What is the difference between merino wool and regular wool? Merino wool - a material with unique properties

Merino wool- This is the wool of a special breed of sheep, which is distinguished by the thinnest and longest fibers.


From ancient times to the present day, merino is one of the most popular types of wool. Experts emphasize that no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in terms of wool quality. It is the luxurious fine wool that made this sheep famous all over the world.

About 200 years before the advent of our era, the Romans began to selectively breed a special breed of sheep with fine and long wool. For these purposes, they crossed a Greek ram and a Roman sheep. However, it was not the Romans who achieved success in this matter, but the Spaniards. This is written in the writings of Pliny the Elder, who called the Spanish Merino the best breed of sheep in the world. Already in those distant times, the rulers issued various decrees and decrees that encouraged people to breed merino. There were even special privileges that were given to the leading countries in this area.

So, by the end of the 16th century, Spain became the undisputed leader in breeding these sheep. Moreover, she held a monopoly in this area until the Spaniards were defeated by England. However, it took another 200 years for the British to succeed in sheep breeding. That is how much they brought out miracle sheep, after they took out samples from the state struck in the war.

Merino was brought to Australia in the 18th century. It turned out that this country has ideal conditions for raising sheep. Since then, the country has become the main supplier of wool to European countries.

Today, merinos are bred in nurseries in Australia, New Zealand and some other countries. It can be said without exaggeration that this wool has won recognition all over the world, and every year the popularity of merino products is only growing.

The benefits of merino wool

Year after year, as eco-friendly, healthy fabrics that have a beneficial effect on human health come into fashion, the popularity of merino grows.

Merino wool has pronounced healing properties, primarily due to the high content of lanolin - animal wax. Among the beneficial effects of merino wool on human health are the following:

  • merino clothing has a positive effect on muscles and joints, so it is indicated for people suffering from pain in the joints and muscles;

  • sweaters, socks, other clothes made from this wool perfectly stimulate blood circulation;
  • clothing made from this material is classified as “thermal clothing”, since it maintains an optimal microclimate for human health;
  • merino is a hypoallergenic material, this is especially true for people who are hypersensitive;
  • lanolin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and resolving properties;
  • merino clothing is indicated for people suffering from osteochondrosis, rheumatism, orthopedic materials, bronchial ailments;
  • wearing merino clothing is the prevention of puffiness; in those who constantly suffer from this problem, swelling will decrease;
  • effectively absorbs moisture with increased sweating and at the same time remains dry;
  • Merino wool is equally useful for adults and children.

Merino products

  • Clothes (sweaters, etc.), socks maintain body temperature without overheating and provide excellent ventilation.
  • Merino bedding (duvets and pillows filled with merino, mattress toppers) is what you need to healthy sleep and strengthening the body, because we spend a third of our lives in bed. Wool products will create optimal mode for sleep at any time of the year and at any temperature in the house or apartment.


Merino wool clothing and bed linen are durable and long lasting.

The fact is that merino wool fibers have a fine crimped structure, as well as high strength and splendor. These unique properties of merino are reflected in the texture - lush and airy, which retains its qualities, as well as appearance for a long time.

As you know, people still have not been able to create artificial material, which was entirely recreated unique properties sheep wool, which is a kind of thermal stabilizer. That is why merino clothes are comfortable both in hot and cold weather (which is especially important when moving from outdoors to indoors and vice versa, otherwise there is a high risk of getting sick).

Wool is extremely practical to use - merino products will serve you for many years.

Since healthy lifestyle life has become a guide for many people, we carefully read the information on the label - whether it is a package of cheese or a winter sweater designed to warm in bad weather. In pursuit of the best, we are faced with new terms and names. One of them is the inscription "Merino - 100%" proudly emblazoned on the label. What kind of wool is this - merino? And why is she unique?

There are indispensable!

Merino - special breed sheep, whose wool is distinguished by the longest and finest fibers. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is a legendary breed. Until 1765, attempts to export this high-quality from Spain were punished death penalty, and only noble persons could wear products made of merino wool. And only in the XVIII century, when the Spaniards were defeated by the British, merinos were taken out of the country. However, the British did not manage to master the art of sheep breeding immediately. It took about 200 years before the specialists of the country of fogs and rains were able to achieve significant success in sheep breeding, comparable to the skill of the Spaniards. Ideal conditions for breeding merino turned out to be in Australia, where the widespread use of wool on an industrial scale began. By the way, the country to this day remains one of the world leaders in the production of merino wool. Surely you are already intrigued by what could inspire the Europeans to a fierce struggle for the "Golden Fleece". And there are really many reasons for this.

For any weather and season

The main secret of merino wool is that it maintains an optimal microclimate. The best of that proof is the well-being of sheep, which can equally well withstand low winter and high summer temperatures.

It is not surprising that scientists have not yet been able to create an analogue that could replicate its properties as a thermal stabilizer. Merino clothes are thin to the touch, but surprisingly warm products (sweaters, blouses, vests). In them, the winter cold will be nothing for you. If you get bed linen from merino (duvet cover, pillow, blanket), it will serve you equally well both in winter and in summer. Just think: there are millions of air cushions in the fibers that retain heat regardless of temperature changes. And due to the high hygroscopicity, merino wool is able to absorb up to 33 percent of moisture from its volume. Thanks to this property, the body always remains dry.

Warms and heals

To date, the healing properties of merino no one is in doubt.

Firstly, wool has a beneficial effect on the joints and actively stimulates blood circulation.

Secondly, due to the significant amount of animal wax - lanolin - in wool, merino products have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and absorbable effect. Therefore, clothes made from this wool are recommended for those who suffer from rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, problems with the bronchi, and edema.

Thirdly, due to the ability to maintain the best microclimate for a person in merino clothes, a person gets tired less.

Finally, in the "era of allergies" it is impossible not to say that this wool is hypoallergenic, so merino - the best choice for children, pregnant women, athletes and all those who care about their health and comfort.

Looks great!

The appearance of merino wool will not disappoint you either. These are exceptionally soft, fluffy, elastic and amazingly beautiful products that keep their shape for a long time and well.

At the same time, wool has high strength, it is extremely practical to use.

And no insomnia!

Often, sleep problems can be caused by “wrong” bedding. Merino will also help to make sleep healthier and stronger.

Today, there is a large selection of Merino products on sale, including blankets, duvet covers. You don’t sweat in such a bed - the ventilation is just perfect. At the same time, underwear, like clothes, has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the body during sleep.

As you can see, no other breed of sheep can surpass Merino in its properties. Modern manufacturers offer us not only clothes and bedding, but also car seats, decorative pillows and (its upper part is made of wool). In a year, wool can be obtained from one sheep for the manufacture of about five items of clothing. We wish that at least a few of them ended up in your closet in the form of fashionable blouses and sweaters!

High quality wool. Previously, such animals were bred only in Greece, Italy and Spain. Today they are grown on all continents. There are farms specializing in this in our country. From the combed wool of such sheep, expensive high-quality yarns, called merino yarns, are made.

How do they do

First, let's see how merino yarn is made. The wool of sheep of this breed is very expensive. Therefore, in the manufacture of yarn to reduce the final price, it is usually mixed with either natural silk or cashmere. It also turns out to be expensive, but at the same time more or less affordable material. New Zealanders also have the option of using a yarn made from merino wool mixed with opossum fur.

Main characteristics

Choice colors all types of this material are very wide. sheep is valued primarily for its very fine pile (only 15-25 microns). Therefore, from the threads spun from it, you can knit both thin openwork things and warm voluminous ones. Used yarn reviews of which are excellent, for the manufacture of both products intended for adults and children's little things. Sweaters, hats and socks knitted from it do not cause allergies and do not irritate the skin at all.

Main advantages

Merino yarn is wool, which has earned almost enthusiastic reviews from craftswomen, it has simply a huge number of advantages. Its advantages include:

    Hypoallergenic and antibacterial properties. Merino wool contains lanolin. That is why products from it do not cause allergies and can be used to make children's things. Since such products practically do not retain moisture, there is simply nothing for bacteria to develop in them.

    Strength and lightness.

    Elasticity. Products from are easily stretched and quickly take the original shape.

    The ability to repel dirt.

How to care for products

In general, the material for knitting woolen things is very suitable - merino yarn. The wool of this variety is very high quality, but things made from it are still quite capricious. It is quite difficult to take care of them. They are washed exclusively by hand. In this case, you need to use only high-quality soft powders designed specifically for wool. If desired, such products can be rinsed in cool water with the addition of a tablespoon of grape vinegar.

You can soak such things, but not for a long time. Washed things are not squeezed out, but blotted, wrapped in a terry towel. Dry items from merino yarn only possible in a horizontal position.

Twisting method

Any clothing intended for knitting, including merino, consists not of one, but of several threads. They can be connected to each other in different ways. Merino wool threads are first twisted in twos. Then several such pairs are taken and twisted again in the same direction. Merino wool is available on the market. used for knitting winter hats, vests and sweaters. From a thin one, you can make, for example, a light turtleneck, mittens, leggings, etc. The number of pairs used in the manufacture of yarn is usually indicated on the label. In the manufacture of material in this way, the threads lie next to each other freely. Therefore, the yarn is very elastic and flexible. Since merino yarn is only twisted in this way, this technology was named after her.

The opinion of craftswomen

Merino yarn is wool, which has received wonderful reviews. The characteristics of products made from this material are really just excellent. Their advantages, in addition to those listed above, include softness and aesthetic appeal. Knitting things from such wool, according to all the craftswomen, without exception, is very easy. The loops are even, and the thread itself lays down very well. It is easy to knit products from this material both with knitting needles and crochet.

In general, this yarn is considered by craftswomen to be of very high quality. To some shortcomings merino material consider only its high cost.

Yarn price

A 100-gram skein of merino yarn mixed with acrylic costs about 1200-1300 rubles. Of course, it's quite expensive. For example, a children's sweater for a girl 125 cm tall takes 2-3 such skeins of 100 g each. Thus, it can cost about 2500-3500 rubles. Natkranaya yarn (100% merino wool) is even more expensive - about 1700-2100 rubles. for a skein Of course, things from it are very expensive. However, they fully justify their price with excellent performance characteristics.

Thus, merino yarn (wool), reviews of which are simply wonderful - the material is really high quality and good. But of course, only craftswomen with experience in knitting woolen products should buy it. To spoil even a skein of such expensive yarn would be very disappointing.

Merino is a breed of sheep, mainly living in Australia. Their wool is valued for high quality. The size of the animal is slightly smaller than that of an ordinary domestic sheep, but the main value of merino is its wool.

wool qualities

The length of the fiber is approximately 65-100 mm, the width is 24 microns (µm). There are several varieties of the Merino breed. The yarn obtained from such sheep also differs:

  • wide or strong: its length is 23-24.5 microns;
  • medium size or medium: length 19.6-22.9 microns;
  • fine or fine: about 18.6-19.5 microns;
  • very fine or superfine: length 15-18.5 microns;
  • ultrafine or ultrafine: 11.5-15 microns.

Key Features

We list the main characteristics of merino wool:

  1. Superfine wool is the most expensive, as Merino stock is very limited.
  2. This type of yarn is great for weaving with several threads - in combination with cashmere, silk. By the way, manufacturers have invented a technology (it is very popular in New Zealand), thanks to which, as a result of production, ultra-light knitwear is obtained. For this, merino wool + possum fur yarn is mixed.
  3. Wool has a high hypoallergenicity, perfectly removes moisture from the body. Thanks to the air particles that are between the fibers, the yarn has a high thermal effect.
  4. The hygroscopicity of merino yarn is 30% of its own weight, after reaching this mark, the thread still continues to remove excess moisture from the skin, leaving the body dry. Such a retraction prevents the growth of bacteria and pathogenic organisms, which is excellent for skin with a high threshold of sensitivity, as well as for children with skin diseases or allergic reactions.
  5. The distinctive quality that merino has is that its yarn is dirt-repellent to some extent. The fibers are so elastic that dirt does not stick to them. To clean the product, just shake it.
  6. Wool has the ability to protect against unpleasant odors. Due to the special structure of the fibers, an environment unfavorable for the reproduction of bacteria is created inside, which prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the shortcomings, one can only note that natural wool merino has White color, and threads of a different shade with 100% content of only merino wool simply do not exist. Accordingly, in order to obtain a different shade, the wool is dyed or other fibers are added. However, impurities of other threads only worsen the quality of the yarn.

Another feature, rather than a drawback, is that thick merino yarn is difficult to work with. The diameter of the fibers can be about 2 cm, which gives an additional load on the hands of the needlewoman and obliges the use of special working tools, since simple knitting needles are not suitable for work.

If you look in more detail, then the thickest strands of wool are not yarn, but the raw material for its manufacture. If you look closely, it is a large number of hairs of wool, combed and laid parallel to each other by the factory method. This raw material is called tops (combed tape) and is similar in structure to cotton wool. In work, it behaves accordingly - fluffy, torn, stretched, frizzy. Products from tops are torn, do not hold their shape. In addition, untreated wool is not ready for direct contact with the skin, as it is not completely cleaned.

Large yarn, which contains 100% merino, is fibers manually twisted into bundles, about 1-2 cm thick. This yarn already behaves completely differently in work, but still it is not fully prepared.

Yarn for work

The spun and processed yarns are fibers that have undergone heat treatment and are completely ready for use. The fabric knitted from such wool does not fluff, does not tear and does not fall apart. The fibers are elastic, hold heat well and remove moisture.

The thickness of the threads can be from 5 mm to 2 cm in diameter. From this yarn you can knit both delicate things - sweaters, sweaters, cardigans, as well as fashion accessories - blankets, bags, hats, scarves.

Features of care

From the wool that merino gives, the yarn is very delicate. When washing, the product must not be left in water for a long time. Twisting or squeezing things out of this yarn is also not recommended. Only light hand pressing is allowed. To dry, the product is laid out on a flat surface. If it seems that the form is lost, then it is necessary to give the thing the parameters that were before washing. After drying, the yarn will acquire its former elasticity and softness, and the product will return to its shape.

Wool that has not been spun is not subject to washing, since after it it is processed. Things after dry cleaning take on a different look and do not return to their previous appearance. Such wool can only be used for products that are not supposed to be washed.

From the wool that merino gives, the yarn is perfect - high quality, warm, soft, delicate. In work, adapting to such threads is quite difficult, but the result will be worth it. Products made from such yarn look unusual and perfectly emphasize the taste of their owner.

The material from which our clothes are made can be not only comfortable and beautiful, the hero of our article, for example, knows how to heal. Merino is a unique wool of sheep of the same breed, no raw material in the world has similar properties.


Merino wool - what is it? The material has the richest and very interesting story. The Merino sheep breed was bred in Spain back in the 13th century, and the Spaniards for five centuries did not allow the breeding of such sheep in other places, and this rule was so strict that its violation was punishable by death.

But, unfortunately for the Spaniards and fortunately for the rest of the world, after this country lost the war to Britain in the 18th century, several animals nevertheless managed to be taken out. The British began to massively breed merino in Australia and New Zealand (these countries then had the status of British colonies).

However, even now New Zealand and Australia are the main suppliers of merino wool in the world. The material is considered elite and many people know the answer to the question “100% merino is the wool of which animal?”

Read more, pro is the fiber of another animal.


Merino wool - what is it, and why is it so good? Sheep of this breed are distinguished by an incredibly thin fleece. For comparison, a human hair is several times thicker. The result is a material that is incredibly thin, delicate and smooth. It is several times softer than natural silk and five times more elastic than cotton.

You can see what it is - merino - in our selection of photos.


You hardly find negative qualities this natural sheep wool, but it has a lot of advantages.


Depending on the place on the animal from which the fleece was removed, on the age of the sheep and other important factors, there are several types of material:

  • Extrafine
  • Virginia
  • Geelong and Super Geelong
  • Luster
  • cashwool

Merino Extrafine, what it is, as well as a description of other species:

Extrafine (Extrafine) merino wool, what is it? In this case we are talking about premium class material, by no means cheap, but very high quality. The fleece for this fabric is sheared only from Australian sheep, but this is far from the most important condition. Wool is sheared only from the withers of lambs, which is why it is so tender, soft and snow-white. In addition, wool yarn passes additional processing"SUPERWASH", and this facilitates knitting and subsequent care finished product.

What is merino "extrafine" in translation? The name, if translated into Russian, sounds like "very thin." And this is so, because the thickness of the fleece for this type of matter cannot exceed 15 microns.


This variety got its name, since this fleece is sheared only from lambs raised in the Australian city of Geelong. Distinctive feature this fiber is softness and lack of luster


Fiber that passes special treatment, as a result of which it does not prick and does not fall off when worn