Checking and cleaning the ventilation ducts in the MKD. Ventilation: what, how, why, when and who? Repair of ventilation in a private house

If residents in their home begin to feel some extraneous odors, then it is imperative to clean the ventilation in apartment building. In this article, we propose to discuss how ventilation systems located in multi-storey buildings work, as well as how they are checked by special services. In addition, individuals will learn how they can clean the ventilation ducts themselves.

Ventilation is a special device that is designed to ventilate various kinds of premises. Each apartment located in high-rise building has its own ventilation system. If an individual suddenly began to feel different odors, presumably coming from neighboring apartments or the entrance, this means that the ventilation duct has malfunctioned and needs to be cleaned immediately.

Requirements for the operation of the ventilation system

In the state standard number 30494, which came into force in 2011, approved whole line rules regarding work ventilation ducts. Any ventilation system located in a room in which people live must comply with the following rules:

  1. Ensure proper air quality. If a huge amount of harmful impurities is present in the air that a person breathes, then soon problems with the lungs, as well as other organs, may begin. Since the functioning of the ventilation ducts is based on the exhaust and air supply, its cleanliness in the apartment must be at least the minimum limit, the value of which is 1000 CO2. This indicator is measured in cubic centimeters divided by cubic meters.
  2. Satisfy acceptable humidity. Depending on the parameters of the air that comes from the ventilation ducts, the humidity in the room changes somewhat. If the air is too dry, then the humidity drops significantly. In special situations this indicator can, on the contrary, reach maximum value. Ventilation in an apartment building should function so that the minimum humidity level in the room does not reach less than thirty percent, and the maximum does not exceed sixty percent. If the humidity value is between 30% and 60%, then the ventilation system meets the relevant requirements of the state standard.
  3. Do not exceed top speed air. All ventilation ducts work in the same way, however, some of them are newer (located in new buildings), and some are more outdated version (in houses old building). The length of time an individual lives in his apartment and how much ventilation was cleaned by him also plays a huge role. All of the above, as well as additional characteristics, affect the speed of air passing through the ventilation ducts. In accordance with the current state standard, air currents should move no faster than at a speed of 0.2 meters per second.

Principle of operation

In order for residents apartment buildings could independently control the condition of their ventilation ducts and clean them in a timely manner, it is necessary to understand general principles work this device. In any residential area there are several exhaust ducts. As a rule, they are located in the bathroom, toilet, as well as closets. With the help of them, polluted air is drawn out of the apartment, and clean air flows in. Thus, there is a circulation of air masses. However, the question automatically arises concerning where and how clean air enters the apartments. Everything is very simple. Air masses come from the street through window and door slots.

It should be noted that in new buildings, ventilation systems operating according to the described principle are practically ineffective. This is due to the fact that almost all modern houses are built with plastic windows, the air throughput of which is much less than that of wooden windows.

Who checks the condition of the ventilation ducts

Apartments refer to the types of property objects that are in the personal ownership of their owners. In addition, individuals own on a general basis some more objects, including ventilation, a roof, an entrance, and so on. Responsible for all public facilities of this kind managing organization, with which the tenants of the apartment building entered into an appropriate agreement. For this reason, control Current state ventilation ducts, and it is this service that is obliged to take care of their safe operation.

Government Russian Federation approved resolution number 410, which reflects all the rules according to which the managing organization must act at the time of checking the condition of the ventilation ducts. Verification can only be done by those organizations that specialize in the relevant activities, and also have a license to conduct it. Also in this document are recorded all the requirements that must be met when cleaning the ventilation.

Attention! If the house is undergoing any repairs or construction works, then after they end, the management company must check the condition of the ventilation system. In addition, the state of ventilation is checked in cases where there have been any complaints from residents regarding its operation. In case of unsatisfactory test results, the ventilation should be cleaned.

How to clean the ventilation yourself

In some situations, individuals want to independently clean the ventilation ducts. Most often, this happens either when the management office delays a visit, the purpose of which should be to clean the ventilation, or when contamination of small volumes. However, if the ventilation system is covered with a sufficiently thick layer of dirt from the inside, then it is not recommended to take it upon yourself to bring it back to normal. If the plaque is small, then in order to clean it, you must follow the instructions:

  • Step #1. The first step is to remove the ventilation grilles. Sometimes this has to be done with a screwdriver. After this, the gratings must be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated dirt, rinsed thoroughly under water, wiped or wait until they dry themselves.

  • Step #2. Then you need to prepare a ruff made of metal. The ruff should be as long as possible. If it is not possible to get it, then you can take a metal wire. Then, using a ruff or wire, it is necessary to clean the channels that have become open to access after removing the grate. The deeper you can get, the more effective the result will be.
  • Step #3. And as a final step - cleaning the channel from dust. You can do this with something like this household appliance, like a regular vacuum cleaner, which will help you quickly and easily pull out all the accumulated dust and dirt.

Cleaning the ventilation ducts of an apartment in an apartment building is not difficult. The main thing is to know what, how and where to look for a blockage.

The ventilation scheme of residential and utility rooms in a building is a complex and branched system of channels. Cleaning simple blockages can be done independently. To break through a large cork, you will need special tool and equipment, so the work should be entrusted to specialists.

What is the ventilation scheme of an apartment building, you will receive the answer to this question by reading the next chapter.

Features of the house ventilation system

The ventilation system is extensive and complex scheme location of ventilation shafts. The design of the ventilation circuit is influenced by many factors. The basis that affects the project being developed is the number of floors in the building.

For the arrangement of the premises of an apartment building, 2 main schemes are used:

  • Each room of the apartment has its own exhaust ventilation channel. It goes directly to the roof and ventilation pipe. This scheme has been established before. In conditions of multi-storey construction, it is not used. This is influenced by a large section of the intra-house cubic capacity for arranging the installation of ventilation of the premises.

For this reason, in the conditions of modern construction, the arrangement of this type of air ventilation system is not carried out.

  • Ventilation is carried out with the help of exhaust openings from each room, which are connected to a common horizontal duct. Here, all air flows are connected and brought to the attic using a common channel. Air from each exhaust system, for one entrance, enters the common ventilation duct and is released into the atmosphere.

This scheme began to be used in "Khrushchev", it is also used in modern construction. Such an apartment ventilation scheme is considered the most inexpensive and reliable.

The principle of operation of the ventilation system

The installation of the system is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30494 - 11. According to the norms, the quality level of the air masses in the room should not exceed the level of carbon dioxide content and the humidity of the living room should not exceed 60%, with an air speed of less than 0.2 m / s.

Previously, a natural ventilation system was used. Special gaps were made above the doors of the rooms for the entry of air masses, wooden windows missed a sufficient amount, even in the closed position. Windows were fitted with vents to let in fresh air.

New buildings, when installed plastic windows are equipped with a forced ventilation system. Supply and exhaust circuits are equipped with the installation of fans. These devices allow you to maintain in the apartment normal level humidity and carbon dioxide content.

But the principle of operation of the main ventilation system remains unchanged. The main thing is to carry out routine maintenance in time and eliminate blockages.

Important. Checking ventilation in apartment buildings should be carried out at least 2 times a year. It is usually held in the summer and winter time. But when the first signs of blockages appear, you need to call specialists. management company.

Signs of a faulty ventilation system in the apartment

Many homeowners do not take this problem seriously, considering this situation not dangerous to health. It is in vain to believe that the dust and blockage of the mine or channel will “dissolve” themselves and you will not get anything for it. There will be a fire due to greasy dust, which ignites instantly and the gas, when burned, will cause injury to the respiratory system. And no one wants to live in a damp room and breathe stale air without a fire.

Important. It is required to clean the ventilation ducts qualitatively, responsibly, and most importantly, regularly.

The main work of the flow-output channels is the removal of invisible fungal spores, various allergens and microbes from living quarters. Accumulating on a bed of dust, they, with a reverse thrust, penetrate into adjacent rooms, people inhale a dangerous air mixture.

The following “symptoms” indicate the cleansing of the channels:

  • a large layer of dust and cobwebs on the ventilation grate and next to it;
  • stuffy and humid indoor atmosphere in summer;
  • on the floor and furniture, after wet cleaning, a layer of dust settles in a day;
  • condensation forms on the windows;

If one of the listed points occurs in the apartment, it is urgent to deal with the elimination of a critical blockage of the ventilation duct or repair of forced ventilation equipment. Checking ventilation in an apartment managed by a company includes air quality measurements and an audit of the duct system. Preventive examinations should be carried out at least once a quarter.

Who should clean the ventilation in an apartment building - there is no definite answer to this question. If the ventilation grille is overgrown with dust, simple repairs can be done independently. And here serious problems with the channels of the system, can only be eliminated by specialists with professional tools and equipment.

Carrying out work by professionals

Using special tools, professionals from the management company or a specialized company will quickly and reliably eliminate malfunctions and severe clogging of the ventilation system. Diagnostics is carried out using a video camera that will show the location of the garbage plug or the section of the destroyed channel.

After the examination, using a pneumatic brushing machine, mud accumulation or debris is removed from the canal. The brush is launched into the air duct. Under the action of air pressure, it passes through the pipe and destroys the cork. The brush cleans the channel and in parallel, using a special liquid, disinfects the ventilation duct system.

Using any source of open fire, you can detect the problem without the use of technology. Hold a burning candle or lighter near the ventilation grill. Pay attention to the position of the fire. If the light deviates towards the channel, this means that the draft is good and there is no blockage. With a vertical position of the fire - it is necessary to eliminate the malfunction.

Do-it-yourself air duct cleaning

How to clean the ventilation in an apartment building on your own, but very simple. Such work involves the implementation of simple tricks:

  • remove and clean the ventilation grille, then wash it in a disinfectant;
  • in case of blockage, near the opening of the channel, it can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Advice! Before carrying out work, remember the safety rules. Be sure to wear goggles, gloves and a respirator.

There are situations when the system works properly, and humidity and dust interfere with normal life. In such cases, you need to think about purchasing and installing supply valves and exhaust fans. These devices will eliminate the trouble, and installing them is quite easy and simple. The main thing is to know how and where.

In conclusion, a few tips from experts.

Old houses and overgrown ventilation ducts do not always allow a simple mechanical cleaning to be repaired. For this situation, there are several simple ways.

When replacing windows, choose metal-plastic products with double-glazed windows equipped with the possibility of micro-ventilation. If the windows are already installed, they can be equipped with these devices additionally and for not very big money. Plus, you can install them yourself. The simplest ventilation valve will allow fresh air from the street to enter the apartment.

Carry out a ventilation check at least once every 3 months, and you need to clean the grate immediately after the formation of a small amount of dust on it. Monitor the humidity in the room. With a sharp increase in it, it is necessary to call specialists to carry out repair work.

The work of ventilation and hoods is imperceptible, but it is one of the main systems in an apartment building and ensures comfortable living in an apartment. Without proper functioning in the premises will appear unpleasant odors from the entrance, toilet and kitchen.

In addition, the lack of ventilation leads to the formation of mold and fungus on the walls and ceiling. Let's look at how the hood works in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet. And we will know what to do in this case.

How to check the operation of the hood

If windows fog up in the room and extraneous odors remain for a long time, on the walls or ceiling, most likely, there were problems in the functioning of ventilation.

Let's look at how to check if the hood is working. To do this, take a small piece of paper. A toilet paper will do, but it is better not to use an ordinary newspaper, since a thin sheet is used for such purposes.

Open the window in one room by 5-8 centimeters and attach the sheet to the hood grate. If the paper is pulled, the extractor is working. If the leaf does not hold and falls, the ventilation has stopped working. In addition, paper may fly off the grate.

This means that the hood works in reverse side, and foreign odors enter the apartment. Let's find out why it works incorrectly or poorly or stopped working altogether. And we will find out what to do if the hood does not work in the kitchen, in the bathroom or in the toilet.

Why is the extractor not working?

  • Clogged ventilation is the most obvious and common cause of the problem. In this case, you need to unscrew the grate and remove the debris that is there. If it is located within reach, you can remove the waste yourself. However, most often it is construction waste, which is located in the depths. ventilation holes. Then only a specialist can clean the ventilation;
  • Neighbors above your apartment use forced exhaust ventilation, which creates excess pressure and reverse thrust. As a result, your hood works in the opposite direction;
  • Neighbors in the course of incorrect actions during the repair or installation of equipment can block the ventilation;
  • Initially improperly installed ventilation network in the house;
  • New ones with high tightness block the air flow into the room, which is needed for normal operation ventilation. In this case, you need to slightly open the window and leave a small gap, or use “volley” ventilation, when all windows are fully opened for a short period of time and the apartment is ventilated;
  • The lack of heating leads to poor or insufficient ventilation, since the latter functions due to the height of the air column, pressure and temperature differences. As a result, a decrease in the temperature in the apartment negatively affects the operation of the hood.

Where to go if the hood does not work

First of all, the question arises of where to turn when the hood in the apartment does not work. Regardless of the reason, you need to contact the organization that controls this apartment building and is responsible for providing utilities. This is a housing office, a management company or an HOA.

You need to write a statement about idle or poorly functioning ventilation in the apartment. Here they describe the essence of the problem, ask to understand, resolve the issue and punish the perpetrators.

After accepting the appeal, an expert comes to the apartment, checks the operation of the ventilation and draws up an act in the presence of two neighbors, and in the near future the employees of the managing organization or the HOA should fix the problem.

Employees of the public service after the check must make decisions. Violations are eliminated within 45 days from the date of issuance of this decision. If it's a blockage, utilities should clean the ventilation passages.

If neighbors are the cause of non-working ventilation, they must eliminate errors in the installation engineering networks. At design features household exhaust fan is installed at home.

If the managing organization does not respond to the application, you can complain to a higher authority. Write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate, Rospotrebnadzor or the Prosecutor's Office. You can send an application to three bodies at once.

Evidence must be attached to the complaint. This is an act on checking the operation of ventilation, a copy of the contract with the management company and directly the application that you sent to the organization. Therefore, when filing a complaint with the company, HOA or Housing Office, be sure to make a copy.

In addition, the response of the organization and the decision, if these documents are available, are attached to the complaint. You can attach photos and videos of a non-working hood, mold or fungus.

Other ways to fix the problem

In order for the hood in the bathroom, in the toilet or in the kitchen to effectively cope with the task, you can install forced ventilation. Such a system works passively by switching on. In the toilet, as a rule, the inclusion occurs simultaneously with the inclusion of the light. However, you can make a separate switch for the hood.

In the kitchen, ventilation is installed above the stove in the form of a bell. Such a system eliminates unpleasant odors and smoke. In addition, it reduces the accumulation of grease on walls, furniture, ceilings and other surfaces. How to wash the kitchen from fat, read.

In order to keep fresh air in the apartment, supply valves are installed. To do this, make additional holes in the wall between the battery and the window. These openings act like slots in windows and provide regular access. fresh air from the street.

The valves are placed at an angle to the wall and closed with a grate; a soundproof box is installed inside. At the same time, they are more effective and less noticeable than the cracks of an ajar window.

For the installation of supply valves, it is important that the holes in the wall correspond to the diameter of the duct. A suitable diameter will be 6-10 centimeters.

The management company is responsible for the condition of ventilation in an apartment building. In the article we will talk about how the MKD air exchange system is arranged and works, and also pay attention to Special attention the responsibilities of the Criminal Code in terms of its inspection, cleaning and repair. You will learn exactly what and how often you need to do to ensure the normal operation of communications and the absence of claims from controllers.

Ventilation in MKD: device, operation and maintenance

According to sanitary requirements, air exchange must constantly occur in the premises of apartment buildings. From kitchens, bathrooms and toilets, “exhausted” air is removed, instead of which fresh streams are supplied. In the MKD of the old building, ventilation was carried out due to natural exhaust. AT modern houses forced ventilation systems are installed with equipment located in the roofs.

The normal functioning of ventilation in an apartment building is the concern of the organization serving it. Its specialists need to know how this system works, as well as how it is maintained.

Why is there ventilation in an apartment building?

The concept of "ventilation" is disclosed in SNiP 41-01-2003. It refers to the exchange of air flows, in which excess heat and humidity, as well as unpleasant odors, dust and harmful substances, are removed from the premises. Well-functioning ventilation ducts in an apartment building contribute to air purification and the creation of a favorable microclimate in the premises.

The lack of a normally working air exchange in rooms in which people are constantly present not only causes inconvenience, but also potential harm health. The stagnant air in the housing provokes the development of allergic reactions, as well as various respiratory diseases. If the room is not ventilated, then it maintains high humidity, which adversely affects furniture and decorative finishes.

The simplest criterion for assessing how ventilation works in an MKD is tracking the spread of odors from the kitchen. If, with an open window, they are carried throughout the apartment, then there are serious problems with air exchange. Often, residents of the upper floors experience inconvenience due to poorly functioning ventilation, because there is not enough draft in their apartments due to the proximity of the end of the channel.

Two ventilation options

The ventilation system in an apartment building can be arranged in different ways - a lot here depends on the layout of the apartments and the building materials used. Air removal can be carried out according to two schemes. Let's describe each of them.

Scheme 1. Summing up ventilation shaft to the attic, where it goes into a horizontal box.

Here, sealed air ducts are combined into a common channel that rises above the roof. All air is fed into a horizontal box, through it it enters the common channel and is discharged outside. The moving air mass collides with the walls of the box, which creates an area high pressure and there is a tap to the street through the nearest hole.

Scheme 2. Output of all ventilation ducts to the attic.

Ventilation in an apartment building is arranged in such a way that the attic works as an intermediate chamber. The ventilation shaft is brought out through the roof.

Backdraft in the MKD ventilation system usually does not occur. This is due to the small length of the channels (40 centimeters).

A typical apartment building ventilation system works as follows:

  • air from the housing is removed through the ventilation grill and sent to the adjacent channel;
  • satellite channels are connected into a common box;
  • air masses through a single duct enter the prefabricated line;
  • protective boxes close all ventilation shafts in the attic of the MKD;
  • The exhaust air enters the atmosphere through a vertical exhaust duct.

Natural and artificial ventilation

Air exchange systems in apartment buildings are divided into:

  • natural, when air enters through holes in the walls and windows;
  • artificial (mechanical), when the movement of air masses is forced.

Natural ventilation is good because it is cheap and easy to maintain. Of the minuses, it should be noted the significant diameter of the ventilation shaft and the dependence on weather conditions.

When arranging mechanical ventilation in MKD, special equipment is used - fans, air conditioners, dust collectors and other devices. Forced ventilation of apartments is much more expensive than natural ventilation. The rise in price is due to higher maintenance costs and the need to pay for electricity. The main advantage of such systems is fast and high-quality ventilation, regardless of external conditions.

Modern systems artificial ventilation can not only remove exhaust air and supply fresh air. They are also capable, for example, of heating and purifying air masses. For natural ventilation additional functions not available.

Features of natural ventilation

Each entrance of the MKD has its own ventilation duct, which goes through all floors and goes to the attic or roof. Satellite channels are connected to it, through which air is supplied from the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Exhaust air is discharged outside through a common ventilation duct. The scheme of work seems simple and understandable, but in reality there are many factors that can disrupt air exchange.

Ventilation shafts for natural air circulation in residential buildings must be required. The requirements for ventilation in an apartment building are as follows:

  • hermetic design;
  • correspondence bandwidth values ​​given by the project;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • fire safety system.

According to SNiP, apartments in MKD are ventilated, including through ajar windows or slotted holes in window structures. If the windows remain hermetically closed all the time, then there will be no normal air exchange in the room. The standards set the speed at which air exchange should occur. We present this information in the form of a table.

Those who maintain ventilation in an apartment building need to understand why natural air exchange can be disturbed. There are four main points here:

  • refurbishment of ventilation ducts. During repairs and redevelopment, residents may violate the integrity of ventilation ducts;
  • debris in the air path;
  • wrong connection fume hoods. Household hoods with high power, connected to satellite channels, can lead to traffic jams and disrupt the system;
  • seasonal factors. The difference in air temperature in the home and on the street affects how the ventilation system will work. In winter, circulation is much better, in summer heat on the contrary, it is minimal.

The work of ventilation in the basement of the MKD

The basement houses an important part of the ventilation system. The shaft, which removes air and supplies it to apartments, begins precisely at ground floor. From basement it is also necessary to remove stagnant air and humidity, and this is done using a common ventilation shaft. It is connected to each apartment through satellite channels.

Proper basement ventilation in an apartment building prevents mold and mildew. Additionally, special air vents are provided here in the walls, located above ground level. The number of these holes depends on the area of ​​the basement.

Checking the ventilation of an apartment building

A well-functioning ventilation system provides not only the convenience of living, but also affects the safety of people. Dry and greasy dust filling the channels is highly flammable and produces suffocating smoke. In this regard, communications through which fresh air is supplied must be regularly checked and cleaned.

By sanitary rules checking ventilation in an apartment building with preventive maintenance is carried out at intervals of three months. At least 4 times a year, the management company must inspect communications and, if necessary, bring them into a standard state.

How and when ventilation ducts are checked in residential buildings is determined in Rules 410 (PP RF No. 410 of 05/14/2013). According to paragraph 12 of this normative document it is necessary to analyze the condition of ventilation ducts and chimneys in the following situations:

  • when the house is put into operation for the normal operation of gas or heating equipment;
  • if the ventilation ducts were repaired or the apartments underwent redevelopment;
  • for prevention. As mentioned above, this is done every three months, a week before the start heating season and within a week after its completion;
  • upon detection of poor traction or its complete absence;
  • if the house has gas equipment, and it was installed, serviced, repaired or diagnosed, as well as if emergency dispatch service was carried out.

Repair and cleaning of ventilation

Cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building is carried out by specialized organizations that are equipped with necessary equipment. If the necessary equipment is available, the management company can also do this. According to sanitary standards, cleaning must be performed at least twice a year - during the winter and summer seasons.

Preliminary diagnostics is carried out, for which special devices such as endoscopes with video cameras. The state of the system is documented. After that, a plan of necessary measures for cleaning and repair is developed.

Most recovery operations ventilation systems can be carried out directly on the site without dismantling individual elements. If any components require serious repairs, they are removed and transported to the workshop. These works are organized and supervised by specialists of the management company. They are paid, of course, at the expense of funds collected from residents.

The cost of work is determined by several factors:

  • whether there are hatches in the ventilation system for its inspection and inspection;
  • how dirty the channels are;
  • whether there are difficulties with access to communications;
  • what kind of contaminants are present in the channels.

For a general guide, we give an approximate price list for maintenance and cleaning of ventilation ducts in an apartment building.

Our company has extensive experience in the repair of ventilation systems. We repair ventilation and climate equipment both at the Customer's site and in our own workshops. To do this, we have the necessary premises and material and technical base.
If you need a major overhaul of ventilation and its adjustment - please contact us!


Name Unit rev. Price
Troubleshooting (departure of a specialist) PC. from 3000 rub
Fan Replacement PC. from 8000 rub
Air handling unit repair PC. from 18000 rub
heater (heater) repair from 12000 rub
Repair of the heater piping (heater) from 18000 rub
Filter replacement from 3000 rub
Repair of KKB (compressor-condenser unit) from 22000 rub
Correction of deformation of air ducts, fasteners, restoration of tightness from 3000 rub
Setting temperature conditions from 3000 rub
Air flow regulation from 3000 rub
Overhaul of the ventilation system negotiable
Reconstruction and modernization of the ventilation system negotiable

Repair of the ventilation and air conditioning system: repair and maintenance of ventilation units, replacement of air ducts

Ventilation repair: air handling units

Ventilation repair: exhaust units

Fan repair, fan replacement

See other Our works


Ventilation repair cost

The cost of repairs is highly dependent on the type of equipment, the results of diagnostics and the nature of the breakdown, and therefore we can only calculate it based on the results of a visit and an expert assessment. In addition, secondary factors, such as the complexity of the system, the complexity of access to system elements, the current state of the equipment, and other factors, have an impact on the final cost of work. For an accurate calculation of the cost of work, please contact our engineers.

Ventilation failure is an event from which no one is immune. Any element of the system can fail. This may be a device that does not directly affect the operation of the entire ventilation network (for example, a throttle valve for regulating air flow). But it can also be one of the main elements of the system (fan, heater, etc.), without restoring the operability of which the functioning of the system is impossible or unacceptable. Note: The Contractor reserves the right in some cases to adjust the prices of the price list, depending on the complexity of the work, the condition of the equipment and the possibility of access to it.

Why ventilation fails

Reasons why ventilation fails. Our experience shows that breakdowns often occur due to three main reasons:
- poor quality installation
- errors in operation,
- disdainful attitude to conduct Maintenance.

Periodic and high-quality maintenance strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations allows you to avoid most emergencies. That is why we pay so much attention to ventilation maintenance work.

Why do we recommend calling a repair specialist at the first sign of ventilation failure? The fact is that we often had to deal with situations of aggravation of the situation directly by the Customer (or the Customer's maintenance service), which, having noticed a malfunction, decided to fix everything itself.
However, without a constant practice of equipment repair, the maintenance service does not know all the features climate technology, as well as the relationship between various elements system (for example, interlocked operation of the outside air damper and fan, heater and fan, etc.). As a result, self-repair of ventilation led to even greater breakdowns.

The specialists of our company had to deal with a lot of examples of aggravation of the situation. At one of the facilities, a three-way valve in the piping of a water heater failed. In winter, the maintenance service took steps to force the flow of water through the heater, which, after an accidental power outage, led to its defrosting. Instead of replacing one valve, the heater itself, pipes and fittings had to be changed.

Supply ventilation repair

Supply ventilation is the main component of any household climate system, since its task is to replace the saturated carbon dioxide indoor air to oxygen-rich outdoor air. If you do not take into account natural ventilation through windows and other openings, then installation supply ventilation comes down to diamond drilling of holes in the walls and installation in them ventilation pipes and special equipment. These are actually fans that pump fresh air, as well as filters that are designed to purify the air coming from the street. It is no secret that in big cities, especially in Moscow, the atmosphere outside the window is much more harmful than the air in a residential or industrial building.

For supply ventilation, cleaning and replacing filters is the most common type current repair. It is usually produced without dismantling the pipes, right on site. Same common problem freezing of ventilation ducts becomes in winter as a result of a breakdown or shutdown heating elements. R installation of heaters and ventilation heat exchangers only specialists should be entrusted, since unprofessionalism can only aggravate the situation and force us to live with always open windows and a draft.

Exhaust ventilation repair

Household air exchange systems are rarely purely supply and purely exhaust. They usually combine both functions. Here lies a pitfall that manifests itself when the system is installed incorrectly. We are talking about the imbalance of air flows. Either the hood is too strong, or it is not able to effectively clean the air in the room. In such cases, Ecolife specialists, using special equipment, measure air flows with further reconstruction of existing air exchange systems.

Repair of ventilation in a private house

Repair supply and exhaust ventilation in the cottage as a whole does not differ from the repair in the apartment, you just need to make an allowance for large area a private house and the fact that the polluted air exits not through a common house ventilation duct, but through autonomous system. In cottages, ventilation is usually installed according to a special project, taking into account the areas of all rooms and calculating the optimal consumption of fresh air. Most cottages also have air conditioning or climate control systems.

Repair of ventilation of apartment buildings

Performed by our experts and repair of ventilation of apartment buildings. Very often, especially in old houses, typical equipment cannot cope with effective air exchange and we have to modernize it - install forced ventilation instead of natural ventilation or replace pumps in forced exhaust systems with more powerful ones. Overhaul of ventilation is also relevant, which is best combined with a major overhaul of the whole house. But since the temporary resource of ventilation is less than the resource of walls and ceilings, we have to solve problems as they accumulate. Naturally, the replacement of ventilation should be carried out in the summer or at least in the off-season.

Repair of industrial ventilation

Most challenging tasks have to decide when installing and maintaining ventilation systems in industrial premises and commercial real estate. Even in a simple office good ventilation is much more significant than in an apartment - primarily because of the abundance of magnetic fields induced by office electronics. O industrial enterprises and there is nothing to say, especially if the production process is associated with the release harmful substances. Here it is important not only to clean the air of the workshop or warehouse, but also to prevent harmful emissions in atmosphere. Diagnostics and revision of "sponsored" production facilities are carried out by our specialists at least once every six months.
The volume of repair and maintenance work at commercial real estate is much higher also because there is a wider list of climate equipment. Today it is difficult to imagine an office or shop in Moscow without air conditioners, split systems, humidifiers and fragrances. In production, in addition to the complex general supply and retraction, local ventilation. For example, in hot shops, forced blowing of workplaces with cold air is organized, and at chemical production plants, a powerful hood is needed that does not allow the concentration of harmful vapors or dust. All this equipment requires regular maintenance, as replacement and repair of ventilation ducts in production, it is several times more expensive than repairing conventional exhaust ventilation in a residential building.

Diagnostics, cost and terms of ventilation repair

To identify defective elements of the system and determine the cost and duration of repairs, equipment diagnostics are performed. According to its results, an act of malfunctions is drawn up. Further, based on the received data, repairs are carried out. At the same time, it should be noted that a number of modern intelligent equipment has built-in self-diagnostic functions with an error code, so decoding is required in accordance with the repair instructions from the manufacturer. Accordingly, it is necessary that the diagnostics and repair of the equipment is carried out by qualified personnel.

Repair of ventilation systems in some cases can be performed directly at the facility. This ensures low cost of repair work, low overhead costs, and it becomes possible to complete the work in the shortest possible time. It often takes one to five days for the system to recover.

However, sometimes it is required to dismantle the equipment and replace components or repair in the factory. At the same time, the cost of work increases due to logistics costs, and the terms can be increased if the required parts are custom items with long delivery times.

It should be especially noted that the repair of climate equipment must be carried out by qualified and experienced specialists. The fact is that modern equipment uses high-tech and intelligent solutions, and even elementary actions (such as access to service menu controller, error analysis, access to the internal parts of the system elements, etc.) require special skills and training.

That is why the staff of the ECOLIFE Group of Companies undergo regular training, both of a general nature and according to the programs of specific manufacturers. As a result, more and more often we have to deal with situations when any of the third-party companies that do not have sufficient specialists could no longer cope with the repair.

Proper ventilation repair from Ecolife Group

Like any service company, we believe that disease is always easier to prevent than to cure. Modern ventilation and climate control equipment from leading manufacturers has high efficiency and degree of reliability. The main thing - correct installation and proper operation. It is much more profitable for both us and the system operator to spend a little time on timely diagnostics than to spend serious money on repairs, during which the room is ventilated according to a temporary scheme or remains completely without ventilation.
If you still need a planned or urgent repair ventilation in Moscow, Ecolife specialists are always at your service!

Masters of the company "Ecolife" professionally perform almost all types of work on installation, diagnostics, current and overhaul ventilation and climate control equipment in any buildings and structures. We also provide services such as:

Design of ventilation systems;
. preparation of design estimates;
. the current configuration of the object.

We are ready to diagnose your equipment and repair it, including, if necessary, its dismantling and subsequent installation.