How to make the installation of plastic windows. Proper installation of plastic windows according to GOST

Nowadays, more and more people are giving their choice in favor of plastic windows. Such double-glazed windows are equipped and ordinary apartments, and country houses, and luxurious country mansions. And quite often people install new windows with their own hands. Depending on the chosen method of installation and the skills of the installer, the process of installing one window will take from one and a half hours to half a day. The technology for installing windows is extremely simple and straightforward. It does not require the use of any complex tools. The main thing is to adhere to the installation order and comply with all the requirements dictated by the installation technology.

Necessary measurements before ordering plastic windows

Correct installation new windows requires an accurate measurement of the window opening. In addition, it is important to know the features of installing windows in openings with a quarter. Such window openings are usually found in foam concrete buildings. They help to significantly reduce heat loss. The main difference is that a window with a length of 50 mm less than the length of the opening is installed in the opening without a quarter. 30 mm must be subtracted from the measured width. Leave gaps of 15 mm along the contour of the opening for foaming. In accordance with current GOSTs, around the perimeter you need to leave 20 mm. From below, additionally leave 35 mm under the window sill.

If the installation of PVC windows will be carried out in a window opening with a quarter, measure at the narrowest point. When ordering, add 30 mm to the window width. The length does not need to be changed.

As a rule, the window is not installed in the center of the opening, but at a distance of about 1/3 deep from the outer plane. If the installation of PVC windows is done by hand, then the owner can move the structure in any direction convenient for him. Consider offset in advance and consider given parameter when ordering an ebb and window sill.

To the width of the ebb and window sill determined in accordance with the location of the window, add 50 mm each. When calculating the width of the window sill, additionally take into account such an indicator as the location of the battery.

The window sill should cover the radiator halfway. Add 20 mm to insert the product under the base of the PVC window. The margin in length must be at least 80 mm. But it’s better not to save too much and add 150 mm so that in the future you can cut the window sill beautifully without any problems. Together with the ebb and window sill, you will be offered to order side plastic plugs. You don't need to give up on them.

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Which frame mounting method should I choose?

The installation of PVC windows does not depend on the chamber size of the double-glazed window, nor on the number of internal chambers in the profile. The order of installation of the product can change only taking into account the material of the walls and the size of the window. Suitable mount and way PVC mounting windows are selected in accordance with the listed parameters. To fix the window structure, you can use:

  1. Dowels or anchors that cut into walls through existing or pre-prepared through holes in the profile.
  2. toothed plates. They are pressed into profile. They are fastened against the wall and fixed with screws.

Practice shows that the first option is the most reliable. It is most often used in the installation of heavy and large windows. In the case of through fastening, the window will normally withstand multiple shock loads that inevitably occur when turning and tilting window sashes. In addition, with the help of anchors, the installer gets the opportunity to adjust the horizontal and vertical of the product to be installed as accurately as possible.

Those who install windows with blank double-glazed windows, i.e. without hinged and flaps, more interested in installation using anchor plates. These products are hidden under the slopes, so they will not spoil the appearance. If the walls of the house are made of brick or concrete, then it is recommended to prepare small recesses for the plates. They will eliminate the need to apply a leveling layer before the slope device.

Sometimes both methods are used in combination. Through the lower profile and the side parts of the frame, anchors are deepened into the walls, and plates are used to fix the structure. If the windows are installed in a building made of wood, it is better to refuse the use of plates, because. they loosen after a short time. In this case, galvanized screws are more preferable.

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What you need to know the owner of a wooden house?

The process of installing PVC windows is very dependent on the material of the walls. In the case of brick and foam concrete structures, the differences come down only to the depth of the anchors. With openings from a bar and a log house, everything is a little more complicated.

If the walls of the house are made of wood, you need to remember the row important rules. Firstly, it is recommended to start installing PVC windows in a wooden house no earlier than a year, and even better, 2 years after the completion of the construction of the house. This requirement is dictated by the fact that during this time the material shrinks. Glued laminated timber is characterized by the smallest value and period of shrinkage. Secondly, windows are not installed directly into the opening. The product can only be mounted in a wooden box. It will protect the PVC window from deformation. The block must not have any defects, signs of damage by insects and rot, etc. Before starting any work, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic without fail.

After 1-2 years, shrinkage does not stop completely, but is no longer so strong. After installation of PVC windows and completion finishing works it will also happen. That is why at the top between the box and the opening you need to leave a gap of 30-70 mm. The size of this gap is selected taking into account the type and humidity building materials. After installation is completed, this gap must be filled with jute and closed with platbands.

Building codes do not establish any clear recommendations regarding materials for window sills and sills. As a rule, standard ebbs are used, which come with a PVC window. The window sill can be made of wood or polymer. The lower profile can be supported directly on a wooden window sill, i.e. you can, if desired, install this product before installing the window. Or you can not get rid of the old window sill, if it is normally preserved.

Experienced builders give very useful advice, which is not in normative documents, but it will be useful to any person who decides to perform an independent installation of PVC windows. The wood is permeable. If no action is taken in this regard, these evaporations will gradually degrade the properties of the foam. And to prevent the foam from moistening, a polyethylene foam foil tape should be pasted along the line of its application.

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Preparing the opening and window for installation

Before proceeding to further work, prepare tools for mounting PVC windows. You will need the following:

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Foam gun and directly foam.
  3. Level.
  4. Electric jigsaw.
  5. Perforator.
  6. A set of hex keys.
  7. Pencil.
  8. Yardstick.
  9. Stationery knife.

After you dismantle the old window, carefully clean the opening of paint and debris. If the walls of your house are made of wood, you will have to additionally cut off the top layer if the new window is mounted in a box that has already served for some time. This pre-treatment provides a stronger adhesion of the foam to top layer.

Builders recommend using foam to fill the gap only if the gap between the opening and the frame does not exceed 40 mm in size. If the gaps are larger, it is better to partially fill them with foam, drywall and other available materials. For example, in a house made of timber, you can use segments of the same timber.

First you need to remove the sash from the frame. To do this, pull the pin out of the top loop. You can carefully pry it off with a screwdriver or pliers. After that, remove the sash from the bottom hinge. If the window is deaf, you need to remove the double-glazed window from it. First, the longitudinal glazing beads are taken, after them - the transverse ones. Beads are easily removed with a spatula or a wide knife. It is enough to insert an auxiliary tool into the gap and begin to gradually shift it. Be careful not to damage the glass.

If the window small size, you can insert it using mounting plates without having to first remove the double-glazed windows or sashes. If it is possible not to violate the integrity of the factory design, then it is better not to do this. Take a sash or double-glazed window and lean the product against the wall at a slight angle, placing it on a flat horizontal surface, previously covered with thick cardboard or some kind of soft material.

In no case do not lay double-glazed windows and sashes flat. It is also forbidden to put them skewed. Even because of the smallest pebble under the base, a crack may appear in the product. Remove protective film With outside frames. It is better to do it right away, because. further this process will require much more effort.

Mark the places for installing fasteners. Builders recommend installing fasteners in increments of 40 cm. In accordance with the current GOSTs, the step should not exceed 70 cm. The standard indents from the impost and corners are 15 cm. If you install a PVC window using plates, attach them to the frame in advance. For this, self-tapping screws are used. Prepare holes for long self-tapping screws or anchor bolts. Use a metal drill for this. Drill from the outside of the frame.

Most instructions indicate that before starting installation, you need to fix it with PSUL protective tape. However, practice shows that it is quite inconvenient to glue it before installation. Therefore, you can do this after the installation is completed, nothing terrible will happen because of this.

The advantages of installing plastic windows are not only performance characteristics but also ease of installation. An uncomplicated process, facilitated by the presence of fasteners and additional parts in the factory, House master he will be able to master and carry out on his own. There are a number of nuances in it that dictate scrupulous implementation of building regulations to an independent installer. To call on assistants will need patience, accuracy and at least one person. Then the installation of plastic windows with your own hands will be performed flawlessly and practically free of charge.

Video tutorial for independent builders

Preliminary measurements and calculations

Before buying a window, it is traditional to measure the opening, taking into account whether it is with or without a quarter. Openings with a quarter - a characteristic detail of a foam concrete structure, significantly reducing heat loss. In an opening without a quarter, you need to order a window, the length of which will be 5 cm less than the equivalent parameter of the opening. From the width value, you need to subtract 3 cm. Gaps along the contour of 1.5 cm are needed for foaming, an additional 3.5 cm from the bottom are needed for the window sill. GOSTs recommend leaving 2.0 cm around the perimeter.

To arrange an opening with a quarter, measurements are taken at the narrowest point. Windows are ordered by adding 3 cm to the width, the length value is not changed.

Windows are usually located not in the middle of the opening, but retreating from the outer plane 1/3 deep. But those who want to install a plastic window with their own hands may have options with an offset to either side. This circumstance must be taken into account when ordering window sills and external ebbs. To the width indicators of both elements calculated according to the location of the window, 5 cm must be added.

The location of the battery also affects the calculation of the width of the sill. It should only half cover the radiator. Plus 2 cm for the establishment under the base of the window. The minimum margin for length is 8 cm, but it is better not to skimp and add 15 cm to cut this part beautifully.

Note. Plastic side plugs are attached to the window sills and ebbs. Don't give up on them.

Frame fastening methods

The installation technology does not depend on the number of internal chambers in the metal-plastic profile, nor on the number of chambers in double-glazed windows. It depends on the material from which the walls of the building are built, and on the dimensions of the window. Based on the above prerequisites, the method and attachment devices are selected.

You can fix the plastic window structure:

  • mounting anchors or dowels inserted into the walls through through holes drilled in the profile;
  • with special toothed plates that are pressed into the profile, they do not penetrate into the wall, but are installed by surprise and fastened with screws.

The first method is recognized as the most reliable. It is mainly used for mounting large and heavy window systems. When fastened through, the window will firmly resist numerous impact loads that occur, for example, when operating windows with sashes that open in two different positions. In addition, the anchors passing through the frame will allow you to more accurately adjust the verticals and horizontals of the mounted structure.

However, those who want to know how to properly install plastic windows of small dimensions with blank double-glazed windows should be interested in the method of fixing with anchor plates. They will not spoil the appearance of the window, since then they will be hidden under the slopes.

Advice. For the installation of anchor plates in a concrete or brick opening, it is desirable to make small recesses so that you do not have to apply an extra leveling layer before installing the internal slopes.

Often builders combine both methods. The anchors are buried in the walls through the side elements of the frame and through the bottom profile (window base), and the top is fixed only with plates. If the installation of plastic windows with your own hands is done in wooden bath, anchor plates are rarely used, they can become loose. Instead of anchors, galvanized self-tapping screws are sometimes used.

Specifics of installation in a wooden structure

To a large extent, the installation process is influenced by the type of building material. If for walls made of foam concrete, hollow or solid brick the differences are only in the size of the deepening of the anchors, then to the openings in log cabins and in timber walls special approach. You need to take into account not only how, but also when it is better to install plastic windows in wooden openings, and even how to do it.

  • It is possible to equip a wooden structure with plastic windows only after a year, preferably two years after the completion of construction. This significant break is necessary due to post-construction shrinkage. The smallest period of shrinkage and its size are for buildings made of glued laminated timber.
  • Installation is not carried out directly in the opening. You can only insert a window into a wooden box that protects the window structure from deformation. There should be no damage, defects and rot on the window unit. Before starting work, it must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Shrinkage, however, is no longer so intense, and will occur after the installation of windows and finishes. Taking into account what, a gap of 3-7 cm is left between the upper plane of the opening and the box. The size of the gap depends on the humidity and the category of materials used in construction. The gap after the installation of the window is filled with jute insulation and closed with platbands on both sides.

In building codes there are no exact recommendations about the material for ebbs and window sills in wooden houses. The ebbs usually use standard ones attached to the window structure. The window sill can be both polymeric and wooden. It is not forbidden for the bottom profile to rest directly on the wooden window sill. That is, before installation, it may already be.

There is a nuance that is not specified in the regulations, but recommended experienced builders those who figure out how to properly insert plastic windows. Wood that can pass evaporation will reduce the technical qualities of the mounting foam. In order for the foam “blown out” along the perimeter not to be moistened, window block along the line of its application, it is desirable to equip it with a foiled polyethylene foam tape.

Plastic window installation standards

A distinctive feature of the technology is the use of mounting foam, which stiffens the frame-opening connection. The layer obtained as a result of polymerization of the foam simultaneously performs the function of insulation and additional fastening. In order for the specified element to retain the necessary specifications the foamed layer is surrounded by insulating layers.

When it is better to insert a plastic window, the owner decides. Winter installation is often recommended due to the immediate manifestation of all flaws. When choosing a mounting foam, it is imperative to take into account at what values ​​of atmospheric temperature the composition will harden better. It is advised to prefer professional foam, and to work with negative thermometer readings, you need to buy a specialized nozzle.

How to perform foaming is described in detail by the manufacturer in the instruction attached to the product. Foaming usually begins from the bottom, moving upward in a circular motion. To eliminate the overspending of expensive material, the foam is blown in several steps in segments of 25-30 cm.

Advice. In order to shift the dew point, foaming is performed with unequal density. The outward facing foam layer is recommended to be made less dense than the inner one. Along the perimeter, the foam must be blown evenly, without voids and gaps.

Window opening preparation

There should be no dust, no debris, no paint residues in the opening - this is a prerequisite. Home craftsmen who want to know how to insert a plastic window into a wooden structure need to cut off the top “unreliable” layer if the installation is to be done in an already used box. The foam will adhere firmly to the top layer. If there is a suspicion that it will exfoliate over time, it is better to eliminate it.

Advice. The gaps between the frame and the opening are filled only with foam, if the distance does not exceed the limit of 4 cm. If the gaps are larger, it is better to partially fill them with cheaper material: drywall, pieces of timber, foam plastic, brick, etc.

Preparing a plastic window

  • First, release the frame from the sash, for which pull out the pin inserted into the upper hinge. You need to pick it up carefully from below with pliers and a screwdriver. Then, slightly lifting, remove the sash from the bottom hinge. Double-glazed windows are removed from blind windows, having previously removed the longitudinal and then transverse glazing beads. To remove glazing beads, a knife with a thickened side or a spatula is carefully inserted into the gap and slowly shifted, trying not to damage the glass.

Note. It is possible to insert a plastic window of small dimensions using mounting plates without removing the sashes or double-glazed windows. If possible, do not violate the integrity of the factory design.

  • Lean a double-glazed window or sash at an angle against the wall, placing it on a flat surface covered with cardboard or some soft material.

Attention. You can't lay flat! Put with a warp too. The smallest pebble under the base will cause a crack to appear.

  • Remove the protective film from the outer surface of the frame. If you do not remove it now, then it will be much more difficult to do it and you will have to use building hair dryer.
  • Regardless of the type of mount chosen, mark the places for its installation. The step strongly recommended by the builders is 40 cm (maybe a little less), allowed by GOSTs a maximum of 70 cm. The standards for indentation from the corners and from the impost are 15 cm. If mounting plates are used, they are pre-attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. Under anchor bolts or long self-tapping screws make holes by placing a metal drill on the outside of the frame.

Most of the video instructions teaching how to install a plastic window yourself dictate fixing the PSUL protective tape before installation. However craftsmen, faced with its sticky "inconvenience", convince that it is more reasonable to attach it after installation.

Direct installation process

  • Insert the frame into the opening, placing special plastic corners or small sticks to provide a technological gap. Slightly moving these spacer wedges, set the frame clearly horizontally and vertically with uniform side clearances.

Advice. It is desirable to place spacers near the point of attachment with a self-tapping screw or anchor. They will protect the frame from deformation.

  • Since the installation pvc windows do-it-yourself can be carried out using different fasteners, at this stage differences appear.
    • in the opening wooden house through the holes in the frame, immediately screw in the self-tapping screw. You don't need to screw it all the way in.
    • On the walls of foam concrete or brick, mark the points through the holes in the frame, then remove the frame, drill holes with a drill appropriate for the material. Then return the frame to its place, “bait” the fasteners.
    • There will be no need for double manipulation of the frame when mounting on anchor plates. They should simply be bent so that they adjoin the place intended for their fastening.

  • The final fastening is made after the control of the horizontals and verticals with a spirit level and a plumb line. It is impossible to persist with tightening, so that the frame does not begin to bend barrel-shaped. Finish screwing as soon as the hat is level with the frame. Installers advise leaving 1 mm above the surface.
  • Return the dismantled parts to their place in the reverse order and check the operability of the structure.
  • Fill gaps with foam. Outside and with inside close the foamed seams with protective tapes. Outside, the insulating tape must be "drowned" in
  • Fill the gap under the drain with foam. Install it with a slope from the window, attach it with screws to the bottom profile.
  • After the polymerization of the foam, it is necessary to install a window sill. Plastic variant 2 cm starts under the sweet clover. To create a slight slope from the window, the space under the window sill can also be foamed.
  • It is desirable to make slopes on the day of installation. Maximum break 3 days after installation.

After performing all operations for 16 hours, it is not recommended to use windows so as not to violate the integrity of the assembly joints. Knowing how to install a plastic window is necessary not only for skilled owners. If the owner of country estate decides to order the services of a little-known team of installers, he also needs to study the specifics of installation in advance.

Hello readers! Haven't blogged in a while. The season of installing and adjusting windows before winter has begun. Everyone wants to warm up.

So, many customers are interested in how we fix plastic windows. I will say right away that there is no single fastening.

It all depends on the location of the window. Therefore, we can use anchors or plates. In general, I got tired of answering the same questions and I decided to put them in one article, a link to which will be given to all my new clients.

I hope you find this information useful too. Read, meet.

The choice of fasteners for windows primarily depends on the material of the wall into which you will mount your window:

  • Brick;
  • Wood;
  • Aerated concrete, foam concrete, cinder block;
  • Concrete.

Secondly, on the type of construction and specifications mounting:

  • Loggias;
  • Entrance doors;
  • Window;
  • Stained glass.

How to fix plastic windows. Types of fasteners

1. Anchor or frame dowel. It happens with a diameter of 8 mm, but practice shows that optimal diameter frame dowel - 10 mm. In my opinion, the most reliable and convenient fasteners for windows.

It has different lengths: 72 mm, 92 mm, 112 mm, 132 mm, 152 mm, 182 mm, 202 mm. Used like this:

AT window frame a hole is drilled with a metal drill with a diameter of 10 mm. Then, a hole in the concrete is drilled with a hammer drill, right through the frame.

I consider it optional. Because, as for the dowel cap, there is even a special decorative cap. And the fastening strength in both cases is almost the same.

For every kind window profile, especially popular, produce a certain type of anchor plates. But since, according to the technology, the plates need to be screwed to the window frame, any plates for windows can be used (only for the sake of economy, of course).

By the way, about screwing the plates into the frame. There are so-called crab plates. That is, they cut or snap into the profile.

So, if there is a quarter in the opening, many installers do not screw such plates. The window will not fall out, and this is the most important thing. After all, a quarter holds a window.

It must be said that there are cases (at present less often) when window installers, grossly violating the installation technology, do not use fasteners at all. Just fix the window with wedges and pour mounting foam.

I hope that such cases will pass you by.

3. Wood screws. Used to fasten windows to wood. The cheapest fasteners, and this is probably the only plus.

4. Concrete screw. Used in my opinion only in Europe. I went to the professional store "Krepezh" in St. Petersburg, where you can buy a lot of things, talked with the sellers. They don't have those screws.

How to fix plastic windows in a brick?

Brick is a good building material. But fixing plastic windows into bricks is sometimes problematic. What is the actual difficulty?

If you use a frame dowel, then it is better to drill holes in the frame for this dowel not in advance, but in place.

This is necessary in order to get the anchor directly into the middle of the brick, and not into the mortar between the bricks. So, of course, no one does (I, by the way, too). It's a waste of time after all.

Frame dowel, it is advisable to choose the longest possible length (minimum brick entry 6 - 10 cm). If the brick is hollow, then use the 202nd anchor.

You can use anchor plates in brick if you are sure that the brick is not hollow. But even a solid brick is of poor quality. And it will be very difficult for a non-professional to fix a plate into it.

How to fix plastic windows in a tree?

An ideal option for fixing windows for wood is anchor plates. And no one can convince me of this. frame houses or timber, only plates.

From my bitter experience I will tell you how I fixed the windows with screws into the upper part of the box in a house made of timber. And there was casing, and a gap of about 4 cm. A year later, the beam began to sit down, and these screws, together with the beam, went straight into the double-glazed windows.

As a result, several double-glazed windows were replaced under warranty. Got into money. After this incident, if I use screws, then only in exceptional cases, and only in the side parts of the window frame.

By the way, even during construction frame houses, professionals do not recommend the use of hardened screws. Wood is a living material and when moving, the screws break, and the nail, for example, bends. The same principle applies to the anchor plate.

Anchor plates for wooden houses good for the following reasons:

  • Fast installation;
  • Compensates for thermal expansion;
  • Do not affect window structures during shrinkage.

How to fix plastic windows in aerated concrete?

The aerated concrete wall is loose. Can be mounted on a frame dowel with a maximum length of 202 mm. This is the easiest and fastest way.

But it is more correct to fix plastic windows on anchor plates through a special dowel for aerated concrete. It's a little longer and more difficult. In addition, you need to buy or have a hex bit in your arsenal.

How to fix plastic windows in concrete?

If you mean concrete good quality, from which, for example, jumpers are made over window openings, then drilling such concrete with a diameter of 10 mm under a frame dowel is difficult, but possible.

In this case, it is better to use anchor plates. But panel and block houses are just more efficient to mount on a frame dowel. It's more reliable and faster.

At the beginning of the article, I said that the choice of fasteners for windows also depends on the type of construction. So I want to talk about such a type as the glazing of loggias and balconies.

As a rule, window fasteners fall into the very edge of the top concrete slab or to the edge of a brick bottom and side wall. Therefore, attaching loggias to the edge of the wall on a frame dowel can be quite dangerous.

Anchor plates, this is a great way out of the situation.

And finally, I would like to say about a big plus anchors, which is at the same time a minus for anchor plates.

When the window frame is attached to the anchor, at the time of drilling, you set only one vertical plane to the level. And adjust the second vertical plane after inserting the anchor.

During fastening with anchor plates, you will have to set two vertical planes at once and only after that make holes with a puncher. This requires a certain skill and skill.

You decide to replace the old wooden windows plastic? Of course, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals, since the installation of plastic windows carries many nuances, if they are not observed, the windows may not retain heat, be not airtight, close poorly and fog up. If you are sure that you will cope with this task, then we will talk about the nuances of installing PVC windows in this article.

The content of the article:

Organizational matters

Advantage self installation plastic windows is that you yourself will do it much more scrupulously than most installation teams, who sin by non-compliance with GOST when installing windows. But again, we repeat that if you have never seen it visually and are not familiar with the process of installing plastic windows, order the installation from specialists.

When is the best time to install uPVC windows?

It is best to replace windows in the warm season, from May to September. Installation work do it in dry weather, in rainy weather it is highly recommended not to do this. Many are interested in the question: do they install plastic windows in winter? It is possible to install plastic windows in winter, but this is not recommended for a number of reasons. If you bought a new apartment and plan to move into it as soon as possible, or you are making repairs in the apartment you live in, then delaying repairs solely because of the windows is illogical, making repairs now and installing windows in six months is even more illogical, since part of what has been done repairs will go down the drain, and leaving old windows while doing repairs is wrong. Installation of windows in winter is allowed at a temperature not lower than -5 degrees. In addition, installing plastic windows in very hot weather is also not recommended. An important aspect when replacing windows is not only their installation, but also correct measurement and the right choice.

Measurement of plastic windows

Before you go shopping for a window, you need to measure window opening Based on these dimensions, place an order or buy a finished window. The advantage of ordering a window is that they will make a window for you according to your dimensions, as for buying ready-made windows, they are made according to standard sizes, which do not always fit perfectly into specific window openings.

So, the measurement of the window must be done as follows. To begin with, the window opening is measured from the inside in width, from the bases of the wall, so if you have slopes on the windows, they must be dismantled in order to make an accurate measurement. Then it is necessary to measure the height of the window opening, taking into account the type of window sill. If the house is panel, then in such houses the window sill, as a rule, is part of the slab, so a new window will be installed on it, but if the window sill is removable, then it is necessary to measure from the base of the slab itself. After that, you need to try to measure the depth of the window opening, for this, you may need to beat off part of the plaster or remove the wooden plank from the side parts of the window.

As for measurements from the outside, here we first measure the width and height of the window opening, then again you will need to beat off part of the plaster or cement in order to measure the depth of the opening between the window and the wall with a knife. If possible, also remove the ebb: check if there is a border from the bottom of the window opening or if the surface is solid.

As you understand, the window itself cannot fit right into window hole, since it needs space to contract and expand, depending on temperature fluctuations. As for gaps, they minimum size should be the following:

  • For windows up to 1m 20cm - indentation of 15mm;

  • For windows up to 2m 20cm - 20mm;

  • For windows up to 3m - 25mm.

When measuring, also consider that the window itself should only go into the window opening by a few centimeters, that is, that there should be at least 4 cm from the edges of the double-glazed window and the sash, so that the double-glazed window is not in the wall, and slopes can be made normally. Having received the dimensions of the window and the so-called window edging, we take into account the indicated nuances and obtain the size of the window profile. After that, place an order for the manufacture of a window, or buy a finished one, also order along with this: a handle, mosquito net(mounts), window sill and ebb.

Dismantling the old window and preparing the opening

When you have purchased a window and the weather is good outside, we start work. Keep in mind that all the work will be very dusty, so either remove all things from the room, or cover them with a film. We begin work with the dismantling of old windows, for this, use a hammer, mount and chisel. First you need to remove the window or the smaller sash, after which the large sash is dismantled. Next, using a hacksaw or electric jigsaw, you need to cut the partition between the wings in half and tear it out of the frame. Then we cut in half a part of the frame from below, after which we make its further dismantling.

When the frame is dismantled, using a hammer and a chisel or using a perforator, knock down the bumps and make grooves on the sides so that the window sill goes a little into the wall. Immediately before installing the plastic window, you need to carefully clean the window opening from debris and slightly moisten it. After that, we proceed to the preparation of the window profile and its installation.

Installation of plastic windows

Before installing the profile, you need to remove the sashes and pull out the double-glazed windows from the deaf parts of the window. We peel off the protective tapes from the outer part of the profile and put on decorative caps in the drain holes. Using self-tapping screws, we fix the fasteners for the mosquito net.

Many old sources do not mention this, but today the technology for installing plastic windows has changed a little, one more item has been added to it: profile insulation. These actions were included in the process of installing plastic windows due to the fact that most people, even with correct installation in compliance with all the rules, moisture (condensate) and fungus formed on the windows, as a result of which the profile froze. Thanks to this action, all the negative consequences that were observed earlier should not appear.

For a tighter and tight fit of the profile to the window opening, the perimeter of the profile is pasted over from the outside with a vapor-tight self-expanding sealing tape. Then the side parts of the profile on all sides (closer to the inside of the window) are pasted over with butyl-based vapor barrier tapes. From above, on the side part of the profile, a self-expanding tape seal can be glued, after which, if necessary, a start or expansion profile is attached. After the insulation work, we proceed to the installation of the profile.

What to fix the plastic window on: mounting plates or anchors

There are two options for fixing PVC windows during their installation: on anchors and on plates. It is impossible to say specifically and unequivocally which of these two types of fastening is the best, since each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. In view of the fact that fastening is the most important component of installing a plastic window, and the fact that beginners who want to install plastic windows with their own hands are interested in this issue, we will consider this issue with your permission in more detail.

So, first of all, when choosing the type of fastening of plastic windows, it is necessary to focus on the type of walls. That is, if you have a panel or brick house, then you are not limited in choosing the type of window fastening, but if you want to install plastic windows in a new building or in country house, which are built from foam blocks or gas blocks, then the windows must be fixed exclusively on mounting plates.

The biggest disadvantage of fastening windows to anchors is the so-called depressurization of the profile. As you know, there are several cameras inside the profile, which are separated from each other. Thanks to these chambers, the profile “holds” the temperature, since, for example, in winter the coldest chamber is located on the outside of the window, and in each subsequent chamber the temperature is slightly higher. In the outermost chamber, which is located on the inner side, the temperature is several degrees higher in winter than in the first chamber, due to which there is no temperature difference in the profile. In principle, the meaning is clear that due to such a structure and tightness of the chambers, they retain heat in the profile.

When the profile is fastened with anchors, it is drilled through, resulting in depressurization of the chambers. Also, fastening plastic windows to anchors requires more time, accuracy and skill, so this is not the most the best option bindings for beginners. If the profile is not pinned correctly, it may lead, and if this happens, then the window by and large will be damaged, as this is fraught with gaps both between the double-glazed window and the profile, as well as loose closing of the window sash. The advantage of fixing plastic windows with anchors is that the structure will be more durable, that is strong winds will not cause the profile to vibrate, and the likelihood that the structure will sag heavily after installation is also reduced.

As for fixing plastic windows on mounting plates, it is much easier, besides, it will save a lot of time and the chambers in the profile will not be depressurized, and this is very important. The disadvantage of mounting windows on mounting plates is the lack of structural strength, that is, the window may tremble slightly, but this will not be significant. However, mounting plates are the easiest way for beginners to fix a plastic window.

Some installers, when installing plastic windows, simultaneously use both of these types of fasteners. What type of window fastening to use is up to you. If you decide to fasten the profile to the mounting plates, then we fasten them to the profile with self-tapping screws, but if it is decided to fasten the profile with anchors - with a drill or puncher, then first make holes in the profile.

From each corner at a distance of 120-150mm, the first fastener is made, then subsequent fasteners are made in increments of 700mm. There must be at least 3 fasteners on each side.

Profile fixing

Before placing the profile in the window opening, check the planes of all sides of the opening with a level. After that, with the help of wooden blocks made of hardwood or linings made of polymer materials we raise the profile and adjust it vertically. Vertical adjustment is made from the upper part of the window opening, that is, from the bottom you need to raise the profile using the named materials. Then align the profile horizontally. Preliminary fixation of the profile in window opening on the sides and top, use wooden blades. When the profile is leveled on all sides, inspect it - is everything correct, and proceed to fix it.

To fix the profile to the mounting plates, first use one hollow nail. Then once again check the evenness of the profile with a level and after that fix each mounting plate with a second dowel-nail. If you fix the window on the anchor, then through the holes made in advance, using a perforator, make holes in the wall, screw in the anchor, but do not tighten them, firstly, you need to check the evenness of the window with a level, and secondly, you need to tighten the anchor slowly so that do not disturb the profile geometry. When the profile is fixed, we take out the wooden blades from the sides and the top, the lower ones remain - they are the basis of the profile.

Low tide

The next stage of work is the installation of the ebb. We measure the ebb and with the help of scissors for metal we adjust it according to the right size. Then a vapor barrier tape is glued from the bottom of the frame, which will protect the seam between the wall and bottom windows, under the tide. When the tape is glued, we apply a layer of mounting foam on top of it, and another layer on the edge of the plate to ensure sealing and soundproofing of the ebb. The ebb enters the grooves of the profile and is fixed with special self-tapping screws.

Seam sealing

Next, using a special mounting foam for installing windows, we blow mounting seam between the wall and the profile: first on the left side, then on the right, after - at the top. A feature of this mounting foam is the lack of expansion, which is very convenient for installation - the foam fills the gaps, but does not swell excessively. The surface of the wall can be slightly moistened beforehand. After a few minutes, when the foam dries a little and expands, we glue the second part of the insulation tape on top of it on the wall.

Installation of shutters and double-glazed windows

First, remove the protective tape from the inside of the window. When installing a double-glazed window, use special linings so that it evenly closes the opening. Next, use the slats to fix the double-glazed window, you can hammer the fixing slats into the grooves using a rubberized hammer. After installing the sash and fixing it in the canopies, fix the handle and adjust the sash itself vertically and horizontally. At the very end, a mosquito net is installed.


Then we move on to the final part - the installation of the window sill. We foam the bottom mounting seam well and stick a vapor barrier tape on top of it. The next thing to do is to install wooden blocks on which the window sill will be laid. The pads must be at least 10cm in length. The level of the pads should be such that the window sill is firmly pressed against the bottom of the profile. Another nuance - the window sill should have a slope towards the room of no more than 5 degrees. Please note that the window sill should not cover the battery, otherwise the heat from it will not spread to the window. It is unnecessary to fasten the window sill to the mounting plates, as well as to special clips: the method proposed by us will provide a strong and reliable fastening window sill. Check if the window sill is tightly held, then sing it from below, preferably with mounting foam that expands. At the end of this stage of work, place 5-liter bottles of water on the windowsill to fix it.

Video instruction for self-assembly plastic windows

In order for you to clearly see the process of installing a plastic window, we recommend that you watch the videos below.

This video briefly talks about what you need to pay attention to when installing plastic windows.