Painting drywall - step by step instructions. Painting plasterboard ceilings and walls with water-based paint Which paint is suitable for drywall

Drywall is widely used in the interior as dry plaster for leveling the surface of the walls. Decorative arches and partitions are created from solid smooth sheets. Plasterboard painting completes the decoration of the room and protects the gypsum board material from moisture and destruction. You can use various types of paint, make painting, ornaments according to templates. All of them require proper surface preparation and correct paint application. Knowing the features of gypsum, you can easily make original walls and ceiling with your own hands.

We prepare and paint drywall

Plasterboard structures in the interior

We paint drywall ourselves

The strength and flexibility of the gypsum board is used to create interior elements and align walls. Partitions, arches, niches, multi-tiered ceilings are made of drywall. To create a holistic image of a room, a high-quality finish is needed. Sticking wallpaper can be done with your own hands after sealing the seams and places for fasteners. More thorough preparation is required for painting. Such walls look more elegant and retain their appearance much longer.

Matte paint masks micropores on the gypsum surface and visually raises the ceiling and increases the space. Under the glossy coating of the walls, the surface must be cleaned and covered with a finishing primer. The smooth surface of walls and ceilings reflects rays and increases illumination.

For wall painting, drywall is an excellent base. Leveling takes less time and effort than plastering. The exception is the technique of making a fresco. Plaster dries quickly.

Features of sheets of construction cardboard and gypsum

We paint the gypsum board with our own hands

Layered construction board serves as a reinforcement for hard but brittle gypsum. By weight, paper makes up about 8% of the composition. Finely dispersed asbestos over 90%. The technical characteristics of the materials are different. What they have in common is their hygroscopicity. GCR absorbs:

  • moisture from the air;
  • paint;
  • primer;
  • water;
  • other liquids, including dirt.

The paint protects the gypsum board from swelling and destruction. By creating the aesthetic appearance of the room, applying drywall paint, at the same time, increase the life of the walls.

Drywall is produced with improved qualities due to various additives:

  • normal;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fire resistant;
  • soundproofing;
  • increased ductility with microfibers.

Regardless of the type, drywall is prepared for painting in the same way. Additives worsen the vapor permeability of the material and increase its cost. Therefore, sheets of special drywall are used in damp rooms and boiler rooms with good forced ventilation.

Preparing drywall for painting

We paint drywall on the balcony

The walls and ceiling, sheathed with plasterboard, at the first stage are prepared in the same way for any finish. First, joints, corners, and places of installation of fasteners are sealed.

Deep gaps between sheets can be filled with sealant. The corners of the sheet swell and delaminate. It is better to cut them off at an angle, making the joints tapered. After that, the gaps are filled with starting putty. A paint net is applied on top and everything is smoothed out.

The heads of the self-tapping screws that fix the sheet are putty. After that, the protrusions and irregularities are cleaned. The entire surface is primed. Such preparation is sufficient for gluing wallpaper. Is it possible to paint drywall without additional finishing? If you do not need to have smooth beautiful walls, then cover the gypsum board with paint.

Concave corners are sealed with a mesh, just like seams. I recommend installing a special perforated PVC profile on the protruding parts of the structures.

Surface sanding and priming

We paint drywall in the room

Without additional processing, all the places where the walls are putty will stand out, regardless of the type of paint and the number of layers. Before painting the drywall, apply a coat of finishing putty. All irregularities and protrusions must be sanded with sandpaper. Then a layer of primer. If there are depressions of more than 0.5 mm, then the treatment must be repeated.

Advice! For drywall work, choose gypsum-based mixes. They are homogeneous with the composition of the sheets. This ensures good adhesion and uniform shrinkage.

For an even gloss of paint, cover the entire surface of the walls or ceiling with a filler. The number of layers depends on the unevenness of the surface. Thick plaster can shrink and crack. Apply a few thin ones as needed and primer each one. Each layer of material must be completely dry.

The surface of the gypsum plasterboard and gypsum putty absorb moisture differently. All untreated areas of the wall will be highlighted by stains of paint with a different sheen and shade. This is not visible under the wallpaper. For painting, careful preparation is required for the entire surface of the wall.

Alkyd enamel and latex water-based paint for damp rooms

Waterproof alkyd enamel and oil paint. It will reliably protect plasterboard walls from moisture, even outside. It is easy to apply with your own hands and has the following advantages:

  • a large selection of colors;
  • forms a strong protective film;
  • resistant to abrasion;
  • may contain anti-fungal and anti-static additives;
  • easy to clean;
  • retains its appearance for a long time;
  • has good adhesion.

It is enough to apply 2 layers of paint on drywall. Depending on the room, you can choose glossy or matt paint.

Among the disadvantages is a strong smell and the walls under it do not breathe.

Good moisture resistance and latex paint. It is water-based, harmless. In the presence of microcracks, it fills them and reinforces the surface. The color can be obtained by any independent addition of coloring pigments or in the store on a tinting machine. For painting plasterboard ceilings, mainly white is used.

These types of paint will protect even moisture-resistant drywall from water. The disadvantage is low vapor permeability. It is possible to use enamels, oil and latex paints for coating gypsum boards in rooms with good ventilation and when finishing facades sheathed with plasterboard. The next layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Water-based paints for gypsum board

We prime drywall and prepare for painting

In the interior for painting the gypsum board, it is better to choose harmless water-based compositions:

  • water-dispersed;
  • water-based.

The peculiarity of painting walls with aqueous compounds is to apply the next layer of paint to the wet previous one. The finishing procedure is as follows:

  1. Dilute thick paint with water just before use.
  2. Paint over the corners, edges and around the switches and sockets.
  3. Apply the first layer of paint with a roller in a horizontal direction.
  4. The second layer is applied with vertical strokes.

Each coat of paint requires a 90 degree change in roller or brush movement. Given the hygroscopicity of gypsum, it is necessary to ensure uniform drying. There should be no drafts or air currents from the heater and fan.

After evaporation of the water, the paints form a film that can be washed with ordinary substances up to 5 times. Wipe with a damp cloth regularly. The walls are breathing. The ability of gypsum materials to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room is preserved.

Remove color change paint with warm water and a hard sponge. Then it is necessary to prime the surface and, after drying, paint and give the room a new look.

Today drywall is widely used for ceiling and wall decoration. This material has a lot of advantages, one of which is a wide choice of options for its finishing decor. Now you will learn how to paint drywall, while getting the perfect result and spending a minimum of time.

Before proceeding with staining, preparatory work is required, which include:

  • Thorough putty, preferably twice, especially at the joints and grooves where self-tapping screws are screwed in. In this case, the composition must be allowed to dry well.
  • Sanding with sandpaper to get rid of small irregularities and make the structure smoother.
  • Primer application for better adhesion of paint to the work surface.

Of course, drywall sheets themselves are quite even and do not require special preparatory work before painting. But if you want to achieve the perfect result, then they should not be neglected.

How to paint drywall? This question is asked by everyone who is going to decorate this building material. There are three types of paint:

  • Water-based;
  • Water-dispersive;
  • Alkyd enamel.

Each of these varieties does an excellent job with its task, but ultimately it all depends on the desired result. For a small room, alkyd enamel with a glossy texture is better, but water-based emulsion and water-dispersion paint have a matte finish.

As for color, light shades will mask all irregularities and imperfections, while dark ones, on the contrary, will emphasize flaws. So if the drywall surface is flat enough, you can experiment with colors.

How to paint drywall with water-based paint for the perfect effect? Very simple - this coating is perfect for beginners to work with, as it easily fits on any surface. The main properties of a water emulsion include:

  • Creation of a velvety finish layer;
  • Deep penetration into the drywall layer;
  • Environmental safety and lack of toxic odor;
  • A wide range of shades;
  • The ability to easily mix colors with each other.

But this type of paint has its drawbacks - it is high consumption and low moisture resistance.

This paint for drywall is considered preferable because it has a quick-drying effect and covers the drywall material well, and is also not afraid of damp. However, it is quite toxic and may not be used in all rooms. Moreover, its price is quite high.

Water-based paint

In another way, it is called water-repellent. So, asking yourself the question of how to paint a drywall ceiling with such paint, you need to take into account its properties:

  • High drying speed;
  • No smell;
  • The ability to wash the surface many times;
  • Long-lasting color without yellowing.

Typically, acrylic, silicate or silicone additives are included in this paint, which affect its effectiveness.

How to paint drywall correctly, taking into account all the main points:

  • It is advisable to apply the paint in three layers - the first and third vertically, and the second horizontally.
  • You need to carefully paint over the corners.
  • The paint should be on all working surfaces of the roller.
  • Do not take breaks during staining, otherwise irregularities may appear.
  • Do not change the tool while painting.
  • Water-based paint is diluted with water, and enamel with a solvent.
  • First of all, it is necessary to paint over the joints, and the rest of the surface only after they are dry.
  • Before overcoating, wipe down the walls or ceiling with a damp cloth to remove any accumulated dust.
  • The pile from the roller and brush must be removed immediately or wait until dry and go over them with fine sandpaper.
  • Windows and doors should be closed, the heaters should be turned off so that the paint does not dry out too quickly. Otherwise, ugly "streaks" will form, which will be difficult to get rid of.

How to paint drywall walls correctly - first you need to know that the process begins around the perimeter from window and door openings. In corners and along windows, paint can be applied with a brush. In addition, to proceed with the second coat, the first must be completely dry.

The walls are covered with water-based emulsion in 2-3 layers and they are sure to wait for them to dry. And in order to get a uniform strip, it is better not to tear the roller off the surface. At the same time, the coloring tool should not be changed, since each of them has its own finishing pattern.

Ceiling painting takes place in several stages using a velor roller (or another, most importantly, with a short nap). As with painting walls, it is better to spread two or three thin layers than one thick one. At the same time, the stripes need to be done not along the room, but across, since they are shorter, which means they will less highlight the joints.

According to paint manufacturers, this stage should not be neglected; it is better to putty the surface and even more than once. Saving without this will be dubious, and there will be many problems. But if you nevertheless decide, then the workspace needs to be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner and the finishing areas should be especially carefully sanded.

How to paint drywall like wood, stone or any other ornament? The technology is quite simple:

  • First, create a pattern or draw a sketch;
  • Transfer it schematically to a wall or ceiling;
  • Cover the area that is painted first with masking tape or stencil;
  • The next area must be covered with a layer of paint only when the previous one has dried.

Drywall painting does not require special skill, but a lot of time is spent on it. It is necessary to wait for each layer of paint to dry, carefully putty, prime and clean the surface before applying it. However, plasterboard material is considered one of the most pleasant for finishing - the main thing is to choose the right finish and shade, and then everything will definitely work out!

A fairly effective way of leveling the ceiling and walls is to use drywall. With its help, you can form multi-level relief structures with bizarre shapes. However, leveling the surface is only the first stage of finishing work. The base still needs to be painted.

This method is one of the simplest solutions for refining drywall. At first glance, staining may seem like a fairly straightforward task. However, the surface of the sheets still needs to be eliminated from minor flaws, as well as work hard on the preparation of the canvases. If you want to use paint that will mix with the color scheme, you will also need to carry out a color test.

Do you need preparation

Quite often, plasterboard walls and ceilings are painted with different colors, in this case it will be necessary to outline the contours. Each separate section of the ceiling or wall will have to be painted in several layers. As practice shows, the most difficult stage is the preparation stage. Even if there are no special requirements for the quality of the work, you will have to try, because the appearance of the surface ultimately depends on how well the base is prepared. After applying the first coat of paint, you will have to wait a certain time. It is usually indicated in the instructions and can last from 4 hours to a day.

Surface preparation

If you will be painting, drywall must first be covered with putty. This stage is mandatory, because during the installation of the canvases, seams are formed that must be repaired, otherwise they will be visible. There may be gouges and dents on the surface, which quite often remain from fasteners. Before finishing drywall, wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove debris and dust.

The base must dry well, as the application of the mixture on a wet surface is unacceptable. The second step is priming, you can use a spray or brush for this. It is important to exclude even the slightest drafts. Drywall sheets are then left to dry.

Painting is often used today, drywall can also be refined in this way. Putty is applied to its surface with a rubber spatula. The seams should be reinforced with a serpentine. It is also important to close up the grooves that remain from the fasteners. The putty should be applied to the joints, which should not be visible at the time of painting. Once everything is dry, grouting can be done using a mesh or sandpaper.

Why putty plasterboard

Many novice home craftsmen are wondering how to putty drywall for painting. This is discussed in the article, but it is also important to understand why this stage of preparation is needed. Even if the canvases are quite even, then you should not give up the putty. This will reduce paint consumption. In addition, you can hide the green tint of the surface.

Even if you apply the paint in several layers, you will not get a good result. The only exception is the case when the color of the paint matches the shade of the material itself. How to putty drywall for painting, you will learn if you familiarize yourself with the material. The need for this stage should not be neglected, because otherwise the joints between the canvases will have to be filled with expensive paint, which in this case has to be applied in the number of layers equal to four. Choosing a high-quality paint, you pay more than buying a putty, with which the surface of the drywall is prepared.

Choice of paint

Painting is quite popular today, drywall, after you have installed it on the ceiling, walls or floor, must also be finished. For this, alkyd enamel may be suitable, which, after drying, forms a glossy surface. In this case, existing errors, defects and shortcomings may remain visible. Therefore, when performing work, beginners are advised to choose a water emulsion. On sale, it is presented in different versions.

The water emulsion makes the drywall matte, you can add color to its composition to achieve the desired shade. However, it is better to refuse this mixture if you plan to operate under conditions of high humidity.

If you will be painting, drywall after completion of such work should look attractive. Therefore, the purpose of the room should be taken into account. The above-described water emulsion is suitable for almost any living space. For the kitchen and bathroom, it is better to prefer water-based mixtures, which are designed for conditions with high humidity.

Water-based acrylic paint is also quite popular today. With its help, you can achieve a matte or glossy surface. As a result, it will be possible to form a layer that is resistant to moisture. This option is ideal for bathrooms. Depending on the method of application, the paint will have a certain consumption. If you want high productivity, a roller is the best choice. The foam rubber variety should be discarded. Additionally, you should prepare a brush, with its help you can paint hard-to-reach places.

Marking and pasting of contours for painting with different paints

Painting a plasterboard ceiling can involve applying a composition with different shades to one surface. To do this, separate areas with a pencil or chalk. Use to define the outline. As soon as one area has been painted and it is completely dry, you can pull the tape by the edge and tear it off, proceeding to paint the rest of the ceiling or walls.

Dyeing process

If you have prepared a drywall ceiling for painting, then it is important to stock up on some tools. Among others, the brush should be highlighted. With its help, the perimeter of the area is painted, on which the composition will have to be applied before the others. For this, a flat brush with a width ranging from 60 to 80 mm is used.

The paint can be poured into a paint bath, which will make it easy to roll around the roller. With its help, it will be possible to paint the rest of the area. The roller is dipped in paint, and then, using a stand, the composition will need to be distributed over its surface. When applying each layer, the roller must be rolled in one direction. One strip should be carried out several times so that the paint is evenly distributed.

A large surface should be painted with stripes that will be located perpendicular to the direction of movement of the roller. Their width can vary from 60 to 80 cm. As soon as the paint has been rolled out from the roller, you should walk the tool over the newly painted area. Do not touch the roller to the place where the paint has already begun to set. This will happen 5 minutes after applying the mixture.

Each next layer should be directed perpendicular to the previous one. It should be started only after the mixture has completely dried. Painting drywall walls can be tricky. For example, you may have noticed that some areas have been stained with excess composition. Do not remove the mixture at a time when the paint has already dried a little. It will be possible to cope with the task only after it has been fully grasped. Excess can be removed with sandpaper, and then paint the area again. The process of applying glossy paint is more complicated. The appearance of noticeable streaks and streaks can only be avoided if you have certain skills in carrying out such work.

The technology for applying a water-based emulsion is somewhat different from that described above. Each next layer can be applied according to the composition, which is still wet. There should be two or three layers in total. If you have to work with the ceiling, then you can apply the paint in two layers, the first of which should be located across the room, the second along. When you plan to apply the third layer, it should be directed along the room, while the second - across. Dealing with the sequence is very simple: the last layer should be applied along the room.

Painting plasterboard walls with enamel

If you will be painting drywall with your own hands, you can use enamel. However, the technique is somewhat more complex. The process will take a long time, because you have to wait until each layer of paint dries, and such a composition will cost more than water-based mixtures.

The material is applied in zigzag or chaotic lines. Until the moment it has not yet dried, the composition is shaded using a brush. The second layer is applied along the room in strips that overlap each other. Usually two coats are enough to achieve a good result.

It is necessary to start painting from the corners, it does not matter what they are - wall or ceiling. You can purchase an angle roller for this. The places where the switches and sockets will be installed should be painted with a brush, stepping back 3 cm. The movements of the tool should be directed from the ceiling to the floor.

Stir the paint well before starting the process. If we are talking about a water-based composition, then it is diluted with water, while solvents are used for enamels in this case. Drywall is primed before painting, for this it is recommended to use an acrylic compound. The joints between the canvases are painted first. Once these areas are dry, you can start painting the entire surface.


Quite often, drywall is used today to level walls. Painting, plastering of this material is necessary if you want to make the ceiling, walls and floor aesthetically pleasing. However, it is important not only to choose the right paint, but also to use the preparation method. For example, it will be necessary to apply a putty to the surface, which allows you to get rid of errors that arise in the process of inaccurate loading.

As a result, the sheets can become covered with dents and scratches, and their corners are knocked down. All these errors can be hidden with a regular putty. Drywall finishing for painting will still be needed, even if the transportation was carried out very carefully. After all, the sheets of material are installed using self-tapping screws - the places from the caps will need to be filled.

Drywall is a very popular option for building partitions, leveling walls and arranging a ceiling. This material can be pasted over with wallpaper, tiled. But the RMNT website decided to tell you how to paint drywall correctly, because this is a very common type of finish.

First, let's decide on the choice of paint. Immediately, we note that due to the chemical composition of oil-based paints, it is not recommended to use on drywall! They can just ruin the surface.

Therefore, choose one of the following options:

  • Water dispersive.
  • Enamel.
  • Water-based paints.

The most popular are precisely water-based paints, although their consumption is slightly higher than that of enamel paints. They perfectly hide small flaws, small irregularities, have no smell, unlike enamel ones, which contain a solvent. Water-based paint is very easy to rinse off and wash off, so cleaning after painting will be simple.

Important! For bathrooms and kitchens, choose a moisture-resistant water-based paint.

Paint consumption can be calculated using online calculators. On average, 3.2 kilograms of water-based paint is used to paint in two layers of an area of ​​10 square meters. Take it with a margin! Especially if you plan to add color. It will be incredibly difficult to recreate the same shade, even if you paint it first.

Important! There are acrylic, silicate, silicone and mineral water-based paints. All of them are suitable for painting drywall.

Of course, the plasterboard wall or ceiling will need to be prepared before painting. The site portal has already told you how to putty a drywall surface using the example of a ceiling. Work on the wall is carried out in a similar way, it will be even easier here. Then you need a primer. Don't skimp on this process! The paint will lay down better, and its consumption will be noticeably less.

To apply paint to a prepared wall or drywall ceiling, you can use:

  • Spray gun. An ideal choice if you have a lot of work to do.
  • Roller. For enamel paint with nap not more than 4 millimeters, for water-based paint - up to 8 millimeters. Use the same roller attachment in the same room. If you want to get texture, choose a nozzle with a pile higher than 8 millimeters.

Important! We do not recommend choosing a foam roller for painting drywall!

  • Brushes. Needed anyway. With a narrow brush, you can paint on places where the roller fails, including in the corners, on foam or polyurethane skirting boards.

In addition to these basic tools, you will need a roller tray. Yes, you can cut the plastic bottle horizontally, but in a special tray it will be easier to remove excess paint by rolling a roller over the corrugated surface. In addition, if you need to protect adjacent areas or the shade of paint will be different, you will need masking tape.

To work on the ceiling, you can use a roller with a telescopic long handle, but a stepladder or building racks are still needed to work with a brush in the corners and baseboards.

We recommend starting from the corners where you will have to work with a brush. Circle the entire perimeter of the area to be painted. Now we take a roller, dip it in paint and roll it three or four times over the surface of the bath in order to evenly distribute it and get rid of excess. We paint the walls, of course, from top to bottom.

Roll the roller over the surface in one direction three to four times. Then, before the paint has time to dry, we advise you to walk again with a practically dry roller in order to accurately get rid of drips and evenly distribute the finish.

Important! Drywall is always painted in at least two layers, when the first is completely dry! Under one layer of paint, the putty will definitely remain visible. According to experts, it is better if there are three layers, but this is at your discretion, depending on the result obtained after the second paint application. By the way, the second layer of paint takes noticeably less.

We advise you to check the quality of the painting with a bright lamp, a lantern, which should be directed at a wall or ceiling at an angle. So you will definitely notice problem areas that will have to be repainted.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in painting the prepared drywall, even a beginner can handle it. Putty usually takes longer.

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Plasterboard is a popular material that is used for various purposes: it can be used to level floors, build partitions and arches, and make furniture. GKL sheets are good because they easily lend themselves to any processing. In order for the coating to look proper, it needs to be painted over.

Advantages of painting

Many varieties of paints and varnishes are sold in stores today. They differ from each other not only in shades, but also in composition, as well as in operational characteristics.

Each consumer can choose a suitable composition that will harmoniously fit into his home. Also paintable as a drywall finish many people choose because of the large number of other positive qualities:

  • Any paint easily and without problems falls on drywall sheets. Painting this material will not take a lot of time, effort and money.
  • Thanks to the wide range, drywall can be finished with paint of absolutely any shade and texture.
  • GKL sheets can be painted multiple times, if necessary.
  • As a result of high-quality finishing work, the plasterboard base will acquire a more expensive and aesthetic appearance.

Of course, in order to achieve good results, you will need to prepare the plasterboard base. After that, the paintwork will lay on it better and will hold more reliably.

Selection and calculation of paintwork materials

Drywall can be coated with different paints. Below are the most popular options for paints and varnishes.


For finishing drywall, water-dispersion compositions (or water-based) are most often used. Such paints consist of a binder base and coloring pigments diluted with an aqueous medium.

Water-based paints are in great demand. They are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • such paint is environmentally friendly and safe for human health;
  • even after many years, water-based paints do not peel off from the bases, maintaining an attractive appearance;
  • no cracks remain on the dried water-based coating;
  • such paints are applied quickly and easily - they can even be used in bathrooms;
  • it takes little time to completely dry the composition;
  • water-based paint can have absolutely any shade.

The main types of water-based paints are:

  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate;
  • mineral.


The main component of acrylic paints is acrylic resins. Such mixtures are easily applied not only to drywall sheets, but also to brick, concrete, glass and wood. However, acrylic paints are not cheap, which is why consumers often refuse to buy them in favor of more affordable products.

It should be borne in mind that acrylic paints are not afraid of high temperatures.

Under their influence, such paintwork materials do not lose their properties and their original appearance. In addition, acrylic paints boast a long service life without fading or cracking. Aggressive ultraviolet rays are not terrible for such paintwork - under their influence, the paint will not turn yellow and will not lose its former saturation.


Silicone paints are no less popular and in demand. They are also not afraid of sunlight, are highly durable and are not afraid of high temperatures. Most buyers choose silicone formulations, since they are suitable for almost any substrate. On drywall, these mixtures fit perfectly.

In addition, silicone paints are highly elastic. Thanks to this feature, such finishing materials are able to hide some defects on the bases, for example, small cracks or scratches. Also silicone mixtures are resistant to alkali attack.


Silicate paints are no less reliable and durable - they are used for both interior and exterior decoration. Such mixtures are perfect for drywall, and it can be pre-filled or covered with plaster - silicate paint will lay on such bases without any problems.


For repair work, mineral paint is often purchased. Such products are distinguished by good vapor permeability. Thanks to this important quality, mold and mildew do not appear on the finished substrate, as it becomes "breathable".

In addition, mineral paints do not contain aggressive chemicals and harmful compounds.


Modern oil paints are one of the varieties of mineral compositions. They can also be used for finishing plaster substrates. However, it should be borne in mind that the application of such a mixture is more difficult than painting the bases with water-based compositions, and it takes a long time to dry this finish.

Before applying oil paint, it is necessary to prepare the plasterboard surface as thoroughly and efficiently as possible. It is also worth considering that it will be problematic to apply any other decorative materials on such a basis in the future - only those mixtures that have a similar composition will keep on the oil surface.

The main advantages of oil formulations are:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength and durability;
  • affordable price;
  • not susceptible to mechanical damage;
  • the ability to use for both indoor and outdoor decoration of premises.

Before purchasing suitable paints and varnishes, you should correctly calculate their required volume.

First you need to decide exactly what paint you need to purchase for drywall. To calculate how much paint mixture is needed for finishing, you need to know the parameters of the gypsum base - length, width, height.

In addition, many manufacturers indicate the average paint consumption on their branded packaging - most often it is 1 kg of mixture per 5 sq. m. But you should be careful - many products are sold in stores, which differ not in the most democratic consumption, which exceeds the indicators indicated on the box. To do this, you need to know in advance the area that needs to be finished.

Tools and methods of application

If you decide to paint drywall bases in the house yourself, then you should buy the following tools and accessories from a specialized store:

  • a clean container as a paint bath;
  • a roller and brushes (a small pile is more suitable for paint with a glossy texture, a medium one for a matte texture, and a long version can be used to give the layer a certain texture);
  • mesh;
  • suitable paint and varnish composition;
  • construction mixer with a special attachment;
  • stepladder (especially if you need to decorate the ceiling);
  • protective devices: goggles and gloves.


As a rule, paint is applied to gypsum plasterboard bases with preliminary preparation and marking - only after that you can proceed directly to painting the bases. However, this method of applying the finishing material does not end there either. At the very end, you need to close all the joints, and also make the final touches. Only in this case, the finish of the gypsum board sheets will look neat and attractive.

Surface preparation

Before proceeding to painting drywall bases, they must be properly prepared.

To do this, you need to do the following:

  • first, you should clean the surface of the plasterboard base from dirt and dust - it must be perfectly clean;
  • after that, the base must be treated with a high-quality primer;
  • it is recommended to completely putty the plasterboard sheets before painting (if you neglect this stage of work, then the paint consumption can significantly increase);
  • it is imperative to fill with putty the joints using serpyanka between the gypsum plasterboards (do not forget to putty the caps of the screws screwed into the gypsum plasterboard sheets);

  • after that you need to wait until the putty is completely dry;
  • then it is necessary to clean all the irregularities present on the surface of the base (such defects quite often remain after the solution has solidified);
  • the base should be cleaned until it becomes completely even and smooth;
  • then you need to walk over the base with a primer mixture again (experts recommend applying the primer in several layers - this will ensure optimal uniform penetration of the paint into the inner part of the material).

Do not neglect the above stages of finishing work - otherwise the paint may lie unevenly and last not so long. If all the work was done correctly, then the result should be a neat and completely putty surface with an even layer of primer.


Layout is not always required for plasterboard substrates. It is recommended to refer to it if you do not plan to trim the base in one color. Marking is indispensable if you want to apply colored drawings or original patterns to gypsum bases.

To do this, the base must be divided into separate areas, which will later be used to apply paint of different shades. On the surface of the plaster base, you need to draw thin lines using a special construction pencil. Now the outer zone of the side that will be painted first is “fenced off” with a strip of glued tape.

As soon as one of the areas is completely painted and completely dry, masking tape can be applied to its edge and start painting the rest of the surface.


It is quite possible to paint drywall with your own hands. In this case, the technology for applying paintwork materials is quite simple and straightforward.

Below is the order of these finishing works:

  • Any paint must be applied to drywall in several layers.
  • The paint and varnish solution should be poured into a clean tray, into which it will be convenient to lower the roller.
  • Through the first layer applied, the putty and any areas that differ in their color will be noticeable. Subsequent layers of paint will mask these imperfections.
  • It is recommended to use a brush first. She needs to finish the entire perimeter of the area that needs to be painted first.
  • You need to take a bath of paint and lower the roller into it to the end. When the finishing material on the tool runs out, it must be lowered with one side into the dish, rolling further along the inclined part.