Competent lighting of a modern apartment. Lighting in a modern interior Lighting for a studio apartment

The beauty and comfort of the interior largely depends on its correct lighting. Any design project begins with the stage of choosing lighting devices and working out their location, since it will be difficult to fix these details in the process of decorating an apartment.

The concept of "light design" is much more complex and multifaceted than it might seem at first glance. He should put in a favorable light the dignity of the room and hide its shortcomings, make it cozy and comfortable, and emphasize the individuality of the owner.

Lighting design is usually divided into three components, each of which has a special role in creating stylish and harmonious interior lighting.

  • The general design is the background from which it is worth starting from when working out the location of other light sources.
  • Light architecture - subdivided into interior, exterior and interior. Defines the general style, makes lighting design more individual and expressive.
  • Lighting design is everything that can be swapped and moved. The most flexible lighting element that expresses the individuality of the owner.

Usually a competent project includes all three elements, because only their skillful combination can create an interesting and stylish interior.

Beautiful design depends a lot on lighting

You need to be careful about lighting design.

Using light, you can highlight or hide interior elements

There are several types of lighting, each of which has its own functions and implementation rules:

The right lighting can change the interior beyond recognition.

There are several types of lighting

Effect of lighting on emotional state

The choice of lamps depends not only on the appearance of your apartment, but also on the mental and emotional state of its inhabitants. Scientists have found that lighting that affects us has many properties that can be both beneficial and harmful.

    Yellow light is a classic option that people are unlikely to ever give up. This color creates an atmosphere of comfort and is good for the eyes.

    Due to white lighting, a person's performance increases. But if the sharpness of such light is too high, rapid fatigue sets in.

    Red energizes and vigor, increases blood pressure.

    Orange color provokes an increase in appetite and an increase in heart rate.

    The blue glow is relaxing and the pressure is lowered.

    Green lighting is used in bedrooms and children's rooms. It is soothing and relaxing and very comfortable on the eyes.

    Purple and blue light is not used for living spaces and long stay rooms. These colors are depressing and irritating.

Blue light will help you relax

Each color has its own effect on a person.

Lighting can affect emotional state

How to regulate natural light

When passing through glass and reflecting from mirrors, natural light becomes too harsh and harsh. You can smooth out this light effect with the help of translucent and openwork obstacles - tulle and organza. By diffusing light, they make natural light smooth and comfortable.

Another way to control the light flow from the windows is vertical blinds. They make it less rigid, and at a certain turn, they give it the necessary direction. With their help, the level of illumination of the room is regulated by just a few hand movements.

Light can highlight the necessary items in the interior.

In some cases, you can do without natural light.

Artificial lighting principles

The illumination of any space is subject to many sanitary and hygienic requirements, determined by various GOSTs and norms. You can study them for a long time and persistently, but it will be more convenient to get acquainted only with the most important of them.

All values ​​in this table are only the required minimum; no norms are set for upper boundary values.

Not every reader is familiar with the concepts of KEO and UGR. Let's try to figure out what it is and how they differ from each other.

In the bedroom, you can do without strong light sources. A few lamps will be enough

Lighting should be individually selected for each design.

There are some norms for lighting different rooms.


The Daylight Ratio is the ratio of natural light to overall light. The parameter determines the proportion of natural light that enters the space of the room. Let's give a simple example.

Suppose we measured the illumination in the middle of the living room, and it was 300 lux. Let's go to the open balcony adjacent to this room, and measure the level of illumination there. Let's say it was 500 lux. Then KEO will be calculated as 300/500 = 0.6. Comparing this indicator with the table value, we come to the conclusion that the light corresponds to the norm.


The discomfort factor is determined by international standards and serves as a measure of the hardness of the light. It is measured in the range from 1 to 100 and is determined by polarization, coherence and light flux spectrum.

In simple terms, this value shows how soft and favorable the light in the room is for the human eye.

Lighting can highlight some objects in the interior.

If the room has a lot of natural light, you can get by with a chandelier.

Fundamental rules

Having dealt with the norms, it is worth talking about the basic rules, which are no longer responsible for the absence of harm to human health, but for the harmonious aesthetic design of the interior.

    Lighting design must be consistent with the color of the interior.

    The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction.

    Light rooms are illuminated evenly, made in dark colors - each zone separately.

    In the work area, the ideal light is white.

    Light objects are best illuminated with colored light, and bright local lighting is chosen for bright details.

    Intense shadows and lack of light in certain areas are best avoided.

The flow of light visually stretches the room, lengthening it in the direction of its direction

In the bedroom, you can get by with a chandelier and several lamps

The lighting solution must be combined with the interior of the room.

Pros and cons of chandeliers

The most common type of lamps that are used in the interior of any room and style are pendant and ceiling chandeliers. They use different types of lamps, they differ in style and design, but the most important parameter when choosing is the material from which the chandelier is made.


    Strength, durability

    Easy to clean

    Due to its large mass, the chandelier requires a more durable fixing to the ceiling.

    High price

    Variety of shapes and colors

    No deformation

    Ease of cleaning


    Environmental friendliness

    Harmonious combination with wooden furniture

    Demanding care

    Impervious to moisture

    Exposure to light



    Luxurious presentable look

    Creating a play of light

    High price


    Minimum cost


    Tends to fade in the light



    Reasonable price



    Immunity to fire

Chandeliers unambiguously look quite stylish and play up the general stylistic idea of ​​the interior, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort around them, but they also have disadvantages:

  • Difficult installation.
  • Difficulty cleaning. In order to clean the chandelier well, you first have to unscrew the shades, and then screw them into place.
  • High cost compared to conventional luminaires.
  • Not suitable for rooms with low ceilings.
  • Markingness. Decorative chandeliers located under the ceiling collect a lot of dust due to the abundance of hanging elements.

Despite their beauty, they are very difficult to install and maintain.

Chandeliers always look very stylish

Pros and cons of fixtures

The latest generation of luminaires, which are extremely popular, are LED or LED luminaires. Their success in the market is attributed to the many advantages of such lighting:

    Durability. Service life is more than 50 thousand hours.

    Energy saving.


    High efficiency.

    The ability to change the color, brightness and temperature of lighting.

    Compact and flexible modules that allow you to implement a variety of design ideas.


    Environmental friendliness.

    Security. These luminaires have an extremely low risk of fire.

Regarding the disadvantages of LED lighting, it is worth saying the following:

    The high cost can be scary at first, but it is fully compensated by the long service life and economy of such devices.

    An LED driver is required to provide power to the device.

    LEDs tend to lose brightness and their light becomes dimmer.

    Replacing a burned-out LED can be problematic.

Using luminaires, you can highlight specific areas

At the moment, LED lamps are very popular.

Sometimes lamps are used as a decorative element.

Street lighting

Outdoor lighting at home is made for decorative, security or functional purposes.

It is customary to pay special attention to functional lighting in the project, since it is she who is responsible for safe movement in the yard. The main objects are garden paths, steps and a porch, and the most popular solution is small lamps with short legs. They will perfectly fit into any landscape design and will not take up much space, and in the dark they will perfectly cope with their task.

Advice for the most economical owners is to use solar-powered lamps, their choice is also huge.

To save money, you can use solar-powered lamps

Outdoor lighting of the house is performed for decorative, security or functional purposes.

Decorative lighting is designed to highlight the most attractive details of your garden with light. It can be installed by a fountain, pond, recreation area or garden sculpture.

Correctly organized light interior design can work miracles, transforming the space, changing the direction of the flow of light and beneficially affecting the human psyche. The main thing in pursuit of a stylish and modern interior design is to follow the lighting rules and not forget about your own comfort and health.

Designer Ekaterina Malaya helped The Village figure out what lighting design is for, what tiers and lighting scenarios are, and why already at the planning stage of an electrician it is necessary to know exactly where your favorite statuette will stand.

Ekaterina Malaya


Even if you found the “right” shade for the walls, spent money on wooden floors, brought a Moroccan carpet from a trip and ordered furniture from the latest collection of a successful brand in Milan, the result can be disappointing. All your six-month efforts can be canceled out by one single blunder - illiterate lighting. This happens when, at the planning stage, an electrician is laid at random. And not from a lack of diligence, but simply because they have not yet decided where the sofa will be, how long the dining table will be, and they have not thought about accessories at all.

Rule one

Start planning your electrician when a detailed furniture layout is ready.

At the very least, this will make your new home comfortable for life. Switches are usually placed at a distance of 15 centimeters from the edge of the doorway, on the side where the door handle is: you must be sure of the door opening pattern. For an overhead light in a bedroom, I always recommend a walk-through switch to my customers to be able to turn the same overhead light on or off at both the door and the bed. It is also convenient for a long corridor leading from the hallway to the bedrooms. But try to avoid a lot of switches. If on the way from the front door to the kitchen you have to turn on the light more than two times, then the scheme is bad: you simply will not use it to its fullest.

Second rule

The light should be different

The space in which we live is three-dimensional, and arranging the lighting in tiers will help emphasize depth and volume, which cannot be done with a single light source. Designers distinguish four tiers of lighting: the upper (ceiling lamps, chandeliers, built-in spotlights), the first middle (wall lamps, sconces, floor lamps), the second middle (bedside lamps, lamps on low windowsills and coffee tables) and the lower (lamps built into plinth and floor, floor light sculptures).

The lower the light source, the more intimate it creates, and vice versa. With the overhead light on (even if it is a stunningly romantic chandelier with candles and crystal trimmings), you cannot achieve the effect of a cozy room. The two lower levels of lighting are best suited for this purpose - candles in a decorative fireplace or a real fire in the hearth are also related to them.

Third rule

Don't insist on sconces

Wall lights (first middle tier) are not currently used on their own. 150 years ago, these were candles on the wall that were easy to reach, while chandeliers were only lit on special occasions. In modern classic interiors, sconces remained by inertia, as an accessory. They are rarely turned on, and always together with a chandelier. Many of my clients ask for sconces to be planned over the bed. But it is not functional. Ideal for the sleeping area is the combination of a lamp with soft, diffused light on the bedside table and a small lamp with a flexible reading leg that can be mounted on the wall or at the headboard. This way you will be able to see the text well without tiring your eyes. A sconce only illuminates the wall or your top of the head.

Rule four

Think about unusual fixtures in advance

Another type of wall lamps: located at the same height as classic sconces (140-170 centimeters from the floor), they look more like a sculpture or installation and can become a central element in the interior. It is better not to postpone the appearance of such objects in an apartment until the last moment. This is the same stove from which it is worth dancing, thinking over the covering of the walls, the configuration of furniture and even the proportions of the room. If you just brought a free cable to the wall in order to pick up something here to illuminate a dark corner, you will be disappointed: such lamps do not give much more light than a night light, and they will most likely look inappropriate.

The fifth rule

Don't make mistakes when planning your spotlights

Built-in, or spot, lamps came to us together with a European-style repair. The multi-level ceiling with halogens was intended to replace the philistine chandelier. It's been 20 years now, but many of us still don't realize that this tool can be used in any other way. It is useful to know that each spotlight has a specific beam width. Placing a series of narrow beam spotlights very close to a wall creates a rhythmic light pattern on the surface of a wall, built-in wardrobe or upholstered headboard. In addition, this is the most effective way to emphasize an unusual texture - artificial stone, brickwork, embossed tiles.

Built-in luminaires can be fixed and rotary. The latter are especially convenient for accentuated lighting of art objects or accessories. If you are going to put your grandfather's collectible sailboat on a console or mantelpiece, take care of a pair of spotlights built into the ceiling, the rays of which can be directed crosswise at the object, like spotlights on a stage. Beam width for accent lighting also plays a big role. 40-50 degrees is optimal for illuminating large pictures. Small sculptures in such a stream of light will get lost and merge with the wall, they need a narrow beam 10 degrees wide.

A common mistake is the use of flat LED lamps for spot illumination. The light source must necessarily be in the recess, otherwise it will attract attention not to the object, but to itself, and, even worse, simply blind the eyes. The same rule is true for highlighting the work surface in the kitchen, especially if the kitchen is combined with the dining room. The eyes of the person sitting at the table are below the level of the illumination, fixed under the hinged kitchen cabinets. And if the lamps are not recessed into the bottom of the cabinets, the bright light hits the eyes and causes discomfort. Therefore, high-quality modern kitchens have a thickened bottom with built-in lighting. If your budget does not allow you to spend money on such a model, at the kitchen planning stage, do not forget to add a special skirting board for the upper cabinets and mount the lighting strictly behind it.

Rule six


If the capabilities of built-in lamps are constantly used in interiors on the ceiling tier, then the lower tier is completely undeservedly ignored, while it is not at all difficult to build a spotlight into the floor. Such luminaires are often waterproof and equipped with diffusers. Taking into account the fact that rare repairs do without leveling the floor, there will always be centimeters necessary for the luminaire from the ceiling to the surface of the floor covering, and as a result you get additional volume and depth of the room. If you are the proud owner of deep window sills, build a couple of miniature spotlights in each of them near the slopes. So, firstly, you will emphasize the wonderful architectural feature of your apartment, and secondly, you will get another soft light source on the middle tier.

Seventh rule

Consider your choice of bathroom light

Bathroom light is often undeservedly overlooked. But he is able to change the room beyond recognition. Apply tiered lighting, insert the LED strip into the recess in the bath screen (you get the effect of a "floating bath") and under the sink, frame the ledge with a hanging toilet and a doorway with lamps built into the floor. Use waterproof bi-directional luminaires in a wet area: sheaves of light will make your mosaic on the wall play.

The mirror area deserves special attention. Remember that the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection, and use this rule to get the most out of your face. A common mistake is to place a wall lamp on a leg above the mirror, the bright light of which is directed downward. Your reflection in this light will appear 15 years older, your complexion will look lifeless, deep folds will appear on it, and bags under the eyes will appear. The same thing will happen to the face as to the textured wall, which was emphasized by the built-in lamps: its relief will be amplified many times over due to hard shadows. Choose a bendable light and direct the beam, or use a diffused circular mirror light. Two wall lights on either side of the mirror are a good alternative: their cross-light will remove unnecessary shadows.

Rule eight

Don't go overboard with kitchen lights

It is generally accepted that there is never a lot of light in the kitchen. As a rule, apologists for this principle place a large number of lamps on the ceiling, creating a grid of spotlights. Nothing but harsh shadows, unnatural faces and an operating room atmosphere can be achieved in this way. Meanwhile, the main thing in the kitchen is the illumination of the working area and the correct lighting of the dining table, on which the atmosphere and duration of family dinners depends.

The lamp above the table must have a long suspension. If he is above 150 centimeters from the floor, then, again, casts shadows on faces and does not sufficiently illuminate the table. Choose a lamp with a wide shade made from dense material: the ideal shape for a round and square table is a large, upside-down bowl. The dimensions of the table must be known in advance, otherwise you cannot avoid transferring the lamp. And the stretch ceiling in the dining area does not give any room for error.

You can complement the lighting scheme in the kitchen with built-in lighting on the lower tier: for example, mount the LED strip in the bottom of the lower cabinets or spotlights in the kitchen base.

Rule nine

Most important - lighting scenarios

An evening with your family, a children's birthday, a house party, working from home, a romantic dinner - obviously, you will need different lights in different situations. For large apartments and complex layouts, the ideal solution is to install a “smart home” system that will control not only the lighting, but also the acoustic system, electric curtains and warm floors. The lighting scenario in this case is programmable and can be changed at your request.

If you need to once and for all think over the groups for switching on lighting devices and separate them by switches, be guided by imaginary situations. If you go to the toilet at night, you do not need bright light at all. This means that one key should turn on all the soft lighting - the lower tier, the illumination of the niches, and the second key, to which the flooding overhead light is turned on, you will use during cleaning or in the morning to wake up.

It is convenient to turn on the middle tier in the living room with one switch. Have you ever noticed how the heroes of American films come home and turn on all the table lamps and floor lamps with one click? This is the so-called evening lighting scenario, ideal in a situation when you come back after a long day of work and dream of one thing - to throw yourself on the couch. But you should not group the luminaires solely on the basis of the tiered principle. Feel free to get creative: for example, a soft evening scenario for a hallway might include bottom lighting and an illuminated wall niche in a cul-de-sac. All of this is your script and your drama.

PHOTO: cover - / Ventura, 1 - / Yarik, 2 - / ER_09, 3 - / AnnaTamila, 4 - archiproducts, 5 - / ShortPhotos, 6 - / ARZTSAMUI, 7 - /, 8 - / Henrik Winther Andersen, 9 - / Jacek_Kadaj

We are revising the utilitarian approach to lighting in the house and apartment and their main sources - chandeliers, sconces, table lamps. In addition to functional tasks, lighting can also change the aesthetic perception of the interior and ensure the formation of the necessary emotional state of a person.

The relationship between the organization of living space and its lighting

There is certainly an emotional relationship and interconnection between the design of the lighting fixture and the interior. Therefore, when planning a space, it is necessary to think not only about the functionality of the room, but also about the effect of lighting on its perception by people. After all, it is light that allows you to change the perception of the interior.

Unfortunately, most often the focus is on the functionality of lighting with the only requirement that "the luminaire shines brightly". And designers, including with the help, are able to form the general image of the interior, bring mood into it and create a comfortable environment.

It is worth trying to combine decor with functionality. There is one old tradition - to gather with the whole family at one table. Therefore, there must be a chandelier in the center of the dining room, living room or kitchen. In addition, additional area lighting is required. If we talk, for example, about the American system, then they have adopted zonal lighting with numerous sources of local light. This allows you to highlight a particular area separately and save energy, but it does not help to unite the family.

For us, it is more important to have a sincere atmosphere, and therefore chandeliers, ceiling lamps will never be supplanted by general technical light, since a chandelier is an independent element of interior decor, a bright accent, sometimes an art object, but always one of the symbols of home comfort.

Lighting lets you control people's emotions

Light and color are closely interconnected, by changing the color, you can control the perception of space. Color affects the psychological and physiological state of a person, that is, the body adjusts to a certain atmosphere. For example, green color calms, and red, on the contrary, awakens internal forces, increases activity.

Everyone knows that in cold office lighting, employees do their jobs much more efficiently. That is, there is an impact on the internal biorhythms of the human body, its activity changes. Do not forget that not only color, light and light "temperature" have an impact, but also light scenarios implemented in the interior. With the help of light, we can consciously create a particular mood in a room.

For example, to create a comfortable environment for communication, bright uniform lighting is created. If you need to work in the evening and need to concentrate, then we dim the general light and turn on the table lamp. To make a festive atmosphere reign in the house, we place light accents, use garlands.

Decorative light can actively manipulate our emotional state. The style of the interior plays an important role. The "temperature" of the light is also important. It is better to work in daylight and rest in warm conditions. For example, crystal plays beautifully in "cold temperatures" over 4000 K. The "temperature" of 2700 K belongs to warm ones. And this must be taken into account.

Basic rules for lighting living spaces

In any living space, three functional ones can be distinguished. General lighting, allowing you to illuminate the entire room. Decorative lighting, with which you can create accents, make the interior more interesting. Decorative lighting includes floor lamps, sconces, LED lighting. Special lighting that fulfills a clear task: for example, work lighting of a desk or kitchen surface. It is quite natural that all these areas need to be thought out and taken into account.

The area of ​​illumination is important. So, it may seem that a luminaire with three bulbs is enough for a room of 18 m². But a simple mathematical calculation suggests that a chandelier with incandescent bulbs, even 100 W, can illuminate only an area of ​​about 15 m². Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the light output of the selected device. It is necessary to think over the lighting complex as a whole, starting with local lighting for certain areas and ending with functional and general lighting.

Various nuances should be taken into account. For example, when using it, it is undesirable that the arms of the chandelier are directed upwards. As for table or floor lamps, it is necessary to distinguish between the scope of their application: one thing is a device for a working area and quite another - for a recreation area.

Recommended "temperature" lighting for modern living spaces

The manufacturer always indicates the color "temperature" on the lamp packaging. In residential premises, it is recommended to use light sources with a warm "temperature" equal to 2700-3000 K, which is close to the spectrum of the incandescent lamp we are used to. This applies to LED, halogen and compact fluorescent lamps. Sources with a higher color "temperature" can be uncomfortable with excessive brightness.

You also need to pay attention not only to the light "temperature", but also to the Ra color rendering index (see GOST R54814-2011). An incandescent lamp has a full color spectrum, so with it we see all colors without distortion (Ra = 100). Often people buy energy-saving (fluorescent) lamps taking into account the light "temperature", but not taking into account the color rendering. And as a result, they get unpleasant light, gray shades; the face in this kind of light takes on an earthy color - all this is the result of using a lamp with a low color rendering index. Unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate this parameter. The Ra index must be at least 80 - this is a value close to the solar spectrum.

Types of light sources

Incandescent lamp Is a simple, affordable source. Its plus is 100% color rendering index, disadvantages: low luminous efficacy, efficiency indicator - no more than 5m%.

Incandescent halogen lamp... Advantages: low cost, longer service life compared to a conventional incandescent lamp. Disadvantages: requires a ballast - a transformer that rectifies the voltage and lowers it to 12 V.

Compact fluorescent lamp(energy saving). Advantages: service life up to 12 times longer, and energy saving 5 times than that of an incandescent lamp. Disadvantages: color rendition fluctuates between 80-90%, so the concepts of "warm" and "cold" light are applicable to it.

LED lamp... Its advantages: long declared service life (up to 50,000 hours) and excellent energy saving performance. Disadvantages: high cost and glare. The light output of the LED is large, but its surface area is small, which is why the light hurts the eyes when looking directly at the lamp.

The choice of LED lamps for the interior

There is a simple formula for calculating the power of LED lamps, the equivalent power of incandescent lamps: the power consumption indicator is multiplied by 8-11 (depending on the value of the energy efficiency (efficiency) of the lamp as a whole). That is, a 6W LED source roughly shines like a 60W incandescent lamp: 6W x 10 = 60W. But you need to take into account the luminous flux (it is indicated in lumens). This is the indicator that affects the final illumination in the room. Different LED lamps with the same wattage give different luminous flux. In order not to be mistaken, what it will be in this or that lamp, you need to pay attention to the value in lumens.

Technical devices for light control

The simplest lighting control device is. Dimmers help to smoothly adjust the brightness of light sources. It should be noted that not all sources have the ability to dim - change the brightness. It is necessary to pay attention to this when buying, both lighting fixtures and light sources.

In addition to conventional switches, there are built-in panel systems with a programming function without connecting a computer. For example, we can dim a lighting device in a room to the required lighting level, and save this setting in the panel's memory by assigning these values ​​to a certain button by simply pressing it. In the future, when the device is turned on, it will automatically provide the specified illumination level. In such panels, from 5 to 10 buttons can be provided, allowing you to program both individual light sources and entire groups.

PHILIPS recently released a lighting kit for home use called Hue, which includes three LED bulbs with an E27 base and a small modem through which the bulb connects to a smartphone. By installing a free app, you can control the lighting from a distance.

A huge number of lighting devices have appeared that can be controlled via Wi-Fi from the phone. You just need to purchase a special lamp, download and install the required application.

Popular innovations in interior lighting

In the first place are copper lampshades (with a shiny or matte surface) for both modern and classic lamps. Further, the combination of colors in the fittings, such as gold and chrome, copper and chrome, galvanized gold and satin matt. Now you can forget about the problem of combining interior elements with a lighting fixture (say, the handles on the furniture are golden, and the lamp you like is chrome).

Then, contrast wires. Sometimes they are not plastic, but fabric, they can be called vintage. Another "fashionable" theme is the floor lamp. It is smaller than a floor lamp, but larger than a table lamp. Lamps with silicone lampshades are also gaining popularity.

It is worth noting also loft-style lamps, designed for free spaces, where there are a lot of raw textures, brick, concrete. Most often these are metal devices with an open light source. LEDs are not suitable for them, and therefore incandescent lamps are used.

In addition, lamps are in fashion that create a certain pattern on the wall or ceiling, which looks very impressive. Another modern trend is small chandeliers instead of sconces in the bedroom on the sides of the bed.

Contemporary preferences for decorative lighting

Increasingly, buyers have become interested in area lighting. One chandelier in the room is already yesterday. Now people buy not only sconces, but also floor lamps, make additional interior lighting of a technical nature. There was such a thing as architectural light - these are gypsum lamps, suggesting right inside the wall. Such devices can be painted, wallpapered, decorated, which allows you to create light zones that are integrated into the interior in accordance with its style.

It is worth mentioning the lamps, which we call art objects. They combine functionality and decor. These are, for example, mirrors, which are also light devices.

In connection with the improvement of LEDs and their availability, buyers have the opportunity to purchase a set of necessary elements and assemble a lighting system on their own. There are many videos on the Internet demonstrating how to make a lamp from scrap materials - from a felt boot, a book, an old umbrella, etc. Now it is very popular.

Architectural light

Now in private housing construction, architectural light is becoming more and more popular, previously used only to illuminate public buildings. Architectural lighting systems consist of floodlights, street lamps, LED modules, and a sealed LED strip. First, you need to have an outdoor lighting project, created taking into account the safety requirements and the degree of protection of lighting devices from weather factors. The wires should not be visible on the façade, so they should be laid before finishing the walls. The fixtures for the lamps must also be hidden so that they do not spoil the exterior of the building during the day. Sometimes architectural lighting is able to successfully hide the visible defects of the house and emphasize its advantages.

Home lighting is one of the fundamental principles of its design. One might even say that the lighting design of the apartment is the first of the fundamental principles of its project. A competent housing project just begins with the study of lighting: when it comes to stone, concrete and metal, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to correct mistakes.

However, “lighting design” is a complex and multifaceted concept. The light should be healthy and comfortable, show the appearance of the room and express the individuality of its owner. Accordingly, lighting design consists of three disciplines that follow one from the other:

  • General lighting design, or just lighting or lighting design... It creates a physiologically grounded backdrop against which everything else is located. By analogy with construction, this is a supporting structure or, more precisely, a hall with a stage and acoustics, in which both a violin quartet and a rock band can perform with equal success.
  • Light architecture emphasizes the conceptual orientation of the premises and expresses the worldview of its inhabitants. Light architecture can be external and internal, interior. Some interior styles, such as modern and high-tech, are generally unrealizable without appropriate lighting: the interior loses its expressiveness.
  • And finally interior lighting design, or interior lighting design- analogue of furniture and decor: it expresses the individuality of the owner. Unlike the first two, interior lighting design is flexible, just like furniture, figurines and paintings can be changed and moved.

This division is not far-fetched, it arises in the most natural way. Take a look at the picture: and without explanation, it is clear that on the left is lighting design, in the center is lighting architecture, and on the right is interior lighting design.

A full-fledged lighting design project includes all three components, but it is impossible to describe them in one article, therefore, in this present we will focus on the original and most important thing: the overall design of the apartment's lighting. Elements of lighting architecture and interior lighting design will be mentioned as necessary, when it is impossible to solve the general lighting task without them.

Lighting types

All three types of lighting design work with natural, general (background), local, work and decorative lighting. The natural has to be taken as it is, limited to lighting (see below): softening, reflection, scattering. By the way, the general rules are as follows:

  1. The background should be as shadow-free as possible, flooding. Our oldest instincts see danger in a deep shadow, which creates psychological discomfort. In practice, for the sake of simplicity and economy, penumbra and openwork shadows are achieved.
  2. Local lighting should accentuate the interior details and decor, so the main requirement for it is a suitable spectrum, see the section on the properties of light.
  3. Working lighting is also local, but it is no longer focused on the subject, but on the eye: optimal brightness and spectrum are needed within the physiological limits of perception.
  4. There is only one requirement for decorative lighting (for example, ceiling lighting): it should not adversely affect health.

Note: there is an informal type of lighting - background illumination. We will talk about it later, and the requirement for it is opacity when viewed from the outside.

Rules and regulations

Lighting should have a beneficial effect on vision, psyche and general health, so let's start with sanitary and hygienic requirements. Apartment lighting rules are regulated by physical parameters and "Natural and artificial lighting"; SanPiN 1278-03 remain valid for old buildings, but are invalid for the design of new ones. Aesthetics is not prescribed anywhere. The basic requirements are as follows:

  • illumination of common living rooms, kitchen and gym - 150 lux; for children - 200 lux; office - 300 lux; entrance hall, toilet, combined bathroom - 50 lux; bathroom, sauna, swimming pool - 100 lux;
  • the coefficient of natural illumination KEO with side lighting for shared living rooms, a kitchen, a swimming pool and a gym - 0.5; for children - 0.7; office - 1.0; entrance hall, toilet, combined bathroom, bath, sauna - not regulated;
  • for a pool with a gym, the generalized indicator of psychological discomfort UGR is admissible 60 with pulsations of artificial lighting up to 20% For a bathroom and toilet it is not regulated; for other rooms UGR = 0.


  1. All values ​​are the minimum allowed. On a cloudy autumn day in the open air, the illumination is more than 10,000 lux, so there is no need to be afraid of "bust" - there is no such amount of electricity in the wiring.
  2. KEO for overhead natural lighting is not considered; measured by the side KEO in the horizontal plane of the floor.

But what are these KEOs and UGRs? Let's see, starting with KEO, it's simpler. To tackle UGR, you have to understand a little about the properties of light.


KEO, simply put, is the proportion of natural light entering a room. If, for example, a light meter on the floor of an open balcony showed 400 lux, and on the floor in the center of an adjacent room 250 lux, then KEO would be 250/400 = 0.625. The norm has been met.

How to define a KEO?

At home, KEO is quite simply determined by the camera, if it is not quite a soap dish:

  • We take a white sheet of paper (not plastic or film) in a larger format, put it on the balcony floor or on the ground under the window on a clear noon, set the camera to aperture priority (mode A) and measure the shutter speed on it.
  • We do the same in the room, facing the window. The ratio of shutter speeds (and modern cameras measure them with an accuracy of 1/3 - 1/4 stop) will give KEO.

Example: exposure on paper on the street - 1/60 s, and in the room - 1/40 s. KEO will be 40/60 = 0.67.


The discomfort coefficient UGR is calculated using the formula from the international standard EN 12464-1. It is based on the so-called harshness of light, which for some reason is called brilliance in regulatory documents (and who only invented such nonsense when there is a simple and understandable word in Russian? Sacred corporate language, or what?) Very bright light can be soft and favorable for sight, and dull hard - irritate and spoil it.

The hardness of light is determined by three parameters of the luminous flux: degrees of polarization, coherence and spectrum. The stream of light consists of a huge number of elementary particles from the class of bosons - photons, which are simultaneously quanta of electromagnetic radiation with a certain frequency, phase and directions of electric and magnetic vectors. UGR varies from 0 to 100.


The degree of polarization shows for what fraction of photons the directions of the field vectors coincide. In a cloudy sky and incandescent lamps, the general polarization is about zero, in a clear sky and fluorescent lamps - a few percent, up to 20%; glare from mirror surfaces and light from quantum sources - lasers, LEDs - can be 100% polarized. Light is considered soft when polarized up to 10%. Directional reflection and refraction of light increases its polarization.

You can check the polarization of light with a photographic polaroid filter: looking through it, the polaroid is rotated 180 degrees. If the overall brightness does not noticeably change, the light is considered comfortable, and by the disappearance or weakening, you can immediately see the sources of light hardening.


The degree of coherence shows which fraction of light quanta have their phases coincide. The hardness of light is determined by the length of the coherence train - the length of the section of the luminous flux, in which the degree of coherence exceeds 50%. It is because of the fairly high coherence of light that flash photos come out lifeless. It is impossible to determine the length of the coherence train at home, but under ordinary illumination, the absence of noticeable polarization indicates a negligible coherence train. The exception is the same quantum sources: the coherence of their light can reach 100% at a distance of several meters.


The eye easily adapts to the effective color temperature of illumination: if on a clear day it is 5700 K in sunlight, then on a cloudy day it is 6300 K, and at sunset it drops to about 2000 K. But the sun's spectrum is thermal, smooth (in the figure on the left) , therefore, thermal light sources are best suited for vision: ordinary incandescent lamps, xenon, krypton, freon, halogen. Unfortunately, they are uneconomical, therefore, modern home lighting is increasingly based on the use of fluorescent lamps.

The luminescence spectrum (in the middle in the figure) is pseudo-white, there are noticeable dips in its envelope. Objects of colors that coincide with the dips visually appear darker under artificial lighting, which creates disharmony. In addition, obtaining pseudo-white light requires some increase in the intensity of the spectral zones, which is also not very good for vision.

Nevertheless, scientists and engineers are tirelessly working on improving fluorescent lamps, and their modern models with a three-layer phosphor give light that is practically not inferior to the sun's diffused light in terms of comfort.

How to check the quality of the light?

At home, the quality of light from a housekeeping light can be roughly determined if the household has something low-power powered by a solar battery: a calculator, a receiver. The procedure is as follows:

  • We "calibrate" the device with a 40-60 W incandescent light bulb: we note at what distance from it the battery will give operating current and the device will turn on.
  • We bring it to the fluorescent lamp: if the distance at which the battery "breathed" has decreased by no more than 2.5 times, the light is comfortable. The power of the tested light bulb can be in the range of 13-24 W; for 9-11 W, the battery operation distance is reduced by another 1.5 times.

Example: the device turned on 0.6 m from the incandescent lamp and 15 cm from the 11 W of the housekeeper. 60/15 = 4, and 2.5x1.5 = 3.75. Crappy "alternative" lamp; only for local lighting.

Additions to SNiP 23-05-95 allow the use of LED lamps, subject to sanitary standards, but they are completely unsuitable for general lighting of rooms, not only in terms of polarization with coherence, but also in terms of spectrum: it is synthetic, island (in the figure on the right). The point here is not so much that objects caught in its deaf holes will seem black.

The main harmfulness of the island spectrum is the high concentration of energy in the envelope peaks, which is necessary to create the desired overall white brightness. Energy peaks overload the visual sensors of the eye, which spoils vision and health in general. By analogy: hitting the head with a pillow will only make you angry, but you can kill with a brick.

Therefore, the main areas of application of LEDs in home lighting are ceiling lighting design and illumination / illumination, and it is highly desirable to place light strips behind cornices, so that at least polarization with coherence due to diffuse reflection decreases.

About surface brightness

According to sanitary standards, the surface brightness of light sources should not exceed 200 cd / m2. Halogens, which give a very favorable thermal spectrum for vision, go far beyond this threshold, representing point light sources. Therefore, when illuminating the working area, they must be hidden behind a visor or recessed into furniture, and for general lighting use lamps with matte caps or diffuse re-reflection of light, directing it to a white ceiling or walls.

Video: mistakes in lighting design

Let's go light design

Lighting design for a room begins with the lighting of natural lighting. Then, according to KEO, an artificial one should be attached to it: the light shock from the inclusion of too bright light is also harmful. Binding is done to determine the required power of the light sources.

Then, according to the original layout of the interior design, the types and nomenclature of lighting devices, their technical characteristics are selected. In this case, it is often necessary to refine the layout.

The next stage is, and according to its result, an electrical circuit for lighting an apartment is being developed. And only after that the light is “glued” into the construction project, which again may require various kinds of modifications.

About the concepts of light

There are two general approaches to lighting: European and American.

  1. The basis of the European is as an element uniting people, that very cozy, brightly lit place that Hemingway yearned for.
  2. The American concept is economical and individual, based on a sconce. To hell with all sorts of gatherings, I will cram into my corner with a glass of whiskey, and so that the counter will run less.

Both approaches allow you to get background almost shadowless lighting, and a plafond or halogens scattered on the ceiling instead of a chandelier allow you to use a synthetic approach: ceiling light section by section through a double switch, and sconces with individual switches. At the same time, the problem of many wires is solved by sheathing the walls and ceiling, under which electrical cords are hidden.

Independent correct lighting of an apartment comes down to lighting it up by room, and this is what we will do.

Video: an alternative subjective view of the types of lighting

Natural light

Direct natural light can become too harsh when passing through glass or bouncing off a mirror. In addition, the light from the window should not be too harsh, overly directed.

The harsh light is softened by translucent or openwork barriers - tulle, organza. They also scatter light, which has long been used to optimize natural lighting.

Nowadays, there is a tool that allows, in addition, to direct the light where necessary, without using its polarizing mirrors: vertical fabric blinds. Even if their panels are parallel to the beams, due to diffraction, they knock down the hardness of light to an acceptable value. Turning the panels gives a diffuse reflection in the desired direction, and moving them apart, you can intercept part of the light flux and direct it to a dark corner. On sale you can already find "smart" blinds that automatically support the optimal lighting mode of the room, but for DIYers familiar with electronics, there is a huge unplowed field here.

Artificial lighting

General rules

To relate interior design to light, it is helpful to remember the following:

  • Light and color give space if they are spectrum matched: backlighting with blue red will only fail.
  • The planes are visibly stretched in the direction of the light streams.
  • Rooms with a general light design tone should be illuminated evenly, and dark rooms should be illuminated in zones.
  • Areas are evenly lit.
  • The work light should be white.
  • Local light for colored objects also needs white, and for whites, colored objects are possible.
  • Deep shadows are undesirable in any case.

About halogens

Halogen lamps create decent shadow-free lighting with low power consumption. evenly distributed over the ceiling, form a semblance of a radiating plane. But the shadows under the furniture will turn out to be deep, so in living rooms the halogen need to be deprived of its “point”, as described above. In small rooms (kitchen, hallway) you can't really look down, and there halogens for general lighting can be used without any.

Determining the intensity of light

For the support, we take a housekeeper lamp, tested for the quality of light. To determine the total power for lighting a room, we measure the illumination it creates alone, suspended from the ceiling, on the floor in the center. If it is not possible to use a light meter or to submit an application to the SES for measuring illumination, the same camera will help out: we put it in the S mode (shutter priority), and measure the exposure on a white sheet. A value of about 100 lux corresponds to 0.5 s with an aperture A = 2.8, 1 s with A = 4 and 2 s with A = 5.6.

Example: the camera lens with the maximum "hole" 4. The measurement gave a shutter speed of 4 s. Illumination - no more (1/4) x100 = 25 lux. To create a total illumination of 150 lux, at least 6 such bulbs are needed.

Selection of sources

The general lighting design of a room is determined not only by the properties of their light, but also by the directional pattern of the antenna pattern, see Fig. Cardioid DN is preferred for general lighting in any medium-sized room.

A cardioid is given by one lamp or a group of them in a plafond. If the bulb is horizontal, the cardioid will be pulled down; if vertically with the flasks down, the DN will stretch to the sides. The former is preferable for rooms with dark furniture; the second is for light ones.

An eight is obtained from a cardioid if the luminaire is equipped with a bottom reflector ("tray"). Similar in properties to the cardioid, but more suitable for lighting large areas or rooms with high ceilings.

The fan-shaped DN has lamps in the reflector. The narrower and deeper the reflector, the less the fans will open. Used for local, work and area lighting. Lamps with a fan-shaped DN, adjustable in height, allow you to successfully solve the problem of lighting a common one-room apartment: by raising and lowering them, you can adjust the size of the zones with light.

The DN-petal is given by the sconce. The "ear" of the petal can be directed up or down, depending on the position of the lamp: the bulb is up or down, respectively. In the horizontal plane, the DN of the bra is a cardioid. In the American system, it is customary to use the sconce with the DN ear up; in European - with ear down and lower power, for temporary work lighting.

Cosecant-square (lighthouse, radar) DN has the most important advantage: within the light spot, the illumination is theoretically ideal, but almost uniform. It is technically difficult to achieve QC DN, but almost the same is provided by a table lamp with a bulb with a bulb upward and a large hemispherical reflector lamp shade above it. Have you seen Lenin's desk lamp in the drawings? Whoever he was, but, all his life processing mountains of documents, he did not feel the need for glasses.

About raster lights

Raster luminaires are suitable for large public spaces with high ceilings. In living rooms, this is just the case when the optimal brightness of the light turns out to be unacceptably hard.

Luminaire placement

We will analyze the placement of the luminaires using examples, since it is impossible to give a universal recipe for all tastes and needs. There is only one thing in common - Euro-lighting. American light has not taken root anywhere except in the extremely utilitarian USA, and neither in Puritan England.

Living room

The lighting is based on the center of the ceiling, see the illustration on the left and center. DN for bright living rooms - cardioid; for large, complex shapes and darkish - eight; this allows you to illuminate walls and corners without wasting extra power. If a light plasterboard ceiling is arranged (on the right), an even more economical shadowless background can be achieved with halogens, and decorative LED lighting will also fit into it.


- the only room where it is not only acceptable, but also recommended: by changing its color, you can change the mood of the room for sleep, waking rest, or whatever else they do in the bedroom. For the "bed" area, it is enough to illuminate the sconces or floor lamps at the headboard (see Fig.), But the ceiling lamp needs to be shifted to the center of the waking area. A fan-shaped one with a wide opening, adjustable in height, is very suitable: the size of the waking zone can be changed according to the use of the bedroom at the moment.

The bedroom lighting is perfectly complemented by LED window lights. The ribbons are placed along the perimeter of the window opening so that they shine along the glass, and from the inside they are curtained with organza. On a bed in such a bedroom, you can do incredible things with the window open, and the spies will not see anything except, perhaps, vague shadows.


Hard light hits children's eyes especially hard, so a matte shade or halogens with matte caps are needed on the ceiling. Lighting options are shown in the figure; on the right - formally correct, but psychologically unacceptable. Dark decorative cornices-clouds spoil all. Who is comfortable living under a stormy sky all the time? Certainly not for children.


Halogens are optimal for lighting. The shadows under the furniture are not striking here, and the halogens will not only less load the kitchen wiring (which is already the most loaded in the apartment), but also self-clean from the settling child, because they get very hot during operation. How to get rid of the dottedness of the halogen is described above; An example of a successful kitchen lighting design is shown in the figure on the left - in the kitchen, the lighting should be dominated by the work area.


Illumination of the corridor should be, first of all, uniform: - the face of the house, but, I beg your pardon, decent citizens with a twisted face do not show themselves to people. Economical LED lighting due to the cornice with re-reflection from the white matte ceiling, on the left in the figure, is quite justified: they do not stay in the hallway for a long time, but the most ordinary matte shades in the center will also go.

But fanciful lighting solutions, as in Fig. on the right, you should avoid: a visitor, a conversation with whom is perhaps fundamentally important for you, may have a subconscious impression that he came not to a promising subordinate or potential partner, but to Dracula's castle.


Optimal lighting and - even, soft, almost shadowless, as in Fig. left. Deep shadows, highlights, spots, as in two fig. on the right, and the pores of the skin will not be allowed to open properly when washing, and the intestinal motility will be made sluggish. This is solved, as a rule, with just one plafond on the ceiling - the bathrooms are finished with light, well-reflective materials.

The lamps are equipped with incandescent lamps. The light in the bathroom does not burn for days, so savings are not important, but there are more than enough glare surfaces. In addition, for housekeepers hidden in waterproof lamps, electronics quickly fail from overheating.

The working lighting of the mirror is with matte halogens (second from the left position in the figure), like in a nursery, but the reason is already different: the dots that cut the eyes will not make it possible to see minor imperfections in appearance, which will then be noticeable to others.

Studio apartment

Lighting in a studio apartment is based on the principle of promoting zoning. A good example is shown in the figure on the left. A highlight is the ceiling lamp with an eight-figure pattern, shifted to the center of the recreation area. In combination with a directed stream of light from the window, such general light makes any other methods of zoning a room effective.

About stretch ceilings

Lighting of stretch ceilings is technically reduced to the selection of luminaires and ceiling material compatible in terms of heat release and energy flux density (PES), but this is a separate topic that is not related to lighting design. As for it as such, the stretch ceilings were just invented for the sake of complete light self-expression (see Fig.), Therefore, the methods of lighting them are not regulated anywhere, and giving instructions would mean emasculating the idea.

But one piece of advice still needs to be given: in case of turning off the beauty unspeakable in the interceiling space, a weak backlight to match the overall design, as on the trail. rice. left. Otherwise, the glittering ceiling can spoil the pacifying coziness of the room, which can be seen in the same place to the right.

Video: ceiling lighting examples

And about the warmth? Don't forget!

Even the most economical housekeeping bulbs generate quite a lot of heat. Installation of luminaires should be carried out taking this circumstance into account. Instructions are attached to the lighting fixtures (or they can be found by the brand name), which indicate the permissible lamp wattage, distance to walls, etc. These guidelines must be adhered to, but there is a nuance for housekeepers: their heat release in watts is calculated separately. The mains voltage is known and the current consumption is indicated on the base.

The fact is that the housekeeper's electrical circuit has a rather high reactivity, and the power designation on the package shows the effective power consumption, how much the meter will wind. For some time after turning on the heat, the housekeeper will allocate more, and then will allocate less. Fast-burning housekeepers are the result of placing them in deaf, cramped shades, so let generally good light bulbs breathe freely.

Carefully thought-out lighting design should not only transform the interior, but ensure the comfort and health of the inhabitants of the house. At the stage of creating a project, a variety of nuances are taken into account.

Lighting types and their functions

There are two main types of light sources:

  • natural - natural;
  • artificial - technical devices of all kinds of designs.

The intensity of natural light is directly related to the time of day, depending on the time of year, geographic location and atmospheric phenomena. Natural light is the most optimal from the point of view of physiology and life. But it is not enough for full functioning. That is why so much attention is paid to the planning of artificially created additional lighting. This includes incandescent lamps, fluorescent and LED devices.

The main options for artificial lighting:

  • general;
  • accented;
  • working;
  • combined.

General lighting

This is the most common type, without which no room can do. The light comes from above and spreads evenly throughout the room. The most striking example is the chandelier in the center of the ceiling. It does not produce a light figure with sharp edges that can be clearly seen on the floor or on the wall.

General lighting can be divided into:

  • directional is the most common option. It is characterized by the creation of a single spot of light. It can be organized using open lamps in the shape of a cone, hemisphere, truncated ball, cube, trapezoid, cylinder, rectangle;
  • indirect - formed by reflecting light from walls or ceilings;
  • diffused - light is scattered through frosted glass or a ball-shaped paper lampshade. It does not strain the eyes and is the most comfortable for a person. The beams spread evenly at an angle of up to 360 degrees. This is due to the use of opaque closed shades;
  • mixed - it is formed due to the special shape of translucent lamps with an open top and bottom. These modern models are increasingly used in the design of apartments or offices. The glow comes from all sides - it breaks through the walls, reflects off the ceiling and walls, falls from above with a direct light spot. This way of filling the space with light is the most productive.

Accent lighting

Accent or spot lighting is used to highlight specific areas. Its main function is to draw attention to individual objects or areas in the room. It can carry a purely decorative meaning - highlighting a painting, sculpture, or have a practical value. With the help of point inclusions, we can safely move up the stairs, navigate in a dark closet, find the necessary items on the bedside table. Accent lighting allows you to play with the space, snatching one or another area out of the darkness, giving them the main meaning depending on their use. The dining group is illuminated for dinner. Then we move to the sofa to read in silence or on the contrary, chat with the household. In multifunctional rooms, for example, in one-room apartments or studios, this kind of lighting is a must. It allows you to go about your business without interfering with each other. To create accents, floor lamps, table lamps, ceiling pendants, sconces, spot lighting, and LED strip are used.

There are three types of accent lighting:

  • sharp - the formation of a bright spot with clearly defined edges. The light is not scattered, the space outside the beam is immersed in darkness. This technique is used in the theater, when only a small area is selected where the action takes place. It is often used to focus attention on an object. It is suitable for highlighting the beauty of collectibles in glass showcases, highlighting expressive architectural elements - columns, bas-reliefs, arches. The beam can be directed up, down or directly at an object at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • softened - created using luminaires equipped with a power regulator. Allows you to effectively, but unobtrusively highlight the necessary details. The obvious pluses are achieving a less dramatic atmosphere and energy savings;
  • soft - organized to focus attention on objects that are harmful to bright light - paintings and other objects of art. Shaped with matte lampshades placed over the object.

Work lighting

Good illumination is essential for efficient and safe work. In conditions of a lack of light, the load on vision increases, which can lead to a decrease in it. Due to constant stress, not only the eyes get tired, but the body's fatigue in general increases. A person is not able to work long and productively in the twilight. The effectiveness and complexity of activities such as drawing, knitting, jewelry, sewing, reading, writing, cooking directly depends on the quality of the lighting and its focus. The general light falls from above, so a shadow is created in the workspace. It is necessary to equip this area with special directional sources - a table lamp, sconce, floor lamp, point turning devices. It is better not to use fluorescent options in these areas, as they often flicker and distort colors, and this negatively affects vision. Halogen devices are much better accepted, but they are not economical enough. Therefore, the best choice is LED designs, which produce a pleasant glow for the eyes and consume several times less electricity.

Combined lighting

The essence of this option is a combination of the previously described methods. The project of any interior will certainly contain a combination of different types of lighting. In some rooms, the general prevails, in others the accent. For example, in the living room, luxurious or laconic multi-track chandeliers play a central role. And in an office or bedroom, bright general light is not so important, but here you cannot do without a good table lamp or sconce. Light is one of the most popular tools for zoning rooms. In the children's room, in addition to the general ones, local devices are needed in the work and play area. In the kitchen, above the dining table and above the cooking surface. In the bathroom and hallway - in the area of ​​the mirror or decorative niche. A combination of different options can be observed in any room, but it acquires special significance in a multifunctional one. In living rooms combined with a bedroom, kitchen or dining room, it is especially important to provide for the possibility of various lighting scenarios.

Rules and regulations

The use of artificial lighting made it necessary to develop clear requirements for its parameters. The well-being of a person, his emotional mood, the ability to work efficiently, and the preservation of good eyesight depend on how competently it is organized. Therefore, certain standards have been established for various premises. It is easy to guess that for a study and a closet, their values ​​will not be the same. The main document that you need to be guided by when calculating the number and power of devices in the apartment is SNiP 23-05-95. It regulates natural and artificial lighting of residential, educational, retail, industrial premises, as well as squares, parks, streets, squares.

The unit of measurement for illumination is Lux –1 lumen per square meter. m. The rate depends on the purpose of the premises. For example, 150 Lx is enough for a living room, bedroom or dining room. In the nursery, it is necessary to provide 200 lux, in the bathroom or kitchen it is already 250, and in the office - all 300. In the hallway, pantry, in the attic or in the basement, 50-60 lux will be required.

About light sources

Natural sources include sunlight, starlight, aurora, moonlight. Artificial resources are also fire: a bonfire, torches, candles, and gas lamps, and electric lamps. The latter are divided into several types:

  • incandescent lamps - contain an incandescent body, which produces a glow. A spiral made of tungsten or carbon filament is placed in the structure. Then a vacuum is created in the flask. This prevents oxidation of the metal. At the moment the electrical circuit is closed, heating occurs, as a result of which the glow element begins to glow. The advantages of such lamps are that they withstand temperature changes well. They will work without problems in a cold corridor or a hot bath. The disadvantage of such lamps is that they consume a lot of energy and produce a lot of heat;
  • halogen - their difference from the previous ones is that the flask is filled with halogen vapors. They are used for the most powerful devices. Gas allows you to significantly increase the temperature of the coil and extend the operating period. Like conventional incandescent bulbs, halogen sources use a large amount of energy to heat up. Another disadvantage is dependence on power surges;
  • luminescent - flasks with a special coating applied from the inside. It emits light due to the constant burning of the vapors contained in the bulb. Compared to conventional lamps, these devices have a much longer service life. An obvious plus is economy. Lamps consume 5-7 times less electricity than halogen lamps. The disadvantages include the complexity of use - the need to use additional devices - a trigger, a starter. There are other disadvantages - flicker and sensitivity to low temperatures, air currents and ambient humidity;
  • energy saving - a subspecies of fluorescent lamps. To the listed qualities of sources of this type, a spiral shape and the presence of a standard base are added. Thanks to this, lamps can be used in conventional chandeliers and lighting fixtures without any additional structures;
  • LED - revolutionary devices based on the use of LEDs. Unlike their predecessors, they do not heat up and do not flicker, and also tolerate the effects of the environment and power drops well. The high cost of the devices is more than compensated for by the long service life and unrivaled low resource consumption.

Natural light and how to regulate it

Direct exposure to natural light can cause some discomfort. Harsh rays from the sun reflect off mirrors and glossy surfaces and irritate your eyes. In addition, they heat the room too much, and this is not always desirable, especially in summer. Therefore, there are various methods for protecting against the penetration of daylight and regulating its amount.
Traditionally, a variety of curtains and tulle are used for this purpose. The choice of material depends on the needs of the owners of the premises. You can choose light sheer curtains that only slightly adjust the light. Or blind curtains that create absolute darkness in the room even in the daytime. Blinds and roller blinds are used as dimmers. There is also a more radical solution - to install double-glazed windows with a special coating to reflect the sun's rays. This is especially true for roof windows in the attic floor. And for those who do not have the opportunity to change the glass, there are plenty of suggestions for self-adhesive tint film.

If there is not enough light, you can "catch" it with:

  • expansion of windows;
  • introducing reflective surfaces, light finishes and furniture into the interior;
  • removing trees and bushes covering windows.

About fixtures and their placement

A harmonious lighting scenario is created based on the characteristics of the room, the direction of design. Correctly selected accents allow you to visually change the space to correct its shortcomings and emphasize its merits.

The chandelier remains the "queen" of lighting design. In a large room with high ceilings, massive structures with a long suspension are used. Low ceilings are a reason to shorten the length of the cord or chain and direct the rays upward, creating the illusion of raised arches. Spotlights can be an addition to the "main decoration" of the living room or act as a "base" in the hallway or bathroom. Sconces, spots, floor lamps, table lamps - serve as a highly specialized addition to the main light. Each of them have their own specific responsibilities - lighting the workspace, places to rest, read, cook or eat. LED panels, cords, fiber are great tools for decorating a two-level stretch ceiling or walls. Cords mounted in plasterboard niches can be multi-colored. In order to change the color, you just need to press a button on the remote control. With the help of LEDs, they create a variety of patterns that look stunning at night.

Does the lighting have a style?

To answer this question, you need to take a close look at the devices that help the light to fill the room. The style directly depends on the characteristics of the lamps - shape, color, materials of manufacture. In classic interiors, chandeliers and sconces with crystal pendants are welcome. In modern chrome devices reign. Pop art is filled with bright, sometimes awkward plafonds. The interior of a country house in Provence style will be "warmed" by textile lampshades. A loft is unthinkable without production lights, track systems and spots. Forged or wooden structures add a rustic flavor to the country. Modern style is made even more effective by intricate lines and shapes. The style you choose affects the number of lights, their strength, and placement.

Room lighting design

Correct lighting organization is one of the primary design tasks. This is the most important component of the comfort and coziness of your home. Each of the premises has its own rules for the selection and installation of certain devices. The light should emphasize the advantages of the chosen design, create a certain atmosphere.

Hallway and corridor

The hallway is usually devoid of sunlight. The use of artificial sources allows you to turn a gloomy corridor into a bright, attractive reception area. Bulky devices are useless here - why “eat up” an already small space. In addition, it is not safe to use voluminous chandeliers and floor lamps in a cramped room. It is more expedient to place a ceiling spotlight here, and hang a sconce on the wall near the mirror. The illumination will be enhanced by LED illumination of the cabinet or decorative niches, as well as a mirror wall.

Living room

In the living room, the situation is reversed. A voluminous chandelier is more than appropriate here. Since this is a common room, various lighting scenarios must be envisaged. Sconces over the armchair, floor lamp by the sofa, LED fiber device on the coffee table will perfectly fit into the interior. LED decoration with various programs will help you relax on a weekday and brighten up your holiday party.


The traditional design of the bedroom provides for the presence of an overhead light - chandeliers or devices built into the suspended ceiling, lamps in the area of ​​bedside tables and a dressing table. In addition, they use LED illumination of niches, wardrobes, bed contours. Theatrical mirrors and paintings with built-in lamps give the room a special chic.