Bed made to order. Making sofas to order

When do people make beds to order? Only when they are not satisfied with the offers of stores. The main reason: the need to meet the dimensions. Are you fighting for every centimeter? Bed to order - a solution that will help!

Do you like beds from Europe and America?
Order a similar one! The style will remain the same, but the price will be lower and the foundation stronger. You will win not only such necessary centimeters, you will also save up to half of its cost!

Of course, the beds are different. Someone needs one, and someone else. You like soft fabric? How about touching the skin? All those nails and folds that the eye clings to?

Us - yes! When, looking at the fabric, you already see the result - it inspires! You understand how the thread will look in the line and you know how the button will behave.

Our beds are primarily fabric, leather and a large storage box. Looking for a bed in soft upholstery? Order from us! We make beautiful and strong beds for a reasonable price. And, most importantly, in the dimensions you need!

In short, our beds differ in size, reliability and weight. We are sure that the big weight is our big plus! A heavy object retains inertia better, which means that the bed will not swing and move along the floor. The beds are equipped with different orthopedic bases. We put on a choice: from cheap ones with wide lamellas to bases in the "Lux" version, with additional rubber shock absorbers. At the request of the customer, the beds are equipped with a lifting mechanism and a reinforced drawer bottom.

We offer

We are for strength and long service! Do you agree with our approach? It's great when the customer is on the same wavelength with us! Of course, it would be nice to make a bed for twenty or twenty-five thousand. Take into account the limitations and choose better materials. Is it possible? I would very much like to! But quality needs time, money and skills. As you get older, you realize that everything has a price. We get what we pay for. It is hardly worth counting on something reliable when you save on every screw.

Decide what is more important to you: low price or a good thing. If you wish, without really trying, you will find a bed cheaper than 10,000 rubles. Factories of the "economy" segment make beds in a stream and at a low price. The main advantage of these beds is that they are cheap and their service life is enough for the warranty period. This is often a plus. Everyone chooses their own priorities. It makes no sense to buy a good bed while living in a rented apartment. A cheap resource is enough.

The product to order always "falls out" from the general list. It is unlikely that a bed made "for a long time" and taking into account your wishes will meet expectations at a low price. I'm talking, of course, about professional work. We are not trying to compete with the conveyor of cheap beds for twenty to thirty thousand rubles. For a small workshop, this is pointless. We make custom made beds.

We are sure - all the best is made to order! This is a different approach to the customer and a different result. It is unlikely that we will make a bed cheaper than stock, but it will definitely be better. Our beds are many times stronger and much more reliable. And at the same time - taking into account your limitations. Like it or not, but most often decide difficult task only an individual approach helps.

Beds of our customers

A custom-made bed is always a solution to some problem. In addition, of course, the main one is to serve as a place to sleep. Someone has little space, but you want to sleep on the bed, not on the sofa. Someone will place the bed and bedside tables in the limited space of a small room. Someone wants a set of bed and wall panels in one upholstery. And someone wants to get an analogue of an expensive bed for less money. A few examples of what our customers have received by trusting us.


beautiful bed v laconic design. Upholstered straight from France. Solved several problems. The main ones are to reduce the production time and get the bed in the right fabric. The fabric is really great. Among other things, the composition of cotton and acrylic. A meter of fabric weighs more than a kilogram.

The seemingly simple design of the bed hides the "pitfalls". High legs "eat" part of the sidewalls and can make the bed wobbly. We increased the rigidity of the frame by using 45mm thick plywood. Each tsarga weighs about 30 kilograms. Even without a mattress, it turned out to be a heavy structure with a large margin of inertia.

Customers like it when the joint of the sidewalls is hidden under the upholstery. And I like to sleep on wide mattresses. To save on shipping, the beds are made collapsible. Therefore, the junction is inevitable. The most practical way to make the seam invisible is to use a Velcro cover for the sides. In most projects, we do just that.

Fabric with a pattern is always more interesting. But drawing requires more fabric and more skill in work. Simple, at first glance, the task is to pick up and combine the pattern on the corner. In fact, there are a lot of nuances. However, as always. Not every seamstress can do it. We succeed. ☺

Beds for children

Two beds for two brothers, Cyril and Alexander. The children are ten and twelve years old. The age is small, so the guys have common room. But the house is big, there is enough space. Later, each of them will have their own room.

The main task was to get the beds in the right upholstery. It was not possible to pick up ready-made. Therefore, the beds decided to make to order. Ordering a bed in an individual design, you get what you need. And do not choose from what the factory has to offer.

The beds have a headboard and a footboard. Sidewalls do not fit with each other. Therefore, it makes no sense to make a Velcro cover. We upholstered the drawers in the workshop and brought them to the site completely ready for assembly.

The base is an important part of the bed. In fact, this is the bed. It depends on the base how comfortable you will be and how long the mattress on which you will sleep will last. Most often in our beds we use the bases "Letto de Lux" of the Russian factory Via Ferrata. These are improved versions of the bases with narrow lamellas. They have additional rubber shock absorbers made in Belgium. Made for mattresses large quantity springs. Each spring has its own support.

Final assembly in the workshop. Before sending the beds to the customer, you need to check everything. Surprises at the facility are useless. We prefer to make sure everything is in order.

Bed 205cm wide

It is pleasant to sleep on a wide bed. But, unfortunately, it happens that there is enough space for a mattress, but there is no more room for a bed. Ekaterina designer. Our customer with "experience". I ran into just such a situation.

There are switches and sockets on the sides of the bed. There used to be another bed here. In a different design and with a mattress of a different width. At cosmetic repairs the customers decided to replace the bed with a wider one. Faced with the fact that the new bed covers one of the switches. Moving electric points in an already renovated room is difficult and dusty. I would have to repaint the entire wall. Therefore, the main task was to leave a new mattress and fit the bed between the switches.

On the one hand, making a bed of the desired width is not difficult. The sidewalls are just thinner. On the other hand, this will weaken the structure of the bed. There will be no required strength. And strength is needed. Only the headboard weighed about 40 kilograms. And taking into account the weight of the mattress and the people sleeping on it, the sidewalls must withstand a load of more than 300 kg.

For each bed we draw a model. This good way agree on proportions and dimensions.

The breakdown by colors is for the convenience of our employees. Each material has its own color. More likely to avoid mistakes and rework.

The solution to the problem was the division of the bed into two components. Separate base with mattress. Separate binding. We have separated the headboard, footboard and sides from the base. Thus, the load on the sidewalls has been reduced from three hundred to one hundred kilograms. And with such a weight, they will cope with the margin.

Each project has its own budget. Everyone counts money. Initially conceived nails had to be replaced with imitation. Individual nails look cool, but cost more. The tape molding offered by us costs three times cheaper. To stay within budget, Catherine chose her.

How much does it cost to make a custom bed?

As always, it all depends on what the customer wants to receive. As we said above, our beds are reliable and durable. These are our priorities. It would be wrong to say that our beds are cheap. And it is hardly possible to create a good thing if you save on everything. The fact remains: the quality of components and the qualifications of the craftsmen have their price.

How much can a custom bed cost? A question that is difficult to answer quickly. After all, we need to understand what you want to receive. Usually we divide the bed into 2 parts: the base and the headboard. We will agree to consider the bed itself as the “base”, without the headboard.

In most cases, the cost of the base ranges from 35,000 rubles to 55,000 rubles. The difference in price depends on the cost of the upholstery material, the width of the mattress, the thickness of the sidewalls and a few more options. If we talk about the headboard, then, again, in most cases, the price will be in the range from 20,000 rubles to 30,000 rubles. The cost is affected by height and design.

The calculator below will help you get an idea of ​​our workshop prices.


Mattress width: 80cm 90cm 100cm 110cm 120cm 130cm 140cm 150cm 160cm 170cm 180cm 190cm 200cm 210cm 220cm 230cm 240cm

Base Wide slats Narrow slats Narrow slats Lux

Sidewall thickness: 4cm 6cm 8cm 10cm 12cm 14cm 16cm 20cm

Legs MDF H40mm Solid beech H40mm Solid beech H60mm Solid beech H80mm Solid beech H100mm Solid beech H120mm Solid beech H140mm

lifting mechanism

Velcro cover


Width 90cm 100cm 110cm 120cm 130cm 140cm 150cm 160cm 170cm 180cm 190cm 200cm 210cm 220cm 230cm 240cm 250cm 260cm 270cm 280cm 290cm 300cm 310cm 320cm 330cm 330cm

Height 90cm 100cm 110cm 120cm 130cm 140cm 150cm

Design Box Rectangles Alexander Redcliffe Cavendish Grosvenor Belgrave Finsbury Cleveland Portman Berkeley Ecclection York Hanover Russell Sloane Bonn Regent Memory Prada


Cutout for plinth

Body Plain 2-5 buttons 2-5 rhinestones 6-10 buttons 6-10 rhinestones 11-20 buttons 11-20 rhinestones Carriage tie with buttons Carriage tie with rhinestones 2-4 stitches 5-8 stitches 9-12 stitches 13-20 stitches

Headboard trim

Finishing inside canta No need Cloth cord Decorative twisted cord Imitation nails Nails, head to head Nails, every 3cm Large nails, every 3cm


Kiton Tesla Santorini Amara mystic

What do we make beds from?

To make a good bed, you need good materials. We work with FC brand birch plywood. Almost all parts are made from this material. Plywood is very strong. Able to withstand enormous loads without breaking. For example, we make bed sides from 30mm thick plywood. This strength is enough with a margin to safely say that such a bed will last for decades.

Perhaps you know - there are several brands of plywood, such as FSF, FK, FBK (aviation) and others. Each for its own purposes. It so happened that the most affordable brands are FK and FSF. FSF plywood is easy to use due to its size. Sheet size 244x122cm. With such dimensions, it is very convenient to make the sidewalls of the bed, they fit in the length of the sheet.

Conveniently. BUT DON'T!!!

In the production of FSF plywood, phenol-formaldehyde resins are used for gluing veneer. And this is very bad for the bedroom!

Our choice is FC brand plywood. It is environmentally friendly and, importantly, is relatively cheap. Unfortunately, this brand of plywood is produced only in sizes 152x152cm. As you understand, the side of the bed no longer fits in the dimensions of the sheet. We get around this limitation by overlapping two pieces of plywood 15mm thick. The adhesive joint is reinforced with powerful industrial staples. This way we get a solid foundation. To clarify: such a sidewall, without breaking, will withstand the weight of a car.

We use modern and technological bases in our beds. It is possible to manufacture bases and custom sizes. For example, you need a base for a children's bed measuring 126x83cm. We will do this. Or you need a 116cm base. Let's do that too! When designing a bed, mattress springs are taken into account. Different springs - different slats. Narrow - for springless mattresses and for mattresses with a high density of springs. Wide - for mattresses with traditional 108 Bonnel springs per square meter.

Each customer chooses a mattress based on personal characteristics. Mattresses differ from each other in size, thickness and base material: the density of polyurethane foam, the presence / absence of springs, the number of springs per square meter. Sometimes these mattresses are quite light, sometimes they are very heavy - up to fifty kilograms. Each weight requires its own mechanism power. A low-power elevator will not lift a heavy mattress. He just doesn't have the strength. And vice versa - a powerful lift for a light mattress will be "brute force". You just can't lower the bed. We have elevators of different capacities. For each mattress, the mechanism is selected individually.

Another difference of our beds is the bottom of the storage box. We make it from MDF 10mm thick. It is much stronger than factory offerings. For comparison - in the beds of the "economy" level, a 3 mm thick fiberboard is used. If you do not know, then fiberboard is a very dense cardboard.

How we solve problems

Unfortunately, it's impossible to know everything. Therefore, we focused on working with fabric and leather. Cooperation with experienced professionals working in other fields has made it possible to expand the possibilities of the workshop. Modern furniture production is technologically advanced and requires a large fleet of machines and equipment. As we said above, a custom-made bed is always a solution to a specific problem. For example, for this "floating" bed, we attracted partners.

If you want the mattress to last for a long time, then it is better to ensure that it is ventilated. Bases with lamellas have enough free space for air. A solid base is stronger, but does not provide the desired operating conditions. Therefore, for this bed, we used our usual base.

To ensure the necessary strength and rigidity of the bed, we have developed a massive metal frame. Our partner welders helped us in its manufacture. Thanks to their skill, the customer received a frame with 90-degree angles that is even throughout the plane. If you have come across similar works, then most likely you know that during welding the material "leads" and the result obtained may differ from the planned one.

The floating effect of the bed is achieved through the use of a plinth. And the plinth must be less bed. However, the small plinth upsets the balance of the structure. If three adults sit at the foot of this bed at the same time, they will outweigh the bed. This is at least inconvenient, if not dangerous.

Therefore, when making a floating bed, the weight distribution is different. The headboard is heavier and the base is heavier. This allows you to maintain balance and makes the use of the bed safe. In our case, the base weighed about fifty kilograms. And the width of the headboard was 3.5m.

The smaller size of the base is not the only condition for "hovering". It is desirable that it would not be visible at all. To completely "hide" the plinth, we used mirrors. A partner also helped us with the preparation of mirrors. This time is different. The mirrors were cut to size and finished around the edges. As you can see in the first photo, the reception worked. The base is not visible, the bed flies.

A third partner helped with the backlight. Workshop that deals LED lamps. The customer's builders prepared communications, and we connected the lighting. The work of several partner workshops helped us to carry out the project. When ordering a bed from us, you get not only competent work our masters. At your service and the experience of proven specialist partners. You voice your wishes, and we will implement them.

“Our life is a sheet and a bed,” - it’s hard to argue with this line from a poem by Sergei Yesenin. We spend a considerable part of our lives in a dream, and our well-being, mood and health depend on the quality of rest. One of the main conditions good night- the right bed. If you have a non-standard project, use the service of making beds to order.

It's hard to argue with this. We spend a third of our lives sleeping. And our good health largely determined by the quality of rest. Main condition healthy sleep- the right bed. Pay attention to the size and shape of the base, transformation mechanisms and functionality, orthopedic properties of the mattress. Last but not least, the design. The bed is the center of the bedroom, the main element of the interior. The general mood of the room depends on its aesthetic qualities.

The reasons may be different: the unusual geometry of the room, the need to equip sleeping places for children, furniture individual project hotel or inn, simply unwillingness to have serial standard furniture. Making beds to order provides for any changes in the design of the product, from design to the height of the backrest or legs.

Making beds to order in Moscow is one of the directions furniture factory OTTO STELE. When ordering, you can specify the dimensions and shape of the base, orthopedic properties, design features project, the presence of drawers for linen and a lifting mechanism. Our designers will help you with the choice of materials to bring your ideas to life.

How to place an individual order?

  1. Decide on a foundation. As a base, we use frames made of solid wood, plywood or MDF. The probability of deflections and breakage in such structures is practically absent.
  2. Choose a mattress. The most popular are mattresses without springs or with independent spring blocks. In the first case, fillers from environmentally friendly materials are used: holofiber, latex, coconut milk and orthopedic foam. In the second case, there are springs inside the mattress, placed in special fabric covers. Due to them, the load on the spine is significantly reduced.
  3. Evaluate alternative options. For hotel rooms, you can order a two-layer construction - a box spring. The bottom layer consists of solid wood and plywood, the top layer is the actual mattress. These beds are easy to move, transform two single beds into double beds. They have gained popularity due to their durability, low cost and individual design.

  1. Consider headboard design. This is one of the most important details the interior of the bedroom, on which the overall concept and decor of the room as a whole depends. At OTTO STELLE, it is possible to manufacture a custom-made bed with a headboard without ties, with a rectangular or carriage coupler. Leather, suede, jacquard, velor, etc. are used as upholstery materials.
  2. Calculate bed dimensions. Our specialists from high precision fulfill your wishes in terms of dimensions bed. You can choose any option to choose from: compact or large; single or double; rectangular, round or odd-shaped beds.
  3. Choose your favorite design. We are always glad to unexpected ideas, fresh views on everyday things. In the production of beds, we involve well-known designers in the work, we fulfill any dreams. Want to original finish headboards in the old Russian manner? Need a baby crib in the shape of a ship? The client's desire is the law, we are ready to select ready-made items from the catalog or create an exclusive project.

Entrust the manufacture of beds and other custom-made furniture to the specialists of the OTTO STELLE factory, for this, contact our manager in Moscow. Our craftsmen offer a wide range of ready-made options, are engaged in assembling according to photographs and sketches of customers, testing products in the Italian CATAS laboratory. We are always waiting for you in our showroom, where you can appreciate the elegance and quality of our furniture with your own eyes.

Any new thing always pleases. Nice to see in your home new furniture and a new bed doubly so. Especially if you don't doubt its quality! We spend a lot of time sleeping good bed is a must have in the bedroom.

For many of us, buying a bed online is much easier than ordering it from a furniture store. It is possible to choose any manufacturer, choose best material, choose a color. All this can be done in a few minutes!

A choice that will surprise you

You may not even know what kind of bed you are looking for. In our catalog you can choose a bed according to your taste or place an order for a non-standard bed according to your dimensions, drawings or sketches and get unique furniture that you probably will not find in other furniture manufacturers or sellers.

  • Round beds for any interior;
  • Forged. For connoisseurs of everything original;
  • Leather. Luxury in your home;
  • Built-in beds. save a lot of space;

And that's not all. Within each section there are many more variations. How not to get lost and choose for yourself and your interior the most suitable bed? Everything is simple. First you need to take measurements, then choose the material for the bed, and then order the bed.

It remains to wish you a pleasant shopping!

Workshop-studio "Sofa Master" offers you a wide range of production services upholstered furniture according to individual requirements. You can order sofas of any types and models, using modern upholstery materials. Guarantee High Quality and affordable rates!

The cost of making a sofa in Moscow starts from 8000 rubles. you can on our website.

If you are faced with the purchase of serial furniture, then you are well aware of the problem of choice right size, colors, product configurations.

We know how to make your task easier and make the acquisition process successful and not troublesome. The best solution for you - the manufacture of sofas in Moscow to order.

Types of sofas under the order

  • classic;
  • angular and radius;
  • kitchen corners;
  • modular constructions from mobile blocks;
  • transformers equipped with different type systems - eurobook, dolphin, click-clack, accordion, French folding bed and others;
  • models with drawers;
  • couches, ottoman, sofa and others.

3 main advantages of custom-made sofas with us

Design development according to your wishes.

The use of wear-resistant upholstery materials - fabric, Genuine Leather, eco-leather.

Prompt production and targeted delivery in Moscow at a convenient time for you.

In our work, we use only environmentally friendly raw materials that do not emit harmful substances. Therefore, our products can be safely used in bedrooms and children's rooms.

As materials for creating frames, we use natural wood hardwood, chipboard, others wood materials. We pay a lot of attention to fixtures, transformation mechanisms and fittings. The service life of the product depends on their reliability. Therefore, our - will serve you for decades.

How to order a sofa according to individual parameters?

  1. 1. Select the product type and design.
  2. 2. Our specialist will come to you to carry out necessary measurements at a convenient time. You can also measure the parameters yourself and transfer them to our specialists in writing or by phone.
  3. 3. We make an estimate.
  4. 4. After agreeing on all the nuances of payment and production time, we proceed to the manufacture of the sofa.
  5. 5. When it is ready, we will deliver it to the address you specified.

You can see examples of our work below.