Stylish interior: Bamboo finish. Bamboo Wallpapers: views, photos in the interior, color, combination, how to glue, care decor walls from bamboo gratings

Modern interior design is the use of natural materials. For popular destinations Eco-design, Provence, Country, minimalism, Japanese style, how can not be better fit natural wall coverings from bamboo wallpaper. A variety of natural colors and textures, environmental friendliness and aesthetic species provide high demand for natural wallpapers.

Pros and cons

Natural wallpapers will decorate the interior and emphasize the design of the room of any style by making an emphasis on design environmentalities. Bamboo wallpapers have undoubted advantages:

  • Environmentally friendly material - Bamboo wallpapers are made of natural materials, do not cause allergies.
  • Beautiful natural texture - For one batch of wallpaper, the bamboo stalks are selected by one variety, manufacturers carefully select bamboo rails of the corresponding textures and shade.
  • Wide color palette - The color of bamboo rail depends on the place of growing plants, the collection time, the temperature mode of the original drying, so the color palette of wall coatings can be from gently white to saturated brown shades.
  • Ease of care and antistaticity - The coating does not attract and does not absorb dust. Sometimes manufacturers cover the racks with antistatic impregnation, which facilitates the coating care process.

  • Long service life - Qualitative wallpapers under the observance of the fastening technology will serve up to 10 years, since the material is not subject to burnout when the sun beams hit, has anti-vandal properties.
  • Hide the irregularities of the wall - Due to the dense structure and thickness, the wallpaper can hide minor defects and irregularities, and, therefore, do not require the perfect alignment of the walls.
  • Glue to different surfaces- It is possible to glue on wooden, shtalavoyang, plastic, cement and other surfaces using only primer and the necessary type of glue or liquid nails.

The following aspects can be attributed to the disadvantages of bamboo wallpaper:

  • High price- Natural materials pass a series of labor-intensive and energy-consuming stages of drying and preparation for use, which causes their high cost.
  • Difficulty when attaching to the wall - Wallpaper sticking should pass in stages, observing the manufacturer's recommendations. Such painstaking work is better to entrust the professional.
  • Boring type of total salaryrooms in one type of coating - designers do not recommend itching the walls in one type of wallpaper. Bamboo is better to use as panels in the room or create decorative panels, combining with cork coating or other types of wallpaper.
  • Surface surfaces - On the surface of bamboo rivers, convexity and sealing structure can occur. Such defects are not considered a marriage, but may complicate the process of docking seams and sticking.

When choosing bamboo wallpapers, the pluses and disadvantages of this finishing material should be taken into account as finishing the room. Designers and repair masters recommend using them in the hallway, living room, corridor, kitchen.

This type of wall cover is permissible to use in any residential room and non-residential premises (offices, reception, cafe) to maintain the environmental friendliness of the interior and creating the atmosphere of comfort and heat.

Manufacturing technology

The bamboo contains a large percentage of moisture (up to 80%), therefore, the raw material is undergoing a long processing process for the manufacture of high-quality and durable wall coverings.

For the production of wallpaper, only a young part of the escape of the stem is used. The drying process is divided into two stages:

  1. the stalks are listened to the room with a constant temperature and humidity of about 45%. Such humidity ensures the strength and elasticity of the material and does not give it cracking from the rapid loss of moisture.
  2. raw materials finally sued in stock.

The drying process is one of the most responsible. Depending on the temperature and speed of drying, the bamboo changes its shade and color. After it, the stem splits on the upper and inner parts, which are cut under a small pressure and glue the basis of the future roll of wallpaper. The width of bamboo regques can vary from 5 to 25 mm. The base can be tissue or paper. When gluing, glue on a natural basis is used.

The finished wall covering is produced in the roll rolls with a width of 1, 1.5, 2 m. Less common in the stores rolls 2-2.5 m wide. Sometimes wallpapers are not produced in rolls, but in sheets ready for salary in the form of panels in Room. Sheet panels are fragile and require special conditions for transportation and storage, but this type of finishing is immediately ready for sticking and does not require time for spinning.

In the process of wallpaper production, exceptionally natural materials are used. For an additional decor, the firmware of the rails with the base of the wallpaper of a contrast or textured thread along the edges of the canvas is used. The surface retains the natural velocity of the wall coating, and the total color is selected by selecting each element by tone and texture.


Types of bamboo wallpaper are differentiated by bamboo stem materials, which is used for coating:

  • From the outer part of the bamboo trunk.
  • From the inside of the trunk.

The structure of the tree is clearly visible on the outer layer. Such wall coatings have a more dense structure and resemble bamboo columns when sticking wallpaper racks vertically. The imitation of bamboo stems visually increases the room, adds the volume and height of the room.

The outer layer is characterized by texture, unique pattern and color. The color of the upper layer is inhomogeneous, which gives the surface volume and depth. Such types of wallpapers are not covered with varnishes and paints, while maintaining a natural look.

Wallpaper railings from which the top layer is removed is more accurately selected in color. For greater practicality, manufacturers cover wallpaper varnish. The lacquered surface of moisture resistant and easy to care.

For greater practicalness, wallpaper rails can be flashed with decorative thread at the edges. The firmware not only provides an additional fastening based on, but also an additional decorative element in the design of the room.


The color of bamboo wallpaper depends on many factors. On the shade of the color of the finished canvas of natural wallpaper affect:

  • Grade plants.
  • Place of growth.
  • Cutting time stalks.
  • Temperature regime and humidity of the initial drying stage.

Natural bamboo wallpapers are presented in the following colors:

  • White shades - white, ivory color, emerald, milk, etc.
  • Green- Bright and juicy shades of green will make a spring mood to any room. Gently green, spring grass, green-brown, pistachio shades - the most common colors of bamboo cavalo.
  • Beige - There are rare colors with pink-peach, yellow-honey shades.
  • Brown- Natural colors of bamboo rivers have shades from light brown and coffee with milk to saturated brown.

How to choose?

The decor of natural wallpaper in rolls begins with the definition of the area of \u200b\u200bthe salary: the complete wrapping of the room or the use of bamboo panels. The number of rolls should be taken with a margin and from one batch.

Natural wallpapers are often used in eco-design, so designers recommend combining the color of the bamboo coating for the walls with the color of the furniture, floor, veneer doors and window frames.

On the balcony, loggia, the terrace of a bamboo finish should organically combine in color with wicker rattan furniture.

The reviews of the owners of interiors made from natural materials indicate that the total wamp of the walls with bamboo wallpaper on a tissue or paper basis looks quite boring and reduces visual space. And designers, and homeowners who are not indifferent to the interior design of their housing converge in the opinion that a panel of bamboo wallpaper framed by moldings, or a combined panel of bamboo wallpaper and cork panels look dynamically and stylish in the interior of any style.


Bamboo wallpapers are used for decor not only walls, but also arches, balconies, loggias, etc. Natural wall covering is glued on any surface: concrete, wood, brickwork, plastic.

Bamboo wall covering is sufficiently dense and can hide minor surface irregularities, so you can do without the ideal preparation of walls. However, the surface must be cleansed from the residues of the previous coating, sanding, to be treated with anti-grab solution and let go well.

Upon pre-processing, aggressive means cannot be used, which, when contacting with wallpaper, can discolor them.

Tools for wall decoration Bamboo wallpaper:

  • Wide bruster for uniform glue application.
  • Plastic spatula for additional fixation of edges of wallpaper.
  • Rubber roller for smoothing and pressed the canvas to the wall.
  • A knife with small cloths, hacksaw, a jigsaw for cutting the wallpaper.

Stages of pasta:

  • Framework: On the eve of the wallpaper canvas, it is necessary to deploy on a flat surface and give it to be selected.
  • Cutting the web: cut the roll to segments of the desired size and shape.
  • Application of glue: glue is applied to the wall, and on the opposite side of the wallpaper canvas. In this case, the edges of the wallpaper are treated with a thicker layer, the excess of which is removed in the process of wetting with a damp cloth or a special solution. After applying, it is necessary to give the surface well urged for 6-10 minutes. Bending, bamboo can not be beaten, because the bends permanently deform the web and remain noticeable when sticking.
  • Waste: Cutting wallpapers is carefully pressed against the wall using a rubber roller. The edges are pressed by a plastic spatula. A damp rag remove the remnants of glue on the joints.

For trim, it is impossible to use water-based adhesive. Each wallpaper packing indicates the recommended types of glue, which should be considered. When decorating arched openings, the rooms of the wrong shape with a large number of angles, the bamboo canvas should be cut at the joints of external and internal angles.

Bamboo cloth when impregnated with glue becomes much harder, therefore decorative nails can be used for additional fixation. It is possible to fix the irregularity with the help of decorative plinths or moldings from plaster, wood array, plastic.


Wall coatings from the inside of the trunk are covered with varnish at production or at home to protect against moisture and pollution, as well as to facilitate the care process.

Painting bamboo canvas is possible at the discretion of the buyer. When painting, some properties of wallpaper are partially lost. The texture of the ridge becomes less noticeable, and the natural game of the color acquires a homogeneous color of the paint.

Most often to staining the surface of bamboo wallpaper resorted during the restoration of the wall coating.

Painting and lacquer coating are expedient to protect bamboo rails from moisture, pollution in the bathroom, kitchen, corridor, on outdoor terraces, balconies, balconies.

How to cut?

Dense bamboo racks are much more difficult to cut than regular wallpaper. To cut the bamboo cloth, you can use a wallpaper knife with small teeth, hacksaw or jigsaw.

Cut bamboo wallpaper along the rails can be very sharp knife. It is carried out carefully along the rivers, completely cutting the fabric or paper base.

When creating a curly panel, it is possible to cut the speck across the plates only on a tree or jigsaw. The electrolovik will allow you to achieve perfectly smooth edges and can cut the most intricate figures in the preliminary drawing. When working them, the cutting canvase is conducted on the front side.

From accuracy, cutting depends on how imperceptible the joints of the wallpaper and the final aesthetic appearance will be.

The use of natural finish is one of the main criteria for creating an eco-friendly residential space. Plastic and other synthetic materials though look modern, but do not contribute to a healthy microclimate. Whether the case is bamboo, whose environmental characteristics do not cause any doubts! His area is located away from industrial enterprises, gas acquisition and pollution. As a result - wood does not contain any droplets of harmful particles.

Before "letting" an environmentally friendly wooden decor in the room, it is worth remembering that he likes dominance, and all other materials can only be an addition to it. Of course, that objects from bamboo keep their unique qualities should be followed by such recommendations: the surface of the material is covered with protective varnish, in the room maintain an optimal level of humidity and place items away from heating devices.

Ultipical Bamboo Application Ideas in the Interior

Being a unique plant, the bamboo is widely used in the manufacture of finishing materials, furniture and a variety of decorations. Let's take a look at the most interesting options for its "introduction" in the residential space.

The first thing that comes to mind is when we hear the word "bamboo" is, of course, furniture. Indeed, this material is perfect for the manufacture of various kinds of fittings and components, due to internal strength and external beauty. Furniture from bamboo perfectly fits both in the modern situation and in classical. Wood sofas, chairs, tables, chairs, beds in combination with other natural materials (for example, leather) are particularly elegantly.

Bamboo wallpapers - excellent coating for walls of any room. They are made of split straw, which does not fade into the sun, does not absorb moisture and demonstrates resistance to mechanical damage. The process of sticking such wallpapers is no different from sticking ordinary trellis, and to extend their life, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth.

Partitions and other compositions from whole bamboo stems are most in demand during the arrangement of residential premises. They become the center of attraction and add a note of exotic to the interior. Such a wooden decor can be purchased in the finished form, and you can make it yourself. Fortunately in building stores today sell halves of stems of equal diameter and color.

To make a wall, it is sufficient to fix the trunks in a horizontal or vertical position at the same distance from each other. Of these, it is also possible to form an edible frame that focuses on the TV zone in the living room, for example, or create a semblance of a bed headboard in the bedroom.

Bamboo trunks are the perfect tool for logical separation of space. Shirma, partitions, curtains and other designs from this material help to visually separate the living room from the corridor, the kitchen from the dining room, as well as zones within the same room.

The Bamboo canvas represents the loose stripes (lamella) from the plant stem, glued on the tissue basis; At the same time, the lamellas may have a different width (from 4 to 20 mm). Unlike wallpaper, the web can be separated not only a flat surface of the walls, but also figured elements - arches, columns, partitions from drywall and others.

Wall decoration panels from bamboo - another non-trivial version of the decor. The panels are made of pressed test strips, and the pattern of weaving depends on the method of presses. It is assembled by such a coating as well as parquet - using the method of docking individual elements.

If Panda respect the bamboo exclusively for the gastronomic value, for people it is just a storage of benefits - and houses are built from it, and furniture, and the finishing, and the diverse, the real station wagon. In our climatic belt house from Bamboo - except for souvenirs, but as a finish, this natural material is becoming increasingly distributed. Bamboo interior and bamboo decor - not yet classic, but no longer exotic. Bamboo wallpapers are considered the most popular, but this wood is used in other variations. In this article we will tell about the interiors from the bamboo, are loved by many participants of our portal for high ecology and functionality.

  • Bamboo wallpaper
  • Technology application
  • Bamboo plates in the interior
  • Bamboo panels in the interior
  • Bamboo decor

Bamboo wallpaper

Bamboo in the interior of modern country houses is not uncommon. Bamboo wallpapers are a special tissue basis on which narrow, thin rails (2-4 mm) are glued, cut from bamboo.

Depending on which part of the trunk, the rails (lamella) are cut, the appearance and properties of the material will differ.

For wallpaper from the outer part of the trunk, a pronounced natural ornament is characteristic, an inhomogeneous surface and a large color gamut - shades from gently olive to a saturated chocolate. To increase the decorative, the lamella can be unevenly burning in order to achieve the colors of the tree wenge. The external part of the bamboo is resistant to solar radiation, so that the surface does not need a protective layer.

Wallpaper from the inner part of the wood smooth, in their range only bright shades, and there is no pronounced pattern. This wood is less resistant to external influences, and colorless varnish is used to protect against the sun. To increase the decorativeness of the coating, the bamboo is pre-toned or fully paint.

Bamboo processing technology to decorate the interior makes wood dense and durable, so wear-resistant and durable wallpaper. They are suitable for different types of premises, and large open spaces, and Japanese a small room. They are almost impossible to scratch if they are not asked such a goal, they are not afraid of moisture and are able to maintain their appeal for many years. In this, they are similar to, also stable virtually any impact.

Since the coating from the bamboo is not afraid of moisture, it can be stuck in the bathroom and in unheated rooms, even external use is allowed if not allowed direct precipitation.

It is convenient that the embossed bamboo canvas can hide small base defects, there is no need to bring the walls to the ideal, spending over time and strength. It is enough to remove the old finish, if it was, and thoroughly projected by the means of deep penetration.

Technology application

Wallpapers are pasted from bamboo or on glue composition specifically designed for them, or on "liquid nails".

The usual universal glue will not withstand weight and subsequent deformation of the web during operation - the hitch must be elastic.

Some she brought to replace the glue with putty, pressing the wallpaper in an unlucky layer. But although the mesh base of the web really tightly grabbed with the plaster, through it it will penetrate on the front side, and it is very problematic to remove it from there. Yes, and temperature regime in such a room should be permanent - the slightest dampness, and the wallpaper will be dismissed.

The process itself largely depends on the selected glue - one is applied only on the wall, the other - to certain wallpaper zones, the third is on all wallpaper and on the wall. Since the canvas is durable and heavy, it is installed in place with an effort, bother with hand or rolled with a rubber roller. The longitudinal cutting is not difficult, wallpaper is cut on the basis, at the junction of neighboring lamellas. With a transverse one - it is more difficult: a good electric jigsaw and an eye, as it is more convenient to half a roll in the rolled form.

After stickers and drying, the Wallows are not afraid of no external effects and temperature fluctuations (if good adhesive), and the whole care is reduced to dry or wet cleaning. Due to the solid cost of the coating, it is most often used zonally or indoors with a small quadrature - corridors, hallways, for accent walls and panels.

Bamboo plates in the interior

Another popular way to apply bamboo in the interior is the plates. And the same bamboo tes, but only not the base, but compressing in the slab with a groove fastening system. Another difference from the wallpaper is a smooth texture, with pressing it turns out a flat surface, but with a characteristic natural bamboo pattern. Bamboo panels are assembled by the simplest shrinking, fixed on glue, they cut with a jigsaw if necessary. Used in the design of the premises, like wallpapers - at least on the walls, at least on the ceiling.

Bamboo panels in the interior

And again, tes, but already spilled manually in a single web (see photo). The rich fantasy of masters is poured into a huge amount of various patterns in ethnic style. Panels can consist of several layers - from one to seven, the scope of application depends on their quantity. The thick wicker plates, out of five or seven layers, are used as a pleasant warm flooring, thin - the walls and the ceiling are separated. Unlike smooth plates, the surface of the panels are textured, the severity of the relief depends on the weaving pattern.

Although the panels themselves are durable and durable to increase the resistance to external factors, they are additionally covered with varnish.

This is especially true for the floor - it will be easier to care for it. There is also a bamboo parquet, but it is not particularly different from the usual and, in fact, is a kind of pressed plates.

Stems (trunks) from bamboo in the interior

Processed dried bamboo trunks - Universal material for finishing and decor, only its own fantasy is limited to use. Of these, you can make a panel in the living room, stick onto the walls, in the head of the beds, they zonate space. Fashion accessory - partitions and portable wide collected from bamboo stems. As an option - bamboo trunks are located at a distance of each other so that they do not have so much a room as much as they denote individual zones.

Bamboo decor

The decor of the bamboo can change the type cabinet furniture. If bamboo wallpaper bamboo - it turns out an exclusive ethnic bias. An even more interesting is the various frames from thin trunks, for pictures or photos. Mat, blinds and Roman curtains from bamboo have long been prescribed in our homes, combining functionality with decorativeness. They look great in any house. Plant itself is also in demand, and not only dried wood - it is grown in high ornamental pots or room pools. Such a green bamboo decor is well revived by the most rigorous interior.

Bamboo for interior decoration is a very interesting material, but it is worth paying attention to other, no less worthy options, or. Popular and giving space with the most courageous ideas and artistic gusts. Budget trim methods - in video about a house for a large family.

When designing interior design, the bamboo is often resorted to. Throughout the Earth, this material has been reserved for a long time in demand and original designers tool. Interior with bamboo acquires a special exotic charm.

In the article, consider the use of bamboo use in the interior of the apartment and at home. Designer ideas in the design of the kitchen space, bathroom, living room and other rooms.

Bamboo - Decorative Interior Element

Bamboo blinds are an alternative replacement of the curtains or an additional decor, combined with the curtains. Natural, lungs, cozy, simple bamboo blinds are easy to care. Garmoniously fit into the interior of the apartment rooms or at home: living room, bedrooms, kitchens, bathroom or hallway. They use one pleasure as managed by the lifting mechanism.

Bamboo wallpapers will become an original solution in the interior design. The coating of dried bamboo stems makes the situation cozy and warm. Provides natural motives to the interior, harmoniously fit into ethnic and rustic styles. Bamboo wallpaper durable, durable, not afraid of scratches, moisture resistant. It is suitable for rooms with high humidity, lungs in care, pollution is removed using a wet cloth or furniture care products. Color over time does not fade in the sun.

Bamboo panels are used to design walls, ceilings. Suitable for the children's room, living room, bedrooms. Bathroom and kitchen are used, but with hermetic treatment.

Bamboo tiles are highly resistant to humidity, have good sound and thermal insulation properties. It is also suitable for the inner, and for the outer decorative decoration of the room. Eco-friendly, durable, functional and easy-to-install.

The use of bamboo canvases is not limited to the type of surface. For the manufacture of webs used internal and external parts of the plant. The layers are dried and processed on a marley basis. Bamboo canvases are durable since they have impressive strength indicators. Suitable for the design of any room in a house or apartment.

The ceiling of bamboo is an eco-friendly solution for a residential interior. Presented in the form of panels or individual plates. Such a ceiling looks exotic, original. Natural, eco-friendly material, wear-resistant. Bamboo ceiling is an exotic continuation of the interior design, both in a classic style, so ethnic and other styles.

Bamboo floor is a strong thing, and therefore it is exploited not one decade. Modern coatings are manufactured using pressing technology. There are locks on such boards, which provides laying by a floating method. In addition, the bamboo floors are toned in dark and light colors, undergo heat treatment. And sometimes squeeze the texture and imitation-drawing of oak.

Whole bamboo trunks

The house whose interior is decorated with bamboo trunks differ from other interiors. The fact is that tropical things are associated with southern warm countries. Therefore, such an accessory in the interior is positive.

Bamboo trunks in the apartment or house are building partitions. Designers use such a thing in their interior projects as non-standard as a zoning tool. For example, such a bamboo fence is separated in the apartment of the studio kitchen from the living room or hall from the sleeping area.

The owners of large apartments and houses in one of the entertainment rooms create a small bamboo forest. Such a "grove" will become not only an interesting place to entertain children, but also the center generating fresh energy.

Bamboo stems can go as a panel to decorate one of the walls or the creation of a frame for large paintings.

Interior accessories and furniture

Bamboo stems and trunks go to the manufacture of unique furniture. As well as for decorative inserts of cabinet furniture structures. Furniture for all rooms: kitchens, bedrooms, living room, and also for terraces and balconies are produced from thick and fine trunks. Eco-things lovers know that similar furniture gives the interior exotic charm. Warm and cozy atmosphere is guaranteed. And they say bamboo, creates a harmonious environment in the house, as it radiates a pure positive energy.

Textile things from bamboo

It is believed that cellulose is made of trees and this is true. But still make a grass, or rather from bamboo. Which is further subjected to multi-stage processing, resulting in a thin thread. Of which the fabric is very pleasant to the touch.

Towels, pastel accessories made of such fabric have a pleasant gloss. The pectin contained in the structure of the bamboo has a positive effect on human health that uses such things. This substance nourishes and rejuvenates. In addition, has an antibacterial effect.

Budgetary ideas for interior in bamboo style

As the bamboo in our country does not grow, things that are made out of it are not cheap. For examples, flooring from the massif cost 3-4 thousand rubles. for meter. Bamboo blinds and curtains also cost more than standard. But if the budget does not allow additional spending money, and the exotics still want to interior. Use images that imitate the bamboo finish. Such things are cheaper, but carry the same effect in the interior.

For the design of walls, such as pictures or photo wallpaper with bamboo grove. Interior of bamboo in the bathroom or in the kitchen - special tiles with photo printing.

Live bamboo plants

Prior to this, the article discusses only things to decorate the interior made from bamboo. It was a raw material for the manufacture of interior decorative accessories. Now we suggest viewing the bedroom decor from the living plant. Green interior design with small bamboo plants will make it possible to create a living, diluted with natural green. For a larger effect, such a decor in the design of the apartment is located in the bedroom, in the decoration of the living room, kitchen and even bathroom. The plant in pots refreshes the space, and the bamboo will also bring an exotic charm.

Mass and other ideas for interior design bamboo are developed. But the options presented above will help to issue an apartment interior or at home in the original way. Live bamboo in pots, bamboo bed, wall panels, bamboo trunks, blinds or bamboo wallpaper - choose from you! The interior with such a natural material is soaked with eco notes, which gives a freshness and green calm background in the setting.

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