DIY garage equipment: doing it right. Arrangement of the garage inside with your own hands

A garage is a home for a car, a repair shop, and a club of interests. That is why the arrangement of a garage box must be thought out to the smallest detail. Not really large area It is necessary to place many items so that everything is at hand when necessary.

A short guide to arranging a garage will help you cope with this task. You don’t need to have great skill, you just need to use maximum imagination and minimum effort. But first of all, let's decide where to start.

Garage design

Dividing the garage into zones is as important as the distribution of free space in the apartment. If you correctly determine the purpose of each meter of garage space, setting up a workplace will be quite simple. All that remains is to install convenient shelving and additional auxiliary elements.

The passage area is a free space. It is advisable to place a clothes hanger there. Everyday little things are within easy reach. Items in daily demand will be located here.

The main thing they should be:

  • fire resistant;
  • durable;
  • resistant to various factors.

Moreover, the finishing material should be easy to clean and not absorb odors. Not all materials have these qualities.

Suitable building material:

  • Plaster mixtures. An ideal base that will hide all the unevenness and defects of the walls.
  • Thin cladding board (lining). It is used for both interior and exterior decoration.
  • Tile. Here you will have to work hard, and the cost is not suitable for everyone. At the same time, ceramics are a profitable option. It is non-flammable, easy to clean and durable. If the walls of the garage are tiled, you can forget about repairs for many years. Garage decoration

Planning your garage space always makes you think. Especially those who keep order in everything. Setting up a garage with your own hands will not be difficult if you know some tricks in arranging work areas. It is always possible to allocate some space for the necessary tools.

Ideas for a DIY garage are so diverse that you can discuss it for a long time.

If you are repairing your car yourself, then you simply need a workbench. It can be made from wooden blocks of the required parameters. But the tabletop must be made of metal.

Great importance is attached to the location of shelves and racks. They are given the main place in the room. It is preferable to install such structures along the walls. The photo shows options for arranging a garage.

You can visually expand the garage space using hanging shelves made of metal mesh. You can put old things there that will still be useful.

Inscriptions and original stickers will help you place all items by type.

Small metal parts will always be in place if they are placed on magnetic tape.

Hooks for hangers can be made from old ones wrenches. They will perfectly fit a rubber hose or protective clothing.

Old plastic jars can be used to store nails, screws and similar small items.

A source of pride and stylish decoration Your modern garage box will be a distribution panel, such as an organizer. To do this, you need to attach a metal sheet with through notches to the wall and put hooks into the holes. From now on, all the tools and items that you use most often will always remain visible.

Bicycles and other sports equipment always take up a certain area. They can be hung on strong brackets. This way you will save square meters and achieve order in your small territory.

Photo of the garage arrangement

Arranging a garage plays the same role in a man’s life as a well-equipped kitchen for a woman. This room is distinguished by practicality and asceticism. Here, all things are intended for a specific purpose.

With the modern development of automobile service, a car owner rarely engages in independently repairing any breakdowns in the car, both minor and serious. The car box now serves more for comfortable parking of the car and putting it in order (cleanliness).

The car itself is a device, the full operation of which requires technical work, required space and special equipment. Such work includes:

  • changing rubber tires or wheels;
  • Accumulator charging;
  • oil change (depending on the season and mileage of the car);
  • refilling windshield wipers with water or antifreeze;
  • a series of preventive and regulatory work on the brake system and engine.

How to properly arrange a garage? First of all, this room is intended for parking and servicing the car. In addition to the main task, the car box also performs many other necessary functions.

It serves as a workshop, a storage room, a place for making and storing fishing and hunting equipment, and even a kind of club where men gather to discuss their problems.

When the room is intended exclusively for car maintenance, it can be equipped with minimal amenities. If the owner of the car knows its structure very well and is a careful owner, then the car box is equipped with many related functions that include interior design garage to complete them.

Premises for servicing and parking cars today are built in entire complexes with the same type of boxes, but each owner carries out the arrangement of the garage with his own hands inside individually.

Features of the car room

The car box must be equipped with good ventilation. Any car runs on gasoline or diesel fuel, and, naturally, these materials emit vapors, which, having accumulated and reached a certain concentration, can lead to an explosion at the slightest spark.

Based on this, when you are trying to equip a garage with your own hands, it is necessary to provide basic fire extinguishing means.

When the engine is running, it emits carbon monoxide. When there is a machine in the room with the engine running and it is poorly arranged ventilation system, there is a threat of poisoning, allowing for the possibility of death.

In such a room, many jobs involve using power tools that require increased load on the electrical wiring, such as:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • sander

When arranging a garage with your own hands, special attention should be paid to electrical wiring. It is best that the entire electrical system of the box be designed for a higher load and a network voltage greater than 220 V.

Any short circuit or spark in a room where fuels and lubricants are located can lead to a fire.

Interior arrangement

Ideas for arranging a garage, which is a separate room, arise from its owner constantly, as any needs arise. Often, the garage equipment includes a cellar under the car, a cellar for storing food supplies, canned goods and vegetables for the winter.

Each owner, as a rule, arranges the internal workplace in the garage for minor plumbing work. Arranging a garage with your own hands can happen in any way you like, but the main thing is not to forget about its original purpose; nothing should interfere with the work of servicing the car.

Interior arrangement begins with marking out work areas that perform certain functions. The main and largest area is the parking area. In the center of this area, the car owner often equips a special pit for convenient work with the lower part of the car. There should be space on the floor of the pit to install containers for storing oil, gasoline or diesel fuel and other flammable liquids. A wall is determined that belongs to the work area, and, accordingly, the machine will stand at the farthest distance from it.

The garage must be arranged in such a way that everything is in its place and there is no clutter of things that could fall down from a touch or push and damage the car. Many owners have a question: how to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands?

Should primarily include setting up a workbench and hanging shelves. A vice is installed on the workbench, which is necessary for carrying out technical work that concerns not only the car. All the tools, parts, mixtures and liquids necessary for the work are stored on the shelves.

Nowadays, with an abundance of cars and a shortage of parking space, automobile complexes consisting of 2-3 or more floors have begun to be built. It is no longer possible to make an inspection hole in the box located on the second floor. The owners of such premises now have tiers of upper hanging shelves, forming, as it were, a second ceiling.

This design, of course, does not provide unobstructed access to the bottom of the car, but it significantly increases the usable space of the room that can be used.

Nowadays, almost no car enthusiast can imagine his life without a garage. This important room serves as a shelter for your beloved car and at the same time performs a number of useful functions - a repair shop, a storage room, and often a place for relaxation.

That is why there are many subtleties of arranging a garage, the study of which will help make the garage as organic as possible.


At first glance, arranging a garage may seem very simple matter. Due to the fact that the garage, as a rule, is a small room and has a number of fairly simple functions. However, for the same reason, a number of features emerge that are unique to this room.

The first question to arise in terms of arrangement is about fire safety to avoid situations where you can lose both the garage and the car at once.

It is necessary to decide in advance what electrical appliances will be used in the garage, and do not forget to add lighting. Do it yourself or have the help of a qualified electrician calculate the network load. This is an important part of planning where the suitability of the transformer and cables is determined.

If necessary, replace wiring and transformer the best option will buy a thicker cable for larger loads with a margin. If in the future the garage owner wants to buy, for example, a welding machine, he will not have to change these components.

The second important feature of arranging a garage is insulation.. Based on the climate of the region in which the garage is located, a sufficient level of thermal insulation is calculated. Otherwise, for most of the year the garage will not be able to perform its direct function, and the car will simply freeze.

Fortunately, there are now more than enough types of room insulation. They are selected individually in specialized stores. In this case, what plays a role is what temperature should be inside the room, how thick the walls are and what material they are made of, and the need for subsequent finishing of these walls is also taken into account.

If there is heating inside, you can get by simple insulation foam walls. This will be enough for a comfortable stay inside the garage and will allow you to maintain an acceptable temperature for the car longer.

A more radical way to preserve heat can be heating wiring with a thermostat. In this case, the garage will always maintain a constant required temperature.

Besides the obvious important features When arranging a garage, it is worth deciding in advance for what purposes the garage will be used. If it will only serve as a shelter for the car, storage of tires and spare parts, then perhaps you should not take the issue of finishing too seriously.

In the case where the garage also needs to be equipped as a repair shop, there is a need for a more thoughtful layout and decoration.


Having decided what exactly will be in the garage, it’s time to create a project. To do this, you can independently arm yourself with the necessary office supplies and mark out the garage. You can also order a garage project from specialists. Both options are good The main thing is that when creating a sketch, important points are noted:

  • Height, length and width of the room. Accuracy is important here, neglecting centimeters, you may later find that some important part of the furniture does not fit the remaining space.
  • Determine what exactly will be inside and enter the dimensions of these things: shelves, workbenches, racks, and so on. Everything that, one way or another, occupies space must be reflected in the project. Otherwise, it may turn out that the remaining space is barely enough for the machine itself. Of course, first of all you should take into account the dimensions of the garage. There is no need to arrange carbon copy furniture and equipment like other owners.

So, for a 3x6 m garage, the workbench will most likely fit well against the far wall, which is quite convenient when working with the engine.

In the case of a 4x6 m garage, it is already possible to slightly move the space under the car, thus freeing up the side wall. There are more options for arrangement.

  • The next step is to check the sufficient width of the aisles between the shelves, racks and the car when it is in the garage. It is advisable not to forget this point throughout the creation of the project, then it will be easy to track the correct placement of furniture.
  • Finally, we select the gate. It all depends on how much money the garage owner is willing to spend. There are special gates with increased security. They are usually equipped with several locks and are additionally equipped with loops through which a special cable is threaded. In this case, a hook is made in the garage floor to secure the cable, which serves as additional protection if the locks suddenly fail.

In addition, garage doors can be additionally insulated from the inside. If the project involves warm garage- this is necessary, since there will be air from the cracks between the gate and the frame. But also as insulation, garage doors can come with clapboard interior trim.

However, here you may encounter the fact that the lining will move due to temperature changes and periodically it will need to be knocked into place.

At the project stage, a decision is made on the advisability of an inspection pit (if there is none). An alternative to a pit can be a mobile overpass, onto which the car is driven to open access to the lower part.

If we take as an example standard garage 6x3 m, then in the version with an overpass there is an obvious disadvantage - these are the dimensions, and, accordingly, the space that they will occupy inside the garage. Unlike a 6x4 m garage, where an extra meter gives the necessary space.

Regardless of the size of the room, there is always the opportunity to implement the idea of ​​a basement. This will provide additional space for storing things or rarely used equipment.

Besides, the basement also serves as a viewing hole. There is also enough internal space to dig a cellar as well. This provides a major advantage both functionally and cost-effectively when selling a garage.

Nowadays, garages with living spaces are becoming increasingly popular.. As a rule, the living space is a superstructure over the garage, equipped with heating and everything necessary.

You can consider this option for the future, and at the project stage take into account the add-on with everything necessary to save money.


Interior decoration also plays a significant role. The material for walls, floors and ceilings may vary. In addition to the obvious aesthetic qualities, we should not forget about practicality, and, first of all, safety. Today, you can improve your garage without sacrificing safety and functionality using almost any materials.

The main thing is that they have certain qualities:

  • Non-flammability. An important point, especially if you plan to carry out work in the garage welding work.
  • Resistant to various chemicals. Few people think about this, considering it unimportant. However, walls or floors painted with the wrong paint can quickly begin to peel if they come into contact with gasoline or solvents.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. An example of an unsuccessful option here would be drywall. Having a low degree of protection from mechanical stress, it would be inappropriate to use it for wall decoration.

  • Wear resistance and durability. Agree, no one wants to impose new plaster or paint. Therefore, it is worth considering this point, especially in places with harsh climates.
  • Ecologically safe materials . Do not forget that we are talking about the interior decoration of the room. When using materials for exterior finishing that are more durable and wear-resistant, there is a risk of acquiring a material that is hazardous to human health. You should carefully study the instructions for use before choosing.
  • Finally, the materials should not get dirty. A nuance, however, being in the garage, one way or another, there will be contact with the walls and so on. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the material used does not leave marks on clothing.

The market offers a huge range of materials that more or less meet these requirements. And they allow you to easily complete the interior decoration of the garage with your own hands without much effort.

The most common is plaster. This option is most often used for wall decoration due to its economy, durability and simplicity. In addition, finishing walls with plaster is much faster.

It's another matter if you use plaster to finish the ceiling. Here you can encounter obvious difficulties in work, and consumption increases noticeably.

In addition, do not forget that after applying the plaster, it is necessary to apply facade paint on top of it. Otherwise, the plaster may begin to crack.

The second material with similar properties for finishing is ceramic tile. Its advantage is its increased strength, which allows it to be used for flooring. The obvious disadvantage is the energy costs of DIY repairs. In addition, much more time is spent on finishing.

The advantage can be durability, a more pleasant appearance and the ability to choose a shade and pattern to suit every taste.

Interesting material wood is used for decoration. Of course, we are talking about finishing the walls with wood only. In case of wood trim there is one huge plus - the moisture accumulating inside the room will be absorbed by the walls trimmed with wooden lining. This finish creates the most favorable conditions for car storage.

There are cases where completely new cars were stored in garages with wooden trim for more than thirty years. There was no rust found on them at all.


Garage landscaping is not complete without furniture. First of all, you should decide how much money will be spent on this item. Based on this, there will be a need to equip the garage with furniture made by yourself. But Do not forget that the main material of furniture is metal.

Thus, it all comes down to the main attribute of the furniture - the workbench. A finished workbench costs a lot of money depending on the model and size. New workbenches are usually all metal. This makes them practically eternal.

The obvious advantage here is the time savings - making such a workbench yourself will be quite difficult.

Workbenches have different quantities levels and are always equipped with small drawers, which makes them very convenient. All tools are always kept at hand, and working surface always ready.

But iron workbenches are quite heavy. The tabletop and base most often cannot be disassembled. This makes transporting the workbench difficult. An alternative would be to make a workbench by hand.

The main material for replacing metal is wood. From it you can assemble the main frame of the workbench, drawers and even a tabletop. This will significantly reduce the weight of the finished structure and facilitate further placement and movement. But do not forget that since the workbench is the main workplace, it must be stable. That's why the structure must have a strong foundation.

A tabletop made of wood must be covered with sheet metal, otherwise the workbench will lose its functionality.

Besides the workbench, the second most important attributes of garage furniture are shelves. Everything is much simpler here. There are a large number of different shelves made of metal and designed for the garage on the market.

The most convenient option there will be ready-made racks. There are racks different sizes, which are easy to assemble. All you have to do is decide what will be stored on them, and choose racks with shelves designed for this weight.

This way, you won’t have to overpay for additionally reinforced racks or, on the contrary, you will be able to choose a rack that can withstand a lot of weight.


It is worth considering the availability and need for various types of equipment.


More and more garage owners prefer to have their own car wash in their garage. Of course, this will not be a complete wash, but it will be enough to wash the car. The sinks are sold ready-made, they take up very little space and are easy to use.

To equip a garage with a sink, you only need a water supply and drainage, if this cannot be done directly to the street.


The compressor is important. The options for using it in the garage are simply endless. Starting from simple tire inflation to cleaning tools, blowing out car parts or cleaning hard-to-reach corners of the garage from dust.

Welding machine

When choosing a welding machine, you should know in advance what it will be used for. An electronic AC machine is suitable for general welding.. But it is not suitable for body work, as it can burn holes. For these purposes, a device with a tungsten electrode and a protective gas environment is required.

Water-oil separator

For car enthusiasts, the garage is a holy of holies. Some people spend more time there than at home. This is not just a place where a car is parked, but a workshop with all necessary tools and materials. In addition, there are flammable materials in the garage, so it is important to think about how to arrange the inside of the garage with your own hands.

There is an opinion that the arrangement inside does not play any role. But if the garage is not properly equipped, the operation of the garage becomes more difficult, the service life of the vehicle is reduced, and the likelihood of ignition inside increases.

That is why it is so important to find out the answer to the question of how to arrange the inside of a garage. We will consider the entire arrangement process from “A” to “Z” in order to organize the space conveniently and correctly. Then staying in the garage will be even more comfortable.

Garage arrangement - basic requirements

Car room plays important role in its preservation. The design protects it from rain, snow, wind, criminals and other negative factors. In order for the vehicle to serve for a long time, the garage must maintain optimal levels of humidity and temperature. Russia is famous for its frosts in winter. This is taken into account during arrangement.

In addition, the owner also needs a clean and comfortable room, where the friend has everything she needs. Tools, workbenches, winter tires, gasoline, oil, etc. All this needs space and proper arrangement. And putting it in the aisle is not an option. Therefore, the room is zoned.

It is clear that this is an incomplete list of arrangement tips. It all also depends on the owner’s personal preferences when arranging the garage. But the basics remain the same. We will look at the arrangement this way:

  1. Decorating the walls of the room.
  2. Correct zoning garage.
  3. Arrangement of shelves and racks.
  4. Arrangement of an inspection pit.
  5. Additional equipment in the garage.
  6. Arrangement of lighting and ventilation inside.

Thanks to this, your garage will be transformed, it will be safe, comfortable and convenient. Before arranging the garage, let's consider the features of its interior decoration.

Let's do the interior decoration

This room cannot be called safe. It's all about the flammable materials inside. Welding work is often carried out in the garage, and sparks will be fatal. That's why before you start arranging, it's important to pay attention to Decoration Materials garage.

They have a number of requirements:

  • products must not be flammable;
  • their resistance to mechanical damage is important;
  • materials are selected that are not afraid of dirt and are easy to clean;
  • resistant to aggressive substances.

When arranging it, it is recommended to choose exactly such materials. Otherwise, the garage will be dirty, greasy and will constantly smell bad inside. It is clear that not all finishing materials meet these requirements. Quite popular in the arrangement are plaster walls, lining and ceramic tiles.

Plaster for garage walls

A simple and at the same time effective finishing option. With its help, all surface imperfections are hidden. And thanks to the wide range, you can choose perfect option, not afraid of fire and moisture. The room will not only be protected, but also beautiful.

After work the plaster is covered facade paint. This will further protect the surface. Then the material will not crumble and crack over time.


Found the lining wide use in the northern parts of the country. Why? With it, the garage can be insulated by placing sheets of foam plastic or mineral wool in the lining frame. At the end, the surface of the walls is sheathed with lining sheets. But when arranging the interior, it is not simple lining that is used, but façade lining made of polyvinyl chloride.

The advantage of the material is that it is not afraid of moisture and fire. Among the disadvantages of such lining, we note its average strength. If you hit the wall hard, the panel will crack or become deformed. As a result, a replacement is needed.

Ceramic tile

This is a more labor-intensive option. And the cost of tiles is high. But the coverage is:

  • durable;
  • beautiful;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fireproof;
  • practical.

Removing stains from tiles is quite easy. It does not absorb odors and all financial costs will be recouped. The service life is at least 10 years. Just right for decorating inside.

Note! The walls of the garage do not need protection from mechanical damage, like the floor. It is he who takes the main load.

Making a floor out of ceramic tiles irrational. Where would be better suited rubber tiles. It is moisture resistant and not afraid of falling objects.

Zoning of the site

Any room requires high-quality zoning: kitchen, children's room, living room, bedroom. The garage is no exception. The main task is to determine personal areas for work. They are different for everyone. Once you've identified them, you've done half the work. All that remains is to implement the plan and be amazed at how much space was created after the arrangement. What could these zones be?

In the photo below you can see the furnished room inside, according to our recommendations. This is one of the options for decorating a garage with work areas.

Having determined what and where you will have in the garage, you can begin to figure out how to equip the garage with your own hands.

We install racks and shelves inside

Shelves and racks are ideal tools for creating additional space inside the garage where you can store a variety of things. But to install them, you will need to free up some space inside. The compaction technique is suitable.

Shelves and racks are installed in those areas of the garage where they will not interfere with movement. There is one more trick when arranging shelves: they can be hung above a table, workbench, window or rack. At the same time, it is important to understand that it is not worth compacting the garage too much. The optimal free distance to the car on both sides is exactly 1 m. But the working area is chosen to be a wall distant from the garage door. She is the one who forces consumables, work equipment and tools. There is space for a workbench, compressor and charger.

The more shelves on the wall, the better. If it is not possible to place them, mounting hooks are used. It is enough to install them along the walls. A tool cabinet near the shelves would be useful. And in order not to litter the garage with things and not search for them later, it is recommended to make hangers. This is the right setup.

Note! The garage has a dead zone. This is the space above the car.

You can do it there hanging shelves and shelving. Some people store skis in them, gardening Tools and similar things. All that remains is to secure everything well so that things do not fall on the car.

How to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands? The photo shows how to implement the idea using racks and shelves.

Construction of an inspection pit

The presence of an inspection hole depends on the conditions. If you have never repaired a car yourself, but go to a car repair shop, then you do not need it. Some have a public overpass near the garage, which also eliminates the need for a pit. Otherwise, this is a useful part of the garage.

Only when installing it is it important to follow some rules. For example, the walls of a pit and its bottom are concreted with a waterproofing agent added to the solution, since the pit is a source of dampness. The edges of the structure are reinforced with metal corners. It will be convenient to lay shields, grates or boards covering the pit on the bottom.

In the corner it is important to provide drainage well to collect water. She gets inside different ways. This includes condensation in the garage, roof leaks, and moisture from the car itself after driving. The size of the well should allow the bucket to fit freely. This makes scooping out the liquid easier. All that remains is to cover the well with a grate.

In order not to rise from the pit while working and to conveniently store tools, make a niche in the wall for them. Since the pit is dark, lamps will not be superfluous. The pit can also be used as a cellar or warehouse. It is not always used, so put old wheels and small equipment there to perform repair work.

Arrangement of additional equipment inside the garage

To change car tires and rims in the garage, as well as dig around under the hood, all you need is a jack and a few keys. As for additional manipulations and work (body repair, painting), you need special equipment. In the question of how to properly equip a garage, such equipment is allocated a significant place.

Place the workbench inside

It consists of wood and metal. You can buy or make a two-level or even three-level unit for the garage, where useful things will be located. Wooden table top covered with metal. It is needed to protect the surface. You can install the workbench in the work area where it will not interfere.

Welding machine

Modern units are quite small, so they do not take up much space. They can be installed anywhere in the garage, even in a tool cabinet. There the unit will always be at hand.


An indispensable thing when painting a car body and other elements. They can be used to clean tools and equipment from dust, inflate wheels and blow air through the engine. You can purchase available types of compressor, namely piston and diaphragm.

Installing a sink

Interior arrangement: ventilation system and lighting

To make the garage safe and comfortable, ventilation is taken into account when arranging it. Moreover, it can be natural or forced. This will remove harmful and unpleasant odors and moisture. It will be less dusty, fresh and clean inside. The simplest option for arranging a ventilation system is natural. The arrangement diagram is visible in this photo.

As for lighting, it should be combined. The room requires at least one window on either side. It will become a source of natural light. Since there will be little of it, artificial lighting will be required. It is not enough to make it common; it is recommended to install lamps for working area.

Organizing and maintaining order in the garage

Making the garage functional and equipping it inside is one thing, but the comfort of the room is also important. Staying in a place that looks like a landfill is not very pleasant. This means that, having arranged the space inside, you need to maintain this order. If there is always a mess on the shelf with tools, you can hide it with a screen.

Although the garage is a work space, color schemes play a big role in the arrangement. Staying for a long time in a room where bright and toxic colors predominate will not work. Therefore, the color chosen is calm. Bright hues They will not only help you get ready for work, but will also expand the space.

There is one arrangement trick that concerns shelving and tables. They need legs with a minimum clearance of 15 cm from the floor. And holes are made on the shelves themselves. They will help to easily sweep dust and debris down and also serve as ventilation.

A video on how to arrange the inside of a garage with your own hands will help you with your work.

Let's sum it up

If you don't want your garage to look like a junkyard or become chaotic, these garage staging tips will help you set up your garage the right way. This way you will make it functional, safe, comfortable and convenient. There will always be order inside, the tools will be at hand, and you will always know where they are. Now you know how to arrange a garage with your own hands. And photos will help bring your ideas to life. Good luck in your landscaping endeavors!

Proper arrangement of the inside of the garage with your own hands is a process that is carried out immediately after the construction of its walls and roof. At first glance, this is a fairly simple procedure that does not require a special approach. However, many car enthusiasts are lost when faced with the problem of how to equip the inside of a garage with their own hands. It is especially difficult for those who own a rather cramped room measuring 6 x 4 x 2.5 m. There is barely enough space in it to park a car. I would like to place in the garage spare parts, tools and various household items, the need for which arises from time to time. Let's look at the main ways to equip a garage so that it turns into a comfortable and multifunctional room where you can spend hours doing a wide variety of work.

Interior finishing options

Improvement of the garage must begin with its insulation and interior decoration. If this is not done, there will be dampness in the room and mold and mildew will develop.

Let's consider the methods and materials with which you can decorate and insulate a garage with your own hands:

    Floor. Typically used as a base reinforced concrete slab. You can insulate it from the dampness and cold of the earth with polystyrene foam or coarse expanded clay. Don't forget about external cladding concrete. The best option is the arrangement of a heated floor, on top of which porcelain stoneware or corrugated steel sheets. More in a fast way To prepare the floor for use is to polish the concrete and treat it with special penetrating impregnations.

    Walls. In order not to reduce the already small volume of the garage, thin finishing materials with low thermal conductivity should be used. Styrofoam covered with thick waterproof plywood works well for sheathing steel panels. Brick and aerated concrete walls better to cover facade plaster. This material has decent strength and very low thermal conductivity due to the presence of special fillers and plasticizers in its composition.

    Ceiling. When setting up a garage with your own hands, you should remember that this is a fire-hazardous room. When choosing a material for ceiling cladding, you should focus on plasterboards. You can lay wiring over them and ventilation ducts. After installation on a steel frame, drywall is treated with a primer, puttied and coated acrylic paint. It’s even easier and faster to build a steel frame, put slabs of stone wool and cover it with corrugated board.

After finishing finishing works You can move on to planning the interior decoration of the garage. In this building, its owner will have to spend many hours doing a wide variety of things. Therefore, arrange your garage so that staying in it is convenient and comfortable.

Planning functional areas

Correct zoning in a garage is no less important than for any residential or office space. Its functionality will depend on how well the garage space is distributed. The optimal division of the area into zones will make it possible to place various cabinets, racks, shelves and equipment for the garage.

Zones with the following purposes should be distinguished:

    Car parking. It does not necessarily have to be in the geometric middle of the garage. The machine can be placed close to one wall or in a corner. The parking place should be chosen so that the nearest piece of furniture is at least 50 cm away. To avoid accidentally hitting a wall when parking, install a durable wheel bumper.

    Passage place. It will be installed directly at the entrance. Large objects that will interfere with passage should not be placed in this area. The best option for arranging a walk-through area is to install a small hallway that can be used for storage. outerwear, umbrellas, shoes, keys and documents.

    Quick Access Zone. This is a place that is easy to reach without using a stepladder or moving large items. It is advisable to arrange it in the form open shelving. Things that are used every day are placed on it. This could be store purchases, groceries, towels and rags, dishes, and necessary household chemicals.

    Space for long and thin items V. A small and narrow rack can hold shovels, brooms, scythes and other equipment used for work inside and outside the garage. Another option for a storage device is to install hangers above the entrance or against the far wall.

    Storage for large items. It is installed in one of the corners of the room. This includes items that are rarely used or only used during a certain season. It could be an artificial tree, tourist equipment or folding furniture to accommodate guests.

    Storage for fuel, oil and lubricants. A metal cabinet with sealed doors is best suited for this. Old refrigerators are a good option.

There should be a workshop in the garage. Every person has a hobby. In addition, a large number of different devices may be needed to repair a car.

To combine the ability to perform diverse tasks, you need to install a wide workbench on which it will be convenient to work with any tools. This way the craftsman will be able to use the interior space to make crafts, souvenirs and car parts.

Garage tools and equipment

In order to carry out landscaping of the garage, you need to purchase various devices and devices. Subsequently, they will come in handy more than once for performing a wide variety of work.

The garage needs to be equipped with:

    Standard set of tools. This set should include wrenches of all types and sizes, a vice and a jack. It is advisable to purchase all devices from a trusted manufacturer.

    Workbench. You can make it yourself or buy it ready product the right size. In order for the workbench to last for a long time, it is advisable to cover its tabletop with sheet iron.

    Welding machine . It is better to have an electric unit of sufficient power. Such equipment is completely safe; it can be used to repair a garage, restore gates and doors, and make cabinets and shelves.

    Air purifier. Such a device removes dust, tiny particles of fuel and oil from the air. The cleaner is needed to ensure high-quality metal painting and create a comfortable microclimate in the room.

    Steel sink. Car maintenance involves removing many parts and cleaning them from oil, dirt and carbon deposits. It is advisable to install a hood above the container to remove volatile compounds of petroleum products from the room. The sink must be equipped with a drain to collect dirty liquid.

Separately, it is worth dwelling on the furniture. An equipped garage will only be considered as such if it has a sufficient amount of compact and functional furniture.

How to choose shelves and racks

The garage is in most cases a station Maintenance, warehouse and workshop at the same time. The abundance of various property requires quite a lot of storage space. And all this needs to be placed in a limited space. There are several options for arranging a room with furniture so that it does not interfere with free movement and production various works.

There are the following solutions for arranging a garage:

    Closed cabinets under the ceiling. This technique allows you to make maximum use of space that usually remains unclaimed. Bottom part shelves can be used as a base for lamps, lamps and LED strips. For ease of access, it is better to equip cabinets with sliding doors.

    Open shelves on the walls. Such devices allow you not only to place a lot of property on them, but also to quickly find what you need, since everything is in plain sight. It is advisable to use prefabricated shelf models in order to be able to expand, reduce or dismantle them for cleaning and repair.

    Wardrobes. This is very comfortable furniture, which has proven itself when used in cramped conditions. An alternative to doors on rollers are roller shutters. They allow you to access the entire cabinet space without taking away useful space.

A very useful gadget for the garage would be folding tables on casters. They will complement the workspace during renovations and serve as a gathering place for friends during relaxation.

Little design tricks

There are so many different things stored in the garage that car enthusiasts often forget where and what they have. In many cases there is also a shortage free space.

To expand your living space and avoid confusion, it is recommended to use the following techniques:

    Label all shelves, doors and boxes. Avoid writing directly on furniture. It is better to stick an adhesive plaster or white masking tape on the products. Inscriptions should be made with a black marker, large in block letters and without abbreviations. Such marking will greatly facilitate the search for the necessary property and organize its storage.

    Use magnetic stripes. It's inexpensive, but very useful device. It is convenient to attach tools and parts containing iron to it. In the process of performing any work, tools, small parts, bolts and nuts are fixed on magnetic strips. It is recommended to install magnetic strips above tables, workbenches and near the entrance.

    Attach perforated panels to the walls. With the help of these devices you can maintain order in the workplace during repairs or creativity. It is convenient to attach an awl and screwdrivers, bolts and screws, hooks and scissors in the holes. Hangers and fixtures for lamps can be screwed into the holes.

    Hang several transparent ones over your workbench. plastic containers . They are convenient for storing various repair tools or using them as containers for consumables.

Almost every family has a bicycle. There are always some problems with storing this vehicle. They can be easily solved by hanging the bike on a free section of the wall on hooks or on hangers from the ceiling.

Garage ventilation and lighting

Quite often, motorists do not pay due attention to these issues. This is a big mistake.

High-quality ventilation allows you to rid the room of moisture, unpleasant odors and harmful fumes. There are options for supply and forced ventilation. In the first case, holes are made in the lower part of the gate and under the ceiling of the building. The holes are closed with a grill. Installation helps increase traction exhaust pipe 1-2 m high. The forced system involves installing a powerful exhaust fan on the ceiling or at the top of the wall.

As for lighting, it is necessary to install several light sources. Depending on the size of the building, 1-2 lamps with a power of at least 400 W each are fixed to the ceiling. It is advisable to equip every corner of the garage with lamps so as not to search for the necessary property in the dark. One lamp should be installed above the tables and workbench. Be sure to make a carrier to highlight hard-to-reach areas.

Using these recommendations, you can qualitatively equip any garage with your own hands, turning it into a convenient and comfortable room, adapted for carrying out activities of any level of complexity and simply having a pleasant stay.