Mini Bakery Business Plan Equipment Requirements of the Law. Calculation of approximate cost of starting business

Analysis of a commercial project for the production and sale of baking can be carried out only if you have a ready-made business plan mini bakery with gross profit calculations and all costs that are related to this activity.

Ready business plan mini bakery with calculations

These economic indicators make it possible to calculate the profitability of the business, and also find out what time the investor will be able to return the money invested in the development of the enterprise. Based on the values \u200b\u200bobtained, we can conclude how promising this activity In our country and what place it occupies among other directions of small businesses.

In addition, in the submitted article, the reader will find tips on registering the company, familiarize themselves with the main advantages and disadvantages of this activity, and will also explore the main stages of organizing the work of mini bakery, starting with the analysis of the market situation and ending with the distribution of profit gained.

Study of competitors and target audience

One of the axiom of the base business activities It claims that any new business aimed at making a profit should begin with a thorough study of possible competitors and search for a free niche in the market that interests you. The main suppliers of bread and bakery products in almost any city of Russia have always been large combines and bakeries, focused on meeting the demand of not one tens of thousands of people. Naturally, competing with such giants in this industry is almost unrealistic.

But this is if navigating only on the traditional range of products manufactured by large plant plants. What does the mini bakery plan show, which will produce non-standard bread products made according to original recipes? This is exactly the whole point, it can be said, the main "highlight" of this commercial project. For example, to launch at a large factory for mass production, baking made by national recipe, you need to do a lot of work and invest serious cash, and mini bakery in this plan is much more mobile. That is, if you work well over the assortment of your future enterprise and do not regret the money for advertising, the products of large bakeries will not compete with mini bakery products.

So, the first potential competitor no longer represents any danger to your future business, but there are other mini bakers. It is necessary to learn what kind of products they produce, where and how it is sold to which target audience is oriented, as well as learn the monthly volume of bakery products. Having received a maximum of information about competing firms, you can proceed to the preparation of your business plan. First of all, you need to explore your potential buyers. Knowing what lives, that he loves, what income gets a target audience can make products that will use 100% in demand.

For example, you will work in the area where the majority of the population are pensioners and representatives of workers' professions. They are not big income, which means they will buy inexpensive, but calorie bakery products. In addition, for holidays, you can organize the production of cakes and other confectionery products on a small scale and individual orders. Knowing an approximate assortment, you can choose the most suitable equipment for your company, that is, proceed to the next stage of the business organization.

It should be noted that independently of the economic situation in the country, political cataclysms and other objective circumstances, bread will always be in demand, and this is an additional argument in favor of organizing a mini bakery in your city.

Registration and registration of permits

If the study of competitors and the target audience, as well as preliminary settlements on business plan, give grounds to say that the opening of a mini bakery is a promising business, you can proceed to registering your company. If you decide to create a legal entity, it is best to issue LLC (recommendations of experienced lawyers and entrepreneurs). How can this be done, read in the article - "".

Most often, this organizational and legal form of activity is chosen when several people are found in business founders who do not want to risk personal property. According to the laws of the Russian Federation, in the event of a bankruptcy, the founders of the LLC are responsible only within the property of the company. For registration of JUR. Persons need to have a legal address, authorized capital, payment of state duty and notary services, opening an account in a financial and credit institution, printing.

Register as individual entrepreneur Much easier and cheaper. In this case, there is no need to abide by the cash discipline and hire the chief accountant. You do not need a legal address and authorized capital. During the registration process, it is necessary to apply that you will work on a simplified tax system, as well as select the code of your future activities (according to the existing classification). In general, the process of registration of legal or individual To open a mini bakery, it does not differ from the design of documentation for any other field of activity. Highly important momentYou should consider when creating a firm: the tax regime in each region of the Russian Federation introduces the municipality, that is, the level of your mandatory deductions to the state budget depends largely.

The whole range of mini bakery must match sanitary standardsWhat is confirmed by the sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, which gives Rospotrebnadzor after the relevant examination. The same conclusion issues this state body on the production of products. All mini bakery products must have a certificate of conformity that guarantees the quality of your baking. In addition, you must receive from representatives of the Fire Inspection Conclusion that the norms and requirements of fire safety are fulfilled in the room.

In order for you not have problems with obtaining permits in the SES, you must comply with the following conditions.:

    there is no placement of mini bakery in the basement;

    it is necessary to have sewage, ventilation, as well as cold and hot water;

    in the enterprise should be equipped with warehouse and utility rooms, including shower and toilet;

    walls need to be mandatory to lay tiles, and bother the ceilings.

The fulfillment of the above conditions will give the opportunity to avoid fines and frequent checks by representatives of the SES.

Equipment, hired personnel and other production issues

Before you start the purchase of all the necessary equipment, you must accurately decide how to work: produce bakery and confectionery products exclusively for the sale of wholesalers or in parallel, organize the operation of the retail outlet.

In the first case you need to purchase:

    mukopinder installation;

    dough mixing machine and splitter;

    special table on which the dough is cut;


    baking oven and trolley;

    other tools.

On average, the production capacity of the above-mentioned equipment with full loading of the furnace is about 1.5 tons finished products in a day. Sometimes entrepreneurs buy ready-made dough from which they make baking in their recipes. This significantly reduces production cycle, and also allows you to save money on the acquisition of fixed assets. Only oven, trolley and table for cutting the dough remain from expensive equipment. But, as it always happens, this method has its drawbacks. First of all, it concerns the quality of the test that affects the final result. The buyer can forgive once and close the eyes on mediocre products, but if it is repeated systematically, it will go to your competitors. Remember: Losing the buyer is very easy, and to conquer his attention, it is necessary to work a lot and persistently, and without any guarantees for success.

We looked at everything you need to open a mini bakery if you are engaged exclusively by the production of baking. To organize the work of the retail outlet, and in perspective, perhaps the whole network of specialized stores, you need to buy:

    showcase and drawers for storing money;

    special cabinets in which finished bakes will be kept;

    refrigerators for confectionery and perishable ingredients;

    safe for securities and money;

    cash register (the question of its acquisition and registration is agreed with the tax inspector);

    furniture and other inventory.

If you yourself will deal with the selection of personnel and implement the general management of the enterprise, you will not have to hire a manager, and this, in our time, will allow saving a monthly decent amount of money, the size of which depends on the region of residence. Among employees playing important role In the mini bakery robot, a special place is occupied by a technologist. The most important thing depends on it - the taste of your products.

Do not spare money for the wage of a person who will do quality products. In this business, there is a very effective and true advertising - "Sarafanny Radio", especially it acts if a retail point for the sale of bakery products works. Then information about delicious buns is instantly divided among buyers and you are guaranteed high sales. Similarly, the marketing scheme "From mouth to the mouth" is similar when the manufacturer produces low-quality products, in this case no promotional tricks will help you, your target audience after 2-3 battles of tasteful baking will go to competitors.

In addition to the technologist, you need bakers to work at your enterprise, their quantity depends on the mode of operation: for each shift - 1-2 people. So that the room always responds to sanitary standards, two cleaners are needed. If, in addition to the bakery, the retail shopping point will work, sellers need.

For keeping accounting, performing all operations with cash, drawing up and passing reports to government controls, as well as the passage of inspections, will have to hire an accountant (and pay it a good salary). Well, to perform small orders, unloading / loading works are better to use the services of a handyman. This personnel is designed to work on one mini bakery with a retail outlets. In case of production expansion, you can make an enterprise more efficient and productive, but for this it is necessary to use equipment that is much more expensive.

Economic performance of mini bakery

Let us turn to the main economic indicators that allow us to determine how profitable to do this business in our country. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the profitability of a mini bakery, and then learn the payback of cash invested into this case.

For business organization you need:

    archout all documents and purchase equipment - 50 thousand dollars;

    buy furniture - 1-2 thousand dollars;

    make minimal repairs - 5 thousand dollars.

All one-time costs make up - 57 thousand dollars.

Permanent monthly costs include:

    rent - 2500 dollars;

    Utilities - 600 dollars;

    personnel salary - 4500 dollars;

    unforeseen expenses - 400 dollars.

As a result, all monthly expenses are 10 thousand dollars. Experienced entrepreneurs argue that invested money returns after a year and a half, and the profitability of this business is in the range of 30-50%. These indicators are very high even for a stable economic situation and at the moment it is difficult to find a branch that demonstrates similar amounts of profitability. Analyzing the business plan of a real mini bakery with detailed calculations, it can be concluded that one small company in a year and a half will return all the money invested, and in the future its minimum stable profits will be 3-4 thousand dollars per month, excluding salary Manager firm.

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A small bakery-confectionery can profit from 80,000 to 300,000 rubles per month. This type of business is attractive with stable demand and relatively low competition.

Bakery products belong to the segment of essential goods that are in constant demand. In the conditions of the modern economy, a whole niche for private bakeries opened, which offer delicious freshly baked products.

Against the background of a poor assortment of products from bobbers, small bakers benefit from their unique taste and variety.

In this article, we will consider in detail the most important aspects that need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan, and find out how to open a mini-pastry shop.

First of all, the personal part of the owner in this project is essential. Very good if you already have practical skills in this area. If not, then you need to go through the relevant courses. They can last from the pair of weeks to several months.

It all depends on the specific school, as well as the future specifics of your project. It is necessary to initially understand that at least the first year you have to spend a lot of time at the stove. But this will give you an invaluable experience, as well as an understanding of the success of the range and prices, quality of products and the correctness of the organization of business processes.

It is recommended before opening your bakery-confectionery, think about its specialization. For example, you can bake only all sorts of snacks with different fillings or exclusively with sweet products. The choice of literally each key component of the project depends on the future product range: from the list of raw materials and equipment to the size of the room and the size of the starting costs. Therefore, many experienced confectioners advise first of all to determine what will produce your bakery.

check in

As you already know, before doing any type of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to officially register as an entrepreneur or establish your company. Recently, we have already raised the topic of registration and considered.

Most Russian bakers make their choice in favor of an individual entrepreneur. This is due to the simplicity of the registration procedure, accounting, and the opportunity to switch to a simplified tax system.

In addition to legalizing activities, you will need to get another whole line permits for premises, equipment, personnel, etc. Also be prepared for the quality tests of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service. This is caused by strict state control in the provision of services catering. More specifically, we will talk about these moments further.


To choose a place where you will bake your products, it is worth going with special care. If you decide to work on a franchise, then the consultant of the company-franchisor will help you in this matter. In the case when your bakery bake products under your own brand, you will have to search on your own. As mentioned above, the sizes and features of the right room depend on the volumes of the volumes and product range. In any case, it should be hot and cold waterIt should not be basement, and also equipped with a toilet and warehouse.

Consider the most classic option - a small bakery with shop windows, a small room with several tables. Recommended area from 60 to 140 square meters. The room should be already equipped with a ventilation system, and its layout should initially allow placing the production site in the long part of the site. The advantage will be the presence of a black entrance through which it will be possible to carry out the use of raw materials and related products. A huge advantage will be the necessary target destination, namely "for organizations and catering enterprises." This will allow you to save a lot of time and money on obtaining permits from the SES and Firefighters.

Since, most likely, you open your bakery from scratch, then the best option There will be a rent of premises, not his purchase. The rental cost of one square varies from 20 to 100 USD. Depending on the city and from the area in this settlement. If you decide to bake and sell in the same room, it is important to place a confectionery in a more or less lively place. But you can go and otherwise. Bake somewhere on the outskirts of the city, but to implement products in small shops in lively places.


This expense article will be the largest in business plan any mini bakery. The main part of the equipment is the technique for the preparation and baking confectionery. To date, there is no need to buy different components individually. You can easily buy a mini-bakery ready for work, the possibilities of which are quite wide and universal. The price of such mini-complexes begins from 600,000 rubles. European manufacturers of large equipment for business have proven best of themselves. Experienced bakers are advised not to save on the equipment, because the performance of the entire project depends on its reliability.

You can also buy out a used technique if you already understand the intricacies of such devices. Otherwise, you will definitely use the services of the consultant.

On the Internet you will find ads for the sale of such equipment by other bakeries, restaurants or, such as hotels. In this case, it can be saved on costs, but very carefully approach the inspection and testing of such equipment.

The confectionery business plan needs to include trading equipment. It includes showcases, cabinets and shelves for finished products, signs, refrigerators, etc. After you install all the technique in your bakery, you will need to get a conclusion of the SES in Rospotrebnadzor, giving the right to produce products.


First of all, we will talk about technical personnel, that is, about those people who will be directly involved in baking products. So, it is necessary that in the staff of the bakery there is:

  • Technologist - a person responsible for developing and improving the recipes, as well as control by their observance. As a rule, it is a person with special education and practical experience in the field of catering.
  • Bakers - employees who will practice baking products. Depending on the size of production, there may be from one to several people. Special education is not required for them, but the experience is very desirable.
  • Confectioner - specialist in the field of work with cakes, chocolate desserts, candy, etc. This employee needs if you are engaged in confectionery production.

In addition to the above-mentioned workers, you will need sales quantities that will let go products and pay with customers. Also, it is also not to do without the customer service, because in order for the kind of institution, cleanliness is a very important factor. Of course, if you make time and skill, you can take any of the posts that we indicated. After all, this is still your bakery!

Assortment and suppliers

Deciding with the assortment of products that you can bake, you must definitely develop a menu. To find out the most popular, "running" positions, it is enough to visit several pastry shops. As a rule, the list of products necessarily includes popular types of bread, such as baguette and chiabat. Among the cakes often take croissants, cheesecakes and pies with different stuffing. On the culinary part and the peculiarities of the preparation of a particular product, you must suggest technology and bake. They will consult relative to the complexity of cooking, the necessary raw materials, and also advise that one or another position can be supplemented to make it more attractive to customers. It is very recommended to listen to the recommendations of these people, because it will help create the optimal menu.

The quality and cost of raw materials predetermine the quality and price of your finished products. Ideally, you need to strive to purchase best products At an optimal price. First of all, you need to carefully consider the choice of suppliers of the most important ingredients - flour, sugar, milk, eggs and water. The latter is desirable to use inexpensive bottled, and not from under the tap. Take care of the place of storing all these products in advance, especially perishable.


A few weeks before the opening of the bakery, you can already start advertising it. On the facade of the room, place a large bright sign with the name of the institution and the inscription "Soon Opening." On the storefront you can put a standby plate of days before opening, as well as specify a preliminary menu. If your mini bakery is in large city, Be sure to use the services for its promotion on social networks. It has already been proven that it is very effective method Advertising of any small project.

In the first days of the beginning of the work of bakery-pastry shop everything should be perfect. It is imperative that customers have better the impression of your brand, and then they will certainly be the statute of regular visitors. To increase the effect, distribute free samples of your products, arrange discounts at the end of the day, and also offer new items. If you want your confectionery to be a cozy place, then take care of a small orphanage.

At the expiration of the first weeks, you will most likely learn about some of the shortcomings in the organization of production, the decency of suppliers, the range of products or staff behavior. That is why the personal participation of the founder is very important, because this will allow you to quickly respond and take appropriate measures. Do not be afraid to experiment, but at the same time try to track the efficiency and level of contentment of your customers.


In the field of cooking snacks and bakery products, the presence of franchisor companies is not a novelty. They successfully develop their networks with a dozen years and gain popularity every year. This option of building a business can be attractive for you in any population of our country. The key advantage of the franchise is the practical readiness of a model for building a similar project subject to certain conditions.

At your disposal turns out to be a number of "Kozrei" - promoted trademark, ready-made list of equipment and product range, clear understanding in the field of pricing, promotion, etc. Moreover, you will gladly help when choosing a room and equipment supplier, in the selection and training of personnel, and will also tell how to arrange trading areas, advertise products and attract new customers.

The principle of operation on the franchise is pretty simple. It can be described by the following theses:

  • Choose the most suitable franchise and conclude a contract with a franchisor.
  • Paying the appropriate contributions per franchise conditions.
  • After payment, receive a full package of documents with a detailed description of all business processes and recommendations.
  • The franchisor will supply you ready-made semi-finished products. They are billets of bakery products that have been sacrificed a shock frost. This allows you to preserve all the quality of products, store it within 3 months, and also quickly prepare your bakery in the oven.
  • The final prices define the franchisor.

The opening of the Bakery Confectionesoks on the franchise is a good start for novice entrepreneurs. This option will help you avoid multiple errors and significantly increase your chances to build a successful business.

Investments and profit

With properly organized work, the mini bakery-confectionery can go to self-sufficiency after 5-6 months. It is possible to count on a stable profit of 80-300 thousand rubles in 8-12 months after the start.

For opening a small bakery-confectionery will require investments in the amount of from 1.5-2 million rubles. When starting work on a franchise, starting costs will be less - from 1 million rubles.

  • Actual trends
  • Business Plan Purpose
  • Required documentsPermits
  • Project Implementation - Selecting Room
  • Start-up capital
  • Regular schedule
  • Current expenses

Confectionery bakery - a business that does not know crises, baking always remains in demand product. Even economically difficult 2015 showed a slight decrease in demand for bakery and sweet products - baking. Therefore, we decided to tell you how to open a pastry-confectionery from scratch in 2019.

Actual trends

In Russia, bread and other flour products are consumed annually in 4 billion dollars. At the same time, often the quality of bread leaves much to be desired, so the consumer is ready to pay for a feather and delicious baking. It can offer only a private confectionery bakery. Large mills cannot in this part 100% satisfy the needs of the market.

In Europe, this niche has long been filled with mini confectionery bakeries combined with small shops or cozy cafes. In Russia, this concept is only gaining momentum, so the competition level is not so high. Especially if you open such a business in a small town. Megacities in this plan are less attractive.

You can also open your bakery at home or use franchises to reduce starting attachments. To achieve success, the main thing to provide quality to the consumer, and the choice of business concept depends on the entrepreneur itself, its financial capabilities and plans for its development.

Business Plan Purpose

The calculations below are the foundation for opening and building a business. This is the classic scheme of the organization of a small bakery-confectionery, where it is listed what needs and how much is the most necessary for the project start. As a basis, the prices are taken currently in 2019, allowing you to navigate with novice entrepreneurs, how much will cost to open a turnkey bakery, create a business plan for individual requirements.

The business plan allows you to open a confectionery bakery with such economic indicators:

  • the cost of 1 kg of products - 60 rubles;
  • daily sales - 200-400 kg of bakery, sweet products;
  • monthly operating profit - 360,000-720,000;
  • net profit - 65,000-366,000, taking into account all expenses and taxes.

Profitability of the business is 50%, payback period from 6 months to a year.

We offer Download detailed confectionery bakery business plan with all calculations. Quality guarantee!

Required documents, permits

To open a small pastry bakery from scratch, you need to get many permissions:

  1. Sanitary and epidemiological permit for production. The requirements put forward to the room will be discussed below.
  2. Conclusion of the SES required to work with third-party organizations - shops, supermarkets.
  3. Ecological expertise must be carried out.
  4. Permission of the fire inspection. To get it, the room where the bakery-confectionery is located must comply with regulatory sectoral requirements. Maintenance: availability fire alarm and primary fire extinguishing facilities - fire extinguishers.
  5. Certificate of Compliance of the Federal Technical Regulation and Metrology Agency.

Today, no one can be confident in the stability of its financial situation. Neither those who go to work every day and receives a monthly salary, nor those who work for themselves, that is, has their own business. The word "crisis" firmly entered into our lexicon, and every regular arrival is no longer surprised. But, naturally, it does not please and again and again causes a significant blow to the wallet. And yet, who is in a more profitable position in the event of problems? Certainly not hired workers who, in the case of reduction, turn out to be on the street without a penny in his pocket and little acceptable prospects to find new job. The road in this case is one - on the labor exchange. However, most often this path leads to nowhere. While the owners of their own, albeit a small business in a more profitable situation, even though the income is noticeably falling. Nevertheless, they are, albeit small. In any case, you can always pay for life and earn life. That's why many today are thinking about how to open own enterprise And start working on yourself. True, in this regard there are problems. Almost increasingly or less profitable in terms of maintaining a niche has long been busy, competition in the Turkish market, pick up suitable optionwhich will really bring income is quite difficult. In this case, you must first of all pay attention to enterprises that are literally the vital products in demand at any time and with any crisis. For example, bread. And therefore today we want you to submit a detailed business plan of this enterprise. So how to open a bakery?

A few words about the service itself

Before starting to develop your own detailed bakery business plan, you need to decide what you are specifically going to do. Because this type of activity implies several options. It can be a full-fledged enterprise. That is, you will fully exercise the entire production process, ranging from the manufacture of test and baking products and prior to its implementation. As for the latter, here, working on the concept of the future enterprise, it is advisable to immediately include on the list and item, providing for the opening of own trading points. Or to develop a cafe-bakery business plan, that is, the establishments in which the production and the sale of products will take place immediately in one place. It is worth thinking about incorporated into the range of products implemented not only your own baking, but also other dishes and drinks. For example, cheesery, pancakes, diards, ice cream, desserts, tea-coffee. Immediately let's say: such an enterprise requires presence of rather solid starting capital, but it really impresses it.

The second way is to work with semi-finished products. In this case optimal option - Opening mini bakery. The business plan should be compiled, taking into account the fact that you will deal with purely baking, purchasing the finished dough and implementing your products through intermediaries. Attachments will need less, but also the yield of the company will not be so high.

As a third version, pay attention to the franchise. Having invested some amount (sometimes very significant), you will get already ready Enterprise With the developed and fully certified technology from the promoted brand. The option is not bad, but accessible, as a rule, only those who live in a more or less large settlement.

If you summarize the information: experts recommend to pay first of all attention to bakeries carrying out a full production cycle. Yes, the investments will be needed, and very significant, but such an enterprise pays off faster and brings good income. It is for this reason that we want to submit a bakery business plan full cycle production. By the way, using it as an example and recycling, it is possible, if necessary, to draw up your own concept of a mini-enterprise.

A few words about the business plan

Competent planning of the future enterprise is the basis of success. This strategic document requires careful elaboration and accounting of all conditions in which a businessman will work. And those who think that it is enough to calculate the costs of opening and planning income on a piece of paper. Naturally, the financial component is the basis of everything, but not the only item. Business plan should be present detailed instructions, become step by step leadership For the future entrepreneur. And absolutely all items that describe the opening stages of the business should be included in it: and the legal component, and the analysis of competitors, and the issue of selection of premises and personnel, and advertising aspect, and much more. And therefore, we want to present to your attention a bakery business plan in a phased version. So, what points should be in your manual for action?

Analysis of the competitiveness of the future business

Developing the concept of an enterprise, it should be understood that you are not the only smart person in your settlement. Most likely, in this segment, a significant number of entrepreneurs work quite successfully. In addition, government bakery mills whose products are on the shelves of all stores will be serious competition. How to survive in this case? It is necessary to analyze the market and develop your own, unique assortment of bakeries, more precisely, the products it will be released. Only high-quality baking made in the original recipe can attract the consumer. Banal Bread-brick man can purchase and in the outlet at the entrance, he will definitely not go to your store. And even if at the same point there will be two types of this brick - your and state-owned production, most likely, he will give preference to the more familiar and probably cheaper product. By the way, it is relying on the range, you will need to develop some other business plan points, such as the purchase of equipment, recruitment.

The question of registration of the enterprise

After you conducted certain calculations and came to the conclusion that the case will be profitable and you will "pull it", it's time to start registration. Without this step, you can not do anything, since the notorious "paper" still stands at the head of the angle of any enterprise. Working out a bakery business plan, decide, as whom you will work. There are two most acceptable forms for your type of activity - IPP and LLC. The first is less expensive both in temporary and financial plan, most suitable in the event that it is planned to create a small enterprise with a minimum number of hired personnel. The second requires, in addition to registration, carry out the mass of measures to create a charter, legal address, opening an account, etc. Manipulations. As a rule, most often applied in cases where business is based by several people. For the most part, novice entrepreneurs still begin with the registration of the IP. In addition, you will be offered to choose the type of taxation. Experts recommend to stop their choice on UNVD (this is called a fixed tax rate).

Suitable room

Next, you need to consider the selection issue. As a rule, most likely, at first, it will have to shoot it, but it will not be superfluous to include in the lease agreement and the point on the possibility of subsequent redemption. The room should contain special requirements. First, the location. Naturally, in a residential area, the rent will be cheaper than in the center, nevertheless sometimes sometimes it is impractical to save on it - at least because if you have several people from the outskirts in your bakery a day, the business will die literally in a month. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the following factor: the premises for the bakery should be in place with a large crossway, i.e., where there is a large number of people. But, of course, do not side by side with the institution of this type. The second requirement is the area. It should be (provided that you will implement products on site, and this is most desirable) at least 150 "squares". And since you are going to produce food, you need to have a sewage room, water supply, utility rooms and a bathroom. In addition, making up a bakery business plan, do not forget to include in it and repair costs, which, let the cosmetic, most likely have to do.

Equipment for bakery

Since you start your yes, you also plan to implement the products personally, you will need to acquire literally all - ranging from the production and commercial equipment and ending with household equipment and personnel form. It will be necessary, first of all, the furnace, the apparatus for the test table, the cabinet is broken. The freezer does not hurt. This is the minimum that needs to be purchased at first. Further, as it strengthened its position in the market, it is possible to slowly expand and buy the necessary aggregates. In addition, you will need to purchase trading counters, a special windows for baking, as well as cabinets for its storage. Since this is the largest cost of expenses, one may consider the purchase of used units. Sometimes, by the way, you can buy very high-quality equipment for bakery in half the price.


If you yourself are not a professional in the creation of bakery products, you should pose a search for an intelligent technologist. You will also need direct confectionery bakers (two people for shift) and two sellers. As for the cleaner, at first, it is possible to distribute its responsibilities between the main personnel, for an additional fee, of course. Accountant, too, you can first not take. With some knowledge, all counts can be carried out independently or use the services of the so-called third-party specialist.

Permissive papers

After all previous items have been completed, it will be necessary to obtain permission to work from Rospotrebnadzor in the form of an appropriate conclusion. In addition, the officials of the fire supervisory service should be welcome. And you should also go through the procedure for certification of conformity in the Federal Agency for Metrology and Technical Regulation. It must be remembered that both confectionery bakers, and sellers, and technologist must have an existing medical record.

Choosing suppliers of raw materials

To explain that the quality of the original raw material is dependent, and the external does not even need an amateur. In addition, the financial side of the issue - it is advisable to exercise procurement to maximize low prices. Therefore, the question of the choice of serious, trustworthy suppliers will certainly be seriously considered when making a business plan. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that if the same flour can be purchased by large parties, then perishable products like oil, cream, etc., taking into account the specifics of the started production, it is necessary to acquire in small quantities. Therefore, it would be worth finding a good mediator, the basic private trader, who will always be ready to treat your problems with understanding. By the way, in this plan it is possible to cooperate with farms with farms. It is recommended to search for suppliers in the production process, concluding oral agreements with them, the procurement must be made immediately before the start of the bakery.


Composing a bakery business plan, this issue also needs to pay attention. Short scale advertising campaign There is no particular need, nevertheless some steps do still stand. Take advantage of the attention of the sign and title first. The first must be bright and attract attention, the second must be made harder and so that it is associated with the type of product produced, and was increasing. Agree, the shop of bakery products called "Push" can be found literally in every city. Therefore, when creating the name, you need to work hard and try to come up with something your original. In addition, who knows, perhaps, at this point, you create a true brand, which after many years will be recognizable throughout the country.

I justify yourself and bring the result such methods as distribution of leaflets, signboard on advertising stands of ads. The holding of numerous shares in the form of morning or evening discounts and such events will contribute to the work of the sarafined radio - that is, satisfied customers will tell you friends and thus deliver new buyers.

Financial component

By drawing up a business plan, this component should be developed with special care.

You started a fairly expensive enterprise - a bakery opens from scratch, therefore, most likely, for the realization of the conceived will have to take a loan, and therefore all the calculations need to be checked and risen. In addition, counting how much money will go to buy the same equipment, it should be understood that nothing to acquire, let's say, the counter from natural tree, It is quite possible to do and its plastic analogue at first. The same applies to the same, for example, a furnace. Why do you need to buy expensive products of the famous brand? Today you can buy quite decent equipment of the Russian or even Chinese manufacturer at a reasonable price. So, count the costs:

  • Approximately 50,000 dollars will go to the purchase of equipment.
  • On all sorts of equipment and furniture - about two.
  • Rent (for a month) will cost approximately 2-2.5 thousand dollars.
  • Repair of the premises - another 5 thousand dollars.
  • Registration of documentation - $ 500

We count. One will have to lay out about 60 thousand dollars.

Monthly costs:

  • Rent - the same 2-2.5 thousand dollars.
  • Salary (Baker, Technologist, Seller - In general, the entire service personnel) will require about $ 5,000 monthly.
  • Communication - 500 dollars.
  • Advertising - 300 dollars.

That is, a month will have to spend about 8-9 thousand. Plus the cost of purchasing raw materials. As practice shows, pure bakery income, after paying tax, is about 3-4 thousand dollars. According to experts, this species Business is capable of making themselves for one and a half years.

It is clear that the above figures can be called quite averaged and able to vary depending on the terrain in which it is planned to open bakery. After all, let's say rent in Moscow and the province - the concepts of different. As well as salaries. Nevertheless, such an example of the bakery business plan is quite possible, even if you decide to discover the case in a small town. Equipment, as you know, has the same value both in the capital and in the area. As for some other expenses, they are elementary can be counted under its locality.


We tried to tell the most detail about how to open a bakery from scratch. And we can conclude that with the right approach to the case, this type of business is quite profitable and is able to bring normal income to the owner. However, in case of deciding on the opening of such an enterprise, it is necessary to have a carefully developed business plan on hand, which will be the key to success.