Applique type consisting in the image of individual objects. Coursework: Methodology for Applique Works with Different Materials at School

Olesya Cherkashina
Application as a type of artistic activity of a preschooler

Application as a type of artistic activity for a preschooler.


1. The essence and meaning of the application for a preschooler. Types of application.

2. The originality of the application in preschool age.

3. Features of application materials and techniques for working with them.

4. Learning and development tasks for children (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group).

5. Features of methods and techniques for teaching children applications in different age groups.

The concept of "application", its types and techniques

Application - can be subject, consisting of individual images(leaf, branch, tree, mushroom, flower, bird, house, person, etc.); plot, reflecting the totality of actions, events ("Victory Salute", "Flight into space", "Birds have flown", etc.); decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.


In the subject application, children master the ability to cut out of paper and paste on the background individual objects of the image, which, due to the specifics of the activity, convey a somewhat generalized, even conventional image of the surrounding objects or their displays in toys, pictures, samples of folk art.

At the initial stage, the kids lay out and stick the object from the parts prepared by the teacher: a ball - two halves different color m fungus - a cap and a leg; trolley - rectangular body and round wheels; garland - rectangular flags, etc.

Subject - thematic application

presupposes the ability to cut and stick various objects in interaction in accordance with the theme or plot ("Chicken pecks grains", "Gingerbread man resting on a tree stump", "Fish swim in an aquarium", "Rooks build nests in a tree"). In this case, the following tasks become for the child:

Cut out objects, show their differences in size when compared with each other (tall tree and small rooks, fish large and small);

Highlight the main objects, the main characters, associate them with the scene of the action, the situation (fish swim in the aquarium, flowers grow in the meadow). The main thing is distinguished by size, color, compositional placement among other objects;

to convey the characteristic features of the characters and their actions through gestures, posture, clothing, coloring (the bun met a bear - the figures are glued in the position of turning towards each other);

arrange objects on the plane of the bases: on one line in a row horizontally and vertically, indicating the height of the objects (a street in our city, a cheerful round dance); create two-plan compositions - lower, higher, weakening the color, reducing the size of objects, taking into account their removal (boats in the sea, a flowering meadow with a strip of forest in the distance);

choose and use color and its combinations to convey the season, weather conditions, attitude to the depicted object and phenomena ( Golden autumn, in the winter in the forest, harvesting).

Decorative applique -

a type of ornamental activity, during which children master the ability to cut and combine various elements of decoration (geometric plant forms, generalized figures of birds, animals, humans) according to the laws of rhythm, symmetry, using bright color comparisons. In these lessons, the child learns to stylize and decoratively transform real objects, generalize their structure, and endow samples with new qualities.

2). The originality of the application in preschool age.

Application is one of the types of visual activity that children love: children are pleased with the bright color of the paper, the successful rhythmic arrangement of the figures, the technique of cutting and gluing is of great interest to them.

In application classes, it is necessary to highlight the organization of the examination of the objects offered for the image. An examination is a process of perception of an object organized by a teacher, which consists in the fact that the teacher, in a strictly defined sequence, selects the sides and properties of the object that children must learn in order to then successfully carry out the process of depiction. In the process of such perception, children form clear ideas about those properties and qualities of objects that are important for the image (about the shape, size, structure and color of the object). We need to teach children to perceive. They cannot master this process on their own. Form, structure, color, first of all, are perceived visually, therefore objects are first examined.

Application is the most simple and affordable way the creation of artwork, which retains the realistic basis of the image itself. This makes it possible to widely use the application not only for design purposes (in the manufacture of visual aids, manuals for various games, toys, flags, souvenirs for holiday dates, decoration of wall newspapers, exhibitions, rooms for d / s, but also in the creation of paintings, ornaments, etc. .d.

3). Features of application materials and techniques for working with them.

The most interesting and accessible for children preschool age is an applique made of paper of bright colors.

Background paper is most often taken thick, the tone is selected depending on the content of the image in order to emphasize a certain situation. For example, flowers are placed against a green background of a meadow or meadow, silhouettes of birds are pasted against a blue background of the sky, and fish - against the background of the blue depths of a river or sea.

Children cut applique elements from more elastic, but resilient paper in rich, rich colors with a well-treated surface.

For work, the child is given scissors with rounded ends and developed levers. Their length should be approximately 120 mm. Brushes for smearing paper-cut figures are taken depending on the size of the blanks. So, for a collective application, you need to have brushes of two sizes. For gluing large surfaces, use wide flat brushes - flutes.

The figures are smeared with glue on a clean mat. This can be a small sheet of white paper. During the lesson, it must be changed several times so that the paste does not stain color side applications and did not leave unwanted stains.

4). Learning and development tasks for children (junior, middle, senior, preparatory group).

In training the application, the following general tasks are solved:

Make a decorative pattern from various geometric shapes and plant (leaf, flower) details, placing them in a certain rhythm on a cardboard or fabric base of various shapes.

To compose an image of an object from separate parts; portray the plot.

Mastering various techniques for obtaining parts for applique from different materials: cutting by different techniques, cutting, weaving; as well as the technique of attaching them to the base: gluing, sewing.

To form a sense of color, to know the basic colors and their shades, to master the ability to make harmonious color combinations.

To form a sense of form, proportions, composition.

The introduction to the application begins with the first junior group. The teacher is guided known feature children: at the age of 2-3 years, healthy babies have a pronounced emotional response to the proposal to do something, to participate in something, the child shows a willingness to act. And the main task of an adult is to support this activity, not to let it fade away, to give it a creative character. This favorable period of childhood for the development of children's activity and independence should not be missed. The tasks solved at this age are elementary:

Give kids an idea of necessary tools and equipment for application: scissors, brush, glue, oilcloth, etc.

Develop emotional responsiveness to an adult's offer to do something, a willingness to participate with him in the creation of elementary art crafts.

Develop interest, an emotionally positive attitude towards elementary actions with paper, the desire to independently perform them.

Develop aesthetic perception and feelings: recognize the resulting image, admire, rejoice "following" adults.

Mastering specific actions with material, tools, objects at an early age occurs through communication with an adult. Only he can convey to the child information about the functions of objects, tools, show the methods of using the material, etc. in joint activities with him.

1. Teach children to make patterns from geometric shapes on a strip, square, rectangle, isosceles triangle.

2. Teach preschoolers to make up ready-made forms simple objects (a Christmas tree, a house, a snowman, etc., and elementary plots from familiar objects (a locomotive with a trailer, a house with a Christmas tree, etc.).

3. Teach the children to hold the scissors correctly, cut narrow strips along the fold (bent in half, and then wider ones (several strokes of the scissors).

To learn the technique of smearing paper parts with glue: along the contour, "outlining" with a brush with glue its edges.

4. Form in children conscious attitude to the order of performing the work: first lay out the pattern (object, plot) on a sheet, and then take and stick each detail one by one.

5. To foster artistic taste in preschoolers.

5). Features of methods and techniques for teaching children applications in different age groups.

The first joint manual productive actions with an adult, included in the context of creating a certain “product”, emotionally prepare the child for a systematic and more meaningful participation in the application. The first attempts at transforming the material do not require children to have a clear perception of form, color; they do not yet participate in the conception of the image, but already in the fourth year of life, more complex tasks can be set in the application:

In the middle preschool age, the child's hand is firmer and more confident, therefore more complex methods of cutting appear; children themselves can make details such as an oval, a circle, rounding the corners of rectangles; cutting corners in a straight line, making a trapezoid; cut the squares diagonally to make triangles. Children of this age can be given stencils to cut out details of the subject content (fungus, flower, etc.). Experience shows that children, who worked with a stencil and cut out details along the contour, later more easily master symmetrical and silhouette cutting and cutting "by eye".

If children learn to use scissors early, then by the end of middle age they can cut out parts from fabric in all the above ways, and as a result, applique from fabric is possible. For the base, burlap, drape, cotton one-colored fabric is used. You can make patterns on it both by alternating parts of different colors and shapes, and by creating compositions from elements of national ornaments. different nations, you can create a subject or elementary plot application. But unlike similar paper products, the application on the fabric is more durable and varied in use (napkin, towel, carpet, tablecloth).

Children of four to five years old can learn applications from dry leaves of plants: make a pattern, alternating leaves in shape, size, color and placing them symmetrically on a cardboard base of different geometric shapes: strip, square, etc.

You cannot spread the sheet with glue, like a piece of paper or fabric, by moving the brush along the contour - the sheet will begin to crumble. It is smeared with a brush movement from the index finger of the left hand to the edges of the sheet.

To convey the image to children, other materials are provided: pencils, thin twigs, seeds. For example, when making a butterfly applique, you can make the abdomen not only from a leaf, but also draw, glue a thin twig; use small seeds for the eyes or draw too.

At the senior preschool age, children master a more complex cutting technique - symmetrical, silhouette, multi-layered, as well as the cutting, weaving technique. They can combine techniques.

Preschoolers learn new ways of attaching parts: sewing them to fabric. In this case, children receive two versions of the image: planar and semi-volume (when cotton wool is placed between the base and the part). In the second case, the image is more expressive. A semi-volumetric applique is also obtained when parts are partially glued, for example, only the middle of a snowflake, a flower, a butterfly, etc.

The systematic teaching of children in various ways of application from various materials creates the basis for the creative expression of the preschooler in independent activity: he can choose the content of the application (decorative pattern, object, plot, material (one or more in combination) and use different techniques suitable for more expressive performance conceived.

Junior preschool age

st - a period when the formation of all organs and systems of the body is proceeding at a very rapid pace. Therefore, it is very important to lay the foundations for full-fledged development in a timely manner.

The specificity of the application gives children the opportunity to more actively assimilate knowledge about the color, structure of objects, their size, planar shape and composition. In the applique, you can move the cut out shapes, compare, superimpose one shape on top of another.

Games-lessons are conducted with a subgroup of five to six children. Under the guidance of a teacher, children learn to lay out figures in a certain order, compose an image of an object from two or three parts, correlate them in shape, color, size, spatial arrangement.

The main purpose of these exercises: to educate children in the interest in actions with carved figures, to induce a desire to independently make some objects out of them, to make the simplest combinations, sensory experience is formed, knowledge about surrounding objects and the means of their figurative transmission is enriched.

Play techniques are ways of joint (a teacher and children) development of a plot play concept by setting play tasks and performing appropriate play actions aimed at teaching and developing children.

In application classes, it is necessary to highlight the organization of the examination of the objects offered for the image. An examination is a process of perception of an object organized by a teacher, which consists in the fact that the teacher, in a strictly defined sequence, selects the sides and properties of the object that children must learn in order to then successfully carry out the process of depiction. In the process of such perception, children form clear ideas about those properties and qualities of objects that are important for the image (about the shape, size, structure and color of the object). We need to teach children to perceive. They cannot master this process on their own. Form, structure, color, first of all, are perceived visually, therefore objects are first examined. To clarify such properties of objects as volumetric shape, size, surface quality of the material (roughness, smoothness, along with viewing and feeling, tactile perception is required. Therefore, along with applique classes, classes are held to familiarize children with the properties of paper.

The developmental features of children of this age indicate the need to organize repetitive actions, exercises in the learning process. They are necessary both for a better mastery of certain skills by children, and for accelerating awareness and volition in activity. In this regard, classes with a small subgroup of children turned out to be quite effective, where children were first asked to act individually, and then the same actions, operations to be performed by all together on common sheet paper or flannel, and vice versa.

The use of the reproductive method in these cases contributed to the formation of conscious and voluntary actions in children associated with the analytical process of cognition.

The research method is effective in creating educational situations that encourage children to search independently and find a way to complete the task through trial and error.

The use of the research method prompted the children to actively search for action. Children acted independently by comparison, juxtaposition and achieved the desired result. The research method is also used when the teacher invites children to complete creative tasks or perform images of their own design.

A game technique is predominant in the organization of application lessons with children of primary preschool age. In fact, the playful nature of learning permeates the entire educational process. Children are offered trips around the city, in the forest, on different types transport; performances, walking stories, during which they meet with different representatives of the animal, flora, playable characters, etc.

All the methods and techniques used for teaching the application in the classroom are combined, interact, providing a better understanding and assimilation of the material, the development of children's art.

The classes conducted pursued different goals, but in each of them the children were assigned the role of an active participant, while the kids were imperceptibly involved in the activities that were offered to them. Part of the classes, especially at later stages, was aimed at developing the simplest skills of joint work, accumulating experience of joint action, as well as encouraging active communication with other children and adults.

Thus, work experience has shown that with directed pedagogical guidance, application classes contribute to a more intensive development of all aspects of the personality.


1. Krupskaya NK About preschool education. Collection of articles and speeches. M., 1973, p. 71.

2. "Methods of teaching visual activity and construction", ed. N. P. Sakulina, T. S. Komarova; M., 1979

4. Panteleeva L. V. et al. Artistic work in kindergartens of the USSR and Yugoslavia: A book for the teacher kindergarten(L. V. Panteleeva, E. Kamenov, M. Stanoevich. - M.: Education, 1987.


1.2 Types of application work



An important component of the democratization of society taking place today is an increase in the level of education and upbringing of young people, taking into account objective factors that have a direct and indirect impact on the process of personality formation. These factors include the material and psychological conditions in which students develop and grow; the environment where the formation of personality takes place.

A special place in the content of the course of labor training is occupied by the section "Fundamentals of artistic processing of various materials", it includes mastering by students the simplest ways and techniques of working with various materials, has a focus on familiarizing children with various types of folk crafts, developing creativity and aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

In this thesis, we are interested in the process of application work of students, with different materials and what impact it has on the development of a student. Applications were already known in ancient egypt, Greece and Rome.

In the 16th century, appliques were a favorite decorative element... Most often, they were used to decorate the vestments of clergymen, for example, vestments, canopies, and were also used for interior decoration, bedspreads, pillows, curtains, etc. were decorated with appliqués.

WITH long ago the applique is used to decorate folk costumes. They were sewn onto skirts - ponevs, sundresses, sheepskin coats, shoes, hats. Using for this beautiful threads, beads, bugles, beads, pearls.

Applique is a popular and effective decoration for any garment: blouses, skirts, sweaters and evening dresses. They are a distinctive feature of children's clothing. They look very attractive on aprons, potholders, napkins, tablecloths, pillows, rugs, etc. It can also be used when repairing clothes, hiding additional seams, defects, inserts or loops. The applique is made of pieces of felt, scraps of soft leather and various materials with dense weave of threads in the fabrics.

Applique is a way to create ornaments or artistic images by overlaying on paper, fabric, etc. varied material. Improving the developmental nature of labor education remains one of the most pressing problems of labor education methods. Today, the educational process at school should include effective forms and methods of development, upbringing of children on folk traditions and art; the most valuable, created over the centuries by the wisdom and culture of the people, should be included in the system of upbringing and education of a modern person.

Object of research: the process of labor education at school.

Subject of research: the technique of application work with different materials at school.


To study the theoretical aspect of the problem and develop a methodology for planning and organizing technology lessons for application work with different materials at school.

Hypothesis: labor training of schoolchildren in application work with different materials will be effective if:

The teacher will own modern theory and the practice of labor training for schoolchildren.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can conclude that the process of application work with different materials is a source of all-round development of the child's personality.

Chapter 1. Application as one of the types of artistic creation

1.1 Application creation history

Application (from the Latin word "attachment") - interesting view artistic activity is a way of working with colored pieces of various materials: paper, fabric, leather, fur, felt, colored beads, beads, woolen threads, metal embossed platinum, all kinds of materials (velvet, satin, silk)., dried leaves ... such an application various materials and structures with the aim of enhancing expressive possibilities very close to another means of image - collage.

The application was born a long time ago. She appeared as a way of decorating clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, the interior of her home.

Perhaps the first impetus to the appearance of applique was the need to sew skins for clothes, and the first stitch prompted a person that they could not only join the details of clothes, but also decorate them. Details cut from these materials were attached to clothing. This is how the applique appeared.

The plot was animals, birds, people themselves, fantastic monsters, beautiful flowers and plants, hunting scenes and daily life.

Applications are available even for children early age: It is much easier to create a whole from the available parts than to create the same picture from a mosaic.

Parts of the applique can be prepared in advance and given to the child to create an image, but the mosaic cannot.

In the work on the applique, they use glue, scissors, colored paper (which you can make yourself using paints or felt-tip pens), wrapping paper, magazines, foil, candy wrappers, foam rubber and just unexpected materials.

The concept of "application" includes methods of creating works of art from materials of different properties and texture, united by the similarity of the execution technique. Each material has its own characteristics, which have a decisive influence on the application technique. For example, paper, straw, dried plants, birch bark are attached to the background various adhesives; poplar fluff is laid on velvet paper.

Applique is the easiest and most affordable way to create artwork, while maintaining the realistic basis of the image itself. This makes it possible to widely use the application not only for decoration purposes, but also in the creation of paintings, panels, ornaments, etc.

The main features of the applique are silhouette, flat generalized interpretation of the image, and the locality of large color spots.

The application can be subject, consisting of separate images; plot, displaying a set of actions, events; decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

1.2 Types of application work

Combination different types applications in various combinations give an endless variety of jobs, allowing you to solve various problems:

creating panels, carpets, tapestries, greeting cards, decorating homemade books, notebooks, albums, decorating a room, clothes, crafts, etc. This classification gives an idea of ​​wealth pictorially - expressive means application and allows you to imagine its possibilities.

Object applique is a separate object image pasted onto the background, conveying a generalized, conventional image of surrounding objects (stylized). Objects are depicted with a distinct configuration, simple form, clear proportions, and local color.

Decorative applique is associated with the concept of decorativeness (images differing in ornamentation, generalization of forms, color saturation) and represents elements of decoration combined according to the laws of rhythm and symmetry, decorative in color and shape (geometric, floral, etc.). Ornamental composition. The ornament is characterized by rhythm (repetition of the same or alternation of different elements of the pattern) and can be endless or closed (ribbon or central-beam composition). Another direction decorative applique- font application, i.e. design of headings, texts.

Subject-thematic application represents images pasted on the background in interconnection and in accordance with the theme or plot (event, situation, phenomenon). The content of such an application can be both simple and quite complex, dynamic in action, with large quantity characters and details. The placement of figures can be in one or in two or three plans, methods of conveying volume and perspective can be used: the difference in the sizes of the figures of the first and second plan, their location relative to the edge of the sheet, the brightness and saturation of the color of the figures in the foreground, their detailed development.

The silhouette applique represents images of objects pasted onto the background, cut out of paper by continuous, "continuous" movement of scissors along the mentally created silhouette of the object. Naturally, such an image is monochrome, placed on a contrasting background and should be easily recognizable, expressive, but generalized (fish, birds, animals, dishes, etc.).

Such an application can become an element colored appliques, representing images of objects pasted onto the background, consisting of parts of different colors and shapes. Usually, the applications traditionally performed by children are of this particular type.

Symmetrical applique is an image of objects pasted onto the background with a symmetrical structure. Images of objects can be made using the technique of folding the paper in half or several times before cutting in order to simultaneously transfer the shape of the repeating parts.

In accordance with different types symmetries are distinguished: mirror (lateral) symmetric application, which conveys images of objects that, with some simplification, have a symmetrical structure (leaves, trees, insects, humans, etc.); central-beam symmetric applique, in which the uniformity of distribution of parts is achieved by rotating them relative to the center, when a separate element is repeated many times around the circumference.

Asymmetric applique is an image of objects pasted onto the background that is asymmetrical in shape. Together with color applique, this type is basic for children's creativity, since it does not dictate strict stylistic restrictions and does not require special manufacturing techniques.

Geometric applique is an image of objects pasted onto the background, made up in whole or in part of parts of a geometric shape. A geometric figure can be used as an element of geometric ornaments, patterns, when you need a thoughtful combination of figures, their sizes, shapes, colors, as well as their order and alternation. This is very effective exercise for the development of logical thinking, imagination and creativity.

Another option for using geometric shapes is to construct various shapes of complex structures (cars, houses, etc.) from them. Such "plane modeling" of figures of the same or different shape, despite the simplification and stylization, makes it possible not only to create interesting plot compositions, but also to analyze the shape of objects from the point of view of its dissection into geometric shapes, which serves as a preparation for volumetric construction. It is also possible to use geometric shapes in the vicinity of non-geometric, when it is necessary to convey the features of the shape of objects such as a ball, ball, house, etc.

Non-geometric application does not impose restrictions on the creativity of children related to the simplification and stylization of the form, therefore it belongs to the group of basic types of children's creativity.

Cut applique is made of paper the traditional way- cutting, it is also basic.

Torn applique is made of paper using the tearing method. The edges of the parts are uneven, smeared, giving the impression of fluffiness and roughness.

Flat applique assumes that images of objects are attached to the plane of the entire background. This is a traditional, basic type of applique, if you do not count its kind, when the image is created by cutting holes in the background, and a lining of one or different colors is glued under the background.

Volumetric applique provides that images of objects or their parts are attached to the background only part of the plane, creating the appearance of volume. Exists different options fastening parts: the elements are glued part of the plane; the elements are glued with a part of the plane in two or three plans on a base folded like a postcard; the elements are volumetric parts made by folding, they are glued with a part of the surface; the elements are glued a little wrinkled, since they are made of corrugated or embossed paper.

Appliqué in whole silhouettes represents images of objects pasted onto the background, not dismembered into separate details.

The applique, split into parts, consists of images of objects made from individual parts one color or different colors. These last two types of application are most often found in the practice of teaching younger students.

A mosaic is made from pieces of paper of the same color or different colors that make up the details of the image. The quality of the pieces of paper can also vary. A paper mosaic can be contour (pieces are glued along the edge of the image) or solid (the inner surface of the image is glued). The mosaic can be made with or without gaps.

One-layer applique assumes that images of objects or their details are pasted onto the background without overlapping each other.

Multilayer applique is performed by pasting (or sewing) images of objects and their details onto the background in two or three layers.

So, before proceeding with the application, it is necessary to decide what characteristics it will have, i.e. what will it be in terms of content, the number of colors, the presence of symmetry, in the form, in the method of manufacturing the parts, in the degree of their adherence to the base, in the number of parts and the method of their fastening. In addition, you need to have an idea of ​​the features in the application of the composition (the relationship between the size and location of the main figures in the selected format), color (combination of colors, their harmony and compliance with the content of the application), techniques for conveying volume and perspective.

Another important point is the choice of material for work, since paper has many varieties in terms of properties and outward appearance. Right choice paper allows you to achieve the expressiveness of the image, its accuracy, compliance with the content and style of work. A variety of types and properties of paper serves additional source variety of applique products.

Finally, working with paper requires a variety of tools and accessories. On how prepared workplace, often depends not only on the quality of the application, but in general the possibility of its implementation.

1.3 Technology of creating applique from various materials

During the lessons on application, students learn to make decorative works, complex compositions, objects of the surrounding reality, fairy-tale episodes, etc.

Applique lessons help children develop the ability to see and convey the beauty of reality, its nature, forms an artistic taste, compositional principles, the ability to work with various materials, comprehend their qualities and properties during work, the ability to combine colors, shades, make patterns, create products.

Let's consider some types of applications.

Volumetric flap applique

The use of a textile patch in decorative and applied work, in the design of clothes and household items opens up a wide scope for introducing children into the world of creativity, developing their interest in work, artistic imagination and taste.

The creation of large ornamental items from a textile patch (blanket, bedspread) requires long painstaking work. Often not only children, but also adults cannot stand the monotonous repetition of the same type of operations. Moreover, students, due to their age characteristics, want to see the result of their work faster. This requirement is largely met by overhead sewing (applique) as one of the technologically uncomplicated types of patchwork sewing.

By applique, we mean the creation of an image by stitching details onto the background (base). A simple applique can be made from ready-made forms - images of animals, flowers, leaves, etc., made in the material. A more complex one - the so-called free (or landscape) applique, is created according to your own sketch or template. The complexity of such an applique lies in creating a composition and choosing a color scheme.

Landscape application can be used not only in the manufacture of panels and rugs, but also for decorative design clothes, bags, etc.

The following elements are most often used in landscape applique ( conventional images): mountains, a silhouette of a forest, an image of the sun and clouds, the outlines of trees and bushes, buildings; figures of people and animals.

The implementation of a specific concept (plot) requires careful selection of fabric scraps: by texture, color, pattern, thickness. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the properties of fabrics: physical, mechanical and technological.

Landscape applications are usually multifaceted. For a greater sense of the "depth" of the picture, it is necessary to be able to correctly use not only visual illusions of color ("receding" and "protruding" colors), but also visual sensations associated with the features of the surface of fabrics (shine, gloss, reflection, roughness, fluffiness, softness, rudeness, etc.). For greater decorativeness, you can use materials with different properties (stretchable, drape, preserving rigid folds), as well as the external effect of auxiliary materials (satin ribbon, lace, braid, soutache, etc.). In addition, it is possible to use machine and hand embroidery. Machine embroidery can be performed in parallel with the technological processing of elements. Hand embroidery (needle-forward stitch, stalk stitch, buttonhole stitch, chain stitch, fastened buttonhole, coiled stitch, straight and oblique stitching) can be supplemented and performed at the end of the main technological work. It is possible to use colored iron, but taking into account the pattern of the fabrics used.

To give the picture additional relief, you can use a synthetic winterizer: fill it with individual elements or duplicate foreground and middle ground details.

Before proceeding with the application, the color durability of the patches selected according to the color and pattern must be checked. Then smooth them out and grease the edges from the seamy side with a paste solution so that they do not crumble when cutting (you can just starch the flaps completely). Iron the dried flaps with an iron through a dry iron.

After that, a drawing is made, transferring it to the main fabric and onto a sheet of paper - a pattern. The contour applied to the fabric will indicate the location of the fragments, and the pattern will be cut into parts. When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the share thread: the main fabric and the fabric of individual parts from the flaps must match the warp and weft. If the details of the future application have a simple shape, then they are cut out strictly along the contour. If the shape is complex or the part will be made of bulk material, then it may not be cut out at all. In this case, the part is marked and fixed with a stitch along the contour of the pattern, then the excess fabric is cut off and only after that the sections are processed manually or by machine.

To ensure that the sections of the applique do not crumble, before cutting it out, you need to reinforce the fabric with a thin glue pad or starch its edges. There is no need to leave allowances for appliqués, but so that the image does not suffer from the overlap of its contour with a zigzag stitch, it is necessary to take into account its width and accordingly plan the image fragments.

The cut out parts, in accordance with the plan, must be applied to the main fabric, secured with pins and swept with a thin thread with straight stitches. And basting and processing the edges of the part should be in the direction from the middle to the edge so that there are no wrinkles and distortions.

Thus, the order of work is as follows: securing the part on the base (background) with pins; sweeping her; processing the edge of the cut of the part with a zigzag stitch.

When performing a multi-layered landscape applique, some peculiarity appears. Operations are performed gradually for each element of the composition: from background details (sky, horizon line, etc.) to foreground details. It should be borne in mind that each subsequent element overlaps the previous one in such a way that its lower cut remains unprocessed.

Threads for stitching details are selected to match the main elements or background. But this can complicate the work (frequent change of the upper spool of thread). Therefore, you can do this: use dark threads for night and evening landscapes, greenish for spring and summer, yellowish and ocher for autumn, white or bluish for winter landscapes. To emphasize the elements of the composition, to make them more decorative, it is better to use black threads - cotton or silk. Threads should be used based on the tasks set. You can add shine to the contour using silk threads, and cotton threads will help to make the details of the picture more natural and muted. When choosing threads, you should take into account chemical composition fibers of fabrics. According to the thickness of the fabric, the number of bobbin threads and machine needle is selected.

The detail is adjusted to the base fabric with a zigzag stitch.

Let's consider the main methods of processing the edge of parts.

1. Machine method:

a) using glue pads for parts made of thin fabrics of medium thickness with a tight weave;

2. Manual method. The edge of the part is attached:

a) decorative stitching with oblique stitches;

b) embroidery using the "satin stitch" technique;

c) cross stitches;

d) chain stitch;

e) stalk seam;

f) a buttonhole seam.

If the fabrics are transparent (lace) and dense adhesive materials cannot be used, and starching the edge of the part does not give the desired effect, then you can proceed as follows:

1. When using an element made of lace, cut it out with an allowance (1-2 rows of mesh). If this is not done, then the threads with which the contours of the pattern are stitched may crumble.

2. Attach the lace element by hand with straight stitches along the contour of the pattern at a distance of 6 mm from the edge.

3. In the case of using a ready-made fragment;

b) without glue pads - for parts made of transparent thin fabrics with a rare weave. topstitch the edges of the applique with a straight machine stitch, backing inward by 6 mm.

If the fragment was cut out in violation of the integrity of the lace pattern, then it is first stitched with a narrow zigzag stitch at a distance of 2-3 mm from the edge, and then a satin satin stitch is installed on the machine and the cut of the part is carefully processed.

Applique details can be glued on. To do this, lay the base face up on an ironing board covered with a blanket. Put circles on it the right size cut from the glue web, then the applique detail and cover everything with a thick paper napkin or ironing pad that absorbs moisture well. Glued by ironing.

A few additional tips for making the applique.

If the applique is made of thin elastic fabric, then you should strengthen the places where the part is sewn with non-woven or tracing paper. This will make it easier to overcast the corners and oval edges of the appliqué.

When shaping the corners, you should gradually narrow the satin satin stitch. When you reach the corner, turn the base with the applique under the needle and continue sewing, expanding the stitch. The stitching tapers to half its width.

The inner corners are detached in the same way as the outer corners, narrowing the stitch width to half, and then expanding it.

Assembling the parts and fixing the applique made of fibrous materials

Assembly of parts and fastening of applications made of fibrous materials are carried out different ways depending on the hard or soft base: gluing parts, preliminary stitching parts and gluing them, sewing parts to a soft base.

For gluing ropes, cords, tape to a rigid base, we recommend using PVA or Moment glue.

First, the base or background is smeared with glue in small areas, then the rope or cord is firmly pressed against the surface greased with glue.

Sometimes the details of the image are harvested separately, and then they are already fixed to the background. For this, a cord or rope is laid on a prepared sketch or template. All spirals are laid starting from the middle. Rows of laid cord or rope are cleaved with tailor's pins parallel to the plane of the sketch or template. The rows are sewn with a seam "over the edge" or pierced with a needle through all the rows parallel to the plane of the sketch. If the pattern goes in a spiral, then the pins are injected in several directions.

After connecting the parts of the applique, the pins are removed, and the finished parts are glued according to the sketch to a rigid base. The side from which the material was sewn is the wrong side.

If desired, sewn and connected parts can serve as independent products - wall decorations, holders for hot dishes, etc.

The technology for making applications from natural material by schoolchildren provides for the following stages of work:

preparation of the material, its choice;

selection of a pattern for applique;

material position, sketch creation;

selection of equipment, tools, auxiliary materials;

technique for performing crafts in various ways.

Applique works from natural materials can be made from:

1) Straws are unusually attractive: they are cast in gold, mother-of-pearl and they perfectly fit into the interiors of modern rooms. Students can easily cope with the subject application made of straw.

2) Dried leaves, flowers - these are very original compositions from acacia pods, from straws, cereals, flower twigs. Communication with nature is fascinating, interesting and useful. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, hard work, artistic taste. Classes with plants contribute to the education in children of love for their native nature, a careful attitude towards it.

3) Appliques can be made from seeds, seeds, various nuts, poplar fluff, shells, shells, pebbles, etc.

Application work with natural plant material affects the mental development of the child, the development of his thinking and the appearance of elements of creativity.

Usually, at first, children prefer to act by first examining the sample shown by the adult and diligently repeating it. For example, during the manufacture of an applique from dried leaves, children are asked to first carefully consider what parts the finished work consists of, in what places should be attached to the base small parts and in what way. But then, after repeating the necessary actions and duplicating the method of making the sample, the children already learn the sequence and the very course of actions, as well as the methods of manufacturing. Therefore, when the task becomes more complicated, children can already divide the process of performing the work into several stages and perform the work in repetition for an adult or their own idea. At this moment, elements of creativity appear in the activities of children.

The amusement of the work on the implementation of application work from natural material contributes to the development of such qualities in students as attention, patience, curiosity. It is indicative that in this work there is no end to the improvement of work, in this work there is always novelty, creative search, the opportunity to achieve more perfect results. And all this happens against the background of a favorable emotional mood of children, their joy of communication during work, the pleasure they experience when creating an application work.

In addition, the implementation of application work from natural material brings up children's skills, intelligence, diligence, and it is also an excellent school of aesthetic education, based on the formation of an artistic view of the world in children, on their search for details of beauty in the surrounding reality.

And it is necessary to introduce children to the world of beauty as early as possible. To begin with, one should recall the words of the poet N.A. Nekrasov that "there is no disgrace in nature." Therefore, each of us is worried about the beauty of flowers, fruits of various plants, colorful autumn leaves and fluttering poplar fluff, unusual shape coloring flowers. Before making any natural material a part of his craft, let the child pay attention to its originality. After all, each plant has its own appearance - leaf shapes, colors, surface texture. And when creating a specific craft, all this is taken into account.

The process of turning natural material into a craft contains considerable resources for "immersion" of children in the world of their native nature, knowledge of its various aspects and, at the same time, - fostering a careful, caring attitude towards it, as well as the formation of the first labor skills. During the lessons on application, students learn to make decorative works, complex compositions, objects of the surrounding reality, fairy-tale episodes, etc.

The subjects of the works are very diverse, for example: Magic transformations, Flower, Chicken, Vegetables, "Tree in the Snow", Peacock, etc.

Applique lessons help children develop the ability to see and convey the beauty of reality, its nature, forms an artistic taste, compositional principles, the ability to work with natural materials, to comprehend their qualities and properties during work, the ability to combine colors, shades, make patterns, create products.

Students perform application work of this type starting from the first grade.

Twine applications

For students in grades 2-3, the simplest type of work is quite accessible - making paintings from twine and natural material. The main thing here is cleanliness of work. The painting is done on dark velvet paper, the drawing stands out better on it. The sketches of the drawing are first done on a plain sheet of paper. On the sketch it is necessary to determine the location of the drawing, its composition. For example, if you drew a vase of flowers, think about what you will make flowers, stems, etc. Corollas of flowers are well obtained from the seeds of various plants - melon, pumpkin, watermelon, peas or cones and scales from them.

The stems of the bouquet, made of twine, are laid out according to the pattern and neatly glued onto velvet paper. Then flowers and leaves are glued, Leaves can also be made from expanded and well-smoothed twine. The shape of the leaves can be different. A vase for a bouquet can be made from a dried sheet glued to paper. There is no need to paint such work - it looks better if it retains its natural color. It is better to use black, brown or burgundy paper for the background. If your set does not have these colors, then make them yourself. Having tinted light paper with black ink, you get black, and a strong solution of potassium permanganate - brown. Using twisted twine or smoothed with an iron and adding bark, dried twigs, leaves, you can create landscape pictures on a sheet of paper. It's all about taste.

Chapter 2. Methodology for organizing application work

Application, i.e. the image of the pattern by imposing pieces of another fabric on the fabric can be different both in color and in the way of execution. This is how they usually distinguish between color, tulle, linen applique. In the colored applique, patches of differently colored and different qualities of fabric, for example, satin, are used. , silk, linen, crepe de Chine, velvet, even cloth in thin leather. Applique velvet or satin with a shiny side goes well with woolen fabrics. Then it is best to take the same color, and the threads too. Tulle applique is made with fine silk threads; Shreds of cambric left chiffon are sewn using narrow rollers and oblique stitches. It is very thin handmade, requiring a lot of attention and perseverance. It is easier to get underwear applique, especially - not by hand, but on sewing machine... It is used on thin, translucent underwear. Colored fabric is sewn on the wrong side and should show through the main fabric of the garment. The flooring is done with thin rolls of white thread (or rather, of the same color as the linen).

Let's take a closer look at one of the most common uses of color applique - a rug on a wall in children's corner... The main fabric is canvas or canvas. We draw the contours of the drawing on it with a sharp pencil. We select the appropriate color for the fabric: green two or three shades, yellow, red, brown and blue; it is better to avoid black in appliqués. Having picked up the flaps, we apply on each contour lines of the corresponding part of the pattern and cut along these contours with an allowance, i.e. slightly larger than the place where they should be sewn. We cut out at first approximately and sew with a basting to the places where they should be. The final sewing will be done with a cordonne seam.

The purpose of using this seam is to sew the edges cut from the flaps without damage and invisibly. The seam resembles an overcast, only its stitches are placed so tightly that it seems as if it is a string sewn into the fabric; on the wrong side, it is almost completely invisible, on the front side it goes with a convex cord, creating a line between the main fabric of the rug and the fabric of the applied applique.

The figure shows, in order of sequence, all the stages of imposition and execution of the cordonne. Letter a - a brown flap was applied; b- started in the upper part of the flap, sewing it with a cordonne seam gradually moves along the edge; v - all bypass seams of brown material are made with cordonne seam; G - the final shape of the flap, trimmed with fine scissors.

Having sewn one flap in this order, proceed to the next. When all the large parts are attached to their places, we complete the pattern using other decorating seams for the parts: knots, stalk seam, chain stitch, stitch.

Appliques are used to make rugs, curtains, children's dresses, aprons and so on. They are also used on linen.

2.2 Development of an elective course

The program of the elective course for girls of the 9th grade: "Hand embroidery"

Explanatory note:

Handmade artistic embroidery is a bright phenomenon of national culture, the study and familiarization with which enriches and gives joy. Organization of training and acquaintance of schoolchildren with a variety of types of embroidery, aesthetic education in traditional types of folk art is the most effective form of familiarizing children with the national culture of our people.

We pay great attention to the creation of aesthetic courses that help in the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality.

This program is designed to study hand-made embroidery, acquaintance with the profession of hand embroiderers. It guides students towards obtaining a given profession.

The main form of training is practical work. It allows you to acquire the basic skills and abilities required for embroidery. It teaches to decorate with embroidery objects of decorative and applied nature, clothes, gift items and interior items.

The production of products should not be mechanical copying of samples - this is a creative process. Students learn not only to consciously approach the choice of a pattern for a particular product, but also to independently compose simple patterns for embroidery. They study the history of needlework, the purpose and application of embroidered products.

In the process of theoretical training, students get acquainted with the types of embroidery and methods of work, learn how to obtain and use information through information systems, printed publications, decorative items. They learn to use advanced methods of work and organization of the workplace, tools and devices, to comply with safety rules.

The content of the program is based on information about the embroidery of the peoples of Russia. The program includes the goals and objectives of the course, knowledge and skills that students should acquire, methods of assessing performance, thematic planning, course content, types of classes, determines the sequence and volume of the studied material, applications. The program is calculated for 16 hours - pre-profile course.

The main objectives of the course:

From the standpoint of the relevance for the students themselves, the comprehension of the values ​​and prospects of their own labor and professional activities.

Opportunity practical application acquired knowledge in everyday life, competence in the field of self-realization in choosing a profession.

Develop the creativity of students.

Engage in aesthetic education with design in mind.

To create the prerequisites for the formation of the foundation of the future professional.

The special course involves a combination of theoretical knowledge with practical elements of skills and abilities.

Forms of conducting classes:

1. Demonstration of products.

2. Classes with elements of lectures.

3. Practical training.

4. Independent work with literature.

5. Work on the project.


1. Tables: ornaments, simple seams, satin stitch, hemstitch, cross.

2. Drawings - posters: hemstitching, cross, satin stitch, simple seams.

3. Handout: seam samples, technological maps, samples of ornaments.

4. Products made by the teacher: pillowcases, paintings, towels, napkins, tablecloths in various techniques.

Students must learn to:

1. Correctly select or compose a pattern for embroidery.

2. Be able to embroider with and without a hoop.

3. Start and finish work without knots.

4. Select fabric, threads, depending on the embroidery technique, pattern.

5. Know the methods and be able to transfer the pattern to the fabric.

6. Perform the work with a simple, chain stitch, satin stitch, hemstitching, decorative stitches, free stitches, counted cross stitch, tapestry stitch. To do the job efficiently, to learn correctly, to take care of the product.

7. Observe the rules of safety, hygiene and sanitation.

Students should know:

1. Types of hand embroidery.

2. History and traditions of embroidery.

3. Methods of drawing a pattern on fabric.

4. Methods for securing threads.

5. Methods for pulling out the threads.

6. Methods of sewing.

7. Application of hemstitches, cross, loose seams.

Methods for assessing student performance:

1. Analysis of the observation of the activities of students.

2. Completion of tasks.

3. Protection of the project.

The teacher who will work on this program must have the skills, be able to show the finished work and teach the basics of embroidery.

Thematic outline of the course

No. pp Topic Clock Theory Practice
1 The place of embroidery in the history of costume, interior design. 2 1 1
2 Accessories materials, handicraft tools. 2 1 1
3 Types of satin stitch. 2 1 1
4 Types of cross stitches. 2 1 1
5 Other types of embroidery, their use. 2 2
6 Selection of pattern, selection of canvas for cross stitching. Project work. 2 2
7 Practical lesson; formation of skills of the selected type of embroidery. 2 1 1
8 Assessment. Information about the profession, educational institution, conditions of admission and conditions of labor activity. 2 1 1
8 Total: 16 7 9

1. The place of embroidery in the history of costume, interior design.

The beauty and benefits of embroidered things, their history, the meaning of the drawing, its location on things, the consumer value of the embroidered product, the cost of an applied art product. DIY embroidery in the interior. (lecture)

2. Devices, materials, handicraft tools.

How to choose a hoop, needles, fabric, choose a motive, pattern, color? Get acquainted with the variety of threads, their thickness and ability to be applied to fabric.

3. Types of satin stitch.

Double-sided surface, white surface, tone surface. What products can be embroidered with satin stitches? Practical demonstration and tests of stitching (practical work).

4. Types of stitches with a cross.

Simple and Bulgarian cross, tapestry embroidery, Practical demonstration and tests of stitching (practical work).

5. Other types of embroidery, their use.

Knot sewing, hardanger, cutwork, show practically and on products, making stitches.

6. Selection of pattern, selection of canvas for cross stitching

Help draw up a design for the manufacture of an item, tell about the design, use and care of an embroidered item. Project work.

7. Practical lesson; to form the skills of embroidery of the selected type.

8. Evaluation: protection creative project, competition of products and performances. Information about the profession, educational institution, conditions of admission and working conditions

2.3 Outlines of Lesson Notes for Applique Technique


Section: Working with paper.


1. To acquaint students with the history of scissors;

3. to teach how to make a convex applique from paper strips;

Equipment: white paper (writing), colored paper, a box of chocolates, scissors, PVA glue, glue brush, ruler, pencil; TSO - tape recorder and cassette (funny music, "Dance of the Little Swans" by PI Tchaikovsky).

Lesson topic: Learning new material.


Venue: office.

Recommendations: it is better to perform openwork paper appliqués in pairs: one holds the ring, and the other glues it. Pay attention to the coordination of actions during pair work, because what one can miss, the second will notice and correct. Collaboration brings the deskmates together and helps their friendship.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

a) greeting

b) organization of the workplace

II. Learning new material.

1. Conversation "What can scissors do?"

Open the tutorial, p. 19. What tools are shown? What are they needed for?

Teacher. Scissors are a tool for cutting thin materials.

See how they work and how their cutting blades are sharpened. Think about why they are sharpened on one side only, and the other side is flat.

Such scissors cut paper, fabric, leather, oilcloth. Scissors for paper are called clerical scissors. They have long, straight blades.

For cutting thin sheet metal use roofing shears. They have a short head and long handles.

Gardener scissors - secateurs.

Tailor's scissors are designed for cutting thick and large fabrics. It is convenient to work with them, resting one ring of the handle on the table. For cutting fabric, the tailor uses scissors not only with straight blades, but also with a zigzag edge.

Hairdressing scissors are essential for cutting hair. They are lightweight, with straight and particularly sharp blades.

Manicure scissors are smaller than others. They can have rounded ends. Imagine how tired the hand of a hairdresser would be if he had to work, for example, with tailor's scissors. How long would it take to get a manicure cut?

It is very important to choose the right working tool. To carry out the products proposed in the textbook, clerical scissors are quite suitable.

Choose scissors with straight, not very long blades. They will be convenient for cutting straight, broken and curved lines.

1) Reading a story from the history of scissors (p. 19 of the textbook).

2) Practical work

Examine the cockerel figure on p. twenty.

How can you make an openwork cockerel with scissors?

(Cut and glue strips of white paper.)

How can you make curls like this? (Take strips of different lengths, for example, cut strips of equal width, but different lengths: 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Glue a small ring one by one, then a larger one, etc. together.)

What other way can you get such delicate curls? (You can glue a long strip, for example, 20 + 20 = 40, wrap one turn on your finger and glue it.

How to get the drop shape? (You need to either glue the drops at once, or give the shape of a drop to a circle, connecting one edge with your fingers with an angle.)

Stripes and practice making openwork elements.

Work in pairs.

Game "Theater of Fingers".

The desk is the stage, and the artists are your fingers.

The first number of our concert is a ballet number. (Includes the music "Dance of the Little Swans".)

The fingers depict ballerinas running out. Ballerinas stand on their toes. Standing on their toes, the ballerinas begin to touch their legs: the index and middle fingers perform dance movements. In the end

the ballerinas bow, while their palms swing forward, and run away.

The second number is Russian dance.

The big and index finger... They begin to dance a Russian dance to the music, doing squats and jumps. During squats, the fingers are bent and straightened, their tips are connected and located on the surface of the table. During jumping, the tips of the fingers are spread apart, and then again connected.

The third number is acrobats (fingers represent acrobats).

The sequence of the application "Cockerel":

1. Take a box of chocolates, cut and paste the background into it.

2. Cut strips of white paper equal to the depth of the lid of the candy box.

3. Glue the round head from the circles.

4. Glue the body in the form of a drop.

5. Glue three large drops for the tail.

6. Connect the head, torso and tail.

7. Glue the comb, beard, nose and glue to the cock.

8. Glue the legs and perch to the legs.

9. Glue the rooster into the box.

Please note that the proportions of the rooster's body must be observed. Cut strips to a width equal to the depth of the box.

Prepare a box with a rooster background.


III. Lesson summary.

Take a look at our ready-made roosters. What is your impression of this work?

Let's rate your figures.

At home, you will practice making openwork products from strips. Fantasizing, from multi-colored paper ribbons different sizes you can get a lot of fun toys. The teacher shows the children the drawings.

The lesson is over.


Section: Working with paper.


1. Review symmetry and asymmetry;

2. Repeat the application methods;

3. To teach to cut out symmetrical figures from paper;

4. To cultivate accuracy and patience;

5. To instill the skills of a work culture;

6. Develop imagination, fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: symmetrical cuts, an example of symmetrical cutting on a large sheet, pencil, colored paper, candy box, scissors, PVA glue, glue brush, ruler; TSO - tape recorder and cassette with recordings of sounds of nature; large rectangular mirror.

Lesson type: Learning new material.


1. T.N. Prosnyakova "Lessons of Mastery" Grade 3, Samara: Corporation "Fedorov", 2005

2. M.A. Gusakov "Application", Moscow "Education" 1982

Venue: office.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

a) greeting

b) organization of the workplace

c) repetition of safety rules when working with scissors

II. Work on the topic.

Show off your lace appliques. Today our class is being transformed into a branch of the Museum of Fine Arts. What beautiful crafts you made!

2. A story about the history of cutting.

For more than 1000 years, folk art has existed all over the world - paper cutting. It is used for gifts, for decorating houses and windows, lanterns, and is hung with long garlands across streets and courtyards.

The art of silhouette originated in antiquity. At the beginning of the 17th century, a fashion for paper silhouettes arose in France and in a short time spread to all European countries and to Russia. The walls of dwellings were decorated with small silhouette portraits and everyday scenes. The silhouette got its name from the surname of Etienne Siluet, a French official of the 17th century, who, following the fashion, was fond of paper cutting. Various stories were told about him, and once some artist drew a caricature of him, which was made like a shadow. This method of image became known as a silhouette.

Many professional artists were interested in the art of silhouette: Albrecht Durer, Peter Paul Rubens. This art also attracted the famous storyteller Hans Christian Andersen.

Silhouettes can be drawn and cut out of paper.

In Russia in the 19th century, the most popular were the silhouettes of F.I. Tolstoy, who created multi-figured compositions of various contents.

The art of silhouette also attracted the 20th century artists M.V. Dobuzhinsky, K.A. Somova. The following artists are considered major masters of this art: G.I. Narbut, N.V. Ilyin, E.S. Kruglikova.

Many graphic artists still successfully use the silhouette as an independent means of artistic expression when creating bookplates, posters, and decorating books.

3. Practical work.

Open the tutorial on page 22.

What did you notice in the insect image? (The image has an axis of symmetry.)

What does it mean? (If you mentally fold such an image in half, the two parts will coincide.)

And how to check without bending? (Attach a mirror.)

A mirror image or the same symmetrical image can be obtained by folding the paper in half, drawing a pattern, cutting and expanding (shown by the teacher)

Consider the insect images in the picture.

Which insect has one axis of symmetry? (there are none.) Where is one axis of symmetry? (in the image of the spider web.)

Which insect has 2 axes of symmetry? (at the soldier bug.)

What is the difference between cutting a spider and a bug? (When cutting out a bug, you need to fold the paper once, and then again, but not in the middle.)


We have considered all insects. It remains to cut them, the cobweb and glue them on a sheet of paper.

Algorithm for completing the task:

1. Consider an insect.

2. Determine the number of axes of symmetry.

3. Fold a piece of paper along the axes of symmetry.

4. Draw a drawing based on the example in the textbook, p.22.

Think about where bugs, spiders, butterflies will live - on a lawn with flowers, on a bush, etc.

Observe SAFETY PRECAUTIONS when cutting

III. Lesson summary.

What did we do in the lesson? (Cutting out.) This is a difficult and painstaking job. Who did not have time, finish the work at home.

Tidy up your workplace.

The lesson is over.


Section: Working with paper.


1. Fasten the symmetrical cutting technique;

2. Repeat symmetry;

3. Teach to cut an image without drawing a preliminary outline;

4. To cultivate accuracy and patience;

5. To instill the skills of a work culture;

6. Develop a creative approach to work, fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: jars, colored paper, scissors, PVA glue, glue brush, ruler, pencil; counting sticks, yogurt cups.

Lesson type a: Learning new material.


1. T.N. Prosnyakova "Lessons of Mastery" Grade 3, Samara: Corporation "Fedorov", 2005

2. M.A. Gusakov "Application", Moscow "Education" 1982

Venue: office.

Recommendations: repeat with the children symmetrical cutting, folding the paper with an accordion, cutting out garlands and snowflakes. It is advisable to interview as many children as possible; encourage to self-planning work.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

a) greeting

b) organization of the workplace

c) repetition of safety rules when working with scissors

II. Work on the topic.

1. Checking homework.

III. Practical work.

Open the tutorial, page 24.

See what beautiful vases can be made from ordinary jars.

What technique is applicable for this "outfit"? (symmetrical cut.)

Remember where you used such a piece of jewelry. (When cutting garlands and snowflakes.)

Consider from the pictures how to make an outfit for a jar. Now let's play the Ladder to Mastery game. You already know how a work plan is drawn up, each point is a rung of the ladder.

1) Choose colored paper.

2) Mark the paper size by eye and cut.

3) Fold the paper 3 times.

4) Mark the height of the jar

5) Draw a pattern.

6) Cut out the pattern.

7) Expand the workpiece, wrap it around, peel back the lace and glue it.

We carry out the outfit for the jar according to the plan.

And how to make a jar according to plan.

1. Take orange, yellow or brown paper, measure the width of the jar by eye, plus 2-3 cm allowance for gluing.

2. Fold in half, draw half of the face and hair.

3. Cut out the face and hair.

4. Expand the paper, glue dark paper to the bottom of the jar.

5. Cover the jar with the white side up and straighten the hair.

IV. Lesson summary.

Today you have made some very beautiful outfits for the jars. How can you make other jars with green twigs? (You need to take double-sided paper or glue the one-sided paper with the white side inward.)

How to get the same lace for trimming? (Fold the paper like an accordion and cut it out.)

At home, you will dress up a small bottle of ketchup, juice or water. This will be the flight of your imagination. Maybe it will be a grandmother in a lace shawl, or maybe a bride in a veil.

On the trail. In the lesson, we will arrange an exhibition "On a Walk". Tidy up your workplace. The lesson is over.

V. Homework: review the safety instructions on


Section: Working with paper.


1. To generalize the knowledge about the cut applique in practice;

2. Expansion of horizons;

3. Development of self-esteem and the ability to analyze work methods and choices

4. To cultivate accuracy and patience;

5. To instill the skills of a work culture;

6. Develop a creative approach to work, fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: black and white paper or cardboard, pencil, office scissors, yogurt cups, counting sticks, PVA glue, cloth, oilcloth, glue brush.

LESSON type a: Learning new material.


1. T.N. Prosnyakova "Lessons of Mastery" Grade 3, Samara: Corporation "Fedorov", 2005

2. M.A. Gusakov "Application", Moscow "Education" 1982

Venue: office.

Recommendations: conduct this lesson as an independent work. Children themselves must choose both the material and the tools for the work. Assess the work at the end of the lesson in the form of the game "Find as many differences as possible." The teacher needs to make a sample himself, as in the textbook, only with additions, so that at the end of the lesson, students can compare it with everyone else.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

a) greeting

b) organization of the workplace

c) repetition of safety rules when working with scissors

II. Work on the topic.

1. Checking homework.

2. The story "Bamboo panda bear"

Nowadays, seven species of bears live in the vastness of the globe. Interestingly, most species were named after the color of their natural clothing: white, brown, black, white-breasted, spectacled - it has large white rings or semicircles around its eyes. The other two species are also black in color, but they have a different name, because black is already there. These are Malay bears and sloth bears. The sloth beast has a long muzzle and movable lips, which it folds in a tube, pulls it forward and, having dug out a termite house, sucks its inhabitants up like a living hose. That's all the bear family. But sometimes in the literature, and in conversations among specialists, you can hear about the eighth bamboo bear. Is there such a thing in nature? Yes, but he is not a bear.

The story of this bear - not a bear is very interesting and even romantic. In the second half of the last century, an event occurred in the circles of zoologists and naturalists that alarmed even venerable scientists from many countries. The original color of the skin of a large animal, similar at first glance to a bear, was delivered to the Paris Museum of Natural History. But when it was spread on the floor, it was thought that it was sewn by a skilled craftsman from large patches of black and white animal fur. Mystery! The skin was thoroughly examined, twisted in both hands, but not any traces of cutting and sewing, gluing or other paper clips were found. What is this skin? - the scientists thought. Maybe it belongs to an extinct animal? But some experts objected and believed that the fur on the skin was cunningly etched or dyed, but in reality it was bearish. But who and where got hold of and delivered to Paris this skin - a riddle?

In 1869, the French missionary Armand David traveled to China. In addition to his religious activities, being a naturalist, along the way he collected information about the animal world of the country, acquired interesting exhibits. In one of the remote villages of Sichuan province, he discovered this strange skin on the fence of his house. David acquired it after the locals told him that it belongs to a real beast that lived in the vicinity of the village, high in the mountains among the bamboo thickets. The name of the animal is "bey-shung", which roughly means "white mountain bear". David managed to send the skin to Paris, while he continued to search for the owner of the skin. He got lucky. In the same year, he acquired a dead bey-shung from the hunters, processed it and sent it to France with the presentation of hunting stories. It was over a hundred years ago. Having received the second skin and skeleton, scientists were able to draw conclusions. For its great external resemblance to an ordinary bear and by the nature of its feeding, it was originally named a bamboo bear. However, having carefully studied the received materials, zoologists soon abandoned the hasty definition and the new animal was attributed to the raccoon family, called the giant panda. Great because earlier, in 1825, the lesser panda, an animal that lives in some regions of Asia, was enrolled in the family. Years passed, but the original name of the giant panda - bamboo bear - turned out to be tenacious, and it is often used in everyday life, since the external resemblance to a bear is undeniable.

The discovery of an unusual beast, as usual, turned against him. Not only scientists, but also hunters of rare hunting trophies, catchers and traders of wild animals became interested in the panda. Many adventurers from Europe and the New World rushed to China. But getting to the giant pandas' habitats was extremely difficult. High mountains, impassable roads, dense forests, impenetrable thickets of bamboo, numerous water obstacles, mountain landslides stood in the way of the hunters ...

With the help of local residents, the first giant panda was caught in 1916, but she quickly died. And only twenty years later, one American woman acquired a young panda and safely delivered it to the USA, to the city of San Francisco.

In 1957, the giant panda first settled in our country, in a special house on the territory of the Moscow Zoo.

In natural conditions, giant pandas feed mainly on leaves and young shoots of bamboo, and eat some other plants and insects. There is evidence that sometimes bamboo bears feast on fish, small rodents and other animals.

The maximum lifespan of giant pandas in captivity is 13-14 years. How many they live in natural conditions, and how many of them roam today in dense mountain forests, no one knows, to count their number-

The matter is extremely difficult. Now, as, however, before, giant pandas are very rare in captivity. The image of this wonderful animal became the emblem of the International Fund for the Conservation of Wildlife.

4. Independent practical work.

Read the text on page 28 carefully. Look at the badges. Remember what they mean. Let's draw up a ladder - a work plan:

1) Transfer the pattern through carbon paper to white paper (p.100.)

2) Cut a rectangle out of black paper or cardboard for the background.

3) Cut the outline out of white paper and paste onto the black background.

4) Cut out 2 eyes and a nose from black paper, stick on the panda.

Exercise. Craft a panda.

The teacher observes, comments, helps. Special attention pays attention to safety.


III. Lesson summary.

Sign and place your work on the desk.

Find the difference game.

Open the tutorial and look at the picture in the tutorial, then at your work. Raise your hand, who's job is the same as in the picture. Raise your hands, one difference, two difference.

Now compare your work with what I have done. Find the differences (claws on the paws, the branch on which the bear sits, and two branches in the paws and below).

Remember how to carve symmetrical pieces.

Tidy up your workplace.

The lesson is over.


While working on my thesis on technology and methodology for teaching applique techniques at school, I studied the history of applique development as a form of decorative and applied art.

And also lesson plans were developed, aimed at learning and doing crafts on the applique technique.

Analysis of theoretical and methodological literature on the problem of aesthetic education of students primary grades by means of application allows to draw the following conclusions:

1. Aesthetic education - the formation in a person of an aesthetic attitude to reality and the activation of his pre-creative activity according to the laws of beauty.

2. Application is one of the important factors in the aesthetic development of a person.

H. The methodology of aesthetic education should be based on Team work a teacher and a child to develop his creative abilities to perceive the beauty of the world around him.

4. The aesthetic attitude dominates the child's soul. Childhood is filled with games, the psychology of which is close to the psychology of aesthetic life.

It is believed that the most high level activity is achieved by man in creativity. Creative activity raises a person from the level of a consumer of spiritual and material values ​​to the level of their creator.

People who have poorly developed reproductive skills can be potential violators of the cultural traditions of society. In the absence of a purposeful pedagogical influence on the development of students' creative abilities, their extinction occurs. In order not to replenish the category of destroyers, it is necessary for all children, regardless of their abilities, to be involved in creative activity.

Decorative and applied art is traditional in any country in the world. Most of us in childhood took tassels in our hands, someone with interest and curiosity tried to knit, embroider, some made wonderful toys out of paper, fabric, etc. The subject environment constantly surrounds a person, it affects the subconscious, positively and negatively shaping his feelings and emotions, demeanor and communication. This means that arts and crafts also contribute to spiritual development a person - through creative, aesthetically significant creative activity.

The creative process of creating decorative and applied art is not only educational, but also educational in nature, allows, in the course of the practical implementation of products, to acquire general labor, special labor skills and skills, as well as special skills in the field of artistic and practical activities.

Schoolchildren have a desire and need to work, because this activity is associated with the manifestation positive emotions... The moral and creative satisfaction experienced by a person in the labor process causes a desire to re-experience the feeling of joy from this process and results. It is not uncommon for a child's hobby to become a profession. But even if in the future students do not associate their lives with arts and crafts, the skills gained in the classroom will help them in their work in any specialty. It is not for nothing that many more adults in the organization of their leisure time return to the hobbies of childhood.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that applique is one of the most beloved types of visual activity by children: children are pleased with the bright color of the paper, the successful arrangement of the figures, the technique of cutting and gluing is of great interest to them. Application as a type of visual activity is aimed at the formation of certain knowledge in children, the development of skills, the development of skills and the upbringing of the personality. The application gives children the opportunity to learn knowledge about the color, structure of objects, their size, shape and composition.

Thus, arts and crafts, in particular, the application technique in primary school allows you to solve those educational tasks that are one of the most important today.

List of used literature

1. Arapova S.V. Fine arts education. Integration of the artistic and the logical. - SPb .: KARO, 2004. - (Modernization of general education).

2. Batyshev, S. Ya. Professional pedagogy: A textbook for students studying in pedagogical specialties and areas. - M .: Association " Professional education", 2007. - p. 219.

3. Belyakov, N.D., Pokrovskaya A.I., Zeitlin N.Ye. Circle "Skillful hands" at school. - M., 2007 .-- p. 158.

4. Bogateeva, Z.A. Applique classes. - M .: Education, 2008.

5. Bubekina, G.V., Goslavskaya T.P. Homemade products from natural material. - M., 1999 .-- p. 180.

6. Viner, A.V. Materials and techniques of mosaic painting. - M., 2003 .-- p. 95.

7. Grigorieva, G.G. The development of a preschooler in visual activity: Tutorial for students of higher pedagogical educational institutions. - M .: 1999.

8. Gusakova, M.A. Application. - M., 2007 .-- p. 153.

9. Gusakova, M.A. Application: A textbook for students of pedagogical schools in the specialty No. 2002 "Preschool education" and No. 2010 "Education in preschool institutions". - M .: Education, 1999.

10. Kvach, N.V. The development of imaginative thinking and graphic skills in children 5-7 years old: A guide for preschool teachers. - M .: Humanitizd. Center VLADOS, 2001.

11. Korchikova, O. V. Arts and crafts in preschool institutions (series "The World of Your Child"). - Rostov N / A: Phoenix, 2002.

12. Kosminskaya, VB, Khalezova N.B. Fundamentals of the fine arts and methods of guiding the fine arts of children: Lab. workshop: Textbook for students ped. Institutes in the specialty No. 2110 "Pedagogy and Psychology" (preschool) - M .: Education, 2000.

13. Krylova, O. N., Samsonova L.Yu. Lesson development on labor training. 1 class. Tutorial. - M .: ed. "Exam", 2006. - p.86.

14. Makhmutov, M.I. Modern lesson: Questions of theory, Moscow, 2003, p. 92.

15. Mayorova, I.G. Labor training in primary school. - M., 1978 .-- p. 147.6 Guidelines to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" (compiled by L.V. Russkova) - M .: Education, 2006.

16. Nemensky, B.M. The wisdom of beauty // On the problems of aesthetic education: A book for a teacher. - M., 2001 .-- p. 210.

17. Novozhilov, E. D. Technology and entrepreneurship. - M .: MPU, 2006 .-- p. 87.

18. Basic concepts of technology education. Study guide... Author-comp .: Solov'yanuk, V.G. - Birsk, 2007 .-- p. 114.

19. Panteleeva L.V. etc. Artistic work in kindergartens: A book for a kindergarten teacher (L.V. Panteleeva, E. Kamenov, M. Stanoevich. - M .: Education, 2007.

20. Preparing a technology teacher for a lesson. Study guide, author-compiled by: V.G. Solovyanuk. - Birsk, 2007 .-- p. 139.

21. Pozhidaeva, S. P. Term and final qualification works at the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship. - Birsk: state. sots-ped. Acad., 2006 .-- p. 43.

22. Samorodsky, P.S. Didactic basics special teacher training for technology and entrepreneurship. - Bryansk: BSPU Publishing House, 2000. - p.68.


    With glue

    With a needle

    On a sewing machine



    Choice of fabric slide

    selection of fabric:

    In contrasting colors

    Soft pastel colors

    it is better to choose fabric:

    With vegetable pattern

    Abstract pattern

    Blurry pattern

    Plain dyed



    : slide

    Operating procedure: slide

    Guys, where are the applications used? Slide 9

    The applique is used to decorate the household items around us, such as cushions.

  • The application can be used to decorate napkins, aprons, bright potholders, a teapot heating pad, handbags, headwear,


I... Parts blank (main part, applique parts, non-woven fabric)




- Do not bite the threads with your teeth - you can ruin the enamel and injure your lips.

V. Lesson summary 10 min

1.Questions to review:

What is applique?

- Translated from the Latin word, applique means "attachment." Fabric applique - sewing on top.

-Check for color fastness, and when making overhead sewing from pieces of thin fabrics - glue from the wrong side with flesilin or doublerin to protect the threads from shedding along the cuts.


2 minutes

View document content
"" Types and methods of making the application ""

Technology lesson.

"Types and methods

execution of the application "

Designed by a technology teacher

Mikhailovsky branch

MBOU "Shchekinskaya average

comprehensive school"

Polyakova Olga Nikolaevna

year 2013

Lesson outline

Lesson topic “ Types and methods of making an applique »

Lesson objectives:

I. To acquaint with the technical conditions and methods of executing the invoice application, to teach how to perform it.

II. To develop an understanding of the relationship between the practical purpose of the product, its shape, material and color with decoration;

understanding of the need for decorative processing of objects and images depicted in embroidery the real world.

III. To improve the ability of children to aesthetic perception of arts and crafts.

Visual aids: tables with pictures, Decoration Materials, samples of types of finishes: appliqués, embroidery, sketches of the arrangement of patterns; types of seams: looped, tambour, stalked, cruciform.

Equipment and tools: projector, screen, laptop, iron, ironing board, scissors, needles, one-color fabric, pattern for applique, floss threads, ribbon for decoration.

During the classes

I.Organizational part.

II.Updating basic knowledge.

Guys, the topic of our lesson is “Application. Types and methods of application execution ".

Translated from the Latin word, applique means "attachment."

- You have already done this type of work, the applique comes from what materials?

From paper;

Natural material.

Let's build a logic diagram and see what the application is.

(students have sold out houses on their desks with words)slide

III. Formation of new skills and abilities.

Overhead sewing has existed for a long time. People decorate their clothes and other household items, putting on them in accordance with the pattern various pieces of material - fabric, leather, fur - and fixing them with threads on the fabric with various hand stitches.

Applications are divided: slide

    By appointment (decoration, renovation, repair)

    By materials - by the type of fabrics used to make it.

    By the method of attachment (machine, manual, adhesive, removable).

    In appearance (slotted or lined, flat, convex).

    By theme (ornamental, natural, fantasy).

Types of applications slide

application is:

    simple slide

    volumetric slide

    semi-volumetric slide

    removable slide

    multilayer slide

Methods for attaching the applique to the fabric slide

Applique elements are attached to the base:

    with glue

    with a needle

    on a sewing machine

Applique elements are attached to the base: with a needleslide

What hand stitches do you know?

Answer: straight, looped, vestibule, oblique, cruciform.

In this case, the stitches should fit snugly together. In addition to manual techniques, various decorative stitches are used, performed on modern sewing machines. slide

Choice of fabric slide

selection of fabric:

    on contrasting colors

    soft pastel colors

it is better to choose fabric:

    with vegetable pattern

    abstract pattern

    vague pattern

    plain dyed

Remember the color combination

  • cold


It is necessary to choose the right fabric : slide

Operating procedure: slide

On the prepared fabric, a pattern is applied for applique and fixed with pins.

Details of the pattern are applied to the main background fabric with floss, silk, or lavsan threads

Guys, where n do you use appliqués? Slide 9

    The applique is used to decorate the household items around us, such as cushions.

    The application can be used to decorate napkins, aprons, bright potholders, a teapot heating pad, handbags, headwear,

    Magnificent paintings serve as home decoration

IV.Application of the acquired skills.

Practical independent work... Performance practical work according to instruction cards.

The main stages of the application

I... Parts procurement(main part, applique details, flizilin)

II.Bout an appliqué along the edge to the main fabric-background with small stitches "forward to the needle".

III... Sew the appliqué along the edge of the fabric with hand stitches or machine zigzag stitches.

Before proceeding with the application, it is necessary to properly organize the workplace, draw the students' attention to the observance of the aesthetic requirements during the application: stitch length, color of threads and background fabric.

Recall the rules of safe work when using needle scissors. And follow these rules while working.

Current briefing. Point out mistakes that students can make while doing work, and help fix them.


- Scissors with closed blades should be to the right of the worker with rings towards him. They are passed by closing with blades, rings forward.

- Do not sew with a rusty or dull needle.

- Do not stick needles into clothes, tables or other objects. Store the needles in a pincushion or pillow.

- Do not bite the threads with your teeth - you can ruin the enamel and injure your lips.

V.Lesson summary 10 min

1 .Questions to review:

What is applique?

- Translated from the Latin word, applique means "attachment." Fabric applique - sewing on top.

How to prepare fabric for applique?

-Check for color fastness, and when making overhead sewing from pieces of thin fabrics - glue from the wrong side with flesilin or doublerin to protect the threads from shedding along the cuts.

What stitches are used to attach the applique?

- Looped, vestibule, oblique, cruciform.

How to transfer a drawing to fabric?

- The translation of the drawing is carried out using carbon paper, or using a template

2. Analysis of the work performed and evaluation

evaluate each work, taking into account the accuracy and correctness of the hand stitches of the sewn applique.

Arrange an exhibition of completed works

Bottom line: Applique, or patch sewing is a very interesting, simple and not labor-intensive type of creative work. 2 minutes

Cleaning of the workplace by each girl.