Incredible facts of history. On the way to the modern world: the most interesting facts in the history of mankind

History - interesting scienceShe tells about the distant epochs and different events, makes analyze the facts and puts scientists in a dead end. Historical finds are still not uncommon, moreover, some refute the generally accepted versions of the development of human civilization, and force new hypotheses to put forward. Not once, the story corresponded, was adjusted under the patterns, interpreted in a convenient form for the ruling class. It seems that the modern level of technology and knowledge allows you to explain the most incredible and strange events. But in the world there is still a place for unknown and inexplicable.

Ancient archaeological finds

The work of archaeologists has repeatedly presented the world surprises: the found artifacts and household items put in the dead end of historians. Their antiquity did not correspond to the official version of the development of mankind. How to explain the presence of iron weapons in wild tribes unfamiliar with metallurgy? What was certain objects for? How could they build if even modern technologies Are you not able to reproduce similar or simply transport building materials of the same weight? Get acquainted with some architectural objects around which disputes still do not subscribe, despite the presence of many articles and scientific theories.


Well-known worldwide Pyramids of Egypt's Pharaohs existed already 2600 thousand years BC. (This time is defined approximately, the accurate age is not installed so far). A lot of questions are known about the life of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, but many questions remain unanswered. Why the angle of tilt along the line that all the pyramids can be combined, exactly coincides with the angle of inclination of the Orion belt at 10,500 BC. completely coincide?

Another inexplicable fact: construction technologies during the reign of pharaohs do not explain the emergence of such large and majestic buildings. Amazing stories about the curse of Pharaoh generate many questions, but even now it is impossible to fully explain why Kara overtakes everyone who disturbed the peace of the ancient rulers of Egypt.

And one more important and unusual moment: found on different continents The pyramids are surprisingly similar to each other. In addition to Egypt, their huge monuments may be proud of:

  • Latin America (Maya and Aztec pyramids);
  • Andes (North Chico cult facilities);
  • China (the tomb of the rulers of Zhou dynasties and Zhao, Min, Tang, Qin, Han, Sui);
  • Rome (Pyramid Tsetia);
  • Nubia (City of Mero);
  • Spain (Pyramids of Gummar);
  • Russia (Pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, Aryan Temple in Rostov-on-Don).

All cult facilities are dated by different centuries, but have a number of similar devils. An interesting fact: the artificially created pyramids of the Kola Peninsula were built approximately 10 thousand years ago, which allows us to talk about them as ancient in the world. And makes you remember about the mysterious hyperbore, which is considered to be or myth, or the cradle of all mankind.

It is also worth mentioning underwater finds. It is possible that pyramidal structures were found in the Bermuda Triangle, which were already called the legendary Atlantis left under the water. True, the information about the find is very small and they are contradictory. But the Japanese underwater pyramid buildings are studied carefully.

Disputes on their age are still underway: some scientists talk about 5 thousand years, others - about 10. Apparently, in ancient myths there are a lot of truth, the history of human development can change new data.

Mysterious finds

Historical cult facilities, unusual monuments, strange ancient monuments, interesting archaeological finds have become a deadlock of scientists. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand and explain how and why some objects and buildings appeared. A number of objects can be made to the list of the most inexplicable.

Easter Islands Easter. Their age of more than 1000 years, but who created them from the pressed volcanic ash?

Stonehenge. Many legends are connected with this place: it is mentioned about the druids, the wizard of Merlin, the legendary gravy bowl. But the question is that Stonehenge was created much earlier. This is exactly established by scientists. Radio carbon analysis speaks of age 3,500 BC But this does not prevent the most incredible theory of the emergence of this mysterious structure. They are already about 200.

Interestingly, in addition to the famous English Stonehenge, there are similar buildings:

  • Small Henge in England;
  • Karaunja in Armenia;
  • ancient stones found in the city of Jel (Italy);
  • basalt boulders in Australia (near Melbourne);
  • prehistoric earthy Henge Ireland;
  • cromlekh in the Rostov region (Russia);
  • cromroy island of Khortita (Ukraine);
  • stone blocks of Salem (USA);
  • stone forest in Bulgaria.

All of them are unique. They are often referred to as ancient observatory, sunny clock, religious structures, but true purpose and remains a mystery.

Nasco drawings in Peru. Plateau Naska is drawn: there is an image of birds, animals, geometric figures. What about this unusual? Only the fact that the scale is amazing imagination, it is possible to see them entirely from a bird's eye view. But they were created about 900 years ago, then only dreamed of flights ...

Stainless column in Delhi. 1,600 years old she stands in an Indian city in the open sky. The height of the column is 7 meters, as it has been paid, is incomprehensible. But most amazing fact It is as follows: rust is not formed on the gland, even there is no spin.

Temple of Kailasanath. According to the legend, seven thousand masters in a hundred years, a magnificent Indian temple, moving down on a huge cliff, cut out a hundred years old Kyle and the cutter. How did they manage to reproduce so accurate forms and observe all the proportions, it is not clear.

These and other interesting historical finds put in a dead end of scientists. Will people ever be able to determine their appointment or way to create them? There is no confidence. In the meantime, it is necessary to be content with more or less believable theories.

Science is interesting

The history of the development of different sciences is filled with interesting facts. It is no secret that many discoveries were random, but sometimes unambiguous scientists who lived in different countries, came to the same conclusions almost simultaneously. Or entered the story as inventors, although only improved and distributed other people's ideas.

Some myths are still persistently perceived as real historical events:

  • Edison light bulb. It is still considered her inventor, although only improved the third-friendly invention, and with the help of its employees after numerous experiments. But the sources of the creation were Russian inventors of apple and Lododagin, Englishman Joseph Swan, Briton Frederick de Moleins and American John Starr.

Little-known, sometimes specially "forgotten" facts from the history of different sciences can significantly change the usual ideas about their development and becoming.

Some historical events are associated with animals. Remember the legendary story about how Gus was saved Rome. It happens that our smaller brothers become the cause of global shocks and can change the fate of the peoples.

Get acquainted with the most interesting moments:

  • The mass destruction of sparrows in China was the cause of the death of about 30 million people. Disappeared from fields natural enemies Lockers and caterpillars led to their mass reproduction. As a result of destroying crops, hunger began. And the bugs were still broken, which also delivered a lot of inconvenience and problems to residents of the subway.

it negative examplesBut there is also positive. Pets more than once saved their owners during earthquakes. They felt the approach of the catastrophe and warned their behavior about the coming distress. Seismobiologists have learned to correctly interpret the signals of snakes, birds, fish and mammals.

Unusual medicine

Historical facts about what was sometimes used as drugs, amaze.

Here are some of the most unusual ways Treatment:

  • Soothing syrup for children. Nanniki and young mothers in England and America in the 19th century used syrup based on the ammonia and morphine. The medicine was considered universal.
  • Babies earlier treated heroin from cough, it was used as a morphine substitute.
  • Tobacco enema was used in Western Europe in therapeutic purposes. By the way, in the middle of the last century, cigarettes were advertised as a healthy product.
  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids in the Middle Ages, the Iron 18 was used on fire.
  • Trepanation Ancient doctors did a hammer, so treated mental disordersIt is not surprising that patients often died right on the operating table.
  • It was believed that venerable diseases You can cure mercury or lead. After such rubbing, people died more often than from the disease itself.

Reincarnation: myth or truth

There are many references to the re-incarnation of dead people. Is it a myth or reincarnation?

You will seriously think about it if you find out some facts from the life of great people:

  • Napoleon and Hitler. After examining their biography, it is not difficult to believe in reincarnation, many iconic events in the life of both dictators occurred at a time of 129 years. 1760 and 1889 - Years of birth of Napoleon and Hitler. Further, the dates are followed accordingly: the coming to power - 1804 and 1933, the conquest of Vienna and the attack on Russia - 1812 and 1841, defeat in the war - 1816 and 1945.
  • Lincoln and Kennedy. These American presidents have the difference in exactly 100 years: Lincoln was born 1818, Kennedy - in 1918. And further coincidence: became presidents in 1860 and 1960, respectively. Both were killed on Friday, Lincoln in the Kennedy Theater, Kennedy - in the Lincoln car. Their killers were also born with a difference of 100 years. Like successors as president: both Johnson Andrew and Lyndon took the presidential post after the murder, one was born in 1808, the other in 1908.

Studying historical legendsThe myths and theories can be learn a lot of curious facts about humanity, the lives of great people, their discoveries and inventions.

The story in our head is sometimes on different levels. We know individual historical factsHowever, we never try to compare them among themselves and represent the course of history as something in a whole. The teachers laid down everything around the shelves, but forgot to unite the facts, and when we think about the events of past times, you can experience a healthy cognitive dissonance. Do not believe?

Fax invented before the phone

It would seem that fax is a more technological device, because it can transmit not only text, but also still images that in the 19th century was considered something unimaginable. The early developments of the fax device appeared at the beginning of the 1800s, but to realize them in the reality it turned out in 1865, when the first electromechanical fax was introduced into the Paris-Lyon line.

The first phone appeared only 10 years later, when Alexander Bell, together with Thomas Wattson, showed a general public telephone diaphragm.

From the first aircraft to the flight to the moon - one step

The 20th century is associated with an incredible jump of science forward. Much of what surrounds us was invented precisely then. Interesting fact: The first flight of Wright brothers on their homemade glider occurred in 1903. Only 66 years later, humanity landed on the moon. Unfortunately, now there is a braking development of science due to imperfection of technologies, but in the future we can expect another such leap forward, and who knows where he will lead us.

Harvard University appeared earlier than the destruction of Newton's laws

In the Middle Ages, scientific research, mainly the clergy. Then the church did not deny scientific development if it did not contradict the Divine Start. Nevertheless, in 1636 the famous Harvard University was founded, from whose walls the greatest minds mankind. At the same time, the famous work of Isaac Newton on the laws of world community and movement of the Tel "Principia Mathematica" appeared only in 1687.

Cleopatra rules closer to the flight on the moon than to the construction of the pyramids

A modern analysis of the age of the pyramid showed that the same famous peyramid of Heops in Egypt was built in about 2540 BC. The famous queen Cleopatra rules by the state closer to the zero point of reference - 69-30 years before our era. The man landed on the moon, as we mentioned, in 1969.

Enemies in one city

Funny fact: Some of the most meaningful personalities The 20th century in 1913 lived in one city, namely in Vienna. Stalin, Hitler, Trotsky, Freud, Joseph Franz - Apartments and the residence of all these people were not far from each other.

For example, Trotsky and Hitler often visited the same cafe in the center of Vienna, it is likely that they are repeatedly crossed, but they still did not know each other. Literally in a pair of steps, there was another cafe in which Freud clapped. It is also known that between Stalin and Hitler's apartments was only an hour of leisurely walking, perhaps they met during evening walks.

Italy just a little older than Coca-Cola

The Kingdom of Italy appeared in 1861, when several independent states were united into a single country. The famous Coca-Cola drink appeared after 31 years, in 1892.

The locomotives were invented before bicycles

It would seem that such a simple invention as a bike has long ago, but in fact everything turned out more difficult. Huge and complex steam cars appeared after a patent for a steam wagon in 1797. At the same time, the first bike was shown only in 1818.

Nintendo appeared earlier than you think

The famous video game manufacturer and consoles on the modern market Nintendo has a rich past. In fact, it appeared at the end of the 19th century, in 1889. Then worldwide famous brand Engaged in manufacturing playing cardsas well as accessories for board games. Just during the founding of this company in Paris, they still ended the Majestic Eiffel Tower, and in London, no noise due to the loud killings of the most Jack Ripper.

The oldest tree on Earth actually witnessed the death of mammoths

Some of the oldest trees on Earth are Bristoinskaya pines growing in the reserve in California. Some of them are already 5 thousand years old, and they survived a lot of great historical events on the planet. Including the death of the last mammoth, which scientists dating about 4 thousand years ago.

We offer an exciting selection of historical facts about Russia and Russian people. Informative and interesting:

The origin of the name of our country is unknown

Since ancient times, our country was called Russia, but where did this name come from, it is reliably unknown. But it is known how "Russia" has become "Russia" - this happened due to the Byzantines who uttered the word "Rus" to their own way.

After the collapse of Russia, its individual areas began to call Small Russia, white Russia and Great Rus, or Malorusia, Belarus and Great. It was believed that only all these parts together make up Russia. But after the revolution of 1917 and coming to power, the Bolsheviks, Malorusia, began to call Ukraine, and Major formation - Russia.

In Russia, Dragonfly called grasshoppers.

A long time ago at the time of Russia, grasshoppers were really called dragonfly, but this name is not directly related to the flying insect dragonfly, the grasshopper was called "Dragonfly" because of the sounds published by him, which sounded like a string or click.

Inrogen invaders were only once able to conquer Russia

Many tried to conquer Russia, and these attempts have repeatedly failed. Conquered Russia only Mongols, and it happened in the 13th century. The reason for this was that Russia was divided into many principalities at that time, and the Russian princes could not unite and tell me to resist the conquerors. Since then, to this day, it is the stupidity and greed of rulers, internal conflicts There were and remain the main source of problems for our country.

Corporal punishment in Russia

On August 11, in the old style (24 in the new one), 1904 in the Russian Empire abolished corporal punishment for peasants and young artisans. It was the last social groupfor which still applied different kinds physical impact. A little earlier, in June of the same year, bodily punishments were canceled on the fleet and in the army.

Body punishments were divided into three large groups:

1) membership (extracting) - deprivation of a person of any part of the body or its damage (blinding, cutting out the language, cutting off the arm, legs, or fingers, cutting with the ears, nose or lip, castration);

2) painful - causing physical suffering by applying victims of various tools (whip, screens, baute (sticks), spreads, roses, cats, molts);

3) Healing (discounty) is the greatest value of the disgrace of the punctured (for example, the deposit of the shameling post, the branding, overlay, shall, shave the head).

The highest sections of the population trembled to the ban of corporal punishment. In July 1877, the St. Petersburg city of Trepov, in violation of the Law of 1863, ordered the rogging of the political concluded by Bogolyubov. Educated Bogolyubov went crazy and died from such an insult, and the famous Vera Zasulich dismissed him, heavily wounding Trepov. The court justified Zasulich.

Official Soviet pedagogy since 1917 considered the corporal punishment of children unacceptable. They were banned in all types educational institutionsBut in the family remained a frequent phenomenon. In 1988, the journalist Philippov conducted anonymous survey of 7,500 children from 9 to 15 years in 15 cities of the USSR, 60% admitted that parents applied corporal punishment to them.

Caribbean crisis and "Black Saturday"

What we call the Caribbean crisis is called the Cuban crisis, and Cubans themselves are the October crisis. But the whole world calls the most important day in the Caribbean crisis with one name - "Black Saturday" (October 27, 1962) - the day when the world was closest to the global nuclear war.

Russia has repeatedly helped the United States in their formation and strengthening

If it were not for Russia, the United States would not have arisen at all and the more superpowered. During the war of independence with England, the English king has repeatedly addressed Russia for help in suppressing the uprising. Russia, however, not only did not help, but also founded the league of armed neutrality, to which other countries trading from the US in spite of the protests of England soon joined. During civil War In the US, Russia actively supported Northerners, sending the squadron to New York and San Francisco, while England and France wanted the disintead of the United States and took the side of the South. Finally, Russia lost to the United States of California and the Hawaiian Islands, where she had colonies, and then for the funny price sold the United States and Alaska. However, in the 20th century, the United States, becoming a global power, responded with black ungrateful Russia.

USSR could easily win a cold war

After the end of the Second World War there remained two superpowers, faced in the global confrontation - the United States and the USSR. Despite the worst starting conditions, the USSR in the 60s in many respects broke out forward, and many believed that he would win in the fight against capitalists. In the 70s, the capitalist world struck the hardest crisis provoked by the increase in oil prices, and the US economy was on the verge of collapse. However, the Soviet leadership not only did not take advantage of the situation, but, on the contrary, actually saved his opponent, concluding contracts for disarmament and agreeing to sell oil for dollars. The United States, on the contrary, made a bet on the collapse of the USSR and victory in cold WarWhat, in the end, and were able to achieve 20 years later, with a complicity of traitors among the Soviet leadership.

First Japanese in Russia

The first Japanese who fell to Russia was denbay - the Son of the merchant from Osaka. His ship was brittle to the shores of Kamchatka in 1695. In 1701 he reached Moscow.

In the winter of 1702, after the audience, on January 8, Peter I in the village of Preobrazhensky Denbay received the order to become a translator and a Japanese teacher in an artillery order. Denbay personally told that he could, Peter I on Japan and thereby gave the impetus to the Russian efforts on the study of Kamchatka and smoke and attempt to open trade with Japan.

Since 1707, Denbay lived at the Palace of Prince and one time of the governor of the Siberian province Matvey Gagarin. It is known that at the insistence of Peter I, Jacob Bruce Denbay, was baptized and took the name of Gabriel Bogdanov (which closed his way back to Japan, where Christianity was prohibited). Founded by the School of Translators from Japanese acted in Moscow until 1739, after which it was translated into Irkutsk, where he existed until 1816.

Debay is known only about one Japanese in Russia. In the reign of Boris Godunov, the Japanese of Christian religion was visited by Russia. It was a young Catholic from Manila, who, together with his spiritual mentor, Nikolai Melo from the Order of St. Augustine traveled to Rome on the route Manila - India - Persia - Russia. But Time of Troubles It turned out to be tragic for them: as alien Catholics grabbed them, and the king Boris Godunov exiled them to the Solovetsky monastery. After six years of references, he was executed as a supporter of Falsmitria I in 1611 in Nizhny Novgorod. In Russia, he was considered an Indian, not Japanese.

Favorite commander Catherine II

Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was the favorite of Empress Catherine. She celebrated and trembled with the awards of the Russian Macedonian, and he happened, allowed himself that another was in disabilities, knowing that Catherine would always forgive any anticipation or eccentricity of the great commander. Here are some interesting cases:

One day, on the court Ball, Catherine decided to give Suvorov and asked him:
- What to sweep a dear guest? - Bless, Tsarina, Vodka! "But what will my Freillans tell when they talk to you?" - They will feel that the soldiers say with them!

Somehow in the conversation, the Empress said that she had in the future to send Suvorov to the service in Finland. Suvorov bowed to Empress, kissed her hand and returned home. Then he sat down in the postage carriage and left for the Vyborg, from where Ekaterina sent Message: "Waiting, Mother, your further commands."

It is known that Suvorov even in very coldy Very easily dressed. Catherine II gave Suvorov the fur coat and ordered it to wear it. What to do? Suvorov began to carry a given fur coat with him everywhere, but kept her knees.

After pacifying the Poles in 1794, Suvorov sends the messenger the race. "Messedzh" Next: "Hurray! Warsaw OUR! ". Answer Catherine: "Hurray! Feldmarshal Suvorov! " And this is in times of extensive reports about the capture of cities. As Escho sent. But, nevertheless, to surpass in the lapidarity of Feldamarshal Saltykov, who, after a fight with Prussians at Kunersdorf, during the seven-year-old war, he simply sent a hat of the Prussian king to St. Petersburg, found on the battlefield, he failed.

Kutuzov is not a pirate, he does not need a bandage on the eye!

In recent years, the images of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in 1812 in 1812, Field Marshal General Prince M.I. Golenisheva-Kutuzov with a bandage on the right eye have become massively replicated. The "one-eyed" Kutuzov can be seen on the covers of books and magazines, in the paintings of modern artists and on various souvenirs, as well as on busts and monuments.

Similar images do not correspond to historical accuracy, since Kutuzov never wore dressings on the eye. There is not a single memoir or epistolary testimony of Kutuzov's contemporaries, describing Feldmarshal with an armband on the right eye. Moreover, Kutuzov there was no need to hide the eye under the dressing, as he saw this eye, although not as good as left.

"Fate appoints Kutuzov to something great" - with amazement said the main surgeon of the Russian army Masso, examined in 1788 under the focus "fatal injury" of Kutuzov in the head. The bullet took place from the temple in the temple behind both eyes. The verdict of the doctors was unequivocal - death, but Kutuzov not only did not die, but did not even lose sight, although the right eye twisted a little. The surprise of doctors and all the world by the fact that Kutuzov remained to live and after 6 months later turned out to be in the ranks, it was limitless, like 14 years before that, when he was first "deadly wounded." In 1774, under Alushta, as well as under Ochakov, Kutuzov was injured in the head, and the bullet passed almost in the same place. Then the doctors of the whole of Europe considered the recovery of Kutuzov miracle, and many have believed that the news about the injury and cure of the general is a fairy tale, because It was impossible to survive after such a wound.

Actually, at the beginning of the XIX century. To wear a bandage on the eye after wound healing was not accepted (even if the eye was completely absent). For the first time, the "one-eyed" Kutuzov appeared in 1944 in the Art Film "Kutuzov". Then the bandage on the right eye of Kutuzov was put on director-producers of the Music Film-Comedy "Hussar Ballad" (1962) and the same name (1964) and ballet (1979).

Genially played by Igor Ilinsky, the image of Kutuzov spawned a steady legend that Kutuzov wore an armband on a damaged eye. In recent years, the replication of this legend has taken such a massive character, which began to lead to distortion of historical reality.

John Empress Anna John

Peter I Rules Russian Empire 10 years. The harsh temper of the Russian landowner did not interfere with it.

It is known that Empress Anna Ioannovna loved the jesters and dwarfs very much. They were six at her yard. Three of them were demolished aristocrats. So, forcibly performing the role of the jester, she forced the princes of Mikhail Golitsyn and Nikita Volkonsky, as well as Graph Alexei Apraksin. The rocks clowns were to be crying in the presence of the Empress, to ride each other and beat his fists to blood or depict chickens and causing. IN last year His reign of the Empress arranged the wedding of his jesters - 50-year-old Prince Golitsyn and the ugly Kalmuk Anna Bujieninov, who received his last name in honor of the favorite Empress dish. To participate in wedding celebrations from all over the country, representatives of different nationalities of both sexes were discharged: Russians, Tatars, Mordvini, Chuvashi, etc. They were supposed to dress up in their national clothes and have musical instruments. It was winter. By order, Anna John on the Neva built an icy house, in which all the walls, doors, windows, furniture, dishes were made of ice. Covered here wedding celebration. Many candles in ice candlesticks, and even the marriage bed for "young" was arranged on an ice bed.

Peter I and Koool

In winter, slingshots were put on the Neva, so that after the occurrence of darkness, not to miss anyone in the city or from the city. Once the emperor Peter I decided to check the guard itself. He drove up to one hour, attached to the merchant merchant and asked to skip it, offering money for passing. The clock refused to skip him, although Peter had already reached 10 rubles, the amounts at the time very significant. The clock, seeing such persistence, threatened that it would be forced to shoot it.

Peter left and headed for another watch. The same passed Peter for 2 rubles.

The next day, an order was announced on the shelf: a sales hourly hang, and the rubles received to drill and hang him on the neck.

The conscientious hourly to produce into Caprals and please him with ten rubles.

Thai National Hymn

Thai national anthem was written in 1902 by the Russian composer Podr Shchurovsky.

Nicholas I provided his officers a choice between Gaupwahta and listening to Glinka operas as a punishment.

On November 27, 1842, the first representation of the opera M. I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila", which brought a number of sensitive griefs to the author. I did not like the public and the highest society, the emperor Nicholas I after IV actually left, without waiting for the end. The music of the Opera didn't like him so much that he commanded as a punishment by the stratum capital officers to choose between Gaupwahta and listening to Glinka's music. So the emperor additionally expressed his displeasure creativity of the composer. Such were the morals, alas. Thank God that the composer Nikolai himself did not send himself to Gauptvaku.

"Thank God that you are Russian"

In 1826, the Russian contemporary described the appearance of the sovereign - Emperor Nicholas I: "High Growth, Drozhtov, Breasts had a wide ... Look fast, voice ringing, suitable for a tenor, but spoke of a few patter ... There was some kind of genuine severity in the movements" .

"Genuine rigor" ... When he commanded the troops, he never shouted. There was no need for this - the king's voice was heard for the mile; The tagged Grenadle looked next to him just children. Nikolai led a ascetic lifestyle, but if we talk about the luxury of the yard, magnificent receptions - they stunned all, especially foreigners. This was done in order to emphasize the status of Russia, about which the sovereign took care of the unceasing.

General Peter Daragan recalled, as in the presence of Nikolai Pavlovich spoke in French, riding. Nikolay, suddenly having made an exaggeratedly serious mine, began to repeat every word for him than brought his wife to the attack. Daragan, Punchovy from shame, jumped into the receiving, where Nikolai caught up with him and, kissing, explained: "Why are you a killing? For the Frenchman, no one will accept you; Thank Godhead that you are Russian, and it's not good to a monkey. "

Prospects for profit - It was believed that at a speed of 60 km / h passengers will be chopped.

  • Opponents of using gas for lighting in England argued that it undermines the whaling fishing.
  • Isaac Singer ( sewing machines) It was married to five women at the same time. He had 15 children from them and not to make mistakes, he called everyone daughters.
  • In the first century, our era of 87 types of goods that imported into ancient Rome from the countries of Asia and the Eastern Coast of Africa, 44 were spices.
  • Spices are highly valued - in the V century Romans screamed from the siege of the barbarians a whole city for one and a half tons of pepper.
  • When Vasco da Gama reached Calcutta and returned with the goods, which paid for the cost of swimming sixty-time.
  • Sir Francis Drake, having saved on the same ship, brought cargo, the cost of which exceeded the entire annual income of Queen Elizabeth.
  • Sugar was so favorable product that the Dutch was exchanged for sugar sugar, and France refused Canada in exchange for Guadelupe with its cane plantations.
  • During the battle between the British and the French during the cross, more than half a million arrows were issued
  • Norbert Wiener formulated the concept that he called Cybernetics (from the Greek "Management") and used in work dedicated to anti-aircraft fire systems. In 1944, this system was implemented in the device to control anti-aircraft fire M-9. From the very beginning he showed his high efficiency In the interception of German Rockets FAu-1 in the area of \u200b\u200bLa Mansha. At first, the zenithors hit about 24% of the released rockets. On the day of the last raid from 108 missiles, which rose into the air, 64 was destroyed using the fire control system.
  • In the XVII century, whaling fishery brought 500% profit.
  • In the middle of the XVII century, under the influence of the ideas of Luther, the believers crowded from Catholicism to the Protestant faith. In 1656, Rome decided to take counter measures and convened a church cathedral. The cathedral lasted several decades and one of his decisions was to strengthen the propaganda tools of art - this direction is now known as Baroque.
  • In the Aristotelian model of the device of the universe in the center of the universe there was land. And the days of Easter (which are determined taking into account the mutual location of the Sun and the Moon) were calculated incorrectly. And since compliance church holidays was prerequisite Saving the soul, the mistake should be corrected. The church instructed this to Polish Astronoma Nikolai Copernicus.
  • What we call "cucumber" in the Indian ornament is nothing but a fir or pine cone, a traditional symbol of prosperity and fertility for Muslims.
  • Nobel plant, producing marine mines in Russia, was named "mechanical and cast-iron Ogarev and Nobel's Cartoon Plant". These mines during Crimean war Forced allies to start the landstorming of Sevastopol, and transport vessels with a wire and outfit on Balaklava raid. There, they found the famous hurricane on November 14, 1854, during which the fleet was completely destroyed.
  • London laminated medicine recommended smoking more to kill microbes, as well as wear a mustache as a respirator.
  • Six months after the arrival of Florence, Plantneyale in Crimea mortality among the wounded declined from forty-four to two percent. A total of 18,058 the British who died in the Crimean campaign, 1761 people were killed on the battlefield, the rest died as a result of hospitalization.
  • In the XVII century, the average life expectancy
  • I wonder what was the sex life of our ancestors? What were the postures? What were the morals? And maybe intimate proximity was something vicious and sinful? You can judge this in the ancient Scriptures and Folk Folklore. And here, what conclusions did researchers.

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    Now the phone is every minute internet access, games, applications, and even two cameras to make more convenient to do selfie. The phone has become an indicator of the social status of a person in society. Now it serves not for voice communication, but more for textual, by means social networks and text messages. But once everything was different ...

    / Historical facts

    Amazing architectural monuments, man-made masterpieces and leaving our understanding archaeological finds dating back to centuries and millennia BC, represent the history of human civilization in a completely different light. Read to know more.

    / Historical facts

    Your new designer jeans are so narrow that you do not make a single breath? Shoes turn a date to hell? Well, retain heels aside and read the real "torture guns", which once entered the list of Must-Have any self-respecting fashionista. We present to your attention the five most unsafe for the health of Fashion-deliveries.

    / Historical facts

    What does it mean if the person "beats the belly" in order to avoid "hanging", as a punishment for "small betrayal", in the hope of just to be sentenced to "resettlement"? These are the terms that were used daily in the halls of the court sessions during the 16-19th centuries, each of which is a fascinating and often anxious piece of our story. I offer 15 historical crimes and punishments.

    / Historical facts

    Speaking of cruelty and evil, we often remember the murderers, maniacs and rapists. But did you think about 100% of cases come to mind male names? But how can it be otherwise? After all, a woman is a mother, it is tenderness and love. But history shows that indescribable unimaginable cruelty was sometimes settled in a fragile female heart.

    / Historical facts

    We are surrounded by a lot of things, without which we simply have no idea our lives, they are so for us "Mean". It is difficult to believe that once there were no matches, pillows or forks for food. But all these items have passed a long way of modifications to get to us in this form in which we know them. I propose to learn a complex story of simple things. Part 2.

    / Historical facts

    We are surrounded by a lot of things, without which we simply have no idea our lives, they are so for us "Mean". It is difficult to believe that once there was no combs, tea bag or buttons. But all these items have passed a long way of modifications to get to us in this form in which we know them. I propose to learn a complex story of simple things.

    / Historical facts

    "Our" habits are the habits of post-Soviet people. We were brought up and raised about equal terms with the same capabilities. And the customs and traditions made us recognizable almost all over the world. Yes, and get lost in someone else's country, we still can recognize each other, even if we will not talk. One word: "ours"!