Is it possible to lay a soft roof in winter. Laying soft tiles in winter At what temperature can soft roofs be repaired

Soft tiles in Lately literally flooded the construction market. It's all the producers' fault bituminous materials who tried to find a unique roofing and they have achieved it. Laying soft tiles it is produced even in winter, but under certain conditions, and under what conditions you will learn in this article.

Where did soft tiles come from?

Such material as shingles certainly could not be produced in a country with low oil production. For the first time they started talking about it in the middle of the 19th century in America. And even then it was used quite widely.

Of course, the coverage of this year was very different from the modern one. The main raw material was ordinary cardboard, which was coated with bitumen on both sides, after which it was attached to the roof. By the way, still no one knows the real inventor of such a simple coating. Only in 1903 did a patent for cut tiles appear. Henry M. Reynolds of Grand Rapids was the owner. The first samples of roofing material did not have good aesthetics, and the shape had only two types - a rectangle and a hexagon. As for the color, these were standard colors, which were set by natural gray and red sprinkles.

The name "tile" for this product appeared only in Europe, and the old name "shingle" remained in the country of origin. Due to its positive qualities, this material quickly gained popularity wherever it appeared. In support of this, the villages and cities in various countries, in which you can always find a roof made of bituminous tiles.

As time went on, the structure of the product changed. At first, it had clear and simple components - fiberglass and cardboard. By the way, fiberglass was used only in the sixties of the 20th century. As a result, some companies have referred to their products as organic shingles.

Such roofing material at that time was covered with only two varieties of bitumen - soft and hard. If the first one was used, then the body of the cardboard was completely impregnated, and when using solid materials, only its sides were coated. Despite the fact that a large amount of bituminous product was used, such a roof covering did not meet many requirements, in particular waterproofing. Therefore, the decision was made to use fiberglass.

Previously, they could not even imagine that gluing together several shingles could improve the quality of the product, and so they thought until the beginning of the 20th century, when in the 60s it was decided to laminate the tiles.

Around the same time, the topping began to stain, giving the material a variety of colors. Attractive appearance gave products competitive qualities, which were used only by emerging manufacturers. building materials. Over time, the appearance of tiles began to imitate most known coatings, for example, wooden shingles, but at the same time had more best qualities. Among them, we can distinguish strength, stability, operational period. As a rule, such tiles serve as reliable protection for 25 years.

But as you know, everything flows, everything changes, and today in some states of America you can find manufacturers who can give a lifetime warranty on their product. Impressive, isn't it? By the way, the old base in the form of cardboard is gradually disappearing and it is rarely possible to find it in any tile, except perhaps in rolled material - roofing felt.

Installation of soft tiles in winter

IN winter time construction of houses, as a rule, is frozen, or goes very slowly. What to do if before the end of the construction of the house it remains only to lay the roofing material, but it is used as a coating soft material. Can it be installed in cold weather? The answer is yes, but there are a lot of nuances here. So let's look at the most important ones.

Laying of soft tiles in winter is carried out only if there are heat guns or special infrared heaters. Such units help to warm up not only the roofing material itself, but also the litter under it. Thanks to the underlayment layer on bituminous roofs, maximum sealing of the surface is achieved.

In the summer, the air temperature allows you to do without heaters, but even they will not save the material in severe frosts, so if the temperature is low outside, then it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​covering the roof until more suitable conditions, otherwise you risk getting a poor-quality roof that will leak already next year.

So, the question “is it possible to lay soft tiles in winter?” deserves an ambiguous answer. At certain temperatures, for example, down to -5 ° C, this work can be done using heaters, but to achieve maximum quality, it would be best to wait until spring.

Finnish soft tiles

When the phrase "soft roof" is immediately associated with roofing material, but construction has long presented us with better products. One of them is the Finnish roof. This roofing has an attractive appearance, practicality and ease of installation.

Composition of Finnish-made soft tiles

The Finnish company recently released a roofing covering that attracted the attention of literally the whole world. It looks like a piece element in the form of tiles, the edges of which have a curly ending. Standard sizes of this material is 30-40 cm wide, 4-6 mm thick and 1 meter long.

All roofs with a slope of at least 11 degrees can be covered with soft tiles, probably this was one of the reasons for such a sharp popularity of the Finnish material. But enough about popularity and size, let me tell you about its structure.

  • outer layer. Outside, this roofing material is covered with basalt granules or other stone chips. Such a surface gives the material a kind of armor, which does not allow ultraviolet rays and mechanical damage to harm the coating.
  • Impregnation. It's no secret that soft roofing uses special modified impregnating mixtures that increase the waterproofing properties of the material.
  • Fiberglass is used as the main raw material, which, when compared with the cardboard used in roofing material, is much stronger, therefore, the product itself is better.
  • The bottom layer contains some quartz sand or silicon to keep the tiles from sticking together during storage

You should not take the name "Finnish roof" for the correct one. This combination of words has taken root in the product only because this roofing material was produced in Finland. Today, there are many such products, but the quality remains unchanged. Popular firms are Icopal, Tegola and Raflex.

Mounting methods

Soft material for comfort installation work, and during its transportation, you can not be afraid for the integrity of the structure.

Thanks to innovations in the construction industry, the Finnish roof has several ways of fastening.

  1. Self-adhesive method. The adhesive layer on some types of coating is a mixture of bitumen and rubber, which until right moment is protected by film. To fasten such a product on the plane of the slope, it is necessary to separate protective film, lay in the right place and press the tile a little so that it sticks to the crate. The only obstacle to the installation of self-adhesive plates on the roof surface can be negative temperatures. It will not allow gluing due to the hardening of an important layer

The structure of this material is as follows:

  • Basalt dressing
  • oxidized bitumen
  • fiberglass layer
  • oxidized bitumen
  • Adhesive mass with frost-resistant impurities
  • Quartz or silica sand
  • Protective film
  1. mechanical method. Here, fasteners are used as fasteners, and therefore this species has some cheapness compared to its self-adhesive counterpart. As a rule, ordinary roofing nails equipped with a wide hat are used as fasteners. All attachment points must be covered with a sheet lying on top. This will create an airtight and reliable coating.

IMPORTANT: The lathing for this roofing must be carried out by a continuous method, and its surface must not contain strong elevation changes or sharp elements. To achieve the ideal surface, developers often use OSB boards rather than edged board.

As a guide, I will list the main layers of the Finnish tile roof.

  • roofing material
  • Lining layer
  • OSB board, or a solid crate of boards
  • waterproofing layer
  • Insulation boards
  • Vapor barrier layer

Positive and negative qualities of soft tiles

Not so long ago, manufacturers of roofing materials received a new competitor - Finnish tiles. She very quickly got her niche and became the main competitor of metal roofing and ondulin.

Why for so a short time this product received such a high liking? It's all about her virtues.

  • wear resistance. The Finnish roof repeatedly wins over the same roofing material, because its service life is more than 70 years, when the last one is only a decade
  • Temperature resistance. This property delighted residents of the northern regions, where temperatures reach -50 o C. The temperature range of this coating is from -60 o C to +150 o C
  • Versatility. Soft tiles can be used on roofs with a slope of more than 11 degrees
  • Economy. This property was discovered as a result of a comparison of metal tile waste and Finnish roofing. At the same cost, the latter produces much less waste
  • Ease of installation. Due to its structure, laying can be done on its own
  • decorative. Manufacturers every year are trying to improve their product and produce an increasing range in terms of coloring and types.

Despite such chic positive traits, the cons of this material are still present.

  • High cost. A product with a self-adhesive surface is quite impressive, and a simple look is also not a little
  • It is not possible to lay the coating on sloping roofs
  • High demands on the base surface
  • Mandatory laying of the lining layer

Finnish roofing good decision for country house . Such a coating will give your comfort a rather interesting and intricate look, and you will become a constant object of admiration in the face of neighbors and guests.

It happens that the construction of a house reaches the finish line in late autumn. Mothball the construction site until spring and postpone the longed-for move to new house do not want so...

And then there is nothing left but to build at a time when the cold has already set in.

Installation of the upper structure in winter period possible, but has its own characteristics.

The complexity of roofing work

Most traditional building materials crumble, break or bend poorly in frost, so preference should be given to modern ones.

They have good performance frost resistance, some are used at temperatures up to -55 degrees. But you need to handle them carefully.

Conduct roofing winter is difficult for several reasons. One of the main ones is that due to weather conditions, this is a more time-consuming process.

An additional difficulty is the short daylight hours. Competent lighting building sites can be a worthy way out of this situation, but this increases costs.

As practice shows, it still takes more time to build a roof compared to the summer period.

And not just because the sun is setting over the horizon too quickly. Periodically, surface cleaning is required, as well as roofers' breaks for heating.

The installation of the roof should be interrupted during the period of precipitation. But even on rainy autumn days, sometimes you have to wait a week, or even more, for acceptable weather conditions.

The best option is equipment over the entire structure of the building - it will protect against precipitation and reduce time.

In any case, it is necessary to strictly observe the laying technology, which differs from the summer version.

At the same time, the cost of work and roofing materials decreases in the off-season, it is easier to find contractors, so building a roof in winter can turn out to be profitable.

Building materials are stored in a warm room or in temporary structures consisting of a frame, sheltered - greenhouses. In greenhouses, the temperature is maintained with the help of heaters or heat guns.

Everything preparatory work it is necessary to carry out in places protected from adverse weather - internal rooms. Raise the elements to the roof immediately before installation.

The construction of the truss system

As for - you can even say that in winter, their installation has a number of advantages.

Cold has a positive effect on the tree:

  • bacteria and other pests die at low temperatures;
  • in frosty dry air, the tree becomes less humid.

In severe frosts - more than -20 degrees - it is not recommended to install a wooden truss system, as the wood becomes too brittle, and it is likely to be damaged.

The risk is not justified: it is better to wait for an increase to -15 degrees, and continue the construction with the calm confidence that performance characteristics roof frames are not damaged.

Moreover, in central Russia, bitter frosts usually do not last for months.

We should also not forget about safety precautions on an ice-crusted and therefore slippery roof.

Roofing cake installation

The roof area is divided into sections. Work is not carried out simultaneously on several sites - only on one.

Most important point- it is necessary to ensure the protection of materials from snow, covering them with insulating films.

Waterproofing should be treated with particular responsibility: in order to avoid its swelling, in no case should snow be allowed to fall on the waterproof layer.

Experts advise to use as a heater mineral wool with good hydrophobic properties. Loose, as well as tiled, it is recommended to dry.

It is better to use with the bottom foil layer.

In the spring, with the first rains, it will become known whether the roofing pie has passed the tightness test.

Metal tile flooring

Low temperatures are not terrible for this material. The quality of the roof from is not affected by the fact that it was laid in the cold season.

But for builders who are not too dexterous due to warm clothes, it can be dangerous strong wind- due to the large windage of the sheets.

The metal with polyurethane coating retains the greatest elasticity in the cold.

Installation of cement-sand and clay tiles

Traditionally considered the most the best coverage for the roof.

A small number of pores ensures its excellent frost resistance, this coating withstands many freeze-thaw cycles without loss of performance. Installation can be carried out in winter, although this is a very laborious process.

A lot of weight in some ways will even play into the hands - for example, it will not be torn off by the wind. And the relatively small dimensions do not pose such a danger to installers as when laying large sheets metal tiles.

The device of a roof from a flexible tile

choose based on the indicator of flexibility on the beam, this value is indicated in the technical specifications.

The key to waterproofing the roof is laying the roofing material on a dry base.

In addition, sheets of plywood or boards used for sheathing will expand with the onset of the warm season, and therefore a gap of several millimeters must be left between them.

The material is fed in small portions and immediately placed. The tile for secure fastening on solid flooring is heated with heat building hair dryer to melt the bituminous layer.

Roofing work is carried out at outdoor temperatures down to -20°C, and in the Far North up to -30°C.


At negative temperatures screeds are installed from prefabricated or monolithic asbestos-cement and cement-sand slabs. Works with solutions without antifreezes are allowed up to -10°C. Tash antifreeze or sodium carbonate salts are recommended in cement-sand mortars, in which the bright sand is replaced by expanded clay.

Laying the solution is carried out heated to 60°C, excluding additional transfer from the bone to the container. The solution is delivered in closed tanks, preferably thermally insulated. The longer the solution is in open frost before work, the worse the quality of the hitch will be.

After the installation of screeds, priming is immediately carried out (in the amount of 600 g / m2) and covered with an insulating layer.
When installing asphalt screeds, the cool fraction of the mineral filler is replaced with sand.
Before laying, the mixture is heated with heating elements to operating temperature asphalt mix.
The mixture is laid in squares of 4 × 4 m along the adjusted slats with a thickness 1.5 times greater than the thickness of the screeds at a positive temperature. Heating the surface and the laid mixture allows you to better level it. The surface of the screeds is primed with bituminous primers (800-1000 g/m2), diluted in a slowly evaporating solvent and heated to 40-50°C.
In winter, they can be replaced cement-sand screeds asphalt concrete on rigid and semi-rigid insulation, which will significantly reduce the quality of the roof. In general, in extreme cases, a large-sized assembly is used instead of a monolith. A little solvent is introduced into hot mastics to lower the liquefaction temperature. The seams between the plates are filled with a mixture of liquefied bitumen with a corrugated filler. Screeds must be primed immediately.

thermal insulation

Thermal insulation is laid from slabs sorted by thickness on a leveled base. The leveling layer under the bottom is made of coarse sand or granulated slag. The joints are sealed with mastic (bitumen + asbestos) or a mixture of liquefied bitumen with corrugated filler.
Monolithic thermal insulation can only be arranged from bitumen-perlite slabs, interconnected in place by melting the edges.


The base is cleared of ice (you can use the SO-U7A machine).
For gluing, cold mastics are preferred. For the deposited materials, a burner (propane-butane) is used.
Rolled materials are rolled out in a warm room and kept before sticking at a temperature of 20-25 ° C for 24-28 hours, rolled up and placed in 5-7 rolls in a heat-insulated container.

Glued by melting the bituminous layer. First, it is desirable to apply a primer on the base (800 g per m2).
After it dries (until the film stops sticking), a panel is tried on on the gluing strip along the line drawn with chalk. The panel is folded back by 0.5 m, the cover layer of the folded part is melted with a burner (or hot mastic is applied to the base of the gluing area) and the carpet is manually pressed to the base.
Next, the unglued roll is rolled up, slightly heating its outer surface with a burner to avoid breakage. After that, put the roll on the roll stacker and lay as usual (warming up both the carpet and the base on which the laying is done). The roller is pressed against the base.

The overlaps and the carpet itself are rolled 3-4 times with a weighted roller (90 kg).
Important! Before melting the cover layer on the gluing line, it is necessary to adjust the torch of the burner, the slope and to the panel in such a way that the cover layer softens to a viscous-fluid state, warming up to 160-180 ° C.
An indicator of overheating is a mastic roller in front of the sheet being rolled out and, which is completely unacceptable, yellow mastic vapors.
Adjacent to vertical surfaces:

After cutting and marking, the panel is folded into 2 parts, the length of which corresponds to the length of the vertical and horizontal sections of the gluing. Then, with a burner, the cover layer is softened into parts glued to the vertical surface, while heating (or priming with bitumen) the vertical surface itself. The carpet is pressed and carefully rubbed.
The horizontal surface is glued in the same way.
The protective layer is arranged in warm time of the year.
Working with hot mastic in winter is impractical.
It is possible to use polymer additives and solvents (5-7%). Mineral fillers are best replaced with a solution of polyisobutylene (3-5%).

Short-term (10-15 min) overheating of mastics is allowed (bitumen - above 160-180 ° C, tar - above 140-160 ° C by 10-20 ° C).
For the installation of roofs at an external temperature of -20 ° C, the mastic is applied in small areas of no more than 0.5 m2 (for example, 1 × 0.5 m), quickly leveled with strokes and the carpet is pulled over. Any overlap in winter should be at least 10 cm.
It is more rational to use cold mastics in winter, for example, bitumen-latex-cookersal.
Before application, they are heated to 70-80°C. The cloth must also be kept indoors. A roll is rolled out on a primed base, applying heated cold mastic to the carpet and base using spray rods. When pressing, it is necessary to monitor the longitudinal overlap. When sticking upper layers mastic is applied only to the underlying layer and carefully pressed to the panels of the lower layers.

Rolling is carried out after laying all the layers at least 3 times with a weighted roller. It is advisable to postpone the sticker of the upper layers for the warm season by gluing 2 emergency lower layers.
When installing mastic roofs (reinforced and non-reinforced), cold asphalt mastics with antifreeze or hot bitumen are used, fiberglass reinforced. The use of emulsions is unacceptable (at temperatures below -5°C).

Antifreeze (ethylene glycol or methyl alcohol up to 15% by weight of the paste) is introduced into cold water mastics in a warm room. The mastic is delivered to the roof heated to 40 ° C and immediately applied to the base, leveling with strokes, controlling the layer thickness. With mastic hot bituminous roofing, they work similarly to rolled materials on hot bituminous mastic, where the rolled material is fiberglass, but after it is laid and pressed (with an armored mesh roller), an additional layer is applied over the panel until the fiberglass cells are completely impregnated.

Previous device and repair soft roof were strictly limited to seasonality, since both main roofing materials - bitumen and roofing material - are powerless in frost. Bitumen quickly freezes, loses its plastic properties; when working with it in winter, the introduction of plasticizers is necessary. The roofing material cracks in the cold, the rolls do not finally roll out, being shackled and shaped in waves.
All developments of roofing materials were aimed at improving their properties at low temperatures, so that work on soft roofing could be carried out. all year round. Soft roofs usually imply the scale of the structure, most industrial, civil and residential buildings large area covered with a soft roof. And stops in large-scale construction, connected with the season, are equally unprofitable for both the customer and the contractor. Man is used to struggling with difficulties and subordinating nature to his will, and he has succeeded in this even now.

In addition, in winter it may be necessary to carry out repair work for a number of reasons: leaks were discovered a long time ago, but did not reach the hands in the summer. During the winter, damage will increase even more, undermined by frost and thaw, and with the onset of persistent heat, the roof will lose its main function - waterproofing.
In winter, the most important operation is drying and warming up the base. And before installation - uniform and sufficient heating of roofing materials.
And here already, if you want - you don’t want, but you have to depend on the weather: in snowfall, rain or a sharp thaw, as well as in very hard frost you won't work.

When laying built-up materials in winters using propane burners, only a virtuoso roofing master can guarantee a high-quality coating. Usually the same heating roll! unevenly, like the base, because of the low temperature, the laid layer cools too sharply, sometimes the base and mater cool down before gluing has occurred. There are a lot of unglued places.

new technology in the installation and repair of roofs in winter, the use of the method of infrared heating of the cover layer of rolled melted materials began to be used - this significantly improves technologically winter work and improve the quality of work performed.
The use of infrared radiation and means a fixed temperature heating of the surface, sufficient to melt the cover! layer, and eliminates overheating and boiling of bitumen, which previously damaged the roof.

In addition, the equipment for infrared radiation is electrical (380 V power supply), which reduces the flammability of roofing rg due to the elimination of burners.
For the above method, the Beam bus is used.

In it, the materials are heated by infrared: by irradiation in a relatively closed cavity, with the body of the equipment. The surface of the material is heated no higher than 160°C, and it is tactless, and the closed housing excludes sudden temperature fluctuations with the surrounding air.
The web of the roll is pressed tightly against the base by a multisectional roller. The surface layers are softened by 0.5-0.8 mm and forms! a roller of molten bitumen with a thickness of about 1 cm is placed. The roller moves ahead of the rolling womb, additionally smearing the base with a tone layer and filling all the irregularities in the base.

This method guarantees complete bonding at the molecular level.
First, the base is prepared: the screed is cleaned of dust and primed with a primer. The spreading of the primer material is 700-800 g per 1 m2 of OCHI. The end of the roll is loaded into the Luch machine, on the frame of which an infrared emitter and a pressure roller are mounted. The three heating elements facing the pressure roller are covered with a metal cover. The flow of radiant energy emitted by the emitter is directed to the place of contact between the base and the glued panel, the filament body is located 2-3 cm from the heated surfaces. Then infrared emitters are turned on, the machine warms up for 15-25 s, after which bitumen melts on the lower surface of the panel, which lasts 1-3 s, after which the installation is manually advanced along the rolled roll. The heated panel is pressed with a roller to the base, which is heated simultaneously with the panel. The degree of heating is controlled by the width of the strip of bitumen squeezed out from under the roll: the strip of flowing bitumen should be about 1 cm wide.

Due to the rapid surface heating, the covering layers soften only by 0.5-0.8 mm, i.e. only a small part of the binder mass is heated.

Heating and melting of the cover layer occurs only from the deposited side, on the other hand, the material remains unchanged. When the movement stops in the middle of the slope, the frame with the heating elements is turned up to prevent overheating of the material. The rolling time of a 10-meter roll is 3-10 minutes (depending on the modification of the machine and the season).

The small-sized installation "IKO-500" consists of only one heating element, fixed on a frame with a handle, by which the worker holds this device.

To connect each of these machines to an external network with a voltage of 380/220 V, a special electrical control panel is used. Shield weight 10 kg. Connection to the external network is carried out by cable type.KG. The control circuit is fed through a step-down transformer with a voltage of 36 V. The electrical panel provides for the connection of two units at the same time.
Particular attention should be paid the following requirements.

It is forbidden:
. stick roofing materials in the presence of fire (the design of the machine and parts are not designed for such a high-temperature mode of operation);
. allow a large amount of soot on the insulators and conductive elements of the machine. Kokpot (i.e. coal) is an electrical conductor and leads to burnout of conductive equipment elements. Soot appears when bituminous materials ignite during the performance of work, which is possible only if the operator neglects his work;
. allow direct exposure of the track roller;
. allow shorting of the emitter elements to the body or to each other. This leads to the destruction of the emitters;
. work without a multilayer reflector included in the design of the machine;
. make repairs and touch current-carrying structural elements without turning off the circuit breaker. It is possible to independently turn on the equipment when the control wire is closed to the case;
. work on the equipment by untrained personnel.

On newly purchased equipment, check the tightness of all electrical contacts on the machine and on the electrical panel.
At each new facility, work should not be started without prior preventive maintenance of the equipment: you should wipe the soot from the machine with a soft brush and recheck the tightness of the electrical contacts (they loosen during operation from constant heating and cooling). Check the emitters for an interturn short circuit and the possibility of a short circuit to the case.
The use of the Luch machine is possible both on horizontal and vertical surfaces, which facilitates such a complex and painstaking thing as junctions.

The Luch heating unit, which is part of the roofing machine, consists of three heating elements. Disabling the middle element makes it possible to perform strip bonding of materials for the installation of a ventilated roof at no additional cost, which is important when repair work ah, with new construction in the cold season, in buildings with high humidity. Ventilated roofs do not form blisters and allow the insulation and screed to be kept dry for a long time.
"IKO-YUOO" is a lightweight version of the Luch machine. It is controlled by two workers, the technology of work does not differ from the one described above and allows gluing smooth bends of the roof and vertical sections.

"IKO-500" - a device weighing 6 kg and the dimensions of the irradiator 25 × 35 cm. Used in hard-to-reach places, for lining pipes, corners, etc. When working with it, the base is first heated, then the applied material (with visual control of heating) and the heated surfaces are pressed. All this happens without the use of open fire.

To prepare the base in the infrared irradiation method, a roof regenerator RKL is used.
From the realm of fantasy: the use of infrared equipment RKL in the preparation of the base
not only allows the installation of a new roofing carpet on the old cake, but also significantly improves the properties of the latter. When drying the old coating, infrared rays regenerate and compress the layers of the old roof, restoring solidity and leveling the old coating. The allowable number of layers of the old coating is 10.
Security measures:
Persons who have reached the age of 18, who have studied all the technical documentation and are trained in handling the machine, as well as who have been instructed in technical ke security.
Before starting work, it is necessary to check the good condition of the protective earth.
The operator working on the machine must have an electrical safety group of at least the second.
It is not allowed to work if the insulation or control wire is damaged.
It is strictly forbidden to carry out any repair or other work on the machine without turning off the machine on the electrical control panel.

It is forbidden to work on the roof using any electrical equipment during precipitation.
It is necessary to constantly monitor the serviceability of the switch on the steering wheel, which should automatically turn off the machine when you remove your hands from the steering wheel.

If a malfunction or voltage on the case is found in the machine (it shocks), it is necessary to stop work and inform the work manager.
Responsibility and supervision over the safe operation of the machine are assigned to the person responsible for the electrical facilities and appointed by order.
For fire safety purposes, it is prohibited:
. work without an equipped fire station in the work area;
. store flammable liquids near the place of work.

At the end of the work, the electrical panel must be completely disconnected from the external network.
Infrared roofing machine type "Ray" is not subject to certification in the field of fire safety.
When performing roofing work with machines of the "Luch" type, in the field of safety, the rules in accordance with SNiP 12-03-99 "Labor safety in construction" should be observed.
Work with machines of the Luch type at explosive objects is allowed only with the permission of the relevant services.
Connection of "IKO-YUOO" or "IKO-500" to the electrical control panel of the roofing machine (to other electrical panels is strictly prohibited) is allowed only by electricians on duty or operators who have an electrical safety group not the second and only according to the electrical diagram attached to the passport.

Can the roof be covered in winter?

Roofing is one of the last stages of any construction. But what if it coincided with late autumn? More recently, each construction site was “frozen” for the winter period, but thanks to the release of new materials, it became possible to carry out roofing work in absolutely any climatic conditions.
Soft roofing is the material that allows installation even in severe frost. And you won't have to leave your house without a roof for the winter. The main thing in this work is to observe a number of features.

Roof installation in winter and its main points

    Two days before the start of work, all roofing elements are placed in a warm room with a temperature of at least +20 degrees.

    Tiles shingles are delivered to the installation site gradually as needed.

    The base on which the installation is made must be clean, dry and free of ice.

    If the work is planned to be carried out in severe frost down to -20 degrees, then a “green house” is necessarily built. It is a kind of tent, which is built from boards or film over the area where the work will be carried out. The height of the structure should be such that it is convenient for people to move around in it. Often, in order to increase the temperature, tents are supplemented with heat guns.

    As you know, bituminous shingles are easily glued to the roof sheathing and create an airtight connection under the influence of sunlight. But in winter there is little sun, so professionals advise using a hot air gun.

How to choose the right soft roof for winter installation?

Ideally, the roof should have a maximum low temperature flexibility on the beam, and minimum size the radius of the beam itself. The recommended temperature range is from -55 0 to +110 0 . Such characteristics ensure that flexible tiles do not crack during winter installation. This is also important in the future, namely when servicing the roof in winter. The coating is more durable and will not suffer after removing snow or ice.

If, after reading this article, the question of whether it is possible to cover the roof in winter is still not entirely clear to you, call or request a call back. Our specialist will answer all your questions.

The term "soft roof" means with a direct or inverse arrangement of layers of bituminous - polymeric mastics and materials based on fiberglass, fiberglass and polyester fabric.

In this article, we will consider the device in the winter, and is it possible to do a soft roof in winter?

We will also touch upon the issues of operating a soft roof in winter and removing snow from the coating.

To begin, consider existing species soft roof.

In official documents, another term is used to refer to a soft roof - roll roofing.

The design and repair of a soft roof is established by the Code of Practice SP 17.13330.2011 SNiP II-26-76"Roofs".

The document refers to roll roofing straight and inverted roofs, with a layer of insulation made of bituminous, bituminous - polymer material, various membranes and mastics.

With carpet from roll material with gravel or coarse-grained dressing varies from 1.5 to 10%, from bituminous - polymeric material with coarse-grained dressing - from 1.5 to 25%.

To create a slope on a horizontal base, use a screed cellular concrete monolithic installation. The screed can be laid on the base or on the insulation. It is possible to use special shaped extensions from slab insulation.

Soft roofs with a slope ≥ 25% are performed subject to the use of hot mastic and roll material with a heat resistance of 90 ° C, or cold mastic with a heat resistance of 100 ° C.

The composition of the soft roof with a direct arrangement of layers looks like this:

  • Base;
  • Sloping layer;
  • Vapor barrier;
  • insulation;
  • insulation from 2 - 4 layers of bituminous roofing material, the top layer has a fine or coarse-grained dressing.

The number of insulating layers is taken taking into account the technical characteristics of the material and the slope of the roof

IN inverted roof layers are in reverse order:

  • Base;
  • Sloping screed;
  • Waterproof carpet;
  • insulation;
  • filter material;
  • Weight from gravel or concrete tiles.

Inverted roofing is performed with large areas and on rooftops.

Materials for soft roofing

A large number of roofing materials are produced in Russia. For repairs or new installations
roofs in winter materials with flexibility on a beam with a diameter of 15 cm are suitable at -25°C trademarks Technoelast, Uniflex, Linocrom, Bipolikrin, Bikrost, Krovlyaelast and others.

Common is bituminous - polymer resin applied to the base of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester.

Materials intended for welding have a special film on the bottom that melts when heated - it serves as an adhesive. Roofing materials without a film are glued on bitumen-polymer mastics. Materials for the lower layers of the carpet are produced without mineral dressing, materials for the upper layer have coarse or fine-grained dressing.

Major repairs and minor repairs - what's the difference?

Difference between overhaul and minor roof repairs significant. For condition assessment roofing cake in several places they choose pits measuring 1x1 m, the number of layers of the carpet is determined from the exposed areas, type and condition of the insulation, the presence of a vapor barrier.

Major overhaul includes replacement, assessment of the condition of the insulation: if it is not in working condition, the replacement of the insulation is also required. In the case of a working state of the heater, measures are taken to drain it.


In case of minor repairs on defective sections of the roof, the carpet is replaced or laid additional layers waterproofing material. When repairing or laying by a contractor, each layer of roofing materials requires drawing up acts of hidden works.

Previously used slab insulation made of foam concrete, polystyrene is not able to meet the requirements of the current standards for resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures and they are completely changed. In addition, the current standards have tightened the requirements for vapor barrier insulation: previously, isolation from moisture vapor from residential and office premises was not required. Respectively, to install the vapor barrier, it is necessary to dismantle the insulation.

Definitely require replacement of waterproofing and vapor barrier layers of roofing material, roofing felt, glassine, the service life of which is not more than 5 years.

Common defects

Defects most often occur due to a violation of technology work, non-compliance with design decisions, inaccuracy of staff and lack of care by the owner of the house.

Regular inspection of the roof, timely detection of blisters, vegetation, cracking and delamination of the material can prevent leakage and wetting of the insulation.

Several methods have been developed to detect leaks.

The most effective - filling the roof with water and draining the water after determining the places of defects is possible on flat roofs and the presence of special equipment.

  • Leaks occur after rainfall or within 1-2 days later. Flickering leaks that appear periodically are possible.
  • Leaks of the first type speak of mechanical damage on the coating, improper installation or poor-quality carpet material.
  • Leaks of the second type appear due to poor-quality sealing of junctions and in case of improper installation of the fence and drainage system.
  • flickering leaks they talk about microcracks in the roofing material, the insufficient size of aprons at the junctions.

And now let's talk about whether it is possible to lay soft tiles in winter?

Installation of a soft roof in winter

Is it possible to lay a soft roof in winter? Winter is not the best best time for roofing work. However, if necessary and following the rules, you can lay a soft roof in winter:

  • Laying in winter should be done under a special awning;
  • Working with solutions water based conduct at a temperature not lower than +5° С;
  • Thoroughly dry the base before applying mastics and primers;
  • Soft roof hardens in winter and becomes brittle, so it should be thoroughly heated;
  • Warm up the carpet material at room temperature before laying within 1-2 days.


The use of gas burners for work on the roof is allowed with non-combustible insulation(stone and basalt wool, fiberglass). When using heaters of the G4 combustibility group (expanded polystyrene), fuse with a building hair dryer!

The quality of roofing work in winter depends on compliance with the rules for working with materials. Soft roof device at negative temperatures:

  1. The base must be level and dry;
  2. The screed for the slope must mature;
  3. It is not allowed to contact the porous insulation with wet materials and screeds;
  4. Before fusing the waterproofing layer of the surface (insulation, plastered parapets, ventilation shafts) must be primed with a primer;
  5. Connection points must be protected with aprons.

Flat roof installation

Laying a soft roof in winter requires more technological operations: heating the carpet material at room temperature, drying the base, heating the material before laying with a gas burner or hair dryer. As a result - additional waste of resources and money, low productivity. Subject to requirements technological maps manufacturer of the material laying soft tiles in winter is possible, but not economically feasible.

Temperature conditions and roofing work

In regulatory documents no direct ban winter repairs on the roof.

The main requirement for the outdoor temperature is recorded in SNiP 3.04.01 - 87 "Insulating and Finishing work»: roofing work can be carried out in the temperature range from -30 to +60 ° C.

Works with combustible mastics are allowed to be carried out up to -20 ° C.

Works with water compositions without antifreeze additives - not lower than + 5 ° С.

The possibility of performing work to a large extent depends on the technical characteristics of the material. If the passport indicates flexibility on a bar with a diameter of 15 cm at a temperature of -25 ° C, then at -30 it will break.

So, the repair of a soft roof in winter at sub-zero temperatures in detail.

We do winter roof repairs

Urgent repair of the coating in winter can be performed two ways:

  1. put in place of the defect patch from roofing material;
  2. Seal the leak with mastic based on polyurethane.

In the first case, the work is carried out as follows:

  1. We clean the place of leakage from snow and ice;
  2. We dry the place of leakage with a gas burner or a building hair dryer;
  3. The amount of roofing material required for sealing, preheated to room temperature, evenly heat with a hairdryer or burner from the bottom side until the pattern changes;
  4. We apply the patch to the place of the leak, align from the center to the edges, eliminating swelling;
  5. Glue by tapping with your hands or with a special roller.

The order of work when using mastic:

  1. We clean the place of leakage;
  2. We dry;
  3. We prime;
  4. We put a layer of geotextile on the repaired area, fix it with a stapler to the base;
  5. Pour a layer of polyurethane mastic;
  6. After polymerization of the first layer (7-8 hours), we perform the second layer of mastic.

Preparation for repair

The first way is faster and easier, the second way is more reliable.

After renovation flat roof in winter it is advisable to leave it has a layer of snow 5 cm for protection from solar radiation and bad weather.

Roof care

It is easier, faster and cheaper to fix a problem noticed in time, a minor defect. In order not to bring the roof of the house up to, during the calendar year, it is necessary to inspect the health of the coating.

Is it necessary to clean the soft roof from snow? Yes, definitely!

In winter, it is necessary to clean the soft roof from snow: with a flat roof, heavy snowfall can exceed the permissible load on the roof slabs - and this is a disaster! At pitched roof excess snow will come down with an avalanche during the thaw. Snow removal from soft roofs is a mandatory roof maintenance procedure.

Is it possible to walk on a soft roof in winter? Strongly do not recommend do this, as the coating becomes very fragile in winter and there is a high probability of damage to the coating.

This simple inspection will allow you to notice problems in time and make minor repairs.

  1. Ceilings of the upper floor - to detect stains;
  2. Roofs - to detect blisters;
  3. Roof junctions to parapets and elevations;
  4. Fastening aprons and tight seals.

At sub-zero temperatures, pay attention to:

  • Icicle formation;
  • Ice plugs in funnels;
  • Icing of wall sections near drainage systems;
  • The amount of snow on a soft roof.

Walking on a soft roof in winter is strongly discouraged!

In autumn, clean the roof and gutter system from fallen leaves. The topic of repair work on the roof is extensive, as is the number of roofing materials and technologies. If it is not possible to carry out repairs on your own, it is always possible to turn to professionals. The roof of your house requires respect - the durability of the building as a whole depends on its condition.

Useful video

And now we invite you to watch a video on repairing soft tiles in winter:

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