A huge number of questions on the "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" concerned social problems. "Is that really you?" The most original Direct Line questions to Vladimir Putin: “Would Obama save you if you were drowning?”

A very important event will take place at the beginning of summer - the traditional annual television program "Direct line with Vladimir Putin" which will be held for the 16th time this year. During the direct line, the president will answer the most pressing and pressing questions of Russians live.

When will the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin take place in 2018?

"Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" will take place Thursday, June 7, 2018. Start at 12.00 by Moscow time.

Where will the live broadcast of the direct line with Putin take place

The Direct Line with Vladimir Putin program will traditionally be aired by federal TV channels and leading radio stations.

Live broadcast will be First channel, TV channels "Russia 1" and "Russia 24" as well as radio stations "Radio of Russia","Lighthouse" and "Vesti FM".

Public Television of Russia (OTR) on the air and on the website will show "Direct Line with Vladimir Putin" with sign language translation.

Feature of direct line with Putin 2018

In 2018, the direct line with Vladimir Putin will take place in a new format, in particular, conference calls will be used. This will allow the head of state to call the heads of regions directly during the direct line. In this regard, governors and other high-ranking officials are advised to be at work or at least in touch.

Earlier it was reported that during the direct line, Vladimir Putin will communicate with the governors and members of the government by conference call, if there is a need to sort out a problem or a complaint received by the hotline.

What they ask Putin during the direct line

In the course of communication with the Russians, the president traditionally answers questions relating to the socio-political and socio-economic life of Russia. Quite often the president answers personal questions of citizens and helps to fulfill their requests.

Judging by the information published on the official website of the direct line, citizens ask the president questions and make proposals related to the following topics: defending the interests of Russia, Western sanctions, science and education, the World Cup, gasoline prices, retirement age, housing and communal services tariffs , shared construction and the housing issue in general” and many others.

It is also possible that during the direct line the problems of landfills, fire safety in crowded places, as well as other topics that had a public resonance will be discussed.

Is there a chance to get Putin's answer during a direct line

Many Russians try to call Putin or send a question in advance, in the hope that the president will help solve the problem of the citizen himself, his region or the whole country. The probability that your question will be among those answered by Putin is not high, but it exists.

Every year, the technical possibilities to ask the head of state a question are expanding, while in the course of a direct line, which lasts three to four hours, Putin usually manages to answer 70-80 questions, which is quite a lot.

How to ask the president a question

You can ask a question directly during the direct line by calling the phones, sending an SMS or MMS message. The numbers are listed below.

The question can also be asked via the Internet - on the official website of the direct line or through special free applications installed on a mobile phone: “Moscow to Putin” or OK Live.

OK Live can be installed for free through the AppStore and GooglePlay.

You can also send a question in advance through the website moskva-putinu.ru (moskva-putinu.rf) and through social networks

Another “Direct Line” with Russian President Vladimir Putin, during which the President communicates with the citizens of the country, will take place on June 7 this year. Questions to the head of state are accepted through various communication channels starting from 8 am on May 27 and until the end of the broadcast, which starts at noon on June 7. The most important and interesting of them will be heard during the program.

The Direct Line 2018 format is expected to be slightly different from previous sessions of the president's communication with the people. As Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the head of state, noted earlier, this year some technological innovations are envisaged that will expand the geography and volume of communication between the Russian leader and citizens.

How to ask the president a question during the Direct Line in 2018

There are several ways:

By calling on the phone. A free call from landlines and mobile phones to the Unified Message Processing Center from anywhere in Russia is received at 8-800-200-40-40. Calls from abroad - 7-499-550-40-40 and 7-495-539-40-40.

Via SMS or MMS messages. Accepted to the number 04040 only from the phones of Russian telecom operators, while sending is free. But there are limitations here: the amount of text (only in Russian) should not exceed 70 characters.

On June 7, the annual "Direct Line" will be held by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The number of questions from citizens is approaching a million. tells what a direct line with the head of state is like and recalls the most extraordinary questions that the head of state had to answer.

For the first time, the "Direct Line" of the President with the citizens of the country on nationwide television and radio channels was organized on December 24, 2001. In the future, direct lines were held annually, with the exception of 2004 and 2012. In total, Vladimir Putin participated in 13 programs.

During the broadcast, the head of state touches on important topics related to the socio-political, socio-economic life of the country. Putin does not bypass the theme of the international situation. Since 2001, questions to the President can be sent by phone, since 2003 - by SMS. Since 2014, using the Moscow-Putin application, you can record a video question to the country's leader. Since 2016, the head of state can be contacted through the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki.

Truly original questions began to be asked to Putin almost immediately. During the first Direct Line in 2001, Putin was asked if he had a doppelganger, because the president does so many things at the same time, but he always looks fresh and not tired. Vladimir Vladimirovich replied that he really travels and flies a lot, but he does not have twins. "It's all fairy tales"- Putin said and noted that he goes in for sports in his free time, so he feels great.

One of the strangest questions was asked in 2006. True, the president answered it as part of an Internet conference, that is, in the format that has now actually merged with Direct Line.

Question: How do you feel about the awakening of Cthulhu?
Answer: In general, I am suspicious of any otherworldly forces. If someone wants to turn to true values, then it is better to read the Bible, the Talmud or the Koran. There will be more benefits.

The audience also remembered the year 2007, when the Direct Line lasted more than 3 hours, and Putin answered 67 questions out of 2.5 million received. :

Putin:- I'm listening to you, good afternoon!
Woman:- It is you?
Putin:- I!
Woman:- Is it true you? And before, too, were you, right?
Putin:- And I used to be.
Woman:- Oh, God, thank you very much for everything!

During the "Direct Line" in 2009, which lasted more than 4 hours, Putin received an offer to enter eternity.

Question from Dolgov Sergey Mikhailovich:- Would you like to live as long as you want, as long as you want? If you wish to enter eternity as a citizen of planet Earth, please call the contact number.
Answer:- Dear Sergey Mikhailovich, I am proud to be a citizen of the Russian Federation. This is quite enough.

Another question during the Direct Line in 2009 concerned linguistics, in particular, proposals for reforming the Russian language.

Question:- How do you feel, for example, about the reform of the Russian language? Do you eat yogurt or communicate?
Answer:- I do not use yoghurt or yoghurt, I drink kefir. But in general, this is, of course, a matter for specialists.

In 2013, out of 3 million questions, one was found, which, perhaps, can be called one of the most complex and large-scale in the life of Vladimir Putin.

Question:- When will everything be fine?
Answer:- When will everything be fine? People who like to drink, we say that it is impossible to drink all the vodka, but we must strive for this. Everything will probably never be good. But we will strive for it.

During the "Direct Line" in 2014, in which for the first time residents of the new subjects of the Russian Federation - Crimea and Sevastopol took part, the girl Albina asked the president if Obama would save him if the president of the Russian Federation was drowning? Vladimir Vladimirovich expressed his confidence that Obama is a courageous person and most likely would have saved him. “I would not want this to happen to me, but in general, in addition to state relations, there are personal and Obama is a courageous person, I think he would do it,” Putin answered.

A year later, the girl Varvara Kuznetsova asked Vladimir Putin who would be the first to save him: the drowning Poroshenko or Erdogan? Putin assured that Russia “ready to extend a helping hand and friendship to any partner, if he wants it.”

During a four-hour communication with citizens in 2015, the topic of self-interest in the life of the president was touched upon.

Question:- Do your friends take advantage of your kindness?
Answer:- Why only friends? Everyone is using.

In 2016, the participation of Russian military personnel in the operation in Syria was topical. A MEPhI student named Nikita reflected it in his question.

Question:- What other enemies of Russia will be hit by our VKS?
Answer:- First of all, we need to strike at impassability and slovenliness.

Corruption, opposition, retirement age

The President has gone unanswered the issue of “ostentatious house arrests” of officials in the face of rampant corruption in Russia a schoolboy from Nefteyugansk Danila Prilepa. The student read his question from paper, and Putin asked him if he had prepared the question himself or if it had been handed to him. “The most important thing is that no violation should go unpunished. As for the issue of house arrests, this issue should be decided by the court,” the president said. As an example of an effective fight against corruption, he, issued on June 13 to the former head of the Federal Penitentiary Service Alexander Reimer.

As predicted by experts, there was a question about the protests on the air. The host of the direct line asked Putin, is he ready to talk to some of the “dissatisfied” who are “protesting on social media and taking to the streets”. The President replied that he was ready to conduct a dialogue with those representatives of the opposition who "are aimed at improving people's lives, and do not use the existing difficulties for political PR." But Putin never named his potential interlocutors. Later, during a press approach, the president also did not answer the BBC's question about whether he considers opposition leader Alexei Navalny his competitor in future elections. By tradition, he also did not pronounce Navalny's last name.

The traditionally thorny question of Will the retirement age be raised and when will it happen?, which Putin is a student from Chelyabinsk Arkady Bodryagin, also remained without a direct answer. “Some experts believe that we cannot do without this, including referring to the experience of other countries. I think that this should be treated carefully," the President stressed. According to him, rumors that a decision on this issue has already been made are not true, and such decisions should be made "without fuss and haste."

Some frivolous questions remained unanswered. For example, the president refused to say which head of state has the strongest handshake. “The strength of a world leader is determined not by a handshake, but by self-giving in the exercise of authority,” he stressed.

Questions about culture

Cultural workers are usually invited to a direct line with the president. This year, director Alexei Uchitel and actor Sergei Bezrukov, among others, visited her. The latter asked Putin two questions: about the “monstrous” checks of the Teacher’s film “Matilda” initiated by the deputy Natalia Poklonskaya, and about the fate of the artistic director of the Gogol Center Kirill Serebrennikov, who recently in the case of embezzlement in the theater. These searches create a negative background for the authorities among cultural figures, the actor complained.

The head of state that he would not like to intervene in the dispute between the Teacher and Poklonskaya. “She has a position, she tries to defend it. But, as far as I know, no prohibitions on this matter have been adopted,” he commented and asked to conduct this dialogue “within the limits of decency and within the framework of the law.” The teacher, who was sitting next to Bezrukov in the studio, was indignant that the deputy insisted on checking the film, although she herself had not seen it. “Budget money is spent when the prosecutor's office, the treasury, the Accounts Chamber come to us, and they all do the same thing. It seems to me that there should be no incitement to this, ”the director explained. “Yes,” Putin answered curtly.

The President did not give an answer to the second part of Bezrukov's question - about the fate of Serebrennikov. Later, while talking to journalists, he was “ridiculous” with the arrival of the riot police at the Gogol Center.

Question about Isaac

Two questions were asked to the President by the workers of the Baltic Plant. One of them, called unexpected by Putin, concerned the transfer of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg to the Russian Orthodox Church. " Do you, as a person born and raised in St. Petersburg, want to keep it as a memorial museum or transfer it to the Russian Orthodox Church?” the head of state was asked.

Russia has a law on the transfer of religious buildings to religious organizations, but there are also international documents that prohibit the transfer of architectural monuments to other hands, Putin. He promised that a solution that would allow the use of Isaac as a place of worship and as a museum would be found. In the meantime, the president urged not to use this issue "as an instrument of petty internal political struggle." About how the decision was made to transfer Isaac and what status the cathedral will have after its transfer, RBC at the end of April.

About personal life

Tatyana Prokopenko, a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria, raised the topic of the president's personal life, who asked the president what are the names of his grandchildren(shortly before this, Putin spoke for the first time about having them in an interview with CNN) and how old are they. The President that his children and grandchildren live in Moscow and that his daughters "live a normal life and do science, do not get involved in any politics."

“You see, I don’t want them [grandchildren] to grow up as princes of the blood. As soon as I give the age, the name, they will immediately be identified, ”Putin explained. The President did not name the children, but mentioned the birth of a second grandson.

The president's personal information was repeatedly asked in SMS messages that were broadcast on the screen during the live broadcast. Most often, the Russians asked the head of state when he would "introduce the first lady." But the question remained unanswered.

MOSCOW, April 14 - RIA Novosti. Another "straight line" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, held on Thursday, lasted 3 hours and 40 minutes. During this time, the head of state managed to answer 80 questions. The Russians actively used the opportunity to ask the president about pressing issues: in total, the president received 2.5 million questions, while about 2.5 thousand questions were received every minute.

Key statements by Vladimir Putin during the "straight line"President Putin's poignant remarks during this year's "straight line" touched upon the leaders of the United States, Turkey and Ukraine, as well as the high-profile offshore scandal and domestic problems in Russia.

During the conversation with the President, the main emphasis was placed on domestic political and domestic economic issues. The Russians went over the main "pain points" of the domestic agenda, asking the head of state questions about the current state of the economy, rising prices for food and medicine, inflation, wage arrears and the reduction of social institutions. Not without such an eternal problem as the condition of the roads.

Nevertheless, the Russians were actively interested in international issues: during the "straight line" practically all the key issues of foreign policy and the most pressing topics on the international agenda were touched upon. Putin answered questions about the situation in Syria, the settlement in Donbass and Nagorno-Karabakh, Russian-American relations and Ukraine.

In the course of the "straight line", the inclusions were made from the Crimea, Sakhalin, the Voronezh region, Tomsk and Tula. The innovation of this "straight line" was video questions. According to experts, the main features of today's "direct line" with the president were the change in the course of society's requests and government responses from foreign policy issues to domestic Russian ones, as well as the conciliatory and calm tone of the head of state.

Traditional television "straight lines" appeared during Putin's first presidential term. The first took place on December 24, 2001. The record for the duration was the "line" of 2013, which lasted 4 hours and 47 minutes. The event was not held in 2004 and 2012.


Western users about the "straight line": our politicians would not dareMost Western leaders are unlikely to be able to answer questions from citizens without preparation for several hours of live broadcast, readers of the mainstream media say.

First of all, the Russians were interested in the current situation in the Russian economy. Vladimir Putin noted that the situation has not yet improved, but there are positive trends. According to the president, the Russian government expects that the economy will grow by 1.4% already in 2017, and a slight decline of 0.3% will continue this year.

At the same time, Putin said that he was against the inclusion of the "printing press": according to the head of state, the main thing is not to print money, but to change the structure of the economy. In difficult economic conditions, the government is not thinking about how to print more money, but is trying to raise the income of the population, he added.

“Real discussions are focused on something completely different: the main thing is how to ensure an influx of investments, how to increase efficiency and how to ensure demand, that is, to increase the income of the population. And here the government is now thinking about this, just recently they discussed these issues, how to provide assistance to the most vulnerable categories of citizens ", Putin said.

According to the president, if Russia spends the reserve funds, as it did last year, and does not replenish them, then the funds will be enough for some more time. The head of state also commented on the rise in food prices, expressing hope that this phenomenon is temporary and did not rule out that food prices could gradually decrease due to import substitution. He also promised that the government will deal with the rise in prices for cheap medicines, this issue can be resolved within 1.5-2 months.

In addition, the president noted the need to expand the powers of the Federal Antimonopoly Service to control retail chains.

During the "straight line" Putin also commented on the privatization of large Russian assets, which, according to him, is not unusual given the low stock prices.

"Why in a falling market? Firstly, because money is needed, and secondly, this is the most important thing, we will look for a strategic partner who understands and is sure that there is no need to be stingy when buying, there, say, 19% of the shares" Rosneft does not need to pay attention to today's quotes, but needs to look to the future. If we find such a partner, and I think it is possible, despite the falling market, then we will take this step of privatization," the president said.

Direct Line with Putin: Inflation, Terrorism, Sanctions and the Panama PapersFor the fourteenth time, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke with Russians on the air of the country's central television channels and radio stations. Watch the key statements of the head of state during the "straight line" on the video.

There was also talk about the quality of Russian roads, which Russians are used to complaining about. Putin spoke out against the idea of ​​the Ministry of Finance to take into the federal budget all the funds from the increase in excise taxes on fuel. According to the president, half - 40 billion rubles - should be left with the regions, and this will have a positive impact on the quality of roads. The head of state also proposed to "paint" expenses from regional road funds so that they would not be directed to other purposes, but would go specifically to the construction and overhaul of roads.


A large part of the questions concerned domestic politics. Vladimir Putin commented on the upcoming Duma elections, calling on all Russians to come to the vote to get the power they want.

“If people who want to vote for United Russia or want to vote for some other candidate they consider worthy will be responsible for their duties as a voter, then we will get the power that the country wants. And so I all- I would still support those who come, want to come and are going to come to the polling stations and vote in the elections of deputies to the State Duma," the President said during the "straight line".

Putin stressed the extremely important role of United Russia, but, according to him, the party in power has no preferences in the elections to the State Duma. Commenting on his possible participation in the 2018 presidential election, he said that he had not yet made a decision on this matter.

“No, this does not mean that I made such a decision for myself. But it means that we must adjust our medium-term, long-term plans, without this no country can live, and Russia will not live,” Putin told reporters. answering the question whether it can be understood that he made the decision to run for president in 2018.

Security and law enforcement agencies

During the "straight line" the president also commented on his recent decision to create the National Guard on the basis of internal troops and special units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which will deal with the fight against extremism, terrorism, organized crime, and ensure public security.

"This issue (the creation of the National Guard) was discussed for a long time ... The first and, perhaps, the main thing that underlies this decision is the need to put the circulation of weapons in the country under special control," he said.

He also expressed hope that this decision would reduce the cost of maintaining the special services.

"We expect that we will be able to increase the efficiency of this work and reduce the costs of maintaining various services. This position was also actively pursued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Due to the optimization of structures, primarily managerial and staff appointments, this also applies to the fact that should take place in the Ministry of the Interior and in the National Guard itself," Putin said.

Speaking of spending cuts, the President noted the need to "tighten up the appetites" of law enforcement agencies, but stressed that this does not apply to the defense order.

Sale of weapons

During the "straight line" the topic of deliveries of Russian weapons abroad was not left without attention either. Putin said that he expects the Russian Federation to continue to conclude contracts for the supply of weapons with foreign partners.

“So it will be,” the president said, answering the question of how Russia can consolidate the success of Russian military equipment, which was demonstrated during the operation of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, in order to continue concluding supply contracts with foreign partners.

At the same time, he noted that Russia continues to occupy a stable second place after the United States in arms exports, the total portfolio of orders for the coming years is about $50 billion, the president said.

"We occupy a stable second place. The first place is occupied by the United States - they sell the most weapons. We are now a little behind them - not by much. But behind us the gap is very large - there is already a difference many times over. Last year we sold about 14 .5 billion dollars of weapons. The total portfolio of orders for the coming years is about 50 billion dollars. So, in this respect, everything is on the rise," the president said.

International Affairs

During the "direct line with Russian President Vladimir Putin," the Russians were interested not only in domestic political topics: many questions were raised on international issues, in particular, about the situation in Syria and relations with Turkey and the United States.