How to cut laminate flooring? How to do it correctly? Curly and straight cuts. How can you cut laminate to get even cuts? Can I saw laminate flooring with a hacksaw

This small overview will not take much of your time, but it will help you decide on the choice of a file for sawing laminate flooring. First of all, we will define: the laminate belongs to wood products and we need files for a jigsaw for wood.

In online stores, there may be an additional definition: saws for cutting hardwood and for cutting laminate. I note that you do not need to buy long blades, 10 cm long is enough.

For cutting wood and laminate, there are several options for suitable saws T101B, T101BR, T101D, T101AO, T101BIF.

Sawing of the laminate with this type of blades is fast, as possible without chips, but the marking of the cutting lines must be done on the back of the laminated strip. That for a beginner master can cause difficulties. This type of blade is relatively inexpensive, but dulls quickly enough. It is better to set the speed of the jigsaw for cutting the laminate as high as possible - this will prevent chips.

T101Br laminate saw blade

In the past, we sometimes used this type of file to accurately cut the laminate along the top, when the part to be cut had a complex pattern. However, then they completely refused. In T101Br, the teeth are directed downward and a very strong runout occurs during the translational movement of the pendulum. I do not recommend using it.

Saw for sawing parquet boards T101D

The T101D has a large tooth. It is more suitable for cutting plywood and boards. We do not use this type of blade for cutting laminate, but we use it for parquet boards according to the markings from the back. However, this type of knife can be used to cut laminate flooring, but chipping may occur.

T101AO Laminate Cutting Blade

T101AO shorter length of about 75 mm, which does not affect the cutting of the laminate. Has a fine tooth, which gives an even cut. However, the drank speed is very low. Inappropriate to use for normal work. We use it only for curved cuts, such as bypassing heating pipes. For curved cuts, set the jigsaw speed to medium or lower.

T101BIF Laminate Saw Blade

This saw blade is made of bimetallic (Bim), the most durable material, so it lasts a long time. The teeth are evenly spaced without a definite direction.

The T101Bif can be safely used for both front and back cuts. It has a fairly smooth cut and good speed, slightly inferior in it to the T101B; when working with a jigsaw, it does not hit the workpiece.

For self-installing laminate flooring without much experience, I would recommend this type of file. For the manufacturer we use Bosch or Practice.

In the process of laying the flooring, namely the laminate, it is important not only to be able to correctly connect the panels to each other. It is also necessary to correctly measure the size of the panels in accordance with the area of ​​the room, and also not to disturb the traditional masonry in a checkerboard pattern. In such a situation, the question naturally arises - how to cut the panels measured by size? Let's try to understand the situation.

Coating types

The choice of tools for cutting laminated panels largely depends on the type of lamella used. If you plan to lay the floor yourself and without the help of specialists, then it is better to pay attention to soft types of laminate.

At home, it will not be difficult to cut soft cork or two-layer vinyl laminate. Such types of laminated panels are distinguished by high indicators of wear resistance and moisture protection, as well as fast masonry.

To cut this type of lamella, you do not need a special tool, it will be enough to arm yourself with an ordinary ruler, pencil or pen and a construction knife. First, the cut line is marked with a pencil or pen, and then it should be drawn along it with a knife. After that, you just need to bend the canvas. If you need to make a curly cut, then you can use large scissors for this action.

However, for sawing other types of multi-layer panels, which include high-strength fiberboard or chipboard, you need to choose more serious tools.

What to use at home?

When choosing a tool for sawing laminated panels there are several factors to consider:

  • The tool should be easy to use and not cause discomfort. It depends more on personal preference and handling skills.
  • Compact and lightweight items are much easier and faster to handle, and during repairs, every minute counts.
  • Another most important point of all is that with the help of the selected tool, you should get a smooth cut without chips or cracks. However, you should not overly focus on this factor, since minor irregularities will quietly disappear under the baseboards.

Having familiarized yourself with the main characteristics, you can proceed to a more detailed study of tools for sawing laminate flooring.

One of the easy-to-use tools with which you can cut lamellae is electric jigsaw. The device is lightweight and even a teenager or girl can quickly figure it out. The jigsaw operates at high speeds, so the cut is accurate. One of the important factors when using this tool is choosing the right jigsaw file. Modern models are usually equipped with special removable files for working on laminate. They differ from other files in the shape, location and size of the teeth. However, in the absence of specialized attachments, narrow files with small teeth are also suitable for cutting metal products.

To avoid damage to the decorative side of the mark, all manipulations with the panel with the jigsaw should be carried out from the wrong side. It is necessary to position the canvas on a table or chair so that the cut piece of lamella is in a suspended state. Firmly pressing the panel with your hand to the table, you should quickly move the jigsaw along the cut line.

Suitable for cutting the required pieces of laminated panels guillotine. Unlike the previous device, the guillotine has a mechanical device. In appearance, it can be compared to large scissors. This cutter is quiet, uncomplicated and accurate to operate. With the help of it, it is easiest to cross-cut the laminate, but it will not be advisable to buy a cutter for repairs in an apartment. Such a device is suitable for those who are professionally engaged in laying flooring, so it can be found for temporary use from familiar repairmen.

To cut the lamellas with professional machine, you need to lay the panel on the guillotine support. Then adjust the blade so that the notch for the cut is aligned with the cutter blade. After that, you need to lower the guillotine handle, cutting off exactly and neatly the required piece of the panel. To get an even cut when sawing laminate, you can use a circular.

However, in this case, the circular saw must be equipped with a special blade for metal cutting. In addition, unlike a jigsaw, working with a circular saw requires some skill in order to easily and quickly cut straight pieces of panels.

To work with circular it is necessary to lay the laminated panel face up and fix it securely. During work, you need to act carefully, slightly pressing during the movement of the disc and not staying for a long time in one place. Also, do not forget about the elementary safety rules: the sleeves of clothing must be buttoned up during work, and you must also take care of your hands.

Another tool that requires job skills is milling cutter... A manual design with replaceable cutters is unlikely to be found in every home, but it can be found in those who are professionally assembling furniture. The cutter is able to leave behind a perfectly flat and smooth surface, in addition, the tool can cut out various shapes.

Sometimes, an assistant when cutting laminate can be ordinary construction knife... It can be used for small volumes of work, for example, for cutting one or two panels, when there is no time to look for another tool.

When using a knife, lay the laminate face up, then make a deep cut in the marking area with the knife. Then, holding one side of the panel, it is necessary to press on the other part of it until it breaks at the notch.

How to choose a hacksaw?

Often, when carrying out work on laying out the laminate, they resort to using such a popular tool as hacksaw... However, to cut panels efficiently and quickly, you need to choose the right model. Of course, in the absence of others, you can use a hacksaw for wood. But in this case, the process will be laborious, since the hacksaw for wood has large teeth. Due to these features, the hacksaw will not cut the canvas neatly, but bite into it.

The best option would be to choose a hacksaw for metal. It has fine teeth and is able to cut the panel straight.

However, it is worth remembering that you should only resort to using a hacksaw for metal with small amounts of work. Unlike power tools, this one takes more time to saw and requires more effort, so professional builders do not use a hacksaw for this purpose.

Can I use a grinder?

Also called an angle grinder, this tool is great for sawing a variety of materials, including laminated panels. With this device, you can get an even and neat cut. To properly cut the laminate with a grinder, the panel must be laid with the decorative side up, and also use special replaceable discs with fine teeth for working on metal, ceramic surfaces or concrete.

Since when working with an angle grinder, a large amount of dust and dirt is formed, and you can also smell an unpleasant burning smell during the sawing process, it is better to carry out all manipulations outdoors. On the first floor, you can stretch the extension cord through the window and work on the street, on the upper floors, an unglazed balcony is the best fit.

Another nuance when working with a grinder, as well as in handling a circular saw, is that you need to have at least a little experience with this tool. Uncertainly guiding the hand while sawing can lead to an uneven edge or it can get loose at all.

How to trim on the floor?

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to trim laminated panels that have already been laid on the floor. Usually, people with insufficient experience in carrying out construction work in this case ask themselves how to do it correctly.

According to the reviews of people who have encountered such a problem while laying the flooring, the best option in this case would be to use a grinder. At the same time, according to the advice of experienced users, it is necessary to install a disk on the device for working on tiles with diamond dust. When performing work you must be extremely careful and move the tool all the time, without pressing on it with much effort. While working with a grinder, you need to keep your finger on the start button all the time, so that in case of loss of control over the situation, turn off the device in time and avoid injury.

In addition, you can turn to a safer, but at the same time, laborious method - using a cutter. In order to cut the laid laminate, you need to arm yourself with a professional wood cutter. According to the advice of experienced people, you need to make two parallel cuts along the width of a narrow chisel, then select the cut piece with a chisel. And so slowly remove the length of the panel to the desired size.

How to cut without chipping?

In order to accurately saw off the laminate of the required length, you need to carefully prepare for the start of work.

Initially, you need to decide what kind of tool from the ones described above will be done. And you need to be guided when choosing not only the availability of the device, but also the existing skills in handling it.

Over the past few years, laminate has become one of the most popular floor coverings. If you decide to lay it at home on your own, then you have to master the technique of cutting a laminate flooring, because both the density of the connection of its components and the service life of the coating itself will depend on the quality of your work. In this article we will tell you the best way to cut laminate flooring at home.

Choosing the best tool

So, you've decided to cut the laminate yourself. Here's what you need to be guided by when choosing your tool:

  • Ease of use.
  • The weight of the device should be small.
  • Compactness.
  • Quality work. The device must cut the material evenly.

The market offers us the following tools for further work:

  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Bulgarian (angle grinder).
  • Special circular saw.
  • Construction knife.
  • Hacksaw.
  • Renovator (is a multi-tool).
  • Hand tools.

Each of them will be an irreplaceable assistant in our business. To understand what is better to cut the laminate and what each of the above devices is needed for, we will analyze them in detail below, separately.

Jigsaw - effective, but with nuances

If the laminate flooring is installed once every few years, we recommend using a jigsaw. But in order to use it, you need a special machine, which not everyone has.

Important! Improper use of the tool can leave very noticeable chips on the face of the laminate.

  • Before starting the procedure, you need to fix all the panels on the workbench.
  • It is advisable to cut the future coating at the highest rotation speed of the device's electric motor.
  • It is necessary to try to pass such a device along the cut line at a time, in no case making any stops and decelerations.
  • Do not forget to turn off the jigsaw pendulum mechanism.
  • Use files that are designed for cutting laminate flooring. If not, then at least attach other fine-toothed files to the device.
  • Use only thin saws, because the thinner they are, the easier any sawing is done.
  • Laminate boards should be sawn with their face down to prevent chipping. This position is necessary due to the fact that the teeth of the jigsaw are almost always directed upwards. If the teeth on your jigsaw are pointing downwards, then the file should go with the laminate facing up.
  • To be sure to protect the material from chips and other defects, we recommend using the most common tape. It needs to be glued along the cutting line of the laminate.

Important! Do not forget that the quality of your work will directly depend on how you apply the markings on which you will cut the laminate at home.

Bulgarian - a universal option

Having resorted to the use of such a technique, you can not be afraid that chips or cracks will appear on the laminate flooring, because with its help you can cut a laminate of absolutely any thickness. But still, those readers who have never used this tool should take into account some points:

  • Sawing with angle grinders should be done only if the material to be processed is turned face up.
  • It is necessary to securely fix the lamella. This is necessary in order to get a smooth and beautiful edge.
  • Use a disc designed for metal or concrete for packing.
  • During the procedure, make sure that the disc used is perpendicular to the lamella.

Important! A device like a grinder leaves behind a lot of construction dust and an unpleasant smell of burnt wood, which is difficult to get rid of in the future. That is why we recommend using such a device on the balcony or outdoors.

Circular saw - should you use it?

Using a circular saw with a blade designed for metal cutting, you can get a very neat cut. But it is much more difficult to work with such a tool than with the others, because before sawing laminate flooring at home using a circular saw, you need to have at least some experience in using it.

Here are some tips for using such a tool:

  • In order to complete this procedure, it is necessary to lay the laminate board face up on a smooth hard surface.
  • Do not press hard on the tool, the movements should be light.
  • The disc is moved strictly along the previously drawn line.
  • You need to cut the coating carefully, without delay or pause.

Construction knife if nothing else is at hand

At first glance, this device is not much different from an ordinary clerical knife. However, such a simple tool is irreplaceable in any construction procedure. Even this time, it can be safely used in order to saw the laminate at home.

Important! If by the end of the work it remains to finish a couple of small boards, but you simply do not want to use a grinder or other complex type of tools because of a small amount of work, then our little assistant will help.

In order for your work to be productive when using a knife, you need:

  1. Place a regular ruler on the face of the laminate.
  2. Make a deep cut along it with the tool.
  3. Press down on one side of the cut while holding the board on the other side.
  4. Ultimately, the laminate board should break.

Hacksaw - how likely is it to damage the laminate?

As we know, the laminate consists of a material based on wood products. This is what defines its high manufacturability in processing. But not every hand tool is suitable for cutting.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use a special hacksaw for carving wood in this matter due to the fact that it has too large teeth, which will further damage the top layer of the expensive coating.

Laminate is a popular flooring for its chic design and long durability. Products of this type consist of a wood base and a special decorative layer. Laminate production technology allows you to give it not only a different color, but also the structure of various types of wood. Laying this material is relatively straightforward, but almost always requires cutting the boards. Therefore, before starting the installation work, you should definitely find out what you need to cut the laminate with.

Cutting methods

Installation of a laminate board involves fixing it to the floor with glue or special screws. But many novice craftsmen do not know how to cut the laminate in order to get a high-quality and even joint.

You can cut vinyl or cork laminate at home using several tools:

  • Cutter. This design resembles a guillotine. To cut the board, it must be placed under the knife along the cutting line. After that, with a certain force, the cutter is pressed in, which leads to the formation of grit. If you have certain skills, you can even cut the laminate lengthwise with this tool.
  • Jigsaw. Cutting with this unit is one of the fastest and most affordable. But it is important to use only special saws for processing laminate flooring. To cut the desired piece, you should measure the required dimensions and draw a straight line. After that, the board is moved slightly off the table so that the saw moves in the air and cutting begins.

  • Hacksaw. Laminate cutting with its help can be performed both on the floor and at a certain elevation. To do this, you also need to mark the line and carefully start sawing. It is important to consider the saw gap here, as it can take up a lot of laminate flooring. This, in turn, can lead to inconsistencies.
  • Knife. The top layer of the laminate is a thin layer of film that can be easily damaged with a regular utility knife. The technology for working with this tool is quite simple. Along the marked line, you need to draw with the edge of the knife in such a way as to cut through the top layer. If you need to get a straight line, then the board should be additionally fixed with high quality.

When you have cut through the top layer, you need to break off the extra piece. To do this, the laminate is on the edge of the table along the cut and press sharply on one of the sides. This approach is reminiscent of breaking ceramic tiles or glass after being cut with a glass cutter.

  • A circular saw. Cutting with this tool is much faster. To cut a piece of laminate flooring, you should also do the markings. After that, the board is fixed on the bed along the plane of the saw movement. Place the product to the top with a laminated layer. This will allow the saw blades to enter the material, which will reduce the formation of chips and cracks. When everything is set, you need to slowly lead the board along the cutting line with the circular turned on.
  • Bulgarian. This tool works like a circular saw. Similar types of cutting discs are also used here. But cutting can already be done almost anywhere. But in order to get an even cut, you need to fill the hand that controls the grinder during processing.

Choosing a tool

As you already understood, there is no universal way to cut laminate flooring. For this, many tools are used, which have their pros and cons. It is impossible to say which option is better, as it all depends on the individual situation.

To choose a quality tool, there are several factors to consider:

  • Required end quality. If you need the minimum amount of chips, use a hand cutter or jigsaw. Otherwise, all the cutting methods discussed are fine. They will allow you to cut the board correctly with minimal effort.
  • Type of thread. The easiest option is when you need to saw off the laminate across. The length of the cut is relatively short, which minimizes the risk of a large curvature. When you need to cut along one of the sides, then in this case it is better to use a cutter and a circular saw.

Please note that similar operations can be performed with other tools. It all depends only on your capabilities.

  • Cut shape. Almost all mechanisms allow you to cut the board only in a straight line. If you need to get a complex laminate shape, then a grinder or a jigsaw will be the solution to this problem.

A circular saw

Circular cutting is one of the most popular options as it has several advantages:

  1. Possibility to use discs with different tooth sizes. This allows you to adjust the cutting process and the quality of the resulting surface.
  2. The tool is powered by electricity, which eliminates the use of fuel.
  3. Processing laminate flooring around is not accompanied by significant noise, which makes it possible to process boards even in apartment buildings.
  4. High speed. The efficiency of the circular saw is one of the best. Therefore, it is used by many specialists who are engaged in laying such materials.

The only drawback of this mechanism is that you need to have some practice and experience with it in order to obtain a high-quality cutting.

Electric jigsaw

Working with a jigsaw is pleasant and fast. The tool is lightweight, which allows you to hold it well during cutting. At the same time, the mechanism practically does not form dust, which makes it a unique option for private use.

The only drawback of a jigsaw can be an incorrectly selected file. Low-quality products will simply tear the laminate, forming ugly ends, which will have to be further cleaned. To get a high-quality thread, the jigsaw must work at maximum speed.


Hand sawing laminate flooring is relatively rare. For such purposes, both office knives and hacksaws are used.

When using the latter type of tool, it is important that it has very fine teeth.

Several disadvantages of this approach should be highlighted:

  1. Cutting with hand tools is time consuming. This, in turn, affects the efficiency of laminate installation.
  2. To get a quality cut, you need to act very carefully and slowly. To do this, you need to have a relatively large experience with similar materials and tools.
  3. It is almost impossible to get a cut without chips using a hacksaw. Therefore, the cutting site is often additionally cleaned.


The sander is a versatile mechanism that can cut not only wood, but also concrete. To process the laminate, special discs are used, on which teeth are applied, like a circular saw.

Using a grinder has several advantages:

  1. With its help, you can form both straight and curly cut.
  2. The ends obtained after cutting are of high quality.
  3. Operation of the grinder is possible even without preliminary preparation of the material.

But this tool has several disadvantages:

  1. The weight of the structure is significant, which does not always allow for quality control of the cutting process.
  2. During operation, the grinder generates a lot of fine dust. This is not always effective in living spaces.
  3. When cutting, the ends of the laminate begin to warm up, which leads to the formation of burning, which, together with dust, is very harmful to the human body.


The cutter is perfect for hand cutting. Among the advantages of this tool are noiselessness, ease of operation and high-quality cut. It is relatively simple to work with such mechanisms, the main thing is only to observe precautions, since the knife is very sharp. Guillotine cutting does not generate dust, making it a professional tool.

A feature of this material is that it is recommended to cut the laminate with it only in the transverse direction.

But if you practice a little, then you can handle the boards and along. The cost of such a tool is quite high, so it is not economically profitable to buy it for a one-time installation of a laminate.

Other options

An alternative option for processing laminate flooring are special machines, with the help of which a high-quality cut is obtained. They are only intended for handling such a substance. It is very easy to cut the laminate with their help, as they are equipped with special clamps and several types of knives for different layers. In everyday life, it is almost impossible to meet them, since the designs are very expensive.

It is known that in production, the cutting of lamellas is carried out using special machines that are equipped with two saws:

  1. The first is called undercutting, it is small and rotates in the direction of movement of the part, while removing the bottom layer;
  2. The second makes the main cut of the board, rotating in the opposite direction.

Such a machine is always characterized by precise work, as a result of which chipping-free lamellas with right angles are obtained. But what if you don't have such a tool when you are laying laminate flooring at home? How to cut laminate flooring? Achieving maximum results is possible even in everyday life, if you use the "right" devices.

How to cut laminate flooring at home?

You can choose one of the most popular and affordable options. Before paying for the device, find out more about its capabilities and the nature of its work:

  • Hacksaw. This is not to say that this is a modern version, but in some cases it turns out to be very useful. The hacksaw never fails. For the best result, it is better to use a hacksaw for metal or wood with a fine tooth. Start sawing from the back of the panel to prevent possible chipping on the surface of the board;
  • Bulgarian. This is an angle grinder with a disc for metal. How to cut laminate flooring correctly? Lock the lamella and slowly lower the grinder so that it does not break out of your hands and does not get stuck. Be prepared for an unpleasant odor during operation due to the heating of the disc;
  • cutter. Here is another popular laminate cutter. It allows you to cut boards quickly and efficiently. The cutter can handle both thin and thick panels effortlessly. Such an ideal result cannot be achieved either with a grinder or with a jigsaw. It is a device with a sharp blade that can be easily moved with a handle. Such a mechanism works very quietly, without noise and dust and does not need power supply;
  • a circular saw. What file to cut laminate with? This is an option for accurate cutting, equipped with a special disc. Place the board face up on a hard, level surface, secure it securely, and draw a cutting line. Then gently lower the grinder disc and gradually move it along the marked line without getting stuck in the board. It is this option that requires skills in working with a circular saw, as well as a lot of patience. But, the advantage is in a high-quality and fast result. Are there any downsides? Yes, if the downside is the smell of burnt wood that appears during the sawing process;
  • electric jigsaw. This is a fairly effective but simple option. Make sure the jigsaw is equipped with a special wood attachment. Before starting work, you need to fix the lamella on the floor. Turn on the device and set it to high speed to protect the material from possible chips. Your movements should be fluid.

! The jigsaw must be operated by at least two people.

I would like to pay special attention to laminate saws that are used in conjunction with a jigsaw:

  1. The goal is to cut quickly: if you need to cut many boards at once in a short period, then it is better to choose the option with a large tooth. The fact is that the larger the tooth, the faster the work will proceed. The only drawback is that the cut will be less accurate, the cut will not be smooth. For this purpose, as a rule, they buy a tool with the T101D marking, since it is suitable even for a thickness of 75 mm. For 100mm choose 244D, 200mm choose 344D;
  2. the goal is a clean cut: here you need to use the T101B option. It is characterized by a smaller tooth, so the cut is smoother. In this case, there are no chips. Of course, even 75 mm can be cut with such a file, but it will take several times longer.

The laminate saw is equipped with a reverse tooth, which, when compared with other options, is directed in the opposite direction. Why is this needed? This is done so that chips do not form on the front side of the lamella and the appearance does not deteriorate.

! Such boards can be easily sawn with a blade withsmall divorce and moderate size of the teeth. In this case, the speed of movement of the jigsaw should also be moderate. This will prevent the tool from sticking in or tearing the edges.

How to cut laminate flooring: straight and curly cuts

How to make straight cuts?

Method 1. You can use a hacksaw or circular saw with as many teeth as possible to avoid chipping. First, make a line and mark the part of the board that you are going to cut. This can be done either with chalk or with a pencil. It is very easy to erase the chalk afterwards. Well, then just cut the lamella along the marked line.

Method 2. You can also use a jigsaw. This option is several times simpler than the previous one. Fix the guide on the device, and then lead it over the edge of the workpiece. In this case, the movement of the file will be smooth relative to the edge.

! Are you working with thin lamellae? Be prepared for the appearance of chips on its face. The fact is that in the first version the tool will move up. To prevent this from happening, you can position the workpiece face down. Another way out is the use of anti-slip liners.

How to make curved cuts?

How to properly cut laminate flooring in a curve? For such work, only a jigsaw with a special blade with very fine teeth for laminated floors or even with a standard blade is suitable. The special option is better, as it helps to cut the pattern up and without chipping.

  1. First, prepare the template you want from paper or cardboard. It is needed in order to calculate the cut and maintain the integrity of the board;
  2. attach the template and circle the drawing you want;
  3. cut out the drawing and re-attach the template to make sure it is accurate;
  4. now just trace the sample along the contour on the surface of the lamella;
  5. make a cut. If you are using a standard canvas, lay the board face down and attach the template upside down. Hold the jigsaw only vertically. If you need to cut with the right side, stick a strip of masking tape on the cut line so that you do not have chips when cutting. Then measure the lines along which you are going to cut the lamella on top of the tape. For this, a special canvas is used, intended for such decking.

! Sometimes the template needs to be applied several times in order to obtain a sample of the desired shape. In this case, it is important not to rush: take proper time to make a template, and then you will spend less time and effort on cutting the boards. 2