Front acrylic putty. Instructions for the facade putty with frost-resistant cement or acrylic paintable putty

A variety of building materials are used to decorate internal and external walls. Facade plaster is used for processing, decoration and restoration of buildings. This finishing mixture helps prepare the subfloor for the decorative layer.


Leveling mortars for walls are called differently: someone says "putty", others call "putty". The term putty comes from the spatula tool used to apply the leveling solution. The putty originates from the German language and is translated as "spatula". These two concepts share one term - a mixture that serves for surface finishing.

For exterior work, a special facade putty is used, which is distinguished by its strength characteristics of compositions for interior decoration.

The following requirements are imposed on the putty for the facade:

  • it must have good adhesion to various building materials;
  • easy to give in to further processing on a dry surface;

  • be able to apply at a low temperature;
  • after hardening, it must have high strength characteristics;
  • UV resistance;
  • resistance to atmospheric precipitation;
  • must form a wear-resistant coating that is resistant to pollution;
  • the ability to tolerate temperature changes;
  • after drying, no cracks should form;
  • the composition should not contain harmful and toxic substances;
  • the finished layer must be compatible with any paints and varnishes;
  • the solution should be plastic and easy to distribute to the work area.

Facade putty, intended for finishing external elements, performs protective, leveling, strengthening and decorative functions.

The putty is characterized by the following technical features:

  • the thickness of the layer that is applied at a time;
  • final drying time of each layer;
  • mixture consumption per 1 sq. m;
  • operation at negative temperatures;
  • multicomponent or complex formulations.


Putty materials are divided into types according to several criteria.

In terms of composition, the following types of putties are distinguished:

  • cement- the main component is cement and sand, and reinforcing fibers, gypsum, marble powder are used as additives;
  • acrylic- based on acrylic polymer;
  • acrylate- contains acrylic and latex;
  • oil- the multicomponent composition includes drying oil, glue, acrylates, chalk;
  • silicate- has a base of silicate liquid glass;
  • silicone- the main component is silicone.

The most common composition is cement, as it has an affordable price and adequate quality. Cement-based putty is applied to all types of mineral surfaces: concrete, plaster, lime, gypsum and brick.

This composition has the following positive qualities:

  • frost resistance- withstands more than 100 freezing cycles, operates at low temperatures from -60 degrees;
  • strength and wear resistance;
  • fire resistance, refers to non-combustible materials;
  • water resistance- resistant to atmospheric precipitation;
  • environmental Safety- contains natural mineral additives;
  • good hiding power- is able to close up defects of the base up to 1.5 cm.

The disadvantages of the composition include the ability to crack, as well as the fact that when moisture evaporates, the material shrinks.

Acrylic compounds are waterproof and do not crack. They create a durable elastic layer that can be further processed. Acrylic based putties are only suitable for finishing with a layer of up to 50 mm, are not able to fill deep irregularities due to their fine structure. When grinding, protection for the respiratory system is needed, since the composition is very dusty.

The addition of latex to the acrylate putty imparts increased moisture resistance, plasticity and durability. It is easy to apply, does not require preliminary mixing with water. But the price for such a product is much higher than for cement compositions.

Oil putty is used for leveling wooden facade elements... It has its own peculiarities in application, which limits its use. The oil putty layer must be protected with oil paint, since the components do not tolerate high humidity. Putty in a thin layer up to 2 mm with multiple repetitions, which gives strength.

Silicate compounds fit well on aerated concrete, foam concrete, shell rock... Strict adherence to the application technology creates a protective vapor-permeable layer. Used as a decorative finish.

When using a silicone-based putty, a durable vapor-permeable protection is formed. The silicone layer repels dirt. There is a possibility of tinting in different colors, while the composition will be the final decorative layer on the facade. The high cost of the material becomes a limitation in application.

Winter facade putty can be based on cement or acrylic with the addition of chemical components that improve solidification at low temperatures. This is additionally indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging, the prices for such formulations are higher.

By design, the facade putty is divided into the following types:

  • Basic... The granular structure is intended for leveling and restoring facades with cracks and dents up to 150 mm.
  • Finishing... Liquid fine structure is used for finishing with a layer of up to 0.4 cm.
  • Decorative... With its help, they give various textured effects. A textured putty is used for the facade.
  • Wood compositions... For wooden structures, the vapor permeability index is important so that the outer layer of the putty does not hinder the release of water vapor.

Depending on the readiness of the putty, two types of products are distinguished: dry mix and ready-made composition. Dry putty is in the form of a powder, which requires preliminary mixing with water to a certain consistency. After mixing, the components of the mixture react, ripening occurs, after which you can begin to putty. Available in bags from 5 to 30 kg.

The finished putty is a fully prepared product suitable for direct use on the surface. It only needs to stir the mixture until smooth... Ready-made polymer compositions are produced, which are poured into buckets from 2.5 kg.


Such domestic brands of putty mixtures are widely known:

  • Ceresit;
  • "Prospectors";
  • Volma;
  • Bolars;
  • "Found 30".

The Ceresit building brand belongs to the oldest German concern Henkel, which has located its factories in Russia. For finishing the facade made of mineral materials, the plant produces Ceresit CT 225 cement putty. It is applied in a durable thin layer up to 3 mm in white or gray color, supplied in 25 kg bags.

The company "Miners" specializes in the production of dry mixes for construction and finishing works. The line includes 3 types of cement putties for outdoor use: facade white, facade gray and facade finishing.

Front putty can be applied up to 1 cm, finishing layer - up to 3 mm. The mixture is produced in 5 kg bags and 20 kg bags. Differs in an affordable price and acceptable quality according to German technologies.

Domestic manufacturer Volma produces dry facade putties based on Portland cement. "Volma Aquastandard" and "Volma Aquastandard light" with reinforced fibers allow making a leveling layer up to 1 cm. Sold in bags of 22 kg.

The Bolars plant is engaged in the production of three types of dry products for external walls putty. These include facade, facade finishing and leveling products. Suitable for leveling plasterboard, aerated concrete, brick and concrete surfaces with a layer of up to 1 cm. Packaged in 5 kg, 20 kg and 25 kg. Also "Bolars" produces ready-made polymer putty "Empire façade" for painting, supplied in buckets of 8 or 28 kg.

LLC "VGT Enterprise" produces ready-made facade acrylic compositions of the Bau master Shelton and VGT brands. The versatility of the putty allows it to be applied to various types of surfaces with a layer of up to 7 mm. It is characterized by a short setting time of 8 hours. It is produced in buckets of 3.6 kg, 7.5 kg and 18 kg, as well as in 50 kg drums.

Under the Osnovit trademark, Osnovit Bazsilk PC 30 MG facade putty is produced on the basis of cement. Released in 20 kg bags of white and gray. Has water-repellent properties with reinforced additives.

Popular foreign manufacturers of facade finishing materials are the German concern Knauf and the European brand Weber Vetonit. Knauf facade putties are made on a cement basis. Knauf Multi-Finish is designed for finishing exterior walls with a layer of up to 5 mm. A plus when using is a low consumption per 1 sq. m. Has good adhesion to plastered surfaces.

Vetonit cement and acrylic putty is a high-quality composition for leveling facades with a layer thickness of up to 0.5 cm. The Vetonit assortment includes a large selection of decorative texture mixtures for facades.

The main rule when choosing a facade putty is the assessment of the base. The composition of the putty mixture will depend on the quality of the working surface. For uneven walls and for filling cracks larger than 5 mm, a cement-based putty is suitable. It contains grainy grains of sand, so the composition is able to fill cracks, potholes and pits up to 1 cm. Ready acrylic compositions are elastic and penetrate into the smallest pores, forming a smooth and even surface.

The type of putty depends on the base material, since different compositions have different degrees of adhesion. When buying, pay attention to what type of surface the putty mixture is intended for... For brick, concrete, plaster, gypsum, aerated concrete, cement and acrylic compositions are intended. Oil-based and acrylate putties are suitable for wood and wood-based panels.

A competent choice of putty for the facade allows you to protect yourself from numerous problems in the future. This building material helps to prepare the surface for finishing and protects it from negative external influences. With its help, cracks and other defects are leveled.


Depending on the consistency, the following types of facade putty are distinguished:

  • Finishing;
  • Starting.

The starting material is characterized by a coarse-grained structure. It is suitable for initial finishing. This putty has good adhesion and ease of handling.

It evens out the surface effectively. It is enough to apply layers up to 2 centimeters thick.

Facade finishing putty is very fine. Its use allows you to get a smooth and even base. It precedes the beginning of the decorative finish. Compared with the "start", then this material is less durable. When working, you need to ensure that the thickness of the applied putty does not exceed 5 millimeters.

Now there are universal ones on sale. According to the photo of the facade putty, it cannot be distinguished from other types. They combine the qualities of finishing and starting materials.

Often, they are used for interior renovation and construction work. They are not suitable for facade decoration.

When performing outdoor work, a material made on the basis of cement or polymers is used. It is resistant to negative temperatures and high humidity.

As part of the "start" there is quartz sand, in the "finish" there is marble dust, ground sand. Various chemicals are added to the material to improve performance.

Advantages and disadvantages

All types of putties have their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider them in detail.

Cement putties: resistant to moisture, temperature extremes. They are unpretentious in operation and differ in affordable cost. The disadvantages include the fact that the material shrinks. The likelihood of cracks and other similar defects is also high.

There are two types of polymer putties:

  • Latex;
  • Acrylic.

The former are considered universal. They are suitable for both exterior and interior decoration. They are odorless, do not emit substances hazardous to human life and health.

The material is plastic. After drying, no cracks appear on the surface. The only drawback is the high cost.

Acrylic material also has a wide range of uses. The acrylic present in the putty base provides it with moisture resistance and plasticity. The material does not flake off. It is used for finishing and protecting surfaces made of concrete and aerated concrete. The maximum layer thickness is one to three millimeters.

Craftsmen working with this building material should take into account that the surface must first be primed. There are also disadvantages. Firstly, if there are serious defects on the surface, then you will have to putty in several stages. Secondly, grinding work must be performed exclusively with a respirator.

The exterior putty can be applied in a variety of ways. The hardware method is considered quite effective. For this, a device is used that delivers a solution under high pressure.

However, there are several requirements here. The material must certainly be given a given consistency. In addition, the hardware method does not allow the material to be applied evenly.

The best solution is to apply the solution to the surface with a float or spatula.

Regardless of which specific option is chosen, the surface must be properly prepared:

  • Clean from oil stains, dirt and dust;
  • Treat with a primer (it will provide perfect adhesion of building materials, protect the surface from mold and mildew).

The finished mixture must be thoroughly mixed, and the dry mixture must be diluted with liquid. It is recommended to strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Prepare the solution preferably in small portions. This is because its plasticity is gradually decreasing. The setting time depends on which ingredients are present in the mixture. Often, it ranges from thirty minutes to two to three hours.

Serious defects must be removed. All cracks, holes and potholes are sealed with putty. It is allowed to start applying a continuous layer when all the "patches" are dry.

If necessary, the master can apply a few more layers. To achieve a smooth and even base, it must be sanded.

Photo of facade putty

In order to carry out the restoration of the external walls of the building or finishing work on the new facade, preliminary leveling of the surface is required. Only then can you remove small cracks and defects on the base, make it smooth and even. To carry out such work, you will need a good putty. Facade building mixture is suitable for outdoor work, as it has moisture-resistant and heat-resistant functions, which means that it will not be afraid of temperature changes and external adverse factors, such as direct sunlight, snow, rain.

In the online store "Vira-Stroymaterialy" the best putty for facade works from well-known manufacturers is presented for you. We work directly with factories, so we guarantee you the quality of the material and offer you an attractive price.

What substrates is the facade putty applied to?

After the completion of construction, it will take about a year for shrinkage. This time is necessary so that the surface does not crack in the future after applying putty and other materials. If there are no major defects on the substrate, no preliminary work is required before applying the finishing materials.

Facade putty, as a rule, has a cement base, so it fits perfectly on such bases as:

  • plaster;
  • drywall and other gypsum bases;
  • brick;
  • cellular and other types of concrete.

After the outdoor putty has been applied and dried, you can do cladding, fix mosaics or paint.

How to choose the best filler for outdoor use?

The material for outdoor use must have certain qualities in order to maintain its properties for a long time.

Among them:

  • weather resistance (the putty must, even without another coating, withstand the influence of temperature, sunlight and weather conditions);
  • good strength (the facade finish is exposed to serious mechanical stress, so it should not crumble in case of accidental impacts);
  • frost resistance (putty must have good frost resistance characteristics and retain its qualities even with repeated freezing and thawing);
  • increased moisture resistance (putty should not absorb excess moisture, deform from collision with water).

The construction of houses, cottages, various buildings is not complete without leveling mixtures, which are used to prepare all surfaces before finishing. For finishing works on the outside, facade putties are used. In this article, we will talk about the types of these finishing materials, their pros and cons, and also provide information on popular manufacturers of these products.

What is a facade putty for?

Facade putty is a paste-like material intended for leveling surfaces made of various materials (concrete, foam blocks, gas blocks, brick, stone, gypsum boards and others). It is used to smooth out cracks, roughness and preparation of the base before performing facade finishing work.

By consistency, they are divided into:

  • starting;
  • finishing.

Starter fillers are coarse-grained and are used for bottom surface finishes. They are adhesive, durable, easy to machine, thanks to which they are good at correcting surface irregularities. The thickness of the layer is 2–20 mm.

Finishing putties have a fine structure and provide a flat, smooth surface prior to decorative finishing. They are not as strong as starter fillers. The layer is applied with a thickness not exceeding 4 mm.

Also, the industry produces universal materials that combine the properties of starting and finishing putties. They are rarely used for work outside.

Finishing materials must have the following qualities:

  • elasticity;
  • vapor permeability;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture resistance.


For exterior finishing works, putties are used that have a cement or polymer base. Facade cement putties are resistant to low temperatures and moisture. For the production of starting cement fillers, quartz sand is used. The composition of finishing cement includes: marble dust (microcalcite); quartz ground sand (marshalite). To improve technical characteristics, chemical additives are introduced into them.


  • resistant to moisture and temperature extremes;
  • unpretentious and inexpensive.


  • shrink;
  • there is a possibility of cracking.

Polymer putties are based on polymer binders, which are divided into two groups:

  • acrylic;
  • latex.

Acrylic - can be both leveling and finishing, intended for outdoor and indoor use. Thanks to the material acrylic, which is their main component, these materials are plastic, moisture resistant and do not flake off. They are used to protect concrete, foam concrete, plastered surfaces. The permissible thickness of the applied layer is 1-3 mm. The surface to which the acrylic filler is applied must be primed.


  • elasticity;
  • high strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • easy to handle.


  • the need for filling in two stages in case of deep damage to the surface;
  • grinding work must be carried out in a respirator.

Latex - made on the basis of latex. They also have leveling and finishing and are used for finishing the facades of houses and interiors. They are produced in the form of ready-made pastes, odorless and emission of harmful substances.


  • durability;
  • plastic;
  • does not crack when dry.


  • high price.

Table: comparison of materials for wall decoration

The cost of 1 kg of the mixture is approximate.

NameBonding baseApplication of a permissible layer (mm)Consumption rate per 1m 2 with a layer of 1 mm (kg)The shelf life of the mixture in a closed and open containerDrying periodCost of 1 kg (in rubles)
Plitonite Kp (in the form of a dry mixture)Polymer-adhesive3 0,9−1 7 days / 20 minutes6 o'clock28
Plitonite Kf (as dry mix)Cement5 1−1,1 4 hours6 o'clock22 (gray) 34 (white)
Facade (as a dry mixture)Cement1−6 1,25−1,6 2 hours4 days22
Bolars Finish SuperPolymer0,2−2 1 24 hours2 days27
Glims Finish-R (dry mix)White cement and polymer1−10 1,2 4 hours24 hours33
Glims Finish-F (dry mix)White cement and polymer1−10 1,2 4 hours24 hours34
Parade Classic S50Acrylic dispersion1 1,8 Not limited2-6 days283
Knauf Multi-Finish ready-to-use pasteCementsolid alignment 1−3; partial 5 mm1,2 3 hours3 days at +10 o C or 24 hours at +20 o C19−21
Osnovit Bazsilk T-30 (in the form of a dry mixture)Cement1−8 1,2−1,4 3 hoursN / a22
Ceresit CT 127 as dry mix)Polymer powders and mineral fillers3 1,2−1,3 24 hours / 3 hours24 hoursN / a

How to choose the right one

Very high requirements are imposed on facade fillers. The most important criterion is resistance to various atmospheric influences. When choosing a finishing material, it is necessary to pay attention to the filler (its fraction) in the material, which determines the evenness of the surface that is being processed. The smaller it is, the smoother the surface. Cement putties have a coarse grain size, although they are more in demand. Ready-made pasty putties have the best qualities. Quality materials should:

  • maintain their plasticity for a long time, that is, have a high "vitality";
  • be easy to handle;
  • quickly set and not crack;
  • be compatible with the applied paints and varnishes.

Popular manufacturers

Ceresit ST 29 (starting) putty has a gypsum base and is used for leveling concrete, cement, lime, brick exterior and interior surfaces of buildings.

It is necessary to work with the putty at a positive temperature of 5 to 32 degrees and use it within 50 minutes. Complete hardening takes 10-16 hours. The admissible layer thickness is 20 mm. Solution consumption 7.2 kg per m2, layer thickness 4 mm. This option is frost-resistant and durable.

Plaster based putty Ceresit C. T. 225 (finishing) is used for decorative finishing. It is applied to the previously primed surface of the starting layer putty. Moisten the brick or concrete surface before applying the filler. The solution is applied within 1 hour from the moment of preparation. Maximum layer thickness 5 mm. Do not add astringent chemicals to the composition. For 1 m² with 1 mm layer, 1.8 kg of the mixture is consumed. The putty has high strength.

Putty Kreisel 662 (universal) cement-lime type, which has high adhesion to various types of surfaces and is intended for use inside and outside work. It is not recommended to apply mortar with a layer thickness of less than 3 mm, as it is subject to shrinkage.

SCANMIX TT putty (starter), cement-based. It has high water resistance and frost resistance, designed for interior and exterior finishing. Concrete and brick walls are leveled with a solution, joints and cracks are filled and covered up. It is applied on a dry, clean surface, the layer thickness can be 4-20 mm. Complete hardening occurs in a day. It is recommended to paint the surface after 48 hours. The putty is prone to shrinkage.

SCANMIX LH STANDART putty (finishing) has a polymer base and is used for various types of surfaces. It has high adhesion, does not shrink, and also has water resistance and strength. Polymerizes throughout the day. Consumption 1.5 kg per m2, layer thickness 3 mm.

Application technology: we do the work ourselves

Facade putty can be applied to the surface in two ways:

  • manual;
  • mechanical.

Mechanical application is carried out under high pressure using a special unit. This method has disadvantages:

  • high requirements for the consistency of the putty;
  • uneven application of layers.

Therefore, in most cases, they prefer to apply the putty by hand.

Before applying the solution, it is necessary to check the surface and clean it from dirt, dust, grease stains. For the adhesion strength of the layers, the prevention of mold and the growth of fungus, the surface is primed with a special solution. Then you need to prepare a mixture for applying it to the surface. If a dry mixture is selected, it must be prepared according to the instructions on the package, and the purchased ready-made mixture is thoroughly mixed. The putty is suitable for application from the moment of its preparation from 30 minutes to 3 hours. First, putty is applied to depressions, cracks and leveled. If the putty is applied in several layers, then each layer must be primed.

In this article, we talked about facade putties that are used to decorate residential buildings and buildings. Houses where such materials are used with subsequent decorative finishing, protect them from atmospheric influences and have an attractive appearance that pleases not only their owners, but also passers-by.

More than half of all residential and public buildings under construction are finished on the facade using the so-called "wet" method using putty and plaster mixtures. They must have certain characteristics in order to serve for a long time without loss of appearance and performance.
In this article, we will talk about what should be a putty for exterior facade work, how to choose and apply it.

In specialized departments of building hypermarkets, eyes run up from the abundance of all kinds of packages with putty. Which one can be used for facades? What is putty in general, and what is the purpose of its application?

Appointment of facade putty and requirements for properties

Any ready-made putty is a paste for eliminating minor surface defects: roughness, cracks, potholes, as well as for leveling it before finishing.
The putty for facade work is divided into two main types:

  • Starting - with a coarse-grained structure, used for preliminary surface preparation. It has increased strength, adhesiveness, is well suited for correcting unevenness in brickwork, concrete slabs, foam blocks and other wall materials, since it can be applied in a layer of up to 20 mm.

  • Finishing - with a fine structure, applied to a surface previously leveled with plaster or starting putty to create a perfectly flat base for decorative finishing. The instruction for such mixtures usually does not recommend applying them with a layer of more than 3-4 mm.

For reference. Also on sale you can find universal compositions suitable for any of the listed types of work and having combined properties. But they are more often used for interior decoration.

In terms of appearance and method of application, mixtures for finishing facades differ little from putties for interior work. But the requirements for their properties are higher.
They must have:

  • Moisture resistance, since they will have to constantly withstand air humidity and precipitation;
  • Frost resistance - to withstand many cycles of freezing and thawing without changing the strength;
  • Elasticity, the ability to adapt to constantly changing temperatures;
  • Water vapor permeability so that the walls of the house can "breathe".

Note! Facade finishing putty can be used indoors, especially with high humidity. But mixtures for interior work are never used for facades.

Types of putties for outdoor use

For finishing external walls, mixtures based on cement or polymer binders are used. In turn, polymer compounds are subdivided into acrylic and latex.

Each of these types has its own characteristics, disadvantages and positive properties.

Type of puttyDignitydisadvantages
Cement facade puttyMoisture resistance High frost resistance Durability, low maintenance Low costShrinks significantly during drying High probability of cracking
Facade acrylic puttyEase of application Elasticity, no shrinkage Moisture resistance DurabilityLow permissible layer thickness: several approaches have to be taken to level out significant defects
Latex based puttyAvailable in a ready-to-use form, does not require mixing Plasticity Durability No shrinkage and crackingHigh price

What to look for when choosing

In addition to resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences, when choosing a material, one should take into account its other characteristics, which affect the appearance of the finished surface and the convenience of working with it.

  • The possibility of mixing with pigments or colourants to give the mixture a specific color. This will allow you to either do without painting at all, or apply just one layer of paint, and any chips or other mechanical damage to the surface will not be so noticeable.

  • Façade putty consumption per 1m2. It depends on the layer thickness as well as on the filler fraction. The smaller it is, the thinner the layer will be when applied. As a rule, large grains of quartz sand are added to the starting compositions, and in the finishing compositions either ground sand or marble dust is used;

Note. Mineral chips up to 3.5-4 mm in size are specially introduced into the decorative finishing putty of the Bark beetle type. When processing a putty surface with a float, these granules leave traces on it, similar to the traces left on wood by the bugs of the same name.

  • Compatibility with paints and varnishes that are planned to be used for decorative wall decoration;
  • The period of setting, hardening of the working mixture;
  • Plasticity, ease of application.

How to properly putty facades

Like plaster, façade putty can be applied mechanically using a special high-pressure mixing unit. But for this, it needs to be given a strictly defined consistency, besides, the hardware method does not guarantee the uniformity of the layer, its equal thickness over the entire plane.
Therefore, it is preferable to apply the composition with your own hands using a conventional tool - a spatula or grater.
Regardless of the method chosen, the base is prepared before finishing: it is cleaned of oil stains, dust and dirt, primed with solutions that provide better adhesion of materials and protect the walls from the appearance and growth of fungal mold.
Before starting work, the finished putty is simply mixed, and the dry mixture is diluted with water according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is better to do this in small portions, since the plasticity of the solution decreases over time: the setting time, depending on the composition, varies from 40 minutes to 2-3 hours.
If there are large defects on the surface, they are first eliminated by filling all cracks, joints, cracks and potholes with a putty. A continuous layer is applied after the patches are dry.

If it is necessary to apply several layers, each of them is dried and primed again. The finished surface can be sanded to achieve perfect smoothness.

Advice. Do not putty the facades in high humidity or extreme heat, when the base is excessively heated by the sun's rays - this will reduce the quality of the finish.


You have probably more than once paid attention to houses finished with decorative plaster and painted in a variety of colors. Each of them looks unique, which is what prompts many homeowners to choose this type of finish.
After watching the video in this article, you will once again be convinced of its merits, as well as gain additional information about both the material itself and the technology of its use.