Functions of the learning process in additional education. Additional in educational institutions

The fundamental difference between supplementary education and general education is that, due to the absence of strict educational standards, teachers working in its system have the opportunity to transform the methods of activity transmitted to students (knowledge-skills-skills) from the goal of teaching into a means of developing students' abilities - bodily, cognitive, personal, spiritual and moral The goal in this case is the creation of a developing educational environment that would provide each student to show the creative principle inherent in him by nature, i.e. gain the ability to be a creative subject of their development

Social function aims to satisfy:

a) social demand (the demands of society, which are formed at the intersection of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (ideas about what the child needs or lacks: time employment, pre-vocational training, education in additional subjects, solving the problems of single-parent families, prestige of classes, health),

c) children's demand - meeting the needs of cognitive and personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. Children's demand is dynamic, since it changes in the course of the child's development, as well as depending on age and the type of leading activity corresponding to it;

d) economic demand - the possibility of earning (main, additional, part-time, etc.) for adults and pre-vocational training for children.

e) law enforcement demand - prevention of deviant and asocial, including illegal, behavior of children.

Psychological function:

a) developing - creating an educational environment that provides conditions for the physical and mental development of children (realization of children's interests, the acquisition of skills and abilities. , and in terms of self-actualization;

b) compensatory - psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school,

v) relaxation - the opportunity to take a break from the rigid regulation of behavior in the family and at school;

G) consulting - for teachers, parents and children.

Educational function:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. subjects additional to the standard list of academic subjects of educational institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling, sports sections, choreography, etc. It can also be "school" subjects, if for some reason there are no teachers in nearby schools for these subjects,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) training that satisfies the cognitive interest of the given child,

e) socializing - communication with peers, self-affirmation, self-determination, including trying to find oneself in various activities, enrichment with social experience, the formation of a child as a person, acquiring the ability and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions,

In 2008, the teaching community celebrates the 90th anniversary of additional education for children in our country. The official date of the appearance of additional education (out-of-school work) is associated with the emergence of the first state out-of-school institution - the station for young nature lovers, later renamed the Biological Station for Young Naturalists.

However, in reality, the organization of out-of-school work with children has a longer history. However, myself term “Additional education” began to be used from the beginning of the nineties of the last century, since the reform of the foundations of the organization of out-of-school work with children began in Russia in 1992 as one of the consequences of those rather global changes in our society that were taking place during that period.

Of course, the education system could not fail to respond to socio-economic and sociocultural changes, to the change in the social order of Russian society associated with the upbringing of the younger generation. However, the general education system for children is traditionally quite conservative. Various reforms in it are usually carried out for a long time. This is due to the need to change State standards, retraining of teachers and the publication of new textbooks.

More flexible is the system of additional education for children, which until 1992 was more familiar to many under the name “extracurricular work”. And even earlier, they used the term "out-of-school education" to denote the educational activities of public organizations and individuals aimed at meeting the educational needs of the population. Out-of-school education institutions were created with public and private funds and were not part of the state system of public education.

Currently, we can talk about the existence of a system of additional education in our country. As of January 1, 2004, this system included more than 18,000 institutions of various departmental affiliations. Including: 8.9 thousand educational institutions, 5.8 thousand - culture, 1.1 thousand - sports, more than 2 thousand - public organizations. These institutions employ about 270,000 teaching staff.

Structurally, additional education fits into the system of general and vocational education, as well as into the sphere of educational and cultural leisure, brings together and complements these systems. In relation to the general education system, additional education is a subsystem, but at the same time it can be considered as an independent educational system, since it has the qualities of a system: the integrity and unity of its constituent elements, which have a certain connection with each other.

Of course, the system of additional education has its own specifics ... This specificity is associated not only with the peculiarities of psychological and pedagogical interaction between teachers and their pupils, but also with the fact that modern additional education of children is represented by two main blocks: educational and cultural and leisure... It is within these blocks that the main pedagogical activities of teachers and the creative and cognitive activities of children are carried out.

These blocks were certainly present at a time when the term “extracurricular work” was used to refer to such activities. However, if at that time the emphasis was on the cultural and leisure block, today the educational block is acquiring an increasing scale, connected with the satisfaction of the cognitive interests and needs of children and adolescents in those areas that cannot always be realized within the framework of school education.

O.S. Gazman understands additional education as “the activities of children and adults outside the educational process regulated by the state minimum. At the same time, we mean not only the sphere of leisure (free time). Classes of children in school circles and clubs outside school hours, in out-of-school institutions, in camps and hikes during the vacation period are in a certain sense not free: they are regulated by the time and forms of life organization. However, the leading principle here is the voluntariness and interest of children, which, in principle, changes the approach to pedagogical activity. "

Additional education makes it possible to make fuller use of the potential of school education through the deepening, expansion and application of school knowledge. It compensates for the inevitable limitations of school education through the implementation of leisure and individual educational programs, enables each child to satisfy their individual cognitive, aesthetic, and creative needs. Additional education not only expands knowledge about the creative potential of a person and the creative potential of students; it provides the opportunity for success in the chosen field of activity and thereby contributes to the development of such personality qualities that are important for success in any field of activity; it creates the possibility of forming a circle of communication based on common interests, common values.

Components of the pedagogical potential of preschool education:

Additional education acts as a powerful means of shaping the motivation of personality development;

There are numerous possibilities for creating a successful situation for every child;

Through the exchange of activities, additional education expands the cultural space of the personality's self-realization, stimulates it to creativity;

On the basis of the common interests of the child and the adult, the process of the formation of humanistic value orientations is going on more intensively and purposefully;

Additional education reduces the space for deviant behavior, solving the problem of children's employment.

Specific conditions for the activities of DOs:

Voluntary and massive participation of children in extracurricular activities;

Differentiation of students by interests and focus on a certain type of activity;

The ability to adjust the training programs, taking into account the individual interests, abilities and level of preparedness of the child;

The public, mass, amateur, socially useful nature of the activities of children, which has practical and personally significant tasks for each pupil;

A variety of spheres of communication, the possibility of informal communication between the leader and children;

A creative and friendly atmosphere, an opportunity for a child to change his status in a peer group.

The difference between school and additional education:

Education at school satisfies the state (social) order for a certain level of knowledge and a certain type of personality of its citizens.Therefore, school education must focus on achieving educational standards of learning. compulsory and standardized programs, methods and criteria for teaching. In the context of additional education, children are taught mainly according to their interests.

The absence of a compulsory educational standard in UDL allows the teacher not to focus on the effective side of the educational process, but to build learning according to the principle - process for the sake of process, learning for the sake of learning, i.e. follow the nature of the child's cognitive development. Therefore, the emphasis in teaching naturally shifts towards the satisfaction and activation of the cognitive interest of students.

In school teaching, most often standard curricula are used, adapted by the teacher. For additional education, the predominant use of copyright curricula is characteristic.

At school, individualization of learning is carried out by the teacher, and in UDL - by the student himself. The free choice of the type of occupation and the teacher is realized by the students, which can be considered as the most important stage of his self-actualization.

In UDL, the learning process is more informal than in the school tradition, and therefore it is closer to the natural foundations of children's development, when the emphasis is not on the informational way of teaching, but on communication, on the transfer of experience from the elder to the younger; stronger than in school, has a personal influence of the teacher on students

Additional education is built on the following priority ideas:

1. Free choice by the child of types and areas of activity. Moreover, here we are talking not only about the possibility of choosing the directions of activity, the pace of mastering the program and the types of presentation by the child of his work, but also about the choice of motivation for the participation of children in the life of the institution of additional education. This motivation can be related to both cognitive and educational goals and the personal relationships and communication needs of children.

2. Orientation to the personal interests, needs, abilities of the child. This principle is based on a personality-oriented approach in additional education. This approach enables the child to determine his own educational path in the realization of cognitive interests, and also ensures the development of his individual abilities, which differ from the interests and abilities of his comrades. Basic education cannot provide such an attitude towards every child, since it is subject-oriented and must ensure consistency and consistency in the assimilation of the knowledge of schoolchildren, in the assimilation of subjects included in the compulsory curriculum.

3. The possibility of free self-determination and self-realization of the child. Additional education allows a child to "find himself", to understand what his interests, preferences, hobbies are. The feeling of the opportunity to satisfy his needs gives the child a feeling of freedom, which later begins to be realized as the possibility of a person's creative self-embodiment in activities, in the manifestation of his individuality. However, it is important to keep in mind that freedom of self-determination and self-realization is necessarily associated with the education of responsibility and the ability to correlate one's freedom with the freedom of other people.

4. The unity of training, education, development. In the practice of basic education, most often these processes occur in parallel, with the dominant role of education. In supplementary education, its integrity is historically preserved and maintained in the targeted impact on personal development. In this education system, today there are more opportunities for developmental education, since it takes into account the individual interests of the child and provides a variety of types and forms of activity.

5. Practical and activity basis of the educational process. Additional education is focused on the inclusion of children in the practical development of various educational areas. It enables the child to become familiar with the concrete, tangible embodiment of certain objects in life. The practical-activity basis of additional education is expressed not only in the fact that the child takes part in the creation of a specific creative product, but also tries to independently solve problems that are vital for him. Therefore, in supplementary education, much attention is paid to the child's personal experience, which must be taken into account when determining the content of classes and forms of practical work.

Based on the features of additional education listed above, it is possible to single out its functions in a general education school. These include:

1) educational- teaching the child on additional
educational programs, getting them new knowledge;

2) educational- enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer
a general educational institution, the formation of a cultural environment at school, the determination on this basis of clear moral guidelines, an unobtrusive upbringing of children through their introduction to culture;

3) creative- creation of a flexible system for the realization of individual creative interests of the individual;

4) compensatory- the child's mastering of new directions of activity, deepening and complementing basic (basic) education and creating an emotionally significant background for the child for mastering the content of general education, providing the child with certain guarantees of achieving success in the spheres of creative activity chosen by him;

5) recreational- organization of meaningful leisure as a sphere
restoration of the psychophysical forces of the child;

6) vocational guidance- the formation of a sustainable interest in socially significant activities, assistance in determining the child's life plans, including pre-professional orientation.

At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the various interests of the child, but also helps to choose an institution of additional education, where the discovered abilities can be further developed by specialists;

7) integration- creation of a unified educational space of the school;

8) socialization- the child's assimilation of social experience, the acquisition of skills for the reproduction of social ties and personal qualities necessary for life;

9) self-realization- self-determination of a child in socially and culturally significant forms of life, living with situations of success, personal self-development.

As practice has shown, teaching children in new additional educational programs has a positive effect on the growth of schoolchildren's interest in humanitarian subjects of basic school, and most importantly, it creates the basis for pre-vocational training of senior students in a number of areas of artistic and applied activities.

At the present stage of development of institutions of additional education, their following functions are distinguished:

Social function aims to satisfy:

a) social demand (the demands of society, which are formed at the intersection of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (ideas about what the child needs or lacks: time employment, pre-vocational training, education in additional subjects, solving the problems of single-parent families, prestige of classes, health),

c) children's demand (meeting the needs of cognitive or personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. It should be remembered that children's demand is dynamic, since it changes in the course of the child's development, as well as depending on age and the type of leading activity corresponding to it);

d) economic demand (the possibility of earning (main,
additional, part-time, etc. - for adults and
pre-vocational training - for children);

e) law enforcement demand (prevention of deviant and asocial, including illegal, behavior of children).

Psychological function subdivided into sub-functions:

a) developing (creating an educational environment that provides
conditions for the physical and mental development of children: the realization of children's interests, the acquisition of skills and abilities. A child, not having the opportunity to prove himself in the family and in the school environment, can prove himself in parole both in terms of development, and in terms of self-affirmation, and in terms of self-actualization);

b) compensatory (psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school);

c) relaxation (an opportunity to take a break from the rigid regulation of behavior in the family and at school);

d) consulting (for teachers, parents and children).
Educational function suggests:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. subjects
additional to the standard list of subjects
educational institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling,
sports sections, choreography, etc. It can also be "school" subjects, if for some reason there are no teachers in nearby schools for these subjects,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) learning that satisfies the cognitive interest of the given

e) socializing (communication with peers, self-affirmation,
self-determination, including the opportunity to try oneself in various types of activity, enrichment with social experience, the formation of a child as a person, the acquisition of the ability and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions.

Thus, the specific conditions and functions of additional education for children consist, first of all, in a high degree of its variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets his interests and inclinations, choose the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, choose a circle of communication and activities. By voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby entrust the teachers with their valuable asset - free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be an effective developing personality.

3. Classification of institutions of additional education. Types of parole and their functioning.

The following types of institutions of additional education are distinguished: Center, school of additional education, Palace (House), club, station, children's park, etc.

TO complex institutions include Houses and Centers for Children's Creativity, Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, Palaces of Children and Students, etc. They can have district, city, regional and republican status. In such institutions, work is carried out in several directions:

· Methodical work with children's and youth school public associations and organizations (Belarusian Republican Youth Union, BRPO, etc.);

· Circle and studio work aimed at developing the creative abilities of students;

· Organizational-mass work aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students.

Other institutions of additional education included in this system are special or single-profile, since they have mainly one direction of educational work. For example:

· Station of young naturalists (SUN) - ecological education of schoolchildren;

· Station of technical creativity (CTT) - development of students' abilities for technical creativity;

· Children and youth sports schools (CYSS) - physical education, sports and recreation work, work with gifted children in the field of sports;

· Training and production plant (CPC) - labor education, vocational guidance of students, the formation of students' skills in a specific specialty;

· Excursion and tourist station and the club of young sailors - sports and recreation work; local history work and patriotic education;

· Music school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or region) - musical education of students, work with gifted children to develop their vocal and performing abilities;

· Art school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or region) - art education of students, work with gifted children to develop their abilities for artistic creativity and other types of schools.

Let's consider in more detail the essence of each type of parole.

Centre , as an institution of additional education, is a multidisciplinary and multi-level institution that implements programs of different directions and an educational environment for socio-cultural and professional self-determination, self-realization of the individual.

Centre it is an institution, in the structure of which there is a mechanism that ensures the work of branches and coordinates the implementation of their programs, continuing or deepening a single educational space. Such branches can be a theater, studio, workshop, station, club, school, museum.

There are the following types of Centers:

ü Center for additional education of children;

ü Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth;

ü Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education;

ü Center for children and youth, children's creativity;

ü Children's center (teenage);

ü Center for extracurricular activities;

ü Children's ecological center (health-improving and ecological, ecological-biological);

ü Center for children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

ü Center for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical creativity, young technicians);

ü Children's Marine Center;

ü Center for children (youth) aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or arts);

ü Children's health-improving and educational center (profile).

School in the system of additional education children is a system of interrelated, successive programs of one profile, allowing students to master (independently choose) one or another level of education. As a rule, such schools solve complex and multilevel tasks of stage-by-stage pre-vocational or initial vocational training. Schools are distinguished by the presence of exemplary educational programs focused on basic knowledge, skills, abilities, a curriculum that takes into account the wishes of children and parents to create electives, organize individual work and consultations; a compulsory system of intermediate and final certification of students with the issuance of an appropriate final document confirming the received level of education.

A school is a type of educational institution, the programs of which may differ for the following reasons:

Level (correctional, basic, advanced);

Grades of training (primary, basic, professional);

Profile (physics and mathematics, biology and chemistry, humanitarian, etc.).

The following types of schools are distinguished:

ü school in various fields of science and technology;

ü in various types of arts;

ü children and youth sports (sports and technical, including the Olympic reserve).

As noted in the previous topic, institutions of additional education operate not only in the field of education, but also in the field of culture. Institutions of additional education in the field of culture - art schools can be of two types: multi-profile and single-profile.

TO multidisciplinary art schools includes a children's art school, in which education is carried out in several different profiles.

TO single-profile art schools includes a children's music school, a children's art school, a children's choreographic school, a children's theater school, a children's school of crafts and other arts schools.

The main tasks of the School of Arts are:

ü ensuring the necessary conditions for the formation of a general culture and artistic development of children and youth, meeting their needs for additional education, developing motivation for creative activity;

ü organization of leisure time for children and youth;

ü search, training and education of talented children and youth;

ü preparation of professionally oriented students for admission to higher educational institutions and educational institutions providing secondary specialized education in the field of culture.

Art schools can be public or private.

The School of the Arts may establish affiliates that operate on the basis of regulations approved by the School of the Arts and must be specified in the statutes of the School of the Arts.

In general, schools of additional education for children are characterized by long-term joint creative activity of children and teachers (4-5-year and longer programs), which is represented by joint achievements and traditions, special attributes and symbols, the presence of continuity between the levels of education and generations of teachers and students. ... Schools have their own mentality, reinforced by culture, a special style of life.

Palace (House) a self-sufficient institution of additional education for children with a flexible organizational structure, whose work is aimed at ensuring its own educational process, based on the needs of the social environment and its status (city, regional, etc.).

There are the following types of Palaces:

Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity, Creativity of Children and Youth;

Student Youth Palace;

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

Palace of Young Naturalists;

Sports Palace for Children and Youth;

Palace of Artistic Creativity (Education) of Children;

Palace (House) children's culture arts.

House types can be:

The House for arts and crafts for children;

House of childhood and youth, student youth;

House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

House of Young Naturalists;

House of Children's (Youth) Technical Creativity (Young Technicians);

House of children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

House of Artistic Creativity (Education) of Children; Children's House of Culture (Arts).

Club - an association of children and teachers, created for the purpose of communication related to political, scientific, artistic, sports or other interests, as well as for recreation and entertainment.

The club typology is varied. Clubs are distinguished by the scale of their activity (multi-profile and single-profile); by the prevailing types of activity (educational, discussion, creative, sports, etc.); according to the degree of organization (formal and informal).

In the additional education of children, a club can become a type of educational institution, provided that it has long-term, multi-level programs of professional self-determination with adequate methodological support, a kind of socio-cultural technology of education and socialization. The well-thought-out and purposefully organized activity of the club as communication of like-minded people, allies, equal and independent, allows in an attractive, unobtrusive form to assert the values ​​of education, health, personal freedom, the values ​​of traditions and history, the value of another person, etc.

The following types of clubs are most common: Club of young sailors, river sailors, aviators, cosmonauts, paratroopers, paratroopers, border guards, radio operators, firefighters, motorists, children's and teenagers', children's ecological (ecological and biological) clubs, young naturalists, children's and youth's technical creativity of young technicians, children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), youth physical training.

Station Is a specialized institution of additional education, specially equipped for training in specialized programs and conducting observation, research in a certain direction, as well as organizing temporary specialized institutions of additional education (camps).

There are the following types of stations:

Station of Young Naturalists;

Station of children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians);

Children's ecological station (ecological and biological);

Station for children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), etc.

Children's park - the type of institution, the main purpose of which is the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the natural environment, on the territory of the park zone.

All other types of institutions for additional education for children that continue the traditions of the above institutions of extracurricular activities (studio, museum, children's camp, etc.) do not differ in integrity and systemic certainty in the status of an educational institution. The programs of these institutions can be characterized as leisure, health and social support. They can become: a relatively independent module of the educational environment of centers, schools, clubs; branches of the center performing certain functions in the implementation of the goals of the educational program; form of organization of the educational process (temporary or permanent).

It should also be noted educational complex (UVK) as a union of institutions of additional education. The organization of UVK is especially effective for districts remote from the center of modern large cities, as well as for small towns where UVK play the role of cultural centers for a significant part of the population.

The organic combination in educational complexes of basic education with multidisciplinary additional education creates a real basis for the formation of a completely new type of educational space - a humanistic socio-pedagogical environment that contributes to the versatile personal development of each child, the search for ways of his self-determination, the emergence of a favorable socio-psychological climate, as in individual children's groups, and at the level of the school collective as a whole. In UVK, according to a single plan, large pedagogical collectives work, where, in addition to school teachers, there are specialists in additional education for children, cultural workers.

It should be noted that according to the Code of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" additional education for children and youth can also be carried out at home and in sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions... Thus, Article 235 of Chapter 48 of Section XIII of the Code reads:

“For students who receive general secondary education or special education at home, conditions are created to receive additional education for children and youth at home.

The educational process for receiving additional education for children and youth at home is organized by an educational institution that implements an educational program for additional education for children and youth, at the place of residence (place of stay) of the student. "

“The conditions for receiving additional education for children and youth are created for students undergoing treatment or health improvement in sanatorium-resort or health-improving organizations.

The educational process for receiving additional education for children and youth in sanatoriums and health resorts is organized by the educational institution at the location of the sanatorium or health resort or health resort or health organization. "

At present, a network of institutions of additional education operates in all cities and regional centers of Belarus. the main ones are the Palaces and Houses of Creativity for Children and Youth, sports schools, stations for young technicians, naturalists, tourists, children's parks and stadiums, music schools and schools of national arts.

Republican institutions of additional education for children and youth - educational institutions "National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth", "Republican Center for Tourism and Local Lore", "Republican Ecological and Biological Center", "Republican Center for Technical Creativity" - perform a coordinating function in improving quality additional education for children and youth, create organizational and methodological conditions for the effective development of additional education for children and youth by profiles (directions).


The article discusses the possibilities of institutions of additional education in the upbringing of children. It is emphasized that educational functions contribute to the disclosure of the individual abilities of the child, form the motivation for success, create conditions for the all-round development of the personality

  • Differentiation in teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren
  • Studying the terminology system of the specialty sublanguage as a condition for expanding the specialist's professional thesaurus
  • Predictive articles: characteristic features, didactic value (based on the material of the English-language press)
  • Formation of the foundations of morality in preschool children with the help of fiction

The relevance of this topic is expressed in the fact that one of the main social institutions that ensures the educational process and the development of the individual abilities of children is determined by the institution of additional education for children. It differs from a general educational institution in that students are given the right to choose a type of activity, taking into account the levels of complexity and pace of mastering the educational program of additional education, based on the chosen field of knowledge.

The definition of the meaning of the interpretation of the educational process in institutions of additional education for children is facilitated by the research of such authors as: A.G. Asmolova, V.A. Berezina, V.A. Bogovarova, V.A. Gorsky, E.B. Evladova, A. Ya. Zhurkina and others.

Studies of the socio-pedagogical potential of additional education institutions (UDL) as a socio-pedagogical phenomenon were based on a set of studies that reveal the essence, content and specifics of the educational process in additional education institutions were carried out by A.K. Brudnova, V.A. Gorsky, A. Ya. Zhurkina, A.V. Zolotareva, S.V. Saltseva, A.I. Shchetinskaya, A.B. Fomina.

The system of additional education for children is a special type of education aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's intellectual, spiritual, moral, physical and professional needs. Children from 5 to 18 years old are engaged in additional education institutions.

The most important feature of additional education is the ability to adapt, to the personal needs of the child, the reaction to changes in society, to the variety of educational needs and their changes.

In the system of additional education, students are given the opportunity to expand and deepen their knowledge of academic subjects, developing the necessary level of qualities, in order to organize their extracurricular creative activities. All work is directed towards the formation of motivation for success in students, towards the development of their cognitive interest and ability. In the 2003-2004 academic year, in accordance with the educational requests of students and their parents, the possibilities of schools in the program of additional education included circles, sections, electives complementing the educational program in academic subjects, as well as with the aim of expanding it.

The presentation of a wide choice of areas of activity, the organization of creative work in the system of additional education can solve such type of problems as:

  1. To develop the creative abilities and creative activity of the student.
  2. Develop his cognitive interest.
  3. Form the motivation for success.
  4. Create conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization.
  5. Create conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual.

Functions of the system of additional education in a general education school:

  1. educational (by teaching a child according to an additional educational program, gaining new knowledge);
  2. educational (by enriching and expanding the cultural layer of a general educational institution, forming a cultural environment at school, determining on this basis a clear moral guideline, unobtrusive upbringing of children through their involvement in culture);
  3. creative (by creating a flexible system for realizing the individual creative interest of the individual);
  4. compensatory (through the child's mastering of the newest direction of activity, deepening and complementing basic (basic) education and creating an emotionally significant background for the child for mastering the content of general education, taking into account the provision of certain guarantees for the child to achieve success in his chosen areas of creative activity);
  5. recreational (through the organization of meaningful leisure in the form of a sphere for the restoration of the psychophysical forces of the child);
  6. vocational guidance (through the formation of a sustainable interest in socially significant activities, taking into account the promotion of the definition of the child's life plans, including pre-vocational orientation);
  7. integration (through the creation of one common educational space of the school);
  8. socialization (through the development of social experience by the child, taking into account the acquisition of skills for the reproduction of social ties and personal qualities that are necessary for life);
  9. self-realization (through the child's self-determination in socially and culturally significant forms of life, taking into account his experience of living a situation of success, personal self-development).

E.V. Golovneva, N.A. Golovnev is considered "education as an organized process of assimilation by a person of universal human values, knowledge and methods of practical activity, achievements of national and world culture." The use of the educational and developmental potential of universal human values ​​is envisaged through the implementation of the idea of ​​a personal and humanistic orientation of the teacher's activities. E.V. Golovneva emphasizes that "for the development of the content of universal human spiritual and moral values, there are great opportunities in the analysis of the principle of humanization of upbringing and the ways of its implementation in a modern primary school."

The specific conditions and functions of additional education for children are determined, first of all, through a high degree of its variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets his interests and inclinations, choosing the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, choosing a circle of contacts and activities. Voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby entrust the teachers with their valuable asset, in the form of free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be in the form of an effective developing personality.

Thus, the additional education of children is the most important component of the educational space that has developed in modern Russian society. It is able to most adequately respond to changes in the economic and social situation in the country.

The effectiveness of the educational upbringing of children in the course of additional education classes can be significantly increased if a specially organized educational process is used.


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Based on the features of additional education listed above, it is possible to single out its functions in a general education school. These include:

1) educational- teaching the child on additional
educational programs, getting them new knowledge;

2) educational- enrichment and expansion of the cultural layer
a general educational institution, the formation of a cultural environment at school, the determination on this basis of clear moral guidelines, an unobtrusive upbringing of children through their introduction to culture;

3) creative- creation of a flexible system for the realization of individual creative interests of the individual;

4) compensatory- the child's mastering of new directions of activity, deepening and complementing basic (basic) education and creating an emotionally significant background for the child for mastering the content of general education, providing the child with certain guarantees of achieving success in the spheres of creative activity chosen by him;

5) recreational- organization of meaningful leisure as a sphere
restoration of the psychophysical forces of the child;

6) vocational guidance- the formation of a sustainable interest in socially significant activities, assistance in determining the child's life plans, including pre-professional orientation.

At the same time, the school contributes not only to the awareness and differentiation of the various interests of the child, but also helps to choose an institution of additional education, where the discovered abilities can be further developed by specialists;

7) integration- creation of a unified educational space of the school;

8) socialization- the child's assimilation of social experience, the acquisition of skills for the reproduction of social ties and personal qualities necessary for life;

9) self-realization- self-determination of a child in socially and culturally significant forms of life, living with situations of success, personal self-development.

As practice has shown, teaching children in new additional educational programs has a positive effect on the growth of schoolchildren's interest in humanitarian subjects of basic school, and most importantly, it creates the basis for pre-vocational training of senior students in a number of areas of artistic and applied activities.

At the present stage of development of institutions of additional education, their following functions are distinguished:

Social function aims to satisfy:

a) social demand (the demands of society, which are formed at the intersection of culture, education and public health);

b) parental demand (ideas about what the child needs or lacks: time employment, pre-vocational training, education in additional subjects, solving the problems of single-parent families, prestige of classes, health),

c) children's demand (meeting the needs of cognitive or personal development, communication, leisure and pastime. It should be remembered that children's demand is dynamic, since it changes in the course of the child's development, as well as depending on age and the type of leading activity corresponding to it);

d) economic demand (the possibility of earning (main,
additional, part-time, etc. - for adults and
pre-vocational training - for children);

e) law enforcement demand (prevention of deviant and asocial, including illegal, behavior of children).

Psychological function subdivided into sub-functions:

a) developing (creating an educational environment that provides
conditions for the physical and mental development of children: the realization of children's interests, the acquisition of skills and abilities. A child, not having the opportunity to prove himself in the family and in the school environment, can prove himself in parole both in terms of development, and in terms of self-affirmation, and in terms of self-actualization);

b) compensatory (psychological compensation for failures in the family, at school);

c) relaxation (an opportunity to take a break from the rigid regulation of behavior in the family and at school);

d) consulting (for teachers, parents and children).
Educational function suggests:

a) education in additional subjects, i.e. subjects
additional to the standard list of subjects
educational institutions. For example, ship and aircraft modeling,
sports sections, choreography, etc. It can also be "school" subjects, if for some reason there are no teachers in nearby schools for these subjects,

b) propaedeutics of vocational education (for example, a design studio or a children's television studio);

c) professional self-determination;

d) learning that satisfies the cognitive interest of the given

e) socializing (communication with peers, self-affirmation,
self-determination, including the opportunity to try oneself in various types of activity, enrichment with social experience, the formation of a child as a person, the acquisition of the ability and ability to be not only an object, but also a subject of social influences and interactions.

Thus, the specific conditions and functions of additional education for children consist, first of all, in a high degree of its variability, thanks to which everyone can choose an educational direction that meets his interests and inclinations, choose the volume and pace of mastering the educational program, choose a circle of communication and activities. By voluntarily participating in the educational process, the child and his parents thereby entrust the teachers with their valuable asset - free time, hoping that the result of such an investment will be an effective developing personality.

3. Classification of institutions of additional education. Types of parole and their functioning.

The following types of institutions of additional education are distinguished: Center, school of additional education, Palace (House), club, station, children's park, etc.

TO complex institutions include Houses and Centers for Children's Creativity, Palaces and Houses of Pioneers, Palaces of Children and Students, etc. They can have district, city, regional and republican status. In such institutions, work is carried out in several directions:

· Methodical work with children's and youth school public associations and organizations (Belarusian Republican Youth Union, BRPO, etc.);

· Circle and studio work aimed at developing the creative abilities of students;

· Organizational-mass work aimed at organizing meaningful leisure time for students.

Other institutions of additional education included in this system are special or single-profile, since they have mainly one direction of educational work. For example:

· Station of young naturalists (SUN) - ecological education of schoolchildren;

· Station of technical creativity (CTT) - development of students' abilities for technical creativity;

· Children and youth sports schools (CYSS) - physical education, sports and recreation work, work with gifted children in the field of sports;

· Training and production plant (CPC) - labor education, vocational guidance of students, the formation of students' skills in a specific specialty;

· Excursion and tourist station and the club of young sailors - sports and recreation work; local history work and patriotic education;

· Music school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or region) - musical education of students, work with gifted children to develop their vocal and performing abilities;

· Art school (supervised by the department of culture of the city or region) - art education of students, work with gifted children to develop their abilities for artistic creativity and other types of schools.

Let's consider in more detail the essence of each type of parole.

Centre , as an institution of additional education, is a multidisciplinary and multi-level institution that implements programs of different directions and an educational environment for socio-cultural and professional self-determination, self-realization of the individual.

Centre it is an institution, in the structure of which there is a mechanism that ensures the work of branches and coordinates the implementation of their programs, continuing or deepening a single educational space. Such branches can be a theater, studio, workshop, station, club, school, museum.

There are the following types of Centers:

ü Center for additional education of children;

ü Center for the Development of Creativity of Children and Youth;

ü Center for Creative Development and Humanitarian Education;

ü Center for children and youth, children's creativity;

ü Children's center (teenage);

ü Center for extracurricular activities;

ü Children's ecological center (health-improving and ecological, ecological-biological);

ü Center for children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

ü Center for children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical creativity, young technicians);

ü Children's Marine Center;

ü Center for children (youth) aesthetic education of children (culture, arts or arts);

ü Children's health-improving and educational center (profile).

School in the system of additional education children is a system of interrelated, successive programs of one profile, allowing students to master (independently choose) one or another level of education. As a rule, such schools solve complex and multilevel tasks of stage-by-stage pre-vocational or initial vocational training. Schools are distinguished by the presence of exemplary educational programs focused on basic knowledge, skills, abilities, a curriculum that takes into account the wishes of children and parents to create electives, organize individual work and consultations; a compulsory system of intermediate and final certification of students with the issuance of an appropriate final document confirming the received level of education.

A school is a type of educational institution, the programs of which may differ for the following reasons:

Level (correctional, basic, advanced);

Grades of training (primary, basic, professional);

Profile (physics and mathematics, biology and chemistry, humanitarian, etc.).

The following types of schools are distinguished:

ü school in various fields of science and technology;

ü in various types of arts;

ü children and youth sports (sports and technical, including the Olympic reserve).

As noted in the previous topic, institutions of additional education operate not only in the field of education, but also in the field of culture. Institutions of additional education in the field of culture - art schools can be of two types: multi-profile and single-profile.

TO multidisciplinary art schools includes a children's art school, in which education is carried out in several different profiles.

TO single-profile art schools includes a children's music school, a children's art school, a children's choreographic school, a children's theater school, a children's school of crafts and other arts schools.

The main tasks of the School of Arts are:

ü ensuring the necessary conditions for the formation of a general culture and artistic development of children and youth, meeting their needs for additional education, developing motivation for creative activity;

ü organization of leisure time for children and youth;

ü search, training and education of talented children and youth;

ü preparation of professionally oriented students for admission to higher educational institutions and educational institutions providing secondary specialized education in the field of culture.

Art schools can be public or private.

The School of the Arts may establish affiliates that operate on the basis of regulations approved by the School of the Arts and must be specified in the statutes of the School of the Arts.

In general, schools of additional education for children are characterized by long-term joint creative activity of children and teachers (4-5-year and longer programs), which is represented by joint achievements and traditions, special attributes and symbols, the presence of continuity between the levels of education and generations of teachers and students. ... Schools have their own mentality, reinforced by culture, a special style of life.

Palace (House) a self-sufficient institution of additional education for children with a flexible organizational structure, whose work is aimed at ensuring its own educational process, based on the needs of the social environment and its status (city, regional, etc.).

There are the following types of Palaces:

Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity, Creativity of Children and Youth;

Student Youth Palace;

Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

Palace of Young Naturalists;

Sports Palace for Children and Youth;

Palace of Artistic Creativity (Education) of Children;

Palace (House) children's culture arts.

House types can be:

The House for arts and crafts for children;

House of childhood and youth, student youth;

House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren;

House of Young Naturalists;

House of Children's (Youth) Technical Creativity (Young Technicians);

House of children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists);

House of Artistic Creativity (Education) of Children; Children's House of Culture (Arts).

Club - an association of children and teachers, created for the purpose of communication related to political, scientific, artistic, sports or other interests, as well as for recreation and entertainment.

The club typology is varied. Clubs are distinguished by the scale of their activity (multi-profile and single-profile); by the prevailing types of activity (educational, discussion, creative, sports, etc.); according to the degree of organization (formal and informal).

In the additional education of children, a club can become a type of educational institution, provided that it has long-term, multi-level programs of professional self-determination with adequate methodological support, a kind of socio-cultural technology of education and socialization. The well-thought-out and purposefully organized activity of the club as communication of like-minded people, allies, equal and independent, allows in an attractive, unobtrusive form to assert the values ​​of education, health, personal freedom, the values ​​of traditions and history, the value of another person, etc.

The following types of clubs are most common: Club of young sailors, river sailors, aviators, cosmonauts, paratroopers, paratroopers, border guards, radio operators, firefighters, motorists, children's and teenagers', children's ecological (ecological and biological) clubs, young naturalists, children's and youth's technical creativity of young technicians, children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), youth physical training.

Station Is a specialized institution of additional education, specially equipped for training in specialized programs and conducting observation, research in a certain direction, as well as organizing temporary specialized institutions of additional education (camps).

There are the following types of stations:

Station of Young Naturalists;

Station of children's (youth) technical creativity (scientific and technical, young technicians);

Children's ecological station (ecological and biological);

Station for children and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists), etc.

Children's park - the type of institution, the main purpose of which is the implementation of additional educational programs and services in the natural environment, on the territory of the park zone.

All other types of institutions for additional education for children that continue the traditions of the above institutions of extracurricular activities (studio, museum, children's camp, etc.) do not differ in integrity and systemic certainty in the status of an educational institution. The programs of these institutions can be characterized as leisure, health and social support. They can become: a relatively independent module of the educational environment of centers, schools, clubs; branches of the center performing certain functions in the implementation of the goals of the educational program; form of organization of the educational process (temporary or permanent).

It should also be noted educational complex (UVK) as a union of institutions of additional education. The organization of UVK is especially effective for districts remote from the center of modern large cities, as well as for small towns where UVK play the role of cultural centers for a significant part of the population.

The organic combination in educational complexes of basic education with multidisciplinary additional education creates a real basis for the formation of a completely new type of educational space - a humanistic socio-pedagogical environment that contributes to the versatile personal development of each child, the search for ways of his self-determination, the emergence of a favorable socio-psychological climate, as in individual children's groups, and at the level of the school collective as a whole. In UVK, according to a single plan, large pedagogical collectives work, where, in addition to school teachers, there are specialists in additional education for children, cultural workers.

It should be noted that according to the Code of the Republic of Belarus "On Education" additional education for children and youth can also be carried out at home and in sanatorium-resort and health-improving institutions... Thus, Article 235 of Chapter 48 of Section XIII of the Code reads:

“For students who receive general secondary education or special education at home, conditions are created to receive additional education for children and youth at home.

The educational process for receiving additional education for children and youth at home is organized by an educational institution that implements an educational program for additional education for children and youth, at the place of residence (place of stay) of the student. "

“The conditions for receiving additional education for children and youth are created for students undergoing treatment or health improvement in sanatorium-resort or health-improving organizations.

The educational process for receiving additional education for children and youth in sanatoriums and health resorts is organized by the educational institution at the location of the sanatorium or health resort or health resort or health organization. "

At present, a network of institutions of additional education operates in all cities and regional centers of Belarus. the main ones are the Palaces and Houses of Creativity for Children and Youth, sports schools, stations for young technicians, naturalists, tourists, children's parks and stadiums, music schools and schools of national arts.

Republican institutions of additional education for children and youth - educational institutions "National Center for Artistic Creativity of Children and Youth", "Republican Center for Tourism and Local Lore", "Republican Ecological and Biological Center", "Republican Center for Technical Creativity" - perform a coordinating function in improving quality additional education for children and youth, create organizational and methodological conditions for the effective development of additional education for children and youth by profiles (directions).