Do-it-yourself foam block garage stages. Do-it-yourself foam block garage - stages and rules of construction

Building a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

The choice of material for the construction of a garage is a responsible task. It is important to ensure reliable protection of the car, the stability of the structure and a long service life. Along with gas blocks, bricks and wood, foam concrete is widely used, which allows you to quickly and inexpensively build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands. Consider the features of the technology, the specifics of design and the algorithm for determining the need for material.

How to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands

For foam blocks are used, due to the following advantages:

  • low price level. The low cost estimate for construction allows construction using foamed concrete blocks for developers with limited financial capabilities;

The construction of a garage cannot be approached according to the residual principle: “blinded from what was”

  • small mass of blocks with increased dimensions. The light weight of the products allows you to reduce the load on the base and use strip foundation for the construction of a two-story garage with an attic;
  • increased strength properties. The increased margin of safety makes it possible to ensure the stability of buildings, including larger ones (6 by 6), designed for 2 cars;
  • low thermal conductivity. When using foamed concrete for the construction of a garage, there will be no problems maintaining a comfortable temperature, since the blocks retain heat well;
  • ease of laying. Building a garage yourself or attaching a car storage room to an existing building is not difficult, given that when we build, special lifting equipment is not required.

Attention! Giving preference to foam concrete for the construction of a garage structure, do not forget that the structure of the material and the thickness of the walls do not allow the blocks to "breathe". To remove the resulting condensate and reduce the level of humidity, it is necessary to equip the ventilation of the supply and exhaust type, equipped with an electric fan.

Having studied the characteristics of foam blocks, it is necessary to correctly perform a set of preparatory work:

  • carry out engineering and geodetic surveys to determine the level of groundwater, the depth of freezing and soil features;

AT last years building a garage from foam blocks has become extremely popular among car owners

  • decide which design option to choose - a two-story with an attic, for 2 cars 7 by 6 in size or for one car with an increased size (6x4);
  • develop a project that takes into account the features of the structure, the connection of supply systems electrical energy and water supply;
  • determine how best to lay the foam blocks, calculate the need for building material, get acquainted with the construction technology in detail;
  • calculate the amount of the estimate for the construction of the building, taking into account design features garage and shipping costs building materials in a garage cooperative or in the country.

Important! The official document that allows you to start the construction of a building is a building permit, which must be issued in advance.

Let us consider in detail the technology of building a garage building from foam blocks with our own hands. It is important to figure out how to fold the walls to ensure their stability. Carry out construction activities, following the sequence of operations:

  • Mark out the building site using twine and wooden pegs. Check the presence of right angles by measuring the diagonals, the difference in size of which should not exceed 1 cm. Be guided by the dimensions indicated in the project. Pay special attention to the absence of obstacles that impede the free opening of the gate of the future building.

Building a garage from a foam block with your own hands begins with laying the foundation

  • Prepare the foundation of the garage space, depending on the characteristics of the soil. As the foundation of a building located on heaving soil, a slab foundation can be used, buried below the freezing level. In this case, the arrangement of a viewing hole or basement is excluded. On dense soil, the stability of the building will provide a tape-type foundation.
  • Waterproof the base of the building. Protection of walls from moisture is carried out using roofing material, which is laid on the surface of the foundation. Reliable fastening of the waterproofing layer is ensured by smearing the surface of the base and roofing material with bituminous mastic.
  • Install exit gates, which will be securely fixed during the construction of walls. Fix embedded elements around the perimeter of the gate frame, which will ensure the immobility of the structure in the foam block masonry. Cover the gate with a primer that protects the metal from corrosion.
  • Build walls. Start laying from the corners of the building, ensuring that the foam blocks are offset by 30-50% of the length. Thoroughly coat the joints with special glue or cement mortar. Control the levelness of the masonry using the building level. Reinforce masonry with reinforcement every three rows. Provide openings for laying ventilation lines.
  • Build an armored belt around the perimeter of the walls, designed to evenly distribute efforts. Gain outline fill concrete mortar it is produced in an installed formwork 30 cm high, in which a frame of steel reinforcement is placed.
  • Build a viewing hole, concrete the floor, and pour concrete into the inclined blind area around the outer perimeter of the building. Pay attention to the need to build a drainage system with closely spaced groundwater. Fill the floor with concrete grade M150.

Beginners most often use ordinary cement-sand mortar for masonry

Attention! At the stage of acquiring the material, pay attention to the absence of cracks, chips and the flatness of the surface of the products. Minimum Thickness joints is achieved using a special adhesive that reduces heat loss by reducing the thickness of the "cold bridges".

Having completed the construction of the box of the garage room, proceed to the final stage of construction activities - the arrangement of the truss structure and the installation of the roof.

The construction of the roof of the garage - the final stage of work

Possible various options garage roof structures

  • shed roof. Is the most common option. It is carried out by concreting transverse beams or installing reinforced concrete slab with subsequent coating of the surface with waterproofing material;
  • duo-slope tent-type construction. Formed by stacking wooden beams ceilings to which it is fixed roof structure. The trusses installed along the cord are fastened with a crate and covered with metal tiles or ordinary slate;

Laying on the walls wooden beams ceilings, truss legs of the attic structure are attached to them

  • mansard roof. Allows rational use of the available area and is widely used in garage cooperatives, where the standard area of ​​​​the premises is clearly not enough. In addition, it warms the room, which can be used all year round.

Consider the construction technology of a common pitched roof:

  1. Cut I-beam blanks whose length exceeds the width of the building by 40–50 cm.
  2. Install and fix across the garage walls at intervals of 0.8 m steel I-beams.
  3. Fasten inside the garage at the bottom of the board beams, the thickness of which is 4 cm.
  4. Place a rolled roofing material on top of the boards, bent along the edges of the future floor by 10-15 cm.
  5. Pour expanded clay or other insulating material on the roofing material.
  6. Concrete a concrete mortar screed on top of the insulation, ensuring a thickness of 4–6 cm.
  7. After the concrete has hardened, treat the surface with bituminous mastic and carefully waterproof with a roofing material.

Attention! Ensure that the beam structure protrudes evenly beyond the contour of the garage walls by 20–25 cm. This will ensure that the walls are protected from the negative effects of precipitation.

Development of a garage project from foam blocks

Construction activities are based on the design results. The project provides full information on the design of the building and the type of foundation used, taking into account the characteristics of the soil and the level of groundwater.

In preparation for construction, they determine the purpose of the building: a garage for one or two cars, with or without a specially equipped place for things

results Vote

Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


Where would you prefer to live: in a private house or apartment?


There are different approaches to the design stage:

  • individual project development using special software tools or by developing an elementary drawing or sketch. Allows you to perform work without financial investments;
  • involvement of design organizations that will develop detailed documentation and take into account all the nuances. The work is performed under a contract and requires financing;
  • the use of a standard development, which is easy to independently adapt to individual requirements for the construction of a garage space.

A standard project contains the following information:

  • peculiarities appearance the buildings;
  • type of facade decoration;
  • dimensions and number of storeys of the building;
  • internal layout;
  • materials used for construction.

Regardless of whether a two-story building for 1 car will be erected or a large garage for 2 cars will be built, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • the presence of a viewing hole that allows you to service the vehicle;

In the case of self-construction of the building, a diagram with the designation of elements and dimensions is also suitable.

  • arrangement of the basement to ensure the safety of the crop and conservation;
  • the need to install racks, workbenches, the arrangement of additional work areas.

Attention! An 18-square-meter garage with an internal height of up to 3 m provides roomy accommodation passenger car and allows you to install workbenches for minor repairs.

How many foam blocks are needed for a garage - calculation algorithm

Using the calculator, it is easy to calculate the number of foam blocks needed to build a garage. For its construction, building blocks with dimensions of 60x30x20 cm. Depending on the position of the block during masonry, it is possible to provide a wall thickness of 20 or 30 cm. The calculation algorithm is quite simple:

  1. The number of blocks in square meter masonry.
  2. The resulting value is multiplied by the surface area of ​​the walls, excluding openings.

The result obtained is the total need for foam blocks.

Attention! Specialized sites on construction topics allow online, using the built-in calculator, to calculate how many pieces of foam blocks are needed for construction.

The number of foam blocks for construction, respectively, is: the number of blocks in 1 row x the number of rows = 37 x 10 = 370 blocks

How to make a foundation for a garage of foam blocks with your own hands

Developers are interested in what kind of foundation is needed for a garage made of lightweight foam blocks. Two options are possible depending on the characteristics of the soil:

  • tape. A light foundation with a depth of 50–70 cm and a width of 30–40 cm is carried out on stable soils that are not prone to frost heaving, with a groundwater level deeper than 2.5 m;
  • slab. A solid foundation slab, reinforced with steel bars, ensures the stability of the garage space, moving along with the building on heaving soil.

Important! By giving preference to a monolithic slab, you exclude the possibility of building a basement and a viewing hole. For their arrangement better fit tape base or combined option strip foundation with pile supports.

Consider how to fill a tape-type foundation:

  1. Dig a trench with design dimensions.
  2. Fill the bottom of the trench with gravel and sand and compact.
  3. Install shield formwork.
  4. Assemble and install inside the pit reinforcing cage.
  5. Concrete the foundation and carefully compact with a vibrator.

Attention! The laying of the walls can be carried out after 4 weeks, when the final hardening of the concrete is completed.

Do-it-yourself construction of a garage room from foam blocks will significantly reduce costs. Experience gained from self erection garage, will always come in handy. It is possible that he will bring closer the dream of building his own house.

On the site: Author and editor of articles on the site site
Education and work experience: Higher technical education. Experience in various industries and construction sites - 12 years, of which 8 years - abroad.
Other skills and abilities: Has the 4th group of the admission on electrical safety. Performing calculations using large data arrays.
Current employment: For the last 4 years he has been acting as an independent consultant in a number of construction companies.

The construction of a garage can be carried out from the most different materials, but not all of them are equal in their qualities. On an empty site, it is worth starting with a garage, since even before building a house on a new site, it will be necessary to provide a place to store tools and materials. The benefit of this construction procedure is that it will be possible to park the car, arriving to control the work of the builders.


In advance, you need to decide exactly how the garage will be made, what the circle of auxiliary functions will be, whether it will be possible to build a structure with your own hands or you will have to turn to specialists. All car storages, depending on the location in relation to the main building, are divided into built-in, attached and autonomous structures. Extensions differ from built-in objects in that they have only one common wall with the house and a single entrance for two structures.

It is important to remember that separate buildings should be placed 9 m from the main dwelling and 10 m from structures in neighboring areas.

The floor of a garage made of foam blocks can be above ground (the entire structure is raised above the ground) or partially underground (with a recess in the ground by 1/3 or ½). Partially underground buildings are built exclusively on dry solid soil, The groundwater in which they lie deep. Underground structures go into the ground up to the roof, and sometimes there is still an earthen layer on it.

The advantages of using a foam block over other types of blocks are:

  • cost savings;
  • ease of construction;
  • no need for strong foundations;
  • low thermal conductivity.

Such an attractive design will also be easy to build, because there is no need for heavy equipment and high labor costs.

The excellent characteristics of foam concrete are explained by its chemical composition and unique manufacturing technology. It allows you to create a porous structure, while preventing the penetration of air bubbles. As a result, compared to aerated concrete structures, the following valuable properties are much more pronounced:

  • thermal protection;
  • resistance to cold;
  • protection from extraneous sounds.

Because the foam block turns out to be ideal solution even for relatively damp terrain. It does not require special external finishing; in contrast, gas-block structures left open will quickly crack from contact with water. As for the cinder block, it is always heavier and does not provide the necessary warmth to the structure, so it needs to be insulated.

Projects and ideas

Designing a garage is very important, it is no less significant than when building a full-fledged residential building. Usually they try to make a project in the format of a drawing, only with minor difficulties in work can one restrict oneself to drawing up a sketch. Standard variant a foam block garage for 2 cars can always be found on specialized Internet resources or done manually in any graphic editor.

It is important to bear in mind that any plan is supposed not only to be drawn up according to certain rules, but also to be coordinated with supervisory services.

Controllers check:

  • whether the specifics of soils and their structure are taken into account;
  • whether the project corresponds to the actual level of groundwater;
  • whether the work on drainage and removal of sediments is adequately reflected;
  • whether there are violations of the property rights of other persons to land;
  • whether the number of storeys of the building and its area are justified;
  • whether fire and sanitary safety standards are observed;
  • is the building reliable in engineering terms;
  • whether the drawings show the arrangement of communications.

For the individual developers themselves, other parameters will be no less significant - the thickness of the walls, the structural material used, the need for it (how many cubes of foam blocks are needed and how much finishing materials in the end). If you do not work manually, but contact the design company , it will be possible to obtain, in addition to this, an accurate calculation of the cost of the necessary structures. It will not be possible to calculate the need for gas blocks or other types of materials on your own with the same accuracy without having special knowledge at the proper level.

Important nuances

There are quite a few subtleties that must be taken into account. Literally at every stage of the construction of a foam concrete garage, such nuances are present, which is why they must be disassembled in stages.


Marking is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions of the project; stakes and a cord are used for it. The depth of laying the foundation should be below the freezing layer if the soil is prone to heaving (in this case, basements or even viewing holes cannot be built). On dry and dense soil, it is recommended to equip monolithic foundation belt type a.

Many people try to build two-storey garage, in which case it should be at least:

  • 6 m from the windows of the nearest neighbor's house;
  • 1 m from the border of your own site;
  • 3 m from the wall of your own residential building;
  • 1 m from the fence (so as not to create excessive shading of crops growing behind it).

But this is all - the requirements of regulations, and for builders greater value It has exact calculation the number of foam blocks used. good project provides for sizing, taking into account the organization of inspection pits, basements, the depth of groundwater and soil structure. The typical size of slabs (blocks) is 600x300x200 mm, the thickness of the masonry is 0.2 or 0.3 m. Dividing the length of the walls by the parameters of a separate block, you need to round the result up.

When calculating the number of rows, it is assumed that the typical height of garages is 300 cm (if it differs in a particular case, the figure will be different). The height of one block is 30 cm, that is, with a standard value, you need to put ten rows. Do not forget about the need to subtract the foam blocks to be replaced:

  • gates and gates;
  • window openings;
  • openings for doors.

A garage with dimensions of 5x6x3 m will require approximately 320 units of foam blocks. It is also required to take into account the thickness of the seams and the probable production or transportation defect. The creation of a reserve of 5% helps to avoid additional purchases of material.


Construction using foam concrete has its own characteristics, and the tools for work are also different. You will definitely need a container where the solution will be mixed, as well as a mixer that facilitates this work. As a kneading device, it is recommended to use a hammer drill, which is more productive than a drill and is able to withstand a significant load. It is recommended to mark the blocks when working with a tape measure, a square and a pencil. Using a special square, mark the sides of the block perpendicularly.

An important role is played by the use of tools for vertical and horizontal evenness., since these parameters determine the strength of the building, the amount of material consumption and the cost of work. This is primarily a level, and experts recommend using several at once. building levels, at least laser and hydraulic types. Especially for giving desired shape construction of foam blocks, metal grips are used (angled clamps form outside corners the buildings). You can cut foam concrete with electric and hand tools, adjusting individual faces is done with an ordinary saw or a special saw for processing foam blocks.

Shtroby for laying reinforcement and technical communications they are laid with a wall chaser (the choice between electric and manual mechanisms is determined by the required performance). When the blocks are laid properly, you need to put glue in the form of grooves. It is not difficult to do this work with a “comb” trowel, however, if there is a lot of work to be done, it is recommended to use buckets with serrated edges. The bunker type carriage can have a different width, which is determined by the width of the stacked blocks. With this tool, you can work more accurately, spend less time trimming smudges and reduce consumption. mortar generally.

To trim the stacking of blocks and compact their placement, rubber hammers are used. To give accurate geometric shapes and it is advisable to apply relief corrections sandpaper the largest faction.


Foam concrete - relatively lightweight material at least compared to brick. Therefore, the selection of the type of foundation is determined by the properties of the soil. Most often, developers choose strip foundations, and only in the most difficult soil is it recommended to use a pile or monolithic type designs. The "tape" has two subtypes - with different levels deepening. Significant penetration into the soil is necessary if groundwater is located above 200-250 cm in depth. When it is required to build a small garage on clay soil, experts prefer the columnar option, the depth is calculated as the freezing level + 0.2 m.

It happens that foam blocks need to be placed on soil with low stability, then apply piles. They can be introduced to a depth of up to 600 cm, which allows you to bypass the upper weak layer and rest directly on stronger layers. If the soil is not only weak, but also prone to heaving, it is recommended to put it down concrete slab. Such a solution is unsuitable for structures of increased massiveness and almost does not tolerate bending effects.

The subtleties of construction

Construction concrete garages of this material provides sufficient functionality of the building - according to technical standards walls with a thickness of 0.3 m are enough, and blocks of industrial production of the D500 format are able to transfer a load of 500 kg per 1 sq. see When buying materials, it is recommended to take not only straight, but also corner blocks - this greatly facilitates and speeds up the work. It is most practical to consider how to properly build a garage from aerated concrete or foam concrete blocks at each stage of work.

Walls: masonry features

As in many other cases, the walls begin to be placed from the corner. The lower rows are exposed to a standard solution of cement and sand. In order to be able to put the gate, it is recommended to introduce spacer pins 0.4 m long each into the joints between the blocks. The waterproofing layer under the walls is formed from various roll materials, the choice is determined by the specific situation.

The walls are laid, shifting the blocks of each subsequent row by a third of the length. Above the opening where the gate will stand, it is recommended to install a transverse beam that acts as a jumper. Ventilation holes are prepared in the lowest and highest masonry rows (if not installed supply and exhaust system in this project). In the upper part of the structure, an inextricable reinforcing belt is necessarily made.

When it is ready, I-beams are laid at right angles to the direction of the structure, the gap between them is 0.8 m; the tip of each beam should protrude from the wall by 200 mm. Its lower edge will allow you to place a grooved board and prepare the ceiling, put a layer of waterproofing (preferably film), and then a layer of thermal protection. The screed must be 30 mm thick.

If mechanical defects or deviations from the normal plane occur during the laying of foam blocks, they must be immediately eliminated.

Roof: what should be?

In most cases, the roof on garages is made single-pitched, sheathing the floor with boards over steel beams. Where the support points for the beams will be made, monolithic blocks are laid. The boards are covered with roofing felt, the edges of the rolls of which rise up by 100-150 mm, and the roof plane should be at least 0.2 m higher than any wall. Again put on top of the screed waterproof material, the same roofing material will cope with this task brilliantly. Waterproofing is overlapped. The roof must be supplemented with a visor, exposed above the entrance to the garage.

Floor device

In a garage made of expanded clay blocks or foam blocks, it is better to equip a strong floor. Even the lightest car or motorcycle, when moving, creates a sufficiently large load that only concrete base. The only place where wood can be used is in areas reserved exclusively for pedestrians. In any case, you will have to take care of the powder:

  • crushed stone (120-150 mm);
  • then sand (0.1 m);
  • and finally - 70-100 mm of gravel.
  • All these layers are supposed to be thoroughly rammed, and a concrete screed from 20 cm and thicker is poured over the gravel.

Traditional cinder blocks or bricks are usually chosen as materials for building a garage, for which there were no alternatives before. Now there are more modern materials, which include cellular concrete. Of these, foam concrete has the most attractive cost and ease of installation. It is fully suitable for such a construction, and the operating time will be minimized. In this article, we will look at how to build a garage from foam blocks with our own hands.

Why is foam block beneficial?

A foam block garage has the following advantages:

  • The material has a low cost, so almost everyone can afford it. Now there are more than enough offers for the sale of foam concrete.
  • Building from cellular concrete will be warm, unlike a cinder block or brick building.
  • The light weight of the blocks allows you to build a garage from foam blocks with your own hands, without renting special construction equipment.
  • The light weight of foam blocks reduces the load on the foundation, which leads to cost savings.
  • Laying large blocks is quick and easy.
  • Block assembly is very economical. For masonry, a lot of mortar is not required.

Foam concrete, having a closed structure, does not allow air to pass through, therefore, in order to prevent the formation of condensate inside the building, it is necessary to equip the supply and exhaust ventilation.

Garage layout

Even before construction begins, it is necessary to determine the size of the building and the functions of the garage. For example, will an inspection pit and a cellar be needed for storing conservation, will tool racks be equipped, a table or workbench installed for work. The dimensions of the building should be such that later you do not have to regret the shortage free space. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dimensions of the building.

The standard dimensions of the garage are:

  • Height - about 3 m.
  • Length - 5–6 m.
  • Width - 5 m.

Usually garages are made one-story, but you can also make a two-story garage from foam blocks. In this case, a prerequisite is the presence of an armored belt between the floors, on which the floor slabs will rest.

Foam block foundation for garage

The construction of a garage begins with pouring the foundation. What foundation do you prefer? In this capacity, it is better to choose a tape shallow concrete pouring. Foam concrete is lightweight, so this design will be enough. Many people are building slab base, but this deprives them of the opportunity to create a viewing hole and a basement. Therefore, a strip foundation for a foam block garage is preferable on ordinary soil. However, on heaving soils monolithic slab will perform its function better.

The work on pouring the foundation for the garage from foam blocks begins with marking. With the help of a cord and pegs, the places of the future trench are marked. Special attention assigned to the location of the gate. The opening doors of future gates should not meet any obstacles in their path. In particular, interfering bushes, fences, posts, etc. should be removed.

The depth of the foundation for the construction of a garage from foam blocks is selected depending on the characteristics of the soil on the site. In particular, if groundwater occurs on the site at a depth of more than 2 meters, and the soil is relatively dense, then you can dig a trench 50–80 cm deep. But this is taking into account that the fertile layer will end at this depth.

The foundation for a garage of foam blocks is made in the following sequence:

  • A trench of a given depth is dug. Its width should be 15 cm greater than the width of the foam block.
  • The bottom of the trench is rammed.
  • Falls asleep in the trench sand cushion layer of at least 10 cm.
  • A layer of crushed stone about 10 cm thick is poured over the sand.
  • Careful tamping is carried out.
  • Formwork is installed.
  • A reinforcing cage connected by means of a knitting wire is placed in the trench.
  • The trench is filled with concrete. Coarse gravel can be added to concrete, rubble stones can be placed.

Construction of a viewing hole

When we build a garage from foam blocks to store a car in it, it is very desirable to equip a viewing hole. Then it will be much more convenient to take care of the vehicle. If it is decided to equip a viewing hole in the garage, first calculate its dimensions. Usually the depth of the pit is 180–200 cm, the width is about 1 m.

The procedure for making a viewing hole:

  • A hole is dug to a depth and width exceeding the calculated ones by 20–40 cm.
  • The bottom of the pit is covered with rubble and concreted.
  • The walls are lined with bricks or concreted. In the second case, formwork is installed.
  • On top of a layer of brick or concrete is installed metal carcass from corners with a wall width of 6 cm. It must be filled with concrete.
  • When the solution hardens, boards with a thickness of at least 4 cm are laid inside the corner frame. They are insurance that prevents the car from accidentally falling into the pit.

If, in addition to the inspection pit, it is also necessary to build a basement, then the inspection pit is equipped with steps along which it will be possible to go down to the basement. In this case, a flat area is made in the center of the pit, designed to service the car.

Calculation of the required number of foam blocks

First you need to decide on the number required material. Consider how to calculate the number of foam blocks per garage. The standard dimensions of the foam block are: length - 60 cm, height - 30 cm, width - 20 cm. For example, you need to build a garage measuring 6 x 5 x 3 m. The calculation is performed in this order:

  • The length of the perimeter of the walls is calculated: (6 + 5) x 2 = 22 m.
  • Number of blocks in a row: 22 / 0.6 m = 37 pcs.
  • Determine the number of rows: 300 cm / 30 cm = 10 rows.
  • We calculate how many blocks are needed in total: 10 rows x 37 pieces = 370 pieces.

In the calculation of foam blocks for the garage, it is necessary to make an amendment that takes into account the size of the gate and possible windows, if any. This number of foam blocks for the garage should be subtracted from the total. And also you need to make an allowance for the marriage and cutting of materials, adding another 5% of the blocks to the final amount.

Gate installation

Garage doors must be installed before laying the walls. They are installed strictly according to the level on the waterproofing layer, which covers the foundation. Supports holding the gate are fixed on the sides of the wings. A little later, when the construction of the walls begins, pieces of reinforcement about 40 cm long will need to be welded to the side supports of the gate, which will be recessed into the foam concrete. There will be 4 such pieces on each side of the gate. In order for the reinforcement to fall between the rows of blocks, it is recommended to weld it in place, after laying the next row of blocks.

When a row of foam blocks comes up to the top of the gate, you need to make a jumper above them. It can be a finished or cast-in-place concrete beam. To do this, you can make a metal frame and weld it to the top of the gate. After that, the frame is filled with concrete mortar to form a monolithic lintel. But you can install a finished beam on top of the gate. Subsequently, the next row of foam concrete blocks will be laid on the jumper.

Wall masonry

When we build a garage from foam blocks with our own hands, it is important to build the walls correctly. For walls, a block thickness of 20 cm will be sufficient. Before laying the first row, a waterproofing layer should be laid on the foundation, which will protect the wall material from moisture.

Wall laying starts from any corner. First, corner blocks are laid out, and then a cord is pulled between them. On this cord, the laying of the remaining blocks is carried out. As a binder solution, you can use:

  • Special adhesive for laying foam concrete. It is sold in dry form, and before use it is diluted with water in the specified proportion. This is the most economical option, as it requires relatively little. There will be no cold bridges between the blocks in winter.
  • Conventional cement-sand mortar. It will take more, as the seams will be thicker. Such a solution is allowed to be used, although cold bridges, in this case, cannot be dispensed with.

During the laying process, one should not forget to reinforce every 4th row of blocks. As reinforcement, you can use a metal mesh, reinforcement or steel bars. When using rebar or bars, 2 grooves must be cut in the row of blocks. The rods are placed in them. When joining the blocks with the gate, the connection is provided by pieces of reinforcement welded to the gate. They must be inserted into the masonry between the rows of foam blocks.

Usually the rows do not turn out complete, requiring the insertion of pieces of foam block. Such voids are filled with additional blocks or pieces of blocks cut with a hacksaw.

The adhesive solution is applied with a specially designed trowel with teeth. This results in an even layer of solution. Each stacked row of blocks is sanded with a special float to ensure a perfectly flat surface.

Each subsequent row of blocks is laid with an offset relative to the first row by 30–50% of the block length.

If the roof will be mounted shed, the most common, then side walls should slope towards the back wall. The slope angle is easy to calculate. For each meter of length, the slope should be about 5 cm. This will be quite enough to ensure normal water flow from the roof.

If the roof is gable, then you can immediately lay out the gables of foam concrete or other material.

In the case of the construction of the second floor, a concrete armored belt is poured over the last row of foam blocks.

Roof device

The construction of a garage from foam blocks is accompanied by the construction of a roof. Consider the order in which a shed roof is made:

  1. In the direction of the roof slope, I-beams are installed with a protrusion of the front and back walls at least 25 cm. You can use ordinary beams, but it will take longer to tinker. The step of the beams is 80 cm. The beams must be embedded in the walls.
  2. Boards 3-4 cm thick are laid on the lower shelves of I-beams. If ordinary beams are used, then the boards are nailed to their lower ends.
  3. Roofing felt is laid on top of the boards and is bent along the edges up by 10 cm.
  4. A heater is laid on top of the roofing material. It can be foam plastic 5 cm thick, mineral wool, expanded clay.
  5. If the insulation is loose, it is desirable to make a concrete screed about 3 cm thick on top of it. In all other cases, it is recommended to cover the roof with OSB sheets, and lay roofing material or slate sheets on top.

Floor concreting

A good concrete floor will ensure cleanliness and order in the foam block garage. Some garage owners stack on the floor ceramic tiles, but this is far from essential. Properly concrete the floor in the following order:

  • 10–15 cm of crushed stone are poured onto a leveled surface, then 5–10 cm of sand, and then 5–10 cm of gravel.
  • Such a pillow is carefully rammed.
  • Concrete is poured with a layer of at least 20 cm.
  • After the concrete has completely cured, the floor is ready for use.

Garage finishing

outdoor and interior decoration will make your garage more attractive, as well as protect the foam blocks from moisture. Close foam concrete from the outside can be several types of finishing materials:

  • Plaster mortar. You cannot use normal sand-cement mixture, which will not adhere well to foam concrete. For foam concrete, a special plaster containing special additives is used.
  • Finishing with foam sheets, followed by the application of decorative plaster.
  • Siding trim.

For decoration internal walls garage can be used:

A garage built of foam concrete blocks will be not only warm, but also cost-effective. If all the conditions and construction technologies are met, then the structure built by oneself will stand for a very long time and will not require repair.

From the point of view of practicality, outbuildings made of this type of cellular concrete are the best option. Given the light weight of the foam blocks, you can significantly save on the foundation of the garage, the cost of which is usually equal to ⅓ of the total construction costs. Plus - you do not have to spend money on lifting equipment and pay for the services of hired specialists.

The formulation of the question in the form of “ how much does it cost" is not entirely complete, so you will immediately have to clarify a number of points:

  • in what area we will build from foam blocks - not only the type, but also the depth of the "laying" of the foundation, the need to equip the drainage system, and the like largely depend on this + price policy in the region;
  • design features - dimensions, type of ceiling and roof (their total weight);
  • you just need a parking space, or a full-fledged garage with viewing hole, cellar, forced exhaust, connection to the heating circuit and water supply.

There are a lot of nuances, so it is simply unrealistic to take them all into account. In order to determine the final (and purely indicative) cost of such construction, it is necessary to understand what is needed, at what price the required materials are sold and what can be reasonably saved on. This is what needs to be dealt with in detail.

Cost of materials

*Applicable to the Moscow region.

Foam blocks

  • Wall - you will need products with a density (D) of 400 - 1,000. Their average price is from 2,400 to 2,900 rubles / m3 with dimensions of 60 x 30 x 20 cm. For standard project no more than D is enough for a garage. The cost of 1 block is about 90 rubles.
  • Partition walls - 2,750 - 2,850 rubles per "cube" for products 60 x 30 x 10 cm. Question - are compartments and adjacent rooms needed in the garage?

Prices are subject to pickup. If you do not have your own transport, then the delivery of blocks is paid separately.

What to consider - cellular concrete is characterized by a certain fragility. When transporting this system / material, a fight is inevitable. Therefore, when determining the purchase volume, about 10% of the calculated value should be added. It is not difficult to determine the required number of foam blocks depending on the project, since they are characterized by the correct geometry.

Other building materials

The choice of certain materials is a personal matter for everyone. Therefore, we consider only some of the most typical options for what you may need.

  • Cement - you can use M300 (brand "for all occasions"). Packing 50 kg costs about 200 rubles.
  • Sand - sold in "cubes". On average, 1 m³ will cost 180 rubles.
  • Filler (for solution). Gravel - from 1,150, crushed stone - from 1,900 (rub / m³).
  • Bar - it will be needed when arranging the Mauerlat. Price for 1 r.m. - 14 rubles and more (depending on the cross-section, the degree of drying and the type of wood).
  • Expanded polystyrene is the most acceptable option for internal insulation. Fastening - by gluing to the base. This is enough to ensure the quality of fixation without additional installation of special / dowels. Price - from 1,280 rubles / m².

What to consider - the installation of mineral wool will require a crate, and it will somewhat “steal” the usable area. And the process itself will take quite a lot of time, since anchors will be needed to fix the rails on foam concrete. Simple drilling under the sleeves for self-tapping screws is indispensable - the blocks are loose and fragile. Ordinary polystyrene is also not worth using, at least because of mice - they will gnaw pretty quickly.

Waterproofing - from 36 rubles / m² (stekloizol). It makes no sense to acquire roofing felt for garage insulation - it is difficult to fix, and the shelf life is short (on the strength of 4 years).

What can you save on

  • Purchase time. In the private sector, construction is seasonal, so the prices for materials are somewhat “walking”. In winter, when demand falls, they are somewhat smaller. If you buy everything you need in advance, you can win on this.
  • Do not make a concrete floor. It is enough to compact the soil and backfill with fine gravel or expanded clay. In extreme cases, shed cement "milk" on top. Enough for a garage.
  • It will be limited to simple plastering from the outside. The main task of the cladding is to protect the foam concrete from moisture. In combination with waterproofing, a plaster layer will suffice. And you don't need a lot of money to paint.
  • Do not equip a viewing hole (). First, it is needed only by a specialist. Secondly, now even in small towns you can find specialized auto repair shops, so no one has problems with maintenance / repair.
  • Foundation. Aerated concrete block masonry is light in weight. From the point of view of practicality, for such a garage it makes no sense to build strip base. Its installation will require significant costs, especially for cement. There are more acceptable options - a foundation on piles or pillars (for example, asbestos-cement pipes with mortar poured into their cavity). And faster and cheaper.

Walls made of foam blocks will not “breathe” (features of the material itself + waterproofing). Consequently, there will always be excessive accumulation of condensate in the garage. It is unnecessary to say how this will affect the durability of the car, the turnaround time. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure reliable natural ventilation, least. Maximum - forced hood.

If only preliminary calculations are required to determine the estimated costs for construction, then you can focus on such data (foundation + walls + roof) - about 14,000 rubles / m². The larger the garage, the more expensive it will be to build.

A turnkey garage (from foam blocks) will cost about 360,000 rubles (4 x 6, detached).

With the help of inexpensive and lightweight foam blocks, you can quickly build any structure, including a garage. This material is quite light, so its laying is possible with your own hands, without inviting specialists.

Choosing a foundation for a garage

by the most the best option for a foam block garage is shallow strip foundation. If the groundwater is too close to the surface, you can use piles or slab base. However, in this case, you will have to abandon the construction of a viewing hole or basement.

Tape shallow-depth, pile and slab foundations for garage

Calculation of the number of foam blocks

For erection bearing walls it is recommended to choose foam blocks 200 mm thick and density D600. Blocks with fastening tenon-groove they cost a little more, but masonry with such a connection is more reliable.
Let's calculate the number of blocks required for the construction of a building 4 × 6 × 3 m. Standard size foam blocks are shown in the photo.

Height, width and length of the foam block

Garage dimensions

1. Determine how many foam blocks fit in one row around the perimeter of the building. To do this, add the width (4 m) and the length of the garage (6 m), multiply this figure by 2 (after all, there are two walls) and divide this figure by standard length foam block 500 mm (0.5 m):

(4 + 6) × 2 / 0.5 = 40 pcs.

2. Calculate how many foam blocks are needed for erecting a wall 3.0 m high. To do this, we divide the height of the building by the height of the block 300 mm (0.3 m):

3: 0.3 = 10 pcs.

3. Now let's determine the amount of material that will be needed for the construction the whole building. We multiply the number of foam blocks required to lay them around the perimeter of the building by the blocks required to build the height:

40 × 10 = 400 pieces

4. Locations gate and separate input doors(if they are provided for in the project) there will be no foam blocks, and this amount must be subtracted from the result obtained.
5. Material should be purchased with a small margin of 5% for marriage and cutting of the material.

Wall masonry

The laying of walls from foam blocks can be done:
by using sand-cement mortar (1 part of quality cement and 4 parts of sand); to increase the strength of the masonry, it is desirable to add a plasticizer to it;
to prevent the formation of cold bridges can be used cement-perlite mortar with 1 part sand, 1 part cement and 1 part perlite;
special glue for foam blocks.

plasticizer for cement mortars and glue for foam blocks

Advice. To strengthen the walls of their foam blocks reinforce with the help of a mesh, which is first laid in the seams of the first, and then the reinforcement is laid every 3-4 rows. When using metal bars, they are sunk into grooves cut in blocks with a grinder.

Types of reinforcement

The main stages of laying walls from foam blocks:
1. It is advisable to install garage doors already before masonry, fixing them with temporary struts.
2. To control the evenness of laying, guides (metal corners) are fixed at the corners of the building, to which it is attached mooring: wire or strong cord. After each row, it is rearranged higher.


3. In order for the material to be reliably protected from moisture, the first row of foam blocks is laid on a layer waterproofing(roofing material, hydroisol, etc.) and bituminous mastic.

Advice. To strengthen the structure, you can pour into the foundation metal box into which foam blocks will be inserted.

4. The most difficult is the beginning of masonry. Blocks are laid out first. in the corners building. If the foundation is uneven, the first block should be installed in the highest corner of the building (there will be the least mortar under it). For joining in the middle of a row, edged(additional) foam blocks.

Docking in the center of the wall with additional edged blocks

5. Get a grinder straight cut will not work, so it is better to cut the material using special hacksaw designed to work with foam blocks (an ordinary hacksaw will become dull very quickly).
6. After laying the row, the surface must be carefully polished grater or planer on drywall. Before laying, all irregularities on the sides and bottom of the blocks should also be removed.

Important! In order to obtain a flat surface, the first row should be laid only on a sufficiently large layer (up to 2 cm) of sand-cement mortar.

8. The adhesive mixture is applied using a special trowels with teeth for leveling the solution. In this case, it is necessary to lubricate with a solution Not only horizontal surface, but also the side part of the neighboring block. At the selected place, the foam concrete brick should be slightly moved, and then, tapping with a rubber mallet, press firmly.

Spreading the solution

9. The second row is also laid from the corners after the mortar has set (after about 2 hours). Its installation is offset block-brick by 30-50% so that the joint of the previous row is blocked.
10. Checking the laying of each row horizontally and vertically is carried out using a level.

Offset laying and block leveling with a level

11. The corners of the building must be met suture dressing method.

Dressing the corners of the building

12. Above the opening for garage doors a metal beam is mounted.

Installation of a beam for a gate

13. When using metal beam floors roofing, a monolithic reinforced concrete belt should be provided in the upper row of masonry: it is laid out from hollow reinforced blocks, followed by pouring concrete. reinforced belt can be made entirely of concrete. For this, it is done brick formwork, into which reinforcement is laid and poured with concrete. When using wooden beams, the use of a large number of metal rods is not necessary: ​​a few rods are enough.

Brick formwork for top row concrete pouring