What thickness can I put Mauerlat on aerated concrete. How to make a Mauerlat on aerated concrete with and without an armored belt, what nuances to pay attention to

In the construction of a small house made of aerated concrete blocks with a simple sloping roof, there is no special need to cast a reinforcing tape, it is much cheaper and faster to fix the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt. The technology reduces time costs, construction goes faster, but does not make the job easier, since this method of attaching a Mauerlat beam directly to the walls requires accuracy and accuracy.

Features of fastening the Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armored belt

In other words, without knowing the technological methods correct installation, it is better not to risk and use the classic way, with laying of reinforcement and concreting of the tape. On the other hand, the problem lies only in observing the technology, there are no secrets in this, and with due patience and accuracy, fix wooden beam Without an armo-belt it will not be difficult.

First of all, you need to know the conditions under which you can attach a Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt:

  • In the design of the roof frame, the rafters should not create an additional bursting load on the upper edge of the walls;
  • The building and the roof are primarily oriented to the terrain so that wind currents create minimal pressure on the roof slopes;
  • The slope of the roof is chosen large enough to winter time heavy snow cover squeezed out the rafters and mauerlat beyond the upper edge of the walls.

Advice! The method of how to fix the Mauerlat without an armored belt must be chosen before the walls are laid out. A decision must be made before the last three rows of blocks are laid out. It is at the level of the third rows from the top that the penultimate layer of wall reinforcement is laid, which is convenient to use in order to fix the beam directly on the aerated concrete wall.

The situation with the rafters will become clearer if you look at the diagram below.

Hanging rafter beams after installation and alignment on the ridge and Mauerlat must be connected and pulled together with horizontal timber screeds.

If the layered beam is placed on a ridge run using a hinge, then the heel of the rafter, with which it rests on the surface of the Mauerlat, must be fixed on a sliding joint. Otherwise, the weight of the roof will tear the timber from the surface.

Strong arguments against the armored belt

Most of the craftsmen involved in the construction of buildings from aerated concrete are confident that the arrangement of the armored belt can solve all the problems with the installation of the Mauerlat and the roof. In fact, this is not entirely true, for one simple reason - future home built from extremely weak aerated concrete. Therefore, it is impossible to transfer the techniques and technologies of the armored belt, which successfully work on brick, block and concrete buildings, to aerated concrete walls.

There are only two fundamental objections to the armored belt:

  • First of all, with any manufacturing scheme, the armored belt can only be fixed to the top row of aerated concrete, so the roof also has to be done with restrictions, as in the case when this belt is not there. concrete frame it redistributes the bursting load well, but all the efforts from the armored belt fall only on the upper row of aerated concrete, hence the appearance of cracks along the upper edge of the walls;
  • Fixing the Mauerlat on the armored belt means creating huge problems with the cold bridge in that part of the roof where the aerated concrete is ventilated the worst. Even laying a layer of insulation from XPS helps little, you have to look for ways to equip the vents to remove condensate from the armored belt.

The third argument against concreting has to do with costs. The arrangement of the reinforcing tape will take an amount approximately one third of the estimate for the arrangement of the foundation. For a 4x8 m house, this is about 60-100 thousand rubles. It is clear that it is much easier to fix the Mauerlat and the roof frame on the Mauerlat, rigidly connected to the concrete armo-belt. Sometimes roofing masters even refuse to put a roof on aerated concrete without an armored belt, but technologically this is quite possible.

How to fix a Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt

There are several reliable and proven methods that allow you to securely fasten the Mauerlat beam to aerated concrete walls. Recommended options include:

  • The use of studs with embedded elements;
  • Laying timber with annealed steel wire;
  • Schemes that allow you to fix the beam with the help of chemistry;
  • The use of dowels.

For your information! In addition to the options listed, you can fix the Mauerlat with anchor bolts.

Fastening Mauerlat to aerated concrete without armored belt with anchors

This is the only way, the use of which must be immediately and without a doubt abandoned, without an armored belt it is better not to risk it.

The anchor fastening works perfectly on the armored belt made of concrete, brick, cinder block, but due to the small contact surface of the support sleeve, the fasteners can be pulled out of the aerated concrete body by the very first strong wind.

In order to fix the Mauerlat with anchors, you will need three times as many attachment points, each of which will have to be glued expensive adhesive composition. The cost of such fasteners will be no less than the cost of a traditional armored belt, and there are practically no advantages over concrete.

Stud fastening

The easiest way to build a building from aerated concrete without a reinforcing belt is to fix a wooden beam with mortgage element and studs with a thread of at least M16. The method is very similar to the anchor option, but differs in the depth and diameter of the threaded rod, which will need to be fixed in the aerated concrete block.

There is one nuance in this method of fastening. Before laying the last three rows of box blocks, it is necessary to mark the planned installation lines for the future Mauerlat threaded fasteners. Usually just put vertical lines on the walls. Further, embedded elements are placed under the laid steel reinforcement, most often these are steel plates, 5 mm thick, with a welded M16 nut. The remaining rows of aerated concrete are laid out on the walls in the usual manner.

In order to fix the studs in the wall, you will need:

  • Drill a vertical hole with a diameter of 20-25 mm to the level of a plate embedded in aerated concrete, usually it is necessary to drill with a drill up to a meter deep;
  • Screw the threaded rod into the nut with the plate;
  • To properly fix the stud, it will need to be leveled and wedged in the hole;
  • After it was possible to align and fix all the rods, the free space is filled with concrete or adhesive mixture.

After a day, you can put the Mauerlat directly on aerated concrete. This is the only way to fix the Mauerlat on the wall with minimal cost and maximum reliability. Another option for installing a Mauerlat on aerated concrete without an armored belt is shown in the video

Installation of Mauerlat on dowels

It is clear that it is not always possible to prudently lay plates in aerated concrete walls, and it is simply not possible to punch horizontal pits for laying fasteners. If the aerated concrete box has small size, then you can fix the Mauerlat without an armored belt in a carpentry way, using dowels.

The technology is practically the same as the previous method. Initially, centering holes are drilled in the Mauerlat, laid on aerated concrete, the beam is attached to the surface of the walls ordinary self-tapping screws. This allows you to properly align and splice the Mauerlat until the final fastener.

Waterproofing is successively applied under the beam, roofing material is laid, after which it is possible to drill holes of 25-30 mm under oak dowels to a depth of 70-80 cm. It remains to pour glue and fix the rods. The tops of the rods are sawn off, a joiner's self-tapping screw is wrapped inside, allowing the dowel to be wedged, and thereby rigidly fixing the Mauerlat. At first glance, this method gives the impression of the most unreliable, but the practice of installing a Mauerlat suggests otherwise. Especially when you remember that most timber houses assembled using dowels.

Fastening with chemical anchors

Relatively new way allows you to fix a beam or board almost anywhere in the aerated concrete wall. To hold the Mauerlat, threaded anchors are used, but they are not wrapped in the body of aerated concrete, but in a special cavity filled with quick-hardening resin.

Preliminary marking is carried out on the walls of the points where it is planned to fix the timber. Next, the Mauerlat boards are dismantled, and holes are drilled in aerated concrete for arranging chemical plugs. In order for the anchor bolt to hold firmly in the thickness of aerated concrete, it is necessary that the diameter of the plug cavity be at least 35 mm.

The cavity for pouring self-hardening resin is cut out using special device. An oblique cutter is a drill with a bent at an angle of 15 o cutting edge. The nozzle is installed on a drill and sequentially, in several passes, a cavity is drilled in aerated concrete for a conical plug.

Before fixing the anchor, the hole is blown with air. Can be used hand pump for inflating tires or any similar device. Next, it is necessary to fix a plastic nozzle on the hole, through which the resin mixed with the hardener is squeezed with a syringe.

After 10 minutes, it is necessary to wrap the anchor bolt, align it vertically and temporarily fix it until the plastic has completely cured. Before installation, the anchor must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and degreased with a solvent. After another hour, the Mauerlat can be fixed on aerated concrete. The advantage of chemical anchors lies in the simple technology and high reliability fasteners, without the use of armored belts. The downside is the high cost of self-hardening resin and the inability to fix the Mauerlat at temperatures below 15 ° C.

Fastening the mauerlat to aerated concrete with wire

In order to fix the Mauerlat on the walls of aerated concrete, you will not need any expensive materials or special tools. It is enough to have on hand an electric drill with a long drill with a nozzle, scissors for cutting wire and construction wire rod with a diameter of 5 mm. Sometimes a 2 mm thick wire is additionally used to tie the reinforcement.

Advice! If the aerated concrete walls were laid by other craftsmen, and the location of the reinforcement is unknown, then it will also be useful to use a handheld device to search for hidden wiring.

advantage this method is the exceptional simplicity of the process. In order to fix the mauerlat beam on the wall, it is enough to tie a wire loop and pull the wood to the supporting surface, as in the video

Before proceeding with the installation, it will be necessary to solve two problems. Firstly, you will need to immediately install a thick and very heavy beam on the walls and splice individual parts Mauerlat in one run.

Secondly, you will need to choose a line and drilling locations through holes. The best option is to drill holes below the level of laying the last reinforcement layer. Definitely not suitable sections of the walls above the window and doorways.

Before fixing the Mauerlat, the wire is cut and annealed to make it softer and more ductile. The material is passed into the hole and wrapped on the corner edge of the Mauerlat using a mount, the remaining whiskers are cut off with scissors.

Some craftsmen, before fixing the beam, put a spiral spring on the wire, wound from pieces of wire rod 2 mm thick. An impromptu tube is inserted into drilled hole in aerated concrete, to avoid cutting the wall material with a strong tension of the fasteners. The method does not guarantee the absolute safety of aerated concrete if the rafters are not properly balanced, but it does not allow the wire pigtail to cut the wall, like a hacksaw, during gusts of wind.

Since there is no solid concrete armored belt under the Mauerlat, then Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the correct and uniform tightening of the nuts on the studs or anchors. Usually fasteners are wrapped with a key, following the diagonal rule. That is, each next point for the nut should be located on the opposite side of the wall from the previous nut.


The choice of how to fix the mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt has to be done taking into account the thickness of the walls, the size of the building and the roof structure. For a bath the best option there will be wire fasteners; for a small cottage in the country, you can use a chimanker or hairpins. It is better to build two-story buildings with a reinforcing armored steel belt.

For correct installation and installation of the roof truss system, competent distribution of heavy loads on the building, builders resort to using important element- Mauerlat. Mauerlat is a wooden or metal mount, which is fixed at the top of the walls. However, it must be securely fastened.

If builders use metal rafters, then there is a need for an I-beam Mauerlat. It is attached to an aerated concrete wall without an armored belt and performs two functions:

  • distributes the loads that are transferred to the walls of the building;
  • attached to a metal Mauerlat truss elements roofs.

Selection of building materials

In the manufacture of wooden Mauerlat, bars are used. At the same time, experts advise making fasteners from deciduous trees treated with special antiseptic agents. Beams should be laid around the perimeter of the wall. To connect them together, experts install a lock, which must be fixed with nails. This will help to make a solid, solid wood structure. It is important that its size be less than the width of the aerated concrete walls. The beam must be fixed on the inner surface in such a way that a gap of five centimeters remains between the outer cut and the mount. Sometimes builders use brick for a protective belt on outside walls. Before starting installation work, it is necessary to provide waterproofing between the walls and the beams.

Varieties of fastening

There are ways by which you can securely fix the Mauerlat on aerated concrete. It is necessary that the mount is installed as securely as possible - this will help to avoid displacement of the roof. In the construction industry, it is customary to fix an element using the following means:

Waterproofing during installation

Between the Mauerlat and the wall of the building, waterproofing is needed. For this purpose, polyethylene, building materials in rolls or modern waterproofing agents can be used. Such work is extremely important during the construction of a building, otherwise a liquid may condense in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between materials, which can destroy the Mauerlat. Protection against moisture penetration is the final stage of installation.

The nuances of installation work

As a basis, a beam measuring from 10x10 to 15x15 cm is used.

Experts believe that it is preferable to install a solid wooden structure around the perimeter of the wall surface. In this case, you need to fasten the wooden bars into a single Mauerlat using a lock. Its dimensions will depend on the characteristics of the bar. After you decide on the type of fastening of the structure to aerated concrete, calculate the location and number of elements, you can begin installation. First of all, workers need to prepare workplace, providing isolation of the space between the Mauerlat and the concrete masonry. It is important to remember that the areas of contact between wooden beams and concrete surface wood decay occurs. A waterproofing building material laid under the Mauerlat structure will help to avoid the destructive effects of moisture. For good waterproofing, two dense layers of material are used. You can use roofing felt or more expensive products.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that when using studs or anchors, holes must be made in advance in the surface of aerated concrete. But this task is more difficult than it might seem at first glance. The difficulty is that using building level it is impossible to install fasteners exactly in a vertical position, especially in a liquid concrete mixture. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth determining where the bolts will be located, and how much they will deviate from the concrete. To this end, experts use a level wooden board. It marks the exact location of the bolts. To do this, the board is applied to the extreme bolts and mark where the others should be. After that, the builders transfer the points directly to the bar, drill holes according to the marked points. Then place the holes on the fixed bolts and tighten wooden block with nuts. With metal wire, work is much easier. To do this, 2 holes are drilled in the bar, the distance between which should be about thirty centimeters.

Workers thread a metal wire into the prepared holes, twisting the ends.

The operational life of the roof directly depends on a durable and well-fixed mauerlat, which not only takes the roof load, but also contributes to its redistribution to the structure bearing walls. For mounting on aerated concrete, it is advisable to use a traditional wooden Mauerlat. It is especially important to carefully prepare all components, including wooden beams, fasteners, reinforcing cage and good waterproofing.

Preparation of aerated concrete walls

The preparation of the base is the first step that must be taken before attaching the Mauerlat. Aerated concrete walls require the installation of a reinforcing belt, which will prevent the aerated concrete from being pushed through and evenly distribute the dynamic and static forces. Parameters minimum size concrete tape is 200 x 150 m., and the fastening point is the inner surface of the wall.

The main stages of wall preparation:

  • construction of formwork along the perimeter of the building with the obligatory processing of gables;
  • creation of a reinforced concrete belt from u-shaped blocks;
  • assembling a frame from reinforcement with a thickness of one centimeter with a protrusion of four centimeters;
  • installation of threaded studs with a diameter of 14 mm, maintaining a step of a meter, which allows you to increase the rigidity of the fastening;
  • filling blocks with M-200 series concrete.

It takes at least a week to harden, after which the formwork is removed and the Mauerlat can be fixed.

Mauerlat preparation

As a Mauerlat, a wooden beam or log with a section of 10 x 10 cm or 15 x 15 cm is used as a standard. Wood requires treatment with antiseptic agents that will prevent rotting processes and extend the service life. After processing, it is necessary to wrap the timber with bitumen-polymer waterproofing.

Should only be used quality timber, free of knots and cracks, with a moisture content corresponding to building codes. If “raw” wood is used, then it is necessary to install the anchor adjusting nut, through which the structure is tightened once a year.

Proper fastening of the Mauerlat

To perform the correct and reliable fastening, T- and L-shaped anchors with washers and nuts are used. Standard thread can be M12 or M14. When arranging a structure in seismic hazard conditions, it is necessary to maintain the fastening step at the level of a meter.

Mechanical fastener type

  • installation of dowels in pre-prepared holes;
  • screwing in the fastener;
  • strong indentation of the harpoon teeth into aerated concrete;
  • surface expansion;
  • reliable fixation of the structure.

This method of fastening belongs to the category of high-cost, due to the significant cost of anchors and special dowels with a harpoon.

Chemical fastener type

A less costly method of fastening the Mauerlat, which allows you to perform high-quality and reliable fastening on concrete walls. It is based on the use of a capsule with a chemical substance that penetrates through the pores of the material and firmly fixes the structure. The aerated concrete surface with this type of fastening receives additional thermal insulation and waterproofing.

Mounting methods

The final stage of work is installation and fastening roof structure using one of two methods.

First mounting method it is easy to perform and consists in several sequential actions:

  • execution in the boards washed down with a depth of a third of the thickness of the board;
  • a pair of galvanized nails are hammered crosswise from the side parts;
  • fastening the structure with an additional nail, which is hammered from above;
  • the use of fastening angles for the final fixing of the joints.

Nails used for fastening, as well as metal corners, must be High Quality, which will allow you to perform a reliable fastening of the truss system.

Application for fastening the second method slightly complicates the process, however, such work can also be performed independently, subject to technology. The main advantage is that there is no need to carry out washing down in rafter legs ah, and all actions are performed in two stages:

  • hemming from the bottom of a special support bar a meter long, which should rest securely against the Mauerlat;
  • a pair of galvanized nails are driven in crosswise and complemented by a third nail, which is fixed on top of the structure.

It is advisable to use this fastener option for rafters that have a slight height. For proper fastening of the binder beam, it is necessary to use only high-quality lumber, as well as perform preliminary calculations.

Learn more about installation in the video.

Summing up

All work on the installation and fastening of the Mauerlat must be carried out on the basis of accurate calculations and using high-quality building materials, as well as fasteners. The use of timber of inadequate quality or having high humidity may lead to structural failure.

To fix the Mauerlat to aerated concrete walls it is required to use anchors with special types of dowels or a chemical installation option. Mandatory requirement is the implementation of thermal insulation of the reinforcing belt by means of extruded polystyrene foam. Strict adherence to all technological requirements allows you to perform a strong fastening of the Mauerlat and create the most reliable truss structure.

Mauerlat - a design designed accept and evenly distribute the load created by the roof and perceived by the walls. With its help, the stability of the roof is ensured, provided that the Mauerlat was fastened in accordance with all the rules. To do this, you need to know what a Mauerlat is, how it is attached to the aerated concrete wall, and also in what sequence the work should be performed.

Do you need a Mauerlat?

Without Mauerlat it is possible to install roofing systems on frame houses, as well as buildings erected from timber and logs. They have the function of this structural element can make the top crown of logs or the top beam. For buildings made of aerated concrete, this is unacceptable, and therefore the installation of a Mauerlat must be made mandatory.

With it, you can:

  • significantly reinforce the building box;
  • increase the rigidity of the mounted roof;
  • align the upper crown of the wall in a horizontal plane;
  • secure fastening roof structure and building walls.

The thickness of the Mauerlat depends on design features mounted roof. Most often, a bar is used for its manufacture, with a size of 150 x 150, 150 x 100 or 80 x 180 mm. It is also acceptable to use logs peeled from bark and cut on one side. Trimming is carried out in order to ensure maximum fit of the structure to the wall surface.

The moisture content of the wood used must be regulatory requirements. When using "raw" wood, it should be provided the ability to adjust the anchor nut once every five years. After the timber dries, the shrinkage of wet wood will occur less intensively, and therefore the nut will need to be tightened less often.

The prepared wood is exposed special treatment antiseptic composition to protect the structure from decay and insect damage as much as possible. Before laying the log should be wrapped waterproofing material, for example, bitumen-polymer. It is better to refuse the use of roofing material.

If a metal frame is mounted, rolled metal is used to make the Mauerlat: a channel or an I-beam. It can be treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

Features of the Mauerlat installation

The Mauerlat must be laid in such a way that there is some distance left to the outer edge of the wall. As a rule, about 5 cm. Sometimes it is provided protrusion against which the structure to be mounted must abut. Subsequently, the roofing system will have to be attached to this structure.

To increase the service life of a structure made of wood, waterproofing is necessarily provided. For this, roofing material or any other waterproofing material is used.

Methods of fastening to aerated concrete wall

The preferred option is to install the element around the entire perimeter of the wall. For connection individual elements together, it is desirable to use straight lock, the dimensions of which directly depend on the geometric parameters of the timber used. For reliability, nails are additionally hammered into the lock to form a rigid one-piece system, to which the rafters are subsequently attached.

To fix the Mauerlat, you can use several methods:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

In the first case, it is used special fastening capsules. Chemical substance, having penetrated into the material, provides a secure fixation of the Mauerlat. This improves the condition of the top layer and increases the degree of heat and waterproofing. The capsules used for fastening are affordable.

For the manufacture of Mauerlat, it is necessary to use only quality materials. The wood should not have knots. The waterproofing layer must not be damaged, which is achieved by using a special tool.

For mechanical fastening, a certain procedure must be followed:

  1. dowels are inserted into pre-prepared holes;
  2. screwed fastener;
  3. harpoon teeth are firmly pressed into aerated concrete;
  4. expanded surface;
  5. fastening done.

The Mauerlat must be fastened in such a way that neighboring links were not connected to each other. This improves the stability of the structure. However, mechanical fastening involves the creation of a bursting force, which can provoke some problems along the edge of the structure.

Fastening with anchor bolts and armored belt

For buildings constructed from gas blocks, the presence of an armored belt is mandatory, since this construction material not strong enough, which can cause certain difficulties when installing fasteners, especially anchor bolts. Therefore, the question of whether a Mauerlat is needed is not relevant in this situation: you simply cannot do without it.

Fasteners for the Mauerlat must be laid in advance. For device reinforced belt it is desirable to use U blocks, with which you can form a characteristic gutter around the entire perimeter outer wall. To eliminate the formation of gaps, the corner blocks are sawn through.

The reinforcement cage is assembled using 12 mm reinforcement, which is tied with 6 mm jumpers. Threaded anchors are attached to the frame laid inside the gutter. They must take a certain spatial position, which is controlled by a stretched fishing line or cord. Anchors are placed at right angles to the Mauerlat as close as possible to the top beam.

Attachment points should be located around the entire perimeter of the wall. Their number directly depends on the number of rafters: at least there should be the same number or more. Fasteners must be positioned in such a way as to avoid contact with the rafters in the future. In order to reduce financial costs it is possible to fill not a solid armored belt around the entire perimeter of the wall, but only individual concrete pillows.

After the reinforcing cage together with anchor bolts will be laid in a pre-formed gutter, concrete is being poured. For the formation monolithic construction the filling process must not be interrupted. Work must be carried out continuously along the outer wall. The gutter must be filled with concrete in one pass.

After the concrete has completely dried, the anchors will be securely fixed in a given spatial position. At the same time, very it is important to ensure their precise positioning during the curing of the mortar.

As soon as the concrete gains the necessary strength, the beams are laid on the concrete belt and anchors, which should be inside the holes previously drilled in the tree. Then the nuts are tightened to fasten the bars.

To determine the location of the holes in the beam, it is first laid on top of the bolts, and then rendered force impact, sufficient for the appearance of dents on the wood. In these places holes drilled for anchors.

When connecting aerated concrete blocks with other structural elements, difficulties arise. Ordinary fasteners cannot be held in porous material. This is especially important when installing massive parts. There are several mounting options that allow you to attach a Mauerlat to aerated concrete without an armored belt.

Mauerlat appointment

Mauerlat is one of the main load-bearing structural elements of the building. He is responsible for distributing the load from all elements of the roof: insulation, truss system, sheathing inside slopes, roofing. Its importance is commensurate with the importance of the foundation for the building.

Loads are very large. Roof slopes exert a bursting effect in a perpendicular direction to the walls. Wind and a layer of snow increase the pressure. Point loads are especially destructive for walls made of piece materials - brick and aerated concrete. Therefore, it is required to distribute the impact along the entire length of the structure. A wooden beam copes well with this task, resting against the end of the wall and snugly against it.

The presence of a Mauerlat also simplifies the process of installing the truss system. Connect with each other wooden elements easier than attaching them to monolithic wall. This makes it possible to do different variants connections: movable or deaf with the use of fasteners.

For Mauerlat, a wooden beam with dimensions from 100x100 to 150x200 mm is selected. This element should be twice as thick as the rafter leg. The width is selected according to the thickness of the wall. It is better to leave up to 50 mm between the edge of the timber and the edge of the wall on both sides. This arrangement will protect the Mauerlat from weather conditions and insulate it with high quality.

If this element is made of logs, then the installation of rafter legs and fastening to the base can become more complicated. Some carpentry skills are required for the job. Be sure to select high-quality wood premium, without protruding knots, distortions, signs of decay and cracks.

The best choice is hardwood material, but it is not always possible to find it. Alternatively, carefully selected pine is used. truss system may consist of metal elements. In this case, the Mauerlat is made of steel (I-beam or channel).

Frame structures, houses made of logs and timber can do without a Mauerlat, its role will be played by the upper row of the wall structure. Concrete buildings are less susceptible to point loading, so they can also do without a supporting superstructure for the roof if the ceiling is attached to the protruding beams.

For fastening the mauerlat to expanded clay blocks without an armored belt, a closed circuit is used, involving the construction of a frame that goes around the building around the perimeter. This design is the most reliable. If pediments are also made of aerated concrete, then it will not work to complete the framework laying scheme. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the strongest adhesion of the wall and the timber.

Mounting options

Each of the mounting options for the Mauerlat has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are several situations in which you can do without an armored belt and use alternative types of fastening:

Pressure reduction is ensured by the use of hanging-type rafters, securely fixed with puffs with a horizontal arrangement. Sloped rafters with an anchor point at the ridge, having a hinge connection, can also reduce the load.

Using wire

The simplest option, mainly used in the construction of brick walls. Between 4-5 upper rows, steel wire bundles are laid out, containing 3-4 cores with a diameter of 3 mm. Their ends should peek out from both sides of the wall. The release of the wire should be enough to cover the Mauerlat beam, tighten and twist the loop. Bundles of wire and subsequent knots of connections should be located between pairs of rafters.

After preparing the wall, you need to decompose the waterproofing at its end. A beam is laid and leveled on top of the structure. Next, a loop of wire is created and tightened with a mount. It is necessary to ensure a snug fit of the beam to the wall surface.

The placement of beams for aerated concrete blocks is carried out in front of the last two rows. This material is bulkier and heavier than brick, so the use of wire to attach the roof to aerated concrete walls is not always justified in practice.

For anchors and dowels

Aerated concrete is a rather fragile material, so screwed anchors and dowels can create a crack or chip on the surface. For high-quality fixation, the longest anchors will be required - 300-500 mm. These mounts are quite expensive. Installing a Mauerlat using anchors includes several steps:

It is possible to build up short sections of the beam with the help of interlocking joints of the “half-tree” and “paw” type. They will need to be secured with a hairpin or anchor. The corners are aligned in the same way; for better fixation, they can be reinforced with steel brackets.

It is better to use bars with the same length for docking on the wall.

With chemical anchors

Chemical anchors are a new way of attaching a mauerlat to an aerated concrete wall. There are many for sale various kinds, so you can often stumble upon a fake. To buy reliable material, it is better to give preference to proven brands: Sormat, Tox, Hilti, Tecfix, Nobex, KEW, Fischer, Tecseal, Technox.

Chemical anchors differ in the way they are used. Ampoule type - a capsule containing a composition of 1-2 components is placed in the hole under the anchor. When interacting with air, the substance quickly hardens. The destruction of the ampoule occurs when a stud or anchor is driven into the hole, the composition covers all the free space, including the thread. Hardening occurs after 25-45 minutes, depending on the air temperature. Such fastening firmly fixes the material and withstands heavy loads.

An alternative type is a polymer mixture in tubes or cartridges, dispensed by a dispenser gun (in some cases, conventional models for sealants and " liquid nails»). Installation of fasteners in aerated concrete goes through the following steps:

Chemical anchors for installing Mauerlat on aerated concrete have a number of advantages:

The material also has some disadvantages:

  • High price. Porous aerated concrete will require deep channels, and hence a large amount of composite.
  • Chemical anchors fail high temperatures. But heating more than 100 degrees is a rarity for a Mauerlat, so the minus is not significant.

The use of embedded studs

It is possible to fix the Mauerlat on aerated concrete without an armored belt using studs that protrude from the wall and are spaced from each other by the required distance. The location of the embedded fasteners should be noted on the beam. To do this, the Mauerlat is laid on top and slightly pressed. The ends of the fasteners will leave marks on the material.

Then a waterproofing strip is strung on the pins, a beam with prepared holes is applied. The ends of the studs are sealed with washers and tightened with nuts. Mauerlat is pressed tightly against the wall.

To embed the studs during the construction of the wall, it is necessary to drill a hole in aerated concrete with a depth of up to 500 mm and a diameter exceeding the size of the pin by 3-4 mm. Masonry adhesive is used to fill the channel. The hairpin is inserted into the composite mass until it stops and left to dry completely.

Another option for mounting studs is to weld them to metal plates in a perpendicular position. The strips are laid in a seam in front of the final row of gas silicate blocks. They provide fixation of the hairpin and protection against pulling out. In the upper blocks, you must first drill holes for the pins. The edges of expanded clay blocks are straightened to avoid distortions from the thickness of metal plates.