Toilet cistern repair - malfunctions and their elimination. Which toilet flush mechanism is better to choose - types, differences, advantages and disadvantages Toilet flush button device

The toilet has been successfully installed and connected to the sewer system. What to do next?

Of course, install the drain mechanism! The correct operation of the drain system as a whole directly depends on how competently and efficiently the drain fittings are installed and adjusted.

According to its design, the valve is a device whose main function is to ensure the timely and correct filling of the tank with water after draining.

After reviewing the information below, you will learn about the existing varieties of drain mechanisms and the principles of their operation, installation procedures and methods for eliminating typical malfunctions.

Varieties and principle of operation of drain valves

Most often, tanks equipped with a push-button drain mechanism are installed in residential buildings and apartments. This design has proven itself as a solid, high-quality and reliable system. The button is placed on the side or in the center of the tank bowl. The design is traditionally used in combination with closed tanks.

Along with this, original systems equipped with levers and chains are becoming more and more popular - the fashion is back. This option is well suited for use in combination with a hanging tank.

The trigger mechanism itself can be manual (the user independently sets the optimal volume of drained water by holding the button pressed for a certain time) or automatic.

To "start" the tank, you must press the shutter button. In the case of a mechanical drain valve, the principle is that water continues to flow as long as the user keeps the button pressed. In automatic systems, the volume of drained water is set initially.

Having learned to navigate the design features and principles of operation of the drain fittings, you can repair or replace it on your own.

The first main element of the system is the filling valve– this device is designed to regulate the water level in the drain tank. The float is responsible for indicating the amount of water - the product is connected to the filling valve by means of a brass rod.

In older models of drain fittings, the valve was installed on the side, and the float was located horizontally. In modern models, the principle of operation has remained traditional, but the float is now located in a vertical position, and the filling valve is located at the bottom of the bowl.

The second main element is the drain and overflow mechanism. The modern drain system looks like plastic fittings, complete with start buttons. The drain is connected to the overflow and set devices.

To activate the drain device, it is necessary to press the trigger of the drain system. To prevent excess water from pouring out of the tank, the drain mechanism is connected to the overflow device. This ensures efficient disposal of excess water into the sewer.

An important function in such a system is performed by a float valve. It is connected to a float that controls the water level. If the float breaks, the tank starts to leak.

Drainage mechanisms also differ in accordance with the characteristics of the installation site.

Yes, in one-piece construction the drain is “started” by pressing the release mechanism. Under the influence of a special thrust, the drain valve opens. The drain into the overflow, at the same time, is blocked. Water continues to flow smoothly as long as the user holds the shutter button.

As the amount of water in the tank decreases, the drain valve closes, as a result of which the overflow drain is blocked. In parallel with this, the float valve opens.

Vertical valve returns to its original position, releasing the trigger mechanism. At the same time, the drain hole is closed. A decrease in the amount of water in the tank causes the float to lower, which ensures the opening of the float valve.

The drain bowl is filled through the tap. The tank stops filling when the water reaches a certain level. The float returns back, the drain is blocked by the float.

The principle of operation of the wall tank somewhat different. Here, the main drain element is a siphon - a soft corrugated tube.

The trigger mechanism is usually equipped with a metal lever. Pressing the lever opens the end of the corrugation, which opens the outlet for water.

The procedure is as follows:

  • the user presses the water release lever - the siphon opens;
  • water enters the siphon hole;
  • as the amount of water decreases, the float lowers, which leads to the opening of the float valve;
  • through the said valve, the tank capacity is filled with water;
  • water is poured until the float rises;
  • after the float rises, the valve closes, which eliminates the risk of overfilling the tank.

Ways to install and replace drain fittings

The installation of the drain mechanism is violated after the installation of the toilet bowl and its connection to the sewer system is completed.

The work is carried out in several stages.

The first stage is the installation of fittings in the tank. Follow the steps below:

  • install the rubber gasket on the drain mechanism;
  • place the mechanism in the tank and fix it with the nut from the kit;
  • put the washers and gaskets from the kit on the mounting bolts;
  • place the bolts in the holes;
  • on the reverse side, put on the washer and tighten the nut;
  • put the rubber ring on the nut;
  • lubricate the connections with a sealant.

Helpful advice! Carefully examine the condition of all structural elements. Treat suspicious places with sealant - this will eliminate the risk of further leaks.

The second stage is the installation of the tank. Do the following:

  • place the tank on the toilet seat. Fix with nuts;
  • mount and fix the filling mechanism;
  • connect the sleeve from the water pipe;
  • install the tank cover;
  • screw on the drain button.

Helpful advice! At the stage of putting on the water pipe sleeve, refrain from additional winding of anything on the thread of the connected mechanism. Make sure that there are no distortions, otherwise the thread may break and the part may deteriorate.

Thus, installing a cistern drain mechanism is not an overly complicated undertaking. In any case, detailed instructions with illustrated images will be included with the fittings - be sure to read the manufacturer's recommendations.

In some situations, the drain mechanism requires additional tuning and adjustment. To adjust the height of the drain valve, do the following:

  • disconnect the draft from the overflow pipe;
  • press the glass lock;
  • move the stand up or down.

To adjust the water level in the drain tank, do the following:

  • lower or raise the glass along the guide. Important! There must be at least 4.5 cm of free space between the top edge of the toilet tank and the top of the glass;
  • mount the overflow pipe 2 cm above the maximum water level. At the same time, the pipe must be located 7 cm below the top level of the rack.

To adjust the small flush, move the small flush float up or down in relation to the overflow tube. To set a complete flush, move the damper in the desired direction in relation to the glass.

Important note! When adjusting the drain mechanism for a small or full flush, it should be understood that changing the position of the damper or float down will lead to an increase in water consumption during the drain.

Identification and elimination of simple breakdowns

Even with the correct installation of a high-quality drain mechanism, over time it can fail. You are invited to read information about the most common faults and recommendations for troubleshooting them yourself.

Complicated breakdowns

Among the more complex breakdowns compared to the previous failures, one point can be singled out - the flow of the drain tank. In this case, firstly, you need to adjust the float valve by changing the float thrust.

To decrease or increase the water level, lower or raise the float. Secondly, it is necessary to adjust the valve itself. The necessary recommendations have already been made.

Now you know how the toilet flush mechanism works, and you can install the necessary fittings on your own, significantly saving on the services of third-party plumbers and doing everything with the highest quality, because each stage of work will be controlled by you personally.


Each toilet has a tank for draining water. This product is made from different materials, and the toilet flush itself may differ from similar products in shape and installation method. As for the principle of operation, it is almost the same for all drain tanks. According to the installation method, these devices are of three types:

  • a compact cistern that is installed directly on the toilet bowl;
  • products for draining water, built into the wall - most often they are used together with hanging toilets;
  • hanging tank (such as in the photo) - it is installed at a certain height and attached to the toilet bowl using a drain pipe.

Water supply to the drain tank

The design solution of all flush cisterns assumes the presence of two mechanisms - a water supply and a drain system for the toilet bowl.

Devices responsible for filling tanks with water are of two options:

  • with side feed;
  • with bottom feed.
In the first case, these products are float valves designed for tanks, the water in which flows from the side to the top. They have a simple device, but in the process of their use, noise is heard. Such products are mainly manufactured at domestic enterprises.

The valve consists of two parts:
  • housing with a membrane in it, which is responsible for shutting off and opening the water supply to the tank;
  • float connected by means of a lever to the body. Rising and falling when the water level in the tank changes, the float controls the lever. That, in turn, affects the stem and the membrane fixed on it, thereby opening or blocking the access of water through the valve.
Bottom feed systems are more expensive, but they are much quieter. Such a mechanism is more complicated: in it the float moves along a vertical rod specially designed for this, but the principle of operation of the structure is similar.

The device for shutting off the liquid supply is actuated by means of a special rod, which is connected to the float and at the same time acts as a water level limiter in the tank.

Adjusting the water level in the toilet tanks

Sometimes the amount of water in the cistern needs to be adjusted for reasons of economy or to increase the force of the water flow when the toilet flush is operated.

To do this, you will need to perform a number of actions:

  • in older systems where side feed is carried out and an ordinary metal wire is used as a lever (to connect the valve and the float), to change the level of the float rise, as a result of which the membrane will block water access, this wire is simply bent. By bending it upwards, you can increase the volume of water required to close the valve, but when bending downwards, reduce it. This is not very convenient, sometimes the toilet bowl does not draw water, and other nuances also arise;
  • in modern systems that provide lateral water flow, a plastic rod is used as a lever instead of a wire, which, of course, cannot be bent. The required level in them is regulated by moving the float along the axis of the float. This element is fastened with a thread or a latch, which must be pressed out before the float can be moved. So, to increase the volume of water, it is necessary to move the float closer to the valve body and thus make the lever length shorter;
  • in systems where a bottom water supply for draining is provided, adjustment is easier. You just need to shorten or lengthen the plastic rod that limits the liquid level in the tank, which connects the valve lever to the float. Usually there is a thread on the limiter, and the float rests on it, and a standard plastic nut is used to adjust the height.

Toilet flush device

The device for draining water in the toilet can be located on the side or on top of the plumbing fixture. The second option involves the installation of a hanging tank, but such a product is currently practically not used in sanitary facilities. Therefore, it will not be considered in the article.

At the same time, the top device for draining the toilet is used on all modern models of plumbing fixtures.

The most popular toilet flush device today is a rubber pear, the operation of which is simple. A button is installed on the lid of the tank for draining. When it is pressed, a lever is activated that lifts the rubber bulb from the saddle, and then the water from the tank is directed to the drain hole of the device.

In some cases, not a button and a lever are used, but a long stem that needs to be lifted up - such a mechanism is simpler. It should be noted that the modern device of the toilet flush system is more technologically advanced and complex. See also: "Toilet device - what you need to know".

Installation of a drain tank

When the self-installation of the toilet flush mechanism is performed, the home craftsman should not have any special problems. Most often, installing a flush tank on the toilet can be done by hand, without seeking the services of professionals.

The procedure for installing a toilet flush mechanism is as follows:

  1. Collect the drain device. First, a special gasket is installed on its thread, which is included with the purchased plumbing fixture.
  2. After that, the toilet flush device is inserted into the process hole of the tank and screwed with a wide plastic nut (details: ""). Often, in the instructions for plumbing, it is recommended to mount a valve for supplying liquid until the drain container is installed on the toilet bowl. But experts note that after this it will be difficult to fasten the coupling bolts when placing the tank. It is unlikely that a person’s hand will be able to reach the bolt located in the water tank - the valve will prevent it.

    Therefore, the second step is to install the cream tank on the bowl of the plumbing fixture. Before installing the toilet drain, a gasket is placed on the device and the tank itself is placed on the device so that the holes for the tie bolts on the drain container and the bowl match.

  3. To screw the drain tank to the bowl, the coupling bolts are used, putting special gaskets and plastic washers on them.
  4. After installing the filling mechanism, a pipeline for supplying water is connected to it.
  5. Replace the tank lid and screw the drain button.

Faults in the operation of drain tanks

If water is not supplied to the tank or its supply is not blocked, then the cause of the malfunction lies either in the float or in the liquid supply valve. Floats are made in the form of a hollow cylinder or an inverted glass. A damaged product in the first case cannot be repaired, and the problem can be fixed by replacing it or buying the entire valve.

With a float in the form of an inverted glass, if trouble happens, it can become overgrown with various deposits and dirt. As a result, this element does not work well. You can eliminate the shortcomings by cleaning it.

When the float is in perfect order, but the water does not stop flowing into the tank, then the cause of the malfunction is a worn valve membrane. Usually a spare product is included with the float. The membrane can be purchased separately. The protective cap is removed from the valve, the old membrane is removed and replaced with a new product. A small hole in the valve must be cleaned, otherwise water will stop flowing through it.

The toilet flusher is not complicated, so it can be easily installed or repaired if necessary.

Now it is difficult to imagine how people could live in a house without a toilet. But the bathroom today should be with the most modern equipment, otherwise you won’t get ease of use and comfort. In any bathroom, the toilet is given a central place. The drain mechanism is slightly different for different models, so special attention should be paid to the trigger - the drain tank valve, which we will consider in more detail today.

Drainage groups

There are only two types of toilet flush mechanisms that stand out depending on how they are put into operation:

pressure The second name is push-button, in which the drain can be:
  1. Single mode - there is only one key or button that you need to press to throw water from the tank into the toilet.
  2. Dual-mode - the device consists of 2 halves or two buttons. One serves to drain half of the water from the tank, the second opens the mechanism for its complete emptying. The second name is a cistern valve with 2 buttons.

A third type has also been developed - with a stop function. It is equipped with one key, but the water can merge in different ways. For adjustment it is necessary to press the button several times. For example, with the first press you open the water, and with the second you block its descent.

exhaust They are also called stock. This is due to the fact that to activate the device, you need to lift the stem up with the handle, after which the drain hole will open. Recently released toilet models do not have such a system.

Float valves

Used to supply and discharge water.

Devices have the following types:

  1. Croydon valve- consists of a shell, a lever axis on a float, a saddle and a piston, its price is the lowest. The lever moves perpendicularly, dragging the piston along with it. The system is usually used in old cisterns, which are extremely rare today.
  2. Piston valve- equipped with a lever axle, which is fixed in a forked cotter pin. The movement of the lever in a horizontal direction sets the piston in motion, which periodically touches the seat, which allows you to adjust the flow of water into the tank. At the end it has a seal, which, in contact with the seat, blocks the flow of water. This valve model is widely distributed today.
  3. Diaphragm valve- instead of a gasket, the design uses a membrane made of rubber or silicone, which is displaced during the movement of the piston. Thanks to this, at the right time, it can block the incoming flow of water. This type of device is the newest and most modern, usually used in the latest models of cistern. Below we will consider precisely its design features and the arrangement of the mechanism.

Modern toilet cistern valves


  1. The float diaphragm valve allows you to quickly draw water into the tank.
  2. Noise or soundless filling depends on the quality of the selected armature.
  3. With it, you can turn off the water very quickly, unlike previous models.

Among the shortcomings - the instruction requires only a constant pressure in the water supply network for the normal operation of the device. Its parameters should be 0.05-0.1 MPa. In addition, the purity of the water also plays a special role, otherwise the valve will quickly fail. Alas, in most cases outside the city these conditions are often not achieved.

The next point that cannot be ignored is the quality of the locking and shaped elements. The material for manufacturing must be of high quality and no defects are allowed in its production, otherwise the period of use of the products will be significantly reduced.

The device will have to be changed often, because repair in this case will not help. Making a new membrane with your own hands is unrealistic.

How the valve works

The inlet valve of the tank has its own principle of operation, which must be dealt with before carrying out work to repair or replace it.

Let's look at the process in more detail below.

  1. The first stage - the valve is open, and water begins to flow into the tank. At the same time, the membrane moves away under the action of the water flow and does not interfere with it. Only the preliminary compartment is filled.
    To allow water to enter the tank itself, a special hole is made in the compartment. The process is similar in mechanism to the operation of devices equipped with valves with a stem, only with a diaphragm stretched over a piston.
    It has a clearance for the passage of a plastic rod, which also has a clearance of Ø1 mm. Because of this, a small part of the water enters the filling chamber, which is formed by the piston and the membrane.
    When the float is lowered, a hole Ø0.5 mm opens in the piston, through which a little water can enter the tank. This allows you to ensure the same pressure in the preliminary, filling compartments and behind the last one. In fact, this is the difference between diaphragm and stem valve design.
  2. The second stage - water enters the tank, raising the float up. At the same time, the level of the rod with a rubber seal begins to increase, which closes the hole. Further movement of the rod presses the piston and the diaphragm more strongly against the seat, due to which the filling compartment is sealed. The water pressure created also helps. The membrane is pressed tightly against the saddles, and water stops flowing into the tank.
  3. The third stage is the descent of water. At this moment, the pressure of the float on the rod stops, which stops closing the hole in the piston, due to which the pressure in the filling compartment begins to decrease. At this point, the water pressure displaces the membrane, and the operation of the tank goes into the first stage.

Troubleshooting the mechanism

Water is not drawn into the tank or the supply is not blocked:

  1. This is usually due to clogging of one of the holes.
  2. The second option is the failure of the membrane or stem.

Tip: you need to disassemble the device and look at all its elements that need to be cleaned and rinsed.

  1. Another reason for such malfunctions is low pressure in the plumbing system or its jumps during the day. The device may also not work because of this. (See also the article.)

If the pressure is too low, no water enters the tank at all. For example, in a suspended structure, it will not even reach the filling chamber. The float will float, but will not block the flow.

Tip: as an option, increase the water inlets by drilling them out by 2-3 mm.


Today, the device of the drain valve, which is used in the toilet bowl, was considered, the reasons why the equipment may fail. With this knowledge, you will be able to deal with these problems on your own. The video in this article will provide an opportunity to find additional information on the above topic.

Each modern house has plumbing fixtures necessary for a comfortable stay. Among them, toilet devices are of particular importance. Their high performance is achieved by improving the cistern trigger system. The flush tank is one of the main elements of the toilet, which is a ceramic bowl with mechanisms for releasing and collecting water.

Differences flush cisterns for toilets

The modern plumbing market offers a range of drain devices. different kinds and types. Toilet bowls are classified according to many criteria, which are presented below.


Modern drain devices are still installed in the traditional way, creating fused design with a toilet bowl. This design is good because there is no need to mount an exhaust pipe, which serves as a conductor between the drain device and the toilet bowl.

Wall-hung toilets and hidden structures are gaining more and more popularity. In the first case, the tank is suspended at a certain height above the toilet. This setting helps strong water pressure which means a good plum. The main disadvantage of the suspended structure is the excessive noise generated when the toilet is flushed. In general, this design is considered very convenient and practical. The appearance of such a system will fit perfectly into the interior of a retro room.

For apartments with European-quality renovation, the installation installation will be an ideal option. The tank is installed in the wall in such a way that it becomes completely invisible in the restroom. To start such a system, just press a special button on the panel.

Trigger type

The most common are drain cisterns having push button trigger. It has proven to be a reliable and durable system. Push-button descent is located in the center or side of the drain bowl. This design is always used for closed types of cisterns.

Increasingly, they began to produce drain devices equipped with levers or chains. Typically, such a mechanism is placed on the side of the drain system. To drain the water, pull the chain or lever. This is a fairly convenient design for a hanging drain bowl. The trigger mechanism itself, regardless of the installation method, can be either manual, when the user himself sets the volume of flushed water by pressing the button for a certain time, or automatic.


According to the material, drain tanks are divided into: ceramic, cast iron, plastic.

At the moment cast iron drain bowls practically never produced. In some houses such rarities have been preserved. They continue to be used, not wanting to replace outdated material with more modern counterparts.

The most popular and affordable are faience cisterns, which are used for both continuous and hinged structures. Plastic bowls are used for drain systems built into the wall. Such tanks have a non-standard less voluminous shape.

The way the mechanism works

According to this criterion, tanks with mechanical and automatic modes are distinguished. In the first case, just press the start button. For cisterns with a mechanical lever, the principle of operation is that water flows while the user presses the button.

The main elements of the drain tank

Knowledge of the components of the drain device allows you to repair the tank or replace the failed parts yourself.

  • Fill valve. This is a device that regulates the level of water in the tank. A float acts as an indicator of the amount of water, which is connected to the filling valve using a brass rod. In early models of drains, the filling valve was located on the side, the float was in a horizontal position. In modern systems, manufacturers, retaining the traditional principle of operation, placed the filling valve at the very bottom of the drain bowl, and placed the float vertically.
  • Drain and overflow mechanism. The modern drain system is a plastic fitting equipped with start buttons. The drain is connected to the devices for collecting and overflowing water. When the trigger is pressed, the drain system comes into action. To prevent excess water from spilling out, the drain mechanism connected to the overflow device. Due to this, excess water goes into the sewer system. In this mechanism, a very important role is played by a float valve, which is connected to a float that regulates the water level. When the float valve fails, the water in the tank begins to leak.

The principle of operation of the tank (one-piece construction)

The principle of operation of the wall drain tank

Unlike a traditional cistern, the main element of the wall-mounted cistern is siphon. It is a soft corrugated tube. A metal lever is usually used for the trigger mechanism, when pressed, water comes out through the open end of the corrugated siphon tube. Principle of operation wall-mounted cistern consists of the following:

  • When the trigger lever is pressed, the valve opens the siphon.
  • Into the hole in the siphon water flow.
  • When the volume of water in the cistern decreases level indicator (float) goes down thus opening the float valve. Through it, the tank is filled with water.
  • Water fills the container of the bowl until the float rises. Once this happens, float valve closes thereby preventing the tank from overflowing with water.

Common cistern problems

Thus, the choice of a drain tank depends on its material, mechanism and installation of the structure. Knowing the principles of operation of the drain device, you can independently adjust the mechanism in case of its failure or correctly install the toilet bowl in case of purchasing a new device.

The flush mechanism for the toilet is usually included with the toilet. However, you need to choose a reliable drain device for the tank. If you understand all the nuances of the drain system, the features of installing a drain tank, as well as fixing the most common problems, you will significantly save yourself money, time, and nerves. Moreover, you will not have to conflict with your neighbors because of their flooding.

  • 1 Drain installation methods
  • 2 Features of plums
  • 3 Faults and solutions

Drain installation methods

The drain, that is, the drain tank, can be installed in one of three ways. Each of them has its own characteristics. In this case, the choice of the method of draining the toilet is selected individually.

  1. The tank mount is high enough above the toilet. From an aesthetic point of view, this is not the best option. Such designs seem to send us back to Soviet times. But such a system has clear advantages. These include ease of access to the drain, easy repairs. Also, do not forget about the force of attraction. Since the tank is located above the toilet bowl, water will flow to the drain hole, through the pipe and into the toilet bowl at a faster rate. Therefore, flushing efficiency will be greatly improved.
  2. Installation on the toilet or platform. Choosing this option, the connection is made using rubber cuffs. As a result, the design is more attractive in appearance, and also takes up much less space.
  3. Wall installation. Embedding a tank inside the walls began not so long ago. A similar installation option is possible provided that the house is undergoing a major overhaul. Embedding will significantly save space, and access to the tank repair system will be provided through the hole in the drain button.

Features of plums

It should be noted that plums for toilet bowls, in terms of the mechanism of their work, can be divided into two types:

  • Single mode;
  • Dual-mode.

The peculiarity of the single-mode is simple - the drain is carried out once, using all the water that is in the tank at once. In the case of dual mode, only half of the tank is used. This is true for large families where they think about saving water.

Despite the difference in the mechanism of operation, the principle of operation remains identical for all toilet bowls. Only shut-off valves may have certain differences in their operation. In some cases, shut-off valves are located at the ends of tubular rods, which act as overflows for excess water. In other situations, shut-off valves are opened and closed using a chain made of plastic or metal. Such systems are not the most successful, because they break quickly.

If we talk about the buttons in the toilet flush system, then they are divided into two types. The first type is independent of each other, the fastening is carried out to the lid using chains, or by screwing into the drain mechanism. The second type opens the valves with plastic levers.

Descending devices can be of two types:

  1. side systems. They are used on those tanks that are located high enough above the toilet. To start the mechanism, pull the fixed chain on the side. There are also side systems with buttons. On such tanks, the button is on the side, and they are used when the tank is low.
  2. upper systems. They are relevant for drain cisterns, which are located below, or built into the walls. The mechanism works due to the button, the head installed on top of the tank. By the way, the mechanism can be manual or automatic.

Faults and solutions

The drain system has a number of characteristic malfunctions that we encounter quite often. The main ones are associated with the inability to keep water inside the tank, or with damage to various components.

  1. The most common problem is a damaged lever. Alas, their design has become quite complex in modern toilets, and the elements themselves are made of plastic. It turns out that it is not possible to repair them. Therefore, the only solution to the problem is to replace the broken, damaged structural element with a new one.
  2. Another common failure is water overflow. To remedy the situation, you will need to adjust the mechanism, namely, raise the overflow a little higher so that it is located below the holes that are located on the tank body. After that, the position of the float is adjusted so that the water closes at a lower level than the overflow of the drains.
  3. If water leaks through the shut-off valves, the cause must be determined. There may be two. The first is to dry the membrane made of rubber. To remedy the situation, the drain tank is disconnected, in the upper part of which the gasket is located. It is removed by turning it counterclockwise. After that, it is very easy to replace the membrane. The second reason may be that the valve is clogged with debris, sediment from dirty water. You can fix the problem by simply cleaning the space under the valve.

Do not forget that during the repair of the tank, you should turn off the tap that supplies water to the tank. Otherwise, you will run into puddles. A couple of scrolls to the right side will save you from unnecessary trouble, allow you to easily, quickly and easily carry out repairs.

We can say that the toilet flush can work for a long time, very effectively, subject to fairly simple conditions. The first is to get a good toilet with a reliable, efficient flushing system. The second is to carry out periodic preventive maintenance, which will significantly extend the life of the drain system, as well as save you from unnecessary repair troubles. Whatever one may say, but prevention is much cheaper than repair. This applies not only to toilets, but also to a number of other equipment used in every house and apartment.