Types of wells in the suburban area. Overview and Specifications

In many cases, a well in the yard is the best way to solve the problem of water supply if there are no centralized communications. Finding a suitable aquifer is only part of the challenge of creating comfortable living conditions. It is important to decide which types of wells are optimal for a particular site. The choice is influenced by the type of soil, the depth of the underground source and other important factors.

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in the device of the well. Many beginners believe that the main problem is to find an underground source. In practice, it turns out that it is necessary to build a hydraulic structure in compliance with engineering standards.

Violation of technology is fraught with the fact that the water will turn out to be of poor quality, with unwanted impurities, or even go into the soil. Before starting work, you should figure out what types of water wells are, how they differ. The main classification includes:

  • key well;
  • tubular (Abyssinian) well.

In parallel, experts rely on data regarding the soil that has to be passed on the way to the water:

  • clay;
  • sand;
  • peat.

The best organoleptic indicators have water in sources hidden in clay soil. It goes through multi-level filtering regardless of the layer type:

  • groundwater formed due to infiltration of atmospheric precipitation;
  • interstratal waters located between impermeable soil layers.

The exception is clay quicksand, which adversely affects water quality.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Wells are placed at a distance of about 30 m from cesspools and sewers to prevent sewage from entering the water.

The shaft well is built by hand. As you move deeper into the soil, the walls are reinforced with concrete rings.

key well

The construction does not require significant time and material costs. A prerequisite is the exit of an underground ascending or descending source to the surface. Next, it's a matter of technique:

  • a round or square platform (1 sq. M.), "drowned" by 10-20 cm, is being prepared;
  • in the place where water comes out to the surface in the ground, an additional recess is made for a wooden or concrete frame;
  • the log house is equipped with a drain hole to drain excess water, a storage tank is installed;
  • lay drainage communications;
  • the bottom is covered with rubble or pebbles;
  • the site is concreted.

If the key is downward, the site is leveled and filters for water purification are installed.

Scheme of the key well device. A distinctive feature is the presence of a drainage system

The most common type of wells - its device involves the occurrence of water at a depth of no more than 20-25 m. It consists of the following structural elements:

  • head - above-ground part;
  • the trunk (mine) of the well;
  • water intake level.

The water intake part of the well can be of two types:

  • imperfect;
  • perfect (complete).

They differ in that in the first case, water enters the log house through the bottom or side walls, in the second case it passes through the water-resistant layer. In arid areas, an additional sumpf is being built - an underground water reservoir.

The shaft well is the most widespread, because. is the optimal solution for groundwater at a depth of up to 25 m

tubular well

This species is also called the Abyssinian well. It is used for shallow groundwater - up to 8 m. When carrying out work, a drilling rig is used or a pipe with a tip is clogged with a "headstock".

The diameter of the "needle" does not exceed 2 inches. A pointed mesh tip is immersed in the aquifer, through which water is pumped to the surface using a pump. The capacity of such a well can reach 4 cubic meters. m per hour, fully meet the needs of the whole family and provide water for household plots.

The full functioning of the Abyssinian well is possible when a surface pump is connected

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: If the thickness of the aquifer is more than 2-3 m, a tent is made in the shaft well for additional accumulation of water - the underwater part of the structure is expanded.

Shaft well device options

Different types of water wells in the pictures look almost the same. The upper part of the building is largely a decorative element. The functional purpose is to protect the trunk and the water mirror from the ingress of various litter: dust, leaves, branches or fruits, if a tree grows nearby.

In practice, each type has its own characteristics - primarily constructive. The materials used for the log house differ, and in the shaft wells - the device of the trunk. The main requirement is durability. The service life of the source can be 30-50 years or more. Good care, periodic pumping of water and timely cleaning of the bottom are the key to many years of “delivery” of water from the bowels.

Previously, wood was used for the mine - linden, oak, pine. The biomaterial is still used today, but the primacy belongs to brick and concrete.

brick mine

For laying out the shaft, only high-quality bricks are used, which are not exposed to the external environment. The features include the performance of facing works after the complete excavation of the trunk. Therefore, with a significant depth of the well, the use of this material is impossible.

A mandatory requirement is the round shape of the mine. Thus, the pressure of the soil on the walls of the structure is reduced. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to use only environmentally friendly materials, otherwise harmful impurities will enter the water.

Walls are laid in one brick

concrete mine

A concrete shaft is the most rational and common way to construct a well shaft. Typically, mass-produced rings are used. The optimal diameter is up to 1 m.

Additional convenience is provided due to the fact that as they go deeper into the ground, the rings “put on” one another. This allows you to easily go "into the bowels" to the desired depth, which can reach 20-25 m. For reliability, the rings are interconnected to prevent violation of the vertical of the trunk.

If the well is shallow, a monolithic concrete pour is used.

The installation of concrete rings is preceded by a complete pumping of water from the mine

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: To strengthen the walls of the well, natural stone is used, which is laid using a cement-sand mortar.

How to equip the bottom of the well

Regardless of what kind of wells there are, everyone has a bottom that also needs a certain device and subsequent care. This is an important element of the entire system; its condition determines how intensively water enters the mine. If the well is abandoned, the bottom will silt up and the source will die.

Therefore, a mandatory element is a bottom filter. As a rule, it consists of several layers:

  • lower - natural stones or shungite;
  • medium - smaller fragments;
  • top - pebbles.

The bottom is also covered with coarse quartz sand. The thickness of the filtration layer is 10-15 cm. It performs the function of water purification, protects against quicksand, which, as a result of soil displacement, may be under the well. A wooden filter will prevent the negative impact of quicksand, which can be made independently or purchased at a specialized store.

However, the most reasonable thing is to turn to professionals in the construction of hydraulic structures at the stage of making a decision on the installation of an individual water supply system. Qualified specialists examine the site, choose the best place, determine the type of well that best suits the characteristics of the soil, the type of groundwater. The source, equipped by specialists, will last a long time and will not cause operational troubles.

Video: well or well

An individual water source is today a necessary element of a private plot. Ever-increasing water prices, frequent pipeline breakdowns, a clear sense of bleach and other impurities cannot please homeowners. Many owners resort to drilling a well, but such an action requires significant costs and special equipment. It is more accessible to dig a well, but for this you need to know not only the technology for building a water source, but also some standards that it must meet.

What is a mine well

In order to create a source of drinking water, the mine method of construction is usually used. The essence of the method is simple: a pit is dug, the depth of which is determined by the appearance of water. Shaft wells are used most often, since this method is simple and allows water to be replenished naturally.

The walls of the mine are strengthened gradually, otherwise the collapse of the soil is possible, which is a direct threat to human life. The main difference between drinking wells is the material from which they are built. Another advantage of this design is that the well rarely dries up completely, this is only possible during long periods of drought.

Materials used to build a well:

  • Tree. With proper processing, this material is in excellent contact with a humid environment. Now a wooden frame is very expensive and the construction of a well from it is unprofitable. The part where the wood is in close contact with water is usually lined with elm or oak. For the rest of the mine, ordinary pine is suitable.
  • A rock. Now natural stone has a cost several times more expensive than wood. But, for example, in mountainous areas, this material is most popular due to the constant lack of wood. A well built of stone has amazing durability. Before the construction of this structure, a metal frame is usually welded, between the elements of which stone blocks are laid.
  • Brick. Wells made of this material do not have such a long service life as stone structures, but they are several times cheaper. Brickwork in 1 or 1.5 bricks has a long service life. During construction, the brick is laid according to a predetermined pattern. This material also requires the creation of a metal frame. Without it, over time, water can wash out the solution and the structure will sag.
  • concrete rings. The most popular type of material. Has an ideal ratio of quality and price. It does not take much time to install concrete rings, the availability of lifting equipment is sufficient. It is possible to install the rings manually, it is installed on the ground and dug in from all sides until the ring sags.

Features of plastic frames for drinking wells

In modern construction, practical and inexpensive plastic frames are used to create drinking wells. Installation of such structures is quick, they have less weight than concrete rings, which significantly reduces transportation costs and simplifies the installation process.

The main advantages of plastic structures:

  • Plastic rings are produced up to 1.5 m high. This makes the installation process easier and faster.
  • They have less mass than concrete rings, wooden frame or brickwork.
  • The corrugated surface ensures a secure connection between the rings. Rings are screwed into each other at a certain distance. For greater tightness of the system, various types of building sealants are used.
  • The service life of plastic structures is more than 50 years. These materials are not only durable, but also completely safe for humans.
  • They have an affordable pricing policy.

With loose soil, the usual installation of plastic rings is not possible. First, one ring is installed, all soil is removed from under it, and the ring is pushed further into the trench. A second one is installed over the first ring and the process is repeated until the shaft is completed.

What are the sanitary norms and rules for drinking wells

Each owner of a private plot should know some standards according to which the construction of a drinking well and its further operation should take place. These requirements are determined by the chief state physician.

The main stage of the well is the place where it should be installed. Exploratory drilling is used to select a location. Its cost is much higher than natural methods, but this method is able to provide almost 100% results. Exploratory drilling also provides data on the sanitary conditions of the place where the well will be located in the future.

If chemical industry facilities, plants or factories are located at a distance of 50 m from a private house, then the installation of a well is prohibited. At the same distance should move away from cesspools and toilets.

There is such a thing as a source debit. It allows you to determine how many people the drinking well is designed for. Usually, the owners of private houses do not pay too much attention to this condition.

Mandatory installation of the head of the well (the part that rises above the surface). The cap serves as a protective element and prevents the penetration of debris and dirt into the water. The minimum height to which it must rise above the surface is 0.7 - 0.8 m. It is also necessary to install a roof or hatch.

To protect water from the appearance of dirt and turbidity, a filter element should be made at the bottom of the drinking well. For it, a mound of clean sand or pre-washed gravel is usually used. According to some regulatory documents, the height of the filter should not be less than 60 cm.

It should be remembered that each well requires cleaning. Also sometimes it is necessary to make repairs to the mine. For ease of descent, metal or cast-iron staples are installed in the walls of the well during construction. To prevent corrosion, they are coated with a primer.

When to Clean a Drinking Well

The well is cleaned depending on the contamination of the source. On average, this occurs every 1.5-2 years. Strictly regulated rules do not exist. The most convenient period for holding this event is late spring, due to the departure of the leash waters.

During cleaning, other operations are also carried out: covering the seams with a special solution, strengthening the metal frame. In addition to the water intake part of the well, attention should also be paid to the base of the mine. On the walls of concrete rings or masonry, dirt may form, which must also be carefully cleaned.

After the cleaning is completed, it is necessary to qualitatively disinfect the water intake part. To do this, use various reagents that contain chlorine concentrate. After adding this substance, the well should be thoroughly rinsed. Drinking water without flushing the well is prohibited.

How to control the quality of drinking water wells

When checking the quality of water in drinking wells by the relevant authorities, the adjacent territory is also subject to inspection. The main types of water quality control:

  • Planned. It is carried out after a certain period of time. It includes a set of basic measures to determine the quality of water from all sources of water supply (wells, wells,).
  • Selective. It can be carried out in regions where problems with water supply systems were noticed earlier.
  • According to one-time requests. The initiator of such a check is the direct owner of the land. It is carried out in order to check the suitability of water.

It is not uncommon for the readings of the first water intake to include too many harmful bacteria and micro-organisms. Then a deeper examination of the water is carried out, which determines the cause of the deterioration of the water. All indicators are compared with the standards of the relevant instructions.

To improve the quality of water, the drinking well can be cleaned and then disinfected. If after this the problem has not been eliminated, then the quality of the water is improved by using special preparations with a high content of chlorine. If the pollution is of a chemical nature (especially pollution with aggressive substances), then a decision can be made to eliminate the source.

Choosing the right place

The right place is the main indicator of the durability of the well and the presence of water of the appropriate quality in it. To select a place, in modern construction, the method of exploratory drilling is used. The advantages of this method are in 100% determination of the water layer. The disadvantages include the high pricing policy of this process.

Where should a drinking well not be installed:

  • Nearby cesspools, septic tanks, utility rooms. Waste can seep into the ground, and subsequently into the water.
  • On the side of a river or in a ravine. The vertical direction of the well will reduce the flow of water.
  • Less than 5 m from the house or any outbuildings. A well located so close to the house will cause gradual washing out of the soil from under the foundation. This threatens with an early subsidence of the bearing wall.

Also, do not build a water source near water bodies. This can lead to contamination of the well and damage to the health of the user.

Sewer systems are designed to remove liquid waste from places of residence and work of a person. Structurally, the sewage system consists of two main parts: pipelines and wells. Wells are intended primarily for revision, cleaning or repair of sections of the sewer pipe. Structures are classified into several types: by purpose, type of material, device.

Types of sewage

Types of wells are classified according to the type of wastewater required for disposal:

  • Industrial drains. These include waters that have changed their chemical composition as a result of industrial activities. As a rule, sewers of this type have special systems for collecting, draining and cleaning.
  • Household drains. These are waters mixed with various waste from residential complexes. Pollution can be divided into household and fecal. In the private sector, both types of wells are often arranged according to a spaced scheme: fecal wells are closer to the roadway for the possibility of pumping out and exporting, household wells - to the back of the yard or garden. Subsequently, gray drains can be pumped out on their own, for example, to a compost heap.
  • Atmospheric and drainage flows. These are rain, melt, flood waters, sometimes groundwater. Everyone knows the gutters on the roof - this is the sewerage of atmospheric effluents. Water can be centrally collected in special containers for watering the garden or distributed to low-lying areas of the site, arranging there, for example, a small pond for ducks. Drainage flows are arranged at a high level of groundwater in order to protect the underground structures of buildings as much as possible.

Sewer systems themselves are divided into floating and export. Floatables move wastewater to a sewage treatment plant or city sewer. The second ones are designed to collect wastewater in an autonomous well with subsequent removal by special transport ATX.

Classification of wells by purpose

Different wells and by appointment:

  • Cumulative. These are, as a rule, tanks with a capacity of 3 cubic meters. m and more, intended for direct collection and short-term storage of wastewater with subsequent removal. Pumping is carried out both by special equipment and independently. Most of the storage wells are domestic and atmospheric.
  • Collector. Designed to collect effluents from several sewer systems and distribute them to a common collector or to municipal wastewater treatment plants. Usually they include floating and storage systems of a microdistrict or a residential complex.
  • Filtering. The design of the bottom of the well provides for the release of gray water (not contaminated with toxic waste) directly into the ground in a natural way. These small treatment facilities can be cleaned of accumulated dense fractions once or twice a year. They are arranged mainly in sandy and sandy loamy soils, in the absence or low location of groundwater. This type of well of a floating type of sewerage is quite economical and does not require frequent maintenance and cleaning.
  • Lookouts. They are built on sections with a length of more than 50 m, as well as at turning points and junctions of highways. Necessary for the revision of the sewer system, for cleaning and possible repairs. Arrange in both types of sewerage.
  • Variable. They are arranged in areas with large elevation changes, when it is necessary to reduce the natural slope of the pipe. Such wells are arranged in the export and floating sewers.

Separately from all are the so-called septic wells. They have a filtering and storage element of the system. Modern septic tanks are able to process organic waste. They are reluctant to use because of the high cost.

Types of materials for wells

Wells are made from various materials. Most often used:

  • ceramic brick;
  • cinder blocks;
  • limestone;
  • a rock;
  • reinforced concrete structures;
  • sheet steel;
  • plastic and composite materials.

Round wells are made from ceramic bricks, cinder blocks, limestone-shell rock or any stone. They are suitable for small volumes. One person can build such a well.

Brick wells have recently become less and less popular due to their labor intensity. Common in autonomous sewer systems, mainly in the private sector.

Reinforced concrete wells are of two types: from monolithic concrete and precast concrete rings. Monolithic wells are designed for small volumes. You can make them without the involvement of special equipment. They are quite laborious in execution - it is necessary to set the formwork and reinforcement, prepare, properly lay and withstand the concrete mixture in layers, remove the formwork, and arrange the ceiling. With a small depth of laying, the shape of the well can be any.

In the conditions of urban development, prefabricated wells are most common. They consist of typical prefabricated rings of a meter height and diameter, bottom plates and a cover with an opening for a hatch. The advantages of this type of wells are quick installation, significant depth. Disadvantage: the involvement of equipment for the transport and installation of concrete elements.

Metal wells are a container made of sheet steel. For such purposes, old tanks, large-diameter pipes with welded ends, and welded rectangular structures are often used. Before installation, the metal is carefully primed inside and out, cut out inlets and hatches for revision. The main disadvantage of such a well is the susceptibility of iron to corrosion and the impossibility of repair. Metal wells are used very rarely in everyday life, because special equipment is required for installation, and the cost of iron in the secondary market is quite high.

Plastic or composite wells tolerate temperature fluctuations well, are airtight and durable. Such structures are functional, durable, have a small mass, are easy to mount, and withstand chemical influences.

Storage well: device example

For example, we can consider a detailed arrangement of storage and filtering wells, as the most common in the private sector of the city and country cottages.

The volume of the well depends on the number of people living and the equipment installed in the house. In a modern two-story cottage, as a rule, there is a kitchen sink, a bathroom with a sink, a toilet, a washing machine and a dishwasher on the first floor and a toilet with a sink or shower on the second. Such equipment is optimal for a comfortable stay of a family of 5 people on average. As indicated above, it is best to arrange both types of wells: accumulative for collecting fecal effluents and filtering for household ones.

The storage well is arranged in the lowest part of the site to ensure the best movement of water through the pipeline. This well is only intended for collecting faeces from toilets and must be made of concrete rings or a prefabricated plastic container.

Reinforced concrete rings must be covered with a special waterproofing compound before installation, and the joints are sealed. Plastic wells, despite the higher cost, are preferable, as they are more convenient to install and operate. The choice and installation of such a well is best entrusted to a special organization. A tanker truck must be provided to the well to pump out sewage.

Filter well: device example

The filter well has similar functions and device, but it does not have a bottom. The base of the well is a multi-layer filter made of layers of sand and gravel of various sizes. You can make such a well from concrete rings or brickwork - in the lower part, several rows are stacked with holes in a checkerboard pattern for water to exit. Wastewater does not linger in the well and freely goes into the ground. It is best to direct lightly polluted water into this well, for example, from a bath, kitchen. After installation, cover the bottom of the well with gravel from the outside so that the soil does not penetrate into the trunk.

Perhaps in the near future, robotic systems for the repair and cleaning of pipelines will appear. But until this wonderful time has come, people day and night, winter and summer will need to climb into sewer wells and do hard, dirty, but necessary work to ensure cleanliness in their homes.

The lack of a centralized water supply system ceases to be a problem when an alternative source of water is equipped in a suburban area or simply in a place remote from the city. There are various types of wells, and the owners of the territory themselves choose what is more suitable: a small, beautifully designed log house or a deep well with modern equipment. Let us consider in more detail the design features and stages of construction of structures of various types.

In summer cottages, there are rarely water bodies that meet sanitary standards. Most often, if high aquifers allow, they dig out a pond, which is actively exploited for watering a garden plot, household needs, and bathing. However, a pond, like any other open-type reservoir, is not suitable as a source of drinking water. Natural springs or springs gushing out of the ground are extremely rare, usually on a large area in country estates. A standard suburban area is usually generally devoid of any natural reservoir.

Modern well in the country as a decorative element

To provide a separately located territory with the necessary amount of water, wells of various types are arranged. The choice depends on many factors, including:

  • location of groundwater;
  • the amount of water needed for a comfortable life;
  • availability of material necessary for construction (financial possibilities);
  • the possibility of installing pumping equipment, etc.

The decisive factor for dividing all types of structures into two large categories is the depth of groundwater. If they are located shallow, then it is enough to dig a foundation pit mechanically or manually, strengthen its walls, ennoble the head. The result is a shaft-type device - one of those that our ancestors have used since time immemorial. Of course, building materials have become more durable and wear-resistant, wood has been replaced by monolithic concrete blocks and "eternal" plastic, but the principle of the device has not changed much.

Choosing a well depending on the location of aquifers

The deeper occurrence of aquifers does not allow the construction of a conventional pit; drilling of a well with the help of special equipment will be required. This process is quite expensive, sometimes time-consuming, but the volume of water extracted from an artesian well is much larger, and the quality of the liquid is much higher. Independent drilling rarely leads to a positive result, since a preliminary study of the soil is a necessary step, and this is done by geological research companies. With your own hands, you can make a well to a depth of 15-20 m with a mobile drilling rig. And now in more detail about the different types of water wells.

Mine wells: choose the material for construction

All shaft-type structures are united by the same design - an elongated pit 5-15 m deep with reinforced walls, a neatly designed head. The differences relate to the nuances of construction, material, method of extracting water. The advantages of a well shaft are constant access to a certain amount of drinking or technical liquid, the reserves of which are stored and replenished naturally over time. Complete drainage of the reservoir occurs only in rare cases, for example during an extremely dry period.

Types of shaft wells depending on the depth

Wooden frame

Wood has been used for a long time, as it perfectly tolerates the proximity to moisture, and is convenient in processing. From logs or thick boards (from 150 mm and thicker) a structure is made that resembles a log house. The elements are attached to each other in various ways, for example, “in the paw”. Not all breeds are suitable. The lower part, in contact with water, is collected from elm, alder or oak. In order for the water to remain transparent and not have a bitter taste, the oak is first subjected to staining. For the manufacture of the upper part and the head, cheaper pine is suitable.

Scheme of the device of a wooden mine well

It is irrational to dig pits less than 5 meters: they collect only surface water horizons containing many impurities, respectively, not suitable for drinking. The ground layers lie at a depth of 10-15 m, it is precisely this height that a kind of "log" should turn out. The assembly is carried out in fragments, which are alternately lowered, hammering with a sledgehammer, to the bottom. The role of the bottom filter is played by a sand and pebble cushion. The upper part is protected from perched water with a clay castle 1-1.5 m wide.


Stone mines are usually laid out in areas where wood is in short supply. Most often they can be found in mountainous and foothill areas with poor vegetation, but a large amount of granite or dolomite deposits. Masonry is also used for decorative purposes, however, a beautiful cylindrical shape made of colored rocks takes a lot of time and effort, and besides, it does not have high functionality, since stone is recommended to be used only for shallow pits.

Now the stone is more often used to decorate the above-ground part - the head

For the stability of the structure, a metal frame is initially welded with a stable base placed on the bottom. Reinforcement, wire, metal rings create a semblance of stiffeners, between which masonry is placed. A composition of dolomite, rubble, granite stone, impervious to water, is bound with a sand-cement mortar. Limestone or sandstone is not suitable due to its porous structure and water permeability.

Brick mine

Despite the difference in the material of manufacture, the device of different types of wells has much in common. For example, if you replace a stone with a brick, the difference will be small. The main structural difference is the arrangement of bricks, which are laid in a certain pattern, while the stones are in a chaotic manner. To create reliable walls, masonry is made one or one and a half bricks wide. A rounded shape is given using a special stabilizing profile.

Well mine made of bricks

Without a frame, which forms a kind of “skeleton” of a well structure, stone and brick masonry cannot exist for a long time. Despite the strength of the Portland cement that holds the individual elements together, over time, underground currents wash out the solution, and the structure may crumble. The support frame is welded from a metal profile, pieces of reinforcement, or assembled from waterproof wood species. The minimum thickness of the base is 100 mm.

Prefabricated concrete rings are popular among summer residents due to their low cost. The process of their installation takes much less time than laying a brick wall or installing a wooden frame. Convenient dimensions (diameter from 0.8 m to 1.5 m, height from 0.7 m to 0.9 m) allow you to assemble the structure of the required depth. The elements are connected end-to-end with the help of special brackets and bolts, and the cracks between them are filled with cement mortar to ensure complete sealing. Sometimes, for strength, the joints are connected with 6-centimeter strips of steel and staples (3-4 pieces around the circumference).

Installation of concrete rings

The shaft is dug out gradually so that the first ring goes down, the second one is installed on top of it - and so on to the full depth. At the bottom, a sand cushion 0.3 m thick is formed, covered with a layer of rubble. The upper part is reinforced with a clay castle. It is not needed if there are stones, peat or dense sand directly under the fertile soil layer. The first few portions of the liquid must be pumped out, and the subsequent ones are initially better used for household needs.

Video: The process of lowering concrete rings into the finished shaft

Prefabricated plastic frame

Modified polymers are actively used for the production of prefabricated well structures and other equipment located underground and in contact with a humid environment. They are not yet as popular as concrete counterparts, but the advantages of alternative rings are obvious:

  • the maximum height of an individual part is 1.5 m, which increases the speed of construction and increases the tightness of the mine;
  • the mass of plastic elements is much lighter than concrete, brick or wood;
  • threaded connection provides water tightness over the entire area of ​​​​the walls;
  • working pressure - up to 50 kPa;
  • cost - from 11 thousand rubles. for the ring.

Polymer pipes for a well

Rings are installed in two ways. On dense stable soils, the shaft is first pulled out, then the rings are lowered and screwed in turn, smearing the joints with sealant. If the soil is loose, a small pit is dug out, the first element is inserted, and then the ground is taken out from under it and lifted up. Then it is pushed down, the second element is mounted on top - and so on until the end. Polymer structures serve more than 50 years.

Borehole water supply of a suburban area

Mines with a depth of more than 20 m are called pipe (tubular) or artesian. If underground aquifers lie very deep, wells up to 200 m have to be drilled, but most often this happens for industrial purposes. The quality of the liquid in artesian sources is much higher than that of the well: it practically does not contain nitrates, salts of harmful metals, pathogenic bacteria that enter the wells from the top water. The only disadvantage of well equipment is the high cost.

Small well (on sand)

Sand wells are the most acceptable way to provide a country house with better quality water. Their depth is from 15 m to 35 m (rarely 45 m), and the water flow is on average 0.8-2.2 m³/h. Drilling should be carried out by specialists, since it is necessary to detect underground horizons of water-bearing sand and properly install the filter. The drilling process lasts 2-3 days, then it is necessary to plant the shaft with pipes made of steel or propylene. The lower part of the equipment is equipped with a sand filter or a more powerful filter column.

Scheme of a sand well device

The capacity of the facility is enough to provide water for a family of 3-4 people. The quality of the liquid is not as ideal as that of an artesian, but much higher than that of a well, since the ingress of surface water is excluded. If you install a centrifugal pump and automatic equipment, the sand well will function smoothly throughout the year. Drilling is possible when using a compact drilling rig, a license and a package of permits are not required.

deep well

The depth of an artesian well is from 30 m or more, in suburban areas the maximum does not exceed 200 m. A package of permits is required for its installation. Drilling should be carried out by specialists, as heavy construction equipment (ZIL, KamAZ) and a powerful rotary unit will be needed. The drilling process consists in the destruction of hard rocks, their removal from the mine and the installation of casing pipes. The maximum number of casing pipes for one structure is 3 pieces, such a prefabricated structure is called telescopic. Welding has recently been used extremely rarely, the main method of connecting elements is threaded. The lower water layers are isolated from the upper ones with the help of a special material - compactonite, granular dry clay.

Artesian well with double casing

After installation of pipes, experimental flushing is required until clean water is obtained. Samples are taken for analysis in order to give permission for the use of water as drinking water. The owner is issued a passport, which indicates the technical data of the structure and the terms of use.

Features of the device of the Abyssinian well

When there is no need to equip a powerful well, you can make an autonomous Abyssinian well. Its device does not require long digging or heavy equipment. The technology consists in installing a pipe of minimum diameter (up to 4 cm) to the depth of the upper aquifer. The lower part of the pipe is equipped with a filter that protects it from contamination. The water supply to the top is provided by a self-priming pump. To make the pipe easier to sink into the ground, it is equipped with a conical tip, the diameter of which is 4-5 cm wider than the diameter of the pipe.

Comparative diagram of a tubular and Abyssinian well

The above-ground part is decorated or ennobled with a small structure, such as a gazebo. Any convenient place for installation is suitable, however, areas close to septic tanks, drainage collectors, and gutters should be avoided.

Video: comparative characteristics of a well and an Abyssinian well

Having figured out what kind of water wells there are, it is easy to choose a structure that is optimally suited for a particular suburban area. But keep in mind that it is forbidden to arrange deep-type structures without permits.

What types of water wells are in demand today? Which of them are better, and which ones have certain characteristic flaws? These and similar questions are of interest to many compatriots whose country houses and dachas are built far from the mains of centralized water supply.

Well classification

In accordance with the design features, all wells can be divided into the following categories:

  • key;
  • mine;
  • pipe;
  • tubular.

key well

The key well for water is considered the simplest and most economical both in construction and in subsequent operation. Such structures are of two types: descending and ascending.

The instruction for the construction of an ascending well is as follows:

  • The place where the ascending key comes to the surface is leveled and deepened. We strengthen the resulting recess with stones or bricks.
  • We install a well frame in the recess. The frame can be made of wood in the form of a barrel or a box without a bottom. If possible, the frame is made of concrete. We install the well frame so that the lower edge is located below the water level.
  • If the height of the log house is greater than the upper level of the water rise, then a drain hole must be made in it.
  • Since the drain water must be diverted from the well as far as possible, we dig a ditch under the drain. We coat the walls of the ditch with a layer of clay and wait until the clay is completely dry. For reliability, the ditch from the inside can be laid out with flagstone.
  • Next, we make a thick solution of clay and cover the gaps between the walls of the log house and the walls of the recess.
  • Around the log house, we cover the upper layer of clay with crushed stone or gravel.
  • At the bottom of the well we arrange bottom, crushed stone or coarse river sand. The thickness of the filter should be between 15 and 30 cm.
  • Around the entire well we make a blind area of ​​clay coated with flagstone, brick or concrete.

Important: After you have drawn water from the well, be sure to close it with a tight lid so that atmospheric precipitation and debris do not get inside.

The design features of the descending spring well largely explain the low quality of water and the high content of particles of silt, soil, etc. in it.

As well as in the case of an ascending well, we install a log house in the recess, which can be made of any materials. The bottom of the log house must be lined with stone, brick, concrete or wood.

The log house of such a well should be equipped with a transverse partition so that the water below can settle and go upstairs purified. Instead of a traditional log house, you can use a concrete pipe of the appropriate diameter. A partition is also installed in the pipe, designed to purify water. On the side from which water enters, crushed stone or gravel is poured.

mine wells

Although keywells are economical and easy to use, their location is determined by the presence of ascending or descending keys, which are difficult to find. Therefore, in some areas it is preferable to use shaft wells.

Such structures are a mine with a depth of 10 to 30 meters. The diameter of the section of the mine can reach one and a half meters.

Shaft type wells can be made in various configurations.

For example, according to the type of building materials, shaft wells can be:

  • concrete;
  • stone;
  • brick;
  • wooden.

In the photo - a trunk made of reinforced concrete rings

In addition, the shape of the shaft structures can be round, square, rectangular.

In accordance with the method of water supply, shaft wells are divided into the following modifications:

  • key (water is collected from the bottom);
  • prefabricated (water seeps through the side walls and, to a lesser extent, through the bottom).

The part of the mine located above the surface of the earth is called the tip. The head, provided that it is properly constructed, protects the mine from clogging with debris and foreign objects. In addition, in the cold season, the head prevents freezing and icing of the inside of the well. For this purpose, a more or less canvas-closing cover is provided in the design of the head.

The underground part of the water intake shaft is called the shaft. Trunks differ in the shape of the peppered section. For example, they can be round, square, rectangular and hexagonal.

The middle part of the trunk - a frame can be made of dry dense wood. In this case, the crowns are laid as tightly as possible, so that water and small particles of soil do not pass between them. In modern constructions, wood is everywhere replaced by reinforced concrete or brick and masonry.

The lower part - the sump acts as a water receiver, that is, it is used to store water. This part of the barrel is made using the most durable materials.

Important: The dimensions of the trunk are determined by the volume of daily water consumption.
If the dimensions of the intake shaft are too large and the contents of the shaft are not consumed for a long time, stagnation occurs, as a result of which the original consumer properties of water are lost.

Pipe wells

This type of well is a well drilled to groundwater. The structure is called pipe because of its round shape. Wells for the construction of such wells are drilled with special equipment, since the water lies at a depth of about 30 meters. However, if there are no access roads to the site, it is necessary to drill manually using the shock-rope method.

As a rule, manual drilling begins with digging a square shaft or pit with an average depth of up to 2 m and a width of up to 1.5 m. In order to prevent the collapse of the walls of the pit, we additionally sheathe them with a slab or unnecessary boards. Due to the removal of a fragile layer of soil before the start of work, it is possible to avoid the collapse of the trunk when removing the drill from the well.

More details about manual drilling and well construction are described in the relevant articles on our portal.

tubular well

If desired, you can build a tubular well with your own hands. There are several modifications of this structure, and all of them are easy to implement and easy to maintain.

Among tubular wells, the following modifications are widespread:

  • Abyssinian (driving) wells;
  • deep wells;
  • structures based on asbestos-cement pipes.

The most interesting is the Abyssinian well. This method of building a water intake shaft is optimal for use in areas with unknown parameters of the occurrence of the aquifer. Using this method, during the day you can check for the presence of water the entire summer cottage or household plot.

The fact is that the diameter of the trunk is only 1.5-2.5 cm, and therefore the detection of water for a well is not difficult. The trunk is literally squeezed into the ground by a narrow hollow pipe with a sharpened cutting edge.

The pipe is hammered to the full depth, then removed and freed from the soil that has clogged inside. Then the pipe is re-inserted into the hole, extended with a removable rod and deepened again, and so on until water is detected.


The price of a professionally designed and built well is high. It is much more profitable to cope with this work on your own, without involving professional specialists.

As you can see, the range of water intake facilities is wide, and therefore everyone can choose the most suitable option. More interesting and useful information can be found by watching the video in this article.