What to make a hand pump for water. Homemade water pump from an oil pump

The summer cottage and the presence of a well on it are a joy for every nature lover. Especially if electricity is supplied to the village and it is possible to pump water for irrigation from a well using a powerful unit.

But what to do in the event that there is no electricity at all or it was temporarily cut down ?! Of course, you can carry water to the beds simply with buckets, but this is tiring, and just a long time. Especially if the garden lands have a large area.

We bring to your attention a solution to the dilemma - assembling a water pump with your own hands. And believe me, such a water machine will work, albeit a little slower than an electric pump, but still, quite productively. Consider several options for hand-assembled pumps.

Is it worth thinking that the production of your own pump at home is not profitable and will not lead to anything. We are ready to prove the opposite to you, referring to several advantages of such work:

  • Firstly, the summer resident will always have a device at hand to supply water from the well upstairs, even if the electricity is turned off.
  • An important point is the saving of the family budget. So, electricity tariffs are growing by leaps and bounds, and a powerful pump in working order winds up a lot of kW. Such cycles of the pump, even for the purpose of watering the beds in a month, can result in a tidy sum for the average family.

Important: you can only assemble a manual piston pump with your own hands. All other types of pumps (vane, diaphragm, slide) are more complex in self assembly.

Operation and arrangement of a piston unit for a well

A piston is installed in the flask (body) of the pump, which, under the influence of exerting physical force on the lever, moves up and down. The piston has an inlet and an outlet closed by valves. At the moment the lever is pressed, the piston descends down the flask and opens the inlet valve. Water fills the working chamber, the pressure in it rises. Due to the pressure difference, water is pushed out through the outlet valve of the device.

Important: the performance of a piston-type pump averages 2-3 liters per cycle (pressing the lever). But at the same time, it can be increased if the cross section of the housing and the piston in it is increased. Most often, such pumps are used for the Abyssinian well. But provided that the pump is securely fixed, it can also be used with a conventional well.

Stages of work on creating a pump

  • First you need to prepare the cylinder body. It can be made from a pipe cut of the desired section. It is desirable that the pipe diameter is at least 8 cm. And its length is 1 meter.

Important: the section of the housing for the hand pump does not have to be round. It can be either a square or a polygon. The main thing then is to fit the piston section to the shape of the body.

  • Now two brackets must be welded to the pump body so that the future lever fits freely between them. Brackets are attached to the top of the pump.
  • The next step is to drill holes for the inlet and outlet pipes. Accordingly, we make holes in the lower and upper parts of the case.
  • The lower part of the case must be closed with a lid. It can be metal fixed by welding, or just larch. The latter is in excellent contact with water, without rotting.
  • It is also necessary to close the upper opening of the flask with a lid. This is not necessary, but having a cover will increase the efficiency of the pump and prevent water from splashing as it rises.
  • In the top cover we make a hole for the stem. It should be in the form of a gap.

Making a piston for a pump

Now you need to make the main working unit of the pump with your own hands - the piston. It must be made from the following materials:

  • A metal disc, the thickness of which should be about 3-4 cm;
  • A cut of dense rubber of the same section as the piston (the thickness of the material must be at least 5 cm).
  • On the entire surface of the piston (metal disk) we make holes with a diameter of about 1 cm. There should be several of them.
  • We cover the disk with a rubber gasket from above and connect them.
  • A cut must be made through both elements of the piston in the central part in order to securely fix the rod.
  • A rod made of metal or steel can be used as a rod. Its length should be 1-1.5 m. We pass the rod through the hole formed in the piston and fix it from below with a strong nut.
  • We attach the upper end of the rod to the lever after it is withdrawn through the top cover of the housing.

Making a lever

It remains to make a working pump lever. To do this, take a pipe with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of about 35 cm. One end of the pipe must be flattened with a hammer and a hole for the bolt made here. In the future, a bolt will pass through it, which will also be located in two brackets. This is how the lever is attached. The upper end of the rod is also brought to the bolt, securely fixing it. outer side the working lever can be wrapped with electrical tape or put on a piece of rubber hose for easy grip.

We mount the inlet valve from a piece of dense rubber. Its diameter should be slightly smaller than the inlet. We form a hole in the central part of the valve and mount the guide into it. It is thanks to her that the valve will always return to its place after the piston returns to its usual position.

Important: the guide must be longer than the distance from the drain pipe to the lower end of the pump housing.

The finished pump is mounted on a pipe, the length of which should reach the water mirror in the well. It remains to securely fix the pump at the walls of the source in order to freely raise water from it.

fire pump

One more simple design well pumps. In this case, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Metal barrel with a volume of 150-200 l;
  • Outlet tap;
  • Water intake hose;
  • Bricks for laying a small stove.

We assemble the structure in this way:

  • First, we lay out a small brick stove so that a barrel is placed on it.
  • Now in the side part of the tank at the top we make an inlet, and in the side part below - an outlet under the tap.
  • We attach a hose to the inlet pipe, the length of which will reach the water mirror in the well, to the outlet - a faucet.

Such a pump will work according to the following principle:

  • First, pour 3-5 liters of water into the barrel.
  • We make a fire in the oven and wait until the water heats up well.
  • Put out the fire in the oven. After that, the heated air will go into the well, and the pressure in the tank will become rarefied. As a result of this phenomenon, water will begin to flow into the tank. As soon as the barrel is full, you can open the tap and take water from the tank through a standard hose attached to it.

solar powered pump

And you can make such a pump for the well, which will work from the sun. To make it yourself you will need:

  • A metal can of any capacity (the more the better, but, as a rule, they take a tank of 50 liters;
  • Rubber heating pad;
  • A metal tube in the form of a lattice filled with propane-butane;
  • Two valves - inlet and outlet.

Assemble the structure in this way:

  • A rubber heating pad (pear) is mounted in a can, we first tightly connect it with a tube in the form of a lattice;
  • The grate is placed on the sunny side of the well, however, like the can;
  • We attach a hose to the inlet pipe, and lower its second end into the well;
  • The outlet is closed with a valve in the form of a faucet.

Work like this homemade pump will be influenced by heating propane-butane in the tube. He boils at the most low temperatures. As soon as the tube warms up, it needs to be watered. cold water, after which the material cools down. This, in turn, will inflate the pear, and water will begin to flow into the tank. The tube at this point will heat up again and immediately cool down due to the water passing through the system. The process of continuous pumping of water from the well will be ensured.

So, it became clear that it is very easy to make a pump for a well with your own hands with minimal skill.

In the article you will find assembly instructions original models pumps that you can make yourself, without specific skills and knowledge. The cost of these models is minimal, and sometimes they can even be assembled from improvised materials and household waste.

A water pump is almost the first necessity in a country house. household. Manual and motorized pumps are also used to transfer other types of liquids - fuels, solvents, oils, etc. Possibility to purchase expensive reliable pump there is not always, and cheap models break, as a rule, at the most inopportune moment. We will look at options for creating pumps from improvised material and parts that can be found in every workshop, and their market value is simply negligible compared to a new factory product.

Option number 1. Water pump for overflowing water

The primitive design for pumping water, which can be assembled in 10 minutes, will serve as a handy handy tool for gardening. This is especially convenient when you need to repeatedly draw water from a barrel with buckets. In fact, this is a check valve mounted on a tube with a branch.

For the manufacture you will need a tube, a hose and several necks from plastic bottles assembled.


  1. We take out the gasket from the cork and cut it 2 mm less than the diameter of the cork, leaving the 3 mm segment intact.
  2. We drill a hole 10 mm in the center of the cover.
  3. We install the petal in the lid and screw the cut neck. It will press the remaining segment.
  4. We insert the valve into the stem tube and put on a “skirt” from a cut plastic bottle.
  5. From the opposite end we put on the outlet hose.

This device is actuated by several clicks on the axis of the rod, when the intake part with the valve is immersed in water. Further, the liquid will go by gravity, as long as there is a level difference. Then the water can be raised by immersing the rod in the barrel.

This is the only product with a "negative cost". When creating it, you will not only spend nothing (except time), but also dispose of household waste with benefit.

Do-it-yourself non-return valve. step by step video for assembly

Option number 2. A simple do-it-yourself hand pump

In this manual, we will give an example of a manual pumping system, which can be taken as a basis for creating a stationary water-lifting post on a well or well.

A - The classic scheme of a manual pump. B - A variant of a homemade pump made of plastic pipes. Device diagram: 1 - inlet pipe; 2 - check valve; 3 - piston; 4 - check valve; 5 - stock; 6 - rod, combined with the outlet pipe; 7 - pump drain

For work we need:

  1. PVC sewer pipe 50 mm with bends, plug and cuffs-seals - 1 m.
  2. Check valve 1/2" — 2 pcs.
  3. Pipe sewer PPR Ø 24 mm.
  4. Rubber, bolt/nut pairs with washers Ø 6-8 mm.
  5. Clamps, shackles, fitting clamps, other plumbing parts*.

* The design of the pump can be individual depending on the availability of spare parts.

Method 1. Draining through the handle

This model is the simplest of the home ones - water rises along the piston rod, which is made of a PPR pipe and pours out from above.

  1. We cut off a pipe Ø 50 mm 650 mm long - this is the basis for the sleeve.
  2. We make the end petal valve. To do this, we drill 8-10 holes Ø 5-6 mm in the plug and cut out a round flap of rubber (3-4 mm) with a diameter of 50 mm. We fix the flap in the center of the plug on a riveting or bolt (a self-tapping screw does not fit!). The reed valve is ready.
  3. We install the plug into the pipe (sleeve) on the sealant through the seals and additionally fix it with self-tapping screws through the pipe wall.
  1. V PPR pipe(700-800 mm) install a check valve. This can be done in the “hot” way - heat the end of the pipe and insert a fitting with a valve into it, which should let water flow in the direction of the pipe (piston rod). Strengthen the connection with a worm clamp while warm (before cooling).
  2. The piston head can be made from a used 330 ml sealant tube, or rather its nose. To do this, you need to pre-heat it, place it in a sleeve - so the head will take it perfectly desired shape and size. Then it should be cut and installed on the check valve in series using an external threaded coupling or an American cap nut.
  3. We insert the piston into the sleeve and make the top plug. It does not have to be tight, just keep the stock straight.
  4. On the free end of the rod (pipe) we install a 90 ° drive. In the future, a hose is put on the squeegee.

Assembling a hand pump on video

Such a pump is very reliable, but not very convenient - the water outlet point is movable, moreover, it is located close to the operator. It can be slightly modified for convenience.

Method 2. Side drain

A 35° elbow must be included in the sleeve. The design is identical to the first option, but we make large holes in the piston rod pipe without violating the structural rigidity, or we use a rod rod. In this case, water will flow into the sleeve and rise by the operator's reverse effort to the spout.

Video pumps with side discharge

The main advantage of the described pumps is low cost. finished construction. Repairs are made in a few minutes by replacing (or gluing) "penny" parts.

Option number 3. Spiral hydraulic piston

Behind this formidable name lies an ingenious device for supplying water from a river over a short distance. This device is based on a carousel with blades - similar to the wheel of a water mill. The carousel is driven by the river flow.

The pump in this case is a spiral of flexible pipeØ 50-75 mm, fixed with clamps to the wheel. In the intake part (closer to the outer contour), a ladle from a pipe of a larger diameter (150 mm) is attached to it.

The main assembly is a pipe reducer through which water will flow into the pipeline. It can be taken from factory equipment or a cesspool pump. The gearbox is located along the axis of the wheel and is rigidly fixed to a fixed base.

The maximum height of water rise will be equal to the length of the pipe (from the intake), which is completely immersed in water during operation. That is, this is the distance in plan from the point of immersion to the point of exit, which the water intake bucket passes. At the moment of immersion in the pipeline, closed system with air areas, and water passes through the pipe to the center of the spiral.

Of course, such a pump is not suitable for everyone - in the end, the river acts as an activator. But for watering summer period this is a great option. The cost of such a device is difficult to predict - the availability of improvised material is of great importance.

Video how the scroll pump works

Option number 4. Pump from the compressor (airlift - airlift)

If the farm already has a compressor, do not rush to purchase an additional pump. You can assemble a simple water lift literally from two pipes.

The first pipe is used to supply water. For household needs, Ø 30 mm will be enough. The second is needed to supply air from the compressor. Diameter 10-20 mm.

The efficiency of the airlift pump directly depends on the compressor power, immersion depth and delivery height. It cannot exceed 70% due to the design features. The efficiency will be equal to the immersion depth divided by the sum of the immersion depth and the ascent height (the entire water path). In most cases optimal power compressor is set empirically.

Visual video of the pump from the compressor

Water supply has long been the number one task for the survival of entire cities. Today, energy savings and natural resources There are fewer and fewer of them, and they are becoming more and more expensive. Therefore, a partial return to the original technologies without electricity and gasoline is a natural phenomenon. Perhaps in the future this will be the key to a healthy and harmonious life on our planet.

Having acquired a house with a beautiful garden plot, many people, first of all, think about how to ennoble it as soon as possible and make comfort cozy.

In many ways, it depends on the summing up of communications of electricity, heat and water supply, which plays one of the key roles in the improvement and care of the summer cottage. But what to do in the case when the house is located far from the public highways, and you need to water the garden? In this case, some summer residents are trying to buy all kinds of pumping units that will provide water supply. country cottage area.

But more experienced and skilled summer residents try to save even on this equipment, so they try to make a water pump with their own hands. And the point here is not only about saving, here there is an opportunity to show your imagination to the fullest, moreover, with benefit.

As a rule, a summer resident who is interested in making a water pump with his own hands goes on the Internet to look for a diagram. homemade device. And what does he see there? The entire network is replete with various drawings and diagrams of various pumps and pumps, sometimes even completely incomprehensible. And sometimes it is very difficult to stop your choice on any one unit.

To save the summer resident's time searching for the right device on the network, in this article we tried to summarize all the information about homemade pumps. Therefore, we will describe the most interesting and low-cost options for do-it-yourself water pumps.

Suitable Species

The following pumping mechanisms can be considered the most popular water pumps that you can make yourself:

Let us describe in more detail the manufacturing technology of each of these options for home-made pumping units.

piston pump

In the common people, a water piston pump is also interestingly called a "pump-pump".

As a rule, the design of such a mechanism consists of the following elements:

  • working cylinder;
  • piston;
  • inlet and outlet valves.

The principle of operation of a homemade piston pump is the following important points:

  • opens when the piston moves inlet valve, and water is sucked into the pump;
  • when the piston moves back, the inlet valve closes, and the outlet valve opens accordingly, and water flows out.

As you can see, the device and principle of operation of this home-made pump is very simple, so its manufacture will not be difficult, the main thing is to prepare all the necessary materials.

For this you will need:

The manufacturing procedure consists of the following important steps:

Worth considering: a piston pump is used only for pumping water from shallow wells or other shallow sources.

wave pump

This type of pump is considered the simplest design, easy to assemble, and at the same time, it is a fairly effective pumping mechanism.

For a summer resident, near the site of which there is a pond, a wave pump will be an indispensable source of moisture.

To make a pump of this type, you will need the following materials:

  • heavy log impregnated with waterproof mastic;
  • 2 valves;
  • piece of corrugated pipe;
  • flexible hose for water supply;
  • thick wooden plank;
  • 2 brackets.

Installation of a wave pump consists of the following important points:

  • a wooden plank is securely driven into the bottom of the reservoir;
  • two brackets are fixed on top of the bar and at a distance of 50–60 cm from the water level;
  • a corrugated hose is fixed between them, both ends of which are equipped with valves;
  • the lower end of the corrugation is stably fixed on the log.

The principle of operation of such a pumping mechanism will be that the log, under the influence of waves, will move up and down, while corrugated pipe will collect water, which, through a flexible hose, will be supplied directly to the summer cottage.


The name of the pump is misleading for some people.

It should be understood that this design is not intended for heating - it can be used, for example, for watering garden beds.

For the manufacture of such a pumping mechanism, the following materials will be needed:

  • metal barrel with a volume of 200 l;
  • outlet with stopcock;
  • rubber hose;
  • mesh filter;
  • blowtorch.

The manufacture of the stove-pump is carried out in the following several sequential steps:

The principle of operation of such a pumping mechanism consists in the following important points:

  • the barrel is filled with 5–10 liters of water, and a blowtorch is lit under it;
  • the formed steam through the hose will displace air into the reservoir;
  • the blowtorch is extinguished, and, accordingly, the barrel begins to cool, and as a result, the pressure in it begins to fall;
  • the result of these actions will be that water from the reservoir will begin to flow into the barrel.

Mini shower pump

To begin with, it is worth noting that a mini-pump of this design is also called a “shower-toptun”.

The scheme for manufacturing a mini-pump is quite simple.

For its construction, the following materials will be needed:

  • foot pump;
  • container with a tight lid;
  • check valve;
  • 2 pieces of rubber hose or any flexible tube.

The principle of operation of the mini-pump is as follows:

  • the pump, hermetically connected to the tank, begins to create excess pressure in it;
  • under the action of increased pressure, water begins to flow out through another sealed hose, while the check valve prevents water from entering the pump.

It is worth noting: the force of the pressure of the outgoing water can be adjusted by the frequency of pressing the pump.

Solar Powered Water Pump

It is important that the water supply to household plot can be carried out using alternative power sources, in particular, solar energy.

To make a solar-powered water pump, you will need the following materials:

  • milk can;
  • rubber balloon in the form of a pear;
  • 2 check valves;
  • flexible hoses;
  • a set of segments of thin-walled metal pipes.

The procedure for manufacturing a pumping mechanism of this type consists of the following important points:

The principle of operation of this type of water pump is as follows:

  • the grill under the influence of the sun warms up well;
  • the air heated inside begins to flow into the rubber bulb, thereby inflating it;
  • in the can, thus, excess pressure is created, which is forced out through the hoses into the reservoir;
  • after cooling the circuit with water, the pressure in the can begins to drop, which in turn entails the supply of water from the reservoir.

In this article, we described the most popular devices for supplying water to a personal plot, and also talked about important nuances their manufacture. We hope that using the information provided in the article, you will certainly provide your summer cottage necessary quantity water.

Watch the video in which an experienced user explains in detail how to make a manual water pump with your own hands:

Many people want to make a do-it-yourself water pump. Because if you don't need standing water then you don't have to pay extra. After all, for example, for irrigation, it is perfect.

Today we will look at several options for how to make a manual water pump with your own hands. Models are all made entirely by hand. They differ in materials of manufacture and volumes of pumping water. Let's take a look at how water is made hand pump with your own hands.

Why do you need a homemade pump

The disadvantages of all pumps offered in stores include:

  • Most devices must be connected to the power supply network, which is almost impossible for many summer cottages, especially during their construction period.
  • In addition, electricity tariffs can “bite”, and if it is turned off, you can be left without water for an indefinite period.

All this leads to the fact that many diligent homeowners want to have backup device available for pumping water with a hand pump.

Tip: With such a device at hand, you can always provide water to living plants in your area, or simply use the device at any critical moment.

The principle of operation of the water piston pump

The most popular device for supplying water from wells, wells or reservoirs is a piston-type pump.

The principle of its work is as follows:

  • The piston moves inside the cylinder. There is also an inlet valve and an outlet pipe, which can be equipped with a valve.
  • An outlet valve can be mounted directly on the piston.
  • To improve operation between the piston and the inlet valve, a spring is installed that attracts the piston to the end of the cylinder with the inlet valve.
  • When the piston moves through the cylinder, a vacuum is created, which opens the valve and draws water through the inlet pipe.
  • When the piston moves back, the inlet valve closes and fluid exits through the valve or outlet pipe.
  • The engine for such pumps is muscular strength, and its performance depends on the forces applied and the volume of the cylinder.

Tip: With the help of such a pump, it is impossible to provide a full-fledged water supply, but at a critical moment they can pump water and water the beds. Pumping pumps are installed on shallow wells - tubular.

Such a device can actually be made independently, using for this minimum set tools and materials and possessing simple technological skills.

Manufacturing options

It's not hard to do it by hand. To do this, first consider how much water you need.

The video in this article will help you in your work and from the photo you can clearly see such equipment. Also below will be given instructions on the rules for performing this work.

Making a pump

We assemble a pump for overflowing water with our own hands from improvised means. Despite the fact that the design itself is primitive, it is very convenient if a large amount of water is needed when working in the garden, for example, for irrigation.

So, the pump is assembled in 10 minutes, and for this you will need:

  • Hose,
  • A tube and a couple of necks from plastic bottles.

Pump assembly:

  • The gasket must be removed from the cork, cut by 2 mm so that it is smaller than the diameter of the cork itself, that is, the segment of the cork should be 3 mm.
  • Drill a 10mm hole in the center of the cover.
  • Then install the petal into the lid and screw the prepared neck from the plastic bottle so that it presses the segment that remains. The valve is inserted into the stem tube, then the second half of the cut plastic bottle is put on.
  • We put on the outlet hose (see) from the other end. A self-made device works with a few clicks along the axis of the rod, when the intake part with the valve is in the water.
  • As long as there is a level difference, the liquid flows by gravity.

Attention: Water rises by immersing the stem into the barrel. This pump can be called a product with a negative cost, since it requires only time and disposal of household waste.

DIY hand pump

The manual pumping system described below can be taken as the basis for creating a stationary water-lifting post in a well or well.

We need:

  • sewer pvc pipe 50 mm with several outlets, plug, cuffs-seals - 1m.
  • Check valve 1/2″ in the amount of 2 pcs, sewage pipe PPR 24 mm,
  • Also rubber, bolts and nuts with 6-8 mm washers, several clamps, fitting clamps and other plumbing parts.

Attention: The design of the pump may not match this description, since the use of spare parts is purely individual.

There are several ways to assemble such a pump.

Draining through the handle

This model is the simplest of those that can be assembled at home: the stem is made of a PPR pipe, the water in it rises and pours out from above. The sleeve is made from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 650 mm. The pump turns out to be the simplest of the home ones - water rises along the piston rod, which is made of a PPR pipe and pours out from above.


  • We make a sleeve from a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 650 mm. The valve should be annular petal: drill 10 holes with a diameter of 6 mm, cut out a round rubber flap in the amount of 3-4 pieces with a diameter of 50 mm.
  • We fix the flap in the center of the plug using bolts or rivets (a self-tapping screw will not work). Thus, we get a petal valve. You can not make the valve yourself, but cut it into the factory end cap. In this case, the cost of the pump will increase by 30%.
  • We install a plug into the sleeve, using sealant through the heaters, while additionally fixing it with self-tapping screws through the wall of the sleeve base.
  • The next element of the pump is the piston. A check valve is installed in the PPR pipe.

Attention: To do this, heat the end of the pipe and insert a fitting with a valve that allows water to flow towards the piston rod. Before cooling, the connection should be strengthened with a clamp.

  • For the manufacture of the piston head, you can use the spent nose of the sealant 340 ml. The pipe is preheated and placed in the sleeve. Thus, the head will acquire the desired shape and size.
  • Then it is cut and installed in series on the check valve using a coupling having external thread, or use a union nut.
  • We insert the piston into the base of the pump and make an upper plug, which may not necessarily be airtight, but the rod must be held evenly.
  • We install the squeegee on the free end of the pipe, put a hose on it. The pump of this design is very reliable, but a little inconvenient - the water drain point is in constant motion and is located close to the operator. This type the pump can be slightly modified.

Side drain assembly

Everything is done as follows:

  • We include a tee-angle of 35 degrees in the sleeve. We make large holes in the rod pipe, while not violating rigidity, as an option, you can use a rod rod.

Attention: In this case, the water will rise with the help of the reverse force of the operator to the pump spout.

  • The main advantage and advantage of the described pumps is the low price of the structure. A factory valve costs about $4, a pipe about a dollar per 1 meter. And all other parts in total will come out for 2-3 dollars.
  • Get a pump that costs less than $10. Repair of such pumps will also cost a penny by replacing a few "other" cheap parts.

Spiral hydraulic piston

Do-it-yourself manual water pump in this design is a little more difficult to make. But it does have more performance. This type of piston is most often used when pumping water from reservoirs over a short distance.


  • The device is based on a carousel with blades, resembling a water mill wheel in appearance. The river flow just drives the wheel. And the pump in this case is a spiral from a flexible pipe 50-75 mm, which is fixed to the wheel with clamps.
  • A bucket with a diameter of 150 mm is attached to the intake part. Water will enter the pipeline through the main assembly (pipe reducer). You can take it from both the factory pump and the sewer pump.
  • The gearbox must be tightly fixed to the base, which is motionless, and located along the axis of the wheel.
    The maximum rise of water is equal to the length of the pipe from the fence, which is in the water during operation. This distance is obtained from the point where the pump is immersed in water to the point where it exits. It is this distance that the pump intake bucket travels.
  • The system of operation of such a pump is simple: when it is immersed in water, a closed system with air sections is formed in the pipeline, water flows through the pipe to the center of the spiral. The only disadvantage of this is that we are a reservoir as an activator, so its use is not suitable for everyone.

This pump will serve as an excellent watering agent in the season. Its price depends on the material used.

Pump assembled from a compressor

If you do not know what to use the existing compressor for, then this homemade pump option is for you. Thanks to its presence, it is possible to assemble the lift from just two pipes.


  • The first pipe will supply water. The pipe diameter must be 30 mm.
  • The second pipe will supply air from the compressor, the diameter of such a pipe will be 10-20 mm.
  • For creating hydraulic system in the first pipe (the one with a larger diameter) we make holes 50 mm from the edge and insert the second pipe. The knot that came out when connecting both pipes will be in the water, and the free end will be fed to the place where the water collects.
  • The efficiency of the pump depends on the power of the compressor used, the depth to which the pump is submerged, and the height of the water supply. The efficiency will not exceed 70% due to the features of its assembly. That is, it is possible to calculate the efficiency if the immersion depth is divided by the sum of the immersion depth and the height of the water rise.
  • Such a pump will cost you a small amount, unless you purchase a compressor specifically for it.

Can be done manually Vacuum pump with your own hands, because with it there is simply no air. But this model will be a little more complicated.

After the purchase garden plot the summer resident has to solve the most difficult task in life: to settle down in a new place. The most important thing is to establish water supply, because imported water will not be enough for a long time. The problem of watering is also not solved in this way.

It is good if the house is located near some body of water: a river or a stream. In this case, you will need a pump for water supply. As an option, you can consider a homemade water pump. Such a device can be made from various materials. Water is collected in the following way: a person makes translational movements and allows the internal valve to move, while water flows out through the hose. Using a pump will alleviate the problem of watering.

This article provides ideas for making models of mini water pumps or mini pumps, as they are called by many. These are simple and cheap homemade products that are sure to come in handy in the household to pump water.

Important! Well water can be raised to an aboveground tank using one of two types of pumps: piston or centrifugal. Both of them, although they work on different physical principles, are designed to solve the same problem of delivering or moving water from one place to another. When choosing the type of pump, energy consumption is taken into account, as well as the ease of troubleshooting in the event of a breakdown.

Pump characteristics

How to make a water pump with your own hands? To create a pump, the first thing you need is materials. In doing so, you need to focus primarily on the following criteria:

  • Power, on which the speed of pumping water from the well depends. On average, for pumping from wells, wells, reservoirs and storage tanks it is equal to 350-400 W;
  • The maximum degree of pressure. Approximately the required pressure for watering the garden is 40 m;
  • Strength and moisture resistance of the material. For example, best material body - cast iron, impeller - brass, shaft - stainless steel, mechanical seal - ceramic graphite.

If all of the above criteria are taken into account, then it will be possible to build efficient pump, and pumping water from the well will be carried out in a matter of minutes.

A cheap water overflow pump can be made from almost nothing: two plastic bottles with a cork and without a cork, a piece of plastic pipe of a suitable diameter and an outlet hose.

Production process

  1. First, the valve is cut out, for which the gasket is removed from the cover and cut in a circle. In this case, the gasket in diameter should be smaller than the neck of the bottle;
  2. An eight-millimeter hole is drilled in the center of the bottle cap. Next, a gasket is inserted, the cut neck is screwed - all this is done to clamp the membrane and obtain a petal valve. A pipe is inserted into the finished valve;
  3. From the other bottle, a kind of funnel is made, which is fixed on top of a plastic pipe;
  4. A drain hose is put on the other end of the pipe.

In this way it is done the simplest pump with their own hands for pumping water. With the help of a sharp movement of the hand up and down, water is brought along plastic pipe to the pour. Further, the liquid flows by itself.

Diaphragm pump

In order to make a diaphragm pump with your own hands, you must first disassemble a similar failed unit and see how it works. The device includes:

  • two compartments located opposite each other;
  • high-strength membrane;
  • distributor.

During the operation of the device, one compartment is filled with air, the other with water. As a result of displacement, water begins to move through the chambers. When the position of the membrane is changed due to the operation of the valves, it is discharged through the pipes.

The air-operated diaphragm pump, which is compact and lightweight, can be dismantled in three minutes. This will require only two keys. So, in order:

  • the rod with the drive shaft is removed from the very center of the pump;
  • the membrane is removed;
  • valves are removed, which prevent the back suction of the pumped medium.

Control and shut-off valves – necessary elements in every water system, their purpose is to regulate the flow of water.

Having studied internal composition, you can start assembling the device yourself.

For information. Applications of diaphragm pumps are very diverse: chemical, oil, paint and varnish, food industry. The main advantages are: no piston, no need for gaskets, inability to spark. The principle of operation is based on the laws of hydraulics and pneumatics.

How to make a hand pump

The water pump is very necessary in the spring and in summer season. To make a manual water pump with your own hands, just look through thematic pages on the Internet. The solution can be found by examining several options. Preference is most often given to Soviet-era designs, they are many times more reliable and better than the current ones.

So, how to make a manual well pump for an eight-meter well? For this you will need welding machine and used materials.

Main details

  • five-liter carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with a wall thickness of 5 mm;
  • two three-quarter drives - one for the spout (side), the other for the water intake (below);
  • sealing rubber;
  • half inch pipe - 1 meter;
  • two valves;
  • a pond with a diameter of 14 mm for the stem, so that it fits perfectly into the fire extinguisher head;
  • lever 12 mm thick, 28 mm wide and 70 cm long;
  • basic support column 12 mm thick, 28 mm wide;

Additional elements are also used:

  • a bed measuring 7x30x25 cm, on which everything is attached;
  • mounting bracket 4x35 mm;
  • steel handles for carrying the structure;
  • M8 bolts for attaching the lever arms.

Three-quarter-sized drives are taken to increase the passage and reduce the load when pumping water. You can make them half an inch. The spurs are welded to the pump housing (fire extinguisher). But first, the body itself is made.

Description of the manufacturing process

The principle of operation of the pump is to create a vacuum suction well water, on this basis a device is created.

  1. The bottom of the fire extinguisher is cut off. Between its body and the bed, sealing rubber is laid, previously cut to the size of the body. In this case, the structure is fixed to the base in four places with the help of corners. Bolts and washers are used for fastening. Holes for simplification can simply be burned in the metal on which the rod walks. This hole is central and must be done carefully with a welding machine;
  2. A thread is welded to the rod and a return piston is screwed in, which plays the role check valve in system. A five-millimeter metal circle with 10 mm holes is used as a piston for the passage of water. On top of it, a cuff cut from ordinary sheet rubber is put on a rod of the same diameter;
  3. The entire installation is based on support legs, which are mounted on M12 bolts. The legs are screwed into nuts welded to the frame. The design is completely collapsible;
  4. Upon completion of all welding work, the pump is primed and covered with paint.

The rod is rigidly connected to the handle. When the rod starts to move, the cuff rises, and the water, seeping through the holes of the piston, rises to exit through the side run (column spout). The pumping handle should oscillate freely left and right.

The pump pumps out approximately two to three liters of water at a time. Such a pump for pumping water is useful for taking water from a reservoir such as a well, a well.

For information. All pumps use the basic forces of nature to move fluid. As soon as the moving parts of the pump begin to move, the water is pushed to the side.

Alteration of the Chinese pump

Surely many have burned themselves on the purchase of Chinese-made brushless pumps. The devices are not bad, but they often break down: the stuffing of the pumps itself is covered - electronics flooded epoxy resin. The Chinese rocking chair serves a maximum of two weeks on a solar collector. Having a little knowledge of the principle of operation of the device, you can remake Chinese water pumps with your own hands. It will turn out, as in the saying "If you want it to work the way it should, do it yourself."

How to make a water pump from a broken Chinese product? First of all, disassemble the pump, look at the assembly diagram. Of the parts for assembling a new device, an impeller is useful, it is difficult to make it yourself.

A new homemade water pump is assembled from powerful engine Soviet times, Chinese-made coupling and impeller. Creation is set to solar collector, and the issue with the pump disappears for for a long time. It will work efficiently.

Important! A converted do-it-yourself well pump will need to be covered from dust, which is a common cause of breakdowns in motor equipment.

The made unit is attached and tested in action. Such a homemade pump perfectly pumps water from a two-meter depth. It will last for several years for reliable operation, given how it works cyclically.

For seasonal irrigation, devices with a minimum of wear parts are mainly used:

  • do-it-yourself asynchronous centrifugal pump;
  • three-phase brushless unit.

In popularity, the design of the centrifugal electric pump for water surpasses many pumping devices similar appointment.

Making a pump for pumping water, if you figure it out, is not difficult at all. Made by hand, it will become reliable and effective tool for household needs: watering, fence drinking water from the well. Such a technically simple design will help reduce the consumption of electricity and water.


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