Memorandum about a large amount of work. Report on absenteeism of an employee


Question for a lawyer:

Hello! Help me please! the head of the department where I work wrote a memorandum to the head physician. How can I find out its content? They called on the carpet, the content of the report was practically not voiced.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Elena, you should be asked to write an explanation for this or that fact of violation of discipline, from this proposal you can find out in general the content of the report.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Hello, Elena.

You have every right to get acquainted with the report, demand the text. Contact.


Question for a lawyer:

Can memoranda be drawn up backwards, and at the same time the employee will not even know that a memo has been drawn up against him?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Drawing up any document "retroactively" is a violation

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
A memorandum is a document on the basis of which the employer must conduct a trial and, if the employee is guilty, bring him to disciplinary responsibility (by order). Just a report without trial is just paper. If you are fired, feel free to go to court for wrongful dismissal.

A memorandum on the non-fulfillment of labor duties by an employee is written by hand or can be printed from a computer ...

Question for a lawyer:

Is the memorandum on the non-fulfillment of labor duties by an employee written by hand or can it be printed from a computer?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Can be printed from a computer. Handwritten signature.

How to write a response to a memorandum, and is it necessary to respond to it, as well as register? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello! how to write a response to a memorandum, and is it necessary to respond to it, as well as register it? thanks.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Look at the memorandum. If it is in relation to you and fixes any of your misconduct, then an explanatory note should be required from you. Specify the question.


Question for a lawyer:

Wrote a memorandum to the head of his subordinate. The manager showed the memorandum to my subordinate. Is it legal?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Legally. because the subordinate must give explanations to the management. and for this he must know what.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Yes that's right.

I wrote a memorandum, no later than how long after the incident should I give it back? ...

Question for a lawyer:

I am the head of the department, my subordinate is not the first time complaining about me to the director, today she herself created a conflict situation before the start of the working day, then she complained to me. Maybe she wrote a memo. What can I do in this situation. I wrote a memorandum, no later than how long after the incident should I give it back?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
I am the head of the department, my subordinate is not the first time he complains about me to the director

Natalya, you can submit a report, or you may not submit it to the head, solely at your discretion - there are no such deadlines.


Question for a lawyer:


Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
You can write such a note if the reason for being late is disrespectful, it is written in any form, you can print it, you can write it by hand. If the provisions on bonuses provide for bonus deduction, then it is applied for violation of labor discipline, failure to fulfill labor tasks, etc. However, before de-bonding, there must be an order (instruction) to impose a disciplinary sanction, issued on the basis of a report from the immediate supervisor and a written explanatory worker, from which it directly follows that the reason for being late is disrespectful. As a rule, for a single delay, disciplinary measures are not applied, especially deprecation.

How to write a collective memorandum against the dismissal of superiors ...

Question for a lawyer:

How to write a collective memorandum against the dismissal of superiors

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Such notes are written in free form. It must indicate the reasons for disagreement

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
to whom will you write? It’s better not to write a letter of resignation of your own free will and no one will be able to fire you, otherwise - until there are facts - your memorandum will lead to nothing

I drew up a memorandum on the violation of the employee's labor discipline and gave it to the manager, but the manager ...

Question for a lawyer:

I drew up a memorandum on the violation of the employee's labor discipline and gave it to the manager, but the manager did not respond. How long does it take to respond to a memorandum?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Dear Olga Alexandrovna!

Response time Labor Code not specified. In addition, the employer is not obliged to make a decision on the verification of reports of violations of labor discipline.

Article 192 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that for the commission of a disciplinary offense, that is, non-performance or improper performance by an employee through his fault of the labor duties assigned to him, the employer has the right to apply one of the disciplinary sanctions. Before applying a disciplinary sanction, the employer must request a written explanation from the employee.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
The Labor Code does not provide for the obligation of the manager to respond to your memorandum, nor does it provide for the obligation to bring the employee to disciplinary responsibility on the basis of the memorandum, in general, bringing an employee to disciplinary responsibility is the right of the manager, and not an obligation, and for bringing to disciplinary responsibility, article 193 provides for a certain a procedure in which an explanation is taken from the employee in writing and, based on the results of the explanation, the employer has the right to consider that there are no grounds for holding liable. You yourself have the right to contact the manager and inquire about his position on your appeal (memorandum), which I recommend you do

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
There is no such thing as a memo in the legislation. Thus, the concept of a statement can be applied to this document. If the employer is a state institution, then you can refer to 59 FZ. If a commercial structure, then the answer must be prepared in accordance with the terms approved by federal law, namely within 30 days from the date of registration.

I need to write a memorandum to add a vacancy - assistant engineer - production designer. Help…

Question for a lawyer:

Hello! I need to write a memorandum to add a vacancy - assistant engineer - production designer. Help me please. ..Thanks!

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Write in free form

and justify the need for a vacancy - assistant engineer - production designer

My colleague wrote me a memorandum, as if I was rude to him and refused to accept the client. But this is not true…

Question for a lawyer:

My colleague wrote me a memorandum, as if I was rude to him and refused to accept the client. But this is not true. The incident occurred on 06/06/2014, I learned about the memorandum from third parties on 06/13/2014. I was given to write a letter of resignation of my own free will. From 06/16/2014 I am on vacation, but naturally our company does not have any documents confirming my being on vacation. Now my boss is threatening me, saying either I will write of my own free will or he will fire me under the article for absenteeism. What should I do?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Since everything is so “natural” in your company, I think that you yourself need to decide and either negotiate with the management or fulfill their requirement

Does the director's maz have the right to write an employee's memorandum against another employee? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Does the director's maz have the right to write an employee's memorandum against another employee?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Hello. No, he cannot - only on his own behalf.

I want to write a memorandum to the director with a complaint against the head ....

Question for a lawyer:

I want to write a memorandum to the director with a complaint against the head.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
write of course, if you think that your rights have been violated, no special knowledge is required, you can state everything in a free form.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
good afternoon. This note is written in free form.

How to write a memorandum to the inspector, in that he writes paragraphs of the order about the violation by our employees, but ...

Question for a lawyer:

How to write a memorandum to the inspector, in that he writes the points of the order about the violation by our employees, but they were not violated. Misinforming bosses? Spsb.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
then a complaint, not a report

A memorandum on the violation of labor discipline was drawn up and attached to the order on suspension from work, however, in ...

Question for a lawyer:

A memorandum on the violation of labor discipline was drawn up and attached to the order to suspend him from work, but there is no signature in it

How do I appeal this memorandum that does not contain the signature of the originator

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
It is necessary to appeal the order if it violates the rights of the employee. A memorandum may be the basis for issuing an order.

Please tell me how to write a memorandum to higher management. The fact is that a large ...

Question for a lawyer:

Hello. Please tell me how to write a memorandum to higher management. The thing is, there was a big gap. There is a deliberate appropriation of material values ​​for which the entire team is responsible. The usual practice is to divide the shortage among everyone, it does not suit anyone. In addition, all employees suspect one employee. The arguments, although they deserve attention, are not direct evidence. How to correctly state in a memorandum not only the essence of the problem and the request for an appropriate check, but also pay attention to the activities of a particular person?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Write a note in any form.

Tell me, please, is it necessary to quote the insult inflicted in a memorandum to the director? ...

Question for a lawyer:


Tell me, please, is it necessary to quote the insult inflicted in a memorandum to the director?

Sincerely, Julia!

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Good afternoon!

Quoting an insult is redundant, especially if it contains profanity. If necessary, tell the director the essence of the insult in a personal conversation.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
I think, yes. what needs to be quoted.

Does he have the right to write a memorandum to the director on the employee for leaving the subbotnik ahead of time and without putting in ...

Question for a lawyer:

Does he have the right to write a memorandum to the director against the employee for leaving the subbotnik ahead of time and without informing the responsible deputy director?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum

Yes, you can

Memorandum to the head…

Question for a lawyer:


I have been working as a sales manager in the wholesale department for 3 years. A few months ago, we had a new employee - he was appointed head of the wholesale department. This person, without delving into the specifics of the company, without undergoing any training, began to force me and several other managers to do work that is not part of our duties, began to constantly distract from routine work, to be rude. Having made some mistakes in the work, he blames others for everything, expresses claims, goes to complain to the top management. It introduces an imbalance in the previously coordinated work, takes time, does not know how to communicate with people.

We want to write a memorandum on him with colleagues, how to do it correctly? Can he be fired? Thank you in advance!

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Hello, Veronika Yurievna.

You need to write a memorandum to the manager. Then you can write a claim to the manager for engaging in work not stipulated by an employment contract. Contact.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
First, make sure your organization has one for each of you. job description, from which it is clear what you are obliged to do and what not. You should have been familiarized with this instruction against signature even when applying for a job. If it doesn’t exist at all, then all the more they can’t impose anything on you additionally. If you have one, take a copy and show it to this manager. that there are no such obligations. You can submit a report describing the situation in the department through the reception. Just be sure to register the report, the secretary must do this in the log of incoming documentation. Leave a copy of the memorandum with the secretary's mark of admission (that is, make two copies at once). For the future always difficult situations record with reports, so that later you can prove your innocence, and the guilt of other persons. If you have questions, write to me.

Is it necessary to register a memorandum of insult, and if so, from whom? ...

Question for a lawyer:

Do I need to register a memorandum of insult, and if so, with whom?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Any application submitted by you shall be registered in your interests. The application must be registered with an employee whose duties include registering incoming correspondence (often this is the secretary of the head) Good luck.

How to correctly write a memorandum to the manager so that she is fired? ...

Question for a lawyer:

At our enterprise, the security guard at the checkpoint is constantly rude and rude to employees. how to correctly write a memorandum to the manager so that she is fired?

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Reports are written in any form. Describe what exactly happened and when.

The memorandum of what threatens? ...

Question for a lawyer:

I have been working in the organization for 3 years, I have never had any complaints, I always submit reports on time, I do all the work quickly. In May, I got sick, I have a sick leave in my hands, but the head of the department, knowing how I work and constantly stay after work (large amounts of work), did not take sick leave and closed the time sheet as if for a fully worked month. The deputy director, having learned about this, wrote a memorandum to the director for an internal investigation on what basis the head of the department closed my report card when I was sick. And I did not provide the sick leave to the personnel department (the sick leave is in my hands). What threatens us for this. Please answer very important.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
It doesn't threaten you with anything. Present in frames a closed sick leave and a discharge epicrisis from the clinic.

I wrote a memo to an employee who slandered me. Please tell me I have the right not to attend...

Question for a lawyer:

I wrote a memorandum against an employee who slandered me. Please tell me, I have the right not to be present at the trial of this fact according to the memorandum, so as not to meet with this employee.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Well, how would it be necessary to confirm her actions, why then they wrote and should be present during the proceedings

Tried to submit a report. Received an e-mail reply that it was not accepted for a number of reasons. Which legal...

Question for a lawyer:

Tried to submit a report. Received by e-mail the answer is that it is not accepted for a number of reasons. What legal documents regulate the procedure for accepting memorandums

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
The memorandum is submitted with a personal signature.

Is it possible to write a memorandum to the director about violation of official duties for several people? Or should I write...

Question for a lawyer:

Is it possible to write a memorandum to the director about the violation official duties for several people? Or do you have to write for everyone? We have a group of maintenance service engineers. They were given a task for a month. Within a month, the task was not completed. They stupidly ignored her.

Lawyer's answer to the question: memorandum
Hello Konstantin!

If the task was assigned to a group, then write a report to the group. Otherwise, individually for each.

Boorish behavior in everyday life is a very unpleasant phenomenon. We will leave the disputes about the motives and goals of such a life position to psychologists, but the fact remains that some people do not climb into their pocket for a swear word. This situation is especially unpleasant within the work team, where the ethics of business relations take place. In addition to outright rudeness, some individuals can annoy working moments by evading official duties or not performing at all. To counteract such employees, it is necessary to be able to write a memorandum, samples of which can be easily found.

The concept of a memorandum and its types

It is necessary to deal with violators with the help of a memorandum, which is a special business paper information and reference nature, containing a statement of the current situation, the issue that has arisen, the investigation on them and actions to resolve them.

However, the report does not always look like a complaint. The document may include information about the process of the task being performed, its completion, declare the completion of orders from higher authorities. The purpose of the report as a complaint is precisely to provide an informative indication of the current situation and encourage action to be taken.

The direction note has the form of internal or external. The first is issued in the name of the head of the department. For example, an ordinary employee can write a complaint to the foreman, manager. The middle manager indicates the director. An external note is written in the face of a higher authority. For example, the manager of a subsidiary department draws up a report addressed to the director of the central (head) office. In addition, a special form is required for writing an external report, while an internal one can be written on a regular A4 sheet. Such forms are issued by the departments of the enterprise itself. And also the report document is classified as follows:

  • Initiative note. It is written by employees who have the goal of influencing another employee. It can be either a colleague or a direct supervisor. The document describes one or more situations, as well as ways to resolve the circumstances;
  • Informative note. It does not have the purpose of a complaint against an employee, and is used only as a reporting on current state cases;
  • Reporting note. Filling out this document occurs only at the stage of complete completion of work and serves as a report on the completion of the task. It may also contain information on the work done by each employee.

Interesting fact: You can create a document based on own desire or at the request of management.

Structure and form of correct filling

In terms of the form of writing, as well as the content of the report, it can be compared with a memo. The main difference between the documents is only the subordination between the sender and the recipient. A memorandum is written to a senior person with a higher rank, and an official one is equivalent. The structure of the document implies the following:

  • Company name;
  • Specifying the type of document;
  • The number under which the document is registered and its date;
  • When writing a report of the external type, the place is indicated;
  • Full name, position of the person to whom the document is addressed;
  • Title. Usually begins with the words "Oh ...", "Regarding ...";
  • Main text. Its composition is divided into two parts. The first tells about the conflict that has arisen or the situation that has happened, the second implies specific methods for a decision or a request;
  • At the end of the document, the signature of the compiler is put with a transcript, his position is indicated.

An interesting fact: the memorandum does not have a legally approved form.

The above structure is valid for any type of report.


boorish behavior

A complaint about boorish behavior is written only in the name of a higher management.


An explanatory note from the employee is attached to the document.

Violation of labor discipline

Failure to perform official duties


It is not so difficult to find measures to influence the inappropriate behavior of employees in a team. The compiled material will help to correctly classify and write a memo. Remember that the prevention of unhealthy behavior in a working society is also essential. The selection of employees has important role. Consider all the factors and you may not be able to pick up a piece of paper to write a report.

Memos, which are used in the internal workflow of organizations, display the results of the activities of individual employees or departments. Such a document can be drawn up at the request of management for reporting, but in some cases a memorandum is drawn up by the initiator, which may be the heads of departments or the employees themselves.

Depending on the goals and objectives, a memorandum can be informational, reporting or initiative. The latter type is more common than others, and among such notes, complaints about employees related to violations of discipline, violation of safety regulations and work schedules predominate.

In this case, the memorandum is drawn up by the immediate superior of such an employee and, in addition to bringing such a fact to the attention of higher management, may contain a requirement to apply an appropriate punishment.

A sample memo of a reporting nature is used when it is necessary to notify management of the execution of certain orders or instructions, as well as for progress reports indicating their current status, if they have not yet been completed. In most cases, such documents are formal papers that management requests in order to comply with general reporting.

Unlike the reporting information report, it is not mandatory to draw up a strict and accurate report in such a document from the compiler.

For communication between departments of an organization for informational purposes, it is used. For example, if it is necessary to convey information to the director that the equipment should be serviced as a result of its failure.

If you are not sure about how to write a report right - you can use the ready-made form and fill it out according to the model. But in some cases, this is not possible, and the document has to be drawn up independently. Due to the fact that a document of this nature is considered official paper, when compiling it, it is necessary to adhere to formal business style and comply with the basic requirements:

  1. For a memorandum, you can use both the letterhead of the organization, and use a standard blank sheet of A4 format.
  2. The details of the organization are indicated at the top of the document.
  3. Further, the compiler writes his position, surname and initials in the genitive case (for example, “from the foreman of the site Fedoseev N.N.).
  4. Be sure to write the title "Memorandum" without quotes.
  5. The main part of the document contains the text of the note, after which the signature of the originator and its transcript is put, as well as the full date of the document: without it, the document will not be valid.

Such an example of a memorandum is suitable for both internal use within the same organization, and for shipment outside of it in case of interaction with other companies.

The nuances of compiling a report

The meaning and goals of such a document are quite transparent, but sometimes when compiling it, people make a number of mistakes regarding the main text. For example, a memorandum on non-fulfillment of official duties is an official official document that can be considered not only within the organization, but also by representatives of other structures.

Accordingly, in such paper there is no place for emotional statements, personal claims and detailed colorful descriptions. The document must be kept in business style and contain the very essence of the appeal and an indication of the measures that the originator considers necessary for the addressee to perform.

The memorandum often serves as " Starting point» during internal investigations that relate to disciplinary violations of employees. For example, if the immediate supervisor of an employee caught him at work in a state of intoxication, the fault for possible consequences the work of a person in such a state will fall not only on the violator himself, but also on the boss.

If the desire of the boss to punish the employee for this violation arises a few days later or at least the next morning, there will simply be no “traces of the crime”, and it will not work to prove the fact that the employee was drunk at the workplace. To do this, it is necessary to draw up such a document in fact, indicating the date and exact time developments.

It is important to note that the memorandum in itself in such cases cannot be evidence of a violation of discipline. To do this, it is necessary to attach appropriate additional papers to the document, for example, an act on the appearance of an employee in a drunken state, which must be signed by two witnesses. There should not be such signatures in the note itself.

Every enterprise should have a standard report template: this will save employees from having to come up with something of their own and at the same time make mistakes in design. Of course, such a pattern cannot be universal for every case, but general rules design in this case will be clear.

And the last thing: a memorandum may be rejected, an answer may be drawn up that does not suit the originator, such a document may even be ignored for a certain time. All these issues are resolved within the organization, but in order for the document to be considered outside the organization (for example, in litigation), it must be endorsed by the recipient, who thus confirms that he is familiar with the document.

The administrative work of management employees is often associated with the writing of memorandums for one reason or another, on the basis of which decisions are made on administrative, economic and disciplinary issues.

Let's consider what this document is, what is its status, and how to write a memorandum in connection with this or that circumstance.

Reporting: definition and goals

A memorandum of an official is a document containing information and proposals on a specific issue, involving the adoption and subsequent implementation of certain decisions. The presence of a memorandum in resolving production situations involving the issuance of disciplinary decisions.

The report is provided for by OKUD, where it is listed under No. 0286041. It does not have an established standard, and is drawn up according to the general principle for documents. The form according to which the memorandum is drawn up, a sample of its writing for specific violations, must be provided for in the Internal Regulations, and attached to them as an attachment.

The purpose of writing a memorandum for an employee is usually to bring official information to the higher management regarding disciplinary violations. The document is addressed to the head of the enterprise, the authorized person or official who is subordinate to the employee who has committed a violation of labor discipline has the right to submit it.

How to write a memorandum for an employee: a sample general form

Like every internal document, the report consists of:

    "caps" - a part containing information about the name of the enterprise, the surname and initials of the addressee - the head of the enterprise, position, surname, initials of the person who compiled the document;

    information and notification part - a section containing information about a disciplinary violation;

    operative part - a part of the document containing the conclusions of the official regarding the violation of discipline by the employee;

    the signature of the official and the date of preparation of the document.

A memo drawn up in accordance with this structure in in due course submitted to the head, who, after familiarization, makes a decision, and indicates it in a resolution certified by a signature.

Overview of Memo Writing Samples

It should be noted that additional information must be indicated in the document submitted to the name of the head of the enterprise. Yes, spelled correctly.

    a memorandum for an employee should contain information about the category of specialist and the area served; for workers in the production workshop or section, in addition to indicating the position, you can indicate the rank or grade of the specialist, the area of ​​work;

    a memorandum for a student should contain information about the specialty in which he is being trained (student of a locksmith, carpenter, turner, etc.) during what period of time he is doing an internship in this capacity whether a full-time employee or taking a course practical training in the direction of the educational institution.

The wording of the memos of the heads of sections, structural divisions, departments and workshops differ according to the type of violation committed by the employee. If at the enterprise a sample memorandum on violation of labor discipline is not approved by an internal administrative document, when writing a memorandum, generally accepted standards should be followed.

Let's consider the correct writing of the information and notification part of the memorandum, in relation to specific types of violations of labor discipline, giving further samples of the memorandum.

For insulting an employee (sample):

« I hereby bring to your attention that on September 20, 2018, a car mechanic of the 5th category Shevelev Viktor Sergeevich, being on the territory of a car repair shop, provoked a conflict situation and in the presence of the workers of the workshop, using profanity and personal address, inflicted a personal verbal insult on gas and electric welder Ivanov P.P.

In connection with the commission of an immoral act and previous similar violations of labor and work discipline, I ask you to take out the car mechanic of the 5th category Shevelev V.S. disciplinary action - reprimand.

Attached to this is: explanatory notes Sheveleva V.S., Ivanova P.P., memos of Trifonov A.I., Sokolov Yu.V.»

Sample memorandum on violation of labor discipline

Memorandum - a sample for a worker who has committed absenteeism:

« I hereby bring to your attention that on September 20, 2018, class 1 garage driver Prikhodko Vitaly Nikolaevich did not go to work without a good reason. When clarifying the circumstances of absence from work, he did not give explanations.

In connection with the violation of labor discipline, expressed in absence from work without a good reason, I ask you to issue the driver 1 class. garage Prikhodko V.N. disciplinary action - reprimand.

I am enclosing this: an explanatory note by V.N. Prikhodko.”

Memorandum - a sample for an employee for going to work in a state of intoxication:

« I hereby bring to your attention that on September 21, 2018, the driver of the 3rd class of the garage Starodubtsev Petr Semenovich went to work drunk. Was not allowed to leave. Previously, he had similar violations and a disciplinary sanction "reprimand" for drinking alcohol during working hours.

In connection with the violation of labor discipline, expressed in going to work drunk, I propose to dismiss Starodubtsev P.S. in connection with the repeated appearance at work in a state of intoxication.

Attached to this: explanatory note of Starodubtsev P.S.”

Memorandum on non-fulfillment of official duties (sample writing for a single refusal without good reason):

“I hereby bring to your attention that the turner of the 4th category of workshops Mitrofanov P.P. On 09/18/2018, without explanation, he refused to perform his immediate job duties, not accepting an order for cutting multiple threads, in connection with which the production process in the workshops was disrupted.

In connection with the refusal to perform official duties, I ask you to take Mitrofanova P.P. disciplinary sanction.

I am enclosing herewith: Mitrofanova P.P.'s explanatory note.

Memorandum on the incorrect behavior of an employee (sample writing) in relation to colleagues:

« I hereby bring to your attention that on September 22, 2018, the mechanic of the garage Nikolaev Anatoly Fedorovich, while on the territory of the enterprise, committed incorrect behavior towards the drivers of the garage preparing to leave the line, expressed in the use of profanity and unambiguous gestures, rude behavior.

In connection with the commission of an immoral disciplinary offense, I ask you to take out the garage mechanic Nikolaev A.F. disciplinary sanction - remark.

I am enclosing herewith: memos of I.T. Prokhorov, D.F. Sazonov, L.I. Ivanova, A.F. Nikolaev’s explanatory note.»

It should be noted that the incorrect behavior of an employee can be shown not only in the direction of colleagues, but also in relation to clients and customers, partners, enterprises, and other persons. In this case, when a memorandum is drawn up on the behavior of an employee, a sample of its information and notification part is written similarly to the one above, while the surname and initials of the person in relation to whom the incorrect behavior is allowed, his place of work and powers should be indicated.

Incorrect spelling of a service document

Often in writing memos officials- Heads of structural divisions, make mistakes in the formulation of its information-notification and resolutive parts.

Let's take an example. Memorandum - a sample of an incorrectly written document:

« I hereby bring to your attention that the car mechanic of the 5th category Shevelev V.S. provoked a conflict situation - he insulted the gas and electric welder Ivanov P.P.

I enclose herewith: explanatory note of Ivanov P.P.»

Errors in writing the above sample:

    the main situational circumstances are not indicated - when and where the disciplinary offense was committed, in what way it was expressed and in whose presence it was committed;

    the summarizing part is not formulated - the misconduct is not assessed and the measures of punishment for the perpetrator are not proposed;

    explanatory notes from the culprit of the conflict, and explanations of the persons present at the same time, were not selected.

Full sample memorandum

And in conclusion, we give a complete sample of a memorandum for violation of labor discipline:


I hereby bring to your attention that on September 18, 2018, the driver of the 2nd class of the garage Khromov Zakhar Viktorovich went to work in a state of residual alcohol intoxication. Nurse for the release of Frolova M.N. was not allowed to leave. Previously, Khromov already had similar violations. He has an unresolved disciplinary sanction - a reprimand.

In connection with the violation of labor discipline, expressed in going to work in a state of intoxication, I ask you to dismiss Khromov Z.V. for repeated violation of labor discipline - the appearance at work in a state of intoxication.

I enclose herewith: explanatory notes of Frolova M.N., Khromova Z.V.

The memorandum is an information and reference document that can be drawn up both at the initiative of an employee of the organization, and at the direction of the management. Usually, such notes reflect the result of the implementation of the orders of the authorities, information on the progress of any work or complaints about the failure of a certain person to fulfill his duties.

The memorandum can be one of three possible types:

  • reporting;
  • initiative;
  • informational.

In the first case, the note in most cases is formal in nature and contains a report on the completion of a certain stage of work or on the implementation of instructions, orders or instructions from the management.

An information note also contains information on the status and progress of work, and unlike a report note, such a document describes the current state of affairs.

The initiative note may contain the motivation of the addressee to perform certain actions and make decisions. This may not occur in a direct form, but in the form of a statement of some facts or an expression of wishes that may lead to response actions by the addressee. By the way, the memos that report violations by employees belong to this type.

To draw up such a document, grounds are needed, since it is advisable to write a memorandum for certain reasons. These include the deterioration or improvement of work processes in connection with the actions of one or more persons, the need to resolve various conflict situations, the expression of disagreement with the decisions made by superiors.

For correspondence between employees of the same organization, it is used, which is used to cover issues that arise during work. For example, it can be written in the name of the manager with an explanation of the need to purchase parts for the machine, in case of a breakdown, or if it is necessary to replace the cartridge with a printer, etc.

How to write a memorandum

The memorandum is drawn up in an official style, while for use within the unit, a regular sheet of A4 paper is suitable for this, and for sending outside this structure, the note must be drawn up on. In any case, writing a memorandum on a letterhead or on a blank sheet is allowed, it is much more important to adhere to the structure of the document.

A sample memorandum assumes the following type of document:

  • details of the organization or structural unit;
  • "header" indicating the originator and addressee;
  • name and title;
  • note text;
  • date and signature of the compiler with transcript.

The text itself consists of two conditional parts, in the first of which the compiler indicates the essence of the appeal, and in the second he asks to take appropriate measures or gives the addressee recommendations on how the situation described can be corrected.


In some cases, the question of how to write a memorandum, concerns correct design. Sometimes such a document can be quite large and the text does not fit on one page. In this case, it is enough just to number all the sheets, putting the page numbers in Arabic numerals in the upper right part of the sheets.

A striking example of a memorandum that occupies several sheets is a report that contains a complete report on the activities of a large enterprise for a certain period. In this case, the document may contain various information about the functioning of all departments. Often, such reports require a listing of employees, managers and responsible persons by last name, which increases the volume of the note.

Regardless of whether a memorandum is being drawn up on the failure to perform official duties of a particular employee or is it just a formal report, the date of compilation and dispatch must be affixed to such a document.

For large enterprises where such documents are drawn up regularly, it is recommended to draw up and approve a sample report so that employees do not waste time compiling such a document and do not make mistakes.

At small enterprises and private organizations, such a document is practically not used, but in large companies, memos are an integral part of the internal document flow and can even be checked by external regulatory organizations.

For example, the accrual of large bonuses or unreasonable delay in payments at state-owned enterprises cannot be made without appropriate supporting documents, which in most cases are either orders from management or memorandums. Failure to do so may result in the company being fined.

Any memorandum, even if it is intended for internal use, can be used in court proceedings, but only if it is endorsed accordingly, and the addressee has received it and familiarized himself with its contents.