 9 was the crown of the CT branch), then you will be quite comfortable fighting with 10 levels. Now, WARNING! Playing with level 10 tanks on your “nine”, you will deal damage to them, shine them, destroy them, and because. If the formula takes into account the difference in levels, then you will receive exorbitant numbers at the end of the battle, taking into account normal activity in battle. That is, I repeat, you take the CT-9, “pump” its combat power and vision, and “farm” the WN8 in every battle! Yes, it's that simple! It is also worth mentioning that the good old ninth CTs, such as the T-54, M46 Patton, E-50, the last two in particular, cope with this task best, due to their excellent firepower and visibility. Upgrade your “Combat Brotherhood” to your crew, install modules to suit your playstyle (most often a rammer, vertical stabilizer and ventilation), please your crew with an additional ration, chocolate bar or cola - and that's it! Here it is the recipe for bending over, having fun and raising statistics! Also, if possible, I recommend using premium shells against tanks of your level and above, standard BB-shki will also work against "kids". Let me explain why: the M46 and E-50 have premium shells - sub-caliber, which have great speed coupled with high penetration, that is, you will have to aim less and take lead and penetrate more often. Try it, and all your questions will disappear by themselves, and the financial costs of using rations and shells can be replenished in a day of moderate farming without a Premium account and in half a day with it, fortunately, now almost every clan has boosters for "farming" silver .

So let's recap:

  • deal damage, more damage, AS MUCH DAMAGE AS POSSIBLE!
  • do not forget to make frags, preferably more than two
  • shine on allies, both on LT and, if possible, on any vehicle
  • determine the tanks that raise your WN8 the best and play them, or the generally recognized "imbs" that farm statistics with pleasure

I can also recommend you several sites that keep track of your statistics. They show you how your general "status" can be shown at different intervals - the main thing is that you go there more often for the greatest accuracy of measurements. They played the session - they checked it, good, they can do it anyway. I recommend you the following resources that I use myself:,. That's all, in principle, more is not needed.

If you are interested, welcome to the comments! I am also attaching a series of training videos called "Bifurcation Point" - they talk in great detail and clearly about typical mistakes, how to avoid them, teach game thinking and much more:

The same "Bifurcation Point"

Good luck on the battlefield!

Participation in tank battles "World Of Tanks" captures, plunging headlong into the atmosphere of heated battles. Over time, questions begin to arise:

  • How do I know how well I play?
  • What figures can tell about my achievements?

Then the time comes and the player learns about the existence efficiency statistics while learning the formulas and ways to improve them.

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks

You must enter your game nickname in the form below and the efficiency calculator will calculate everything for you!

Player stats
Number of fights:
Number of tanks:
Destroyed per battle:0
Damage per battle:0
Found per battle:0
Base defense points per battle:0
Base capture points per battle:0
Average level of tanks:0
Win percentage:0
Efficiency Efficiency Rating:0

The formula used in calculating the efficiency

When calculating the efficiency, the formula of the Performance Rating is used, because. She is one of the most popular
  • R is efficiency and it depends on six parameters of the player:
  • K - the average number of destroyed tanks;
  • L - the average level of the player's tank;
  • D dmg - average damage dealt;
  • S is the average number of detected tanks;
  • D def is the average number of base defense points;
  • C - the average number of base capture points.

How it works?

User efficiency is remembered. Thus, you can follow the dynamics of changes in the Performance Rating (RE). In order to see the changes in RE, you need to play a few fights and re-enter your nickname.

Change in efficiency in plus or minus. The countdown starts from the last RE check:

It is also possible to view the entire history of efficiency changes in the form of a graph:

Useful information

Count yourself? Well, I do not!

Count each time, enter new data into the formula? - It's not required. In order to determine your efficiency, you need to enter a game nickname in the form (above), start the data download process and wait for the result. In the same place, they will explain in detail what and how to do in order to raise the value of this indicator. Ways exist honest and not very. Although open cheating is punishable by a ban (permanent).
There are many varieties of this program. world of tanks efficiency calculator can show not only your coefficient, but also calculate how many fights are left before the required percentage of wins. And not victorious battles, but games in the style inherent in you.

A look into the future or a funny-named device.

You always want to predict what the fight will be like. Who will be your opponent - a seasoned tank ace or a "green" player on stock vehicles. To do this, you need to install a special mod "", with which you can find out the efficiency without leaving the battle.

For those who have already played, the name "deer meter" speaks for itself. The uninitiated need to be explained that in the game, "deer" are called players who do not shine with success. At the very beginning, when the loading table appears, several numbers appear in front of each player. They show: the percentage of victories, the value of efficiency, the total number of fights. During the download, you can choose potential “victims” for yourself, and remember who it is desirable to stay away from. It also provides general data on the chances of winning by analyzing the players and comparing the vehicles involved in the battle.

Don't get hung up on numbers

I want to note right away that these indicators are relative. world of tanks player efficiency may be artificially high. Or vice versa, it does not reflect the real combat qualities of the player. How can it be? You can improve your coefficient well and bring zero benefit to the team (break into the enemy’s “spawn”, “light up” everyone and die courageously). The allies at this time did not have time to do anything. The "strands" had just begun to advance into positions, and the "art" had not even "reduced" to this square. The situation is the opposite. Huge benefit to the team in battle. He shot down the "harp" of the enemy, held back the advance of the whole group, preventing the enemy from deploying battle formation. Transmitted the coordinates of the self-propelled guns. According to the results of the battle - low efficiency.

Chance to win

It happens that a team that has no chance of winning (the data of the "deer meter") wins in a matter of minutes. Sometimes the low numbers of the players on the opposite team are relaxing. Everyone understands that victory is in your pocket. And they successfully lose.

How to increase efficiency?

Why not use some tricks to your advantage to raise your score and scare others with high data.

Boosting Factors

Greatly increase the effectiveness rating points for knocking down and capturing the base. So, it must be used in combat. Moreover, if you embarked on a capture on a heavy tank of level 8 and above, this will greatly increase your efficiency.

Reducing Factors

It is not recommended to use artillery:
  • No capture points, knockdowns;
  • Not very high damage numbers;
  • Low level of technology.

Combat options to increase efficiency

  1. Act according to the principle "Our shooter managed to do everything." Rush, help your friends, kill strangers, inflict maximum damage. A significant figure of efficiency, the sea of ​​"fan".
  2. Modestly "squeeze sideways" to the enemy base, stand up for capture. As a result, we get a large amount of efficiency, a well-played game and victory over the enemy. But on the condition that you survived and almost single-handedly captured someone else's base.

What is the efficiency or statistics of a wot player?

Statistics in World of Tanks (efficiency, stats) - called the player's efficiency indicator, it takes into account your overall merits in battles on all your vehicles.

What are statistics made up of?

When forming the efficiency factor, a large number of factors are taken into account:

Percentage of wins- this factor is the most important, it shows how skillfully you play and most importantly win.
Damage per battle- Depending on the type of tanks, the importance of this criterion also varies. Damage per battle is the actual amount of damage dealt to the enemy.
Accuracy (percentage of hits).
kill/kill ratio.
Base Capture Points and Base Defense Points.
Average level of fights.

The World of Tanks statistics formula is constantly changing, new criteria for calculating efficiency are added, providing a more complete picture of your skills and abilities.

The optimal technique for raising statistics:

TT- AMX 50B, T57 Heavy, T110E5, E100, Maus,IS7,S.Conqueror,WZ-111 5A, 113.
ST- E50M, T-62A, Object 140, TVP T 50/51, E50, T-54,121, B-C 25 t, M46 Patton, M48 Patton.
LT- AMX 13 90, Ru251, WZ-132, M41 Walker Bulldog, Т71, Type 64 and LT lvl 10
Fri- Hellcat, Т110Е4, Т110Е3, Object 263, Object 268, Grille 15, Foch B, FV4005, Strv 103B.
ACS- Object 261, Conqueror Gun Carriage, Т92,M40/M43, FV304, G.W. Panther, M53/M55.

10 levels France: Bat.-Chatillon 25 t, AMX 50B, Germany: E 50 Ausf. M, Leopard 1, USA: USA: M-48 Patton, T57 Heavy, Japan: STB-1, China: Heavy 113, WZ-111 model 5A.

Why do we need statistics?

World of Tanks statistics is simple essential for strategic decisions.

By checking the statistics of WoT players, you can estimate the approximate strength of the team, and take this data into account during the battle.
The decision to accept a new player to the clan or not is always based on statistics.
"Kopeck saves the ruble" - the statistics of each player separately forms the clan statistics and the rating as a whole.

How to raise statistics?

Raising statistics World of Tanks begins to worry when the percentage of your efficiency is not at all high and your comrades tease you with "red"; or when you finally decide to take part in battles in companies or join a clan, but they don’t take you because your efficiency is not satisfied.

The service for upgrading World of Tanks accounts will help solve this problem as soon as possible:

We offer:

raise statistics on any vehicle professional World of Tanks players;
system of discounts for large orders;

What guarantees?

A team of experienced, professional players who have one of the highest statistics in the entire WORLD OF TANKS raises the statistics for you, you can read more information in the section. Instant processing of your orders, the shortest lead times, guaranteed results and refund, great experience - the service is already 3 years old, positive