Instructions for the installation of wooden platbands on a window opening. Real art: how to make carved window frames with your own hands Decorative frames on the windows of a wooden house

Carved platbands framing window openings organically fit into the architectural styles of wooden cottages. They emphasize the originality of log cabins, frame buildings, log houses. Light patterns, florid ornaments, interesting drawings give originality to the elements of the facade decor. They are applied to the surface of the wood using convenient stencils.

Window trim functions

Maintaining the traditions of wooden architecture, carved details enrich the noble appearance of the estate, add expressiveness to simple buildings. They keep home warmth and coziness, delight when looking outside. Stencils of window trims, selected in accordance with the preferences of the inhabitants of the dwelling, help to create a harmonious appearance of the new house, to revive the facade of the old building.

When used on shutter windows, decorative platbands can function as a frame. Playing a decisive role in the design of window openings, they solve a number of important tasks:

  • reduction of heat losses due to the elimination of "cold bridges" along the perimeter of the window frame;
  • reduction of the noise level in the premises;
  • reducing the amount of moisture and dust particles entering from the street;
  • making facades unique, stylistic;
  • creation of a single architectural ensemble of residential and utility objects on the building site.

Regardless of the shape, size, appearance, wooden platbands must be strong enough to meet operational requirements. Manufacturing according to stencils with calculated geometric parameters allows them to be securely attached to the walls. It provides resistance to wind loads, temperature fluctuations. Effective protective coatings are used to increase the service life.

Traditional and original ornaments

The choice of design elements for window openings should be approached with an understanding of styles and design techniques. With their help, you can give a window an elegant or austere shape, make its outline more expressive, and achieve a delightful visual effect. Choosing life-size stencils as templates for window trims, the buyer gets the most advantageous decor option. Convenient dimensions allow you to proceed directly to the manufacture of products.

The attitude to wood as a material of art is traditional for the culture of Russian architecture. With the repetition of individual structural and decorative details, it provides for the creation of a unique architectural image. Carved platbands have long been considered not only a means of decoration, but also a kind of amulets for the home. Based on the study of the preserved old buildings, unique images of symbols, animals, birds, and plants have been recreated.

Samples of stencils for platbands are designed in different styles and for every taste. They help to express certain traditions, personal preferences. The use of ready-made ornaments allows you to decorate buildings in accordance with ethnic and classical trends in art. Clear geometric patterns are more in line with current trends in architecture.

Ornaments for slit and overhead platbands can contain a solid pattern or repeating elements of a common motive. To create a complete contour when marking parts, you need to take into account the dimensions of the window opening, the scheme and the sequence of the patterns. High-quality stencils make it possible to accurately apply cutting lines to the workpiece, to determine the boundaries of further processing of the material.

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Look at all these platbands on the windows in a wooden house, photos of which are posted on this page. These are not just beautiful attributes of a wooden facade that have come down to us from the past.

It has not only decorative, but also a purely practical purpose. We will now consider the simplest platband from both sides.

The practical value of platbands in a wooden house

So, the platbands on the windows in a wooden house, the photos of which you see, are not just beautiful planks on the sides of the window.

Their very first and most important practical role is to close the gaps between the window frame and the log wall of the house. That is, the platband in this situation is a decorative strip that covers the jute or moss with which the gap is blocked.

After all, in principle, every wooden house is similar to another. You can try to distinguish them by the roofing material, for example. But what to do in winter when all roofs are covered with a thick layer of snow?

It was the platbands that were the very distinctive mark by which it was possible to distinguish houses in a village or city, when there were still no plates with street names and house numbers.

Even now, you can often hear how people respond to a request to show you the road: drive to the turn, and there you will see a house “with swans on the windows”.

Decorative platbands in a wooden house

And finally, the platband, made in the traditional style, just for even the simplest house.

Take a look and imagine removing all these carved decorations. What remains? Just planks and logs. And with platbands, any facade becomes lively and attractive.

Platbands for windows in a wooden house - photo gallery

And here you can choose from a wide variety of frames for windows in a wooden house, photos of which are provided to us by our readers.

See, choose and use the most interesting options in your facade.

For buildings from a log frame, carved platbands simply suggest themselves for decorating window openings. Their independent production is not at all a whim or an attempt to save money, because now there are very few really good wood carvers.

Required minimum tools

The manufacture of platbands, in contrast to artistic woodcarving, involves the repeated execution of the same type of operations, as a result of which a rather primitive repeating pattern is obtained. Therefore, most of the work is done with an electric tool: this not only increases the processing speed, but also achieves its uniform quality in different areas.

1 - jigsaw; 2 - drill; 3 - belt grinder; 4 - vibration grinder; 5 - manual router

The main work is done with a jigsaw and a drill. The tool must be reliable and of high quality, capable of being in continuous use for a long time. For cleaning and grinding products, it is better to use an electric grinder, at least the simplest belt one. Rapid finishing of the terrain is possible with the use of vibration-type machines.

If you intend to add additional small details to the edges of your product, you cannot do without a router. Slopes, chamfers and curly edging can also be made manually, but only if you have a variety of chisels, cutters and specific skills in working with wood.

How to choose wood

Hardwoods are best suited for platbands: oak, birch, ash, maple, alder. Since the thickness of the finished product is relatively small (30-45 mm), hard rocks will be less susceptible to rotting and drying out, therefore, they will retain their appearance longer.

If you plan to decorate the carved platbands with flat-relief elements with many small details, you should give preference to softer rocks with a small texture pattern. Linden, poplar, aspen, walnut and spruce will do.

Wood for platbands should be selected and, preferably, chamber drying, moisture content not higher than 12%. The presence of traces of warpage or other pronounced defects, large branches is not allowed. Ideally, you should immediately order calibrated boards with a width of 100-150 mm and a thickness of 30-40 mm.

The length of the blanks should be sufficient to completely cover the window opening horizontally and vertically with an overlap in each direction by 1.5 times the width of the board. It is important that you initially calculate the number of blanks required and, in addition to them, purchase several more boards of the cheapest breed for training and practicing carving skills.

Making templates and stencils

Almost any wood carving begins with drawing a pattern on a workpiece using a pre-made template or stencil. There are plenty of thread schemes in the network, the main difficulty comes down to transferring the lines to the part exactly and without distortion. Let us warn you right away: do not pursue the high complexity of the drawing. A set of even the most primitive elements in the correct sequence and with well-chosen indents takes on its modesty and quality of processing.

The first option for applying markings is to make a small piece of plastic or hard sheet material, on which a single element of a repeating pattern is applied. Such a template is sequentially applied to the workpiece and outlined with a pencil.

It is also possible to make a one-piece template. You need to take a strip of paper of the appropriate width, fold it with an accordion several times, and then cut out the pattern according to the principle of a Christmas tree garland. The resulting tape must be glued to cardboard or LMDF, and then cut out the desired shapes. This method is welcomed with a significant amount of work.

The resulting stencil is subsequently simply superimposed on the board and outlined with a soft pencil. Ideally, rich, but precise cut lines and boundaries for further processing should remain. When marking out the details, it is necessary to take into account the pattern of the pattern, so that the platbands form an integral and complete contour, and the repeating pattern does not interrupt inappropriately.

Sampling of through holes

The first step is trimming the edges of the workpiece and sampling holes in the center. Everything is simple with the edges: we cut out the excess with a jigsaw, retreating from the marking line 1-1.5 mm outward for subsequent processing. To cut shapes in the center of the plane, drill the part at the very line of each cutout, then select the inner contour with a jigsaw.

For large holes, it is wise to use core drills. In this case, it is necessary to mark on the template not the contours, but the centers of the circles in which the centering drill of the crown will be installed. A similar technique can also be used in the manufacture of oval holes or elements with small rounding radii: a complex bend is drilled with an appropriate radius, and everything else is cut out with a jigsaw.

When the excess parts of the workpiece have been cut off, the cut edges must be carefully processed with a rasp and then with sandpaper. It is recommended to use square, round and rounded profiles with sandpaper stuffed on them. This way you are less likely to "rock" the edges and be able to get right angles at each edge.

Rectangular edges look rather rough, so they are smoothed with chamfers and slopes of different profiles. The easiest way to diversify the product is to walk along the outer and inner contours of the casing with a curly cutter. But manual processing options are also possible:

  • for chamfering, walk along straight edges with chips, keeping the angle of inclination of the handle to the part constant;
  • a semicircular convex descent can also be performed with chips, changing the inclination of the blade, or use a concave cutter for this;
  • concave semicircular mating is performed with a chisel or a cutter with a rounded edge. Such elements need to be cut out in stages, removing small chips layer by layer and carefully controlling the depth of the tool and the inclination of the handle;
  • if the descent has a profile of a complex shape with several convex, concave and straight elements, this profile is divided into several stages and cut in a strict sequence, starting with the widest outer part and ending with the deepest and shallowest tier.

Blind thread: apply relief

Once you've finished shaping, it might be a good idea to diversify the remaining flat elements with simple ornamentation or floral designs. Here are the simplest ways to work:

  1. A groove (branch, groove) is made with a narrow chisel or a cutter with a square, triangular or concave blade shape. The carving is carried out strictly along the line, the relief is selected with small chips and then grinded.
  2. Sheet - several small grooves imitating veins cut with a circular knife. From the center between the veins, small notches are made with a semicircular chisel to each of them, imitating the body of the sheet, then the outer contour is induced with a thin incisor.
  3. The flat areas adjacent to the slope can be diversified with dull carvings of small ornaments. For example, cut two grooves from the edge, forming a triangle with it, and pierce an asterisk in the center with a notch.

Wood processing and installation of platbands

Due to the carved elements, the wooden product has a large surface shape, due to which it is more susceptible to aging. Therefore, the wood must be treated in a special way.

First of all, carved products for placement on the facade should be soaked in an antiseptic composition for 5-8 hours, for which you can dig a small trench in the ground and put a plastic film there for temporary arrangement of the bath. After soaking, the parts are dried in a stack with lining for several days after 30-40 cm.

When the wood is dry, it must be carefully sanded to achieve smoothness and finally eliminate all traces of sawing and carving. The protective composition is selected in accordance with the type of facade finish, it can be either alkyd enamel or polyurethane varnish, tinted or transparent.

Finally, for the correct installation of the platbands, the window opening should be framed with a flat strip 10-15 mm thick and of such a width that its outer edge is not visible through the carved pattern along the contour of the platband. The purpose of this plank is to eliminate any remaining unevenness in the wall and to provide a solid base for anchoring the carved element. Often this strip is painted in a color that contrasts with the coating of the platband itself for greater expressiveness of the pattern.

Platbands can be attached with straight and oblique trimming, which depends on the type and density of the pattern. Oblique trimming is performed by sawing each side at 45 °, while the cutting line must pass through identical sections of the pattern and not intersect the figures cut out inside.

With straight clipping, a horizontal element is positioned between two vertical ones. Their upper edge should be 1-2 cm above the crossbar if the cut end is straight. It is also possible to manufacture at the edge of the thread according to the general scheme, if during the manufacturing process the fitting and precise adjustment of the platbands are carried out. The fastening of the platbands itself is elementary - ordinary brushed nails without a cap are used for it. It is only important that the nail stitches the platband and the bar, protruding at least 5 mm from the inside out.

After installing windows in a wooden house, there is always a gap between the wall and the window frame. The easiest way to fix it is to install platbands. In addition to functionality, they play the role of a decorative element that adorns the facade of the house and makes its appearance unique and complete. One of the most beautiful are the carved wood trims.

Types of platbands made of wood

Today, platbands exist not only in wood, but also in wood-fiber, plastic and even ceramic. But the most demanded material for their manufacture is still wood. This is due to its environmental friendliness, affordable price and high aesthetic qualities. In addition, wood can be restored, thereby extending its service life.

Smooth or profiled from solid bars. If in the future the platbands are painted, then conifers are used, most often pine. When made from fine wood, they are varnished. Fasteners are nails, screws or liquid nails.

With figured carving from solid bars. They are mainly made of fine wood and varnished. They can be attached both to screws and to simple and liquid nails.

Smooth or profiled from glued laminated timber. They can be produced already finished with laminated film or veneer of expensive wood species, which eliminates the need for additional finishing. But, there are also no finishing, intended for painting.

Stylized for a specific style. The most expensive type of platbands, which are made exclusively to order.

In addition, they are divided in appearance into flat, shaped and curly platbands.

Flat. The cheapest and simplest type of platbands. But it has a low aesthetic value.

Shaped... Most often they have a convex surface that has cuts, protrusions or grooves. They cost more than simple flat ones. This is due to the production technology, which requires the use of special equipment.

Curly wooden platbands... They are decorative elements and add personality to the house. They are produced on special machines equipped with vertical cutters. In this case, the desired pattern is programmed, and the machine automatically mills the surface. But, despite the latest technology, the capabilities of such equipment are limited.

And only a master can make an openwork relief. The price of a handmade wooden platband will depend on the complexity of the ornament and the type of wood.

But the main difference between manual milling and machine milling is that the machine does not make a through thread, but only applies a pattern to a certain depth of wood.

Wood for the manufacture of platbands

If it is necessary to make a flat or shaped casing, then a simple pine is used. To make carvings, you need soft wood, such as linden. It is easy to process even with hand tools and is easy to grind. But due to its high hygroscopicity, it needs a high-quality topcoat. This involves the application of several layers of paint and varnish composition.

In regions where significant temperature differences are possible, as well as high humidity or, on the contrary, a dry climate, wooden platbands are made from dense and hard wood species. These include birch and oak, which are extremely difficult to process, but they will last for more than a decade. Therefore, platbands from these types of wood are most often made on milling machines.

The only drawback of all types of wooden platbands is their high hygroscopicity, which eventually leads to their cracking and drying out. This can be avoided by periodically renewing the protective paint and varnish layer.

Tools required for the manufacture of carved platbands

Through thread is the most affordable way of decorating platbands for non-professionals. It does not require special skills, you just need to have patience, diligence and a sense of beauty.

A large number of firms offer, various platbands made in an industrial way. But it is much more pleasant to make it yourself. As a tool, manual milling machines, conventional or electric jigsaws, various types of drills, chisels and hacksaws can be used.

Basic rules for the manufacture of platband

When making wooden platbands with your own hands, it is important to consider that after installation, they should not interfere with the normal opening of windows. Therefore, the internal dimensions of the platband are made larger than the size of the window frame by 2-3 cm.

The upper part of the casing is called "kokoshnik", if necessary, it can be extended by fastening the parts with thorns. The lower part is called "towels" and is attached at an angle from the wall to drain water. It also has a thread that matches the style of the "kokoshnik" thread, but the bar for it should be 1 cm thicker than the top bar.

Before installing the platband, it is necessary to nail the slats around the perimeter of the entire window - this will completely close all the unevenness of the wall. The joints, however, must be carefully fitted.

All platbands are made in the same style.

Preparation for work

For the manufacture of a carved wooden casing, you should choose a board 3-4 cm thick. It is ideal for free opening of window sashes. The width should be sufficient to cover the edges of the walls and protect them from moisture. Alder, linden, aspen or conifers can be used as wood.

Choosing a small ornament is not the best solution. It will be difficult to distinguish from a distance, and it will take more time and a special thin tool to manufacture. Therefore, the ornament should have large elements that are clearly visible from afar.

The arrangement of the carved elements along the grain of the wood will protect the platband from cracking. This is especially true for coniferous wood.

Use simple patterns at first. The easiest for beginners in carving are the round pattern elements, which are simply drilled with a drill. Below are sketches of samples of wooden platbands.

More details about their manufacture can be seen in the video.

Installation of platbands on windows

You can make stencils yourself or transfer a drawing from ready-made sketches. First, a pattern is applied to the workpiece, then a hole is drilled with a drill and the necessary ornament is cut from it with a jigsaw. Further, the cut out platbands must be well sanded with sandpaper.

After the carved blanks are made, they should be connected correctly. In total, there are two ways of connecting: on spikes or half-tree connection. The first method is much simpler and more popular, the second is used extremely rarely.

A special glue is used to fasten the platband. It is important that it is synthetic, since fungus can appear in the organic compound, and moisture can collect. All this is very harmful to the wooden platbands.

If the elements are attached to nails, it is advisable to first grease all joints with glue, and only then fix them with nails. Do not forget about the glue treatment of all joints and especially the thorns.

Platbands are easiest to install on windows using wood screws. You can decorate their hats with sawdust mixed with glue, which will be painted over later. But even without this work, the screws will be practically invisible against the general background.

Finished platbands must be covered with a protective compound that will extend their service life for many years. For this, it is better to use special impregnations, which should be periodically renewed. The paint, no matter how high-quality it is, will begin to crack and peel over time, and it will be much more difficult to fix it.

When choosing a pattern for the future platband, it is very important to take into account the style of the whole house, because they should harmoniously complement it. Here are some examples of photos of carved wooden platbands.

Beautiful things are the weakness of every person, and if they are made with your own hands, pride in yourself overwhelms the senses. It is to this kind of creativity that wood carving can be attributed. How original and unique your house looks with carved platbands, where the owner put a particle of his soul into the work.

What is the platband? It looks like a decorative overlay and is mounted on the outside of the window and is a decoration where a decorative technique is used.

It can be:

  1. Plants showing unity with nature.
  2. The sun, located on the kokoshnik, personifies energy and life.
  3. Earrings indicating the hospitality of the owner of the house.
  4. Cross, symbolizing harmony between the spiritual and material worlds.
  5. A bird talking about the union of all times.
  6. A snake that personifies fertility and wisdom.
  7. Wings that confirm strength and power.

Platbands are different in style, material, shape. They are the completion of construction, where the individuality and style of the home is emphasized. And at the same time, they perfectly mask all the imperfections of the opening (gap).

Application area

Wide use of framing around various openings found themselves in doors and windows. The location of the planks can be both on the outside of the street and inside the premises.

Basically, platbands of the same type are installed, but the thread may differ. And at the same time, the general theme is preserved. For example, in a children's room, the plank will be with a bunny. Flowers are carved around it. Then the teddy bear in the kitchen should also be framed with the same flowers.

Plastic double-glazed windows are now considered a brand. Some people manage to put a wooden plank on them. In this case, you need to paint it white or choose a double-glazed window made of wood.

The planks around the window opening perform several functions:

  1. They combine all buildings in the yard into a single style.
  2. Reduces heat loss.
  3. Protect from dust and litter, moisture, draft.
  4. Increases sound insulation.
  5. I emphasize the uniqueness of the residential building.
  6. An opportunity to express the traditions of the region, family, country.
  7. The ability to visually stretch and expand the house.
  8. They add completeness to the building.
  9. Cover assembly seams.

At the time of our ancestors, the owners of houses firmly believed that the trims on the windows had not only a beautiful and original look, but also were protection from the evil eye and evil spirits. Therefore, we paid close attention to their manufacture, and tried to perform only in a unique form.


The product can be variegated luxurious carvings or have modest shapes. The lower part of it is called "towel", the upper part is called "kokoshnik".

If we consider the platbands by material, they can be from:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • foam and polyurethane;

By form:

  • drop-shaped;
  • curly;
  • semicircular;
  • flat;

Before starting work, it is worth stocking up on templates or stencils of carved platbands, without their help it is impossible to achieve an excellent result. And to carry out his work without them is available only to a master who has been working on woodcarving for more than one year.

You can get stencils for today freely - it is in stores, magazines, the Internet.

On them you can apply any drawing that the customer or the master desires. Outlines of plants, figurines of animals, ornaments of geometric lines and figures are very popular.

The style of the product can be different, and here the most unusual fantasies of the performer are realized.

How to do it?

Photoshop stencils

Stencils are made in different ways:

  1. Using a graphical editor. The desired image is found and processed with Photoshop. Any computer has a Paint application, it is used for editing, coloring and drawing. By visiting this page, you can develop personal images, from the simplest to the most complex projects. It is possible to add text and various elements to existing drawing files.
  2. Photocopies. A picture that you really liked is selected and, when copied, immediately increases to the desired size. The second option is to scan and print the sample on a printer.
  3. By hand. It uses the technology of scaling (copying) and by cells (linear scaling).

Thread making

We make a template from cardboard, the size must be natural. A personal template is made for all elements of the picture.

Now, you need to lay it on the board and trace the outline with a pencil.

We outline the places for the holes. Let's say you need to cut a piece of paper. To begin with, a hole is drilled, then a leaf is drawn with a jigsaw. Following the holes, we make all the internal patterns, then move on to the external ornament.

There is a copying method for drawing a picture. We use carbon paper here. We trace the drawing through it onto the board and we get a pattern on the wood.

Required tools:

  • sandpaper of various numbers;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • a set of chisels;


  1. We make the pattern the same on all windows. For this we use a stencil or sketch.
  2. We place the drawing on the workpiece correctly, where we place all the elements not across the fibers, but along. That will not allow the threads to crack.
  3. We paint over the cut areas with a pencil.

Wood carving is done in two ways:

  1. Invoice. In this version, we use a thinner workpiece, then the work is simplified. Here we make separate elements, which we will then add on a single board.
  2. Slotted. In this case, we make a cut through, we get a kind of lace, which is exquisite and beautifully frames the window.

Installation of platbands

Making a beautiful piece is one thing. But correctly fixing it to the window is another thing.

The aesthetic appearance and long service life are closely dependent on the quality of installation of platbands.

There are two ways of fixing to wooden windows:

  1. Through thorn. The method is simple and not very reliable. The cleats should be installed in places where they will be invisible. This provides additional protection against moisture.
  2. Deaf thorn. The thorn goes into the casing. Whereas a hole is drilled in the frame for it. It is necessary to grease the spike with glue and put it in the groove. The fastening is considered difficult, but it is more reliable than with the first method.

Fastening to a plastic window is made with liquid nails, in order to avoid violation of the integrity of the structure.

Step by step guide:

  1. We take measurements from the window.
  2. Choose a variety of wood and dry it well. The choice of width and height does not play a big role for carved platbands, the main thing is that the thickness is 3 cm.This is if the thread is slotted, for the invoice - 1 cm.
  3. We process the tree with sandpaper, starting with coarse-grained, and at the end with zero.
  4. Cut out stencils.
  5. Take a simple pencil and draw a drawing or pattern on the front side of the wooden surface. Paint over the through slots.
  6. We start cutting out the pattern. Let's start right away with the through holes. Where the jigsaw will enter, it is advisable to use a drill for a more accurate cut.
  7. We carefully process the holes with sandpaper.
  8. To remove dust from blind holes, use a vacuum cleaner.
  9. When using overhead thread elements, we attach them to nails without heads. Moreover, for reliability, we will go through the glue on the back side.
  10. Now we take a damp cloth and wipe the pattern until the area is completely dedusted.
  11. The finishing operation will be considered a stain, with which we will tint the platband or cover it immediately with varnish.

  1. If you are just starting to stencil a platband pattern, you should choose a simpler pattern with large figures. The smaller the drawing, the more complex it is. It is good to try elements of the picture from through holes.
  2. Open elements are cut with a jigsaw.
  3. Beech, larch and oak are expensive and difficult to process, but they have a long service life.
  4. The easiest material to process is linden.
  5. The material most commonly used is pine.