Wall cabinet in the toilet. Belarusian interior door structures as an indicator of sufficiency

Often there are problems with a place to store household chemicals. All sorts of powders, cleaners, rinses ... There are more and more of them, and usually there is nowhere to store them. The bathroom is too humid, the kitchen is not very pleasant, as they can spread extraneous aromas, which are weakly combined with cooking, or rather, they do not fit together. However, there is a way out - a closet in the toilet. Although the toilet is usually a small room, you can also find in it free place- above or behind the toilet. This is where you can hang / install a toilet cabinet.

What material to make

When they decide to make a closet in the toilet, the question immediately arises of what material to make it from. If we talk about furniture, there are such options:

  • (LDSP);
  • laminated;
  • wood.

The cheapest material in this category is chipboard. MDF is four times more expensive and wood is even more expensive. If you assemble the doors from edged board or do-it-yourself lining, this, perhaps, will not be more expensive than MDF. But such work requires at least a minimum carpentry skill. If not, you will have to pay for the work of a specialist, which can significantly increase the final cost of the product.

If the locker is going to be tiled, covered with wallpaper, vinyl, plastic, you can use materials other than those listed above:

  • plywood;
  • GVL (gypsum fiber sheet);
  • sheet MDF.

All of the materials listed are quite suitable for building a locker in the toilet. The only doubt may be about GVL: will it crumble at the place where the loops are attached? If large loads are not expected, it is quite possible to use this material.

Frosted glass and mirror possible options toilet cabinet fronts

Now the question is whether to use moisture resistant materials. The closet in the toilet can be made of ordinary material, provided that this is only a toilet, and not a combined bathroom, i.e. high humidity will not be in the room. An exception is the situation when it is done with the help of an overflow window through the toilet. Such schemes still exist in houses with the old layout. In all other situations, the use of moisture resistant materials is optional.

False wall and niche

In most apartments, the toilet is a narrow and long room. Its width is about a meter, its length is two meters or more. Such a long room is inconvenient to use - the area up to the door is still not used in any way. You can improve the situation by installing a false wall. At the same time, the toilet bowl can be moved forward, and 50-60 cm can be fenced off with a partition. The remaining space is more than enough for comfort, and the one that turns out to be “outside the wall” can be used as a closet.

Sewer and water risers will hide behind this false wall, which otherwise will have to be closed with a special one. The space behind the toilet does not have to be sewn up tightly. Here you can make a very spacious closet. It can store powders, stocks of other chemicals, which are usually hard to find a place.

For the device, you will have to move the toilet forward, nail the strips to the walls and ceiling (40 * 40 mm will be quite normal), fill the horizontal strips that will hold the shelves. Doors for such a cabinet in the toilet are attached directly to the walls. Or rather, to the slats that are fixed on the wall.

The plank is needed 8 cm wide. Since it will be visible when the doors are open, it is desirable that it be finished with the same material as the doors. It is fastened with nails / screws / dowels to the wall, and loops to it.

Closet in the toilet from floor to ceiling (or almost)

The toilet cabinet can be separate subject furniture. It has a characteristic design that cannot be confused with anything. At the bottom of the closet in the toilet has two narrow and tall pedestals, which stand at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other. Above them there is one or two sections with or without doors. These are already solid sections with hinged doors.

Different execution the idea is the same - the maximum use of all available space

The parameters of these cabinets depend on the dimensions of the room. You will not see such products in stores, only individual order. From the same laminated chipboard it will not be too expensive, and there is a lot of space for storing chemicals.

There are models that are more economical in terms of using space: in the lower part there are only supports-racks, open and closed shelves are above the toilet bowl.

The above option is good when load bearing capacity walls are not sufficient to withstand the usual wall shelves. If you have a partition made of drywall, porous or lightweight concrete, you can look in this direction.

Wall cabinets

Above the toilet, you can hang a regular wall cabinet of suitable width and height. This could be part kitchen set or part of the hallway. In any modular collection you can find a suitable sample. You just have to cut into back wall holes for sewer and water risers, but this alteration is simple.

Wall cabinet over the toilet: height and facades are different ...

If you're worried that the open cut might be damaged by moisture, you can take a self-adhesive melamine sheet and rub it over the cuts. A simpler option is painting or coating with a water-repellent sealant.

The height of the cabinet above the toilet can be different. As you can see in the photo above, you can hang different models - on two or three shelves (total height of about 70 cm) or on five to seven shelves (total height is obtained from a meter or more). The most important condition is the cabinet must not block the ventilation opening. The second point: it should not interfere. That is, there should be access to the flush button, and while sitting on the toilet, you should not beat your head against the door. Based on these considerations and select sizes wall cabinet to the toilet. Since the parameters of the toilet bowl, cistern and installation of the entire structure are different, the depth of the cabinet can be from 35 to 60 cm.

What to make doors

If you decide to make a closet for the toilet yourself, it’s usually not a problem to make shelves: two parallel planks are stuffed on the walls, shelves are laid on them. Instead of planks, you can install furniture shelf holders - they are different sizes and forms are installed elementarily. A hole is drilled in the wall, into which the extended part of the holder is inserted. This is one type. The second is the brackets that are attached to the wall. In general, there are usually no problems in this part.

But with what and how to make doors, there may be questions. The easiest way is to order a facade right size in the furniture shop. It is better to order together with the strips to which these doors will be attached. And you can also ask to embed loops. Then it will be easy to install them in general: screw them to the wall and that's it. Possible materials facades: chipboard, LMDF, plastic, aluminum + glass or aluminum + plastic.

There is an option - to make doors from sheet material and paste over them with the same tiles that were put on the walls. This is in case you do not want the cabinet to stand out. You can also stick a mosaic of a suitable shade, use flexible tiles ( sheet plastic under tiles), paste washable wallpaper, glass wallpaper for painting, etc. There are actually a lot of options.

The amount of household chemicals and hygiene products that are present in daily use, or bought in reserve, is considerable in every home. To store it, you need a place inaccessible to children or hidden from prying eyes. In this case, not using the free space in the bathroom is simply irrational. After all, the closet behind the toilet will help you conveniently arrange the necessary things, as well as disguise unattractive pipes, counters and other features of these frequently visited square meters.

Types of toilet furniture by installation method

To determine what kind of useful design should have, you should first look at the photo of the toilet cabinet on the Internet. Already having an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat should be the result, you can interpret the option you like for your room. The closet in the restroom can be placed as separate furniture, made built-in or hung on the wall. More about each type.

The first option is a free-standing structure, or a wardrobe with legs. The piece of furniture made in this way has, as a rule, a U-shape. The shelves in it can be completely open, hidden behind the door, or mixed. The opening in the closet is designed to be installed above any toilet bowl.

This is the simplest solution in terms of installation, which does not require calculations, effort and a lot of time. When choosing, only the dimensions of this cabinet should be taken into account: in width and height it must correspond to the room, and in depth it must not protrude above the toilet bowl. Alternatively, you can redo the old unnecessary shelves - decorate them and attach legs to them.

If there is no opportunity or desire to do it yourself, you can always buy ready cabinet or made by individual parameters. The only disadvantage is that the plumbing fixtures must be hidden in the wall or in some other way, otherwise they will be visible.

Wall cabinet - the most popular type of furniture for toilet rooms, which is presented in a wide range. It can be mounted directly above the toilet or in an already organized niche. Modular system allows all your attention when choosing to stop only on design and size. But, like the first option, it does not reach the plumbing.

A built-in wardrobe remains a universal solution. With its help, three tasks are performed at once: organizing a comfortable and functional niche, hiding sewer and plumbing systems, and creating a unique design for this small room.

In terms of organization, this method is the most time-consuming and requires attention to some details:

  • when choosing materials, it is worth giving preference to moisture resistant. This type of cabinet is located close to the pipes, and condensate or a small leak can adversely affect its condition.
  • before starting work, accurate measurements and markings should be made.

Doors - a separate issue

The shelves are mostly invisible. The main thing is that they are as comfortable as possible, different in height. But the doors for the closet in the toilet should be thought out in advance. After all, they will serve not only as access to things and communications, but also as the main part of the interior.

According to the opening mechanism, the following types are distinguished:

  • Swing - familiar to all single-leaf or double doors which are hinged.
  • Sliding, like wardrobes.
  • Retractable, or roleta.
  • Hinged when the door opens horizontally down or up.

It is better to choose for reasons of whether it will be convenient to get something from the shelves, whether you will not have to hold the sashes with one hand. The material from which the doors are made plays important role in design. For example, a mirrored surface will visually enlarge a very small space. When creating an interior in a loft style, metal is often used.

Ceramic door cladding will help make the built-in sanitary cabinet almost invisible. To do this, the same tiles are glued onto the frame of beams and drywall as on the walls of the toilet, thus creating the effect of the integrity of the tiled floor. You can also make glass doors. In this case, taking into account the humidity of the room, it is better to take tinted glass with a special matte finish.

Favorable in price and easy will also plastic blinds. And the simplest and most traditional bases are wood, chipboard and plywood. Without fail, these materials must be treated with moisture-proof agents so that the doors do not become unusable. decorative design created using paint, self-adhesive film, false panels, etc.

In the desire to disguise the unpresentable sides of the bathroom, the main thing is not to forget to leave quick access to metering devices and water supply control units.

Sometimes their location is such that you have to make special doors, which are commonly called inspection hatches. Finished products of various sizes and types are sold: plastic, metal, for painting or for tiles. The hatch for the closet can be made independently.

DIY assembly instructions

Making a closet in the toilet is not difficult. For self-confidence, you can take note of the action plan below.

The first step is preparation.

  • Choose the type of furniture, type of finish.
  • We determine what shelves, doors will be made of.
  • We take measurements, and, most conveniently, create a drawing, marking all the details and dimensions on it.
  • We carry out preliminary calculations on the number of required materials.
  • We carry out the purchase of necessary goods.

The second stage - preliminary work

  • To protect against moisture wooden elements open with varnish or other special means.
  • We mark the wall for the future frame.

The third stage is the installation of the structure.

  • From the bars, approximately 30x30 mm in size, we make a frame for the locker. You can connect using corners.
  • We attach the frame to the wall using the marks made earlier. Please note that the frame is the basis of the cabinet, which will have to withstand the weight of the shelves with all their contents. Therefore, we choose reliable fasteners.
  • We mount holders for shelves. It can be a variety of corners, wooden bars, furniture pins.
  • Let's get to the shelves. Cutting sheets of chipboard, plywood or other material into shelves will not take much time. The main nuance at this stage is the cutout for the sewer pipe, if it passes through the cabinet.
  • When installing shelves, it is no longer necessary to fasten them. This has its positive sides: in case of emergency, it will not be difficult to disassemble the structure.

Fourth stage - doors and fittings

  • Although a sanitary cabinet is being made in the toilet, the insides of which are not visible, but the fittings must be of high quality. This type of furniture will be operated no less than any other. If hinges, handles or magnetic latches are cheaply produced, at the most inopportune moment they can lead to sad consequences.
  • Having screwed the hinges, it remains only to hang the doors.

Please note that the doors should be decorated with film, tiles and other materials before they are mounted. You can do this at the preparatory stage.

Other build options

When there is no time to arrange a bathroom, you can use more easy ways. Buy ready product It will not take much time: picked up, paid for, installed. If some nuances or personal wishes cannot be resolved with the help of already existing species toilet furniture, an alternative would be a custom-made wardrobe.

The measurer of a furniture company, as a rule, takes measurements and discusses all the requirements when leaving the house. The specialist will also be able to advise on many issues, give valuable advice care and proper use.

Before you install any cabinet in the toilet, you must definitely take care of the plumbing itself. After all, having done laborious work or paying money for it, it will be very unpleasant if a damaged water supply valve forces everything to be redone.

Also, do not replace the locker, just wall up the entire sewer system ceramic tiles. The small gap left for the dials of the counters will not help to correct any emergency, and everything will have to be demolished. Sanitary cabinet - perfect solution for a long time!

Photo cabinets in the toilet

Maintaining cleanliness and order is especially important in the toilet. Pipes and counters look unaesthetic, so it is appropriate to hide them thanks to the closet behind the toilet. On the shelves will accommodate household items and detergents.

The small area of ​​​​bathrooms and bathrooms is one of the problems of apartments in houses of standard and old buildings.

In these rooms there is always not enough space, and you need to place a lot of things:

  • hygiene items;
  • detergents;
  • water pipes;
  • places of connection to communications;
  • water meters;
  • emergency shutdown valves.

Closet in the toilet behind the toilet can solve some of the problems, but it is not always possible to buy a ready-made one. The location, model of the toilet bowl and the height of the tank for draining water are different everywhere. The best solution in this case, produce according to an individual project.

Rules for choosing a closet in the toilet behind the toilet

Furniture products in the toilet are divided into two types: ready-made cabinets and exclusive to order. If there are pipes near the wall, it is almost impossible to mount the finished cabinet. For this task, the furniture is made to order. When the wall is perfectly flat, it is easy to install the finished cabinet.

Choose a design made from moisture-resistant materials. Make sure that the material repels odors as much as possible. The design of the door emphasizes the renovation in the room. The ease of use of the closet and the atmosphere in the bathroom depend on its color and material.

Be sure to consider the parameters of the room. Doors should open comfortably. It is not recommended to place the shelves too high. The closet should not interfere with comfortable use of the toilet.

Closet in the toilet behind the toilet bowl to order - convenience and practicality

Tired of cramped toilets, apartment owners begin to think about how make a closet in the toilet behind the toilet ?

It turns out that furniture for sanitary facilities must meet a number of conditions:

If you have an apartment standard sizes you can try to find a finished product for sale, but before you buy a closet in the toilet behind the toilet, carefully check whether it will block access to risers and taps after installation.

What materials are used in the manufacture of the cabinet in the toilet

For the manufacture of furniture in bathrooms and bathrooms, it is advisable to select the use of moisture-resistant materials.

For example:

  • laminated plywood or chipboard, MDF;
  • glass;
  • mirrors;
  • laminate;
  • plastic;
  • moisture resistant drywall.

The frame is most often made of wood impregnated with a water-repellent composition, galvanized or aluminum profile.

The decoration uses varnish, water-resistant water-based paint.

Modern materials allow you to create an original and perfect comfort closet in the toilet behind the toilet, photo finished models convinces of the veracity of this statement.

Types of cabinets in the toilet behind the toilet

They are divided into two types - hinged (placed on the surface of the wall) and built-in (built into niches).

For installation, reliable fasteners are selected that correspond to the material of the walls.

Cabinet doors can be hinged (single or double) or sliding (compartment). In some cases, roller shutters are installed.

How to order an exclusive wardrobe?

Closet in the toilet behind the toiletorder you can click on the button "Call the measurer". The master will contact you to clarify a convenient time for taking measurements. After the joint approval of the project, the production of the product will begin.

Unique toilet closet behind the toileton individual sizes creates an opportunity rational use square centimeters of area. The doors will gracefully complement the interior of the restroom. This means that you use rationally every centimeter of the area.

Professional manufacturingcabinets in the toilet behind the toilet takes less than a week. The company "Comfort" gives a guarantee for its products. Provides delivery at a convenient time for the buyer.

Why do you need a closet behind the toilet: the pros

By purchasing a product, you get:

  1. New shelves for household items.
  2. Stylish interior rooms. The closet helps to hide pipes and communications. Wherein interesting design doors makes the restroom more comfortable.
  3. practical closet in the toilet behind the toilet from the manufacturer has a long service life. A guarantee is provided.
  4. Buy an exclusive closet in the toilet behind the toilet cheap, You can in the catalog of the factory "Comfort".
  5. An exclusive closet in the toilet behind the toilet will be custom-made and precisely built into a special niche, taking into account the ergonomics of the room.

Closet in the toilet behind the toiletbuy possible today. With it, the room will become cozier. For the products of the "Comfort" factory and toilet closet behind the toiletprice low. The company strives to make customers' homes more comfortable.

Where to buy a toilet locker in St. Petersburg?

Comfort offers order the manufacture of cabinets for the toilet behind the toilet in St. Petersburg at an affordable price.

Can order full complex work from measurement to installation.

Consultations and preliminary cost calculation are free of charge.

Quality assurance.

Deciding dotoilet closet behind the toilet the price will make you happy. You can order by calling us or by clicking on the buttons on the site. Closet in the toilet behind the toilet will transform the interior of the entire apartment.

For more information, call now!

Do you want to create the perfect order and cozy atmosphere in the toilet?

Place an order

The rational use of the bathroom space largely determines the level of its comfort, and the aesthetic component is important for making the room cozy and attractive. A plumbing element such as a toilet cabinet helps to achieve these goals. If such a product is present, it will be as convenient as possible to use the toilet.

The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, and mistakes in its arrangement can affect the comfort of life. To increase the ergonomic characteristics of this space, it is worth choosing functional, beautiful, durable cabinets for the toilet.

Furniture of this kind has huge number advantages and allows you to solve many important issues when decorating a bathroom:

  • by veiling communications (sewer and water pipes), you can give the room an attractive, neat look. Exposed pipes can hardly be called beautiful, and their design rarely fits well in an apartment. Therefore, you should not leave them unattended. By choosing the right locker, it will be possible in any right moment get to communications without much difficulty, which is extremely important in the event of a breakdown;
  • choosing a spacious model, you can provide yourself with additional storage space for household chemicals, cleaning items. If you divide the space inside the product into a zone for pipes and for shelves, you can save a decent amount of space in the bathroom. This is especially important when the room has small size, as, for example, in Khrushchev;
  • if there is a water meter, it can also be hidden in a locker in the toilet. Thus, you will provide yourself with hassle-free access to the equipment, but hide it behind the facade of the furniture for greater aesthetics of the interior.

Such furniture has a lot of advantages, it is for this reason that it is so popular among owners these days. country houses and apartments. But they are revealed to the maximum if a quality product is purchased.

Product options

Modern toilet cabinets are very diverse in terms of performance and appearance, so the consumer can easily choose a model in any style, depending on the decor of the bathroom of a particular size, color.

Let's describe the most popular types of toilet cabinets. According to the type of doors, plumbing products are distinguished with:

  • louvered doors of two types: rolling and "pseudo-blinds". The first option is convenient for a small bathroom due to its compactness. The door does not swing open, which requires additional space, but folds up, rising up. Therefore, blind models can be hung in places that are inconvenient in shape. The second option is a regular facade, made in the form of blinds, but without the presence of movable slats. Such a door allows the internal contents of the furniture to be perfectly ventilated;
  • a plumbing hatch that closes a niche with pipes. In practice, the hatch is an ordinary frame made of a corner, on which a metal door with a lock is mounted using hinges. Note that such a solution will not be expensive, but the hatch does not always look stylish, expensive;
  • hinged facades - such designs are best made to order. They are diverse in design, size, functional and practical;
  • compartment doors - this design does not require additional space to open the door, as it simply slides behind the second facade.



With sanitary hatch

Based on the material of manufacture, models are distinguished from:

  • natural wood - expensive, beautiful, durable material. But it is worth remembering that when combining a bathroom and a toilet, the service life of a wooden cabinet may be reduced. Increased air humidity will adversely affect the quality of surfaces
  • MDF - the cost of structures made of MDF belongs to the category of medium, but under the influence of water, the material may lose its shape;
  • Chipboard is the most undesirable option for a combined toilet with a bathtub, since chipboard quickly absorbs moisture from the air and swells. But for a separate toilet, chipboard is ideal option in terms of cost and external aesthetics;
  • plastic is the most practical option, since plastic is not at all afraid of high humidity. But appearance plastic models not always aesthetic. It's more of a budget option.




Based on the shape of the product, cabinets are distinguished:

  • rectangular - standard products that are selected for the bathroom more often than others;
  • corner triangular - perfectly fit into the space of the corner, which allows you to rationally plan it;
  • angular in the form of a trapezoid - more spacious than a triangular model;
  • radius - possess unusual design but are quite expensive.

Placement methods

If sewage pipe passes in a niche, it is worth picking up a standard rectangular or square cabinet in the toilet behind the toilet. This perfect solution to make communications attractive. The main thing is to guess with the size of the model so that it fits well into the niche. If you want to save money, you can not buy a ready-made cabinet, but pick up a hatch with a lock, with which they close a niche with pipes.

If the pipes are concentrated in the corner of the room, then you should opt for corner model closet. Such designs are characterized by high capacity, and their design will give the toilet a pleasant look.

Additional functions

In small bathrooms, it is extremely important to endow all pieces of furniture with high functionality and practicality in order to use the room as conveniently as possible at any time of the day. However, do not forget that the design small space also affects its comfort. Therefore, models of cabinets in the toilet should have additional functions. Such a product is shown in the photo in the selection.

With a mirror


How to choose

If the design of the bathroom is chosen, it remains to choose for it suitable model closet. When choosing a mini size toilet cabinet, it is important to remember the following:

  • Initially, you need to decide on the choice of the shape of the product. If there is a niche, choose built-in models to order, if not, you can choose more affordable, ready-made models;
  • then take measurements of the space to understand what size cabinet will fit into the bathroom. It is also required to measure the parameters of the pipes that will hide in the cabinet. Be sure to sketch schematically the features of their location before leaving for the furniture store;
  • select current color solution and the design of a sanitary element that will perfectly complement the decor of the bathroom;
  • ask the seller for a quality certificate for the product, which will guarantee a long service life of the furniture, its practicality, High Quality materials used in the manufacturing process. It is also important to clarify the availability of fasteners and other components. If in addition to the model there is no bracket or hardware, you will have to purchase such fasteners separately. They will allow the installation of the structure on the wall surface.

Remember, the closets in the toilet, the photos of which are presented below, should be in harmony with the decoration of the room, complement it with their beauty. Then the room will look concise, holistic.


A photo

The question of how to make a toilet behind the toilet arises at first glance at this cramped room.

Here it is necessary to place detergents and hygiene products, other small items, and there is not enough free space.

A locker located in an unused space helps to solve this problem, as well as give the toilet a certain appeal.

You can easily make such furniture with your own hands, but for this you should take into account the specifics of the bathroom.


The only place in the toilet where you can put storage for various necessary items This is the space behind the toilet.

It is small, and even occupied by plumbing fixtures, but with the right approach, you can fit a fairly voluminous locker here.

He won't "eat" usable space, but in order to be truly useful, it must meet specific requirements:

  • minimum depth. The dimensions of the furniture should not interfere with the use of the toilet, which means that they cannot go beyond drain tank;
  • moisture resistance. The toilet belongs to the room with high humidity, and the proximity of the tank and pipes increases the risk of direct contact with water;
  • Availability ventilation holes to prevent the accumulation of fumes inside;
  • security free access to plumbing equipment . In the area under consideration, pipes of cold and hot water, valves, cleaning filters and other components. The locker should not block access to them, even if these nodes are used very rarely;
  • attractive appearance.

According to the installation method, toilet cabinets are divided into built-in and hinged (cabinet) types. In the first case, they fit between walls or in niches and are securely and permanently fixed. The cabinet cabinet is hung on the wall and is made as a separate, mobile piece of furniture. It can be moved, removed for a while.

Of what?

Materials for toilet furniture are selected taking into account the following requirements:

  • sufficient mechanical strength;
  • light weight;
  • water resistance;
  • external attractiveness;
  • ease of processing during manufacture and cleaning during operation;
  • ecological purity.

If they do not have sufficient moisture resistance, then it becomes necessary to apply protective coatings or carrying out a special hydrophobic impregnation.

The following materials are most often used for the manufacture of cabinets:

  • drywall. For toilet conditions, its waterproof varieties are suitable. Drywall sheets are easy to process and sufficiently resistant to the action of condensate and moisture, they are not subject to decay. The appearance is given by staining in desired colors. The disadvantage is the low mechanical resistance to bending, as well as the fragility of corners and edges;
  • plywood. For bathrooms, modifications of FK and FSF with increased water resistance are quite suitable. Usually sheets with a thickness of at least 14 mm are used. It should be noted that FSF-type plywood contains phenol-formaldehyde, which can be released from the material at elevated temperatures;
  • wood. In the manufacture of the frame, a wooden beam is most often used. The board can also be used for doors. The main disadvantage is rotting under the influence of moisture, which requires impregnation of the material with special compounds;
  • laminated chipboard(LDSP). Increased water resistance allows it to be used as shelves, doors and enclosures in hinged version. When choosing this material, one should take into account its significant mass, which leads to deformations under the action of its own weight. This circumstance requires the use of reinforcing elements (stiffening ribs);
  • metal. In the manufacture of the frame is often used aluminum profile for fixing drywall or metal corner. The metal has a high mechanical strength, but steel elements require reliable protection from corrosion;
  • plastic. Dense plastic panels are widely used as doors. A variety of colors makes it possible to provide the desired design. Important advantages are low weight and absolute water tightness.

The choice of materials for toilet cabinets is made taking into account the chosen design, dimensions, and design solutions.

Advice. The thickness should be optimal - provide the necessary strength, but not excessively increase the weight.

Scheme and drawing

Before starting the manufacture of the locker, it is necessary to think carefully about the way it is placed in a particular place. To do this, the space behind the toilet or installation is carefully measured, and a diagram of the location of plumbing units to which access must be left is drawn up. It is provided with special slots, holes, hatches.

Based on the drawn up scheme, a drawing is developed with full detailing and reference to the installation site. The design of the cabinet is quite simple - a frame, top and bottom panels, shelves and doors, and, if necessary, a false panel (rear wall).

Advice. The frame can be installed on the entire wall behind the toilet or occupy only the space above it and the cistern.

Typical toilet in apartment buildings often has width 82-85 cm. With this size, the edge panels and shelves are mounted to the full width. Cutouts are made in them for passing pipes. The depth of the cabinet is set according to the distance of the tank from the wall. As a rule, it is 30-40 cm. pipes require a cutout up to 25 cm long.

Doors can be of several options. The most commonly installed are simple, hinged sashes(2 pieces). You can use projects with sliding doors and roller shutters.


For the manufacture and installation of a locker in the toilet, you must take care of such a tool in advance:

  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • plane;
  • hacksaw;
  • scissors and a hacksaw for metal;
  • hammer;
  • chisels;
  • pliers;
  • paint brush.

For measurements and quality control, you will need building level, plumb line, tape measure, metal ruler, square.


Most in demand in cramped closets built-in cabinet. It is installed between the walls behind the toilet and closes the back wall. After the development of the drawing and the installation scheme, you can begin to manufacture and assemble this furniture. First of all, the installation site is carefully prepared. The walls must be well dried. Clean off any dirt and damaged coating. If necessary, the surface of the walls is leveled.

Advice. If there are places with mold or fungus, then they are carefully cleaned and treated with copper sulphate.

frame over the toilet

The first step in cabinet installation is installation location marking. If the cabinet reaches the ceiling in height, then the marking starts from its surface. Are celebrated extreme points limiting the depth of the cabinet. A plumb line is lowered from them to check the location relative to the boundaries of the cistern. The mark should not go beyond it. A line is drawn - the border of the front part. It should be strictly perpendicular to the side walls of the toilet.

Next, carried out wall markings. The lower point is set by stepping back from the top of the tank to the distance necessary to service its handle during operation. A line parallel to the floor is drawn through this point.

With the help of a level, this marking is transferred to the opposite side so that both lines are at the same distance from the floor. Then, the location of the shelves inside the locker is marked on the walls.

If the height of the cabinet does not reach the ceiling, then all markings are provided on the walls. First, the lower boundaries are marked according to the specified method.

After that, from them is measured desired height locker (according to the drawing) and lines are drawn strictly parallel to the bottom markup.

The most common design of the frame of a toilet cabinet is the lower and upper walls (panels) rigidly connected by vertical posts.

Advice. Most often, the frame is assembled separately, and then inserted into the wall and securely fixed.

Can be used as stands wooden bars measuring 30x30 mm or aluminum profile. Rigid panels made of chipboard, boards or thick plywood can be directly fastened with studs. For the manufacture of drywall panels, first, a frame is assembled from a metal profile, which is sheathed with a sheet of drywall.

Before assembling the frame in the bottom panel, and if necessary in the top wall, a section is cut out for joining with pipes. To do this, a slot is made with a width equal to the diameter of the pipe, for the length of the distance of the line from the toilet wall. At the end of the slot, a semicircle is formed to wrap around the pipe. Such a slot allows you to "put" the panel on the pipe so that its far edge reaches the wall surface. Their number on the panel depends on the number of highways.

The assembly of the frame when using beams is provided by metal corners. If an aluminum profile is joined, then special metal screws are used. Assembled structure it is checked for the verticality of the racks using a plumb line and the horizontality of the panels using the building level.

The frame of the locker is installed in the selected place, focusing on the markup. Frame racks are attached to the wall dowels with a step of no more than 30 cm. To do this, before installing in the wall with a perforator, appropriate holes are made.

Important. If the walls of the bathroom do not have ideal verticality, then a gap is formed between the rack and the wall surface. A gasket should be placed in it, which provides a more rigid fastening of the frame.


Shelves of lockers are most often made of Chipboard, waterproof plywood 15 mm thick or boards.

Before installation, cuts are made in them for pipes according to the above method. Saw cuts are made at the corners for bending around uprights frame.

To install shelves between the racks of the frame, according to the markings, crossbars made of wooden beam or aluminum profile.

The ends of the shelves lie on these crossbars and are fastened with self-tapping screws.


The highest requirements are imposed on the doors of the toilet cabinet, because. they create a certain appearance. The following methods of their manufacture are distinguished:

When fixing the door leaves, it is important to ensure their symmetry and a strictly vertical arrangement. There should be no gap between them.

Important. Opening should be easy, but with the exception of self-opening.


The final stage in the manufacture of the locker is to give it an attractive appearance.

It is enough to cover wooden doors with waterproof varnish in several layers. Fits good alkyd urethane varnish.

Before varnishing, you can provide tinting with stains or special formulations emphasizing the structure. Chipboard and drywall will have to be covered primer and then paint in the desired color.

Advice. Plastic itself provides the decor, and therefore it just needs to be matched by color.

Hardware plays an important role. To ensure that the doors are kept closed, magnetic elements are installed. give decorative look the shelves are helped by a U-shaped aluminum or chrome profile, which is fixed on the front edge.

Door handles should be not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Their range is huge, and therefore it is necessary to choose taking into account overall design(by color, size and shape). Finally, you can use plastic moldings that can give any surface an attractive look. In addition, it is desirable to cover the edges of the doors with decorative strips of plastic or metal. If necessary, fixation closed doors you can install the latches of your favorite type.

Useful video

An alternative implementation can be seen in the following video:


A closet in the toilet will help take up that small space that is still unused. Its placement behind the toilet at the level of the cistern allows you to solve the problem of storing the necessary little things without creating inconvenience. You can make this simple furniture with your own hands, taking into account the characteristics of the room.

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