We study the gas condensation boiler - the principle of operation and device. Gas boilers Condensation reduction of harmful emissions

In order to understand how profitable it is to purchase a condensation boiler, it is necessary to compare its characteristics and parameters with a gas boiler. Combustion products in a simple gas boiler pass through the heat exchanger of the device, so some of the heat will be lost. This can be explained by the fact that together with the spent gases to the atmosphere, a certain proportion of hot vapors will be leaving. The condensation boiler retains this thermal energy as a pair, so it is considered more efficient than a simple gas boiler.

After steam is cooled, it is converted into a liquid. Thanks to this condensation process, a certain amount of heat will be released. In the usual boiler during his work there is a fight with such a phenomenon as condensation, and in the case of a condensation boiler, condensation is a useful phenomenon. The condensation process takes place in the heat exchanger, which, compared to the gas boiler, has a slightly large size. This components of the condensation boiler selects thermal energy for the heating system.

The heat that is formed with the full burning of the fuel unit, taking into account the steam, which is released during the condensation process, is called the "highest" heat of the combustion of fuel.

The "lower" heat of combustion will be called the amount of heat excluding condensation heat.

Condensation boilers of heating began to be popular relatively recently, although the principle of their work was known to humanity even more than 100 years ago. To date, thanks to technological progress in the manufacture of boilers began to use alloys that have good resistance to corrosion and other destructive processes.

Features of condensation boilers

Based on the laws of physics, it is necessary to understand that at least minor heat losses in any case are inevitable and the efficiency will not reach 100%. Compared to gas boilers, condensation boilers are characterized by higher efficiency. This indicator in condensation boilers is above about 15-20%.

Condensation boilers are equipped with more modern burners, which reduces the likelihood of incomplete fuel combustion. Together with the spent gases, much less harmful substances are distinguished and the temperature of the exhaust gases, which rarely exceeds 40 degrees, is also reduced. For such boilers, plastic chimneys can be used, which allows you to save on this component of the heating system. Also reduced the cost of installing chimneys.

As for execution, the boilers are condensing gas walls in almost everything similar to the traditional gas boilers.

Most often, condensation boilers are wall-type, but there are also powerful flooring devices. Such boilers are rarely used for residential premises. Basically, they can be found in office premises or in production.

The main difference from ordinary boilers is that in condensation boilers, the heat exchanger is made of materials with good resistance to various acids. Usually, stainless steel or silumin serve such materials. Due to high acidity and condensate is formed, and it causes the corrosion process if such alloys are used to manufacture non-condensation boilers.

Basic condensation boiler nodes

The heat exchanger for condensation boilers can be made in the form of pipes with a complex cross section. This is necessary in order to increase the heat exchanger as much as possible, thereby increasing the efficiency of the condensation boiler. In the boilers of this type, the fan is mounted before the burner, which removes the gas from the gas pipeline and mixes it with air. Next, such a work mixture is sent to the burner.

Chimneal gases come out of the system by means of coaxial chimneys.

For the manufacture of such chimneys, manufacturers are used mainly, plastic with good heat resistance. The pump embedded in gas condensation boilers is controlled by electronics and optimizes the boiler power, thereby saving electricity.

The efficiency of the boiler is largely dependent on the parameters of the heating system as a whole. If the water temperature is low, the condensation of the water vapor will occur more fully. Thus, a significant part of the hidden heat will return to the heating system. This will affect the fact that the efficiency of the condensing boiler will be somewhat higher.

Under the condensation boiler is not suitable for any heating system. The heating system must be designed for not too high the heat carrier temperature.

That is, it should be a relatively low-temperature heating system. In the reverse circuit, the coolant must have a temperature not higher than 60 degrees. External conditions have no meaning. If there is a small frost on the street, the temperature of the coolant in the reverse circuit will be no lower than 45-50 degrees. Thus, the boiler will function in condensation mode.

Low-temperature heating boilers can be both with one and two contours. They can be used to organize a heating system or for hot water supply. Such boilers may vary by power parameters. The range of their power is large enough and ranges from 20 to 100 kW. Such a power provided by low-temperature home heating is enough for any living conditions.

For the industrial area, you will need to purchase a more powerful floor-type boiler.

You can also purchase various kits for connecting condensation boilers. The list of such components includes: condensate condensate neutralizers, expansion tanks, various safety devices, sets for the exhaust gas removal system, pipe strapping kits and much more.

In many European countries, the use of other boilers is prohibited, except for condensation. This is explained by the fact that they have a higher efficiency of the efficiency and they emit much less harmful particles into the atmosphere. In such countries, the state takes care of its people, because it prohibits the use of equipment that does not have good efficiency and low security from an environmental point of view.

The complexity of the application of the principle of condensation used to consisted in the fact that the accumulating condensate in the gas heating boiler led to corrosion of metal structural elements. The problem has ceased to exist when the alloys and stainless steel corrosion and stainless steel were used for the manufacture of equipment.

Boiler device

Condensation boiler - What is it in the structural plan?

The main working element is a stainless steel heat exchanger in the form of a coil. Inside the spiral is the heating element (burner). In the serpent, the coolant from the return is heated, heated from the burner.

From the side of the entrance, where water is the coldest (less than 59 degrees), on the walls of the steam chamber condenses. In the condensation models, the combustion chamber of the closed type, i.e. The air for burning the boiler takes from the street, and the products of combustion in the boiler house do not seep.

The system is equipped:

  • a circulating pump forcingly distinguishing heat carrier (located on the inverse tube, is equipped with a filter);
  • coaxial chimney (double pipe, for air and removing the smoke simultaneously) is connected in the upper part of the unit;
  • fan for forced air injection on the burner;
  • condencathor.

The scheme includes protection and control devices (). Modern patterns of boilers allow remote control, starting with the remotes and ending with SMS.

Pros and cons

An ordinary or condensation boiler - what is better, and in what situations?

The main advantages of condensation aggregates are high efficiency and efficiency. Thanks to the design of the burner (), the fuel combines almost completely, the amount of waste is minimal - that is, in environmental terms this boiler is also better.

The smoke temperature below is 40 degrees - this means that you can use chimneys from plastic, and they are cheaper than metal. Due to the smaller amount of combustion and built-in forced ventilation, you can use smaller pipes.

The advantages of this boiler equipment include:

  • compactness, low weight;
  • easier installation;
  • modulated burner;
  • gas savings, an average of 35%;
  • small noise level and vibrations;
  • savings on chimney;
  • environmental friendliness (7 times less than harmful emissions);
  • cascade installation (several boilers in the general system) are possible.

The main minus is a high price, but in a properly organized heating system, the difference pays for itself.

Features of condensing models

The principle of operation of condensation boilers is such that for operation you need a small plug of temperatures between feeding and reverse. So, the initial temperature of the coolant should not be too high. Therefore, it is believed that the most efficient use of such models is.

Like a simple gas boiler, condensation exists in and execution. The advantage of outdoor is higher power, wall-mounted compactness. The power of the unit is selected at the rate of 1 kilowatt by 10 squares plus 10% of the stock.

For a small house, a high power boiler is not needed. The compact and eco-friendly wall model can be hung in the kitchen, it will not be necessary for a separate room for boiler room.

Video about the principle of the condensation boiler.

In the production of heating systems, the most promising innovative technology is the condensation of water vapor, which are formed during the combustion of hydrocarbons. For such a principle, condensing boilers work. This new heating equipment on the Russian market has recently appeared, but already enjoys considerable purchasing demand. Condensation boilers are available on sale both foreign and domestic manufacturers.

A wide range of condensation boilers offers BAXI, which, due to the high quality of its products, has become the leader of the Russian market of boiler equipment. Condensation boilers Buckucki These are outdoor and wall condensation boilers, characterized by a high efficiency. Other well-known brands of boiler equipment in the domestic market can be called condensing boilers Vaillant and Woman.

Condensation boiler

Principles of burning and condensation

Any hydrocarbon fuel during combustion highlights heat. In the process of combustion of fuel, the finite products become carbon dioxide (CO 2) and (H 2 O) water, which under the action of high temperatures turns into steam. Steaming, water is spent heat, but it can be obtained back in the condensation process, that is, if the water from the gas phase goes back to the liquid.

How to work condensing boilers

The principle of operation of condensation boilers has been known for a long time, but it was impossible to use it in boiler equipment from iron and steel, since water condensate, having high acidity and having carbon dioxide, caused corrosion of steel and cast iron boilers. Only with the advent of corrosion-resistant alloys and stainless steel it became possible to introduce this technology into the production of boiler equipment.

As we already know, when cooled steam, it turns into a liquid state and frees a certain amount of heat. If we consider the usual boiler, then when it works with the condensation process, there is a struggle, and in the boilers of condensation condensation is only welcome. Their design provides for a special heat exchanger in which the condensation process occurs, and the heat released is selected for the heating system.

The condensation boiler has a useful coefficient - 108-109%. How much is it possible, if according to the laws of physics, the efficiency cannot exceed 100%, since energy losses in any processes are inevitable.

In non-condensative boilers, not all thermal energy is selected during gas burning, but only its most. The heat flux in the heat exchanger is cooled only to a temperature of 140-160 ° C, during its cooling to a lower temperature in the chimney, the traction decreases the aggressive condensate, which causes corrosion elements of the boiler. Thermal energy that can be obtained in the condensation process in conventional boilers is not used, it is called hidden.

Condensation gas boilers use energy in their work, hidden in condensing water vapors, therefore their efficiency, in comparison with the CPDD of conventional boilers, exceeds 100%. The main element of any boiler is a heat exchanger. In the design of the condensation boilers of the heat exchanger two. They can be separate or combined (two-stage). The first heat exchanger works the same as in ordinary boilers. Through it passes the thermal stream, but does not cool below the dew point. The second condensation heat exchanger selects the heat remaining in the combustion products, and cools down the temperature below the dew point.

Water steam, condensed on the walls of the second heat exchanger, and gives hidden thermal energy to water. At this point, the combustion products occurs additional heat selection of their temperature at the outlet of the heat exchanger is only 10-15 ° C above the temperature of the coolant.

To solve the corrosion problem, which causes aggressive condensate, manufacturers are used in the manufacture of corrosion-resistant boilers and chemical impacts materials (stainless steel, silumin (aluminum-silicon alloy)).

In Europe, and in particular in Germany, there are norms that require the neutralization condensate before draining into the sewer. The neutralizer is a container with magnesium and potassium granules. Passing through these alkaline reagents, condensate is neutralized, and when it is displayed in the sewer, does not constitute hazard to the environment. In Russia, sanitary standards do not require condensate neutralization, so it is simply going to a special reservoir provided for in the design of the boiler, and, consequently, is discharged into the sewage system in its original form. In boilers with a capacity of up to 30 kW, intended for the heating of private houses, about 30 liters of condensate forms for 24 hours a day.

Advantages and disadvantages of condensation boilers

Wall-mounted heating boiler

Condensation gas boiler can be called one of the most economical and highly efficient heating devices. Its efficiency is 10-15% higher than the efficiency coefficient among the traditional boiler. In addition, the economy of condensing boilers by 20% exceed the usual boiler equipment.

In condensation boilers, high-tech burners are used, which prepare fuel-air mixtures in optimal proportions, which minimizes the possibility of incomplete fuel combustion. Due to this, the number of emissions of harmful substances is reduced.

Exhaust gases have a low temperature (below 40 ° C), which makes it possible to apply chimneys from plastics for condensation boilers, thereby reducing the cost of mounting the heating system.

The advantages of condensation boilers can be called:

  • small dimensions and a small weight of boiler equipment;
  • efficiency (gas savings is 35% per season);
  • deep modulation (gas saving during partial loads);
  • low level of vibration and low noise;
  • the possibility of a cascade installation;
  • savings on chimneys (you can install chimneys with a smaller diameter);
  • reducing the emissions of harmful substances NO X and CO 2 (below 7 times than in conventional boilers).

Cascade of condensation boilers

Due to the small dimensions and the small weight of the boiler equipment, it takes less space to install the boiler, at the same time, the costs of its transportation and installation are reduced. There is such a delusion that condensing boilers work effectively only with a heating system with a warm floor. In another case, the effectiveness of them is no more than that of traditional boilers. But it is not. In the condensation boiler design there is a modulation burner, which allows you to achieve deep modulation of power, reducing gas and air costs.

The condensation process in the boiler goes and when working with heating equipment with a radiator heating system. Upon low loads of the efficiency of the condensation boiler, it may well achieve high values, unlike conventional gas boilers, in which efficiency in this mode falls due to an oversupply of air.

For a cascade installation of condensation boilers, manufacturers offer special regulators (for example, BAXI sells regulator RVA47 for its boilers), which convert boilers installed separately into a single system.

The advantages of the cascading system are the ease of installation and compact size of the boiler room.Due to reduced vibrations and low noise level when installing condensation boilers, there is no need to make vibration-insulating platforms and sound insulation of the room intended for the boiler room. Which also saves money when installing the heating system.

Save on the size of the chimney, allows a fan in condensation boilers. It develops quite high pressure, so the diameter of the chimney can be two times less than when mounting the heating system with traditional boilers.

Due to low emissions of NO X and CO 2, condensation boilers refer to the discharge of environmentally friendly equipment, they are often used for boiler equipment in resort and protected areas. It is very difficult to find flaws in condensing boilers. The main disadvantage of this heating equipment is a high price, which is two times higher than the prices of ordinary boilers.


In appearance, condensing boilers differ little from traditional. They make them in a wall-mounted version and outdoor option. Wall gas condensation boilers have less power than outdoor and apply to everyday life for the heating of private houses and cottages.

Floor condensation boilers with high power are used for heating industrial facilities and office space.

Condensation gas boilers produce single, and dual-circuit. Two-circuit boilers are used and for heating and water heating. The power of single and two-killets is - 20-100 kW. This is enough for household boilers. For industrial use, produced a greater power model.

The main differences in the design of condensation boilers from ordinary

Condensation boilers differ from the traditional material used for the heat exchanger. Their heat exchanger is made of acid-resistant silumin or stainless steel alloy. The water condensate formed in the boiler has increased acidity and causes corrosion of materials such as steel and cast iron, which are used in the production of non-condensation boilers. The shape of the heat exchanger is a pipe of a complex cross section having additional spiral ribs. Such a form of heat exchanger contributes to an increase in the area of \u200b\u200bheat exchange and increases the efficiency of the boiler.

In condensation boilers, the fan is installed in front of the burner, which "sucks" the gas from the gas pipeline and mixes it with air, after which the gas mixture with air to the burner sends.

Confension boiler device

Smoke gases are removed through coaxial chimneys made from heat-resistant plastic. In addition, in condensation boilers, there is a pump controlled by electronics, which optimizes the power of heating, saving electricity and reducing the noise from the coolant occurring in the heating system.

The design of traditional boilers does not provide for the process of condensation and the use of indoor energy, so the temperature of combustion products is maintained at a high level. Part of the heat in such boilers is not used, but is excreted with the combustion products through the chimney.

Since condensate has chemical aggressiveness so that it is necessary to use the boiler elements from chemically stable materials, the cost of which is quite high. Manufacturers are much easier to sell cheaper products than to invest in progressive, but expensive technologies. Therefore, most boilers presented in the market are created on the basis of obsolete technologies. For users, it is more profitable to buy expensive, but more efficient condensing boilers that allow you to save on fuel consumption.

Manufacturers offer for their condensation boilers for connecting, condensate neutralizers, expansion tanks, safety devices, boilers of boilers, systems for removal of flue gases.

In European countries, condensation boilers are the most massive type of heating devices. There are countries in which the installation of non-condensation boilers is prohibited. The reason for this is a higher CPDD and a lower emission of harmful substances in condensation boilers.

Operation of the traditional gas boiler entails some loss of thermal energy along with combustion products. Another negative point is the formation of a chemically aggressive condensate, which causes corrosion in the system.

Condensation boiler cools the combustion products below the condensate formation. The result becomes the condensation of water vapor with the impact of hidden energy to the coolant, which heats up in the boiler.

Principle of operation of condensation boilers

When combustion of gas in the boilers of a condensation type, an effect of the formation of high-temperature water vapor occurs. Selected pairs are concentrated in the form of a liquid on a stainless steel heat exchanger. Standard types of gas heating equipment remove pairs along with the rest of the exhaust combustion products through the chimney.

When the clusters of the steam are formed on the primary heat exchanger, heat is selected, which returns back to the heating system. This principle of operation of condensation boilers provides high efficiency and efficiency of the entire heating system.

Features of functioning

Condensation boilers are devices with closed combustion chambers. Exhaust products are allocated to the outward way. And they all have a minimum temperature. The presence of an additional heat exchanger allows to increase the resistance of the aisle of substances formed during the fuel combustion process. This principle of operation makes the impossible effect of natural traction. That is why the condensation gas boiler works on the basis of the principle of forced thrust.

Condensation boilers have a closed combustion chamber with removal of exhaust gases using special turbines. This has its advantages, since combustion products can be outlined in any place outside the heated structure, moving at the adjoining channels.

You can install a condensation boiler in houses without chimney. Such a solution is safer compared to the operation of traditional gas boilers, since the combustion process turns out to be fully isolated from the room where the heating unit is installed.


Wall condensation gas boilers, as well as outdoor models, are used primarily in radiator heating systems or with the need to arrange a warm floor.

A prerequisite for creating condensation effect is the maintenance of a certain temperature of the water in the reverse line. It is important that the coolant remains colder temperatures at which condensate is formed. Under this condition, the condensation gas boiler will produce the maximum capacity throughout the year.


How to achieve the highest PDA indicators, exploiting a condensation boiler? Compared to conventional gas aggregates, condensing devices are designed to use heat from condensation. Due to this, it becomes real achievement of efficiency ratios at the level of over 100%.

In the case of combustion of natural gas in standard heating boilers, the useless consumption of thermal energy, which could be applied with benefit, is about 11%. Assuming that the thermal capacity of the boiler as a result of fuel combustion is 100% and adding 11% of the hidden heat to this indicator, it is possible to reach the output of thermal power equal to 111%.

In order to get high efficiency, operating a condensing boiler, a compound of a heating unit with an external ambient temperature sensor is recommended. This makes it possible to maintain a stable level of reverse water temperature at the required level to effectively apply the condensation effect.


Due to the presence of a pre-compound of gases and air in the respective burners, the wall-mounted condensing boiler produces the minimum amount of harmful substances from the exhaust combustion products.

If you carry out a parallel with traditional boilers, then a decrease in the amount of CO and NOX is from 80 to 90%. It is for this reason that from recently in highly developed countries, condensing units are increasingly used as heating devices.


Condensation heating boilers are the newest word in the development of innovative technologies. A favorable solution for the consumer similar devices become due to a noticeable reduction in fuel consumption. Currently, this technology is considered one of the most economical in the heating of premises. Reducing gas consumption over the heating season here is about 35%.

The achievement of such impressive results is possible due to the following factors:

  • the emergence of the process of recoil heat from condensation both in heating and water heating for household needs;
  • high performance efficiency;
  • the ability to achieve comfortable temperature in the absence of significant heat loss;
  • the presence of wide possibilities for modulation of flame.

A gas condensation boiler is a relatively new concept in the production of equipment for heating. A distinctive feature of the equipment is a high efficiency, especially at low temperature. The aggregates were created for the purpose of energy saving, improving efficiency and enhance environmental indicators. The most famous companies are: Vaillant, Baxi, Viessman, Ariston, Bosh make boilers for innovative technologies that meet all standards.

To understand what a condensation gas boiler is and how it works, it should be understood in its operation. In conventional units for heating, combustion products are removed into the atmosphere at a temperature of 100-170 ° C with water vapor, lowering efficiency. Thermal energy intended to increase the efficiency of the carrier activity, flies through the chimney along with waste.

The principle of operation of the condensation boiler is to the reverse exchange process, in which the hidden heat is closed from the drawn air and is transmitted to the room. The coefficient of recovery efficiency consists in relation to between the maximum possible energy and its valid value. Depending on the power of the unit, the indicator can reach 90% of the efficiency. Emission of smoke in such condensing products is carried out through coaxial chimney. The automation allows you to select the desired conditions for the fan, pumping air with a variable frequency of revolutions.

The device for heating is different from similar standard species in that the boiler is equipped with an additional heat exchanger (separate or combined), which is received by the carrier in the opposite from the contour. Condensation depends on the pressure value, such as fuel, oxygen concentration and gas. When the dew point is formed on the gas boiler body, the carrier is heated, so it comes to the base with a higher temperature. The required energy is created in a short time and with low resource costs.

To prevent the negative effects of aqueous steam, exchangers are made of stainless steel or silumin. Also, the specificity is the features of the burner, which ensures the optimal ratio of gas and air, constantly monitors the process in the condensation unit. The closed combustion chamber is isolated from the room, which guarantees the safety of the operation of equipment for heating.

Description of models

Famous manufacturers of equipment for heating are offered wall and floor boilers, with single and two-pipe wiring. Like any devices, these devices have their advantages and cons. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe proposed condensation gas boilers, you can consider the products of several companies:

The devices are intended for use in apartment and private houses, for industrial facilities. Vitosolar-300F is a compact installation with a heater, operating from the energy of the Sun, with a volume of 800 liters. Also in the package includes an expansion tank, pump, pipelines, mixers, condensation gas boiler. All elements are mounted in a single block, which provides convenience and ease of installation. The burner and radial heat exchanger is made of stainless steel. Using the built-in electronics, work is monitored in a given mode, depending on the air temperature in the room.

VIESSMAN VITODENS-300V - Wall-mounted model with a 98% efficiency coefficient, Matrix burner, diagnostic node. A gas boiler block collects data from the sensors, measures the speed of the media and the received information transfers to the switch, which is triggered when the energy consumption is reduced. Thanks to the SMART system, the risk of breakdown is reduced to zero.

A distinctive feature of the condensation units of this company is high performance in combination with compact sizes and a low weight. According to the method of heating, there are single-two-circuit systems with a natural and compulsory method. The Pro Series includes ATMO TEC Pro VUW equipment. Released in standard and reduced variants, power - up to 24 kW. Equipped with a closed combustion chamber and turbocharged smoke.

A single-mounted device with a natural disgust of the Vaillant Tec Plus VUW provides high-quality heating and allows you to connect the water heater. Automation allows you to control the processes and set the temperature. Using a valve with a built-in stepper engine wall gas boilers smoothly achieve the required power level.

Judging by consumer reviews, the condensation boilers of this company are especially effective in homes without supplying centralized water supply. All kinds can operate on liquefied gas, temperature adjustment occurs in two modes: 30-85 ° C and 30-45 ° C for warm floors. Electric gas boiler BAXI ECO Compact adapted to any fuel, equipped with auto-line, modulation torch and flame ionization control. The exhaust gases go through an open combustion chamber.

Duo-Tec is a two-circuit device for heating with the possibility of connecting an external cumulative boiler. It has a control panel with an affordable display, built-in automation that responds to the climate. A condensation gas boiler ensures control over different-tempered zonal systems.

Each model can be connected to solar collectors, equipped with a high-speed lamellar exchanger for efficient heating. The supply and mixing system gives the optimal gas and air ratio. The burner is designed for 25 years of service. In the GAZ 2000 brand, a membrane expansion tank is installed, a circulation pump with a deaerator and three velocities.

The Condens 2000 W ZWB gas boiler can function at a 5 bar pressure, according to customer reviews, adapted for apartment buildings and private houses. The fuel uses natural or liquefied gas with a maximum flow rate of 2.5 m3 / h. Hot water performance is 12 l / min.

Opinions of buyers

Based on the opinions of consumers about different models and the principle of operation of gas boilers, given all the pros and cons, you can make a choice of suitable equipment for the heating of the house and GVS:

"I installed a helium in my house for savings, it took the appropriate equipment for heating. Most of all a condensation technique is suitable for me. ATMO TEC PRO VUW from the German manufacturer Vaillant has been working for two years without interruption. Provides not only all rooms, well combined with warm floors. Electronics is a sensor and a screen with an available interface that control all modes on specified functions ".

Victor, Moscow.

"Condensation boilers are quite comfortable and functional. But it is important for saving that the temperature of the coolant is a maximum of 60 ° C. In our house, 300 m2 has a double-circuit Vitosolar-300F, which manufactures the company Viessman. In particularly cold days, radiators were quite hot, the feed did not exceed 50 ° C. In this case, gas consumption was about 1,000 m3 per month. It was noticed that for such devices it is necessary to use clean water. A competent approach to operation allows you to ensure uninterrupted operation and long service life. "

Vadim, St. Petersburg.

"A condensation gas boiler planned to buy even at the design stage of the house. The question stood only about the manufacturer. They trusted the Italian company BAXI, chose the Eco Compact model. It is completely coping with heating at low temperatures, also provides hot water. Convenient automation system: set the mode - and you can not worry. Impressed aesthetic design. Many acquaintances have such equipment, the most positive reviews. Even in a strong frost in the house is warm. "

Anna, Kiev.

"When they decided to acquire a new boiler, the question of saving. I wanted to choose a device that meets all the requirements. After reviewing several options and rereading a lot of reviews, stopped at the German company BOSH. They have a huge model line of condensation devices with different power and capabilities. GAZ 2000, which we set three years ago, showed yourself only from the best side. Convenient automatic control, beautiful design, high-quality service. We plan to mount the solar system in a year, as this brand is ideal for it. Savings will increase several times, so quite a high price justifies itself. "

Maria, Kharkov.


Summarizing, it can be noted the pros and cons of such boilers for heating:

1. Small noise level and vibration.

2. High efficiency.

3. Improving the emission of combustion products twice.

4. Reducing the release of harmful substances into space.

5. Compact size and low weight.

6. The efficiency of fuel consumption increases by 30%.

7. The ability to install heliosystems.

As with any equipment, gas condensation boilers have shortcomings:

  • Pretty high price.
  • The work implies condensate loss, so it is necessary to think through the system of leading of its surplus.
  • The ability to operate only in low-temperature mode.
  • Energy dependence.

Price overview

The cost of condensing products from different manufacturers is formed on the basis of power and technical characteristics. The table shows the models of the most famous brands and prices for them:

Manufacturer, model Installation option of the boiler Contour Sizes (in / sh / g mm) Weight, kg Power, kWt) Efficiency% Cost, ruble
Viessman, Germany Wall 2 850x450x360 120 35 110 90 000
Vaillant, Germany-Slovakia


Wall 2 440x720x338. 35 24 107 60 000
Baxi, Italy Wall 1 700x400x298. 30 24 90 50 000
Bosh, Germany


Wall 2 700x400x300 40 25 103 80 000

Wall condensation boilers are highly efficient economical equipment that can be installed as for new heating elements and for already available.