What to do when the walls of your house are crying? Craftsmen's advice What to do if the wall is crying.

Where can you watch the "crying" of the walls?

More often this phenomenon is observed in corner apartments multi-storey buildings buildings of the last century in the autumn and spring periods when dampness prevails on the street and low temperature air.

What is the reason for the moisture on the walls?

The reason for the release of moisture is in the high thermal conductivity of the wall. Since it is colder outside and warmer inside, with high thermal conductivity, the walls “sweat” and condensation forms in the form of moisture droplets in the room. Humidity in such cases can be so high that sometimes books grow moldy and bed linen becomes damp, as well as everything in such a room.

As a rule, the reasons lie in the violation building codes and rules for the construction of housing.

For example, the builders might have an unused solution that was packed in a box laid out in end wall... Fortunately, the thickness of the wall - sixty-four centimeters - allowed. And concrete is a poor heat insulator compared to brick.

The wall with the cement mortar can be recognized if it is not plastered. As a rule, it will have a bulge in the places where the solution is buried.

Other reasons are also possible. The release of moisture on the wall inside the room in any case indicates the poor quality of the wall.

What to do? - Improve ventilation or thermal insulation

One way to get rid of the dampness that the wall emits is to eliminate it by intensively ventilating the room. However, since we are talking about a living space in this article, then with intensive ventilation, heat will also go away, for which we pay with money and our health.

Another way to get rid of the dampness, which is emitted by the "crying" wall, can be its waterproofing, followed by thermal insulation.

How to improve the thermal insulation of a wall?

It is necessary to trim the wall with heat-insulating material purchased in hardware stores. It can be styrofoam, stone wool, plasterboard and other materials. Their selection is carried out in each specific case: both in terms of the degree of thermal insulation, and taking into account the effect of materials on environment, interactions with precipitation; and household spending.

On which side of the wall (outside or inside) is it better to insulate the wall?

Naturally, every person does not want to reduce the usable area. Insulation materials can emit chemical vapors. Therefore, from these points of view, it is better to insulate the wall from the outside. But if a person lives high, that is, on the upper floors of buildings in corner apartments, the situation is hopeless and you will have to sacrifice ten centimeters of living space along the wall that causes so much trouble.

What else needs to be foreseen if you decide to insulate the wall from the inside of the room?

In this case, it is necessary to think about waterproofing the wall before installing thermal insulation materials. The easiest way to waterproof is to process the plastered wall from the inside with a solution. liquid glass, which can be purchased at hardware stores. After drying, this solution forms a waterproof film that will protect the wall from the formation of mold between the wall and the insulation.

With well-performed work, a dry room and heat preservation are guaranteed.

So, to the question posed in the title: "What to do if the walls are crying in the apartment?" the answer is obvious: "It is necessary to make waterproofing and thermal insulation of the wall."

Your humble servant did this fifteen years ago and has never regretted the work done.

Our accommodation should be cozy, warm and not bring annoying minutes.

What is the “crying” of the walls? Perhaps you are interested not only in the question, but also in the formulation itself. "How can walls cry?" - some of us will be indignant. After all, they are not alive. In the latter case, you are absolutely right. And the "crying" of the walls is nothing more than the release of moisture on them inside the room.

Where can you watch the "crying" of the walls? More often, this phenomenon is observed in corner apartments of multi-storey buildings built in the last century in the autumn and spring periods, when dampness and low air temperature prevail on the street.

What is the reason for the moisture on the walls? The reason for the release of moisture is in the high thermal conductivity of the wall. Since it is colder outside and warmer inside, with high thermal conductivity, the walls “sweat” and condensation forms in the form of moisture droplets in the room. Humidity in such cases can be so high that sometimes books grow moldy and bed linen becomes damp, as well as everything in such a room. As a rule, the reasons lie in the violation of building codes during the construction of housing.

For example, the builders might have left unused mortar, which was placed in a box laid out in the end wall. Fortunately, the thickness of the wall - sixty-four centimeters - allowed. And concrete is a poor heat insulator compared to brick. A wall with mortar embedded in it can be recognized if it is not plastered. As a rule, it will have a bulge in the places where the solution is buried.

Other reasons are also possible. The release of moisture on the wall inside the room in any case indicates the poor quality of the wall.

What to do?

Improve ventilation or thermal insulation. One way to get rid of the dampness that the wall emits is to eliminate it by intensively ventilating the room. However, since we are talking about a living space in this article, then with intensive ventilation, heat will also go away, for which we pay with money and our health. Another way to get rid of the dampness, which is emitted by the "crying" wall, can be its waterproofing, followed by thermal insulation.

How to improve the thermal insulation of a wall?

It is necessary to trim the wall with heat-insulating material purchased in hardware stores. It can be polystyrene, stone wool, plasterboard and other materials. Their selection is carried out in each specific case: both in terms of the degree of thermal insulation, and taking into account the impact of materials on the environment, interaction with atmospheric precipitation, as well as expenses permissible for the home budget.

On which side of the wall (outside or inside) is it better to insulate the wall?

Naturally, every person does not want to reduce the usable area. Insulation materials can emit chemical vapors. Therefore, from these points of view, it is better to insulate the wall from the outside. But if a person lives high, that is, on the upper floors of buildings in corner apartments, the situation is hopeless and you will have to sacrifice ten centimeters of living space along the wall that causes so much trouble.

What else needs to be foreseen if you decide to insulate the wall from the inside of the room? In this case, you need to think about waterproofing the wall before laying.

heat insulating materials. The easiest way to waterproof is to process the plastered wall from the inside with a liquid glass solution, which can be purchased at hardware stores. After drying, this solution forms a waterproof film that will protect the wall from the formation of mold between the wall and the insulation. Next, trim the wall with a pre-prepared insulation. The final stage is cosmetic treatment of the insulated wall. With well-performed work, a dry room and heat preservation are guaranteed.

So, to the question posed in the title: "What to do if the walls are crying in the apartment?" the answer is obvious: "It is necessary to make waterproofing and thermal insulation of the wall." Your humble servant did this fifteen years ago and has never regretted the work done. Our accommodation should be cozy, warm and not bring annoying minutes.

Of course, the phrase that serves as the headline is nothing more than irony, however, such an effect as weeping walls can be easily observed in almost any interior, which is too old. Of course, since the walls are an inanimate object, they cannot cry in any way, and the phenomenon itself wet walls is a simple release of moisture. Such phenomena can be observed, as is correct, in corner apartments located in buildings of the last century, and this effect is obtained in the case of an autumn or spring season subject to the prevalence of wet and humid weather outside the window. Even if the roof of the building does not differ in the presence of cracks and cracks, the walls can still “cry”, and this is not due to the fact that one or another wall has leaked, but because such walls have too high thermal conductivity. As a result, one can observe the most real "sweating of the walls", which entails the formation of condensation, which is usual for the bathroom. Due to this effect, the room becomes too humid, and the humidity can be so high that absolutely everything that is in this room is covered with mold and dampness, from books to even bed linen... Of course, living in such a room is not very comfortable, you should take certain measures to put the room in order and eliminate the effect of "crying" walls. If we dwell entirely on the reasons for the "crying" walls, then they usually arise due to violation of certain building codes. The reasons for a not too high-quality wall can be covered in various violations that were made during the construction phase. In any case, the effect of wall condensation will speak precisely of an incorrectly made wall, which has certain violations in its creation. At the same time, you should not continue to live in such conditions, since modern methods will allow you to quickly get rid of this effect and at the same time not force yourself to regularly carry out renovation work... The first and the most in an efficient way to remove moisture from the room, it is regularly ventilated. It is believed that a room with high humidity must be well ventilated, which will eliminate a lot of problems as a result. However, if we consider exclusively through ventilation of the residential premises, then this method will not be entirely convenient, since its use will also contribute to the escape of heat from the apartment, and this heat is paid, because it comes specifically about heating. If in the summer such a method as additional ventilation will only have positive sides, then in winter this option is not very successful.

In general, the best option for changing the characteristics of a wall is its waterproofing followed by thermal insulation. At the same time, the wall is finished with a special heat-insulating material, the acquisition of which is possible exclusively in specialized stores. Foam plastic can act as a heat-insulating material, as well as options such as plasterboard and stone wool, it is possible to use other various materials. The type of material is selected for each separate species separately, since much here depends on the degree of isolation, on the permissible costs, as well as on other indicators that may be in this case. It should be noted that insulation materials can emit not very useful chemical vapors, respectively, it is advisable to carry out wall insulation outside the room. In principle, external insulation will allow you to preserve its useful area, as well as to obtain the possibility of completely "painless" insulation. True, it is far from always external insulation that will be available, if we are talking about a sufficiently high floor on which the apartment is located, then we advise you to come to terms with the fact that ten centimeters from the space of the room will still have to be allocated for insulation of the room. In the event that you decide to do the insulation of the apartment from the inside of the room, you should definitely take into account all the nuances. First, you should still entrust this business to professionals who, in any case, will be able to perform their work more smoothly and quickly than those who are doing such an activity for the first time. Even if you know all the stages of apartment insulation, you are unlikely to be able to carry out them all as quickly and efficiently as professionals in their field can do. Of course, such activities are paid, but you should not save on them, since the savings in this case can lead to additional costs in the future, because the avaricious, as you know, pays twice.

Before you start insulating an apartment from the inside, you will have to think about how to waterproof it. Absolutely any materials can act as waterproofing, for example, it can be a wall treatment with a liquid glass solution. You can buy such a solution in special stores, but it should be applied directly to plastered walls. Be sure to let this solution dry, because after drying it forms a special layer on its surface that will isolate the insulation from the source of moisture. This will protect the wall from the formation of mold, and will also protect against excess moisture that can enter the room during thaws and dampness outside. After the waterproofing layer has dried, the wall should be covered with a special insulation, and the final stage will be the cosmetic decoration of the room. If each stage was carried out correctly, then dryness and heat retention in the room will be guaranteed, you will forever forget about how your walls “cry” and about mold and dampness not only in the whole room, but also in the apartment. Thus, in order to make the walls "not cry", you should take care of waterproofing and insulate the room.